
Cherry cake with sour cream cream - baking options. Cherry biscuit cake: original recipe with photo

Chocolate #cake_with_cherries Black Forest (Black Forest).Amazingly delicious chocolate cake with cherries and whipped cream.

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RECIPE: Form with a diameter of 20-24 cm

For the biscuit:
- eggs - 4 pieces
- sugar - 200 grams
- flour - 125 grams
- cocoa - 3 tablespoons
- baking powder - 1 tablespoon
- vanillin
For impregnation:
- sugar - 2 tablespoons
- water or compote syrup - 100 ml
- cherry liqueur, tincture - 50 ml
For filling:
- canned cherries (from compote) - 400 grams
- compote syrup - 150-200 ml
- zest of 1 lemon
- cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon
- sugar - 3 tablespoons
- corn starch - 2 tablespoons
For whipped cream:
- powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons
- cream from 30% - 700-800 ml
1. Beat the eggs with a mixer, adding vanillin and sugar.
2. In a bowl, mix the sifted baking powder, cocoa and flour.
3. Add the dry mixture to beaten eggs in 2-3 doses.
4. Pour the finished dough into the prepared mold. We put it in the oven for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Take out of the oven and leave to cool on a wire rack.
5. For the filling I use canned cherries from compote. From cherry syrup we prepare syrup for soaking cakes. To do this, add sugar to it, cook a little and remove from heat. Once the syrup has cooled, add the cherry liqueur to it.
6. Add sugar, starch, zest of one lemon, cinnamon to the remaining syrup, mix and cook over high heat, stirring until thickened. Remove from heat and add cherries, stir.
7. Whip the chilled cream, adding powdered sugar.
8. We collect the cake. We soak each cake with syrup, put whipped cream and prepared cherries on top. We cover the cake with the last cake and put the cake in the refrigerator to soak for several hours.
9. We take it out of the refrigerator, coat it with whipped cream, make flowers with a cornet and put one cherry or cherry each. Sprinkle sides and top of cake with chopped chocolate.
Cut off a piece and enjoy.
Happy tea!

http://ali.pub/1g0gbd - Adjustable ring, high, 8 cm or spare - http://ali.pub/1fr8iu

http://ali.pub/1hdm4l - Pastry bags (100 pieces)

http://ali.pub/l3ihy - Large silicone pastry bag
http://ali.pub/1fhyvf - Pastry tips in a box
http://ali.pub/1ux626 - Spatula palette (angular) for cake

#blackforest cake #cherrycake #chocolatecake
http://ali.pub/ohsef - Round sliding shape










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The composition "Carefree" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Original version: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400037.
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

Cherry cake - a dessert with a taste of summer!

You need to have time to cook it in season and please the household.

To your attention a selection of the sweetest, juiciest and fragrant cherry cakes.

Cherry Cake - General Cooking Principles

Cakes for cakes can be bought ready-made or baked yourself. In the second option, biscuit, shortbread or puff pastry is used. You can also make cakes without baking. They are made on the basis of jelly, cookies, gingerbread, marshmallows. Sometimes several technologies are combined.

Cherries are mostly used fresh. But you can also take from compote or frozen berries, if this does not contradict the recipe. Bones must be removed, sometimes the cherry is cut for display.

What creams are used:

Sour cream;





They can taste vanilla, chocolate, berry, there are no clear rules. You can make a gourmet cream with mascarpone cream cheese. Cherry cakes can be covered with mastic, decorated with flowers and figurines made from sustainable creams. But you should always remember that the berries are juicy and such a dessert will not last long.

Recipe 1: Sweet Cherry Cake with Vanilla Cream

The recipe for a classic biscuit cake with cherries. The cream is prepared creamy with the addition of condensed milk.


1 cup of sugar;

1 glass of flour;

For cream:

250 ml cream 33%;

4 spoons of powdered sugar;

1 sachet of vanilla;

5 spoons of condensed milk.

For impregnation:

4 spoons of condensed milk;

150 ml of water.

For decoration 500-600 grams of ripe cherries.


1. Combine eggs and prescription sugar, immerse the mixer and beat until fluffy. The biscuit mass should become thick, white, increase at least 2.5 times.

2. We introduce the sifted flour into the eggs, quickly stir and send the dough into the mold. Bake until cooked, set 180 degrees.

3. The cooled biscuit must be cut into two cakes with a long knife or file.

4. Cooking cream. To do this, whip the heavy cream until foamy, gradually add the powder and condensed milk, pour in the vanilla.

5. For impregnation, fill the condensed milk with prescription water, which must be purified or boiled.

6. We remove the bones from the cherries. We immediately discard the most beautiful and neat berries to decorate the finished dessert.

7. Soak the bottom cake with half of the diluted condensed milk, grease with cream and lay out an even layer of cherries.

8. We put the second cake on top, also soak and lubricate, now we process the sides of the cake.

9. Lay beautiful blackberries on top, let the cake stand for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2: Puff Pastry Cherry Cake

A variant of a light cake with cherries based on the monastic hut for those who do not like to knead the dough. Berries for this recipe can be taken fresh, frozen, and even from compote. It is only important to take out all the bones and put them in a colander to drain the juice.


0.5 kg of puff pastry;

50 grams of dark chocolate;

500 grams of cherries;

120 grams of butter;

120 grams of powder;

3 spoons of condensed milk;

1.5 cups of sour cream;

1 packet of vanilla.


1. Roll out the defrosted dough in a thin layer and divide into 6 squares.

2. Lay out a row of cherries on each layer and roll it into a tube.

3. We shift the tubes to a baking sheet. It is better to lay baking paper or a silicone mat, as the juice will flow out.

4. We bake at 200 degrees until golden brown. Cool well.

5. Beat the butter with condensed milk and powdered sugar, add fat sour cream and vanilla.

6. Put three tubes on a plate and generously grease with cream.

7. Then two more tubes on top, lubricate and complete the hut with the last roll. Distribute the rest of the cream.

8. Rub the chocolate bar and sprinkle on top. We send the resulting dessert to the cold so that it is soaked and frozen.

Recipe 3: Curd Cherry Cake

For this cake, you can use absolutely any cottage cheese, fat content does not matter. You can also take any cherry.



0.2 kg flour;

0.1 kg of drain oil;

1 yolk;

0.5 cups of sugar.


0.2 kg of cottage cheese;

0.2 kg of powdered sugar;

2 eggs plus protein from the dough;

2 cups of cherries;

100 grams of sour cream;

A spoonful of starch.


1. Rub the butter with the yolk and sugar, add the flour. We send the dough to the refrigerator.

2. After half an hour, we take it out, roll out the layer and transfer it to the mold.

3. Put in the oven and bake for about ten minutes. Temperature 180.

4. While the cake is baking, you need to beat the cottage cheese with eggs, starch and half the powder. Add half of the cherry to it, stir.

5. We take out the cake and pour the curd mass on it, put it back in the oven, bake for half an hour.

6. Cool the cake.

7. Mix sour cream with the remaining powder, grease the top of the cake and decorate with the remaining cherries.

Recipe 4: Jelly cake with cherries (from sour cream and cottage cheese)

To prepare a jelly cake, you will also need cottage cheese, sour cream and gelatin. The cherry is used fresh.


    0.2 kg of cookies;

    2 spoons of condensed milk;

    80 grams of butter;

    0.5 kg of cottage cheese;

    0.4 kg of sour cream;

    1 cup of sugar;

    0.5 kg of cherries;

    30 grams of gelatin;

    120 ml of milk.


1. Rub the cookies with soft butter and condensed milk, you should get a wet mass. We spread it in an even layer on any flat surface covered with a film. The size of the cake should match the size of the future cake. We send to cool.

2. We combine gelatin with milk, insist for half an hour, then heat it up.

3. Beat cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream, you can add a little vanilla. Pour in melted, but not hot gelatin and mix.

4. Free the cherries from the pits, mix with the curd mass.

5. We cover the cake mold with cling film, pour the curd cream with gelatin. We level the surface.

6. Now it's time to take the cookie crust and lay it on top of the cottage cheese. If he is badly frozen. That's okay, it will harden.

7. Put in the refrigerator for 4 hours, be sure to cover the top. Then take it out and invert onto a flat plate.

Recipe 5: Cake with cherries and mascarpone "Delight"

A variant of the wonderful cherry cake, which can also be made with cherries. The highlight of the recipe is a cream with the addition of mascarpone cream cheese. It is better to use a detachable form, with a diameter of 25-26 centimeters.


0.15 kg of wheat flour;

0.14 kg of sugar;

0.25 liters of cream;

0.25 kg mascarpone;

0.15 kg of powder;


1 bar of chocolate;

A little compote of cherries or cherries.


1. Beat eggs and sugar for seven minutes, put flour in them, mix for five seconds, and send the mass into a baking dish.

2. Put in the oven at 180, the biscuit is baked for about 15 minutes. Take out of the oven, cool, but do not get out of the mold yet.

3. Whip heavy cream with powder, add mascarpone and stir. In order for the ingredients not to delaminate, they must have the same temperature. Add vanilla to taste.

4. Pour compote over the cooled biscuit in the form and lay out the pitted cherries in an even layer.

5. Spread the butter cream on top, level the layer.

6. Now we cover everything with grated chocolate and send it to harden.

7. After three hours, you can remove the sides of the split mold and enjoy!

Recipe 6: Cake with cherries from ready-made cakes

Ready-made biscuit cakes make it very easy and quick to make a cake with cherries. The whole process will take no more than thirty minutes. Condensed milk can be used ordinary or boiled, the taste of the cake will be different.


1 pack of cakes;

0.3 kg of oil;

0.4 kg of condensed milk;

1 sachet of vanilla;

0.7 kg of cherries.


1. We take out the oil in advance, let it lie down at room temperature. Then place in a mixer bowl and beat well until foamy.

2. Gradually introduce condensed milk into the cream. Spoonful first, then add leftovers. If you pour out all the milk at once, the butter may seize in lumps. Pour vanilla.

3. We free the cherries from the stones, cut them in half.

4. Cakes are usually three in a pack. We take one and thinly grease with cream. Then lay out an even layer of prepared cherries, coat with cream on top.

5. Cover with the second cake and repeat.

6. We simply coat the top cake with cream. If there are berries left, then decorate. You can simply sprinkle with grated chocolate or cookie crumbs.

Recipe 7: Glazed Cherry Chocolate Cake

Shock, shock, shock! It will be for those with a sweet tooth who will try this delicious cake with cherries and chocolate. If desired, the cream for internal filling can be made white and do not put cocoa in it.


For test:

0.2 kg of sugar;

0.15 kg of flour;

50 grams of cocoa;

1 pinch of vanilla;

1 sachet of baking powder.

For cream:

150 grams of sour cream;

200 grams of oil;

250 grams of sugar;

4 tablespoons of cocoa.

For filling about half a kilogram of cherries. For glaze 1 bar of chocolate and 40 grams of butter.


1. Beat prescription eggs with sugar until stiff foam. Add the mixed and sifted flour with cocoa and ripper.

2. Pour the dough into a 25 cm mold and bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool down. Then cut the donut into two cakes.

3. For cream, beat butter with sugar until fluffy, add sour cream with cocoa, mix. Vanilla optional.

4. We free the cherries from the stones.

5. Put the cake in a detachable form, generously grease with cream and immediately lay out all the cherries. Spread the rest of the cream on top.

6. Cover with a second cake, press lightly and send to harden for 2 hours.

7. Melt the chocolate bar with butter. It is not necessary to heat much, only until the lumps dissolve.

8. We take out the cake, remove the form. You can simply turn it on a flat plate. Drizzle with glaze and let stand in the refrigerator for another ten minutes.

When pulling out the seeds, juice is usually released from the berries. Sometimes there are a lot of them. This juice can be used to soak cakes by adding a little sugar. It can also be used to dissolve gelatin instead of water. Or just pour into ice molds, send to the freezer.

Biscuit cakes will turn out porous and airy if you add a bag of baking powder to the dough.

If frozen cherries are used for the cake, then you need to take a third more. Since when thawing a lot of juice will stand out and the mass will noticeably decrease.

All cream ingredients should be at the same temperature. Otherwise, when combined, the products may delaminate.

Fans of sour desserts will definitely appreciate the unique taste of biscuit cake with cherries. This berry gives not only lightness to the delicacy, but also juiciness and originality.

It does not take much time to prepare sweets, and special culinary skills are also not needed. Cherry sponge cake implies the presence of berries, but they do not have to be fresh. Frozen is also great. So, we offer you the best selection of the most delicious pastries with the addition of a sour ingredient.

With sour cream

4 eggs;
100 g wheat flour;
¾ st. Sahara;
1 sachet of vanilla sugar.

300 ml of fat sour cream;
6 art. l. powdered sugar;
1.5 st. l. starch;
2.5 st. l. Sahara;
1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
1 st. pitted cherries.

Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the latter until light foam. For better whipping, add a pinch of salt. Next, add sugar and do not turn off the mixer until you get a lush, dense mass.

Fluff the yolks separately with vanilla sugar so that the composition increases in volume and becomes lighter.

Combine both masses, do it carefully, manually, so as not to lose airiness.

Cover the form with parchment, pour out the dough and place in the oven (180 degrees) for 35-40 minutes.

Cool the baked cake by opening the oven, then remove from the mold. Cut into 3 bases.

Prepare a layer of cherries. To do this, mix pitted berries with starch and 2 tbsp. l. sugar, set to the smallest fire, bring to a density, not forgetting to stir. Cool down.

Beat powdered sugar and sour cream with a mixer.

Coat each cake generously with cream, put a cherry base. Lubricate the sides of the treat as well.

Put the sponge cake with cherry filling in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

Chocolate with cherry

5 eggs;
180 g of sugar;
40 g cocoa powder;
8 g baking powder;
35 g starch;
70 g butter;
100 g flour.

350 g of boneless cherries;
130 g of sugar;
70 ml brandy.

Cream and decoration:
0.5 l whipping cream;
80 g of powdered sugar;
100 g bar chocolate.

The preparation of this dessert is a bit like.

Mix wheat flour, potato starch, baking powder and cocoa powder.

Melt the butter in a convenient way.

Separately combine eggs and sugar.

Pour water into a saucepan, boil, set the egg-sugar mixture on steam. Stir with a whisk for 3-4 minutes until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

With the last flour portion, add butter. Pour the dough into a mold lined with parchment paper. Bake for about 45 minutes with the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Let the finished cake lie down to cool, cut into 3 layers.

Make the filling. Sprinkle sour berries with sugar, wait until it releases juice. Remove it without moisture, and pour the remaining sugar into the juice, 100 ml of water, set on a slow fire. This will be cherry syrup, which should be boiled for about 5 minutes.

After the specified time, put the cherry in the liquid, boil and turn it off. Cool, put on a sieve.

Measure out 120 ml of syrup, add alcohol to it.

Prepare the cream by whipping the chilled cream with powdered sugar until fluffy.

Go to assembly. To begin, soak the biscuit cake with cherry syrup, lay the whipped cream, a layer of cherries. Carefully place the second cake, but do not press it too hard.

Repeat, but do not put the berries. Having covered the third biscuit soaked on the inside, coat the sides of the cake with cream.

Rub the chocolate on a grater, sprinkle it tightly with sweetness and put it in the cold for 5 hours.

With mascarpone

3 eggs;
120 g of granulated sugar;
1.5 st. flour;
vanilla sugar to taste.

270 ml cream;
270 g mascarpone;
150 g of sugar;
150 g pitted cherries;
200 ml cherry juice;
100 g bar chocolate.

Let's start with the most important. We will separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk the whites into a strong foam. Slowly add 2 cups of sugar, beating constantly. Add egg yolks one by one. Whisking all the time! Then add 4 tablespoons of cocoa and mix. Only after that slowly pour the flour through a sieve, beating the mass with a mixer. Add baking powder, mix everything again.

For baking biscuit cakes, we just need a mold, otherwise the biscuit will not rise. We cover the form with parchment paper, greased with oil. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour the dough into a mold and put in the oven for about an hour.

Let's start making the cream. To do this, take sour cream and 1 cup of sugar. Mix and beat until the mass becomes airy. We put the cream in the refrigerator.

In time, we take out our biscuit cake, divide it into 2 parts. We will have one cake 2 cm, the second thinner. We will cut it into cubes. This will be the top of the cake.

Separate the cherries from the pits. You can take frozen berries. Then they need to be thawed by draining the water with the juice. Lubricate the cake with sour cream. Lay cherries on top. Now we take our pieces from the second cake. Dip them in the cream and lay them on top of the cherries in a conical shape. We put cherries on them, grease everything with cream.
