
Is it necessary to leave a tip in cafes, restaurants? If yes, how much? The unspoken rules of tipping in Thailand.

It is difficult for a Russian tourist to get used to the fact that when calculating travel expenses, tips should be taken into account in a separate column. From time immemorial, it was believed that a tip is a gratitude to the service personnel for a job well done, expressed in monetary terms.

Tipping is not required. However, recently the situation has changed and tips have become, to put it mildly, more than desirable, almost obligatory in the hopes of service personnel. In the service industry, almost all employees explicitly or implicitly expect to receive tips. This is due to the fact that wages are quite modest and tips make up a significant share of income, if not the only source of daily bread. (For example, porters). The size of the tip is even mentioned in the recommendations of the US National Restaurant Association.

Usually tips are given after work is done, but sometimes they are given before work to ensure the quality of the work or service. Tips are given in cash, they can be included in the bill or, if you pay by card, you can add a tip to the bill. The size of the tip starts from a few coins and does not end. As a standard, in restaurants they are 10% of the order amount with small deviations, 1-2 dollars for the service and rounding the amount up when paying for a taxi by the meter (you can leave less). And yet, how much is it customary to leave a tip? Below is a list of countries:

Tipping in the UK: Carefully read the bill in a restaurant or hotel, and if tips are not included, leave 10-15% of the total order. In any case, the waiter counts on a small reward for promptness.

The bartender does not leave a tip, but you can offer a drink.

In a taxi, the amount is rounded towards the driver.

How much to tip in the US and Canada: Tipping is given to everyone. They start from 15% of the invoice amount presented for payment. In the most expensive restaurants, tips can reach up to 25%. Usually, the higher the service, the more tips the attendants expect. For example, a maid in a mid-level hotel receives a tip of $1-2, then in a Las Vegas hotel the maid refused to tip until the amount rose to 10 greens.

In taxis and beauty salons, you can add 10-15%. Even McDonald's will not refuse if you leave a few dollars.

Tipping in the US is an indicator of the quality of the waiter's work, if the tip is missing or small, then the manager believes that the waiter's work is not satisfied and may even ask the client to explain what caused dissatisfaction.

How much to tip in Japan: Japan is one of those countries where you don't give or take tips. According to local customs, tips may offend the owner, he will consider that his establishment looks too poor or he pays too little salary to his employees.

If you leave change, they will catch up with you and return you under the pretext that you forgot to pick it up. This is the culture of the land of cherry blossoms.

How much to tip in Cuba: Officially, tips are prohibited by law and are considered as an attempt to bribe. However, everyone knows who and how much to expect from the client.

And if the tourist forgets, he will be politely reminded, because the main source of income for the servants is tips.

How much to tip in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Austria: Tipping is rarely expected, only in expensive restaurants and cafes - from 3% to 10% of the amount. Tips that are too high can be confusing.

How much to tip in Mexico: Tips can be given in dollars or local currency.

Restaurant 5-10%; porters, maids, staff at the gas station - $1-2. Taxi bills are rounded up.

How much to tip in France: Tipping is called pourboir. The service fee is already included in a separate column in the bill and is 15% of the amount for dinner in a restaurant. But even in this case, it is advisable for the waiter to additionally leave a few coins on the plate for the bill. In the South of France, tips are the only income of a waiter. Taxi leave 5-10% of the bill for the trip. Maid 1-2 euros.

Tipping in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway. Tipping is not accepted and is not expected. Everything is strictly according to the check. Tipping is included in a separate column in the order amount. If you are very pleased with the service, or just out of sympathy, you can give a small amount to a maid or taxi driver.

How much to tip in Turkey: In the former empire, they are very fond of tips and they are called “baksheesh”. Despite the fact that they are already included in the bill of 7-10%, more cash gifts are expected from you. Enough 1-2$ (or their equivalent in local currency) and you will be warmly grateful. On yachts, in hotels there are even special plates or boxes for tips.

How much to tip in Greece: Here they are called filodorima and make up 10% in restaurants. In taverns, 1-2 euros is enough for a porter, a maid. Taxis always expect rounding up. Tipping is not personally handed over.

How much to tip in Germany andCzech Republic. Are not mandatory as they are already included, but the waiter hopes to get a premium. Giving tips openly is considered indecent. Usually the reward is invested in the bill brought by the waiter. Tour guides are given tips in an envelope. In a taxi, the bill is rounded up, and the excess will be accepted with gratitude. In German bars, on the contrary, they can offer a regular customer a free glass from the institution.

How much to tip in Italy: Tipping is included in the bill and is called "caperto" (service and serving) - 5-10%. The waiter will not refuse if you leave a few euros.

How much to tip in Spain and Portugal: The bill does not have a special column for tips. So you can leave the standard scheme.

How much to tip in India and Thailand: Tips are not considered mandatory, no one expects them, but they are not refused if you appreciate a job well done and efforts. In restaurants and hotels, service is included in the receipt provided.

How much to tip in Egypt: Tips are expected because the wait staff only work for a fee. In hotels, restaurants, taxis, it is enough to add 10%.

How much to tip in Israel: A special attitude to tips, Here they expect rewards even for the simple performance of official duties. So in the beauty salon, tips are expected - a haircut master, a head washer, a styling and paint master.

Everyone needs to be gifted, although not necessarily. But they are, oh, how they are waiting. The rest of the tip is within the limits accepted throughout the world.

How much to tip in the UAE: Tipping maids in the hotel should be given only in the hands (they are strictly forbidden to even touch the money left in the room).

Taxi drivers are not given a tip, as they agree on the price for the trip before boarding. In hotels and restaurants, 10% of the bill is sufficient. Porters always count on 1-2 dollars for luggage.

How much to tip in Australia and New Zealand: Tipping is not accepted, they are not expected, but they will be very grateful for rounding the bill towards the employee .

How much to tip in Tanzania: The poorer the country, the more tips you want to get without much effort. Even for permission to photograph himself, a local resident hopes to receive a decent reward.

How much to tip in China: Tipping is officially prohibited and not accepted especially in the provinces.

It is enough to leave 4-5% in expensive restaurants, $ 1-2 for a waiter or maid, as the staff still hopes to receive a reward. An interesting point - the refusal of a tip implies that they will be offered again and then they will be accepted without much enthusiasm in the language, but with gratitude in the soul (they just have such a ritual).

Tips from seasoned travelers:
- tipping is optional, but encouraged;
- if the tip is included in the bill, you can refuse to pay, justifying your decision
– almost always tips provide better service;
- a tip offered to a person who is currently on a higher rung of the social ladder will be regarded as a bribe and subject to civil or criminal liability, depending on the laws of the country;
- it is very good to add a smile, a pleasant voice, a joke to the monetary reward

In this article we will talk about how to leave a tip in a hotel, restaurant, cafe. We will tell you if you need to leave a tip, and how much you should allocate for this.

Do you tip?

In most cases, the answer is an unequivocal yes. But in some cases you may not. For example, if you are completely dissatisfied with the service, you can leave no tip at all. In most European establishments, tips are included in the bill. In Italy, tips on the bill fit into the line servizio e coperto (“service and serving”), in France - service compris (“service included”), in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Bulgaria, tips are also most often a mandatory part of the bill and are paid Anyway.

In this case, you pay only the amount indicated for payment and do not leave anything in excess of it.

Tips for private taxi drivers can also not be left - for how much you agreed, for that much you will get there.

Keep in mind that in some countries tipping is not customary at all. For example, in Japan it is believed that high quality service is the direct responsibility of the staff and there is no need to further encourage this. Moreover, monetary compensation for the performance of their duties may be considered an insult. The same applies to tips in Australia.

So before traveling to another country, you should inquire about the local rules of conduct in restaurants and clarify the attitude of the staff towards tips, so as not to get into an awkward situation.

Tipping in a restaurant: how much and to whom?

Too much, as well as too little, a tip can not only surprise, but even offend a person, up to a conflict with the attendants and all the ensuing unpleasant consequences. That is why it is so important to figure out how much to tip in each case.

The standard tip in a restaurant or hotel in Europe is 10-15%. The higher the class of the establishment, the more tips it is customary to leave. In very expensive restaurants, tips can exceed 20-25%, but in middle-class establishments, such extravagance is useless.

Tipping to the waiter is left along with the money for the order. If you are dissatisfied with the work of the waiter, leave a tip not in bills, but in small coins. By this you will show that you are familiar with the rules of service, but the level of skill of the staff did not satisfy you.

You can tip the bartender immediately after receiving your first drink, and continue to tip small amounts with each new order. Then you can be sure that in the face of the bartender you are provided not only with high-quality service, but also with a sympathetic interlocutor.

Tipping a valet is given when you get a car. The tip amount usually does not exceed $3-5, but it should be increased if it is raining or snowing outside, or, for example, the parking lot is overcrowded, that is, in all cases when the service is complicated by unfavorable external circumstances.

If you use the services of a sommelier or tea master, you should tip them about 10% of the bill. If you really liked the service, you can increase this amount up to 15% or even 20%.

How to leave a tip?

Tips for the maid ($ 1-5) are usually left on the bed of the room, for the waiter and bartender (10-15%) - along with the money when paying for the order, for valet parking ($ 3-4), porters ($ 1-3), doormen ($1-3), concierges (up to $5), taxi drivers (10-20%) - after the service is completed. Please note that the tip amount varies in direct proportion to the degree of prestige of the chosen institution.

Now you know when and how much to leave a tip, so as not to violate the accepted norms of behavior in each case. Try to always leave at least a little tip to the wait staff - you will not become poorer because of a couple of dollars, and for a maid or porter, they can be a significant addition to the salary.

A good question was raised here in the editorial office. Here the cloakroom attendant hung up your jacket. They brought things to the hotel. Repaired a faucet at home. Thanks or not?

And okay, yes / no, but what to do with the amount of tips - generally atas. Everyone has their own idea of ​​how much to tip. Who gives 5%, who 10%, who takes a steam bath and even counts 7%.

Here itself answer: In general, it is necessary to understand. This is what we decided to do. And to make it doubly useful for you, we found a plastic card that allows you to tip for free.

What is a "tip" anyway?

A tip is an additional reward (or "bonus") to a person that is given on top of the usual amount for a service or product. A way to support a person for diligence or a job well done.

The frequency and amounts vary - there are no generally accepted standards, there are no laws that regulate this. Therefore, there is no understanding of who to give and how much.

Statistics for Russia: Only half of us tip. 25-30% cannot calculate the amount. And 25% don't tip. Don't do it, it's just ugly.

How much is it customary to tip in Russia

5-15% on top of the account. The exact amount is determined by a lot of factors, and among them: the quality of service, the type of establishment (a simple cafe, an expensive hotel, an elite restaurant), the opinion of the visitor (generosity, mood, the current situation), the amount in the check is a modest lunch for 300 rubles. or a banquet for 1 million If there are no complaints, just leave about 10%. This is the standard. Why is tipping good? In the service sector, many people actually work for tips - and at the lowest possible salary. So every time you don't tip, you are effectively depriving the person of their salary. And not necessarily the one who served you directly. For example, in restaurants, tips are often sent to a common “cauldron”, from which they will then pay chefs and other restaurant kitchen workers. I felt it myself when I worked as a waiter for six months.

Who should be tipped A waiter in a restaurant: you need to ask for the bill, pay and get change. And then leave the required amount in cash. We leave 10%.

Well, yes, if the waiter arbitrarily took the change that you are waiting for, do not hesitate to demand it.

When paying by card in Russia, tips are usually given in cash. It is not customary for us to leave a “tea” by bank transfer: you can ask for a check, but the institution has every right to refuse. Once I had a ride, and the other (on the Arbat) - no.

Beauty salon: you can put the total amount on the reception desk. But it is better to distribute to those who took part in the process. More than 10% do not leave.

Taxi: you can leave him - 5-10%. Now most services offer to leave a tip right in the application, so it has become quite easy. By the way, for example, in Greece and Belgium it is not customary to tip taxi drivers.

In the hotel: tips to the maid or doorman are not required, they can be left according to your mood, depending on your own assessment of the quality of service and the status of the hotel. The concierge, the elevator operator, the garbage collector are not tipped. Refuelers, car washers: a refueller and a car washer can be given a “tip” within 10% of the cost of the service. I'm giving 100 rubles to the tanker so as not to freeze. Do not forget that it is not worth leaving less than 50 rubles - tea in small change can cause mental curses sent after you.

Deliverymen, couriers: for the delivery of water, food and orders in restaurants - optional, but not more than 10%, and if the delivery was free.

They definitely don’t leave: a flight attendant, a guide, an interpreter, a chef, a fellow traveler on a train for helping with things, a personal trainer, a psychoanalyst, doctors.

How nice it is to tip in different countries of the world

Attitudes towards tips in the world vary greatly, the amount too.

Follow closely! In some states, it is customary to include a tip in the bill - in this case, you do not need to leave anything on top at all.

If you have come across special tipping standards somewhere in the world - share it with us in the comments, we will help each other look polite when traveling.

How to refund tips (only now)

You need to order a Smart Card. This is not just a plastic bank card. She has both a standard cashback for everything and a special, themed cashback that changes once a month. In fact, the Smart Card adapts to the most important events of each month, and therefore is beneficial exactly when you need it most.

In February, there is an additional increased cashback of 10% in: restaurants

cafes and coffee houses

and other catering establishments. Even for Big Mac. Cashback in promotional categories (as much as 10%!) is always credited in addition to the basic Smart Card cashback - 1% or even 1.5% (the standard cashback increases to 1.5% if you spend more than 30% on the card this month). 000 rubles). An example of the benefits of "Smart Cards" in February:

Today I had breakfast with a sandwich and coffee for 250 rubles, then I had a modest lunch for 300 rubles, and in the evening I called my beloved to a restaurant (I paid 1900 rubles for two, it was worth it). In total, together it turned out 2450 rubles. Returned by Smart card: 281.75 in one day (provided that the cashback was 1.5%, and even without it they would have returned 269.5 rubles)!

More than 250 rubles - by the way, this is breakfast.

In addition to a profitable cashback, the card has other favorable conditions: they give 7.5% per annum to a savings account, they allow you to withdraw cash up to 50 thousand rubles for free. per month from any ATM, if the minimum conditions are met (and without them there are some free withdrawals, you will definitely not be left without cash at the right time). There is always a cashback from 1 to 1.5% for any purchases, regardless of current promotions. How to order a Smart Card To order a card, you need to download the Otkritie bank application. It is not necessary to be a bank client - an application for a card can be left both before and after registration in the application.

As soon as the courier brings the card, you activate it right in the same application - and that's it, you can get back up to 11.5% from each check and be happy, of course :)

Delivery of the "Smart Card" is free, registration too. It is enough to have a passport with you, the release time is 3-5 working days. Download the app and order a Smart Card! Through the Discovery application, for example, you will monitor the accrual of cashback, the number of free withdrawals from ATMs and use everything we are used to: for example, pay for a mobile phone or transfer money to friends. Also in the application you can: pay for mobile, utilities, Internet and TV;

top up Troika and Strelka cards without queuing at the cashier;

transfer money to friends and acquaintances by phone number or card;

issue new cards, open deposits with favorable rates and convenient accounts;

find the nearest ATM of the Otkritie group (by the way, there are more than 3,000 of them in Russia);

if there is no ATM nearby, replenish the card from the cards of any other Russian banks. And much more. In general, if you want 11.5% cashback in restaurants - order a Smart Card with delivery already in 34 cities of Russia. And after that, leave a tip correctly - and in February it's also free. Bon appetit in the evening!

In this material, our editors tried to collect answers to the most exciting questions about tips: we studied the world practice, talked with workers in this field (from waiters to owners of establishments) so that no one would be embarrassed - neither waiters nor visitors.

How much to tip?

This question often "torments" many people. There are situations when there is no firm certainty how much money you need to leave the waiter and whether to leave it at all.

An unwritten tradition says that in Russia it is customary to leave 10% of the check amount. Of course, this extends to those people who are worried about their reputation among the serving staff of their favorite establishment. If you don’t care, then the size of the tip depends on your mood: you liked everything and have extra money - a couple of small bills in denominations of 50-100 rubles will be a good bonus to the waiter’s salary. If the service was terrible, and there is no patience in the restaurant - do not give anything, or leave a trifle and run away from there.

However, not in all countries it is customary to give “for tea”. For example, every Japanese has the belief that good customer service is a professional duty that does not require additional encouragement. To tip a waiter is to offend him. The same applies to Japanese tourists, who, according to a sociological survey, travel less than I would like, because of the need to tip everyone in a row.

In general, each country has its own peculiarities of encouraging service personnel. In the United States, it is customary to tip everyone: taxi drivers, cashiers at McDonald's, maids, hairdressers, porters, and even drivers of free shuttles. In England, gratitude to the bartender can be expressed by treating him to a drink at your own expense. And in Germany, you can’t leave the money intended for the waiter in the open: it’s better to cover it with a napkin and just leave. Modesty in this matter is an important quality, thanks to which you express gratitude for good service.

It is curious that in poorer countries such as Turkey or Cuba, the issue of tips is more relevant. Waiters in such countries are usually paid little, and the main income comes from "extra fees" from patrons. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the annoying courtesy of Turkish guards - they just need to feed their families.

Do I need to pay a tip at all?

There is no single answer. As the waiters themselves say, this is not the duty of every client - it is an expression of gratitude, like the word "thank you". And if the service really was that good, a small amount of money would be more eloquent than any praises.

We asked the owners of Chelyabinsk establishments what they think about this:

Alexey Noskov, co-owner of PizzaMania:

What is a "tip" anyway? This is a response to the quality of service. If a tip is left, it means that the service is not bad or even excellent. If they do not leave, then the situation with the service is lame. However, you need to understand what format we are talking about. In fast food, for example, tips are not left. And in the premium segment, not leaving a tip is, on the contrary, almost a violation of some unwritten code.

In some establishments, the line “for service” is already included in the order amount. This is not a tip, but the income of the restaurant, which, by the way, depending on the taxation system, should also fall into official reports. But this, in my opinion, is a violation of ethics in relation to the Guest. And I never did that. If I find out that my waiters are “extorting” tips or provoking the Guest to this (for example, delaying change), I will simply fire such an employee.

Tatyana Starovoitova, manager of the Decameron restaurant:

The waiter a priori must work well, no one is obliged to leave a tip. If you don't like the job, find another one. A waiter is a creative profession: a stylist, a psychologist, and a mathematician. If you are not like that, you are not a waiter, but a food and drink server.

However, in some countries, the service charge is already included in the bill under the “service fee” column. So, for example, in the USA or Singapore, you do not need to think about how much to leave for the waiter - a certain percentage of the total order is already included in the check, and can reach 25%.

Should a waiter give good service to every guest, whether they were tipped or not?

As mentioned above, in some countries it is believed that any work should be done well without additional payment. And rightly so, because doctors or builders don't get tips for doing a better MRI than another hospital or building a better house than others. However, the service sector is a completely different business area, and its own rules apply. “Tipping” has been around for a long time, it is an unwritten rule that has settled in the minds of many people, and therefore it is difficult to ignore this phenomenon.

But at the same time, tipping is not an obligation. Official legislation does not restrict either customers in encouraging, or waiters in receiving additional money for service. Since this contradiction is difficult to lead to an unambiguous solution, it is necessary to act as you want.

Yes, I believe that a waiter, like anyone who aspires to become a professional in their field, should a priori work without additional incentives. However, the waiter must understand that his efforts have a rare opportunity to be rewarded literally immediately. Believe me, this knowledge is an excellent incentive. Those who worked in line positions in a restaurant will understand me. Personally, my record of tipping as a bartender per day in one well-known entertainment complex in Odessa in the late 90s amounted to a dozen average monthly salaries. For the sake of this, we treated the Guests very carefully and respectfully, - says Alexey Noskov.

Do I need to tip at business lunches?

Since the format of a business lunch implies a relatively small fixed payment (as a rule, it is 250-350 rubles), the issue of tips in this case is very relevant. 10% of the check for a business lunch is equal to 25-35 rubles, which in our time can only be given in small change. The amount is not so big, it will seem more like an insult than gratitude for good service. The same rule will apply here as with a regular dinner in a restaurant - pay as much as you see fit. Dinner was brought quickly and hot, was it quickly calculated and even given a “chewing gum”? You can leave 50-100 rubles and leave with a clear conscience. Was bad? I ate quickly and left - and next time look for another place.

How much and how to tip the bartender?

It's one thing when the waiter only brings food and ensures a comfortable stay in the establishment, it's another when the bartender prepares drinks, serves, accepts money, and communicates. However, the approach to tips is the same: 10-15% of the order, if the bartender quickly served, served correctly and listened to the next problems, as is usually shown in films.

We asked Kirill Tkachenko, a former bartender at the Lost Society, about how much tips he received relative to his official salary:

Everything depends on the season. In summer, wages prevail over tips, in winter the opposite is true. Guests often come in to warm up with strong drinks and sit at the bar, and, accordingly, they can already reward you with a tip for the work done. Or give a tip for a good dialogue. Spring and autumn are almost always 50/50, - Kirill shares.

If you give the bartender a tip, will he serve faster?

There is a belief that the bartender will serve faster than the one who gives the most tip. In fact, it happens in different ways:

It didn’t affect me in any way, everything was done in a queue, everyone was served the same way, they always tried to work as quickly as possible, and they didn’t forget to monitor the quality of service and cooking, ”said Kirill, the bartender.

Here, again, everything depends both on the country and the institution in general, and on the bartender in particular: in the USA there is such a practice, since there are usually a lot of visitors, and those who pay are served first of all. We do not have a developed culture of tipping, so it is stupid to hope that the client will give money for the speed of serving the drink. Such is the mentality. Remember yourself: "if the bartender works, then let him do it equally well for everyone."

The size of the tip when serving a banquet, a large company?

If this question concerns a banquet and similar events, where there is one organizer and the rest of the guests, then, of course, the organizer pays. This can be discussed in advance, even at the stage of agreeing on the menu and the cost of the whole evening. Sometimes tips are given after the end of the banquet to all service personnel: security guards, server workers, waiters, cooks, and so on. And this is done by the administrator or the owner of the hall, to whom the amount was allocated to encourage staff. Or, in rare cases, during a banquet, one of the guests can personally give a couple of banknotes “for tea” into their hands.

If we are talking about companies that just come to the restaurant to relax with their families, then here it is the same as with a single visit: 10% from the check, it doesn’t matter if it is general or individual.

Do waiters share tips with other restaurant staff?

Yes, but not everywhere. Here, too, there are no strict rules. If the waiter believes that receiving a tip depends only on his work, then he takes the entire amount for himself without remorse. If he is sure that he could not have coped without the help of a dish polisher, dishwashers, cleaners and cooks, then “tea” is divided into all those who participated in the service process. At the same time, in some establishments, the waiter's remuneration is collected in a common box, and then divided among the entire staff. There are also restaurants where the administrator has established a rule that the waiter is not entitled to take the entire amount for himself, and must necessarily share the tip with the chefs and bartenders.

Should you tip coins or small bills?

Undoubtedly, this is better than nothing, because a penny saves a ruble. Considering that there are usually a lot of such visitors during the day, for this little thing you can buy, for example, a pack of cigarettes or take a taxi after a night shift. But again, you have to be careful. Having eaten for 490 rubles and paid 500, it is not recommended to speak with a wide hand to the whole hall “No surrender!”. This may offend the waiter. There is a chance that you will definitely not like this place the second time. The same applies to the situation with business lunches, which we discussed above.

It is better not to make such “wide” gestures - this is stupid. Better to just pay and leave. But any little thing left by visitors as a tip is collected and set aside. Out of 5-10 such small tips, you can save up for cigarettes - a trifle, but nice, - says Nikita Podkorytov.

How much does a waiter get in tips per month?

We asked the waiters and owners of Chelyabinsk establishments about this.

At Slavyanka, my salary consists of a salary and a bonus for working at banquets, plus bonuses from the sale of expensive alcohol. Of these, the salary is equal to the minimum wage, approximately 7900. The rest varies on how productive the month was. In the worst case, the salary is half the salary, in the best - a quarter, - Evgeny Firyago shares.

There are practically none at the current place of work, and at the last tip I doubled the salary. This is because rich people came to us and could leave large sums. I could get 10 thousand for ten minutes of work, or I could be completely left without tea for the whole evening. But, as a rule, at the end of the day, a thousand was definitely in your pocket. This is on the condition that tips are shared in our network, - says Nikita Podkorytov.

Unfortunately, the employer often climbs into the pocket of the waiter. Somewhere they pay a penny salary, in the range of 6-8 thousand per month, explaining that "well, you have a tip." And someone takes a 15% tip from the waiter simply because "we give you the opportunity to earn." Personally, I think it's low to go into someone else's pocket, - says Tatyana Starovoitova, manager of the Decameron restaurant.

Tipping is not only the personal merit of the waiter, it is good service and joint work with the kitchen. Therefore, the employer does not have the right to take into account the tip when calculating the waiter. I had a motivation program in the restaurant: 30 rubles per hour and a percentage of personal sales, plus bonuses for fulfilling the plan and personal tips, - Timur Zhanaydarov, the curator of the kitchen at the PLOVE restaurant, shared his experience.

Do waiters get offended when they don't leave a tip?

All the waiters we interviewed answered approximately the same: “you get used to it.” Again, in our country, tipping is more of a rarity than a rule. And many do not know how to do it, although there is a desire. The most common wish from the waiters: "no need to turn a tip into a manifestation of Christ to the people." I wanted to thank with money - I left as much as I needed, thanked and left. If you want, but you can’t, you said “thank you” and left. And once again arrange a circus and ask for the laurels of a generous donor - it's not worth it. This offends both the waiter and the establishment as a whole. Therefore, there is no better gratitude than a respectful attitude to the work of any person, regardless of social status or well-being.

Many Russians who find themselves in Thailand for the first time have only a vague idea of ​​Asian ethical standards and corporate practices adopted in the local service sector. Therefore, in any interaction with service personnel, tourists are sure to face the question: to whom and how much to leave a tip so that a person is not offended?

In order to remove this delicate ethical question, it is necessary to consider cases in which which it is accepted or not accepted to leave money for tea. You also need to remember how to tip.

First of all, it is worth noting that Thais are very fond of tips and willingly accept them.. Therefore, a farang (“European” in Thai) who wants to pay extra for any service will not cause any insult by this. But before issuing money, a number of nuances should be taken into account.

There is no set tip amount.

The amount of the tip is a response to the diligence of the attendants and the high level of service. Therefore, there are no specific rates.. The article will consider only average amounts: not stingy and small, but not large either. They are drawn from the reviews of tourists who traveled to Thailand in 2019.

It is not customary in the country to scatter money

Expressing gratitude in cash is part of Thai culture, but the reward for the service must be adequate, and not look like a handout or, even worse, a bribe. Simply put, a person who shows demonstrative generosity and scatters money here will be looked at with condemnation or even contempt.

Do not tip with coins

Even the largest one worth 10 baht (about 20 Russian rubles) will cause bewilderment in most types of service personnel, but not in all situations.

Coins can be handed over to people in minor positions:

  • tankers;
  • windshield washers;
  • massage therapists who provide services in men's toilets (massage in the toilet is not a euphemism, but quite a common occurrence for prestigious institutions in Thailand) and other similar servants.

You should pick up change in stores, but not always

In chain supermarkets in large stores and in the market one should take change, even if it was given out with a handful of coins. This money can be put into the social donation box next to the counter.

If you made a purchase in a small store, for example, for 97 baht, etc. similar amounts, then it can be rounded up - by offering the seller to keep the change. In this case, he will be grateful to you.

Don't tip the hotel receptionist

Many Russian tourists who have not previously been to Southeast Asia, but who have experience and make a common mistake - put a few dollar bills in the passport provided for registration at the hotel. In most hotels in the Middle East, such a bribe allows you to get a room with better conditions, but for Thais it will cause culture shock.

For employees, only the type of room matters, which was indicated in the reservation of the guest. If for some reason you cannot be accommodated in the booked room, then most likely a technical or human error has occurred, which they will try to correct immediately. But no bribes will help here.

The hotel staff will find a room of a similar class, or settle you in a standard room until the desired place is free. They will definitely apologize to the guest by giving him some valuable gift (free dinner at the restaurant, spa treatments, etc.).

How much should you leave in cafes and restaurants?

The situation with tips in the sphere is exactly the same as in European countries. Approximate rates: from 5% to 10% of the total order amount. The amount varies depending on the prestige of the institution.


  • from 20 to 50 baht with a check up to 1500 baht in a restaurant of a budget or mid-budget category;
  • from 100 baht in high-class restaurants, with a check from 1500-2000 baht.

If you prefer to dine in a street macaque, then Tipping Thai fast food vendors is not customary. The food there is extremely cheap, and therefore it is pointless to give the chef-seller small amounts, but it makes sense to leave him small change. The same applies to low-grade eateries.

Tipping can be left not only for waiters, but also for chefs. If you are delighted with a certain dish and want to express your gratitude to its manufacturer, then ask the staff to call him into the hall. After that, you should talk to the chef about the recipe and politely hand him a certain amount of money.

The amount depends on the level of the institution and your personal assessment of the skill of the cook, but it must be at least 50 baht.

Tipping in check - Some Thai establishments use the American tipping method and include it in the bill. This nuance is noted in the menu in small print, and sometimes it is not advertised at all..

In any case, don't be surprised if the amount of the check is slightly different from the one that you calculated based on the prices indicated in the menu. This means that a 10% mark-up for the wages of service personnel and 7% VAT were added to the bill. In this case, you do not need to pay the tip in cash.

Should I leave a tip for cleaning?

In order for the room to shine with impeccable cleanliness, there were no strangers' hair anywhere, a layer of dust, suspicious stains, unpleasant odors and other manifestations of irresponsible work “in a slipshod manner”, the maid should be encouraged.

It is very simple to do this, just leave a modest amount of 20-50 baht on the TV, on the bed or under the ashtray.

This tip will ensure you attentive service from the servants and, most likely, small but very pleasant surprises in the form of an elephant or swans from a towel or a rose petal pattern on the bed.

Also don't tip the porter boy who will carry your luggage to your room. Their humble services will cost the tourist only 20-40 baht. It is not forbidden to give these tips in small change - porters will not be offended.

Tour guides and drivers

Domestic tourists often think that they are spared the need to pay tips on excursions, because all services have already been paid for. In fact, they are right, but in fairness - the efforts of drivers and guides are usually rewarded, especially if they gave their all in front of the sightseers.

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The amount of remuneration is small and varies depending on the type of activity of the service personnel and the duration of the provision of services.

Approximate tip amounts:

  • insignificant and short service - 20-40 baht;
  • drivers making a trip lasting three hours or more - 50 baht;
  • a boatman who took tourists around the islands for many hours - 100 baht;
  • local guides - from 20 baht;
  • Russian-speaking guides - 100 baht;
  • elephant driver - 40 baht;
  • instructor in any sport - from 50 to 200 baht.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the taxi drivers. It is not customary for them to tip in the traditional sense, but it is customary to round the amount for the trip to ten. If the trip on the counter cost, for example, 64 baht, then you should not force the driver to look for a change for change. Just give him 70 baht.

Massage therapists in spas

The work of a massage therapist is hard even for men, not to mention the fragile Thai girls who have to work long hours a day, taking dozens of clients. Therefore, their services are quite worthy of additional remuneration, especially if it was carried out for a long time and brought positive emotions and feelings.

The amount of the reward varies depending on the duration and type of massage - 50-100 baht. As for spas, the services of their employees are valued somewhat higher, especially if they require many hours of work. This is approximately -100-200 baht.

Tours and tours

Prices can be viewed at Level.Travel and buy a ticket online. The cost of the tour includes: airfare, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back, accommodation and meals at the hotel and medical insurance.
