
How to dilute citric acid powder. Why Make Artificial Lemon Juice?

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A white, sour-tasting crystalline substance is citric acid. Every hostess has it on the shelf. Citric acid is an essential component in the preservation of vegetables, berries and fruits, cooking compotes, sauces, soups, etc. In the production, citric acid is used in the preparation of jams, drinks, concentrated juices, mayonnaise, cheese sauce, ketchup, etc.

Citric acid as a medicine was isolated in 1784 from the juice of unripe lemons by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele. Previously, citric acid was obtained from lemon juice. Currently, the main production route is biosynthesis from sugar or sugary substances (molasses) by industrial strains of the mold fungus Aspergillus niger.

A few decades ago, a myth was spread in Western Europe that citric acid is the strongest carcinogen. However, scientists have disproved this myth. Citric acid is dangerous only because it is an acid that burns the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach only in very large quantities. It doesn’t matter if it’s dry or diluted - if there is a lot of acid in the dish, a burn is inevitable.
On the labels of juices, jams, cakes, sweets, jelly, ice cream, you can see the following inscription among the ingredients - E-330. This is nothing but citric acid.

The use of citric acid in everyday life

Citric acid is an amazing powder. With its help in everyday life, you can clean the dishes from scale, clean the washing machine from scale, silver - from dark deposits, the sole of the iron and much more. To clean the kettle, pour a little more than a tablespoon of citric acid to the bottom, pour in water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Under the influence of acid, hard scale softens. The same goes for the washing machine. Two full tablespoons are poured into the powder compartment, the machine is spinning idle, without laundry, at the highest temperature. Cleansing, and then prevention of scale formation is carried out 2 times a year, but not more often. To clean the iron, pour half a tablespoon of citric acid into a glass and pour in half the water, stir. Pour water into the iron, clean at maximum temperature over a basin of water, pressing the button several times. Then, in the same way, carry out the procedure with clean water to remove the remaining scale.

With the help of citric acid, you can clean silver jewelry, as well as silver dishes. A dessert spoon of citric acid is dissolved in a liter of warm water. The darkened products are put into the water, boiled, washed with running water.
Citric acid is used in cosmetology. A weak solution of citric acid lightens the skin (removes age spots and freckles), rinses the hair after shampooing.

On a note!

One tablespoon contains 25 grams of citric acid crystal powder, one teaspoon contains 8 grams of citric acid. It is important to know this in order to have an idea of ​​how much, for example, citric acid to add to compote if the recipe requires 5 grams or 100 grams to clean the washing machine.
Citric acid and lemon juice are interchangeable products, but it is better to avoid replacement, because. Lemon juice is still a natural product. Despite the fact that acid is called citric acid and gives dishes and drinks a sour taste, it does not have a lemon flavor.

Citric acid in cooking

When canning tomatoes, citric acid is added at the last stage, when the tomatoes are blanched and poured with a marinade consisting of water, salt, sugar and spices. Citric acid acts as a preservative, softens the taste of the marinade.

Citric acid is added in the same way to compotes at the stage when the berries are already blanched and sugar syrup is required to be poured. Citric acid is added to the syrup, or to a jar of berries.

Citric acid is sprinkled on the leg of lamb during the pickling process (a quarter of a teaspoon is enough for a leg of lamb weighing 2 kilograms.

Mayonnaise is prepared with citric acid, vinegar or lemon juice is replaced with acid diluted in water. The acid is diluted as follows: 1/4 teaspoon is diluted in a quarter cup of warm water.

Citric acid is added to the marinade for mushrooms. Pour citric acid into the water to taste, adding a little, stirring and tasting. It is enough to add 1/4 teaspoon of acid per liter.

Knead the dough with citric acid. Citric acid is added to cream or custard along with sugar to give it a pleasant, sweet and sour taste.

Modern technologists consider the old expensive method of producing such a common substance as citric acid from citrus fruits as ineffective. The benefits and harms of the commercially synthesized food additive E330 - “lemons” - depend on many factors: the purpose and rules of use, as well as human health.

An irreplaceable product is used not only in the preparation of culinary masterpieces and in cosmetology, but also for medicinal purposes and in everyday life. Crystalline white powder of citric acid is beneficial for the human body in most cases, but some precautions must be taken when using it.

Lemon production and its chemical composition

For the first time, citric acid (the benefits and harms of which were studied later) was isolated from the juice of unripe citrus fruits by the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele. It happened in 1784 and since then in science this substance has been called the food additive E330, but the method of its synthesis has changed significantly. The technology for extracting citric acid from citrus fruits, stems of tobacco crops and needles turned out to be very costly, and the resulting amount of crystalline powder did not allow reaching industrial scale. Therefore, a synthetic antioxidant began to be produced using sugar-containing products (sugar beet or cane, molasses) and specific strains of mold fungi - penicillin and aspergillus.

The product is rich in vitamins C, A and E, as well as vital minerals - sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine. The chemical structure of E330 is a tribasic hydroxycarboxylic acid, the derivatives of which - salts and esters - are called citrates.

properties of citric acid

The described food additive is easily soluble in water and ethyl alcohol. When heated to high temperatures (more than 175 degrees), it decomposes, releasing carbon dioxide and water. A natural or synthetic antioxidant - citric acid - brings benefits and harms depending on the purpose and dosage.

White crystalline powder has a low level of toxicity, harmless to the body and the environment in reasonable amounts. In nature, "lemon" is found in most fruits and vegetables, it is easily recognizable by its sour, slightly tart taste.

In what areas is it used?

In the food industry, citric acid is used as a flavoring agent, antioxidant and preservative. It helps preserve the texture, taste and appearance of foods. Citric acid, the benefits and harms of which have been thoroughly studied today, is widely practiced in the manufacture of fruit jams, sauces, jellies, mayonnaises, confectionery, various canned food and processed cheeses. Thanks to its culinary benefits, the E330 food additive is used as: a flavor enhancer that gives products a spicy “sourness”; a natural preservative that destroys bacteria, fungi and mold, and also normalizes the pH of products; vitamin C supplements; marinade for meat dishes, giving tenderness to the protein structure; ennobles the taste and reduces the acidity of the wine.

Manufacturers of quality cosmetics value citric acid for its antioxidant properties. They help to normalize the pH level of beauty products (creams and gels), bringing it closer to the natural balance of the skin; enhance the anti-aging effect of cosmetic products; have a depigmenting effect on the skin; effectively fight acne and its consequences.

In medicine, citric acid is a component of the agents involved in the citrate cycle (Krebs) - the central part of the catabolism processes that regulate the key stage of cell respiration. It helps to soothe a sore throat during a cold and reduce the severity of a hangover.

In everyday life, citric acid is widely used as a cleaning agent: it can polish a kettle and a washing machine from scale to a shine, tidy up kitchen surfaces and silver. Gardeners also recommend adding it to mixtures when feeding plants.

Citric acid: benefits and harms to humans

The therapeutic properties of the food additive E330, or "lemon", produce a positive effect in a variety of ailments and deterioration in human well-being. Many people are often surprised by the advice of doctors recommending drinking citric acid water for colds to treat and relieve throat discomfort; drinking warm water with the addition of E330, which cleanses the liver of toxins by stimulating bile secretion, and also frees the intestines from poisons and bacteria. Water with citric acid (it can bring benefits and harms depending on the concentration of the powder in the liquid) promotes the synthesis of bile, normalizes digestion.

One glass of this drink, consumed daily on an empty stomach, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, relieves heartburn and constipation. In addition, lemon water cleanses blood vessels and arteries, and serves as a good addition to the main treatment for people with hypertension. This drink, when rinsed, has a bactericidal effect on the oral cavity, freshens breath, and eliminates various microbes.

For weight loss

Nutritionists quite often recommend that patients include water with citric acid in their diet in order to reduce weight. Such a drink can bring benefits and harm to the health of those who lose weight if you treat its use differently: adhere or not observe the proportions during its preparation; eat right or not reduce the amount of junk food, which contains excess salt, sugar and fats; monitor your well-being or ignore contraindications.

If you use "lemon" in a dissolved form on an empty stomach, then it will help reduce appetite and increase the viscosity of saliva, start metabolism, normalize the work of the stomach and cleanse the liver. At the same time, the calorie content of citric acid is 1 kcal per 100 g of product! Its glycemic index is low, it does not exceed 15 units. It is very easy to prepare a detox drink by squeezing the juice of one lemon in 1000-1500 ml of water or adding 5-10 g of citric acid crystals. A piece of crushed ginger root, fresh mint and lemon balm will help enhance the effect of a cleansing cocktail.

In cosmetology

For people with problematic oily skin and enlarged pores on the face, citric acid (the benefits and harms in this case are due to its concentration) as part of a mask or solution for wiping the skin (2-3%) helps to even out the complexion, giving it a natural matte shade, narrow pores, improving the texture of the skin surface, and also cleanse it, making it soft and pleasant to the touch. To prepare a peeling mask for a face with a “lemon”, a small pinch of the substance on the tip of a knife is enough.

In addition, the hair becomes manageable when combed and regains a healthy glow when rinsed with acidified water (a weak solution of citric acid from 0.5 teaspoon of crystals per 1000 ml of water) after washing with shampoo. This remedy is also beneficial for health and improving the appearance of the nail plates: they become smooth and shiny. But it is impossible to use "lemon" in cosmetology too often, it is used in courses to solve a particular aesthetic problem, and then they take a break.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers, children and the elderly

What does citric acid bring to expectant mothers - benefit for the body or harm? Against the background of the prohibition of most medicines for colds, tea with a moderate amount of citric acid (or natural lemon juice) will have a healing effect on a pregnant woman and fetus.

A drink of water and a few crystals of citric acid can be an indispensable tool for removing swelling from the limbs during childbearing and after childbirth. In addition, "lemon" normalizes bowel function, improves the functioning of the immune system and delicately helps the body to produce lactose. If the baby food package is labeled with the food additive E330, and the child is not allergic to citric acid, then there is no cause for concern. However, it is not worth exceeding the daily dose of this substance, which is approximately 50-60 mg per 1 kg of the baby's weight. If a child accidentally ate a lot of citric acid crystals, then he urgently needs to rinse his stomach and call an ambulance.

In old age, a drink with citric acid helps to improve vision, gives strength, relieves discomfort in the joints, prevents the process of thrombosis, and is a good prevention of varicose veins. With diabetes, a warm drink of water with "lemon" significantly reduces blood glucose levels.

Contraindications and harm "lemon" if used improperly

Experts recommend that before starting the regular use of food citric acid, discuss the benefits and harms of such a practice with your doctor, and also undergo an examination to make sure there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A harmless powder in people with gastric diseases can provoke a worsening of the condition. Incorrectly prepared solutions with a high concentration of citric acid can cause stomach pain, vomiting and coughing in a person.

It is known that the crystalline powder "lemon" when it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and other organs causes significant harm, causing damage to them. For safety reasons, it is necessary to strictly observe the weak dosage of the substance indicated in the recipes. It is impossible to increase the concentration of citric acid on your own, as this can lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa and violation of its integrity, the appearance of cramps, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating and fever, bloody stools, increased urge to urinate, headache, increased blood pressure, weakness, nervousness and swelling.

Long-term use of citric acid adversely affects the structure of tooth enamel, causing its gradual destruction. Regular and uncontrolled irritation of the stomach lining with a strong lemon solution can also lead to gastritis and ulcers. It is necessary to strictly monitor your well-being during the use of citric acid, adhere to the daily dosage, if the slightest discomfort appears, stop taking the drink with this product.

Citric acid is found in the kitchen of every housewife. Such a product is widely used in everyday life, complex contaminants are washed with a lemon, bleach things and sterilize jars. The bulk composition is indispensable in the process of preparing confectionery, meat and fish dishes. Otherwise, citric acid is called a food additive with the E330 index. Today, you can find a bag of powder in any store at a relatively low price.

What is citric acid

As for external similarities, citric acid resembles crushed granulated sugar (beetroot). The lemon itself belongs to the derivatives of tricarboxylic acid.

The benefits of this compound are undeniable not only for humans, but also for the health of animals and other microorganisms. Some plants, berries and fruits can accumulate a lot of citric acid in themselves. An example is citrus fruits.

For a more accurate definition of the concept of citric acid, it is necessary to have knowledge regarding the technology of its production and basic properties.

How is citric acid obtained?

The first who was able to identify the lemon is the Swedish pharmacist Scheele. He realized that the very acid can be extracted from an unripe lemon.

The product heated up and later melted at a temperature of 154 degrees. During heating, the composition decomposed into water and carbon dioxide.

At first, a lemon was obtained from citrus juice, but in modern production, the acid is prepared on the basis of moldy mushrooms of the Aspergillus family and sugary products.

properties of citric acid

The properties of citric acid have been studied thoroughly. The bulk composition accelerates all metabolic processes, cleanses the cavity of internal organs from free radicals, and removes salts of heavy metals.

Interestingly, citric acid has anti-cancer properties. With its help, you can block the access of blood to cancer cells, thereby starting the complete destruction of the tumor.

There are many more properties that allow you to successfully use lemon in everyday life, cooking, cosmetology, and nutrition.

The use of citric acid

  1. For culinary purposes, powder is used, which is produced as a food additive E330. You can also find a lemon with the E333 index. Citric acid is a preservative that prevents food from spoiling.
  2. When added to dough or other dishes, the food acquires a sweet and sour aftertaste. Lemon acts as a composition that prevents oxidative processes. When consumed in moderation, acid is safe and very beneficial.
  3. Not without the use of citric acid for industrial purposes. It is added to mayonnaise, various sauces, ketchup, tomato paste, drinks, processed cheese, confectionery, canned food, twists, etc. Household cleaning products for plumbing are prepared on the basis of lemon.

  1. Citric acid, like the citrus fruit itself, has the ability to cleanse the body cavity of slagging and toxic substances. With regular intake of a solution with lemon, you will also prevent atherosclerosis. After all, the bulk composition cleanses the blood channels of cholesterol.
  2. Due to its special properties, citric acid increases the protective functions of the body. It is indicated for consumption by people with a low immune system by nature, as well as during the spread of the flu epidemic and off-season.
  3. A solution of citric acid enhances the digestion of food. Such a cocktail does not irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, as it gently frees the digestive tract from various kinds of pollutants. Lemon has a positive effect on the kidneys, removing small pebbles and sand.
  4. It is useful to use a solution with the addition of powder to people who have experienced a severe hangover. Such a cocktail will accelerate the breakdown of ethyl alcohol and its removal from the body. All this greatly facilitates the work of the liver.
  5. If you have a disease of the oral cavity, rinse your mouth with a solution of citric acid. In such a simple way, you can prevent caries, reduce gum bleeding, disinfect mucous membranes from bacteria and eliminate bad breath.
  6. Compresses with citric acid whiten the skin from age spots and freckles, so they are often used in the field of cosmetology. It is enough to prepare a weak solution, then lower the gauze folded in several layers into it, wring it out and apply it to the face. But such manipulations are best done not on tanned skin.
  7. Sometimes citric acid is gargled with pain and perspiration. When taking the solution inside, you can free the airways from mucus, and also help to alleviate the symptoms of bronchitis, pneumonia.
  8. The composition has the ability to prolong youth, so you can use citric acid periodically. It is enough to dilute it with water and pour it over fish, meat dishes, salads, snacks, fresh fruits and berries.
  9. For people who have excessive oiliness of the face and enlarged pores, you can use a mixture of water and citric acid powder as a tonic. The main thing is not to overdo it with concentration, so as not to get skin burns. Wipe your face with this lotion once a day in the morning.
  10. If you smoke, the tar will adversely affect your nails and teeth, turning them yellow. To partially bleach these areas, prepare a weak solution of citric acid. Dip a piece of gauze into it and wipe the yellowed areas. After that, the remnants of the product must be washed off with water.

The benefits of citric acid in everyday life

  1. Almost every housewife knows the unique properties of citric acid. The raw material fights rust well. Dissolve 25-30 gr. powder in 1 liter of boiling water. Use a rust remover.
  2. The powder is considered an excellent antibacterial agent. The product cleans kitchen surfaces well and destroys all pathogenic bacteria. To disinfect, you need to make a solution. The proportions are 1 to 9 (acid and water).
  3. Acid perfectly removes scale inside household appliances. If you process the washing machine, you can clean the drum and heating element with high quality. In addition, the machine is disinfected. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to set the long washing mode with hot water. Pour 100 gr. into the powder department. acids.
  4. Similarly, you can remove the scale inside the kettle. To do this, take 10 gr. composition per 1 liter of liquid. Boil the water.
  5. To bring beauty and shine to the bathroom and kitchen, it is recommended to prepare a simple solution. To do this, in a suitable container, combine a liter of water and 70 gr. powder. Stir and screw on the atomizer. Apply to shiny faucets, handles, etc. Wait a while, rinse with water and wipe with a soft cloth.
  6. To qualitatively clean the toilet bowl, it is necessary to pour 180 gr. lemon powder. Try to distribute the composition evenly. Leave the product on the surface overnight. Do not wash off acid. With the onset of the next day, thoroughly rub the walls with a brush, then rinse.
  7. To remove wine stains from the fabric, it is necessary to combine citric acid and baking soda in a 1: 2 ratio. Sprinkle the stained area and drip a small amount of water. The composition will sizzle for a while. After a few minutes, remove the slurry.

Everyone knows that powder in its pure form is not safe to use. To improve health, you can prepare a solution of lemon, mixing it with warm water.

  1. The composition enhances the secretion of gastric juice, thereby accelerating the digestion of food. Reduces the likelihood that food will ferment in the esophagus. From here, digestive processes are established, the intestines and rectum are cleansed.
  2. Lemon water cleanses the liver, replenishes the holes in its structure and generally facilitates the work of the internal organ. Against this background, the risk of developing cirrhosis and other serious ailments is reduced.
  3. If you wipe your face with a solution of citric acid, you will cope with excessive oily sheen, acne, purulent closed pimples, boils and other problems.
  4. Lemon water is used for detoxification. To cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, it is necessary to prepare a weak solution and consume it 10 minutes before the main meal.
  5. Lemon water is good for people with diabetes. Such a cocktail has the ability to lower blood glucose levels and reduce the number of sugar spikes.
  6. The solution cleanses the arteries and blood vessels, preventing atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. It is useful for hypertensive patients to know that lemon water reduces blood and intracranial pressure.
  7. Many girls are used to using lemon water to lose weight. This method of dealing with extra pounds is considered not very safe. If you decide on an adventure, consult with your doctor first.
  8. Lemon water disinfects the mouth and freshens the breath. Also, when taking the remedy inside, immunity is strengthened, so it is easier for a person to endure the off-season and viral epidemics in winter.
  9. Of particular value is water with citric acid for men who do not mind sitting down with friends over a glass of vodka and a cigarette. In case of intoxication, such a solution will save the liver and improve the human condition.
  10. Citric acid in combination with water is ingested and has a positive effect on the joints and bone tissue. Reduces the likelihood of fractures, sprains, joint pain.

Harm of citric acid

  1. It is not recommended to take a solution of citric acid for stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, esophagus and heartburn. In this case, the composition will aggravate the situation and can cause great harm to the mucous membranes.
  2. Keep in mind that the drink has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel, the composition begins to destroy it. Soon, caries and erosion of the teeth will form. Therefore, after taking, rinse your mouth with water.
  3. In rare cases, you may experience an allergic reaction. If you take into account some sources, you can find out that industrial raw materials contribute to the development of cancer cells. Irreparable harm is done to the body.
  4. There is no confirmed data on this subject, yet you should be careful when consuming the powder. However, it is worth remembering that if you take the product in moderate doses, then nothing else threatens you except for the benefit.

It is worth remembering a simple advice. If you intend to use citric acid for a specific purpose, then do not exceed the recommended dose. Otherwise, you will be in trouble. In all other respects, the powder is extremely useful for humans.

Video: the benefits and harms of citric acid

Citric acid is needed exclusively for the procedure. It is added in the amount of 4 grams per 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water. The raw material for fermentation is sugar, grain or fruit.

When using citric acid, do not allow it to enter the mucous membranes of the body.

Opinions vary, but There are many more benefits to sugar syrup. than regular granulated sugar.

With inversion, you can save a few days of fermentation and get a better distillate.

  • Fermentation is faster.
  • Less harmful substances are formed in the mash.
  • Moonshine is of higher quality.

The acid keeps the water from boiling, saving gas and time for the moonshiner.

After all, sugar is not inverted for only one objective reason - This process takes time and effort..

Braga recipe with citric acid

As a recipe, we will use the usual mash with sugar and yeast. Hydromodule 1 to 4, the most classic of home brewing.

  • Sugar - 5 kg.
  • Water - 20 liters.
  • Alcoholic yeast - 100 grams.
  • Citric acid - 20 grams.

Before mixing all the ingredients, it will be necessary to turn the granulated sugar into sugar syrup.

This is done by technology. Moonshine Sanych, without boiling.

Preparation of mash and distillation into moonshine

The output of 40-degree moonshine according to this recipe is approximately 1 liter per 1 kg of sugar, that is, about 5 liters for the whole mash. To get a decent drink, it is necessary to withstand all the technology described below and make a double distillation with the release of harmful fractions.

The thermometer will be an indispensable device for complying with all technology.

  1. We heat the water to a temperature of 40-50 degrees.
  2. Gradually add sugar and stir. If you pour everything at once, then some of the grains may burn to the bottom of the pan. To avoid this, we make it in portions.
  3. When everything dissolves in the container, heat the syrup to 70–75 degrees and add citric acid.
  4. We heat the mixture to 80 degrees, maintain this temperature for 5 minutes and turn off the stove.
  5. Cool down to room temperature.
  6. We dilute the yeast in a liter of syrup and wait about 15 minutes until they are activated and sizzle.
  7. We add them to the fermentation tank, on top of which we put a water seal.
  8. We take the container to a dark place for 5–7 days and maintain the temperature in the region of 23–27 degrees Celsius.
  9. We filter the mash that has won back and send it to the distillation cube.
  10. We carry out a quick first distillation. We collect moonshine until the fortress in the stream drops to 30 degrees.
  11. We stir the resulting moonshine with clean water to a fortress of 20 degrees.
  12. Re-drive moonshine. We separate the first 250 ml as heads and do not use it inside.
  13. We collect the rest of the product until the fortress in the jet drops to 40 degrees.
  14. Summing up and tasting the resulting drink 🙂 .

Because of the inverted sugar, the mash can take up to 3 days to ripen, so keep a close eye on the fermentation process.

It is not worth heating the wort too much, as strong foaming may begin. Maintain 23-27 degrees and everything will be fine.

As a video, I am attaching a video from Moonshine Sanych, in which Konstantin examines in detail the inversion of sugar into syrup. It is at this stage that citric acid comes into play, which must be added at one of the stages.

One of the most popular food additives, which is actively used in cooking and the food industry, is (citric acid formula - E330) - this is an organic type acid with a weak effect, which can be found in a variety of vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits. The maximum amount of E330 is in and (up to eight percent is approximately forty-seven grams per liter of juice).

Under normal conditions, citric acid has a white color and the shape of fine crystals. The powder is perfectly soluble in.

The human body also has lemon E330. Derivatives of E330 - salts, are involved (and simply irreplaceable) in the process of bone formation, as well as in the process of adjusting the size of calcium crystals. Salt additives in biochemistry are of great importance, as it is an intermediate link in the cycle of tricarboxylic acids, which are actively involved in metabolic processes.

For the first time began to produce citric acid from citrus juice in early 1890 in Italy. To date, the most large-scale method of this food additive is the biosynthesis of various sugary components using industrial strains of the mold fungus Aspergillus niger.

According to estimates for 2017, 1.6 million tons of E330 were produced in the world, which is mostly produced in China. Today, more than fifty percent of the production of this food additive is added to the compositions of various drinks, thus regulating their level of acidity, and also acting as a preservative: approximately twenty percent is used in the production of various food products, approximately twenty percent is added in the production of various detergents. And only ten percent are actively used in cosmetics, the chemical industry and pharmaceuticals.

Citric acid, E330 - food use

This additive is now in the kitchen of any housewife. Both E330 and its salts (sodium, calcium and potassium citrates) are actively used in the production of various foods and drinks (especially non-alcoholic) in order to improve taste, regulate the level of acidity, and also as a natural preservative.

E330 forms chelate complexes (compounds), which take an active part in the delivery of a variety of useful and nutritious substances to the body in a fairly light and digestible biological form. Citrate buffering properties are used to adjust pH in household chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

As emulsifiers, the food additive E330 is added during the production process - this additive prevents separation, it is also added to caramel in order to reduce the crystallization process, and to any dishes as a taste stimulant.

E330 as a food additive is present together with sodium bicarbonate in a variety of effervescent drinks, as well as in other effervescent products (powders and tablets), in cosmetic products (bath bombs, aromatic salts, etc.). Additive E330 is quite often found in the composition of cleaning products.

It is also worth noting that the additive is actively used in cooking, as it has preservative properties, adds flavor to foods, and is also used as a substitute for vinegar.

Citric acid in cooking

Citric acid is actively used in cooking. There is a wide variety of recipes with blanks for the winter using the E330.

Recipe for cooking with citric acid at home: you need to take a liter jar, put four fragrant peas or, three cloves, two cloves, one thin, two plates on the bottom. After that, small tomatoes are laid out. Fill the jar to the top with boiling water and cover with a lid. In order to prevent the tomatoes from bursting, it is recommended to pierce each tomato with a needle at the footboard before placing it in jars. Banks of boiling water should be left to stand for fifteen to twenty minutes. While the tomatoes are infused in boiling water, you need to prepare the marinade. For one liter of marinade, you need to take one tablespoon, three tablespoons, one teaspoon of citric acid. Bring the marinade to a boil. Drain the water from the jars, pour boiling marinade, roll up. It is recommended to consume tomatoes in a month. The winter citric acid recipe is a great and much tastier alternative to the vinegar recipe. Pickling with citric acid is much healthier for the body, and products are stored for a long period of time.

The combination of soda and citric acid is actively used in baking - they play the role of baking powder.

You can add citric acid to a variety of drinks, dressings for borscht (to adjust the acidity), creams, etc.

The use of citric acid in everyday life

E330 can be used to clean the kettle from scale. How much citric acid should be added to fight scale? For one teapot, you need to fill one bag of lemons, pour water, bring to a boil and leave to stand for half an hour, then just rinse the teapot thoroughly.

How to clean the washing machine with citric acid from scale? To do this, you need to put two sachets of citric acid into the drum of the machine, put one kitchen towel, set the washing temperature to the maximum and start washing. It is recommended to clean the washing machine with citric acid once a month - this way you can keep the heating element working for many years.

You can clean all the plumbing in the bathroom with citric acid. How to clean the faucet in the bathroom with citric acid? To do this, you need to take toothpaste, soda and citric acid in equal proportions, apply to the desired areas, leave for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

Citric acid - harm and benefit

If you use citric acid with food, then it does not cause any harm to the body. In acceptable dosages, the E330 food type supplement has a beneficial effect on the body, filling it with health and vitamins.

E330 is always in reasonable amounts in the human body, taking an active part in metabolic processes, and if you combine the use of E330 with a variety of foods, it activates the Krebs cycle, therefore, significantly speeding up metabolic processes.
