
How to get orange dye in minecraft. Brown food coloring

Very often we surf the Internet, looking for this or that recipe, and we meet very beautiful pictures cookies and cakes decorated with multi-colored bouquets, salads with original unusual colored decorations, and we can’t even imagine that all these food colorings without problems, you can do it yourself at home, using only natural high-quality products.

We all know how harmful synthetic dyes can be. What to do? Do you really want to decorate our dishes and make them more appetizing? There is a way out, colored decorations for the cake can be prepared at home, using only natural food colors. Yes, maybe it will be a little different from the bright and beautiful store-bought cakes, but you can be sure that it will be very tasty and, most importantly, healthy.

If you want to please your homemade dishes with a bright design, then try using simple recipes making various food colorings at home.

yellow food coloring

To obtain yellow you need to use saffron. To do this, it is crushed and diluted with warm water (or vodka), and filtered in a day. This infusion can act as a yellow natural dye. The effect of yellowness can also be achieved with the help of ordinary lemon zest, which is rubbed on a fine grater, transferred to cheesecloth and squeezed out of it.

orange food coloring

Of course, carrots can give an orange color. You can take fresh carrot juice. Some rub carrots on coarse grater and fry it in butter in a ratio of 1: 1. After a few minutes, the carrots should soften, and the oil will turn orange. Remove the pan from the stove and cool. After that, the mass is placed in gauze and squeezed. Orange color is also given by the zest of oranges. Manipulations are similar to manipulations with lemon peel.

Red food coloring and shades

Red and pink dye obtained from the juices of berries, namely strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, dogwood, currants, lingonberries, various red syrups, jams and red wine. Shades of red can also be obtained from red peppers, dark red tomatoes, red cabbage, boiled pomegranate juice and sweet paprika powder.

Powerful food coloring - beets. To prepare a dye from it, the beets are cleaned, rubbed on a coarse grater, poured with water and simmered for an hour under a covered lid. To give the color brightness, a pinch is added to the broth. citric acid. After that, the broth is cooled and filtered.

Green food coloring

The role of green food coloring is usually given to spinach. To do this, it is rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder, the pulp is wrapped in gauze and the juice is squeezed out. To get a different shade of green spinach juice is boiled for 30 - 40 minutes over low heat until the color becomes intense. green color.

Blue and purple food coloring

Get blue dye and purple can be from blueberry juice. Also boiled or fresh red cabbage, juice from the skin of frozen eggplant, blackberry juice and grape juice give this color.

Brown food coloring

Brown color gives caramel. To do this, sugar is diluted with water in a ratio of 5 to 1, placed in a pan and put on slow fire. Heat until the mass becomes dark brown, then remove from heat and stir, adding water. When performing this procedure, the main thing is not to overcook the sugar, as this can lead to the formation of bitterness. The resulting solution is filtered. Brown also gives strong coffee or cocoa powder and chocolate.

Everyone knows that artificial dyes, which are used in cooking, are very dangerous to health. Therefore, many try to use natural products to obtain color. It is not difficult to do this, and the naturalness and safety of the dishes will be guaranteed.

Why dyes are needed

Dyes are divided into natural and synthetic. Natural dyes are products plant origin, and they do not include chemical substances. Synthetic dyes can be gel, liquid and dry. Food coloring is used in Food Industry to make out conventional products a real work of art and raise the level of sales. They don't have any taste properties therefore do not affect the taste of the products.

Substances obtained through chemical process are harmful to the body. Therefore, many people prefer to prepare dyes on their own from more natural products. Thus, you can not only make the dish colorful, but absolutely safe. And for this you don’t need to buy expensive components at all, since ordinary products will do.

Harm of artificial dyes

The chemical industry produces great amount substances, which are then used to make products more attractive. But not everyone knows what exactly is hidden behind synthetic dyes. For example, even the composition of most of these mixtures cannot be determined without lengthy laboratory studies.

And manufacturers do not always adhere to standards and easily violate the amount contained in dyes. hazardous components. At the same time, the harm of such substances is not only in possible allergies. Some preservatives can cause oxygen starvation, adversely affect nervous system and induce tumor development. Therefore, it is important to limit the use of such products, and use only natural dyes for homemade dishes.

How to make dye at home

To do this, just open the refrigerator and choose any vegetable or fruit that matches the color. You can take juices, jams, herbs and even seasonings for this purpose. As for the storage of natural dye, without sugar it will only be good for a few days. But with the addition of sugar, the dye will quietly stand for 10-14 days. The main thing is to put it in glass containers With tight lid and keep warm.

Red color
In order to give the dish such a shade, you can use the juices of raspberries, strawberries, cherries or cranberries. Regular red wine will also work. various jams. It is advisable to add several components, then the red color will be more saturated. Often, housewives use ordinary beets to prepare dishes with a red tint. And for good reason, because this vegetable is considered the strongest natural dye.

It is not difficult to get a coloring pigment from beets. To do this, 1-2 fruits must be washed, peeled and grated. Then the beets are poured with water and boiled for about an hour over low heat. Also, 0.5 tsp must be added to the broth. citric acid, otherwise the dye will discolor from air oxidation. Once the beetroot has cooled, it must be strained and used to color the dish.

Orange color
The easiest way to get orange natural dye is to use carrots. It also needs to be cleaned and grated. Then the vegetable is laid out in a pan and poured butter, previously melted in a water bath. The ratio of carrots and butter should be 1:1. Next, the mixture should be darkened on the stove for about 5 minutes. The oil should acquire the desired shade, after which the cooled carrots should be squeezed through cheesecloth.

To give the dish a yellow color, lemon is most often used. Its zest is rubbed for very fine grater, and then squeeze and filter the juice. Also, an excellent yellow tint can be obtained by stirring in warm water some turmeric.

Green color
For a rich green color, you can use fresh spinach. It must be rubbed through a sieve or crushed with a meat grinder. The resulting mixture must be boiled for half an hour, and then filtered through cheesecloth.

purple and Blue colour A
They can be obtained by using eggplant peel, dark varieties grapes or blueberries. Perfect fit and purple cabbage, which you just need to cut and boil. If you need to get a brown color, then the easiest way to achieve this shade is with sugar. It must be mixed with water in a ratio of 5: 1 and placed in a pan.

It is necessary to fry sugar on small fire and keep stirring it all the time. After the mixture has acquired the desired shade, water is added to it and filtered. In addition to burnt sugar, chocolate, coffee or cocoa can be used to obtain brown color.

Black color
Often black is used to decorate dishes. Achieving such a shade is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. For sweet dishes, for example, for a cake, you need to use cocoa powder. But not ordinary, but a special grade powder called "Dutch Ultra". It contains more chocolate and is much darker on its own. traditional cocoa. And for salty dishes, squid ink is ideal.

Beige color
In order to receive beige color, many chefs recommend adding, for example, a little tomato paste to the cream. The color depends on the amount of paste, so when adding a large number tomato cream will turn out not beige, but closer to orange. Taste like dessert tomato paste does not affect.

If several natural dyes prepared earlier are stored in the refrigerator, then you do not need to look for ingredients to get a new color. You can mix existing colors and get the one you need. For example, for the color of the sea wave, you can mix blue and green, and to get blue dye just mix green with red. In order to get a black tint, you need green, blue and red dyes. And a beautiful pistachio color will turn out if you mix yellow and blue.

A lot depends on when exactly the coloring matter is added to the dish. Therefore, it is important to know:

  1. IN fresh dough dyes should not be added. It is better to saturate pastries with dye. But this rule does not apply to meringues.
  2. If the dough is needed not for baking, but for noodles or dumplings, then dyes, on the contrary, are recommended to be added immediately during kneading. After all, then paint finished product fail.
  3. In the cream that is used for decoration, the dye also needs to be added at the last moment. Otherwise, excess components may adversely affect the stability of the cream during whipping.
  4. Do not rush and add as much dye as possible. 1-2 drops are enough to see what color will turn out. Yes, and make it richer then much easier.

These are just the basic ways to get different colors. If you approach the matter with imagination, you can get unusual shades. They will decorate any dish and surprise guests very much. And safe components will not harm health, so all the goodies can be eaten by children.

Video: do-it-yourself natural food coloring

Food additives E110 - E119 are orange dyes. Formally, dyes in food products (the use of dyes for coloring non-food items, for example, fabrics, we will leave outside the scope of this material) are needed only to impart colorful look food. However, unscrupulous manufacturers can use dyes for other purposes: to hide a low-quality or expired product, to pass one product after another, etc. Plus, not all food colorings are useful or even harmless, some are carcinogens or food poisons, allergens.

Today, most dyes are synthetic. Natural dyes, with rare exceptions, are harmless or even beneficial.

As in any other material in the Glossary food additives, the following conventions apply:

The food supplement is safe for health.
♦ - food additive is conditionally safe for health. Animal studies and observations of people eating it (or using it in cosmetics, etc.) have shown no clear positive or negative effects.
♣ - the food additive is not safe for certain groups or for all people. Read the description of the possible effects on the body carefully.
♠ - the food additive is inedible, unsafe or poisonous. Do not buy, use or eat products that contain it.

♣ E110 Sunset Yellow (Orange Yellow S)

Despite the name, it refers to orange dyes. Has an orange-yellow color. In fact, it is a product of sulfonation of the Sudan I dye, which is a carcinogen. Due to the imperfection of the production technology, Sudan-I may be present in E110 as an impurity. Therefore, since there is no guarantee that it will not be a carcinogen, it is recommended that you avoid this dietary supplement.

By itself, a yellow sunset can act as an allergen, causing hives, rhinitis, and nasal congestion. Moreover, both alone and (especially!) in combination with benzoic acid and its salts (E210 - E213) can lead to hyperactivity and cause attention deficit in children of preschool and primary school age.

Food additive E110 is prohibited for use in some countries, but is allowed in Russia and Ukraine.

Our advice : If you are allergic, exclude from your food basket foodstuffs with this nutritional supplement. It is also not recommended to use it for children under 14 years of age. For everyone else, we recommend buying them only if there is no alternative.

♠ E111 Alpha Naphthol Orange or Orange GGN

Orange food coloring. To date, it has been banned for use in food production in all European countries, the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Ukraine and Russia due to its toxicity. However, it should be remembered that it can be used in Southeast Asia.

Our advice : Selling in territories Russian Federation and Ukraine of food products with food additive E111 is illegal. We recommend not only not to purchase and eat similar products, but also contact the supervisory authorities upon the availability of such goods for sale.

♣ E112 Karmazin (Karmuazin, Azorubine)

Red synthetic food coloring, in very small concentrations, can give food an orange color, therefore it was originally classified as orange food coloring E112. At the moment, it has the E122 index in the system, but is sometimes found on labels food products like E112, hence called phantom.

Banned in some European countries, USA, Canada, Japan due to the ability to cause urticaria, other types of allergies, provoke asthma attacks in asthma patients. It has also been found that E112, also known as E122, as well as 5 other dyes, in combination with benzoates and benzoic itself (food additives E210 - E213) can lead to increased hyperactivity and reduced concentration in children of primary school and preschool age.

There is not yet fully verified data that the use of carmazine can lead to a disorder in the function of the adrenal cortex. Tests are also underway for the carcinogenicity of this dietary supplement.

Carmoisine is not prohibited for use on the territory of Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

Our advice : If you are allergic, asthmatic, or intolerant of aspirin, remove this food supplement from your food basket. It is also not recommended to use it for children under 14 years of age. For everyone else, we recommend buying them only if there is no alternative.

Numbers of nutritional supplements E113, E114, E115, E116, E117, E118 And E119 reserved and currently unused.

Each confectioner is an artist who strives to ensure that his creation becomes a real work of art. Only the artist uses paints, and the confectioner uses food colorings, which, unfortunately, are not healthy. But how to get out of this situation, because not only taste is important for dessert, but also appearance?

Let's find out!

To give confectionery beautiful colour it is not necessary to run to the store and buy all kinds of synthetic food colors. It is enough to have a few vegetables and fruits on hand, with which you can make natural food colors at home. The only thing is that the colors obtained in this way will not be very bright and saturated.

So how do you make food coloring at home and get the color you want?

Natural food coloring: red and pink

The best ingredient to get a natural pink color is beets. Its juice will change the color of the product and at the same time will not affect the taste.

How to do it?

Just wash the beets and put them in a blender with 1/2 cup of water. Mix everything until smooth, then strain. The liquid that comes out is your natural food coloring.

You can also use cherry, pomegranate, and raspberry juice to make red dye.

Natural food coloring: orange

To make orange food coloring, necessary products there will be papaya, mango or pumpkin. But most in a simple way to get an orange color is the use of carrots.

How to do it?

Peel the carrots, grate it on a coarse grater and put it on hot pan. Pour in butter and fry over low heat. Then let the carrots cool and strain through cheesecloth. You can also use carrot juice as a dye.

Natural food coloring: yellow

If you have ever used turmeric, then you know that it turns everything yellow on everything: clothes, skin, tables, etc. Therefore, be careful when making this dye.

How to do it?

Combine 1/2 cup water and 1 teaspoon ground turmeric in a saucepan and then boil. Let cool. Store this dye should be no more than two weeks in the refrigerator.

Natural food coloring: green

The combination of Matcha green tea powder and spinach creates a beautiful green color that is perfect for garnishing dishes.

How to do it?

Combine 1 tablespoon matcha powder, 1/2 cup fresh spinach and 1/2 cup water in a blender. Mix up uniform consistency, then strain. The resulting liquid is natural green food coloring.

Natural food coloring: blue and purple

The hardest color is blue. It can be obtained using eggplant peel, grape juice, blue potatoes, or purple/red cabbage. Blueberries also make a great natural purple food coloring.

How to do it?

Combine 1/4 cup fresh blueberries with 1/8 cup water in a blender. Blend until smooth, then strain for natural purple food coloring.

To get blue natural dye from purple/red cabbage, you need to boil it, after which the water will turn dark. You can use this water as a dye, and to make the color brighter, add a little soda.

Natural food coloring: brown

Brown color can be obtained not only thanks to cocoa powder, coffee or chocolate, but also with the help of burnt sugar.

How to do it?

It is necessary to mix sugar with water 5: 1 and pour into a pan. You need to fry the sugar on a small fire, stirring constantly. When the mixture has reached the desired shade, remove it from the heat and add a little more water.

Natural food coloring: black

An important role is also played by the black dye, which can be obtained thanks to a special variety of cocoa powder called "Dutch Ultra". Also, to get black food coloring, you can use cuttlefish ink, but then the dishes will be with a salty aftertaste.

You can also mix food coloring to create different shades and new colors.

We hope that the article about natural food colors was useful to you. Don't forget to "like".

On the shelves there is a wide range of synthetic dyes that help create rich color Dessert.

It is very easy to work with coloring compositions of synthetic origin, they are stored for a long time, and do not deteriorate under the influence of external factors (humidity, sun rays and temperatures of different indicators).

However, if you prefer to use exclusively natural compounds as dyes, even if it turns out to be a more faded color, but 100% no allergic reaction will occur in children, then you should learn how to cook them from various natural products that are familiar to the body.

Dyes natural origin isolated from animals and vegetable sources in a physical way. Such coloring compositions are not actually subjected to chemical modification, only in exceptional cases when it is necessary to keep the product longer (under factory production conditions). Root crops, leaves, and other plant products are often used as raw materials for obtaining the natural origin of food coloring.

Under mass production conditions, dyes of natural origin are produced in the form of granules, powder formulations, liquids or oils.

The brightness of the coloring compositions with a similar manufacturing process depends on the time of year of collection of products, the conditions of its growth and other things. The main advantage of coloring compositions of natural origin is the fact that they can be prepared independently at home. Take a look around, because for sure in the refrigerator or on the shelves in the pantry you will find a whole set of everything you need.

Natural dyes: a list of primary colors

For coloring culinary products natural food formulations The primary colors used are yellow, red and blue. Yes, they are not as bright and saturated as products of synthetic origin, but they are clearly safer for the human, and especially the children's body.

Shortcakes are baked like regular biscuit bases until done. And here we have such beautiful ones.

Now consider in more detail the origin of each natural color:

Preparing food coloring is very simple: finely chopped selected ingredient is poured with acidified water into a small amount. The mass is put on fire and brought to a boil, after which the composition is filtered. Another option for obtaining red juice: the product is finely rubbed or kneaded in a mortar, filtered from the pulp.

IN pure form the blue color comes from indigo paste mixed with starch. In scale food production Indigo carmine paste (black-bluish in color) is used, which forms a pure blue solution. The indigo dye is isolated from certain types shellfish.

Although orange colors for coloring culinary products, it is permissible to obtain from a number of products, both familiar and familiar to us, and inaccessible. Consider all types of ingredients presented in the photo, you will recognize each of them, only not everyone will have to find it on the shelves of retail outlets.

When creative culinary inspiration visits, you can experiment and try to make new ones. color schemes for coloring desserts.
