
What is the best way to drink alcohol. What happens if you stop drinking alcohol

Alcoholism is a terrible misfortune that destroys families and human personality. No one is immune from this misfortune. And it all starts with a harmless desire to relax and unwind after hard everyday life, to move away from heavy worries at work, worries. And gradually, without noticing it, a person begins to drink more and more often, being drawn into a deadly circle, from where it becomes very difficult to get out.

But probably. Thanks to modern methods of getting rid of alcohol addiction, many people have already managed to overcome addiction and live a sober and healthy life. For an addict to stop drinking is a very serious act, associated with poor health and negative symptoms. And what will happen if you stop drinking alcohol, how will the body react to the deprivation of its usual doping?

When a person stops drinking, he has to deal with a number of unpleasant symptoms.

It is very difficult to predict and predict what consequences a person will have to face after giving up alcohol (especially if you stop drinking abruptly). Each person is unique and all possible troubles depend on many factors, in particular:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Gender and age of the person.
  3. The quality of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Regular drinking.
  5. duration of alcohol consumption.
  6. Features of the body (psychosomatic and physical).

Experts, studying what happens to the body when you stop drinking, have divided the possible negative symptoms into two large groups. These are failures and problems occurring in the body itself (physical consequences) and troubles associated with psychological factors.

Alcohol harms all internal systems and human organs

If the feasts accompanied by alcohol were infrequent, the refusal of alcohol will be much milder and without any serious consequences for the body.

Physiological problems

In a long-term drinking person, all metabolic processes are already completely dependent on the presence of residues of alcohol compounds in them. Not receiving the next usual dose, the drinker is faced with big troubles that brings withdrawal syndrome.

Withdrawal can be compared to drug withdrawal, which torments a person for a long time. This condition is accompanied by:

  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • vomiting;
  • severe migraine;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • indigestion;
  • sharp mood swings;
  • muscle and joint ache;
  • irresistible desire to drink.

Withdrawal syndrome can last up to 2-3 weeks. This is the consequences of non-receipt of the usual doping poison into the body. After all, alcohol not only adversely affects the functioning of internal organs and systems, but also becomes an integral part of their functioning.

Psychological symptoms

Alcohol dependence is not only manifested on the physical level. The human psyche also suffers from it. After all, being in a consciousness altered by alcohol, a person perceives the surrounding reality in a completely different way, is not able to adequately respond to the changing reality.

Alcohol lingers in the internal organs for a long time and acts destructively on them.

After giving up alcohol, the withdrawal syndrome, which manifests itself on the physical plane, is combined with manifestations of a mental disorder. Sometimes a person even loses the meaning of his existence.

The psyche and brain structures during the period of close “communication” with alcohol undergo irreversible changes. Unfortunately, the degradation processes that occur in the body of the drinker are irreversible.

The earlier the decision is made to forget about alcohol, the more likely it is to preserve the personality, its mind and level of intelligence. The one who decides to stop drinking will have to make a huge effort on himself, working in the following directions:

  • undergo social adaptation;
  • change habitual routine and living conditions;
  • completely part with the usual social circle;
  • change all the old habits that have already become familiar;
  • re-build a new life, where there is no place for drunkenness.

These steps are extremely difficult and they always go "on the edge". There is a very high risk of breaking loose and returning to the previous existence. Comprehensive support of relatives and close people who are not indifferent to the fate of this person will help to overcome these problems.

But the individual himself will have to make great efforts on himself. Find the strength to fight depression. To educate and root in oneself an internal setting for sobriety and instill the idea that alcohol is a terrible poison that breaks the whole person, destroying life.

Stop drinking calendar by day

To understand what consequences will follow, and what the person who quits drinking will have to face, there is a certain calendar. With its help, you can mentally prepare in advance for troubles and meet them fully armed..

How alcohol affects the body

Narcologists say that the most difficult in terms of negative symptoms are the first 2-3 weeks from the moment of parting with alcohol.

So, when you quit drinking, you can find out the consequences for the body by day using the following table:

Time since breaking up with alcohol Symptoms Notes
1 day

these days a person is visited by a hangover known to many, which is accompanied by:




increased excitability;


mood swings;

gastrointestinal disorders

according to observations, some people often have insomnia, but others experience the opposite effect - drowsiness, they literally "hibernate" and can sleep for days on end
2-3 day hangover symptoms continue, irritability and nervousness increase, but problems of the stomach and intestines recedesometimes hallucinations and seizures may develop
4-7 days

a person leaves an apathetic state and lethargy, energy appears, working capacity is restored (though not fully);

the skin returns a healthy color, the skin becomes more elastic, puffiness decreases;

restoration of the liver and pancreas continues, heartburn goes away;

sleep normalizes

the cause of favorable changes is the complete purification of the blood from toxic ethanol toxins
8-30 day

after a month without alcohol, a person recovers and works the brain, the result is the return of clarity of thinking and the return of a long-forgotten human personality;

there is also an improvement in the functioning of the heart and lungs (shortness of breath, arrhythmia passes)

the period of the first month without alcohol is the most difficult in the process of personality recovery, experts advise quitting drinking under the guidance of experienced doctors and using the necessary auxiliary medications

This calendar is appropriate in all cases of parting with alcohol, even if you quit drinking beer, the consequences for the day will be the same. After all, negative symptoms are based on a lack of ethyl alcohol in the body, which is present in all alcoholic beverages without exception.

Resuscitation of the body

Is it possible to alleviate the negative consequences that significantly worsen the life and condition of a former alcoholic? The recovery process of the body affects the entire body. Therefore, the first month, the most difficult after quitting drinking, passes against the background of problems in the work of almost all organs:

  1. The cardiovascular system. You will have to go through jumps in blood pressure, malfunctions of the heart. You will often feel dizzy and have a headache.
  2. GIT. Digestive problems are accompanied by long-term disorders (constipation / diarrhea), nausea, vomiting. Very often there is a sharp weight loss of a person.
  3. CNS. Disorder from the nervous system is based on a background of prolonged headache and sharp mood swings. In special cases, a person may visit auditory / visual hallucinations and develop a convulsive syndrome.

General negative symptoms in the form of fever, tremor, complete weakness usually leave the former drinker on the 5-6th day after breaking up with alcohol. But sleep problems will have to endure for several months.

Alcohol is especially dangerous for the liver, so it needs to be restored.

All negative symptoms will gradually go away as the body recovers and cleanses the accumulated toxic metabolites of ethyl alcohol.

Help with the gastrointestinal tract

Being constantly in drunken oblivion, a person practically does not eat normal and healthy food. Food replaces alcohol. By the way, ethyl alcohol is quite high in calories, but only it supplies the body with toxic and poisonous energy, where there are no nutrients and essential vitamins.

To establish the processes of digestion and restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to include enzyme preparations in the rehabilitation program. These funds will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restore digestion systems. The weight lost in the first days will soon return.

Pressure recovery

Regular drinkers are constantly faced with jumps in blood pressure. In drunkards, complaints that often hurt and feel dizzy stop only after a complete detoxification of the body.

If a person suffers from severe headaches for a long time after parting with alcohol, a complete medical examination should be performed.

You should know and remember that no matter how bad it is, you can’t take alcohol to reduce unbearable pain. This is fraught only with a deterioration in the condition and the development of a prolonged binge. The best way out is to see a doctor and agree to hospitalization. After all, if you refuse alcohol, the load on the heart in the first days increases, which is fraught with the development of a heart attack.

Normalization of sleep

Alcohol deprives the possibility of a normal night's rest. Even if sleep comes to a person, it is restless, superficial and without dreams. Therefore, it is very important to restore normal rest. For the rehabilitation of a person in this regard, psychotherapy sessions and the use of medications are of great help.

How does ethanol affect the human brain

According to the observations of specialists, sleep disorders associated with nightmares are often based on the activation of subconscious fears. A man dreams that he has started drinking again. To relieve negative symptoms, doctors will prescribe a course of taking antidepressants, tranquilizers and sleeping pills. Therapeutic restorative treatment is quite long and can last up to 8-10 months.

Good help is provided by the creation of favorable conditions for a good rest. Evening walks, frequent airing of the premises, active sports. Try yoga, get carried away with an interesting hobby.

We remove irritability

By removing forever the natural and familiar stimulant of emotions - ethyl alcohol, a person runs the risk of falling into a protracted and prolonged depression. The ideal way out and natural treatment can be a passion for your favorite thing, an exciting activity. Very important is the personal attitude to the desire to become necessary to someone in this difficult period of life. You should not refuse the help of loved ones.

Prolonged use of alcoholic beverages makes the addict intolerant of others and extremely irritable. It is quite difficult to remove such acquired character traits. You should strictly control yourself, stop the manifestation of negative messages and emotions.

Here group sessions with a psychotherapist will be of great help. You should review and diversify your own diet by including protein-rich foods in the menu. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of black tea, coffee, replacing them with herbal decoctions / infusions with the addition of honey.

Six months without alcohol

The most responsible and difficult time is behind us. Six months is enough for the body to fully restore its strength and regain lost health.. But an important condition for well-being is the absence of various pathologies that often visit an alcohol addict:

  • gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • pancreatitis;
  • alcoholic hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis and liver failure.

Such problems will have to be dealt with under the supervision and guidance of an experienced physician. But the psychological background after six months of giving up alcohol was completely restored. And, despite the fact that friends have diminished, relations with the family, children and relatives have improved.

Improvement in financial condition will also be a pleasant surprise. After all, previously large sums were spent on obtaining an alcoholic dose for themselves, and the prices of alcohol tend to increase. The former drinker himself adds a lot of effort to this by increasing his ability to work and labor activity.

This is explained from the point of view of psychology. Quit drinking, as if trying to catch up due to long years of alcoholic passivity and rehabilitate in the eyes of loved ones. And it works out great!


Almost no party or meeting is complete without alcohol. And such a vacation does not always have good consequences. And the evening can be overshadowed by the fact that there is too much alcohol in the body. In this article we will talk about how to drink alcohol correctly, while feeling good, it is permissible to lower or increase the degree.

The main thing is not to lower the degree

Don't downgrade

How you feel in the morning depends on the degree of alcohol. But this is not the only factor influencing your condition. An important role is played by the amount of alcohol consumed, the quality and its combination with other drinks.

Is it possible to lower the degree of alcohol and why, we have to figure it out. When alcohol enters the body, it decomposes into 2 components - ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde. The second component is a toxic substance. When it enters the body in excess, it poisons it. Subsequently, you may encounter:

  • Headache.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Painful sensations in the region of the heart.
  • Breathing problems.

Lowering the degree leads to the fact that alcohol decomposes much faster, contributing to the formation of toxic substances. They have a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs and systems important for the functioning of the body, are absorbed into the blood. In this regard, the body is dealt a double blow. This is the main reason why you can not lower the degree of alcohol.

Avoid carbonated drinks as well. They contain carbon dioxide. When it enters the body, the absorption of alcohol into the blood is accelerated. And this negatively affects the functioning of the liver and other organs.

How to determine the measure

Controlling how much you drink is sometimes not so easy. And if after the next alcoholic party it was possible to avoid the morning consequences, you should not assume that this will always be the case.

Some people think that it’s easy to find out your measure - if you fall, then drink enough. But this question is not to be joked with. After all, you can drink alcohol, while not harming the body, and feeling great in the morning. How to do it? It is enough to know the measure:

  • For men, this is no more than 40 grams of pure alcohol. This amount is contained in 1 liter of beer, 3 glasses of wine or 100 milliliters of vodka.
  • For women, this figure is somewhat lower and amounts to 30 grams of pure alcohol. It can be 0.75 liters of beer, 2 glasses of wine or 80 grams of vodka.

If there are no health problems, then this amount of alcohol will not harm health, but only if its use is not regular.

How to eat and what

Even if you drink in moderation, be sure to remember that you should not do this on an empty stomach. Before taking alcohol, you need to have a snack so that alcohol is not so quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. This will help you avoid getting drunk quickly. An excellent option would be food containing a sufficient amount of carbohydrates - these are cereals, pasta, vegetables, bread.

It is necessary not only to drink alcohol correctly, but also to know what to eat. Which snack is suitable for a certain type of drink:

  • Vodka - vegetable salads, herring, pickles, dumplings, first courses.
  • Wine - meat, cheese, fruits, chocolate.
  • Beer - meat, cheese, seafood.
  • Cognac - meat, mushrooms, seafood, cheese, chocolate, fruits.
  • Whiskey - seafood, cheese, meat, fruit.

These products go well with certain types of booze, and also prevent quick intoxication and hangovers. If possible, alcohol should not be washed down, especially carbonated drinks.

The body of each person is individual, and may react differently to a particular type of alcohol. Some people feel great with a couple of cocktails, others with a few shots of pure alcohol.

It is better for the body when alcohol enters it clean and in small quantities. Therefore, shots or cocktails are not the best option. Naturally, nothing will happen from one drink, but if you do not plan to drink all evening. After all, this can turn into several types of cocktails in which there is not a single type of alcohol. Despite the fact that shots are inferior in volume to cocktails, they are much superior in degrees.

It is better to drink in small portions of 50-100 grams of pure alcohol. It will not cause severe intoxication, and in the morning you will feel great without any hint of a hangover.

How to understand that there is a problem with alcohol

The regular need for alcohol is an occasion to think about whether the desire to relax and relieve stress has grown into addiction. In fact, it is very scary to do so. After all, alcohol can make you a completely different person - unpleasant, dangerous to society, hopeless.

Controlling the amount of alcohol consumed in this case is not enough. Pay attention to the frequency of its use. If within 2 weeks you drink about 400 grams of vodka, you can talk about systematic drunkenness.

It is a mistake to believe that if vodka is replaced by other drinks, then this is not alcoholism. It is enough to compare them. The calculation can be carried out according to the formula:

(Alcohol strength (percent) * Volume drunk (milliliters)): 1000 = number of units of alcohol.

1 unit of alcohol = 10 milliliters of pure alcohol.

It is worth talking about alcoholism when 3 units of alcohol enter the human body every day. You should think about this diagnosis in the following cases:

  • Thinking about alcohol makes a person feel better.
  • He perceives it as a medicine that can relieve tension, calm.
  • In the absence of an alcoholic drink, a state close to “withdrawal” occurs.
  • Under the influence of alcohol, a person's behavior changes. After its weathering from the body, aggression and irritability appear.

By drinking alcohol correctly, and knowing your measure, you can prevent possible harm to health. Otherwise, in addition to a spoiled evening, a headache in the morning and a disgusting state throughout the day, there is a great risk of becoming ill with alcoholism.


There is nothing wrong with occasionally allowing yourself to relax with a glass of your favorite wine or a good whiskey - a little good alcohol will help relieve stress and cheer you up.

Moreover, some alcoholic drinks in moderation are even beneficial for health - for example, rum, which contains potassium, phosphorus and zinc necessary for the body.

However, it is important to remember that everything is good in moderation, and excessive alcohol consumption will not only not benefit your health, but will also cause irreparable harm to it.

To drink or not to drink - everyone decides for himself. But if from time to time you do not deny yourself the pleasure of having a glass or two, then it would be useful to know how to drink certain alcoholic drinks correctly and how to avoid a hard hangover if “something went wrong” at the party.

How to avoid a hangover after a wild party

Drink it down! In order to avoid a severe hangover in the morning after a stormy libation, follow a simple rule: after each glass of alcohol, drink a glass of clean water. This will save you from dehydration and associated headaches.

Have a hearty meal. And preferably before the party. And not proteins, but complex carbohydrates: rice, pasta, whole grain bread. After a heavy snack, alcohol will be absorbed into the blood more slowly, which means that it will be much easier for the body to cope with its consequences.

Take activated charcoal. A few pills taken before the party will absorb some of the alcohol and fusel oils and then flush them out naturally.

No bubbles! Carbon dioxide contained in champagne and soda accelerates the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream and contributes to rapid intoxication.

Don't mix alcohol. A couple of cocktails made from several types of spirits are almost guaranteed to give you a morning hangover.

Do not smoke during the party. Especially if you do it not constantly, but from time to time. Otherwise, there is a risk of “flying away” after the very first cigarette smoked.

And if you still couldn’t avoid a hangover, use one of the described methods - and life will become more fun in the morning!

How to drink alcoholic drinks?

After we figured out the morning hangover, it's time to move on to the most interesting question - how to drink alcohol correctly? About vodka, beer, wine and even champagne. And today we will talk about other popular drinks.


How to drink? Absinthe is one of the strongest alcoholic drinks in the world and should be drunk with extreme caution. We suggest trying out the 3 most common methods:

1. french way is considered a classic version of the use of absinthe. It consists in the fact that a special spoon with holes is placed on a glass with already poured absinthe, and a piece of sugar is placed on the spoon, which then needs to be poured with ice water until the drink becomes cloudy. The approximate ratio of water and absinthe is 1:5 (1 part absinthe and 5 parts water).

2. Czech way differs from French in that in the process of preparation, water is replaced by fire. Pour 3/4 of absinthe into a glass, put a special spoon on top, and a piece of sugar soaked in absinthe on it. Ignite the sugar and let it burn for about 1 minute so that drops of melted sugar fall into the absinthe. When the fire goes out, dip a spoonful of the remaining sugar into the glass and stir. If the drink is too strong, you can add some ice water to taste.

3. Russian way - the simplest option that does not require any additional devices. Make a sweet syrup of water and sugar, and then simply add it to taste in a glass of absinthe.

What to drink with?

Undiluted absinthe is a classic aperitif served before meals. Accordingly, he does not need any snacks. Dark chocolate and citrus fruits can be served with cocktails based on this drink.

What to drink from?

Undiluted absinthe is served in glasses. Diluted absinthe, prepared by one of the above methods, is served in ordinary glasses.

For Czech and other options with burning absinthe, you need to choose special thick-walled, cone-shaped glasses. And most importantly - they must be at room temperature so that the glass does not burst when heated.


How to drink?

Gin is rarely served undiluted, as a rule, it is drunk as part of various cocktails. The most popular of them is Gin and Tonic. To prepare it, pour 1/3 of ice into a tall glass, pour 1 part of gin, then shake and add 2 parts of tonic. Serve with a lemon wedge.

What to drink with?

Fish, poultry, cheese, smoked meats are perfect as an appetizer for pure gin. For gin-based cocktails, choose citrus fruits, apricots, grapes, plums, apples, and bananas.

What to drink from?

Pure gin is drunk from small straight glasses with a thick bottom. For cocktails use tall straight glasses. Both need to be chilled before serving.


How to drink?

Baileys, like all liqueurs, is served after dinner with a digestif, which serves to better assimilate food. Baileys can be drunk with ice, sprinkled with grated chocolate or cocoa powder. You can add baileys instead of cream in coffee, but in this case, forget about sugar so as not to over-sweeten the drink. But it is not recommended to mix Baileys with fruit juices or carbonated drinks - it will simply curl up from the acid contained in them.

What to drink with?

Baileys pairs perfectly with strawberries, bananas, chocolate and creamy desserts such as ice cream or tiramisu.

What to drink from?

Baileys is served in liquor glasses, shaped like martini glasses.


How to drink?

Whiskey is a unique drink. It can be drunk both in its pure form and with various additives. The Scots and Irish, for example, drink whiskey with ice and pure water, while the Americans dilute it with cola or soda. The only thing that whiskey does not tolerate is the neighborhood of other alcohol.

What to drink with?

Whiskey is a noble drink that is drunk only solo, without any snacks.

What to drink from?

Inexpensive whiskeys are usually drunk from thick-bottomed cylindrical glasses - it is convenient to mix the drink with cola, water and ice in them. But for expensive varieties, special tulip-shaped stemmed glasses are used - this shape helps to reveal the taste and aroma of the drink more vividly.

How not to drink alcohol in general for a woman? E That question is easier to ask than to answer.

Double morality at first says: decent girls do not drink, and then a foreign film shows a beauty with a glass on a high stem or a beefy billionaire with something strong in a comfortable armchair by the fireplace.

Yes, alcohol is evil! Can't believe it? And I never believed it, especially when everyone around is drinking, having fun and looking absolutely happy.

But all this is a beautiful facade, and behind it are health problems, 100% addiction and other related troubles.

Perhaps some signs have already become noticeable to you, and you want to say “stop” to the poison, but do not know how.

I have been drinking alcohol for over 15 years.

"Was" - because I gave up this bad habit and for two full years I have not even allowed myself a glass of white wine on the weekends.

The truth is that I never liked white wine - gin, rum, absinthe - in the past my favorite drinks, the absence of which I do not miss a bit.

Frankly, I have long dreamed of writing this article, because I have something to say to those who plan to make their lives cleaner and healthier and say a firm “no” to the green snake!

Why do we drink alcohol if it's harmful?

In our society, the idea is strongly supported that drinking a little, in moderation, is quite acceptable and even useful.

Everyone drinks - show business stars, actors, politicians, influential people, Petya's neighbor from apartment 5.

And it seems that the worse I am, I'm like everyone else and even better. The biggest and most dangerous delusion is the idea that a glass or two of beer at the end of a hard working week is well deserved, moreover, necessary!

This is the insidiousness of alcohol - it is a real drug that is woven into our lives slowly, gradually crowding out all other pleasures.

Alcohol exacerbates our problems

Interest in every way fuels the very attitude towards him in society.We talk a lot about this, but in ordinary life they do not blame it.

And if they are condemned, well, just go to any of the nearby bars or shops and have fun with your friends.

It has become part of the culture. For example, in my life it all started with a sweet tincture along with new ones.

Children, especially, carefully observe what surrounds them, and now I understand why I first tried poison.

I just saw dozens of holidays where adults drink and laugh, TV shows where a romantic couple at the most important moment of their lives holds a glass of sparkling wine.

I am more than sure that your environment has given you many similar images that are so densely occupied in the subconscious that we do not even notice them.

How to stop drinking alcohol altogether ? The main idea that I want to convey to you is to stop and re-aware what is happening in reality. And very strange things are happening here.

It is pointless to look for positive aspects in a bad habit.

We pour poison into ourselves, knowing for sure that it destroys the body, destroys the brain, stomach, heart.

We fall into a stupefied state, and the next day we feel disgusting or much worse than we could be.

Just think how many bonuses life without alcohol will bring to you!

Low, animal feelings are released while the body is dying from alcohol (10 ml is enough).

I had a reason for this

For some reason, many believe that since ancient times, weddings, birthdays have been celebrated with alcohol, and the dead have been escorted on their last journey.

In fact, in Rus', drinking at your own wedding was considered a bad omen.

Even then, it was noticed that problems with fertility appear in drinking couples.

And even earlier, the villagers simply could not have this habit.

First, the villages were located far from each other; secondly, it promised a loss of working capacity; and, thirdly, on such days everyone used pancakes, jelly and kutya, and alcohol cost exorbitant money and was not available.

It is strange where such a tradition came from.

A glass of relaxation in the evening

True, right? No! What's really going on: You come home and just get distracted by a strong drink.

A glass or two after work relaxes, but soon the problems return twice as much

With the same success, you can go to the movies or listen to an audiobook, cook a dish, whatever.

Prolonged use leads to ignoring the problem.

In addition, it is alcohol that leads to fixation on one thought, because it causes nervousness and suspiciousness.

The negative side is the disappearance of the ability to truly relax without a glass in hand, we are less able to withstand daily stress.

High-grade poison contributes to the degradation of the personality and the destruction of the psyche.

I rarely drink. One glass is even useful

“You see, I rarely swallow poisonous liquid,” sounds funny. How rare? Once a week, 4 days a month, on vacation?

No matter how much, if you do drink, then you are on the hook, and almost certainly gradually increase the dose.

And it is also able to accumulate in adipose tissue and in other hidden parts of the body, therefore, even after a while, its negative consequences will still be felt by the body.

Think about how much pain you bring to loved ones

Forum, where such topics are discussed, recommends admitting to himself: yes, I drink, and to some extent I am addicted to this rubbish.

By the way, medicine has not yet established whether it is useful in small doses or not. This is partly due to the fact that respondents provided false data, underestimating the amount of alcohol consumed.

In any case, the harm done does not cover the "usefulness" and leads to a number of quite tangible diseases (it is difficult to list, because these are literally all internal organs).

I have heredity, I can not quit

This factor is always present, but believe me, everything is in your power.

If you just stop drinking, not a single negative side of heredity will affect your health and psyche.

Just stop and start a new life!

A bad habit methodically destroys your body

Consider the other 5 myths:

  1. I'm sick and can't control myself. Perhaps this is true. It's good that you recognized the problem. Now you can give up the addiction and move on. Physical addiction is overrated. I was surprised at how easy it was for me. I did it - you can do it too!
  2. This is how I get inspired! At first, it seems that uncontrolled emotions make you feel the world keenly. Ah, so it is not so! Alcohol dulls, concentrates on something painful and traumatic. Pure sources of creativity are revealed where it is pure, calm, serene and free. You will no longer be torn apart by internal demons, it will become much easier to create and be creative.
  3. Alcohol cures because it is part of medicines. This is a consequence of the gross errors of medicine in the past. But let's be indulgent, earlier, in general, 85% of diseases were treated with bloodletting or leeches. The alcohol component is used in tinctures as a solvent and preservative. It will rather weaken the body than heal it.

Stop talking to provocateurs

Advice: in no case do not give children alcohol tinctures, this can contribute to addiction and serve as a catalyst for alcoholism in the future.

Let's get down to specifics. So, you've decided to quit a bad habit.

