
What products are needed in case of war. Reserves for a rainy day, in case of war

Let's talk about long-term food supplies. We all live in an unstable time, what will happen tomorrow, alas, is difficult to predict, so I want to protect myself and stock up on everything I need (and, above all, food) before the next crisis or, in the worst case, BP strikes.

If you need to stock up on food in case of a prolonged crisis or something worse, then you should immediately calculate how much and what products should be purchased. Stocks of food are made based on the 6 months of the life of the group, without counting on the receipt of provisions from the outside. This autonomy is created taking into account such factors as:

1. Priorities of the first time.

For security reasons, the first actions to be taken at the stronghold should be devoted to surveying the area and planning further actions, as well as other similar things.

2. The ability to "keep a pause."

Perhaps there will be a time of passive use of food reserves, when it will be necessary to stock up on patience and wait for the right moment, not restrained by the need for hasty action.

3. Increasing the size of the group.

Stocks of food should be calculated taking into account the increase in the size of the group due to new people who may come without food.

4. Evaluation of the ability to store food.

It is very problematic to stock up on products for a period of more than six months, and it is not at all easy to store food for such a time. The volumes required to store food for 6 months for 50 people are significant figures.

Norms for bookmarking products per person for 6 months:

  • Stew - 3 boxes of 45 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 liters
  • Salo - 18 kg
  • Condensed milk - 30 cans.
  • Canned meat - 30 cans
  • Corn and other canned vegetables - 30 cans
  • Salted canned food - 15 cans
  • Peaches and other sweet preserves - 30 cans
  • Rice, buckwheat and other cereals - 30 kg
  • Pasta - 60 kg
  • Peas or beans - 20 kg
  • Sugar - 10 kg
  • Salt - 15 kg
  • Wheat - 10 kg
  • Egg powder - 5 kg
  • Starch - 0.5 kg
  • Tea - 1 kg
  • Coffee - 0.1 kg
  • Black pepper - 0.2 kg
  • Spices - 0.1 kg
  • Onion - 20 kg
  • Dry sauces - 0.5 - 1 kg
  • Soda - 1 kg
  • Nuts with lemon in honey - 2 kg
  • Jam - 3 l
  • Dried fruits - 1.5 kg
  • Caramel - 3 kg
  • Chocolate - 1 kg
  • Biscuits - 1 kg
  • Crackers - 10 kg

It is worth noting that spaghetti, stew, cereals and bacon become the main food in an emergency. The rest can become auxiliary products and flavorings, as well as products that are used to diversify the diet.

This list is based on the experience of two families living on a cramped diet for several months. The practice was not entirely rigid - the diet included certain common foods such as milk and bread. Days of rest with completely normal meals were also allowed, but according to this practice, the recipe for preparing dishes was used, based on preferences and the rate of consumption of provisions.

Physical activity as well as stress levels at the time of this experiment were consistent with the daily life of an urban dweller, so the need for food during high stress may increase.

In addition, the need to take provisions for trips was taken into account. To cover such a need, the main quantities of the stock were increased, and some products were specially added to the list in order to be spent on field trips.

According to statistics, every second housewife has a "strategic stock" of products, made in case of a crisis or a seasonal price increase. What products are bought in reserve and how much they can be stored, we decided to tell in our article.

Types of food "stocks"

The habit of stocking up on food for the future did not appear out of nowhere. Back in the days of subsistence farming, there were no shops where you could hit the road for a liter of milk and a loaf of bread. Our ancestors at harvest time tried to make sufficient supplies of flour and vegetable oil to last until the next year's harvest. Our great-great-great-grandmothers stored grain, cereals, salt, melted fat, sauerkraut and cabbage in the hallways and basements.

Today, despite the presence of supermarkets and markets nearby, housewives still buy stock products. However, they are guided by somewhat different considerations, and the list of “long-term storage” products has also undergone some changes.

Today, women are encouraged to make purchases for the future:

  • desire to save. Everyone knows that, for example, sugar rises in price before the canning season, so they try to stock up on it in winter. Potatoes rise in price with the onset of cold weather, which is why housewives try to purchase a couple of meshes of this root crop in the fall, after it has been harvested;
  • possible deficit. The crisis dictates its terms, and certain products may disappear from store shelves from time to time. The presence of their strategic stock at home will allow you to survive a crisis situation with minimal inconvenience;
  • psychological comfort. Our mothers and grandmothers, who lived in Soviet times of total shortages, got used to stocking up on food and instilled this habit in us. Therefore, even in the case of a completely prosperous economic situation and the absence of prerequisites for the disappearance of any products, we still create a home food reserve.

As for the types of stocks, they can be conditionally divided into:

  • seasonal. These include dried and frozen fruits, preservation made during the period of vegetable harvest, potatoes, etc.;
  • "on the occasion of". Such purchases are made during discounts and sales - the desire to purchase products at a lower price encourages housewives to buy them for future use. However, you need to be careful: often the promotional price is set for goods with an expiring shelf life. Therefore, be sure to see what the shelf life is indicated on the package;
  • permanent. This is a kind of grocery "minimum" that every housewife should have on hand just in case. Its purchase is carried out according to plan, it is replenished gradually, as the products are used.

Now let's figure out which products are bought in reserve most often.

What products are purchased for the long term?

We think everyone understands that household supplies should consist of long-term storage products. Here are some of them:

Product Shelf life, year Conditions
Flour and cereals 1 In a dry and dark place. We do not recommend keeping them longer without using them - they lose their useful qualities.
Pasta 4 In sealed packaging.
Salt 10 Avoid moisture access.
Jam 5 In a dark and cool place.
Honey 3-5 In the dark at room temperature. At low temperatures, honey loses its beneficial properties - we wrote about this in the article "How to choose natural honey".
Stew 3 Low humidity and darkness.
Canned fish 3 Do not buy fish in tomato sauce: over time, it turns fish carcasses into mush.
Condensed milk 1 If the composition contains palm oil or any vegetable protein, the shelf life is reduced significantly.
Canned peas and beans 2-3 Exceeding this period threatens to turn legumes into an unpleasant puree.
Canned tomatoes and cucumbers 3 In the 4th year, canned vegetables lose their taste.
Vegetable oil 1 Only refined, the rest can go bad.
Spices 2 Sealed container and temperature regime not higher than 25 °C.
nuts 1 Dry ventilated place. Exclude the possibility of access bugs.
Ground coffee 2 Sealed packaging.
leaf tea 1 Over time, tea loses its usefulness and taste.

Now knowing what products are bought in reserve, you can form your strategic stock. When calculating its volumes, proceed from the number of family members and their monthly consumption of the above provisions. For information on how to shop the right way, see the video:

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The modern rhythm of life leaves less and less time for full-fledged housekeeping. That is why, in order to always have a delicious dinner at home, and food in case of an unexpected arrival of guests, we try to create a "strategic stock" of some products in advance. True, we do not always think about how to properly store them without loss of quality and whether it is possible to buy them in reserve at all.

We have collected the basic rules for storing products that we most often buy for future use.

1. Sugar

This product maykeep up to 8 years without loss of taste. True, if certain storage conditions are observed. If you have a pantry room and keep forgetting to buy sugar for home, then buying a few large packs that will last for a long time may be an option for you.

It is best to store sugar in plastic sealed bags weighing no more than 5 kilograms. They can be easily moved

unlike industrial bags of 50 kilograms they end quickly enough, they do not have the smell characteristic of long-stored products, and there is less likelihood that dirt will get into such containers.

The main thing is that all bags are well closed, stand in a well-ventilated, dry room, and the temperature in it is neither cold nor hot. Do not store sugar in permeable linen bags and do not place the container on the floor - it is best to keep the sugar on shelves or on a small platform.

2. Pasta

If you like pasta, then pasta can also be bought in reserve. It is easy to store them: a dry and dark place is suitable for both open packs and closed ones. The drier the air in the storage area, the longer the pasta can be stored. However, if you have already opened the pack, then pour it into a plastic sealed container or a glass jar with a lid.

Both open and closed packs of pasta can be stored without any change or loss of taste for up to 3 years. Pasta can be stored at low temperatures without losing its properties, so unheated pantries are also suitable for storage. True, temperature changes should be avoided. If you buy pasta with additives, they will have a shorter shelf life. For example, pasta with tomatoes can be stored for no more than 6 months.

3. Flour

If you bake a lot and prefer to have a strategic supply of flour at home, then you should know the basic rules for storing it. Although flour belongs to products with a long shelf life, but by the end of it, and this is no more than 12 months, it can changetheir taste characteristics. Therefore, ideally, stocks should be renewed every six months.

Dry rooms with zero temperature are suitable for flour storage. From time to time it needs to be sieved to avoid the appearance of insects. That is why at home it is not very convenient to store flour in huge bags. Small bags up to 5 kilograms will facilitate the care process. The ideal bag material is linen. If you constantly stock up on flour, then soak the linen bags in a strong saline solution and dry well - this way you will definitely protect yourself from the appearance of living creatures during the entire storage period.

4. Nuts

For some reason, it is believed that unpeeled nuts can be stored at room temperature in canvas bags for almost a year. Although in fact, in a dry pantry at normal temperatures, nuts will be stored for no more than a month and a half. But in the refrigerator they will lie without loss of quality and taste for about 6-8 months, and in the freezer - a year.

Shelled nuts are best stored in the refrigerator - in a container or glass jar with a lid. They will not lose their useful properties and taste during such storage from 2 months to six months, depending on the type of nuts. To be sure that glass storage containers are clean and dry, they can be sterilized, like any blank jars, and dried with paper towels.

5. Vegetable oil

In a dark, cool place, in a glass container, vegetable oil can be stored for about 2 years. Therefore, it is quite possible to make tangible reserves of your favorite oil.

For any oils, it is important that there is no direct sunlight and a storage temperature of 5 to 20 degrees. Do not store vegetable oils in the refrigerator, as many are accustomed to. Already at -7 degrees, it begins to crystallize and lose its beneficial properties. The only oil that should be stored in the refrigerator is flaxseed.

It is not recommended to store oil near heaters and batteries - this way it will quickly lose its taste and vitamin E, which is considered one of the most valuable vitamins. If you are pouring the oil into a glass bottle, add a pinch of salt to the bottom or a few raw beans to extend the shelf life a bit.

6. Dry spices

Most spices, both open and closed, can be stored for up to 2 years. After this period, although they will not deteriorate, they will already lose their original taste and aroma. And in order for the spices not to lose their qualities within the prescribed 2 years, they must be painted in sealed containers (for example, in special containers with lids) away from sunlight, heat and moisture. A dry place at room temperature is ideal for storing spices.

It is very easy to understand if the spices have lost their properties: rub them between your fingers, smell and taste. Tasteless and non-aromatic are best thrown away. Do not put jars of multi-colored spices next to the stove and any other heating devices - they will lose their taste and aroma. If you have had insects in your spice cabinet at least once, then add pieces of bay leaf or pieces of dried hot pepper to jars of fresh spices, this will help to avoid trouble.

7. Vinegar

Most believe that the shelf life of vinegar is no more than 2 years, then it becomes less transparent, changes color and becomes harmful. In fact, the shelf life of vinegar is almost infinite. Even slightly changing color, it does not become harmful and does not lose its properties. Neither sediment nor loss of transparency is an indicator of spoilage of this product.

It is important to store vinegar in a dry, dark place in a glass bottle - and then it will serve you for as long as its volume is enough. The refrigerator is not suitable for storing vinegar. The kitchen cabinet and pantry is the right place for bottles of vinegar. Try not to store vinegar in a plastic container for a long time, over time it will corrode and release substances harmful to health. It is not recommended to keep vinegar in metal cans - the metal oxidizes and changes the properties of the product.

8. Sea salt

The fact that sea salt has a shelf life is more of a myth invented by someone. Sea salt can wait in the wings indefinitely. True, it should be stored only in a dry place where there is very little moisture, at room temperature. In this case, she is not afraid of the appearance of hard lumps.

But even if the salt is slightly stuck together, this does not mean that it cannot be used and it has lost its healing properties, it just looks less presentable and it is more difficult to measure it in this form for a dish. It is advisable to keep sea salt in glass jars. If you have a humid room, you can add a couple of pinches of rice to the bottom of the jar. It absorbs moisture well and will definitely prevent the salt from clumping.

According to statistics compiled by the Public Opinion Foundation, only half of Russians constantly buy goods for future use. , on the contrary, does about 90% of the population. What products or goods do they buy in reserve in order to feel confident and comfortable during any crisis?

Residents of big cities, as a rule, buy goods as needed. But, half of the population is worried about the so-called "black day". In our unstable time, much more people began to think about buying food in reserve. As for smaller towns and villages, almost 100% of the population there always have the habit of buying food in reserve and this habit is maintained.

Important! In addition to what products to buy in a crisis, you must also remember about water. Experts remind that at home it is necessary to have at least a monthly supply of drinking water. It is calculated based on one or two liters of water per person. You can store water in plastic bottles in a dark room. Restocking should be done every six months.

What products to stock up in a crisis:
Salt. Without it, it is difficult to force yourself to eat any food. Salt is good because it does not spoil and can be stored for several decades. It is important that all packages are sealed.
Jam. Specialists highlight this product because it is the best way to preserve sugar. By itself, sugar is able to absorb moisture and odors, so it will be difficult to make a lot of stocks of this product in its pure form. Jam can be stored for five years and with sugar in this form everything will be in perfect order.
Honey. Another healthy alternative to sugar. Honey not only makes life sweeter, but includes many useful trace elements that are necessary for every person at any time. Honey can be stored for several years. Over time, it can be sugared, but this does not diminish the beneficial qualities of honey.
Stew. If you are thinking about the question of what products will rise in price in the near future, then meat will be in the forefront. Therefore, it's time to stock up on stew. Its shelf life depends on the package in which the stew is sold. On average, meat in this form can be stored for several years. Such meat will be enough to live the winter autonomously and satisfyingly.
Canned fish. The shelf life of products in this category is only a few years. It is best to take canned fish in oil or natural juice. Buying fish in tomato sauce in reserve is not worth it, because the acidic environment of the sauce will turn the fish into porridge.
Condensed milk. You can buy it in reserve only in a tin can. It is necessary to ensure that condensed milk is prepared strictly in accordance with GOST. Its shelf life is a year, if the composition contains vegetable protein, then such condensed milk deteriorates quickly and it is better not to buy it in order to stock up on food in a crisis.
Vegetable preserves. Canned peas can be stored for two years, and beans for up to three years. In general, experts do not advise storing such products for more than one year, because the contents of the jar will turn into puree. Pickled cucumbers or tomatoes can be safely stored for up to three years, and after this period they will simply lose their taste.
Flour, cereals and pasta. From the point of view of creating a strategic reserve, an extremely useful product is flour. It can be stored for six months. Rice, beans, peas and lentils can lie for about a year. Pasta in reserve should be bought only from durum wheat in sealed packaging. Pasta can be stored for up to four years.
Vegetable oil. Butter oil is not worth stocking up. In the freezer, it really can be stored for a long time, but soon loses its taste. Vegetable oil must be purchased refined, extra virgin olive oil is not suitable for storage, because it can only be stored in the refrigerator.
Tea and coffee. Coffee should be bought natural and, best of all, it is in beans. If the coffee is ground and in sealed packaging, it can be stored for two years. Tea for the reserve is taken natural leaf, which is stored for a year.

When the products are purchased, but money still remains on hand and this does not give rest, then you should buy goods that will help save money. The answer to the question of what to buy in the 2015 crisis to save money depends largely on how much money you have. For example, you can buy a new car from the salon. You can spend your money on upgrading the refrigerator, TV or washing machine.

There is a correct answer to the question of what products will rise in price in 2015. All experts agree that due to the current economic situation, all products will rise in price. They have already begun to rise in price. During such a period, recipes from simple and affordable products, for example, will help. Therefore, we advise you to stock up on food that, in case of hard times, will help you stay afloat.

Read also

  • Eat this, not that or how to choose the right products in the supermarket?
  • What you can eat with diabetes and what not: a list of products


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24.01.2015 / 02:55


From time to time I make stocks of products for a "rainy day" and periodically update them. I stock up mainly cereals, canned food, vegetable oil and flour. But I didn’t think about storing sugar in the form of jam or honey before, but that’s right. Also, I didn’t worry about water, but in vain, because this is also important, without water a person cannot survive in difficult conditions. Now I will stock up on water. I also want to add that a supply of laundry soap and candles in the house will not hurt.

24.01.2015 / 19:54


I always try to buy groceries in advance. I take it mainly for promotions, when there is a discount on a product or they sell 2 products for the price of 1. From food products: these are cereals, pasta, canned peas, beans, mushrooms, canned fish. We make the stew ourselves. As well as jam, pickles and other preparations. So in a hungry year we will be full! By the way, I also make compotes myself. It's much healthier than store bought juices. And yes, they last longer. But I prefer to take products such as sugar and flour at wholesale depots. In addition to food, there is a supply of soap, washing powder, shampoo and other hygiene products.

25.01.2015 / 23:26


I agree with Valeria: it is desirable to buy products with promotions! You quickly eat perishable ones, while others are stored longer (cereals, canned food). You also need to buy products, if possible, again, in bulk - you save a lot! To save money in a crisis, you do not need to buy refrigerators. TVs! Buy what you 100% need: soap, powder, the same underpants and bras, socks, car wheels and more!

If you decide to stock up on food, no matter for what reason, whether you are going camping, eating at the cottage, or in case of the end of the world, as they say ... you will have to purchase food that will be enough for you and your seven members, for that the period required. The main items in your food basket should be: wheat, rice, buckwheat, beans and honey.

If you need to buy quality tea - click on the link https://houseoftea.com.ua/catalog/chay/chernyiy-klassicheskiy/. A large selection, reasonable prices and high quality are waiting for you on the proposed site.

When buying food, you should remember two points - this is moderation and variety. The basis of your stock should be dry foods, and in addition to the above wheat, rice and buckwheat, there must be pasta, corn and beans, but you will also need canned food - fruits and vegetables. Don't forget powdered milk and salt supplies. And salt should be much more than you think.

Another point, your stocks should be replenished with three types of products - these are dry foods, canned foods and food supplements. Remember the rule, the canned food that hits the shelf first should be eaten first. But it’s better to hide new canned food away and take the products in order. Do not forget to put the date on the product packaging as well. If you have a lot of canned food, you might want to stamp it with numbers, and keep a calendar to be sure.

In addition to groceries, you will need to stock up on:

  1. seaming lids and rings for them;
  2. salt in sufficient quantity;
  3. sulfur for drying fruits;
  4. several boxes of vinegar;
  5. spices;
  6. drinking water;
  7. yeast;
  8. plastic bags for food;
  9. aluminum foil.
You will need salt as a flavoring additive to food and a means of storing it.

In addition to white, get also brown. It is more useful in its properties, however, although its shelf life is much less than that of white rice.

Don't forget wheat and other fiber-rich grains as well. This reserve is a key moment of preparation.

But about the flour, there are soy nuances. Although it is important, its shelf life is not so great. Therefore, stocking up with this particular product - do not overdo it.

When it comes to sweets, I prefer honey. But do not forget that babies should not be given it.

That's probably all. But do not forget about those products that you like, you can't go without them. Most importantly, remember to pay attention to their expiration date!

With great hope, I want to believe that hunger will never come, and food in reserve in large quantities will not be useful. However, as they say, if we are forewarned, then we are forearmed.

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