
What is a food basket. What is included in the consumer basket

And this is without oysters, black caviar and alcohol.

According to Rosstat, the cost of the minimum, of course, average, monthly set of products per person has reached 3,677.6 rubles. But at the same time, the most expensive food basket is in Chukotka: more than 9 thousand. And the cheapest - in the Kursk and Saratov regions: below three. Petersburg (4475.2 rubles) is traditionally at least slightly ahead of Moscow - 4430.5 rubles. But, honestly, is it possible to survive on that kind of money? The authorities, apparently, believe that these meager funds will be enough to fight hunger, especially for pensioners. And how much should a middle-aged person spend on food in order to make a career, and not be distracted by thoughts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

To begin with, let's determine who we will root for, or rather, who our average working person is. There is no particularly difficult choice here. Again, Rosstat constantly updates data on average wages. In Russia, it exceeded 34 thousand rubles, in Moscow it came close to 70. Therefore, let's take the average working Muscovite (there is where to turn around). And let's apply the "Rosstat" structure of necessary food to it: bread, cereals, pasta (23%), dairy products (21.2%), meat products (18.4%), fruits and vegetables (17.7%), as well as fish, eggs, sugar, etc. And we will recalculate on the basis of our own monitoring of retail chains, mainly economy class (and by no means "premier" - that is, stores with especially high prices), how much food is actually needed in order not to fight hunger, but to work successfully and build a personal life .

Our conditional buyer has the means to afford healthy eating, so he takes unleavened bread. Judging by the price, it is not baked from grade 5 wheat (for livestock feed), which is often mixed into “economy” bread. 300 grams of white will cost 51.9 rubles, and 220 grams of black - 74.9.

We go further to the grocery. We take branded buckwheat - at 101.9 per 1 kg, rice is also not cheap - italic at 159.9, spaghetti (500 g) - 68.5, sugar - 65.9, sunflower oil- 129.9. A rare sir (even Russian) will do without oatmeal. We take Finnish flakes weighing 500 g for 126.9. 780 rubles will be spent on groceries with bread.

Buying milk in a regular supermarket is a risky business. Inadvertently, you can get on antibiotics. The healthy food distribution network sounds more convincing - we will stock up there. Milk 3.2% (1 liter) - 49 rubles, cottage cheese 9% - 128, sour cream - 110. Here we take live eggs from a proven farm laying hen at 120 rubles per dozen. regular eggs with seals to taste some kind of rubber. Maybe because they are conveyor, without meadow grazing of chickens.

But with cheeses, the problem came out. Our client does not like the domestic "Russian" at 600 rubles per 1 kg - he prefers, you see, Swiss. In a middle-class store, his habit will cost 2480 rubles, cut off 500 g - 1240 rubles. The "milk" with cheese and eggs will cost 1647 rubles.

The fish of our time is not only expensive, but also dangerous. Especially in the form of cut pieces and preserves, generously sprinkled with preservatives. What only experts do not find there: both staphylococcus, and mushrooms, and mold ... In general store our man will not go, but will go to a specialized fish shop, where he will ask to cut a piece from a whole carcass. Pamper yourself with sturgeon for 2300 rubles. for 1 kg, take half a kilo (1150).

The dubious composition of sausages and frankfurters is known to everyone. Nevertheless, they are classified as meat-containing products. We will not take them - chilled meat is better. 1 kg of beef pulp will cost a resident of the capital 540-580 rubles. The price of meat with fish is just over 1700.

For vegetables, we will go to the weekend fair, where farmers trade. Young Azerbaijani potatoes - 65 rubles per 1 kg, onions, carrots, cabbage - 45, zucchini and young beets - 100. Cucumbers and tomatoes (so far greenhouse) - 180 and 300 rubles, respectively.

From fruits, we count apples (145 rubles per 1 kg), pears (120), Uzbek lemons (495), grapes (220), bananas (99.9). From berries - cherries for 400 rubles. We will spend 2360 rubles on vegetables and fruits.

Let's drink everything with water without gas of the French brand - 115 rubles for 1.5 liters. And let's have something for dessert: berry cake for 240, as well as 100 g of tea (250) and coffee (275). Total 880.

We summarize - and we get almost 7400 rubles. Note that we are average check did not include alcohol, tobacco, caviar and expensive seafood such as oysters, as well as condoms.

At first glance, the discrepancy with the Rosstat average for Moscow of 4430 rubles. not so flashy. But there is a problem: for 4430 rubles, we, Muscovites, are offered to live for a whole month. A trip to the networks and fairs is unlikely to feed us for so long. Most of the products on our list will have to be replenished. So let's multiply 7400 by at least three or even four weeks. The spread will be from 22,200 to 29,600 rubles. That is, almost half of the average salary in Moscow is actually spent on food. And this is for one person. It already looks like the truth.

But you still have to fork out for housing and communal services, transport, medicines, related products, which, like food, are constantly rising in price. As a result, there is almost no money left for clothes, shoes, gadgets and entertainment. What is there to say about the support of the younger generation! Here it is, the crisis in reality ...

Usually every five years, a new consumer basket is determined, and the last time this process was carried out in 2013. That is why no significant changes will be made in 2019. It can be expected that the official consumer basket in 2019 will be almost the same as last year.

What is the official consumer basket

It is important to first know what this term is. The consumer basket is special list goods that provide normal and comfortable living for a Russian citizen, who with their help can satisfy his basic needs for food and drink. It is this list that is the basis in accordance with which the size of the subsistence minimum in the country and regions is determined.

The composition of the consumer basket includes three separate groups:

    • foodstuffs occupy half of the basket, but Russian families usually spend most their earnings, but in most European countries no more than 20% of income is spent for these purposes;
    • non-food products, which includes clothing and footwear, as well as medicines;
  • services which receive the least amount of money, and this includes paying for utilities and public transport, services of hairdressers and other organizations, with about 5% of income spent on these purposes in families in Russia.

Groceries in the shopping cart

IN daily allowance per person in 2019 includes:

    • bread - 300 grams;
    • potatoes - 280 grams;
    • - 80 grams;
    • meat - 160 grams;
    • fish - 50 grams;
    • vegetables - 300 grams;
    • fresh herbs and fruits - 160 grams;
    • and sweets and spices - 60 grams;
  • chicken egg - 1/2 pieces.

Even grams are allocated for each person, but these indicators are averaged. It is believed that in 2019, in the consumer basket, in most cases, only healthy and healthy foods, as the consumption of sweets, potatoes and bread decreased significantly, while the consumption of fish, vegetables and meat increased.

However, it should be noted that in 2019 there are no special and cardinal changes in the consumer basket compared to several previous years. In some regions, the cost of this indicator may vary, but not much. Experts believe that in consumer basket too little food is included, so it is considered extremely poor. The most expensive baskets are in the northern regions of the country, as well as in the largest regions.

In the capital, the consumer basket is about 5 thousand rubles, but if you buy products in an economy class store, and if you buy in a middle class retail chain, then the cost will already be about 11 thousand rubles. In accordance with these figures, it is assumed that the subsistence minimum in the country should not be less than 10 thousand rubles, and in some regions it should even reach 20 thousand rubles, but the real figures are far from this.

It should be noted that the food part of the food basket increased by an average of 4.2% in 2019 compared to last year, but if you break down this increase, you can see the following:

    1. for children, the increase was 4.1%;
    1. for non-working pensioners - 8%;
  1. for working people - 3.2%.

However, it is precisely the largest part of the population, represented by working citizens, who will practically not feel any changes, although it is they who are responsible for the food of children and the elderly. Changes in the food basket in 2019 affected only food products.

What data can be gleaned from other countries?

Compared to the indicators of other developed countries in Russia, the official consumer basket in 2019 is largely inferior. There is a backlog not only in the content, but even in the number of goods that are included in the basket. For comparison, in the Russian Federation, the basket includes 156 goods, but in Germany 475. As a result, we can say that the nutrition of Russian citizens is monotonous.

In addition, it should be noted that in the Russian consumer basket, food products account for the most part, while in most European countries more attention is paid to services and non-food products. This suggests that the Russians are forced to spend most of their income on food, and they simply do not have money left to buy other things and objects.

Expert opinion on the account of the Russian consumer basket

Some experts and even officials argue that cardinal and significant changes should be made to the composition and cost of the consumer basket in Russia. The fact is that the available indicators are unsuitable for the normal life of any person. However, no innovations are expected in the near future, as this should be accompanied by numerous and hard work and the results can be unpredictable.

Everyone understands that in 2019 and beyond, the consumer basket should provide people with products that can provide a normal and healthy diet. However, at present it is a list of products that are enough for existence and survival, and not for a good life.

An experiment was even carried out, which consisted in the fact that ordinary Moscow residents received money equal to the cost of a consumer basket, after which they lived on it for a month. However, as a result, to purchase only those items that are indicated in the basket in the right size, you need twice as much money.

Thus, in 2019, no special and fundamental changes were made to the consumer basket, and now many experts and officials are talking about the need to make important innovations in this indicator in order to bring it closer to real conditions.

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If you plan to buy groceries a week in advance, you will save your budget and provide your diet with everything you need. useful components. After all, every time you go to the store, you buy extra products and not always helpful. For example, you go hungry to the store and buy a chocolate bar, a sandwich, etc. Going to the store once a week will allow you to buy healthy food for the whole week, and you will not buy various unnecessary products. The list of products for the week should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, canned food, meat products, products for garnish and others. Let's look at each food group in more detail so that you understand how useful and necessary this or that food is. Adjust the number of products, taking into account your daily requirement in calories.


Vegetables contain fiber and should be on your table every day. Vegetables contain various vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, C, PP, P, A. Useful material, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, boron, nickel, copper. Vegetables are good for of cardio-vascular system, for skin, hair, teeth, nails, improve metabolism in the human body, make health strong.

List of products (vegetables) for a week:

  • Potato
  • Beet
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • cucumbers
  • Radish
  • Broccoli
  • Garlic
  • Beet
  • beans or peas
  • Pepper red and green
  • Greenery

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Fruits are rich in vitamins: C, D, P, groups B, A, E. Useful substances in fruits: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, iodine, zinc, copper, carotene, folic acid, pectin, potassium, beta-carotene. Fruits provide a person with useful components, minerals, strengthen the immune system and protect our body from environmental influences. Everyone should eat fruits: children, men, women. Several times a week - be sure to eat fruit.

List of products (fruits) for the week:

  • Bananas
  • tangerines
  • Lemon
  • oranges
  • A pineapple
  • apricots
  • plums
  • Apples

Milk products

Dairy products contain animal proteins that are good for muscles. Also, dairy products contain fat, this fat is considered not useful, because. it is of animal origin, and fat is useful plant origin and Omega-3 fatty acid. Buy dairy products from the minimum amount fat, for example 0.5%. Dairy products contain vitamins B, A, H, PP, D. Useful substances: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron. Milk is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, in traditional and traditional medicine. Low-fat milk is good for everyone, and children are recommended to drink it with early age if there is no allergy. Carefully look at the expiration date on the packaging, because milk and other dairy products can be stored for no more than 5 days. In a month, you need to eat dairy products for 20-25 days, and rest from it for 5-10 days.

List of dairy products for the week:

  • Kefir
  • Milk
  • curdled milk
  • Yogurt
  • Sour cream
  • Ryazhenka
  • snowball
  • Cottage cheese

Products for garnish

You can serve porridge, spaghetti and other dishes as a side dish. They contain carbohydrates, which provide our body with energy for the whole day. Porridge contains vitamins E, H, PP, group B. Useful substances: calcium, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, nickel, iron, aluminum, zinc, cobalt, iodine, silicon, copper, manganese, boron, vanadium, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium, selenium. The vegetable protein included in the composition is useful for maintaining muscle tone. Porridges are useful for the gastrointestinal tract.

List of products for a side dish for a week:

  • Noodles (from coarse wheat varieties)
  • Buckwheat
  • Spaghetti
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Potato
  • Various cereals

Meat products

in meat healthy proteins animal origin and bad fats animal origin. For good health, meat must be chosen with the smallest content fat. Meat contains vitamins B, A, H, C, E, PP, beta-carotene, choline. Useful substances: iron, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, chromium, manganese, copper, zinc. Chicken meat is good for recuperation, for metabolic processes in the body. Vitamins, group B are useful for hair, nails, skin. Chicken is good for children, adults and the elderly. Include chicken in your diet a few days a month, be sure.

List of meat products:

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Meatballs
  • cutlets
  • Pork

Fish and seafood

Fish contains omega-3 fats, which are very healthy. Animal protein for strengthening muscle fibers. Vitamins of group B, A, PP, C, E. Useful substances: potassium, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, nickel, iron, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper. Fish and seafood well replenish the reserves of minerals in the body, reduce the content bad cholesterol in the blood, improve performance endocrine system and hearts.

List of fish and seafood for the week:

  • Pollock
  • sea ​​kale
  • Sprat
  • Squid
  • Shrimps
  • Cod
  • Herring
  • Canned fish
  • Pink salmon

Other products for the week

  • Sugar
  • Pepper
  • Yeast
  • Vinegar
  • Various condiments
  • Vegetable and olive oil
  • Black tea
  • Green tea
  • Cocoa
  • Bay leaf
  • Mustard
  • Mushrooms
  • Don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. When you are hungry, you are ready to eat everything in unlimited quantities and often pick up all sorts of sweets and other, less healthy food. On a full stomach - your thinking becomes reasonable and you can safely buy food for a week or a month according to a pre-prepared list.
  • Visit shops in good mood. In a depressed state, you also buy a lot of extra food, sweet, fatty, starchy foods, etc. This is how you try to cheer yourself up. You don’t need to do this, if you are in a bad mood, then cheer up and go shopping, only in your right mind and memory, save your budget and take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.
  • Choose a smaller cart or take a basket. Psychologically, when you have a small capacity, then you tend to buy less food. Thus, unwanted purchases will bypass you. It's better to take a basket and here's why. In the cart, you do not feel the weight of the food, and the basket with each food placed in it adds weight. Thus, it becomes difficult for you to carry the basket and you want to go to the cashier as soon as possible and pay, thus you do not buy extra food, but only the necessary one.

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The consumer basket is a set of goods and services that provide a comfortable and full-fledged stay of a person throughout the year and satisfy his minimum needs. The composition of the consumer basket directly affects the subsistence minimum, which is reviewed every year depending on the price level.

What is included in the consumer basket in 2016?

On January 1, 2013, a new consumer basket came into force, which will be valid until 2021.

The consumer basket primarily includes food products, which make up about 50% of its value (for comparison, in Western Europe, this figure does not exceed 20%). It is worth mentioning that most Russian families also spend more than half of the family budget on food.

The second group includes non-food products - clothes, shoes, hats, underwear, medicines.

Well, the third group of the consumer basket consists of services: utilities, transport costs, cultural events, and so on.

So, if you look at the table below, which shows the products and services included in the consumer basket for 2016, you will see that according to government calculations, an able-bodied citizen consumes 100.4 kg per year. potatoes, 114.6 kg. vegetables, 60 kg. fresh fruit, 126.5 kg. bread and bakery products, 58.6 kg. meat and 18.5 kg of fish products, respectively. Cultural services account for 5% of the total monthly expenses.

What does this mean per person per day?

This means that the average citizen Russian Federation for a normal existence, he must consume 300 g of bread per day, potatoes - 280 g, vegetables - 300 g, fresh fruits - 160 g, sweets - 60 g, milk and dairy products - 800 g, vegetable oil and fats - 40 g.

And also, once every 2 days, eat one egg, be content with 160 g of meat per day, and, well, consume 350 g of fish per week. As for cultural development, here an able-bodied Russian citizen has a chance to go to the cinema or theater once a month on his subsistence minimum, for more money is not provided for these purposes.

In particular, we have: In the Sverdlovsk region, they want to increase the cost of living for the 2nd quarter of 2016 for 5 rubles compared to the current rate.

The draft resolution of the regional government states that from April it will amount to 9,675 rubles per capita per month.

The subsistence minimum for pensioners will increase by 21 rubles - up to 7,976 rubles a month, and by 84 rubles - up to 9,964 rubles - for children.

The cost of living for the working-age population will decrease. True, it is also insignificant - by 10 rubles, up to 10 thousand 309 rubles a month.

The subsistence minimum is calculated on the basis of the consumer basket.

When the subsistence minimum for the first three months of 2016 was set at a meeting of the regional government, it was 4.4% lower than in the 4th quarter of 2015. Then the Minister of Economy of the region Dmitry Nozhenko explained that when calculating the social indicator for the first quarter, they use prices for August-October 2015 and, as a rule, at this time, potatoes and vegetables, which occupy 15-20% of the food basket of the consumer basket, become cheaper.

The minister noted that food prices for November-December 2015 will be taken into account when calculating the subsistence minimum in the Sverdlovsk region for the second quarter of 2016. Since it changes insignificantly, it can be concluded that statistical authorities did not reveal a significant increase in prices during this period.

And in conclusion, we give one more table - the consumer basket of the USSR, i.e. a set of basic food products according to the norms recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and VNIIKS, in comparison with the consumer basket of today's Russia, planned for you and me by Rosstat:

It shows how the Russian government is trying to save calories in today's food basket - at the expense of the cheapest products - cereals, flour and bread, and even at the expense of potatoes. But foods containing proteins and vitamins, without which it cannot be good nutrition, and hence also healthy people, reduced to the limit.

Living wage- this is the minimum level of income at which a person is able to support his life by paying for the most necessary things: food, accommodation, medical treatment and some Additional services. All these services and goods are included in the consumer basket, and the cost of living is determined based on its composition, as well as the level of consumer prices.

At the legislative level in the Russian Federation, the subsistence minimum is calculated in accordance with Federal Law No. 134-FZ of October 24, 1997 (the law "On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation"). In accordance with this document, its value should be reviewed quarterly in each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The consumer basket is a fairly important indicator of the economic development of any country. It clearly shows the level of well-being of citizens. Depending on the subsistence minimum and the size of the minimum wage, which are established by the state, the composition of the consumer basket is different. In some countries, even such luxury items as online dating are included in the list. In other states, this indicator is very meager and does not even provide necessary products nutrition. It all depends on how the country's economy can provide the basic needs of its population.

What determines the size of the consumer basket

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the fundamental law of the country, proclaims our state as a legal, democratic and socially oriented state. This means that the government is trying to provide citizens of its country decent conditions life, guaranteed minimum.

For the calculation, certain uniform standards are used, which are guaranteed by law. They allow you to determine the minimum needs of people, which are calculated according to a special basic methodology and are fixed normatively.

The main indicators in our country are:

  • living wage;
  • minimal salary;

These are the three basic components on which the economy relies. The living wage, as well as the consumer basket, in different regions Russian Federation have different indicators.

Products, goods and services

The living wage for all residents of Russia is established by the law of the Russian Federation No. 134. It was adopted on October 24, 1997.

If we speak by the letter of the law, then the living wage of a person is the cost of the consumer basket and mandatory payments and fees. If a person does not provide himself with a living wage fixed by the state, he has the right to receive benefits and benefits, subsidies and other types of guaranteed assistance. Simply put, he is below the poverty line when he cannot provide for his basic needs for various reasons. Then the government comes to the rescue.

The consumer basket of a Russian is a certain set of food products, everyday goods, clothing and footwear, as well as some necessary services, without which life is impossible and normal life person. To put it simply, this is a necessary minimum for every citizen of Russia.

The composition of the consumer basket directly depends on the economic well-being of the country. It differs significantly in different states. The higher the welfare of the country, the more filled the consumer basket. So, all calculations are made on the basis of how full the state budget is.

What is more important

Although all calculations (the sum of some taxes, contributions, payments, administrative fines, and so on) are based on the basic subsistence level, the consumer basket is still more important. economic indicator. It is on its basis that economists calculate the money that is necessary for the existence of each person. It directly affects the formation of the budget.

Calculations are made at two levels:

  1. Throughout the Russian Federation, it is determined what the consumer basket should be in Russia in its monetary and commodity equivalent. This is done by the government of the country and the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations. Then this norm is enshrined in federal law.
  2. Each subject of the Federation separately determines for itself what is included in the consumer basket and what its monetary equivalent will be. It depends not only on the economic state of the region. It also takes into account such components as the need of the local population for certain goods, climate, traditions, and so on.

How often changes are made

The cost of living in each region is reviewed every quarter and can change up or down four times a year. This is normal and legal.

But the minimum consumer basket is determined for the next five years. Last time it was revised in December 2012 (Federal Law No. 227). Therefore, there are no plans to revise this indicator this year. Although at the end of 2014 some changes and additions were made. It is clear that if the consumer basket was determined three or four years ago, and during this time products and goods have risen in price, then the price of the basket itself also rises. It becomes more expensive in terms of money.

The law (particularly Article 2) clearly states what is included in the consumer basket. It takes into account the main social and demographic subgroups of the population.

A clear ratio

It should be noted that the products of the consumer basket are defined by a specific clear list. Consumption rates are indicated in kilograms and liters per year. But the goods of the consumer basket in the list are indicated as a ratio in price with food products, which is expressed as a percentage.

In simple terms, the amount of goods and services should be 50 percent of the cost of food.

Thus, to find out the total price of a consumer basket, it is necessary to multiply the cost of grocery items by two.

It is easier to remember this data using the following formula:

Groceries + non-food products (they make up 50 percent of the products) + services (also half of the cost of the food basket) = consumer basket.

Even this scheme shows that half of their income has to be spent on feeding themselves.

What should be included in the consumer basket

So with percentage everything is clear, now let's move on to filling. The consumer basket is divided into three categories, which include:

  1. Food products, namely: cereals, flour products, vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products and others.
  2. Non-food items: clothing, shoes, Appliances, medical preparations.
  3. Utilities and other services: payment for housing, water, heat, electricity, gas, as well as expenses for public transport, trips to cultural places, etc.

In 2015, the Russian government, for example, decided to slightly reduce the number bakery products(up to 127 kg) and potatoes (the norm is 101 kg) per person. But the amount of meat has been increased - the norm is 59 kg per year. Also increased indicators of fish - up to 19 kg and dairy products. The norm of milk, kefir and sour cream is 293 liters per inhabitant of Russia.

Another feature - greens have been added to the diet. So in the food category, the changes were significant. But there are practically no changes in the other two categories of the consumer basket.

What will they feed us?

If we consider the norms of the consumer basket for Moscow and Muscovites, then this is what the picture will turn out to be. Each citizen can consume per day:

  • 370 grams of bread;
  • 290 grams of potatoes;
  • 370 grams of vegetables;
  • 180 grams of fruit;
  • 780 grams of dairy and sour-milk products;
  • 60 grams of sweets;
  • half an egg;
  • 70 grams of fish;
  • 180 meat.

In addition, the composition of the necessary products includes vegetable oil, tea, fats and so on. Such products are required in the diet. As you can see, there are no cheeses, seafood, alcohol, sweet drinks, delicacies.

It should be noted that the consumer basket in Moscow is designed for three main groups of the population. These are children, the working population and pensioners. In this case, the living wage is:

  • per capita - 12,145 rubles;
  • for pensioners - 8,528 rubles;
  • for children - 10 443 rubles.

Three categories of citizens

The calculation of the subsistence minimum for the capital takes into account the specifics of the region. For example, if in the country as a whole services should make up 50 percent of food products, then in Moscow (for the able-bodied population) they are within 127 percent. For pensioners and children, this ratio is slightly lower - 75 percent.

It should be noted that the consumer basket for the working population, pensioners and children has some differences. It has to do with basic needs and age. So, for pensioners, the norms of food and, accordingly, goods and services are lower by about 10 percent. As for children, here the norms of vegetables and fruits are higher than for the able-bodied population. This is due to the fact that a growing body requires more vitamins and fiber. This has been reflected.

There are geographical features as well. In the Murmansk region, for example, the number of food products included in the consumer basket is greater than in middle lane Russia. But the rate of consumption of vegetables is lower than in other regions of Russia.

Each time, before approving new norms for the consumer basket, a thorough consultation takes place with specialists - doctors and nutritionists. Guided by their recommendations, the commission draws up a list of products and their quantity.

What needs to be added

Naturally, the consumer basket of any country is a guaranteed minimum set of products, goods and services. Therefore, proposals constantly arise to expand this list, to supplement it with the necessary items of expenditure. Indeed, every year there are more and more services and goods, without which everyday life becomes impossible or inadequate.

Legislators and public figures in Russia propose to include such important aspects:

  • help of a hired nanny (very important due to the lack of places in kindergartens);
  • paid medical services;
  • home and vehicle insurance;
  • rental housing;
  • computers, laptops, etc.

In general, there are proposals to supplement the consumer basket with nine items.

Of course, these are things without which the life of a modern person is extremely difficult to imagine today. And of course, the new standard of living should be reflected in the consumer basket. But behind each position there should be a clear economic justification.

What do they have?

Of course, it is always interesting how things are with similar indicators in other countries? What is the size of the consumer basket, for example, in Europe?

Yes, compared to European countries the Russian basket will look somewhat sparse. It currently contains only 156 main items of products, goods and services. But in Great Britain there are more than 700 of them, in Germany - 475. In France, there are 250 items in the consumer basket, in the USA - 300, in England - 350. At the same time, in the UK, the composition of the consumer basket is adjusted annually. And there are such positions to which we are still very far away. These are, for example, expenses for the purchase of e-books, payment for various mobile applications for dating, as well as payment for the Internet, mobile communications and other "entertainment".

What is it connected with? Naturally, with general position affairs in the country's economy. The richer the state, the more it can afford to include names in this important socio-economic indicator. The lower the economic level of the country, the fewer items of mandatory goods and services in the consumer basket.

Pensions and subsidies depend on the basket

You can’t just take and enter the positions that are needed. After all, the law on the consumer basket assumes that such an important indicator as inflation is calculated on the basis of its value, and the amount of pension benefits, social payments and state subsidies is also determined. Therefore, you can not just put on the list those products and goods that you would like. After all, an increase in the subsistence minimum will lead to additional social burdens on the state. Will it then be able to fulfill its obligations?

Therefore, if you ask a person to at least approximately draw up his personal calculation of the consumer basket, then it will differ significantly from the official one.

Some more interesting facts

With the products that are part of the consumer basket, of course. But it is interesting what else is determined by this norm and for how many years.

As for household services, every Russian of working age can consume 285 liters of water per day, both hot and cold. Agree, this is very generous! Per month, according to the calculations of the consumer basket, it is possible to burn 10 cubic meters of natural gas, and consume only 50 kW of electricity. So with electricity you have to be more economical.

But interesting data about outerwear. According to the norms of the consumer basket, an able-bodied person is entitled to three items of the "upper coat group". And not for a year, but for 7 and a half years. But in different weather, appropriate clothing is also needed - a fur coat, jacket, overcoat, windbreaker, and so on. And then it already turns out that you can buy a new jacket once every 8-10 years! Women should wear a skirt very carefully, given that it should last 5 years. But shoes rely more - two pairs a year. Skeptics will say: is it possible to wear only two pairs whole year? A bra is designed for as much as 3 years, a business suit for 5 years, and trousers for 4 years.

But here it is worth recalling once again that the consumer basket of a Russian determines only the necessary minimum. And remember that with the growth of the country's welfare, the norms of the consumer basket are also growing.
