
Colorful description of rolls. Types of rolls: names, photos, composition

In the modern world, the boundaries between cultures and peoples have become less clear than in past centuries. Even national dishes are now becoming not a curiosity from an overseas country, but a completely ordinary dinner or lunch anywhere in the world. This happened with traditional Japanese sushi, which can now be bought at every turn.

But, despite the fact that sushi and its variety, rolls, are widespread all over the world, few fans understand the intricacies of this dish. You can start with the name itself, which is popular in Russia.

According to the Japanese-Russian transcription system, the word for this dish should be read as "sushi". The Japanese consider this name more correct, but "sushi" causes rejection in them. This pronunciation in Russia is explained by the fact that the fashion for sushi came to us not from Japan, but from the West, where the Japanese word was transcribed as sushi.

How did sushi come about?

The history of the appearance of this dish dates back to the 4th century BC, but in another Asian country - China (other sources claim that it was Thailand). Ancient sailors were concerned about keeping their fish catch for many months, or years, so they came up with the idea of ​​shifting raw fish with rice. The lactic acid found in rice grains helps speed up the fermentation process, and in this variant, the catch was ready to eat in a few days and stored for more than two years.

At first, rice used for storing and salting fish was thrown away because it decomposed, but the addition of special rice vinegar allowed the first similarity of this dish, nari-sushi, to be born. This variety is a small piece of salted fish and a lump of rice. They are still sold in some specialized restaurants in Japan.

This dish came to Japanese chefs only in the 8th century AD, and they changed the recipe and began to use fresh, only caught fish, treated with marinade, and not fermented. Then sei-sei-sushi appeared, which around the 17th century turned into haya-sushi - vegetables and other fillings were added to them.


The creator of the popular variety of sushi is the chef Yohei Hanaya, who invented nigiri sushi in 1820. It was he who began to use raw fish and turned this dish into fast food, because sushi was now suitable for eating for a very short time. Thanks to Yohei, this dish has spread all over the world and has become very popular.

Nigiri sushi was served simply as a wad of rice with a piece of fish on top, and the whole thing was tied with a ribbon of seaweed. For the Japanese, this dish has become an everyday food that can be eaten, and throughout the rest of the world it has become a delicacy that has many varieties.

The main ingredients of sushi are always the same:

  • Sumeshi- special Japanese rice for sushi, characterized by increased stickiness and cooked according to a certain technology;
  • Nori- leaves of red algae, with the help of which most types of sushi are wrapped;
  • Soy sauce(optional, to certain types of sushi);
  • Fish- more often raw or salted (tuna, salmon or eel);
  • Wasabi A bright green sauce made from the spicy-tasting Wasabi japonica plant.

But further sushi differ in a huge variety of additives, toppings and twisting methods. It is enough for a simple admirer of this dish to know the types that you can try in Russia. This, of course, is sushi and its variety, rolls - the main difficulty for those who plan to try them for the first time.


It is worth noting that the ingredients are similar, only the method of serving and preparation is different. Sushi is made by hand - they are sticky rice with a piece of fish on top. But the rolls are traditionally wrapped in the form of a roll, using a special mat for this. Further, these two main types can be divided into many varieties.

  1. Rolls happen with a stuffing inside and "inverted". Those in which the filling and rice are inside nori seaweed are called in all countries maki sushi(Makizushi in Japan). If the additives and rice are outside, then such a dish is correctly called uramaki. Sesame seeds or caviar are often used for sprinkling.
  2. traditional sushi can also be served in the form of a "cup", which is filled with fillings - cream cheese, caviar, seafood. Popular dish name nigirizushi. There are also baked sushi and rolls, vegetarian types of this dish and even sweet ones. Non-traditional types of rolls are also gaining popularity - with chicken, bacon or other types of meat.

The most popular roll in many countries, including Russia, is California. It is a typical version of urakami and consists of traditional ingredients: rice, nori sheets, avocado pulp, fresh crab meat, cucumber, salmon and Philadelphia cheese. Despite the simplicity of the composition, the name of these rolls has become the most recognizable in the world.

How to eat sushi properly?

Beginners who are unfamiliar with this Japanese dish are interested in how to eat it correctly? The fact that sushi must be eaten with chopsticks is nothing more than a relic of the past. Centuries ago, in Japan, only the poor ate with their hands, while noble people always ate with chopsticks.

Then the custom was transformed - noble men were allowed to eat with their hands, but women were strictly with chopsticks. There is an opinion that men were obliged to eat with their hands, so that during a visit to a tea house he would not lose his head and touch a geisha. After all, a soiled kimono was very expensive and could cost a man a fortune.

Japanese etiquette in the 21st century is supported by the same principles, but all over the world you can eat sushi the way you want. Most varieties are small in size so that they do not need to be bitten off. If the roll is too large, then it should be dipped in soy sauce with the filling down, and put on the tongue with the top.

Another interesting detail - pickled ginger is included in serving rolls and sushi for a reason. Sometimes the variety of species does not allow you to feel the taste of the dish, so before a new type of sushi, you should eat a piece of ginger, the sharp taste of which will interrupt the aftertaste.

And finally, some interesting facts from the history of sushi:

  • Until now, in Japan, only the stronger sex can cook sushi. The reason is rather strange - in women, the body temperature is slightly higher, which will negatively affect the taste of the dish.
  • In Japan, there are special machines for making sushi, but they are not popular.
  • To become a sushi chef, you need to unlearn a total of five years - 2 years in rice and 3 years in fish.
  • When choosing sushi, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers, because this dish can cause poisoning due to improperly processed fish.
  • By their properties, sushi is equated to antidepressants.

Sushi is a very popular dish all over the world, don't be afraid to try it. For the Japanese, this is everyday food, which is probably why they are the main long-livers on our planet.

Sushi or sushi is a Japanese dish. getting ready sushi from rice and various seafood. There are many varieties sushi, differing in the method of preparation. Roll is a type of sushi. About what else are sushi read this article.

Makizushi (rolls, maki sushi, norimaki sushi)- This sushi wrapped in a sheet of nori, makizushi, which means rolled sushi. After the roll is rolled, it is cut into 6 or 8 pieces. Rolls are divided into:

  • Hosomaki (thin rolls, plain rolls, small rolls) they are usually made with one filling and wrapped so that the nori sheet is on the outside, 2-3 centimeters in diameter. Usually a small sheet of nori or half of a large sheet is used for such rolls.
  • Futomaki (thick rolls, large rolls, signature rolls) are made with several fillings in various combinations. They are made from a large sheet of nori, about 5 centimeters in diameter.

  • Uramaki (rolls inside out)- wrapped in such a way that the rice is on the outside, and the filling is in the center, wrapped in a sheet of nori. Such rolls are made from a small sheet of nori or from half a large one.

  • Temaki (cones, bags)- nori sheets are made into a cone, which is filled with rice and stuffing. The length of such a roll is about 10 centimeters.

Nigirizushi (nigiri sushi) are a small lump of rice with a piece of fish on top, sometimes all this is tied with a thin strip of nori.

Gunkan-maki (gunkanmaki, gunkans, boats)- oval-shaped, framed with a strip of nori along the perimeter, the filling is laid out on top. Gunkan-maki in translation means roll-ship.

Oshizushi (pressed sushi)- sushi in the form of sticks, made using a wooden device called oshibako.

IN osabiko rice and stuffing are placed in layers, after which it is all pressed together and cut into small pieces.

Inarizushi (inari stuffed with sushi)- small bags of tofu filled with rice and other fillings.

tirashizushi- a plate with rice and various seafood. There are two types of such plates.

Recently, oriental exotic is becoming more and more popular. We set up pavilions with pagodas in our dachas, set up a rock garden, read tanks and haiku. But, perhaps, the most demanded gift of the eastern world is Japanese cuisine, the dishes of which have come to the liking of modern Westerners. At the same time, almost anyone can afford sushi with delivery, because their cost is quite democratic. Initially, in Japan, this dish was considered the food of the poor. This is not surprising, because sushi and rolls are prepared from the simplest and most affordable ingredients. At the moment, they are offered both in inexpensive cafes and in prestigious restaurants. If you are interested in home delivery of rolls, first of all you need to figure out how they differ from sushi.

What is sushi?

Sushi, or as they are called in Japanese - sushi, is a traditional dish of the cuisine of the land of the rising sun. This is due to the fact that fish and rice, from which the dish is prepared, are the most affordable products in this region. If we talk about rice, then it is rightfully considered the main agricultural crop in Japan.

Once upon a time, the word "sushi" meant fish preparations, while rice was used as a preservative, which was not customary to eat. Over time, fish began to be preserved without the use of cereals. Throughout its history, sushi has undergone many changes. In the form in which the Japanese dish is known and loved by modern people, it appeared at the beginning of the last century. Since then, the appearance and composition of sushi has not changed much. For the first time, the dish was prepared by a Japanese chef using raw fish.

What is the difference between sushi and rolls?

Even lovers of oriental cuisine often do not know if there are differences between the concepts of "sushi" and "rolls". In fact, rolls are a type of dish called sushi. Although this Japanese food is very popular, it is still not known for certain who is its creator.

Sushi has an oval shape, they are a kind of rice cake, on which a small piece of fish is placed. The entire culinary composition is tied with a strip of nori seaweed. But the rolls, which in translation from English mean "twist", have a slightly different look. In this case, the rice and filling are inside the folded nori. This type of roll is called nori-maki. If the nori is wrapped inside, and the dish is sprinkled with sesame or caviar on top, then the roll is called uro-maki.

Composition of sushi and rolls

For the preparation of both sushi and rolls, the following products are used:

  • rice with a high gluten content;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • Japanese vinegar;
  • seafood, such as shrimp, eel or salmon.

To get nori, you also need to stock up on nori seaweed. As a filling, you can use cheese, cucumber, avocado and even meat. Fans of Japanese cuisine will appreciate this type of dish, like hot rolls.

Making sushi and rolls

Making sushi is a fairly straightforward process, you just need to make a cake out of rice and place the fish on top. With rolls, things are a little more complicated. First of all, you need to spread the rice over the nori, and then lay the filling. Next, you need to twist the rolls using a special bamboo mat. When the roll is formed, it must be carefully cut into how many pieces. The result should be medium-sized rolls with evenly distributed filling and rice.

It turns out that sushi is small cakes with rice and seafood, which are made by hand. Rolls, in turn, are a roll of nori seaweed, rice and stuffing, which is wrapped in a mat and can be either cold or hot.

Sushi, or as they say the Japanese - sushi- a traditional Japanese dish, the main ingredient of which is rice.

In our area, it is customary to call all types of sushi "sushi", but our favorite dish is rolls, the real name of which is - maki or makizushi, which in translation means - swirling sushi. So you can ask the following question:

What is the difference between rolls and sushi?

Sushi- a small lump of specially prepared rice, formed by hands, on which a small piece of fish is placed.

- a dish wrapped in a sheet of nori, using a bamboo mat in a cylindrical shape. Moreover, there are recipes when rice is wrapped with food inside the nori, and there are outside, the so-called purl rolls, for example, Philadelphia rolls.

The history of the emergence of sushi

Sushi (寿司), originally, in the old days - a way to store fish. 2 hieroglyphs in the name are translated as “pickled fish”, “preparation for longevity” and simply as “wishing happiness”.

The fish was salted, covered with layers of rice and stored under pressure. In this form, the fish was stored from several months to a year, after which, the rice was simply thrown away. An interesting fact is that this method of storing fish came to Japan from China, but it was in Japan that it was reformed into the current, beloved by almost everyone, dish.

The very dish "Sushi", which we fell in love with them, appeared in the 19th century, in the city of Edo (the old name for modern Tokyo). Its creator was Johei, an ordinary sushi master who made a bun out of rice, added a little wasabi (Japanese horseradish with an antiseptic effect) to it and covered it with a piece of fish. The dish was called "nigiri sushi" (nigiri in Japanese is a handful).

A sushi master could be called a person who would cook 10 nigiri sushi and 1 sushi roll from 1 glass of raw rice. It was this portion that was strictly rationed after the 2nd World War.

Real Japanese sushi mainly uses raw sea fish (tuna, salmon, eel, mackerel, etc.). The sushi itself is made by hand.

Types of sushi

A little earlier, dear readers, we have already discussed with you how sushi differs from rolls, now let's look at what types of sushi and types of rolls are?

  • Makizushi (rolls)

Rolls are divided into:

hosomaki or monorolls- thin rolls wrapped in half a nori sheet containing rice and 1 type of fish or seafood inside (the most popular: roll with salmon, roll with tuna, roll with cucumber);

futomaki- large rolls wrapped in a whole sheet of nori, in addition to rice, it includes several types of fish and vegetables in various combinations;

uramaki- inside-out rolls, which have rice on the outside, and several ingredients inside, rice can be wrapped in fish, sprinkled with caviar or sesame.

  • Temaki

Temaki is a cone of nori sheets filled with rice and various fillings.

  • Nigirizushi or nigiri sushi

Nigirizushi is a ball of rice with a piece of fish on top, sometimes tied with a thin strip of nori.

  • Gunkanmaki or gunkans

Gunkanmaki are oval-shaped sushi boats surrounded by a thick strip of nori across the width, and stuffing is laid out on top.

  • Oshizushi

Oshizushi is pressed sushi in the form of sticks, made using a device made of wood called oshibako. Rice and stuffing are placed in layers in this device, everything is pressed and cut.

  • inarizushi or inari

Inarizushi literally means stuffed sushi. Tofu bags filled with rice and stuffed with fish and seafood.

  • tirashizushi

Tirashizushi is a bowl of rice and a variety of seafood. The dish is divided into 2 types:

edomae chirashizushi- fish, seafood and vegetables are placed on top of rice;

gomokuzushi– the ingredients are mixed with rice.

How to cook sushi?

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— Recipes for sushi and rolls.

Tags: sushi, rolls, roll, Japanese cuisine, types of sushi, types of rolls, makizushi, hosomaki, monorolls, futomaki, uramaki, temaki, nigirizushi, nigiri sushi, gunkanmaki, gunkans, oshizushi, inarizushi, inari, tirashizushi, edomae tirasizushi, gomokuzushi

They have taken root in Russia, although this dish comes from Japan. The basis is most often nori sheets, rice and seafood. Although there are options with chicken or meat. There are a lot of types of roll. However, we will only talk about the most popular and favorite options by the people. It is also worth noting that some of them are interesting for their form, not content. Many restaurants come up with very complex toppings, but classic versions of the dish are still popular.

Filling options. What can be in the rolls?

Why know the name of the main types of rolls, if all the ingredients are listed on the menu? First of all, it helps the buyer or client of the restaurant to navigate the variety of dishes. Many establishments separate the rolls into different pages, depending on which variety this or that option belongs to.

The types of rolls shown in the photo are the most popular among visitors to Japanese restaurants. Sushi is prepared by professionals.

On the menu, images of rolls are not always placed under the dish itself. This is often the fault of small establishments. Here it is extremely important to imagine how this or that dish will look like in the end, so as not to be disappointed in Japanese cuisine.

Any seafood can be used as a filling for rolls, for example, fish, mussels, eel or squid. You can also use more European options, tongue, chicken, pork or bacon.

Benefits of rolls Why should they be eaten?

It is noteworthy that rolls are healthy food. If you eat them in a good institution where they monitor the quality of products, then this dish will only benefit the body. In order to understand what exactly this or that roll contains, you should analyze its composition. The main types of sushi contain nori and rice. The rest is subject to change.

Norias are algae. Even in the pressed and dried form, in which they are used in cooking, they contain a decent amount of iodine. It is known to have a beneficial effect on brain function, helps develop memory and has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.

Rice also contains vitamin B. Therefore, this product should be eaten by those who are prone to stress. It is also recommended for women during menopause.

Analysis of Philadelphia. The composition of the popular dish

What types of roll are the most popular? Probably, many will choose Philadelphia. The composition of this dish necessarily contains cream cheese and red fish. Therefore, this product contains fats, and in large quantities. But do not be afraid of this fact! These fats are essential for the female body. Their absence or insufficient amount is detrimental, as it leads to problems with menstruation.

However, to soften this dish, it is better to choose the option with cucumber, and not with avocado. The combination of rice, red fish and fresh vegetable makes the rolls a truly balanced lunch or dinner option.

Maki - the usual rolls

Types of rolls with the name maki are a variant of sushi familiar to the inhabitants. In translation, the name of the dish means roll. And so it happens. Maki is a roll, that is, rice, nori and stuffing rolled up in this way.

By the way, in this dish, the filling can be located on the elevator, or it can be hidden inside. Omelet, crab meat, red and white fish, eel are used as the basis for rolls. Also an open variant, where rice wraps each piece rather than hiding under seaweed, is often garnished with caviar or sesame seeds. For these purposes, finely chopped greens or cabbage can be used.

Usually one big roll is immediately rolled up. After that, it is cut into small, approximately identical parts. Types of rolls and their composition may vary, but the method of preparation is usually not changed. A noria sheet is laid out on a bamboo mat - this is seaweed. They put specially processed rice on them. Now, the actions of the cook change, depending on which roll is being prepared. With the closed version, the filling is laid directly on the rice, for example, cucumber and fish, and the dish itself is rolled up into a tight roll.

If an open version is being prepared, then the roll is turned over with rice so that the noria sheet is on top. It is rolled up, and the filling is placed on top. The finished roll is divided into pieces, usually six or eight cubes of equal size.

Nigiri sushi

A dish with this name is, in fact, the simplest type of rolls. It is a lump of rice prepared in a special way. It is noteworthy that the groats, which have been boiled properly, using rice vinegar and other spices, are very plastic, but keep their shape. It is thanks to this that rolls of such a plan are convenient to eat with chopsticks, since they do not unfold.

As a filling, I mainly use red fish. It is placed directly on the rice. Sometimes it is attached to it with a strip of nori, like a rope. Also, the filling for rolls of such a plan can be squid, oysters, less often - quail eggs.

Oshizushi - new filling position

Rolls with this name are interesting for their structure. In them, rice and filling are arranged in layers. They are placed in special forms. It is noteworthy that this type of dish can be considered one of the most ancient! In Japan, food was stored in this way so that it would not spoil. To do this, fish, salt and rice were laid out in layers, and then put under oppression.

In principle, the structure of the preparation of this type of sushi has not changed. Only the toppings change. Each chef prepares his own dish. Also, before serving, sushi is cut into squares and only then taken out into the hall.

Gunkan nigiri

Gunkan niri is another interesting type of roll. Their name and photo are familiar to many. Surely, visitors to Japanese restaurants paid attention to sushi, which are sold one at a time. They are a vessel made of nori, rice. The crushed stuffing is placed in it. One of the most famous is red caviar. Sometimes flying fish roe, which is smaller in size, is also used.

The fillings for this type of rolls are often crushed, as it is convenient to apply them in this form. For example, you can find Gunkan with shredded shrimp in cream cheese. You can also arrange traditional sushi, if the filling for them is crushed into puree.

This group also includes yaki sushi. These are the same gunkans, but baked. Considered a delicacy. A special sauce is added to ordinary sushi, which forms a cap when baked, saving the ingredients from boiling.

Hosomaki - rolls with one ingredient

Hosomaki is the so-called monoroll. The product can also be called one-component. What types and names of rolls can be found here? These are the very classic and everyone's favorite options with eel or cucumber. In general, all those in which only one ingredient acts as a filling. It is noteworthy that it is this option that doctors consider the most useful.

The fact is that many rolls are overloaded with ingredients, sometimes quite heavy. Heavy cheese, mayonnaise, and fatty avocado are put in the same dish. In the one-piece version of the rolls, this is not the case. Here in the composition you can find only rice, nori and the main ingredient itself.

These rolls are prepared in the same way as the rest. Often the filling is tuna, red fish, shrimp, cucumber, less often - bell pepper, eel or crab meat. You can also highlight a special group of rolls with one ingredient. These are sushi with a special sauce - spicy. This is the designation for a spicy version of a familiar dish.

An interesting fact is that kappa maki stand apart in this group. These are cucumber rolls. This vegetarian option has gained popularity. It pleases with the fact that its taste is quite fresh and pleasant. It is for this reason that he was singled out as an independent group of rolls.

Futomaki - interesting and big

Rolls with this name appeared from the previous type. They are twice as large as hosomaki. And they can include two or even three ingredients.

Appearance, not counting the size, coincides with one-component rolls. Caviar of flying fish, salmon or crab, shrimp or eel is placed inside. There is also a vegetarian option available. So, tomatoes, bell peppers and cucumbers can act as fillings, the latter can be replaced by avocados.

Rolls have become very popular in our country. Each restaurant strives to create its own dishes, which have never been heard of in Japan. However, you can find those types of rolls that have remained unchanged. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with their classification in advance in order to be able to choose.
