
How to make strawberry syrup. Fresh strawberry syrup - the taste of summer all year round

The three most common ways to make strawberry syrup from strawberries.

Method 1

Ingredients: 1 kg of strawberries, 500-700 g of sugar, 1 glass of water, 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

1. Sort and wash ripe strawberries, put in enameled or porcelain dishes, cover with sugar and stand for one day, and then strain through cheesecloth.
2. Add water to the strained juice and cook in a small bowl over high heat until the required density (a chilled drop of syrup poured into a glass with cold water, should fall to the bottom and dissolve when stirred).
3. 3-4 minutes before removing from heat, add citric acid.
4. Pour hot syrup in well-dried and heated jars or bottles. Seal hermetically.

Method 2

Ingredients: 1 kg of strawberries, 1 liter of water, 1.5 kg of sugar.

1. Prepared berries put in an enameled or glassware, pour water and put for a day in a cold place.
2. Then cover the pan with gauze, strain the juice through it without squeezing the berries (let the juice drain properly).
3. Add sugar to the juice, stir, heat and, when the sugar dissolves, quickly bring to a boil.
4. Pack the syrup hot, seal it hermetically.

Method 3

Ingredients: 1 kg of strawberries, 600 g of sugar, 0.35 l of water.

1. Weld sugar syrup, cool, pour them with peeled, washed, ripe berries.
2. Bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes and put in a cold place for a day.
3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth without squeezing the berries.
4. Bring the juice to a boil and, after removing the foam, pour it hot.
5. Seal jars or bottles of juice hermetically and let them cool by wrapping them in a blanket.

Summer, strawberry season is in full swing, of course, she is the queen of desserts, strawberry It is a favorite of both big and small. ABOUT palatability Everyone already knows strawberries, but not everyone knows about its other virtues, this is a whole treasure trove of vitamins. It is prepared from great amount different dishes useful for our body.

What I like about it is that it helps fight depression. If you periodically eat a little crushed strawberries with honey, you will feel that your well-being will improve significantly. Strawberries contain a lot of folic acid, and this acid promotes blood formation, that is, blood renewal. This will be very helpful for those who have a blood disease, leukemia. And everyone knows that the healthier our blood is, the healthier we are.

In addition to the strawberry itself, its antennae and young leaves are also useful, they contain a lot of vitamin C and other trace elements. And medical studies have shown that it is the leaves that contain much more vitamin C than strawberries.

Strawberry roots contain tannins that help with intestinal upset, just steam dried, chopped roots (1 tbsp.) For one liter of hot boiled water, and use this infusion. This infusion will soothe your intestines.

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that it is desirable to use strawberries often until its season is over. Of course, the most delicious strawberry is fresh strawberries, you can with cream, or with. But it happens when strawberries brought from the dacha, or brought from the market, or rather, some of them are crushed.

From such strawberries you can cook compote, or cook strawberry syrup with a hint of citrus. Such a syrup can be diluted with boiled or mineral water in winter, and it will turn out flavored drink. It will take you 1-1.5 hours to prepare strawberry.


  • strawberries - 250 grams,
  • lemon,
  • sugar - 300 grams.

Strawberry Syrup with a Citrus Note - Recipe

Wash and de-stem the strawberries and place them in a bowl.

Crush the strawberries with your hands or with a potato crusher.

Leave this strawberry for 30 minutes to let the juice flow.

Strain the crushed strawberries through a sieve into a bowl. The remaining thick can be poured with boiling water, add sugar, you get a compote.

Pour sugar over the strawberries and place on the stove with a small fire.

Carefully cut the lemon zest and add it to the syrup, you can also give lemon juice to the syrup.

Remove the foam and cook the syrup until thickened, about 20-30 minutes.

People who are forced to strictly monitor the number of calories on their plate all the time know how sometimes you want to treat yourself to a piece of forbidden delicacy. Even the most strict nutritionist will say that you don’t need to forbid yourself sweets at all, and sometimes you can eat a piece homemade biscuit, soaked, for example, in saturated strawberry syrup.

If you make it out fresh berries, collected just in the home garden, adding a little sugar to it, we get very fragrant juice Just what you need for a delicious dessert.

In today's selection of recipes, we offer a variant of a very simple universal impregnation for cakes and biscuit baking, as well as an independent dessert - strawberries in sugar syrup.

From the favorite of many sweet tooth berry jam such a preparation is different in that it does not need to be boiled for several days. In addition, with such a quick processing method, strawberries remain practically fresh - they are simply candied in a jar and stored for as long as necessary.

Such sweetness is suitable for decorating any cake: even jelly, even shortbread or even homemade cookies.

The best strawberry syrup for impregnating homemade biscuit


  • - 100 ml + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • Liquor with strawberry flavor - 3-4 tbsp. l. + -
  • - about 100 ml + -

How to make the most delicious strawberry syrup at home

This method of berry impregnation is simple and versatile. According to the same recipe, you can make syrup at home from any seasonal berries. The main thing is that the raw materials are fresh and grown without chemicals.

  • Take a small saucepan and mix all the ingredients in it. To speed up the dissolution of sweet crystals, you can heat the contents of the vessel, but only a little, so as not to spoil the taste.
  • When the almost ready syrup becomes homogeneous, add water to it. It needs so much to bring the total volume of liquid impregnation to 250 ml.

Fragrant and rich strawberry syrup made according to this simple recipe, ideal for soaking thin rolled biscuits, cake blanks and other home baking. It is desirable to store it in the cold in a well-corked vessel and not for long.

Strawberry Impregnation for Children's Desserts: A Classic Recipe

This version of berry impregnation is more saturated and thick. It is ideal for giving bright taste children's desserts, where alcohol components are excluded.


  • Strawberries (ripe, fresh) - 350 g;
  • Purified water - 50 ml;
  • Granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.

How to make non-alcoholic strawberry syrup for soaking

  1. We cut off the green stalks from the berries, carefully wash the fruits in a colander.
  2. We spread the berries on a linen towel and squeeze very gently to remove the remnants of sand and moisture.
  3. Now the fruits need to be passed through a juicer. Blender in this case we do not recommend using it, because there will be too much cake in the puree, but we need pure berry syrup.
  4. Pour the strawberry cake, which the juicer gave us, with the prepared water, let it boil and keep it on medium heat, stirring, for 2 minutes.
  5. We strain the boiled cake through a gauze filter (fold the usual clean gauze in several layers).
  6. We combine cake broth and berry syrup, add sugar, stir.
  7. Place the container on medium fire let it boil and boil for 5 minutes.

We use the chilled berry syrup for its intended purpose, and the leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator.

Fresh strawberries in syrup: a recipe for long-term storage

To please the family fruit desserts even in winter, stock up on essential summer supplies with this recipe. Strawberries in sweet syrup are very fragrant, and the berries keep their shape perfectly.

In addition, such a blank will be stored for as long as necessary. Selected fruits are needed: whole, firm and ripe.


  • Small strawberries - 800 g;
  • Sugar - 400 g;
  • Filtered water - 3 tbsp.

Cooking at home fragrant strawberries in syrup for cakes

  • Pour water into a deep saucepan, pour sugar into it, stir.
  • We send the vessel to the fire and heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  • We select the strawberries, tear off the pedicels, wash them under a strong stream of running water.
  • We put in a large colander. We blanch the berries in boiling water for no more than 1 minute and immediately take them out.
  • From a colander, immediately, without delay, put them in sterilized glass jars(you will need 2 sh. 0.5 l each), filling the containers with berries “up to the shoulders”.
  • Immediately pour boiling syrup into jars (almost to the top) and close tin lids under the machine.

Leave the finished twist to cool. naturally. Gradually sweet syrup will be painted with a beautiful ruby ​​​​color and absorb the aroma of berries to the maximum. It is added to compotes or soaked in cakes.

Canned fruits can be served as an independent dessert or decorate pastries with them. In a jelly filling, they will look incomparable!

Having your own small berry garden near the house, you can make unusual, but necessary stocks. Handmade according to an old recipe fragrant strawberry in syrup will not stagnate on the shelf of the home cellar.

Most regular biscuit she will turn into gourmet dessert, and ice cream with such a filler will be especially tasty.

Ready and try!

When baking cakes or pies, impregnations with a sweet liquid are often used - sugar water with rum or sweetened fruit juice.

Strawberry syrup prepared at home is very good in this regard: it perfectly soaks sweet pastries, suitable for cooking marmalades and mousses. Fragrant liquid is added to ice cream and refreshing drinks, jelly and compotes are made from it, creams for cakes and pastries are made, fruit drinks are prepared.


  • Strawberries - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 2.4 kg.

Strawberries can be used both ripe and dense, and overripe, the main thing is to prevent spoiled raw materials from getting into the syrup.

How to make strawberry syrup at home

For cooking home recipe from strawberries classic recipe nothing but berries and sugar is required. You also need to prepare sterile jars and lids - it is better to take those that need to be rolled up.

Before using strawberry syrup, let's prepare it using the simplest technology:

  • We wash the sorted berries under a gentle stream of water and recline in a colander.
  • After the moisture drains, we release the raw material from the sepals and tails.
  • We place the berries in an enamel bowl, pour granulated sugar and gently mix, otherwise they will crumple.
  • We turn on the stove on low heat and put the berry mass. Stirring regularly, wait until the sugar dissolves and set the heat to medium.
  • Boil the strawberries for 5 minutes, removing the foam, remove from heat and wait for cooling.
  • We repeat the procedure with boiling and cooling.
  • Before making strawberry syrup, we filter the contents of the pan through a sieve or multilayer gauze. You can then make jam from the berries.
  • We put the syrup on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, removing the foam, if it appears.
  • We sterilize small jars in the oven, pour over the lids with boiling water.
  • Without waiting for cooling, pour the syrup into a container, roll it up and, without turning it over, wrap it with a blanket.

Store strawberry syrup traditional recipe V room conditions. If polyethylene or screw caps were used, we remove the product for storage in the refrigerator or cellar.


  • Strawberries - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.4 kg;

  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp

We use only fresh berries, without foulbrood and unripe sides.

How to make your own strawberry syrup

Berry and fruit syrups are freely available in any store, but they are usually teeming with preservatives, artificial sweeteners and flavorings. For reference healthy lifestyle life, strawberry and other preparations are best done independently, from natural ingredients.

Let's do fragrant syrup handy for cooking dessert dishes for detailed instructions:

  • We cut the washed berries into halves, cover with sugar and leave for 24 hours in the refrigerator so that the juice stands out. For a more active discharge of juice, you can crush the berry raw materials with your hands or with a pusher.
  • We wipe the berry mass through a fine sieve or multilayer gauze.
  • We mix the berry with water, put it on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for about 40 minutes until it thickens. To check the degree of density, add a drop of syrup to a glass of cold water: if it settles on the bottom without dissolving, the product is ready.
  • Turn off the stove, mix the contents of the pan with citric acid, pour into sterile jars and roll up with sterilized lids.

If strawberry syrup is not included in the container, pour it into ice molds and freeze. Sweet frozen portions - great supplement for cocktails and teas.

Strawberry syrup, prepared at home, is added to cereals, curd mass, puddings, creams for cakes and pastries, carbonated drinks such as lemonade, fruit drinks, ice cream, marmalades, jellies, crunches, fruit salads and other dishes and drinks.

Very tasty alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails with strawberry syrup, for example, ice cream dessert.

Strawberry ice cream smoothie


  • Strawberry syrup - 40 g;
  • Ice cream - ice cream - 40 g;

  • Milk - 100 ml;
  • Strawberries - 4 pcs.;
  • Cream - 20 g.

Cream and milk should be full fat.

How to make a strawberry smoothie

  • Beat the mixture of milk, syrup and ice cream with a mixer.
  • Put in two glasses a couple of fresh strawberries.
  • Pour the berries with the prepared mixture.

Decorate the cocktail with whipped cream and serve.

strawberry syrup- an excellent basis for the preparation of many desserts: such a product will not stagnate in the refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. As for storage, indoor conditions sweet billet from strawberries is stored for about six months, in a dry cool place cellar type - up to 12 months.
