
Usual impregnation for a biscuit. How and with what to soak purchased biscuit cake layers: syrup recipe

Of all the variety of cakes, biscuits have always been especially popular with sweet teeth. They are loved for their magical softness and airiness, for their delicate, incomparable taste.

This dessert is to the liking of both adults and children - it just melts in your mouth, and various fillings allow people with different taste preferences to enjoy it.

Cream, chocolate, halva, nuts, fruits - this is an incomplete list of what can be added to the dough.

It can be purchased ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. One little secret - in order for the cakes to turn out tasty, they must be properly soaked.

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Impregnation for biscuit

Any baked shortbread needs to be softened, otherwise it can turn out to be dry and harsh, even a large amount of cream will not save. The most versatile is sugar syrup, it softens the cake and gives it a delicate taste. This method is very simple, and even novice housewives can do it.

To do this, bring a mixture of water and sugar to a boil over low heat. proportions 3:2, let it cool and brush the cakes. The syrup should be quite thick but not caramelized.

As an option - in ordinary sugar you can add vanillin, and thereby give the biscuit a completely new taste. Depending on taste preferences, you can add coffee, cognac, juice to the base sugar syrup. Today, various flavors for cakes are popular. Each component will give the cake its own unique taste.

What can be impregnated with cakes in addition to all of the above? So, they can be “oiled” with green tea with the addition of lemon, as well as currant compote. Often, pineapple syrup from canned fruits is also used. Instead of water, syrup can be prepared with milk; children love this dish very much.

Types of syrups

Cake softener syrup can be with adding alcohol This cake is perfect for a romantic dinner. To do this, cognac, liquor, rum are added to the main sugar syrup. At the same time, cognac does not have to be the most expensive, you can use ordinary vodka. If you wish, you can experiment with wine, white is most suitable.

An excellent option would be coffee syrup. To do this, pour a cup of coffee into the base sugar. This option goes well with chocolate cream and cakes. You can also make chocolate syrup by adding cocoa instead of coffee. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the cake does not turn out too cloying.

lovers lighter cakes you can add juice and zest of fresh citrus fruits - lemon, orange or lime to the syrup. This is especially good for light options. In addition to citrus, other fruits are also used. Impregnation for cakes made from cherry, apricot, grape and pomegranate juice is very popular.

How to soak cakes

You only need to grease the cakes that have cooled down after baking, while the syrup is also must be cold. If the cakes or syrup are warm, the cake may turn out shapeless. Experienced housewives advise cooling the cakes after the oven for at least three hours, but some are left for a day.

The syrup is applied to the cakes with a culinary brush. Some people use a regular spoon or a pastry syringe, but this is more difficult, as it can turn out uneven. Usually a syringe is used for thick cakes. After spreading, you need to wait a bit and repeat this procedure if necessary. It is better not to apply a lot of syrup right away so that the cake does not turn out too “wet”.

Among the whole variety of pastries, classic and newfangled recipes, the biscuit does not lose its popularity. Mild taste and airy consistency make it a favorite treat for the sweet tooth of any age. And for children, it is biscuits that are more suitable than other desserts: they have a minimum of ingredients, and only natural ones, and the soft structure is easy to chew. Elderly people prefer biscuits and cakes for the same reason. And all other gourmets can afford to diversify the traditional biscuit dough with taste, aromatic and decorative ways.

The simplest and most versatile is the impregnation of biscuit cakes with syrup. Affordable and uncomplicated technique is suitable for almost countless options. For every taste, age, holiday and just a whim, you can invent and implement new varieties. And in general, the syrup transforms a fairly dry biscuit in the basic variation, making it more moist and tender. This is just a godsend for young housewives or those who do not have much time for culinary delights. Indeed, with the help of different syrups, it is possible to create new, dissimilar works of confectionery art from the same cakes.

Biscuit syrup recipes
For the impregnation of biscuits, syrups and sweet sauces of varying degrees of complexity and cost are used. For a dessert for a romantic dinner, they may include alcoholic drinks, inappropriate in syrups for children's cakes. But the variety of essences, fruit juices and flavors allows you to experiment with existing ones and create new syrup recipes to your taste. Try one of our favorites:

  1. Sugar syrup for biscuit. In fact, this is a base, a sweet liquid, in which you can add any flavoring component to give originality. But initially the syrup recipe for biscuit cakes and pastries consists of sugar and drinking water in a 2:3 volume ratio. Stir ingredients and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam and refrigerate the syrup. Only cooled syrup is suitable for flavoring.
  2. Vanilla syrup for biscuit. Add vanillin to the chilled syrup or immediately use vanilla sugar instead of regular refined sugar.
  3. Cognac syrup for biscuit. Pour two tablespoons of cognac into the cooled sugar syrup and mix until the liquids are completely combined. The variant with rum and bourbon instead of cognac is also popular.
  4. Coffee syrup for biscuit. Pour a small cup of freshly brewed espresso into the bowl with the cooled syrup. You will get the perfect syrup for soaking chocolate biscuits.
  5. Citrus syrup for biscuit. Stir the zest and freshly squeezed juice without the pulp of a lemon, lime or orange into the base syrup.
  6. Fruit syrup for biscuit. Use any natural juice or even pitted and pulpless liquid jam to give the sugar syrup the color and flavor of the fruit. Apricot, cherry and pomegranate juices are especially well suited for this.
  7. Chocolate syrup for biscuit. Boil rich cocoa or simply dissolve chocolate powder in the base syrup.
  8. Liquor syrup for biscuit. All liqueurs perfectly complement the taste of sugar syrup. When coconut, Baileys or Cointreau are added, the impregnation becomes even sweeter. Limoncello gives it a more piquant taste. And in general, almost any alcoholic drink, including vodka, is suitable for enriching the syrup.
Technology of biscuit impregnation with syrup
Syrups impregnate not only cakes and pastries, but also any muffins, muffins, rum women. But nevertheless, it is biscuit cakes that, thanks to impregnation, acquire their famous delicacy and plasticity. In order for the tender dough not to become sour from the liquid, they begin to impregnate with syrup only after the biscuit has completely cooled. Otherwise, due to the rush, you risk getting a flabby and shapeless sweet lump instead of a soft cake.

Ideally, after removing from the oven or bread machine, the cakes should be allowed to stand for at least 3, and preferably 6 hours. You can spend this time preparing the syrup, which still has time to cool to room temperature. Use a special culinary brush made of synthetic bristles or silicone. Some housewives are used to using a teaspoon, which, in general, is not important and depends only on your convenience. The main thing is to follow this sequence of actions:
It will be possible to decorate a biscuit and serve it to the table only after the syrup is completely absorbed. But it is better to put moistened cakes on top of each other immediately. This contributes to better flavoring and will make the cake more stable.

To flavor the syrup, you can use fresh and canned fruit juices, liqueurs, tinctures, liqueurs, grape wines, fruit syrups, essences, etc. When adding juices, make sure that the sugar syrup does not thin too much.

Options for flavoring syrups:

apricot syrup
Add 1 tablespoon of apricot liqueur or apricot tincture to the main syrup.

orange syrup
Add the juice of half an orange or 1 tablespoon of orange liqueur to the main syrup.

vanilla syrup
Add 5-6 vanillin crystals or 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar to the main hot syrup. You can add 1 tablespoon of vanilla liqueur to the chilled base syrup.

grape syrup
Add to the main syrup 1 tablespoon of any grape white wine, such as table, port, muscat, riesling or amber-colored wine - madeira, sherry, marsala.

lemon syrup
Add the juice of half a lemon or 1 tablespoon of lemon liqueur to the main syrup.

cognac syrup
Add 1-2 tablespoons of quality cognac to the main syrup.

coffee syrup
Add 2 tablespoons of coffee infusion to the main syrup. (For coffee infusion, take 1 teaspoon of natural ground coffee, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water, cover the glass and leave for 20 minutes. Strain the coffee through gauze folded in half and let stand for ~ 10 minutes. After that, drain the pure infusion, without sediment - they you can flavor the syrup). The syrup is used to flavor biscuit cake and coffee biscuit cakes.

Rum syrup
Add 1 tablespoon of rum to the main syrup.

Enjoy your meal!


Impregnation is needed for cakes of only one type: biscuit. It will soften the crust that forms on them during the baking process and remove excessive dryness.

Shortbread and puff desserts will blur from additional moisture, they just need a creamy layer.

How to choose the right impregnation for the cake

There is a base syrup to moisten biscuit cakes. It is prepared very simply from products that are always at hand.


  • 6 tbsp water;
  • 4 tbsp Sahara.


  1. We mix both components, pour the liquid into a saucepan with a thick bottom and put on a slow fire. Stir continuously until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then leave the mass to boil.
  2. As soon as foam appears on the surface, remove the syrup and cool. In a slightly warm liquid, if desired, you can add ½ tsp. vanilla sugar.

Classic impregnation is ready. Since its taste can be considered neutral, it is suitable for any biscuit.


If you need to prepare a larger amount of syrup, it is important to follow the proportions indicated in the recipe. A too liquid solution will “ruin” the confectionery, and a saturated one will make it excessively sweet.

It is also necessary to adhere to the following ratio: for 1 kg of cakes - 600 g of impregnation and 1.2 kg of cream - then our dessert will turn out perfect.

Do you want the product to be not only pleasantly moist, but also fragrant? Knowing how to prepare sugar syrup for soaking a cake, it’s not difficult to diversify its taste by adding:

  • milk, condensed milk, sour cream
  • fruit and berry juices
  • liquid jam or jam
  • citrus
  • alcoholic drinks: liqueur, rum, cognac, sweet wine.

At the same time, it is important that the impregnation goes well with the rest of the ingredients in the cake: cream, fillers (if any), a layer of jam, and so on.

If the dessert is intended for children, alcohol should be excluded from it.

How to soak biscuit cake layers: popular recipes

We offer several options for impregnation with fillers that will add their touch to the overall “symphony” of a luxurious dessert. Instead of berry and fruit juices, you can take similar liqueurs or tinctures, as well as jam slightly diluted with water.

All flavors are added to the cooled sugar syrup, otherwise their taste will be felt weakly.

Lemon impregnation

It will add a slight sourness to the dessert, creating a pleasant contrast with the sweet cream and fillings. Syrup with lemon is more suitable for light cakes, without adding cocoa, for dark cakes you can take an orange.

There are several options for preparing the impregnation.

1st way

We will need:
  • ½ large lemon
  • 3 art. l. Sahara
  • 1 cup boiling water.
  1. Wash the lemon and cut into small pieces.
  2. We fall asleep with sugar and grind to make juice.
  3. Pour boiling water, stir until sugar dissolves, let the infusion cool. Vanilla can be added to the chilled syrup. Impregnation is ready.

2nd way

We will need:
  • ½ lemon
  • classic sugar syrup in the above proportion
  • ½ tsp vanilla.

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, add the grated zest. Pour in syrup at room temperature, mix well. You can enhance the taste with natural vanilla.

3rd way

Lemon juice in impregnation can be replaced with tincture. The taste of the cake will turn out brighter, richer.

We will need:
  • 2 - 3 tbsp. l. lemon tincture
  • serving of classic sugar syrup (½ cup).

Pour the tincture into the chilled syrup and stir.

For tincture:
  • 1 large lemon
  • 6 tbsp vodka.
  1. Grind the lemon in a blender.
  2. Pour the resulting mass with vodka, place in a glass bottle and keep for 2 days in a dark place. Shake the tincture periodically.
  3. Then strain and store in the refrigerator.

You can use ready-made Limoncello liqueur instead of homemade tincture, while reducing the amount of sugar in the base syrup.

Impregnation is very refined when the juice of half a lemon is added to a glass of green tea.

coffee impregnation

Ideal for chocolate buttercream cakes. If desired, you can enhance the taste of impregnation with cognac (1 tablespoon).

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp freshly ground coffee
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 glass of water.


  1. Divide the water in half, make coffee without sugar from one part.
  2. Leave the drink to infuse for 15 minutes, preferably in a warm place for better extraction, then strain. From the second half of the water and sugar, boil the syrup. Combine it with coffee, cool everything together to room temperature and we can moisten the cake.

Cognac impregnation

Fans of strong drinks will definitely like this recipe.

It will require:

  • 3 art. l. cognac
  • serving of base syrup (100 g of water per 100 g of sugar)


We mix the cooled solution and cognac, nothing else is required for our impregnation.

If you want to get a richer taste, instead of the usual syrup, you can take jam diluted with water, sweet coffee or cocoa without milk, fruit juice. In short, a lot of room for experimentation.

We emphasize once again that cognac (rum, liqueur, wine) is poured into a completely cooled syrup, otherwise the alcohol will evaporate from the high temperature and the taste we need will be lost.

Sour cream impregnation

The best option if the biscuit cakes are overdried. Thanks to sour cream, the cake will turn out to be very tender, not only adults, but also children will definitely like it.


  • 500 g sour cream, 10% fat
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • ½ tsp vanilla.


  1. We mix all the components and place in the refrigerator for half an hour, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Beat the mass with a whisk for airiness and apply to the cakes.

Impregnation for honey cake

Honey cake has its own rich aroma, and our main task is to try to emphasize, not overpower it.

The best option is syrup with honey.


  • 3 - 4 tbsp. l. honey
  • 3 art. l. Sahara
  • 2 medium lemons


  1. Squeeze juice from lemons.
  2. Mix it with honey and sugar.
  3. Bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. The syrup is applied in a warm state, the cake will turn out very juicy and tasty.

If you like alcoholic impregnations, you can add white dessert wine or cognac to the base.

Impregnation for the Prague cake: a recipe from the USSR

The incredibly popular dessert "Prague" today is our Soviet legacy. At that time, the chef of the Moscow restaurant of the same name was the famous confectioner Mikhail Guralnik, who gave the sweet tooth several iconic delicacies at once, including Bird's Milk.

The maestro decided to make a cake that is not inferior in taste to the legendary Viennese “Sacher”, and this is how “Prague” was born, which we still bake with pleasure for the holidays.

The Soviet dessert was prepared in accordance with GOST and provided for impregnation of apricot jam for chocolate cakes. Moreover, according to the classic recipe, confiture was applied only to the top layer and sides of the cake before it was covered with chocolate icing. But if desired, if we are afraid that the cakes will remain dry, you can moisten each of them.

Apricot impregnation

  • 100 g jam
  • ¾ cup water
  • 3 art. l. cognac.


  1. We dilute the jam with water and warm it up a little on the fire, without bringing it to a boil.
  2. We wipe the mass through a sieve so that there are no large pieces.
  3. Add cognac to the cooled impregnation (you can do without it).


Jam, not diluted with water, is applied to the top and sides of the cake.

In some recipes, the use of pure cognac impregnation is allowed, and confiture is left only for the underglaze layer.

How to properly soak a cake

Do not forget about such an important stage as soaking the cakes. Without it, the biscuit cake loses its special charm and complex, sophisticated aroma.

The main thing is to follow the tips above and be sure to experiment with flavors.

Biscuit is the basis of many confectionery masterpieces. But it’s not enough to cook a tender and airy biscuit, you also need to make it tasty. In order for the confectionery product to acquire juiciness and a unique taste, it is worth taking care of the impregnation for the biscuit. Confectioners know many options for preparing a constituent confectionery product. Some recipes require special skills, but basically even a beginner can handle the preparation of the impregnation.

How to make a biscuit tender and juicy

A biscuit is an airy dough, which requires special attention and precise aging of the recipes during the cooking process. But at the time of baking, moisture evaporates from the dough. This makes the cakes too dry, a touch of originality in taste is lost.

In the process of preparing a confectionery masterpiece, it is worth combining the taste of cream, biscuit and impregnation correctly. Currently, impregnations prepared on the basis of elite alcoholic beverages are mainly used. This component will add piquancy and originality to the taste of the dessert, softening the cream cakes.

In order not to spoil the biscuit, you need to strictly adhere to the proportions at the time of applying the impregnation to the cakes. The ideal proportion is 1 part biscuit to 0.7 parts impregnation and 1.2 parts cream.

What kind of impregnation is better to cook at home

With the development of confectionery art, methods for preparing and processing sweets from this type of dough began to evolve. To avoid dry cakes, in addition to cream, they also began to use impregnation for biscuits.

Any impregnation for biscuit at home is very easy to prepare. It does not require special devices or ingredients. Most often, syrup acts as an impregnation. The most standard option is sugar concentrate, which is prepared within 15 minutes. To diversify the taste characteristics, minor components are added: zest, alcohol, confectionery spices, flavorings.

Recipe for classic biscuit impregnation

The problem with the preparation of impregnation does not arise. Sometimes, due to lack of experience, the result may turn out to be inappropriate for the need. The consistency may be too liquid or, conversely, thick and viscous. In order to avoid annoying mistakes, you should strictly adhere to the proportions.

The standard biscuit impregnation recipe is the easiest way to make sugar syrup:

  1. Place sugar and water in a small saucepan. It is advisable to take products in a 1: 2 ratio.
  2. Cook the mixture over low heat. Bring the contents to a boil and cook until it thickens.
  3. During the cooking process, you need to constantly stir the syrup and remove the foam if necessary.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cool the contents completely.
  5. When the impregnation has completely cooled, add flavorings or other components to it. Mix the ingredients well together.

Do not add additional ingredients to a hot mixture of sugar and water. Especially if these are flavors, as all the smell will disappear with the steam.

Alcoholic impregnation from jam

It is easy to prepare a syrup for impregnating biscuit at home, but you can further simplify the procedure for preparing this component of a confectionery product. The principle of preparation of impregnation:

  1. You need to prepare 50 grams of vodka, 50 grams of jam or marmalade, 1 glass of water.
  2. First you need to mix water and jam. It is better to take a warm liquid - the jam will dissolve quickly and completely in it. Stir it until you get a homogeneous mass.
  3. After mixing, you need to heat the mixture of water and jam over low heat. It is necessary to constantly stir the impregnation so that it does not stick and does not burn.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the mixture cool completely.
  5. When the jam with water has cooled, you need to pour vodka into the container and mix all the ingredients well.

The biscuit will acquire fruity notes and a bright taste with a tart aftertaste.

The most popular types of syrups for impregnation

Biscuit impregnation syrup can be an original addition to the cream. There is a list of the most popular recipes, where the base is ordinary sugar syrup:

Often several variants of auxiliary additives are used in one syrup. The ideal combination is alcohol + syrup + citrus fruits. Coffee can be in harmony with vanilla. White wine is easily combined with Cahors or cognac.

How to properly soak the finished biscuit

Properly prepared biscuit, ideal impregnation consistency and delicious cream are not a guarantee of an ideal confectionery. Impregnation for biscuit can not only save it, but also significantly worsen the taste and appearance. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly process the cake.

The biscuit must be completely chilled. Even when the cake has completely cooled down, you should not immediately apply impregnation - the product must stand, become more elastic. Exposure must be at least seven hours.

In order for the syrup to evenly soak the cake, it is worth performing the procedure on a flat surface. So that the impregnation completely passes through all the pores of the biscuit and does not gather in one place, it is better to cut off the upper part of the cake. The procedure can be done with a sewing thread. First, use toothpicks to make markings that will determine the level of the cut.

The cream is applied to the impregnation after 2-3 hours. The confectionery product will still need several hours of exposure in general. Only after that the product will be impregnated, combine all the tastes.
