
Healthy cabbage salad. Purple Cabbage Salad: Digestive, Healing and Nutritional Benefits

For normal well-being, a person needs vitamins and minerals. If in summer there are no problems with filling our body with vitamins, then in winter it is a little more difficult. Fresh cabbage salad is very popular, which can be of several types: white, red, broccoli, cauliflower, Beijing. This is due not only to the enormous benefits of cabbage, but also to its availability at any time of the year. If you combine different foods in a vitamin salad with cabbage: carrots, sweet peppers, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes and others, then the body can be saturated with useful substances that are so necessary for health.

The main ingredient of the vitamin salad is cabbage. This vegetable is known to have many health benefits. For example, white cabbage includes vitamins: C, B1, K, PP, U; as well as a number of micro and macro elements: calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, aluminum. And red-headed - contains several times more carotene and vitamin C than traditional white-headed.

If cabbage is mixed with carrots or apples and seasoned with vegetable oil, then the body will additionally be saturated with vitamins: A, B, E, D, H, F, as well as iodine, chromium, boron, molybdenum, pectin, antioxidants, organic acids, essential oils, fiber.

Thanks to such a healthy dish, you can safely resist seasonal colds, extra pounds, purify the blood, normalize digestion, increase hemoglobin, strengthen and rejuvenate the body.

The traditional dressing of any vitamin cabbage salad, as a rule, is greens, vegetable oils: olive, linseed, sunflower and others.

When not to eat vitamin salad

There are practically no restrictions on the age and amount of vitamin salad consumption. Nevertheless, cabbage has some contraindications:

  • it is able to increase the acidity of the stomach, so it should not be carried away with pancreatitis or gastritis with high acidity during an exacerbation;
  • for people suffering from frequent flatulence, frequent consumption of cabbage can provoke bloating;
  • nursing mothers should limit the use of cabbage, as the substances contained in the vegetable will get along with the milk to the baby and cause colic;
  • the vinegar that is part of the salad, which is usually used as a dressing, is highly undesirable for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A healthy and no less tasty salad can be prepared without this ingredient.

In other cases, vitamin cabbage salad can be consumed without restrictions, at any time of the year if desired. It will bring maximum benefits to the body and help strengthen the immune system.

cabbage salad recipes

There are many variations in the preparation of vitamin salads. Consider the most popular recipes.

Salad "Vitamin" from cabbage and carrots


  • 0.5 kg. white cabbage;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 tbsp table vinegar;
  • 50 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • parsley, dill for decoration;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the cabbage, remove the top leaves.
  2. Chop into thin strips.
  3. Put it on a plate, sprinkle with salt, knead with your hands so that the cabbage gives juice.
  4. While the chopped vegetable is infused, take the carrots, wash and peel them.
  5. Three root crops on a coarse or Korean grater. We stretch our hands a little.
  6. Put chopped carrots in a bowl with cabbage and mix.

How to dress salad:

  1. To do this, we need vinegar (table, apple or wine), sugar and vegetable oil. If you don't like a salad with vinegar, this ingredient can be replaced with lemon juice.
  2. Mix well all the ingredients.
  3. Pour the mixture into the salad and mix it again.
  4. Vitamin salad from cabbage and carrots can be beautifully put in a salad bowl, sprinkled with herbs and served on the table with the main course.

Cabbage, Carrot and Pepper Salad


  • 0.5 kg. white cabbage;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • half a bell pepper (red, green, yellow);
  • 30 g green onions;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

How to cook:

  1. All vegetables are thoroughly cleaned and washed under running water.
  2. Shred cabbage and carrots into thin strips. Salt and squeeze a little with your hands.
  3. Slice the bell pepper into strips.
  4. Finely chop the greens, combine with vegetables and mix.

How to dress salad:

  1. Add vegetable oil to vegetables and herbs, mix the dish.
  2. Salad of cabbage, carrots and peppers is ready! Now it can be served at the table.

Salad of red (blue) cabbage with apple


  • 0.5 kg. red cabbage;
  • half a sweet apple;
  • 1 tbsp walnuts;
  • 1 tbsp olive oil;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

How to cook:

  1. Thoroughly wash the cabbage, do not forget to remove the top leaves.
  2. Cut the cabbage into strips, and apples into small slices.
  3. Put the chopped cabbage on a plate and decorate with apple slices on top.

How to dress salad:

  1. We take walnuts, grind them in a mortar.
  2. Mix "nut dust" with olive oil and pour over the salad. Bon appetit!

Cabbage is loved by many; unusually tasty salads are obtained from it. But in order to achieve a positive result, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Be sure to remove the top leaves from white or red cabbage, as they are rough and dirty.
  2. Refrigerate all vegetables before preparing the salad. This will increase the shelf life of the dish.
  3. All vitamin salads should be prepared immediately before use in order to preserve useful substances that are destroyed when exposed to air.
  4. Cabbage salad should be stored in enameled, glass or ceramic dishes in order to avoid unwanted negative reactions of products with the material of the dishes.
  5. Instead of vinegar, you can add a little lemon juice to the salad.
  6. Salt should be before dressing, otherwise the salt may not dissolve and the taste of the dish will be uneven.
  7. Many people prefer to dress cabbage salad with sour cream. However, fermented milk products and cabbage are an unfortunate combination that can negatively affect the digestion process.

As you can see, preparing a vitamin cabbage salad is very simple, easy and fast. To prepare such a healthy and tasty dish, you do not need to have much experience in cooking. Do not be afraid to add bright foods to the salad: greens, colorful bell peppers, carrots, apples, cucumber, tomato. They will not only decorate the salad, but also add maximum benefit to the dishes.

Continuing the theme of healthy or proper nutrition, I want to offer a recipe for a healthy cabbage salad. The composition of this salad includes Chinese cabbage and seaweed. If you do not like sea kale, replace it with white cabbage. This salad is great for an afternoon snack or as a side dish for dinner. So, in detail about how to cook a salad with seaweed.


  • Chinese cabbage 150 g
  • seaweed 100 g
  • 1 large tomato or sweet pepper
  • soy sauce (light) 1 tbsp
  • 1 garlic clove
  • olive oil or other vegetable oil 1 tsp
  • wine vinegar 1 tsp
  • dill or parsley
  • a few green basil leaves (optional)
  • lettuce leaves (optional)
  • salt, pepper to taste

Simple seaweed salad

Cooking a light salad with Chinese cabbage. This cabbage is the base of the salad. The rest of the ingredients can be changed to those vegetables that are in the refrigerator. For example, add cucumber if there are no tomatoes or peppers. Add greens to your liking.

Peking cabbage thinly shredded and spread in a deep bowl. 150 g of this cabbage is a fairly voluminous amount. Cut tomatoes or peppers into thin strips.

If you are preparing a salad of dried seaweed, then you must first soak it for a few minutes, then rinse, boil until tender and cool. Chop if necessary. I use store bought seaweed salad. Before adding it to a salad, I rinse it under cold water to wash off excess sugar or vinegar. Finely chop the garlic. I add to salad.

Now I cut the greens. Salt, pepper. I sprinkle with wine vinegar, soy sauce and oil.

I gently mix everything with two spoons or forks. I let it brew for a few minutes. Here's a salad you can cook with seaweed. Delicious, juicy and healthy! Eat right and be healthy!

Cabbage is such a familiar product that no one thinks about its amazing usefulness. But it is in this vegetable that all the vitamins that a person needs for normal life and to maintain efficiency are concentrated.

How useful is cabbage?

The most familiar to us is precisely white cabbage, which in its fresh state becomes an inexhaustible resource for obtaining vitamin C. Moreover, in a form that does not break down in the human body for a long time.

In addition, nondescript cabbage salad satisfies our need for the following substances:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sulfur;
  • aluminum;
  • folic acid, which is especially important for the expectant mother;
  • manganese and more.

The value of cabbage lies in the fact that it does not need to be cooked in any specific or complex ways, this is extremely important in the modern rhythm of life.

Even an ordinary recipe for fresh cabbage salad can become a source of the following components that are extremely important for a person:

  • Vitamin C, the deficiency of which immediately provokes chills, fatigue, frequent colds and decreased attention;
  • Vitamin B1, which is able to assist in weight loss, which is done by burning body fat and normalizing the metabolic process;
  • Vitamin K, the main value of which lies in the ability to improve the quality of blood and the degree of its coagulability;
  • Vitamin PP, which can improve the functioning of the digestive tract. This element is retained in the vegetable even after it has survived canning or heat treatment;
  • Vitamin U, without which the trouble-free course of such diseases as a duodenal ulcer or stomach ulcer is impossible.

the benefits of different cabbage

Our citizen is most familiar with white cabbage, which is best consumed in its raw state. To improve the taste, the vegetable is salted, flavored with spices, or a dressing is made for it from lemon juice, olive oil and mustard.

But on store shelves there is a huge selection of other cabbage, ignoring which is an unforgivable occupation.

Let's try to get to know each other better:

  • Savoy. Strengthens the nervous and digestive systems, improves the quality of the skin and is a source of vitamin B6 and E;
  • Redhead. It should be used to prepare salad, which will help to cope with skin and cardiovascular problems, will be beneficial for colds and flu;
  • Beijing or Chinese. Provides folic acid and vitamin C to the body. It is perfectly digested and is considered a dietary product. It should be used to make vitamin salads with apples and oranges;
  • Kohlrabi. It is a resource for obtaining sulfur, fructose, calcium, glucose and potassium. Serves as an excellent diuretic and cleanser. In the manufacture of snack dishes, it is customary to supplement kohlrabi with fresh cucumber, herbs, carrots and onions;
  • Brussels sprouts and broccoli. Very rarely served fresh, but stewed or steamed is a tasty and healthy dish.

Let's not forget about sea kale, which bears little resemblance to its land counterpart, but significantly exceeds it in terms of usefulness. With its help, megavitamin salads are made, filling the body with iodine, phosphorus, sodium and other substances.

while breastfeeding

Cabbage salad for a young nursing mother is an inexhaustible storehouse of important trace elements and minerals that help to recover from childbirth and regain their previous forms. However, according to the advice of nutritionists and obstetricians, a nursing woman should consume this product with extreme caution, introducing it into her diet in small doses.

And the point is not that it is aggressive towards the gastrointestinal tract, just cabbage salad with salted or fresh cucumber often provokes belching, gas formation and bloating.

The maximum harm that this vegetable can cause to a newborn is allergic reactions. You can learn about them only through trial and error, which forces mothers to be extremely suspicious of previously familiar dishes.

So, for example, the first cabbage salad with sweet pepper should be tried only a couple of weeks after delivery, but it is better to wait three months. If the baby reacts to your vegetable experiments with colic, bloating, or a violation of the stool, put the cabbage aside for at least six months.

Such a vegetable brings its benefits not only in the form of cabbage salad. If you attach cabbage leaves to your chest, it is quite possible to get rid of the most common nursing problems: mastitis, inflammation and engorgement of the breast, milk stagnation, and so on.


Cabbage has earned the status of an honored guest on our tables, if only due to the minimum list of restrictions on its consumption.

It is completely prohibited when:

  • spasms and bowel diseases, enterocolitis and other gastrointestinal problems, in which excessive swelling and spasms cause severe pain;
  • transferred heart attacks;
  • any pathological conditions of the stomach.

Cabbage salad or other similar preparations for the winter will not be required for those people who have a constant and high level of acidity.

But there is another attractive side to this vegetable, or rather, two whole. The first is its cheapness, and the second is simply a myriad of cooking options. It is already clear that your favorite dressing for fresh cabbage salad will completely change the original taste of the product, and make it more original and appetizing.

They play a huge role during many periods of life. Often you want to look great, have a beautiful, slim figure, so you start eating right, low-calorie meals. Snacks, without the addition of meat, can be safely used during fasting, as there is nothing in them that would be prohibited during this period. Of course, I would like to say that they are not only dietary, but also tasty and healthy in their composition. rich in vitamins, amino acids and trace elements. All these useful substances are actively involved in the vital processes of the body, which is important for the functioning of internal organs.

Dietary cabbage salad can also be called "", because it contains a large number of useful elements. Cabbage adds piquancy, fresh apple gives acidity, and carrots add a pleasant sweetness. Together, these products form a pleasant tandem of flavors, which is combined with a fragrant dressing. With such a dish, dieting is a pleasure.

For a dietary cabbage salad you need:

  • Fresh cabbage, white - 320 g;
  • Sour apples - 210 g;
  • Sweet carrots - 190 g;
  • Onion greens - 35 g;
  • Vinegar Balsamic - 20 ml;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • Olive oil - 60 ml;
  • Salt - 5 g.

Cabbage salad diet recipe:

  1. Peel the cabbage from the upper leaves, Chop the peeled part into thin strips, using a regular knife or grater for shredding. Put the prepared product in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, mash thoroughly with your hands so that the liquid stands out, and the pieces themselves soften.
  2. Apples should be chosen hard and juicy so that they crunch on your teeth. Wash them on top, peel, and cut the flesh into thin strips or grate for Korean vegetables.
  3. Wash fresh carrots, peel the skin with a thin layer, and chop the vegetable itself on a grater.
  4. Rinse green onions in cold water, chop into rings.
  5. For the dressing, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, and balsamic vinegar in a separate small bowl.
  6. Season the vegetables with the resulting sauce, mix.

TIP: In order to gently squeeze the juice of a lemon from its half, it is worth cutting off the right amount from the whole fruit, pierce the flesh with a sharp object, such as a fork or knife, so that the juice can be easily separated.

Diet cabbage and carrot salad

The recipe consists of some vegetables that have a large amount of coarse fiber. It is she who helps to cleanse the body, namely, the intestines, from toxins and all kinds of toxins. Surely, many people need such a procedure, since with today's life and the method of nutrition, large stagnations of harmful substances are stored inside each person.

Ingredients (four servings):

  • Fresh beets - 230 g;
  • Carrots - 190 g;
  • White cabbage - 330 g;
  • Fresh onion - 90 g;
  • Salt - 6 g;
  • Vinegar 9% - 5 ml;
  • Linseed oil - 50 ml.

Diet salad with cabbage and carrots:

  1. First you need to prepare the beets for grinding. It is necessary that all products are equally cut, so that they are simultaneously marinated with a spicy dressing. To do this, use a grater. Rinse fresh beets, peel them from the skin with a thin layer, rub on a grater with large holes.
  2. Carrots also wash from above, in a peel. Peel off the top layer, and grate the product itself.
  3. Peel the cabbage from the top layer, chop the clean vegetable into small strips.
  4. Peel the onion from the husk, cut the product into thin half rings.
  5. Add a very small amount of vinegar to linseed oil, salt the salad, season with the oil mixture and mix.

TIP: Lemon juice will help you quickly wash your hands from fresh beets. You can rub your palms with a slice of lemon, and then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Cabbage salad

This is replete with the presence of colorful vegetables, and it is this beautiful mixture that causes a great appetite. The products are selected with a delicate taste, perfectly combined with each other. A distinctive feature of the salad is that not all vegetables in this recipe are raw. There is also sauerkraut, which has very useful properties and a lot of vitamins.

For a dietary salad with cabbage:

  • Celery stalks - 190 g;
  • Tomatoes - 240 g;
  • Sauerkraut white - 180 g;
  • Fresh cabbage - 280 g;
  • Fresh onion - 30 g;
  • Salt - 7 g;
  • A mixture of aromatic peppers - 3 g;
  • Unscented vegetable oil - 70 ml.

Diet fresh cabbage salad:

  1. Squeeze sauerkraut from excess liquid, shorten the strips.
  2. Rinse fresh white cabbage, cut into strips.
  3. Celery should be chosen when buying very dense in its consistency. This means the freshness of this product. Rinse the stems well, grate or cut into thin sticks.
  4. Tomatoes should be chosen not very fleshy, it is better to pay attention to vegetables with dense walls. Separate the stalk from the washed tomato, cut into pieces.
  5. Peel the onion from the husk, chop into half rings.
  6. Season the salad with vegetable oil, sprinkle with pepper and salt, mix.
  7. Garnish with fresh herbs if desired.

Diet cabbage salad

This is one of the options for Greek salad, which will find many who want to try it. An excellent, dietary analogue of everyone's favorite salad, seasoned with a sauce with herbs and fragrant spices. Eating dietary products of this format is a pleasure.

Ingredients (4 servings):

  • White cabbage - 290 g;
  • Small tomatoes - 170 g;
  • Lettuce leaves - 90 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 170 g;
  • Salad onion - 80 g;
  • Lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • Lean refined oil - 50 ml;
  • Rosemary - 10 g;
  • Salt - 7 g;
  • Black pepper - 4 g;
  • Dried basil - 13 g.

Diet salad with cabbage:

  1. Wash the white cabbage and remove the top layer. Finely chop the rest.
  2. Rinse the tomatoes, cut into small pieces.
  3. Peel the bell pepper from the seeds, remove the stalk, cut into cubes.
  4. Peel the onion from the husk, cut into half rings.
  5. Rinse the lettuce leaves in cool water, pick them randomly with your hands.
  6. For the sauce, add lemon juice to vegetable oil, as well as black pepper, salt and herbs - rosemary and basil.
  7. Pour the chopped products with the resulting mixture, mix gently.

TIP: In order for the aroma of dried herbs to be revealed more strongly in the dressing, they should be heated for one minute in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly.

Diet cabbage and carrot salad

This version of the diet salad is more satisfying, as it includes legumes, which are also included in the diet, due to their usefulness and low calorie content. A great option to please your loved ones for dinner.

Products (for 4 servings):

  • Beets - 210 g;
  • Carrot - 180 g;
  • Onion - 110 g;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 170 g;
  • Peas - 90 g;
  • Cabbage - 280 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Mustard with grains - 20 g;
  • Wine vinegar - 25 g;
  • Salt - 7 g;
  • Sugar - 5 g.

Cabbage salad dietary:

  1. Peel and grate beets and carrots.
  2. Peel the onion, chop into half rings.
  3. Cucumbers cut into cubes.
  4. Cabbage, peeled and washed, chop.
  5. Drain the peas in a colander and drain off the excess marinade.
  6. For dressing, mix mustard, vinegar, salt and sugar with vegetable oil.
  7. Combine the prepared ingredients, pour over the dressing and mix.

The process of preparing dietary salads is not complicated, it consists in chopping the products that are used to create an appetizer. Basically, the dishes contain fresh vegetables that need to be washed and peeled, and then cut with a knife or grated. In any case, it does not take much time, so you can very quickly create a light and nutritious treat that is sure to please those present.
