
How to make hot chocolate from milk chocolate. Delicious hot chocolate at home: the best cooking recipes

Enjoying a cup of hot chocolate in a coffee shop, you probably wondered: is it possible to cook such a charm and deliciousness at home? After all, we need in a special way processed cocoa beans, special machines…

Can. It will even taste better. Our women, who are always losing weight, will, of course, be horrified by the calorie limits that go off scale. But endorphin in liquid hot form somehow turns out to be more intelligible! If a little bit, very rarely, when you really want to, but it’s sad and cloudy outside the window - you can, right?

So how do you cook hot chocolate at home? Recipes - the sea.

Simplest. melt chocolate

Here is the whole recipe. A little more - break into squares a bar (or better two) of chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60 percent, put in a cup or glass and put on water bath- in a ladle with boiling water, that is - so that the boiling water does not overflow into chocolate. Drink until it freezes again.

With milk

Some people like dark chocolate, some like milk chocolate. Any one fits. Pour half a liter of milk into a small saucepan. It boils - turn off the gas and dip the chocolate slices into the milk until the bar runs out. We pour into cups.

With starch

Again, melt the 100-gram chocolate bar in a glass of warm milk. Continuing to heat and stir, pour in the diluted in a small amount of milk room temperature a tablespoon of starch. Add a slice butter And vanilla sugar. Bring to a boil, pour.

With whipped cream

For two servings we take:

Put a pot of milk on the stove. Add sugar and vanilla, stirring, bring to a boil, turn off. We throw chocolate pieces into hot milk, wait until they melt. Stir in whipped cream, pour into cups. You can put cream in ready-made hot chocolate.

With egg yolk

For two servings you will need:

Pour chocolate squares into sugar, put on the stove. Stir constantly so that the chocolate melts faster. But at the same time we still have time to whisk the yolk with a quarter cup of milk in a bowl. Pour this mixture into the boiled milk, stirring especially intensively. And immediately turn off the fire: otherwise the milk will run away, and the yolk will curdle!

Oh horror, with butter!

A pack of high-quality butter and two bars of bitter chocolate are melted in a water bath.

You can reduce the nightmarish amount of calories by adding cream and taking less oil. But it still turns out a recipe for those who want to gain weight as quickly as possible ...

Is it possible, and if so, how to make hot chocolate at home from cocoa powder? Can. Significantly save both calories and money.

Hot chocolate from cocoa powder

For two cups:

  • 400 grams of milk or cream (or a mixture of both)
  • three tablespoons of cocoa powder and sugar,
  • 10 grams of butter,
  • 5 grams cinnamon (optional)

Pour everything (except oil) and pour it into a cezve and brew like coffee. But with constant stirring. Before it boils, add oil.

Hot chocolate is flavored with vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices, mint, orange peel.

You can decorate the drink by sprinkling on top through a homemade paper stencil in the shape of a heart or flower powdered sugar. A glass of cool water helps to reveal the taste of hot chocolate more fully: a sip of chocolate is a sip of water. And life becomes beautiful!

Hot chocolate is a delicacy thousand years of history. It was once the only cocoa dessert known to people. And not only famous, but also very beloved: so much so that the ancient Aztecs called it "the food of the gods." The great leader of the Aztecs, Montezuma, by the way, was a passionate lover fragrant treats– there is a legend that he drank up to fifty cups of hot chocolate a day!

Today, hot chocolate is a drink revered all over the world. Just imagine the feeling of warmth and comfort that will give you in a frosty winter evening a cup of hot aromatic drink.

Anyone can make hot chocolate, it's not difficult at all. The main wish: it is better to make a drink from cocoa powder (and even better from the cocoa beans themselves, only finding them is quite difficult). The thing is that their numerous beneficial features hot chocolate acquires precisely when prepared from grains or powder - healing organic compounds They have an order of magnitude more flavonoids than chocolates. They give chocolate flavor characteristic bitterness. There are a lot of hot chocolate recipes, but they are all basically built on two main ingredients - cocoa powder or chocolate bars.

Classic hot chocolate

You will need:

Cocoa powder - 3 teaspoons

Milk - 2 cups

Sugar - 5 teaspoons (or to taste)

Vanillin - 1 teaspoon

Ground red pepper or chili pepper - to taste (the use of pepper is optional, but desirable: otherwise the result will be thick cocoa)

What to do with it:

Cocoa powder must be mixed with sugar. Then we heat the milk and, without bringing it to a boil, gradually add cocoa with sugar to it, continuously stirring the drink. Then add vanilla sugar and pepper. Voila!

Hot chocolate using a chocolate bar

You will need:

Bitter or milk chocolate bar - 100 g

Milk - 400 ml

Sugar - 50 g

Vanillin - 1 teaspoon

What to do with it:

Heat the milk (do not bring to a boil). Grate a bar of chocolate. Then pour the grated chocolate with half of the hot milk, grind thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add sugar, vanillin and the remaining milk (do not forget to constantly stir the drink). Hot chocolate is ready!

  1. During the preparation of chocolate, it must be stirred continuously. This will help avoid the formation of lumps. This rule applies to both recipes from cocoa powder and chocolate bars.
  2. In order to make the taste and aroma of the drink more intense, add a little cloves, cinnamon, cardamom or nutmeg(taste).
  3. Serve the drink beautifully - let your loved ones enjoy its beauty and aroma. Hot chocolate is best served in thick glass cups, sprinkled with crushed nuts or whipped cream.
  4. Remember that hot chocolate is high in calories. That is why it is better to drink it in the morning or in the afternoon.

Do you know that if it were not for the entrepreneurial spirit of the British, the whole world would never know what bar chocolate is and would continue to enjoy magic drink in its near-original form? In 1846, Joseph Fry cast the world's first chocolate bar and that was the beginning of sunset divine drink. And today, few people can boast that they have tried hot chocolate. Drink bags don't count! It's about the real drink of the gods.

It was actually considered as such - the Olmecs, Mayans and Aztecs prepared a sacred drink, strange according to the concepts of modern man, which only the elite could drink. It was prepared like this: cocoa beans were roasted, ground and mixed with cold water, adding hot peppers Chile. It turned out a truly atomic mixture, the drink is not for everyone! Chocolate in its usual form became popular after the Europeans “slightly” improved the recipe: hot pepper was replaced with sugar, and the drink itself was heated for better solubility of the ingredients. Moreover, until the 19th century, hot chocolate was not only a delicacy, but also a medicine.

However, enough history, because we are on a culinary site, which means that we are interested in the recipes and subtleties of preparing this divine drink. Just let me remind you of the undoubted benefits of chocolate (in any of its manifestations). Chocolate contains a wide variety of biologically active substances: vitamins A, B1, D, C and E, antioxidants, flavonoids, potassium and calcium salts. Hot chocolate improves mood, increases vitality, increases efficiency, stimulates mental activity, improves memory, helps to cope with depression and can even be a means of preventing diseases. of cardio-vascular system. Unlike bar chocolate, hot chocolate contains less sugar - good news for slimmers!

And now the subtleties and tricks. Most important product, from which you will prepare a drink that warms your soul and heart, this is chocolate. You can follow the tradition and try to make real hot chocolate from crushed cocoa beans, like the ancient Mayans, but it is much faster and easier to make it from ordinary bar chocolate. Chocolate should be chosen only of the best quality, without fillers and all kinds of additives such as dyes, preservatives, GMOs and other chemicals. You can use regular tiled dark or milk chocolate, special cooking chocolate or cocoa powder. In any case, this ingredient should be of the best quality, because it is he who gives the taste and aroma to your drink.

The liquid base of hot chocolate can be cream, milk, or water. Chocolate on water is lighter, but tastes fresher, so it needs to be seasoned well. Hot chocolate with milk or cream tastes better, but it also has a lot more calories. A mixture of water and milk is optimal: chocolate in such a mixture dissolves better and turns out to be lighter and more delicate.

Almost anything can be added to hot chocolate. Egg yolk, sour cream or starch give the drink thickness and make it more satisfying. Alcohol and spices saturate hot chocolate unique taste. Cognac, rum, liqueur, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, cardamom, chili peppers, fruits, dried fruits, ice cream go well with chocolate. Each of these products makes your drink unique.

The method of making hot chocolate can be described in a nutshell: "melt and stir." Melting chocolate must be very careful and careful, not allowing it to boil. by the most in a safe way considered a water bath. To do this, a saucepan or a heat-resistant bowl with pieces of chocolate is placed in a pot of boiling water, and the entire structure is placed on the stove. Fire is the smallest. Chocolate should be stirred with a wooden or silicone spatula until it is completely melted. Be careful not to get water in the chocolate - it will just curdle. Never overheat chocolate! If you decide to make hot chocolate with egg yolk, then make sure that the mixture does not boil, otherwise all your work will go to waste. Pour the yolk in a thin stream, stirring constantly, into the warm chocolate.

In general, nothing complicated and supernatural. Choose a recipe to your liking and try to make the drink of the gods. In the winter cold, rich fragrant hot chocolate will warm you and fill your heart with joy.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

200 g dark chocolate,
50 ml milk.

Break the chocolate bars into pieces. Heat milk to 50°C. Put a saucepan with milk in a water bath and gradually pour in the chocolate. Stir the chocolate constantly until it melts. Heat well, but do not boil! Pour into ceramic cups and serve with a glass cold water because the taste of this drink is very rich.

Hot chocolate "Fragrant"

Ingredients for 6 servings:
250 g milk chocolate,
700 ml milk
300 ml 20% cream.

Pour the cream and milk into a saucepan, put on medium fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat, add finely chopped chocolate and stir well with a whisk until it is completely dissolved. Pour into thick-walled cups and serve.

Add spices or fruits to hot chocolate and surprise with a new taste!

Ingredients for 6 servings:

200 g dark chocolate,
700 ml milk
300 ml 20% cream,
2 cinnamon sticks.

Combine milk and cream and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Coarsely crush the cinnamon sticks in a mortar and put it into the milk. Let it brew for 5 minutes, strain, add chopped chocolate and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

banana hot chocolate

Ingredients for 4 servings:
100 g chocolate
900 ml milk
2 bananas
a pinch of cinnamon.

Peel bananas and cut into pieces, break the chocolate. Pour milk into a saucepan, put bananas and chocolate and put on slow fire. Stirring constantly, bring almost to a boil. Once the chocolate has melted, remove from heat. Beat the mixture with a blender until foam appears. Pour into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
100 g dark chocolate,
60 ml 22% cream,
zest of ½ orange
sugar, ground pepper chili - to taste.

Melt chocolate with cream in a water bath. Add zest, mix, add sugar and ground pepper. If you are preparing chocolate with pepper for the first time, then be careful with pepper, 1-2 pinches will be enough to start.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
100 g milk chocolate,
200 ml milk
200 ml coconut milk
2 tbsp Sahara.

Combine both types of milk and bring to a boil. Add sugar, remove from heat and add chopped chocolate to the milk mixture. Stir with a whisk until chocolate melts and pour into mugs.

Chocolate and coffee are an inseparable pair. They complement each other perfectly.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
120 g dark chocolate,
250 ml espresso coffee,
700 ml milk
3 tbsp vanilla sugar.

Boil milk and remove from heat. Combine 500 ml of milk with coffee, add 1 tbsp. vanilla sugar. In the remaining milk, add 2 tbsp. vanilla sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from heat, add chopped chocolate and stir until completely dissolved. Connect chocolate milk and coffee-milk mixture and beat with a blender.

Brazilian hot chocolate

Ingredients for 2 servings:

125 g dark chocolate,
500 ml milk
100 g sugar
60 ml strong coffee,
250 ml of water.

Boil the water, remove from heat, dip the chocolate into it, broken into pieces, and stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Heat the milk to a boil and stir in the melted chocolate. Add sugar and very strong hot coffee, put on a slow fire, and preferably in a water bath, and stir until all the sugar is dissolved.

Hot chocolate coffee drink with cardamom

Ingredients for 2 servings:
50 g dark chocolate,
70 ml strong coffee
½ stack milk,
1 banana
1 tsp Sahara,
3 boxes of cardamom
a pinch of nutmeg.

Melt chocolate in hot milk, add sugar. Cut the peeled banana into pieces, put in a blender, add chocolate milk, cardamom grains and a pinch of ground nutmeg. Shake, pour into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Thick hot chocolate

Ingredients for 6 servings:

200 g bar chocolate,
1 liter of milk
1-2 tbsp Sahara,
2-3 tbsp no starch top.

Dilute starch in 1 glass of milk. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, put on medium heat, add sugar and chopped chocolate. Heat, stirring constantly, until chocolate is melted. Then pour in the milk with starch, mix well and heat until the mass begins to thicken.

G hot chocolate with sour cream

Ingredients for 2 servings:

1.5 tbsp cocoa powder
1 stack sour cream
2 tbsp Sahara.

Mix sour cream with cocoa powder and sugar until smooth, put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Do not overheat - as soon as bubbles appear, immediately remove from heat. Pour into thick-walled cups.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
4 tbsp cocoa powder
150 g ground almonds,
1 liter of milk
1 tbsp starch,
6 tbsp Sahara,
1 egg
½ tsp ground cinnamon,
a pinch of nutmeg.

IN a small amount milk stir cocoa powder, sugar, starch and a raw egg. Heat the remaining milk to a boil and add the chocolate mixture to it. Cook, stirring, over low heat, 2-3 minutes. IN ready chocolate add spices and ground almonds, mix and pour into cups.

200 g dark chocolate,
500 ml milk
1 tbsp Sahara,
30 g cocoa butter,
1.5 tbsp without starch top,
1 sachet of vanilla sugar.

Mix starch in a glass of milk. Heat the remaining milk in a small saucepan, add the chocolate broken into pieces, reduce the heat and stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Pour milk with starch in a thin stream, stirring constantly, put cocoa butter and vanilla sugar. Heat the resulting mixture, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Addendum good alcohol Hot chocolate will only benefit. True, it will not be a children's drink at all!

Ingredients for 2 servings:

200 g dark chocolate,
400 ml milk
4 tbsp brandy,
4 tbsp Sahara.

Bring the milk to a boil, reduce the heat, put the broken chocolate into the milk and stir until the chocolate dissolves. Remove from heat, add brandy and sugar, stir. Pour into thick-walled cups and garnish with chocolate chips.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

150 g dark chocolate,
2 tbsp cocoa powder
600 ml full fat milk
4 tbsp chocolate liqueur,
4 tbsp Sahara.

Boil milk, add cocoa powder and chocolate pieces. Stir until chocolate is completely melted. Add sugar and beat until foamy with a whisk or mixer. Pour into cups 1 tbsp. chocolate liqueur, top with hot chocolate, garnish with grated chocolate.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
100 g milk chocolate,
2 tbsp cocoa powder
250 ml 30% cream,
400 ml milk
60 ml Irish whiskey.

Whip half the cream until fluffy. Heat milk with chocolate, stirring until chocolate melts. Add cocoa to chocolate mixture, bring almost to a boil. Remove from heat, add remaining cream and whiskey. Pour into warmed thick-walled glasses, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
50 g cocoa powder
1 liter of milk
180 g sugar
6 egg yolks,
100 ml of rum,
400 ml of tea.

Stir cocoa powder in a small amount of milk, add to the remaining milk. Brew strong black tea. In a separate bowl, beat the sugar with the yolks, then slowly, stirring constantly, pour in the milk and cocoa, put on a slow fire or a water bath and heat until thick. Pour in the tea and rum, stir and serve hot.

With hot chocolate, you can serve meringue, marshmallows, whipped cream or light crispy cookies. In general, there is no question of dieting ... Hot chocolate is a delight. Treat yourself!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Like it or not, each of us has tried chocolate. There he is on store shelves! In large and small tiles, bitter and milky, white and black, porous and hard. In a word, if ordinary chocolate is an ordinary, pardon the tautology, phenomenon, then hot chocolate is almost exotic for us. It seems that they saw this on the menu of the city cafeteria, and so what? And the only salt is that this wonderful drink (it really is - warming, soft taste, creates an atmosphere of comfort in any place) can be prepared at home. In other words, it's time to get down to business!

In contact with

Improves memory, drives away depression

For the time being, hot chocolate was considered a "healing" drink - it will help against colds, blues, it was even considered as an aphrodisiac.

I don’t know about the latter, but the fact that the drink not only cheers up, but also improves tone is not discussed. In general, these are not words blurted out lightly at all. Scientists have proven that cocoa beans improve memory, increase efficiency, the brain begins to think better (how absolutely everyone needs a cup of hot chocolate in the morning!). Particularly brave people say that even depression will escape from chocolate, because endorphin is produced - the hormone of happiness. Happiness will be even greater when those who are very concerned about their figure find out that cocoa will not cause you to gain extra kilos.

The composition of hot chocolate necessarily includes three ingredients. First, cocoa beans are the foundation of the basics. Secondly, milk (some people like the usual boiled water). It will give a taste of creaminess, softness, a touch of sweetness. If you need a “sharper” flavor, you should take milk with a high percentage of fat, if not, then vice versa. And thirdly, sugar. Of course, there are tons of options for making hot chocolate, some even include alcohol, but that's up to everyone's taste.

The most insightful, of course, will ask: where do we get these same cocoa beans? Indeed, it is not to go to warm countries for them. The fact is that a small "cunning" does not hurt here - it can be replaced with a regular bar of chocolate. Of course, not everyone. It should be black, bitter chocolate, good quality. Definitely without any additives - nuts, raisins and other things. In short, it's time to get down to business!

The warmth of classic hot chocolate

You need to start small, that is, with the main recipe for hot cocoa chocolate, it is also called classic. To do this, you need to buy nothing at all - two bars of good dark chocolate (about 150 gr) and half a liter of milk (you remember about the fat content - everyone chooses according to their own tastes).

It is better to immediately break the chocolate into pieces (it is more convenient to do this even when the chocolate is in a piece of paper) - the smaller they are, the faster they melt. Boil the milk in a saucepan over low heat and dip the chocolate into it. Cook all this, stirring constantly (this is very important). The chocolate will melt and delicious dessert will be ready to use, or rather, to enjoy it. For those who don’t have enough sweetness, add sugar first so that it also has time to melt.

It is better to immediately pour chocolate into ceramic cups with sufficiently thick walls. This is necessary so that it retains its warmth and aroma longer. Someone loves rich taste, and for some this saturation may seem excessive - so it can be advised to drink a treat with cold water.

By the way, a tip to note: chocolate excites nervous system, so drinking it at night, oh, how not advised - half the night will be spent on turning from side to side.

It is better to enjoy it in the morning, in extreme cases - before lunch.

For those who love ... thicker

At the beginning, we already mentioned that hot chocolate can be prepared in different ways: it can be flavored with almonds, vanilla, spices, and even alcohol. Also, it can be very thick. For this to standard set- chocolate (2 bars), sugar (per serving - about 4 teaspoons), milk (liter) - more starch is added (3 tablespoons).

First of all, pour a glass of milk in which we stir the starch. Pour the remaining milk, along with chocolate and sugar, into a saucepan and heat until the chocolate melts. Then add a mixture of milk and starch and stir continuously until all this fragrant brew begins to thicken. Immediately remove from the fire - and in cups. It’s still delicious, but it takes about 15 minutes to do everything about everything.

As you can see, the recipe for thick hot chocolate is incredibly simple!

Taste and color...

With almonds

Chocolate with almonds is a familiar combination. How about hot chocolate with almonds? To prepare it, you need a little more ingredients than usual: chocolate itself (60 gr.) - by the way, it can generally be grated - this is for those who are in a hurry, - sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons, half a glass of boiling water, two and a half glasses of boiled milk, a spoon instant coffee(this is necessary for the sharpness of taste), 80 ml. cognac, the same amount of Amaretto liquor, half a glass of cream, and, finally, the almonds themselves (no, we have not forgotten about it, do not worry!) - fried and finely chopped - about a quarter of a glass.

We throw sugar, chocolate into a saucepan, pour water, boil. Then, on a reduced heat, cook for about 2-3 more minutes, beat everything (whisk, mixer, spoon - whoever has what). Add all the other ingredients and wait on the burning stove for another two minutes. We pour into cups. Gently spread the whipped cream on top of the fragrant dessert, sprinkle with almonds. You can enjoy!

With fruits

Do you love fruits so much that you can't live without them? Well, there is an option for you! Hot chocolate with orange syrup will surely appeal to such gourmets. In addition to chocolate (100 gr.), Milk (half a liter), sugar (two spoons) and cream (to taste), you will need another teaspoon of orange syrup and orange zest(how much is up to you).

Chocolate crumbles on small pieces and, together with two tablespoons of water, “heats” in a water bath (this is when a saucepan is in a saucepan with water). When everything turns into a homogeneous mass, pour in pre-boiled milk. Pour the syrup and whisk the entire contents of the pan. Divide the drink into cups, add cream, lemon zest serves as a decoration.

Where, when did you hear about the benefits of rose hips? Down with rumors and conjecture, the whole truth is at the link.

lazy hot chocolate recipe

For those who are especially lazy, there will be a chocolate recipe in the microwave for joy - yes, yes, and this is possible! Three glasses of milk are poured into a cup that can be put in the microwave, and heated in this very microwave for about two minutes at the maximum. After we throw chocolate (grated bar), sugar (spoon), cinnamon (half a teaspoon). We stir. Separately, beat the egg and add to the main mixture. We send the future yummy to the microwave for ten minutes. Voila! Bright aroma and taste - in one bottle ... that is, a cup! And without much effort.

Little tricks

I hope we were able to answer your question: "how to make hot chocolate at home" in in full! Lastly, a few useful tips from Piteika.com:

  • Firstly, before cooking, it is better to cool the chocolate in the freezer - it should be solid when it starts to melt in milk.
  • Secondly, even a pinch of vanilla will give such a wonderful aroma that this dessert will become your signature culinary creation.
  • Thirdly, if you let the prepared chocolate brew a little, and then heat it up again, the taste will amaze with its richness, as if it contains all the best from chocolate from all over the world. For some reason I believe that this is the case.

Video instruction:

Bon appetit!
