
Delicious romantic dinner. Evening for two: how to arrange an unforgettable romantic dinner

I keep adding to my piggy bank simple recipes for a romantic dinner. For a spontaneous holiday "just for two" you need to have a couple win-win options, agree!

for hot and vegetable salad it will take 20 minutes! Dessert is another 5 minutes.

Extremely simple set of products!

  • 2 chicken breasts (buy immediately without skin and bones, we are in a hurry :-))
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Apple vinegar(5 tablespoons)
  • liquid honey (3-4 tablespoons)
  • black ground pepper
  • walnuts(half a glass) - optional

For garnish, if you like:

Let's start!

Chicken breasts in honey sauce

Rub the chicken breasts vegetable oil, salt and pepper, fry on both sides. They should brown, about 10 minutes on each side, because young chicken meat cooks very quickly.

Attention! There's time for light salad recipe below!

We take out the breasts, but we still need the meat juice that remained in the pan! Pour apple cider vinegar into it, warm it up slightly. Now add liquid honey and half a glass of water.

It is necessary to boil the sauce for 5-6 minutes over low heat so that it thickens slightly. If you like, add dry-roasted walnuts. I do not add, and without them, the sauce is worthy of attention!

Boil the rice according to the instructions on the box, lay out the breasts and garnish on two plates, pour over the honey sauce.

A delicious and quick romantic dinner for two, just in case, we will remember it in bookmarks ...

Salad “Romantic”…

I remind you that we are in a hurry, so quickly pour the ready-to-eat mixture of lettuce leaves into a bowl (no need to wash - salvation for our situation).

Now we cut 8 cherry tomatoes in half, cut half of the red onion (Yalta sweet onion is needed) into half rings, crush it in our hand and throw it into a salad bowl. 10 pitted green olives and 10 black olives.

Now add 100-150 g of Fetax or Feta cheese. However, any cream cheese which can be cut into cubes.

Lightly season with ground black pepper, sprinkle with vinegar (preferably balsamic) - a teaspoon is enough. Salt to taste, season with olive oil.

All this is easy to do while the breasts are fried!

Dessert "Strawberry". And what else :-)?

You can also buy cakes and pastries in the store, but, friends ... Nothing can replace strawberries and cream on such an evening!

Strawberries are now all year round, so for a romantic dinner for two, we will not be greedy!

How to whip cream correctly?

I give Special attention this moment, as it was a failure ... The evening, of course, was a success, but it would be better if the cream were cream, and not butter, from which a yellow liquid flowed ...

So so! Cream must be taken fatty (minimum - 30%) and VERY cold. Not frozen, just very cold. Blender will not work! Only a simple good mixer will help, since you need to start at low speeds.

Folk wisdom says: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. It may seem that this saying is somewhat simple, but it actually captures the essence. Of course, it's not just about the heart...
It would seem, well, what could be simpler: feed your loved one tasty and satisfying - and he is yours forever. Or at least for this evening, because he is unlikely to be able to crawl further than the sofa. This means that a quiet family evening with peaceful sniffing at the TV is guaranteed. If this is exactly what you need, go fry potatoes in lard. But if you have other plans for the upcoming night, then the choice of dishes should be approached with special attention.
That indisputable fact that well-being and mood directly depend on food has been known to mankind for a long time. Ancient healers, having studied the patient's condition, in addition to drugs, always prescribed a diet. And each event in a person's life corresponded to special dishes: traditional menu wedding celebration in different cultures different, for example, from the birthday. At the same time, in ancient India, special attention was paid to the aroma of food, since it directly affects the smell of the bodies of lovers, therefore the dishes were richly seasoned with spices and herbs. Chinese culinary specialists relied on the stimulating properties of seafood, reptiles and chicken to prepare erotic dishes.
eggs. The ancient Greeks fortified themselves with fish, cheese and olives to replenish their strength before love joys. Despite the variety of culinary preferences, the love menu different countries combines the presence special products- aphrodisiacs - and dishes from them.
The list of products named after the goddess of love Aphrodite is quite wide. Some are too exotic or hard to come by for us, like snake hearts, antlers, or oyster truffles. But even in an ordinary kitchen, there are sure to be exciting, but at the same time affordable components. Modern nutritionists in choosing such products are unanimous with ancient healers and culinary specialists: food that kindles passion and provides endurance should be rich in proteins, potassium, vitamins A, E, B and C, and also contain zinc and phosphorus.
And finally: in pursuit of culinary masterpieces you run the risk of being too tired and losing all interest in love pleasures. Limit yourself to cooking three or four simple, but complementary dishes - and then the success of your venture is guaranteed!

- Dinner preceding intimate intercourse should not be too satisfying and plentiful. Fried meat with pasta rich pastries with cream, roast with potatoes - dishes not very suitable for a romantic dinner.
- Fruits and vegetables should be minimally exposed to heat treatment It's best to eat them raw.
- As cooking prefer steaming, simmering, stewing in own juice, sweet and sour sauce or on a vegetable "cushion".
- romantic dinner should not contain dishes from products that contribute to gas formation. For the same reason, avoid carbonated drinks. Be very careful about drinking alcohol! A few drops of cognac or wine in a drink will be enough to relax, while remaining in shape.
- Generously, but at the same time wisely season dishes with spices and herbs- Preferably fresh and natural.


- Eggs
- Milk and dairy products: cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.
- Lean meats
- Seafood
- Nuts and seeds
- Onion
- Garlic
- Celery
- Spices: anise, ginger, natural vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, rosemary, cumin, red and black pepper
- Fruits: bananas, pineapples, persimmons, pomegranates, citrus fruits
- Chocolate and cocoa
- Mushrooms
- Wild herbs: wild garlic, nettle, dandelion
- Honey
- Ghee butter
- Olive oil



Difficulty level - low
Calorie content - average
Who suits - Aries, Gemini
Blood group - III

Bananas 4 pcs.
. Sugar 150 g
. Chocolate 100 g
. Sesame 1 tbsp. l.
. Water 70 ml
. Cognac 1 tbsp. l.
. Lemon 0.5 pcs.
. mint for decoration

Peel bananas, cut each crosswise into 2-3 parts (depending on size) and sprinkle with lemon juice so that they do not darken. Boil from sugar and water thick syrup and pour cognac into it. Melt chocolate in a water bath and combine with syrup, stirring. Dip banana slices in chocolate icing, put on a dish and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Send the dessert to the refrigerator for several hours. Serve chilled, garnished with a sprig of mint.


Difficulty level - low
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Calorie content - average Suitable for - Aquarius, Sagittarius Blood types - II, III

Chicken fillet 200 g
. Boiled rice 200 g
. Canned pineapple 200 g
. Melted butter 2 tbsp. l.
. Seasoning "Curry mix" 1 tsp.
. Onion 1 PC.
. Salt to taste

Wash the fillet, cut in small pieces and lightly fry in melted butter. Peel the onion, chop, combine with meat and simmer for small fire, stirring. Drain the pineapple, cut each ring into 4 pieces and add to the chicken. Season meat with pineapples with curry mixture, salt. Pour in the syrup from canned pineapple, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Garnish with boiled rice when serving.


Difficulty level - low
Cooking time - 20 minutes
Calorie content - average
Who suits - Libra. Pisces, Cancer
Blood types - I, III

Small shrimp 300 g
. White bread 100-150 g
. Chicken eggs 3 pcs.
. bunch of lettuce leaves
. Olive oil 5 tbsp. l.
. Dutch cheese 50 g
. Lemon 1/4 pc.
. Black pepper, salt to taste

Boil shrimp in salted water and peel. Bread cut into small cubes and fry in 3 tbsp. l. heated olive oil to golden color. Boil eggs and peel. Wash lettuce leaves running water, dry, tear with your hands and put on a dish. Top with quartered eggs, shrimp and croutons. Mix 2 tbsp. l. oil and lemon juice and pour this dressing over the salad. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese on top, season with pepper to taste.


Difficulty level - low
Cooking time - 15 minutes
Calorie content - low
Who suits - Scorpio, Libra
Blood types - II, IV

Freshly ground coffee 4 tsp
. Water 2 tbsp.
. Red semi-sweet wine 100 ml
. Honey 4 tsp
. Ground ginger 1/2 tsp
or juice fresh ginger 1 tsp
. Cardamom, cinnamon 1/3 tsp each
. Ground black pepper, a pinch of salt

Boil water and cool to room temperature. Ground coffee pour into a Turk, add a pinch of salt and pepper, pour cold water and on low heat, stirring, bring to a boil. Remove, let the foam settle and put back on the fire. Repeat the procedure two more times. IN enamelware mix wine, honey, ginger, cinnamon and cardamom and heat to 80 degrees. Strain coffee and wine and pour into a ceramic coffee pot.

You definitely need to arrange a romantic dinner for two. If you have never arranged such surprises for your soul mate, then now is the time to think about it by preparing romantic menu.

The most important thing in a romantic meal, oddly enough, is not the food, but the entourage. That is, of course, you can spend half a day preparing a wonderful dish or a whole parade of goodies, but you can’t do without some kind of theatrical performance. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain. A romantic dinner can be made themed: arrange it, for example, in an oriental, Mexican or Indian style. To do this, decorate the room in the appropriate style, do not forget about candles and flowers, and prepare bright, but not heavy dishes. Dishes oriental cuisine replete with spices and spices, which, as you know, are strong aphrodisiacs and will be quite out of place this evening. It is believed that the more attention is paid to external effects, whether it is an organza marquee over a table or candle trails throughout the house, the simpler dishes should be. And vice versa, a romantic surprise dinner in the garage among car tires must be served on the highest level: on fine china, and the dishes must be exquisite or exotic. Contrasts are always great.

However, it is quite enough to sprinkle the floors in the apartment with rose petals, put a lot of candles, dim the lights and turn on pleasant music. It is, as they say, a classic. If you decide to go down this path, then pay special attention to the dishes that you will cook. A romantic dinner is likely to continue in bed, which means that your dishes should be literally crammed with aphrodisiacs. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to seafood dishes.

"Culinary Eden" offers you several seafood dishes to choose from. From the proposed recipes, make a romantic menu for your date at the table and do not forget about light wine. First, a few salads.

300 g seafood cocktail,
2 tomatoes
1 avocado
100 g natural yogurt,
2 tbsp olive oil,
5 tbsp balsamic vinegar,
7 pitted olives
greens - to taste.

Boil Seafood Cocktail, cool and put in a bowl. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, carefully remove the skin and cut into cubes. Blanch the tomatoes for 1 minute in boiling water, then dip in ice water, remove the skin and also cut into cubes. Combine yogurt, balsamic vinegar And olive oil and season the resulting sauce with a mixture of seafood, avocados and tomatoes. Pour the resulting mixture into glasses, garnish with olives, tomato slices and herbs.

150 g salted salmon,
150 g crab meat,
150 g hard cheese
4 eggs,
1 fresh cucumber,
½ onion
sauce - natural yogurt, mustard, lemon juice (or mayonnaise if you prefer).

Divide the boiled eggs into whites and yolks, grate the whites into coarse grater. Cut the cucumber into strips, squeeze out excess moisture. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the salmon and crab meat into thin strips. Mix yoghurt with mustard and lemon juice, salt to taste. Put the salad in layers in transparent glasses, putting a spoonful of sauce on each layer: squirrels, cucumber, salmon, onion, crab meat, cheese. Decorate the top with mashed yolks and herbs to taste.


1 can of krill meat
2 carcasses of squid,
100 g crab meat,
1 can red caviar,
½ onion
8 large shrimp For decoration,
yogurt sauce (from previous prescription) or mayonnaise.

Boil the squid in boiling salted water, lowering the carcass for 2-3 minutes, then wait for the water to boil and lower the next carcass. Cool and cut into strips. Cut the onion into small cubes and soak in a weak solution of vinegar for 10-15 minutes. Crab meat cut into strips, proteins also cut into strips. Mash the krill meat with a fork. Combine all ingredients and season with yogurt sauce. Put in a salad bowl, put boiled shrimp on top and put a spoonful of caviar in the bend of each shrimp.

Hot dishes for a romantic dinner should be light and at the same time satisfying. spicy fish dishes in an unusual breading or with an incredible sauce - just what you need!


400 g cod fillet,
2 eggs,
2-4 tablespoons coconut flakes,
2-4 tablespoons breadcrumbs without additives,
2 eggs.

Dry the prepared fillet, salt, pepper, dip in a beaten egg and roll in a mixture of breadcrumbs and coconut flakes. Fry in hot oil on both sides. Garnish with salad fresh vegetables.

600 g red freshly frozen fish,
3 tbsp frying oils.
1 protein
½ stack mineral water,
¾ stack. flour,
salt, pepper - to taste.
2 tbsp liquid honey
100 g butter,
½ stack chopped walnuts,
1 orange.

Connect mineral water, flour, salt and pepper, mix well and add beaten egg white. Rinse the red fish fillet, remove the bones, cut into pieces 2 cm thick and dry. Dip fish pieces in batter and fry in vegetable oil. Share on paper towel, to delete excess fat. For the sauce, melt the butter, mix with honey, add orange juice and boil the whole mass to a caramel-like mass. Add minced walnuts. Pour the hot sauce over the fish and serve.

2 salmon steaks about 2 cm thick,
1 tbsp olive oil,
1 onion
1 tsp mustard powder,
½ tsp dry garlic,
60 g breadcrumbs with spices,
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the finely chopped onion and dried garlic. Add salt and pepper and place in a bowl. Add to onion breadcrumbs, mustard powder and mayonnaise. Mix until you get a paste. Add more mayonnaise if necessary. Lay the salmon fillets on a greased baking sheet and brush each piece with the breading mixture, making sure the layer is at least 6 mm thick. Bake for 10 minutes. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

100 g cod fillet,
150 g strawberries
100 g lettuce,
½ onion
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 tsp apple juice
mustard, red ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Wash the strawberries, peel and cut into slices. Sort the lettuce, wash, dry and tear into small pieces. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Pour the prepared fish with half the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Fry the fish pieces on both sides. Combine the remaining lemon juice with 1 tbsp. water, apple juice, mustard and olive oil, add salt and pepper, mix. Put the salad, strawberries and onions on a dish, pour over the sauce, put the fried fish on top.

250 large shrimp
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 fresh hot peppers without seeds.
1 garlic clove
1 tsp chili powder,
1 tsp paprika,
¼ tsp cumin,
1 lime
4-5 tbsp mayonnaise,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

stir raw shrimp with oil and ground pepper and fry them in hot vegetable oil on both sides. Mix 1 tbsp. olive oil, garlic, chili, paprika, cumin, lime juice and mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Serve cooked shrimp with fresh vegetable salad, crispy bread and spicy sauce.

In addition to hot dishes and salads, cold appetizers can also be served at the table.


300 g fatty smoked salmon or salmon fillet,
60 g butter,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp lemon juice
4 tbsp fat cream,
pinch nutmeg,
freshly ground black pepper.

Chop the fillet smoked fish using a meat grinder or blender. Whip the butter and add it to the fish. Stir and add lemon juice, cream, nutmeg and pepper to the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly and place in a glass vase. Cool down in the refrigerator. Serve with hard bread or crackers.

Curd roll with seafood


200 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
100-150 g wholemeal flour,
3 tbsp rye bran,
spices and salt - to taste.
200 g shrimp and squid,
100 g corn
50-80 g brown rice,
2 eggs,
1 carrot
parsley and onion - to taste,
salt, spices.

Add eggs beaten with salt, flour, bran and spices to the cottage cheese, mix well and knead the uncooked dough. Boil rice until half cooked, add seafood, corn, herbs and a raw egg, mix well, salt and pepper. roll out curd dough, lay out the filling and roll up. Brush the roll with beaten egg and place in hot oven for 40 minutes.

A romantic dinner is unthinkable without dessert. You can cook tender truffles or low calorie dessert. But after a fairly light seafood dinner, delicate chocolate fondants will come in handy. Cup strong coffee and a piece air biscuit will be the final chord of your dinner for two.

250 g dark chocolate,
250 g butter,
40 g flour
50 g sugar
4 eggs,
4 yolks,
vanillin or cinnamon - to taste.

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath. Connect whole eggs and yolks. Pour the melted chocolate into the egg mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly (not vice versa!), mix and gradually add the flour. Add flavorings, mix and pour the resulting mixture into muffin molds. Put the molds in a hot oven for 7-8 minutes. Serve with ice cream and strong coffee.


2 kiwi,
100 g chocolate
300 ml heavy cream.
Cut the kiwi into pieces. Spread over two creamers. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Whip cream, combine with chocolate and pour over kiwi. Garnish with nuts or berries.

Dessert "Twilight of the Gods"
200 g strong coffee
100 g ice cream,
2-3 tsp cognac or liquor.

Divide the ice cream between two glasses, pour not too hot coffee and add cognac. You can also use liquor.

Haven't made a choice? Then be sure to look into our recipes with photos and you will definitely find a lot of delicious things there. Try to choose something else to compose your romantic menu. And it doesn't have to be dinner. unusual breakfast or lunch can also become something unforgettable. Romance to you and new gastronomic discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

In order to arrange a romantic dinner for your beloved "half", it is not at all necessary to wait for February 14 or March 8. And you shouldn’t even wait for the weekend - you can organize a pleasant evening in the middle of the working week, the main thing is not to oversleep for work the next day. "Surprise" and "mystery" - these words should become the motto of the upcoming evening. And so that this very evening does not become a bolt from the blue for your beloved, start artillery preparation in the morning. Write a note on a long strip of paper with words of love and a promise of a wonderful evening at the end. labor day, as well as warn of surprises. Tear the paper tape into several pieces and arrange them in different places. One, for example, in the bathroom, the other - in the kitchen, next to the coffee maker, put the third in a cosmetic bag or in a purse. Lay out the puzzle pieces so that your girlfriend will make a message out of them during the morning gathering.

When the intrigued half leaves for work, prepare a surprise for your beloved for a romantic dinner called "Rain of Petals" To do this, buy a package of petals in a flower shop and stock up on strong threads. At home, take a regular trash bag (preferably green or blue color so that there are no bad associations) and make several cuts 5-7 cm long on its bottom, connected by short jumpers. Tie the threads to the jumpers. Fill the bag with petals and attach it above the door, and fasten the threads to the door. The scheme of this surprise is as follows: the girl opens the door to the apartment, the door swings open, the threads are pulled, the jumpers at the bottom of the package are torn, and the petals are showered in a multi-colored rain right on the head of your astonished lady of the heart. This moment should be captured on video. And for a guaranteed result, practice in advance to be completely sure that instead of a surprise, embarrassment will not come out.

Another pleasant surprise for a romantic dinner for a loved one can be “flying flowers”. To prepare this surprise, buy balloons filled with helium and tie one flower to each balloon with a fishing line. Flowers floating in the air are unusual and unbanal.

Arrange small candles on the floor of the apartment and put a note under each one. Let the hint notes guide your sweetheart to the bathroom, where she can relax after a day of work in fragrant foam with a glass of champagne, and then to the table. By the way, the table does not have to be in the center of the living room and be an example of restaurant chic: a romantic dinner is comfort and warmth of communication, so the table can also be set in the kitchen. Dim or turn off the lights, light candles. Candles should be chosen tall and as thick as possible, so you will protect yourself from drops of melted wax. Arrange them in different places: on the floor, shelves, windowsill, just remember about safety! Cover the table with a white tablecloth, laying it so that the ends of the tablecloth hang down at the corners of the table, and put the tablecloth on top of it bright color(for example, red, dark green or juicy orange). This tablecloth should be slightly smaller and should be laid with the corners offset by 45° relative to the bottom tablecloth. Place in the center of the table wide dish, filled with water, in which flower buds, petals and small candles float.

And now the actual romantic dinner for your beloved. It is advisable to set the table so that you do not have to periodically jump up and run with another dish or cutlery. After all, you are not preparing a feast, but a cozy evening together, so a salad, a main dish with a side dish and light snacks will be enough. If you intend to make it to dessert, then after dinner you can move closer to the TV and have a tea party with your favorite movie. But this is later, and now let's get down to the dishes. Since this is still a dinner, albeit a romantic one, the food should not only be light, but also satisfying. After all, the work day is over. Therefore, meat or seafood is indispensable. Pay special attention to seafood, because they contain substances that increase sexual desire. In addition to seafood, ginger and other warming spices have exciting properties. "Culinary Eden" offers you a choice of several types of dishes from which you can create a menu for your romantic dinner.

800 g boiled chicken fillet,
200 g black or red grapes
1 avocado
2 tangerines,
50 g of any nuts,
3 tbsp orange juice,
1 tbsp dry red wine
3 tbsp cream,
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
½ tsp salt,
lettuce leaves.

Cut the skinless chicken into pieces. cut avocado thin slices. Cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds. Divide tangerines into slices. Combine chicken, avocado, grapes and tangerines, mix gently. Lay the lettuce leaves on a plate, put the resulting mixture on them and pour over the sauce. For sauce, combine mayonnaise with wine, orange juice and cream, salt to taste. Sprinkle the salad with chopped nuts.

4 small cucumbers
½ lemon
1 large red onion
50 g cashew nuts,
¼ stack. chopped cilantro,
1 tsp spicy curry,
1 tsp ground turmeric,
1 tsp honey,
½ tsp sea ​​salt,
1 tbsp olive oil.

Cut the cucumbers into thin circles, cut the onions into cubes, crush the nuts with the flat side of the knife and chop, squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

150 g couscous,
4 salmon steaks
1 young zucchini
1 carrot
1 tomato
1 lemon
2 tsp spices for fish
2 tbsp olive oil,
½ tsp ground black pepper,
½ tsp salt.

Preheat oven to 200°C. Boil the couscous according to package instructions. Zucchini, carrots, tomatoes and lemon cut into thin slices. Prepare 4 large sheets of parchment or foil. Put couscous in the center of each sheet, put 1 piece of salmon fillet on it, put pieces of vegetables and lemon on top of the fish. Sprinkle the spice mixture, salt and pepper on top, drizzle with olive oil, and wrap the sheets into bags. Put the bags on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Serve directly in the bags, placing them on serving plates and carefully unrolling them.

½ stack long grain brown rice
500 g peeled shrimp
¼ stack. soy sauce,
¼ stack. lemon juice
2 tbsp rice vinegar,
2 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
250 g green peas,
30 g ginger root
1 avocado
1 stack water,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add rice, cover, reduce heat to a minimum and cook for 40-45 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes without opening the lid. Combine for sauce soy sauce, lemon juice, vinegar and sugar and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved. In a large frying pan, heat the vegetable oil, put the shrimp, thinly sliced ​​ginger and peas, salt and pepper and fry until cooked through for 3-4 minutes. Peel and cut the avocado into cubes and mix with the shrimp. Arrange the rice on plates, top with the shrimp and serve with the sauce.

2 pcs. sole fillet,
6 strips of bacon
150 g cheese
2 garlic cloves
50 g butter,
salt, pepper - to taste,
lemon juice,

Cut the thawed fillet lengthwise into three parts, salt, pepper, pour over lemon juice and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Prepare the filling: combine grated cheese, chopped garlic and herbs, mix well. After that, put a strip of bacon on each strip of fish, on it - cheese mix and roll into a tight roll. Secure with toothpicks. Place the finished rolls on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, put a piece of butter on each and place in the oven preheated to 220 ° C for 15 minutes.

Almost no woman can resist sweets, and if they are also prepared by the hands of a loved one, then such a dessert is simply impossible to refuse!

200 g flour
150 g butter,
1 egg
2 tbsp orange juice
75 g sugar or powdered sugar
strawberries or cherries,
red jelly for decoration.
Marzipan weight:
1 stack almond,
1 stack Sahara,
¼ stack. water,
2-3 drops of almond essence (if any)
food coloring.

First, boil the marzipan mass. To do this, dip the unpeeled almonds in boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, then drain in a colander. When the almonds have cooled slightly, remove the skins from the nuts, this is easy to do. After that, fry the nuts in a dry frying pan for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly so that the nuts do not burn. Grind the nuts in a blender to a puree. Pour the sugar with water and boil the syrup to such a state that an elastic ball can be rolled out of the drop. Pour the chopped almonds into the syrup and heat for another 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Add almond essence and food coloring. Sprinkle a cutting board (ideally stone) with powdered sugar, put the almond mass on it and roll it to the desired thickness. Marzipan mass dries quickly, so store it in cling film. Meanwhile, knead the dough from flour, butter and sugar, roll into a ball and refrigerate for 1 hour. Then roll it out thinly on baking paper, cut out a large heart and carefully place it on a baking sheet. Mix orange juice with 200 g marzipan mass and 1 yolk. Make sides from half, spread the other half on the heart. Whisk the egg white with 75 g of powdered sugar until stiff and apply along the inside of the sides. Lay out the middle of the heart with berries and put in an oven preheated to 175 ° C for 25 minutes. Prepare jelly and cool slightly. Cool the finished heart and glaze with jelly by applying it with a brush.

175 g self-rising flour
75 g of powdered sugar,
75 g butter,
2 tsp instant coffee,
1 tsp hot water,
1 egg.
For glaze:
50 g butter,
100 g powdered sugar,
3 tsp cocoa powder.

Combine flour, sugar, butter in the bowl of a food processor and blend on low speed until the mixture turns into crumbs. In a small cup, mix coffee with hot water, add the egg and beat. Add to the butter crumbs in the bowl of the food processor and blend until smooth. Dust a cutting board with icing sugar, put the dough on it and roll it out to a thickness of 5 mm. Cut out cookies with a heart-shaped notch. Spread it on baking sheets and place in preheated to 180 ° C for 10-15 minutes. Bake cookies until golden brown. Remove the cookies from the pan while they are still hot and cool on a wire rack. Prepare the chocolate icing: mix the butter, powdered sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl, stirring with a wooden spoon. Connect the cookies in pairs, gluing with icing.

Prepare your signature drink. True, you need to prepare it in advance. Name it, for example, "Wine of Love". The drink recipe is simple: in 500 ml of dry white wine, add the juice of one orange, 2-3 tbsp. honey, ½ tsp ground ginger, ¼ tsp ground nutmeg and ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon. Place in refrigerator for 2 weeks.

125 ml chocolate liqueur
90 ml of vodka,
25 g dark chocolate.

Fill 2 martini glasses with ice, pour ice into a shaker, add liqueur and vodka, and shake vigorously. Strain into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

If you are against alcohol, then try cooking ginger drink: for 1.2 liters of boiling water, add 3 tbsp. finely grated ginger. Stir, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Add a pinch of ground black pepper. Remove from heat, strain and squeeze out the pulp. Add 5 tbsp. honey, stir. Cut 1 lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the drink to taste. If it gets too sour, add more honey. Pour tea into cups and garnish with mint leaves.

Love and romance to you!

Larisa Shuftaykina

In the frantic pace of modern life, it is imperative to find time for loved ones and loved ones. Even if there is no way to arrange some kind of grand surprise for your soul mate, you can organize romantic evening cooking something unusual and very tasty.

Rules for a feast for two

Of course, both the dishes themselves and their quantity for a tête-à-tête meal depend on the tastes and preferences of the couple. But if there are absolutely no ideas of what to cook for a romantic dinner, then you need to remember some unspoken rules, and then, perhaps, a recipe will come to mind.

  1. Food should be simple so as not to waste several hours of precious time on it. It is unlikely that anyone will need some kind of romance after a few hours at the stove.
  2. All dishes should be well digested and not cause discomfort. When the evening gets a completely logical continuation, heaviness, bloating and heartburn will be completely out of place.
  3. It is best not to choose recipes that contain onions, garlic and other foods that have a pungent odor.
  4. Any hot food should be such that it can be eaten using a knife and fork.
  5. There should not be too many dishes, and it is also better not to bring their volume to industrial scale. Each meal must be made in portions to give the evening the atmosphere of an expensive restaurant.
  6. The table for a romantic dinner must be served according to the occasion: candles, flowers, etc. You just have to make sure there is no clutter.
  7. Dinner should be accompanied by light, beautiful and unobtrusive music, which should be picked up in advance.

By following these simple rules, you can choose wonderful recipes for a romantic dinner - simple and at the same time refined.


For dinner for two, you can cook only one salad, but if there is a desire (and need), it will also go in addition. What could it be?

Also suitable as snacks. various cheeses(only not spicy and without a strong smell), pieces of red fish, olives, shrimp, etc.


Many housewives generally consider this kind of small sandwiches to be a lifesaver for all occasions. And this is true, because they are prepared quickly, look very attractive and are eaten with pleasure. In the list of what to cook for a romantic dinner quickly, it is the canapes that will probably come first. What are the most winning combinations?

  • small shrimp with avocado;
  • Cherry tomatoes, quail eggs and cheese;
  • bell pepper and olives or black olives;
  • a piece of boiled chicken or turkey and pineapple.

In addition, you can make sweet canapés with strawberries and bananas. Chocolate, for example, melted and poured on top, goes well with such a mini-sandwich.


Some people prefer to make small baskets of dough on their own, but it’s better not to waste time preparing the dough, but to buy already ready-made tartlets. Only you need to do this in a trusted place where you have already bought this semi-finished product, since sometimes you can also find those that cannot be figured out. And breaking your teeth at a romantic dinner is not comme il faut.

What to fill?

  • red caviar,
  • shrimp and avocado pieces,
  • salad with red fish,
  • mushrooms and cheese (these can be baked),
  • seafood,
  • bacon and cheese, etc.

Just as canapés can be sweet, so can tartlet fillings be. Commonly used butter cream and half a strawberry sunk in it.


In addition to appetizers, there must be a salad on the table. The salad-cocktail served in a beautiful transparent glass or in a cream bowl looks the most elegant.

"Glass of lightness"

The salad is called "Glass of Lightness" for a reason. After all, the products that are used in the recipe are well combined and digested:

  • avocado - 1 pc.,
  • soft and hard cheese- 100 gr.,
  • cherry tomatoes - 4-8 pcs. (taste),
  • smoked and slightly salted salmon - 100 gr.

It is best to use olive oil for dressing, and decorate ready meal maybe greens. Spread the salad in layers: avocado, soft cheese, salmon, cherry tomatoes, hard cheese. Before serving, let the salad stand in the refrigerator for a while (30 minutes).

"Shrimp Cocktail"

With such a product as shrimp, many things are combined. In a cocktail salad, they coexist with sweet ingredients:

  • peeled shrimp - 200 gr.,
  • celery - 1 stalk,
  • mango - 1/2 pc.,
  • orange - 1 pc.,
  • strawberries (or strawberries) - about 100 gr.

For dressing, a mixture of sour cream, orange juice and a couple of drops of chili sauce is used. Layers: celery, mango cubes, orange slices, berries, shrimp. Pour the sauce on top and let the dish brew. Refrigerate before serving.

Main course

In general, when deciding what to cook for a romantic dinner for two, you can do without meat, because this is a heavy meal. But if someone alone or both in a pair are avid meat eaters, then it is better to do something simple and not requiring special expenses.

Turkey with sauce

Turkey meat is very well digested, it is considered dietary and healthy. You just need to cook it right:

  1. A piece of fillet should be rubbed with salt and pepper (just do not overdo it).
  2. Drizzle meat with olive oil.
  3. Put in a sleeve or in a special bag for baking.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  5. Put the turkey in the oven for 60-90 minutes.
  6. Rinse cranberries and put on fire.
  7. When it boils, mash it up.
  8. Prepare gelatin separately.
  9. Pour gelatin into cranberries, add sugar to taste.

The sauce should be served separately in a beautiful gravy bowl. And before serving, it is better to cut the meat into portioned pieces. The turkey should be soft, well cut with a knife and chewed.


What to cook for a romantic dinner for a loved one if he has a sweet tooth? Of course, dessert is the highlight of the program! Although sometimes it does not reach him for various reasons. Sweet, like other dishes for a meal for two, should be portioned.

"Peak of Pleasure"

This dessert is prepared in a tall glass, and outwardly resembles a mountain peak, covered in some places with snow. Products for such a dish are used the most simple:

  • berries (strawberries or raspberries) - 2 handfuls,
  • whipped cream,
  • melted dark chocolate - 100 g,
  • chocolate or gingerbread.

The biscuit must be cut into cubes or simply crumbled. Rinse the berries and mix with pieces of biscuit. Pour half into a glass, top with whipped cream and half of the chocolate. Then the rest is laid out and also poured with cream and chocolate.

Some prefer to use banana or orange slices instead of berries. They also pair well with cream and dark chocolate. You can, of course, take milk chocolate, but then the dish will be too sweet.

In general, recipes for a romantic dinner can be invented on your own. After all, the most important thing is not to eat, but to have a good time with your loved one.
