
Modern rules of restaurant etiquette. Restaurant Etiquette

Few people know restaurant etiquette perfectly, although its rules are extremely simple. In fact, there are several general laws that should be remembered. They are universal and work in all countries of the world. There are, of course, national features, which we will also talk about in this article.

English gentlemen are no longer the same

The lady who came to the restaurant with a companion should be in the center of his attention. And this should be manifested in everything: the gentleman first pushes a chair for her, and only then has the right to sit down himself. If he came before the woman, then when she appears, he is obliged to get up, and again do the indicated manipulation. Moreover! Any absence of a woman, if you follow the rules of etiquette, should be accompanied by similar actions.

This is ideal, but how is it in practice? In fact, everything is not easy. In Russia, such male behavior is met favorably by women, but in the West you need to be careful, since it is quite possible to get a reaction opposite to what you want. Feminization sometimes reaches hypertrophied proportions, so the courtship described above is met with proud and independent hostility. Say, by behaving like this, the representative of the stronger sex encroaches on the right of women to equality.

What can you say? We act according to the circumstances, proceeding from the fact that the rules described above are universal, and that many women, even abroad, do not mind feeling weak and defenseless next to a strong man. But, if you see that your companion is clearly not one of those, do not risk it.

By the way, in this state of affairs there are also advantages - proud and independent representatives of the weaker sex prefer to pay for themselves in a restaurant themselves.

Do not rush, but do not delay with the order

In a good restaurant, the waiter does not rush the client with the order. He hands over the menu and steps aside. Hanging over the visitor, frozen in a column of salt in silent reproach - a bad form.

In the “right” place, the waiter will give you a folder and step aside. You can choose as long as you like, but remember that the restaurant is not a canteen, there are no pre-cooked dishes here. Everything is prepared directly for your order. And this takes time, therefore, thinking for a long time, you take it away from yourself first of all.

Of course, a good restaurant will never leave its customers hungry and will definitely offer light snacks while waiting for the order. For example, in Italy they usually serve bruschetta. But do not get carried away - other visitors, while waiting for the main course, will taste so much that by the time the order is ready, they feel full. And this prevents them from enjoying the delicious author's cuisine. Why so offend the chef?

Hey Garson!

The attentive attitude of the staff to the guests is the hallmark of a good restaurant, so you don’t have to call the waiter - as soon as you put down the folder with the menu, he will immediately be there. But, if it suddenly happened that you were not in the best place, do not shout at the whole hall, attracting the attention of a catering worker, just raise your hand. If this does not help, do not be lazy, get up and, having found the waiter, declare to him your intention to place an order. But it’s better not to go to such an institution anymore, since the inattention to guests demonstrates the obvious lack of professionalism of the employees.

Silence is the main sign of an extra-class establishment

In high-level restaurants, guests do not allow themselves to talk and laugh loudly. The staff is completely mute, like a fish, opening its mouth only on business. But this rule does not apply to European taverns, which are usually crowded and noisy. You can’t call them restaurants, so you can safely break the rules of etiquette there. By the way, let's tell you a secret, the cuisine in such places is often even better than in Michelin restaurants. And the chance to taste real authentic national dishes is much higher there.

Movements are precise and precise

Every movement of visitors is regulated by restaurant etiquette. For example, if you follow his strict rules, you need to sit on a chair evenly, without slouching. It's okay (just think, it's okay!) to lean back a little while eating. But it is strictly forbidden to reach for a salt shaker, pepper shaker or a basket of bread. You need to quietly ask your companions to hand over these items to you.

Fruit bones and fish bones should not be spit out, they must be removed from the mouth with a fork. This process is an art, so it's best to practice at home beforehand. And if you still haven’t mastered it perfectly, don’t put yourself in an awkward position, give up such dishes and order something else.

If you do not like the food, spit it discreetly into a plate brought to your mouth. Doing so is not forbidden by restaurant etiquette.

Gadgets away!

It's bad manners to talk on the phone at the table. And it is completely unacceptable to use other devices: laptop, tablet, etc.

It is also impossible to talk to visitors sitting at neighboring tables. If you want to talk or meet a friend, sit down with them.

After the meal

Do not ask for the amount of the bill - quietly read it by looking into the folder brought by the employee of the institution. Be sure to leave a tip, their amount depends on how you liked the service, but in any case, it should be at least 10% of the bill.

In some countries of the world, this fee is already included in the bill, so it's up to you to reward the waiter additionally or not.

Promised bonus

And now let's dwell briefly on some national features of restaurant etiquette.


A country in which the cult of food reigns, therefore it is not customary to arrange business meetings in a restaurant. And in general, discussing business at a meal is a bad form.

Do not order a cappuccino during the day and in the evening. Of course, it will be served to you, but by doing so, you will demonstrate your ignorance and ignorance of national traditions, because Italians drink this drink exclusively in the morning. But they drink espresso at any time of the day or even night.

Bread in Italy is placed next to the plate; there are no separate baskets for it. But, unlike the stiff English, the Italians are happy to pick up the remnants of the sauce with bread. Little of! For a chef, there is no greater compliment than such behavior of a guest.

And never use a spoon when eating spaghetti! These cutlery is illegal here - Italians use long pasta, winding it on a fork directly in a plate.

Pasta in Italy is always served with a suitable sauce for it, so don't make the butter oily and add something else. Moreover, do not try to ask for ketchup - by doing this you will offend both the waiter and the cook.


The French are real gourmets. Their cuisine is very satisfying and high-calorie, but at the same time, the French are for the most part very slender. Paradox? By no means! It’s just that in France it’s customary not to eat, but to taste, so don’t be surprised at the portion sizes in gourmet restaurants. Of course, in simpler establishments you will be fed to satiety, as elsewhere.

Don't let the large number of cutlery on either side of the plate fool you either - they are arranged in the same sequence as the dishes are served. So don't get confused.

The French are very conservative about their favorite restaurants, so very often they know the staff and treat them like relatives. But do not follow their example, it may even offend employees. And do not address the waiters on "you". Men are called monsior, girls are called mademoiselle, ladies are called madam.

By the way, 10% of the bill for France is a huge tip. As a rule, with an amount of 70-100 euros, only 3-5 euros are left for tea to the waiters.


Unlike the French, the Germans prefer to eat very densely, so their portions cause awe even among Russians who know a lot about a hearty meal. That's why, no matter how hungry you are, don't order the entire menu page. Believe me, most likely, you will be satisfied after the first meal. Moreover! It is likely that one for two will be enough for you. This is not condemned in Germany, so you can ask the waiter for an additional plate and cutlery - he will not refuse.

But this does not mean that German restaurant etiquette is too democratic. Nobody canceled the rules of good manners anyway. For example, here, as elsewhere, it is forbidden to put your elbows on the table during the meal. You can put only the hands, and the arms should be kept parallel to the floor. Restraint in movement is an important part of German culture. Don't wave your arms, fiddle with a napkin, twirl a glass in your fingers, or keep your hands under the table.

You can attract a waiter with the phrase: "Kellner, bitte schön." Politeness and respect for the staff is part of the national character.

When paying a bill, always round the amount up. Moreover, rounding should be understood as rounding not to units, but to fives. That is, if they brought you a bill for 25.8 euros, pay - 30. And so on. In general, generous (up to 15%) tips are accepted here.


Everything is quite simple here, since basically the global rules apply, to which we paid quite a lot of attention at the beginning of the article. But there are also features. If you want to change the dish, just put the cutlery on the plate. Otherwise, the waiter will not understand you. And in no case do not put fruit bones, napkins and candy wrappers on a plate. This is bad tone! All waste should be neatly folded into a napkin or in a dish specially provided for this.

And one more thing - do not talk with your companions at the table in a whisper or in the national language, the British react extremely painfully to this. All those present should participate in the general conversation.

The rules of etiquette are necessary for all people without exception. Without knowing them, you are unlikely to be known as a polite person. The rules of etiquette in a restaurant are especially important. Our article will tell you how to behave for girls and guys at the table. Do you want to know how to behave in a restaurant at the highest level? Read, memorize and tell your friends!

Etiquette rules for girls in a restaurant: 11 top tips

  • The girl has the right to be the first to order the desired dish to the waiter. If this is your first time in this establishment and you don’t know what the chef cooks best, ask your companion to make an order instead of you.
  • Table etiquette in a restaurant says that you should not leave a small bag in the dressing room, along with outerwear. A clutch is allowed to be placed next to you on a table, a larger bag should be placed on a special chair.
  • Restaurant etiquette allows girls to keep their hats on. But gloves are best left in the wardrobe or put on the edge of the table next to you.
  • If a girl needs to fix her makeup, you should not do it at the table. Politely apologize to those present at the table and leave for the restroom.
  • If you are going to dinner with a man for the first time, be sure to bring enough money with you to pay your share of the bill if necessary. Equal payment will not oblige you to anything if the man has other intentions. If you and your companion have agreed in advance that he pays the bill, try not to order too expensive dishes in large quantities.
  • Don't laugh too loud - it's bad manners in a public place, cover yourself while laughing.
  • Take your phone off the table and put it in your purse. It’s not beautiful when it lies on the table, and if you also correspond with someone in viber, then even more so.
  • Don't let the amount of utensils on the table intimidate you. It is important to take them in the following order: first the farthest from the plate, and then with each new dish you take those that are closer to the plate itself.
  • When you eat the first thing, it is important that the spoon is always in the plate, do not put it on the table or saucer.
  • When you eat vegetables or salad, take a fork and help yourself with a knife - this is considered proper etiquette.

  • Never wear old jeans, T-shirts and sneakers to the restaurant. If you are going to a restaurant for the first time, it is not necessary to buy a tuxedo specifically, it will be enough to wear dress pants with a shirt and jacket.
  • If you invite a girl to a restaurant, sit either in front of her or to her left.
  • Having met acquaintances in a restaurant, greet them without getting up from your seat. You should only get up if they join you for a meal. If you want to invite them to your table, ask permission from those present.
  • If you do not remember all the rules of etiquette in a restaurant, it is important to hold cutlery as follows: a knife in your right hand, and a fork in your left. If you are left-handed, do the opposite. If it is not very convenient to eat like this, at least cut the dishes in this way, and then you can feast on them, holding the device in your right hand.
  • Do not put your phone on the table - this is bad manners, which is now neglected by many, it is better to hide it in your pocket or bag.
  • Do not slurp and splash - eat quietly 🙂
  • A man can place an order only after consulting with a girl.
  • At the end of lunch or dinner, when the waiter brings the bill, the man must take it first, and if he is ready to pay in full, then he does so, and tells the girl that I treat you. If you are unfamiliar or always pay 50/50, then tell the girl your amount and hers, consult on the topic of what tips to leave to the waiter.
  • Never start eating first if your lady has not yet been served dishes. It is important to start at the same time.
  • Never tilt a bowl of soup towards you in order to scoop out the whole soup with a spoon - you can do this at home)
  • While you are waiting for the main course, invite the girl to drink juice or a glass of light wine with you.
  • Address the waiter only by name, if you don’t remember, specify it. It’s not nice to shout: a girl, a young man, a waiter, etc.

Remember that the girl is the first to start the meal and the last to finish, men should not rush to eat everything in 5 minutes. The girl is also the first to get up from the table, while the man should be a little ahead of her, while turning a little towards her in order to open the restaurant door or help put on a coat in the wardrobe.

Knowing all these rules of etiquette in a restaurant at the table, you will not hesitate to go to even the most expensive restaurant!

For five days, we talked about polite people, the terrible habits of the townspeople and the rules of conduct in different places. In this article, we come up with a list of recommendations on how to behave in cafes and restaurants.

1. DO NOT PHOTOGRAPH THE DISH from all possible angles, if it needs to be eaten hot. First, you'll upset the chef by not tasting the food in perfect condition. Secondly, sometimes an almost empty plate with artistic stains from the sauce looks no worse than a freshly cooked dish.

2. WELCOME LOUDLY an acquaintance who appeared at the door of an institution is indecent.

3. Try to listen to your interlocutors,
instead of staring at the phone.

4. Don't stare intently people at other tables.

5. Don't throw it in the ashtray paper napkins and other bulky items, as it is intended for ashes, cigarette butts and small debris.

6. TRY TO POSITION AT THE TABLE so that neither you nor your bags interfere with other visitors.

7. PUSH CHAIRS AFTER YOU LEAVING THE CAFE. It will be easier for other visitors to make their way through the narrow passages. In addition, it is possible that after you a gallant couple will sit at this table, and the man will first want to push, and then move the chair to his companion.

8. Do not criticize the chef and bartender and don't tell them how to cook unless you're the chef or bartender yourself. It makes even less sense to throw a tantrum at the waiter about bad food. If you are really sure that the dish is poorly cooked, calmly ask the waiter to take it to the kitchen and show it to the chef. The chef will be grateful to you, because this is one of the ways to track the work of his wards.

9. While on the toilet, don't peek
in the mirror one more, last, 37th time. Be mindful of others: it's not easy for them to stand
in line for an extra minute.

10. Entering a cafe or restaurant, Don't run to the first table you see. Wait until you are escorted to it by the head waiter or the waiter on duty at the entrance.

11. Toothpick is not fun but a necessity. When using it, it is better to cover your mouth with your free hand. And do not break the toothpick after use, scattering chips around you.

12. Take from plates with common dishes preferably with a device specially designed for this, and not with your own spoon or fork.

13. Don't follow the table perform cosmetic and hygiene procedures.

14. If you visit a cafe alone, you should not bury yourself in a laptop and laugh out loud from time to time.

15. Don't sit down at the tables of other visitors without an invitation.

16. Don't call the waiter if you haven't made your choice yet.

17. Don't scold waiters for slow service. They are probably just overworked.

18. Do not ask the waiter smart questions:“Do you dilute your beer?”, “What is your most delicious?”, “Are you sure there are no other free tables?” and so on.

19. Don't go unnoticed rearrange the “Reserved” sign from the table you like to another.

20. If you want to get rid of chewing gum, first wrap it in a napkin, and only then throw it away.

22. Try to talk Don't be too loud and don't swear.

illustrations: Masha Shishova

An invitation to a restaurant is a pleasant and significant event. But do not relax, preparation for visiting a cultural institution requires special care. And it's not about the hairstyle and festive attire. The first thing that the guests present and the culprit of the planned event will pay attention to is your manners. Make sure you know the rules of restaurant etiquette.

Etiquette is not a whim of aesthetes, but a social necessity, expressed by a respectful attitude towards each other.

Who meets whom and where?

The initiator of the event should meet guests in the restaurant, and not vice versa. Therefore, he simply must be in the appointed place first. If the inviter is late, guests can sit down at their favorite table and wait for the “violator” over a cup of tea. At the same time, the latecomer must state the reason for the delay, of course, a valid one.

For a romantic date, modern couples usually come together, meeting outside the restaurant. Some companies also prefer to enter the institution not alone, but in a group. Especially closed or located in an unfamiliar place. In these 2 cases, being late is extremely indecent. And they choose the meeting place that is more convenient for the female half to get to.

In a large company, it is customary to wait no more than a quarter of an hour for latecomers, after which you need to sit down at a table and start the event. Late-arriving guests should apologize, being careful not to interrupt the speech or toast, take their place, and remember to introduce themselves to their neighbors or drop a polite phrase.

in the lobby

And so, a young couple enters a restaurant. The gentleman must hold the front door and let the lady go ahead. Then help take off her coat and give her time to preen in front of the mirror. At this time, you can undress yourself and hand over your outerwear to the cloakroom.

A man must take off his hat at the entrance. And put on after leaving the restaurant.

In front of the mirror in the lobby, you are only allowed to straighten your hair with your hands. If you need more significant manipulations, you can briefly go to the ladies' room. Or men's, if you need to straighten your tie.

On the way to the table

The door to the restaurant hall itself is also opened by a man, letting the woman go first. Then he must overtake her and be the first to greet the approaching head waiter.

If a large company enters the hall, the initiator of the banquet, as a rule, passes first. The waiter will contact him during the order and payment of the bill.

On the way to the table, the man again lets the lady go ahead, allowing her to follow the head waiter. But he chooses a table himself or, if there is no choice, the head waiter will point to a free one.

Having proceeded to the indicated table, the woman independently chooses the place she likes. And the man helps to take it by pushing and moving a chair. He himself takes a place to the left of the lady or opposite for a more comfortable conversation.

It is not civilized to move a chair to the table in a sitting position. If you are uncomfortable, it is better to just sit on its edge.

It happens that the lady is delayed. In this case, the gentleman must inform the head waiter about what awaits the companion. Then the administrator will be able to meet the guest and lead to her table. The man, at the same time, gets up and helps her sit down.

Place a napkin from the table on your knees. At the end of the meal - on the table, without turning.

Contacting the waiter and ordering food

The menu is usually served to each guest, but there are exceptions. If there is only one instance, the first course is chosen by the lady. And here there are several points that many prudes "stumble" about:

  • You can not limit yourself to the cheapest dishes, this indicates doubts about the viability of a man.
  • The most exquisite and unreasonably expensive dishes are also not an option, because you are not one of those people who would take advantage of the opportunity. It is better to give preference to the golden mean.
  • The phrase "Order to your taste" is not acceptable at all. But you can get off with the request "What do you advise"?

It just so happened that it was a man who communicates with the waiter. And the woman expresses her wishes to her companion, this is another great opportunity to show her care and resourcefulness to the lady. But just do not call the waiter to order. He himself will understand that the guests have already made their choice.

If a large company of guests is sitting at the table, the waiter will approach the initiator of the banquet. To the one who booked a table or entered the restaurant first. In this case, the inviter must consult with the others and place an order on his own, taking into account the general wishes.

After the waiter has opened the wine brought for testing, it is already indecent to refuse it. You can afford such a step only if the drink turned out to be spoiled.


The way a person eats food, what appliances he uses and how he holds them in his hand, speaks of his culture and upbringing. Therefore, everyone should know the general ones by heart. And even more so when it comes to a restaurant.

They start eating when the dish is in front of each guest. If the banquet is too large, and the dishes are brought for a long time, the waiting guests may offer to start without them. Or you yourself can politely ask if you can start the meal.

An excellent piece of etiquette - not to keep your elbows on the table - is gradually becoming a thing of the past. In a friendly company, no one will focus on this, but at a banquet with the older generation it is better not to risk your reputation.

Eat slowly and calmly. You can not grimace, slurp and knock with a fork or spoon. You can't talk while eating. But at a banquet, you can be contacted at any second, in such a situation it is better to quietly apologize and chew your food than to mumble with a full mouth.

When a man and a woman dine at the table, the lady should start eating earlier, but finish after the gentleman. According to the rules of restaurant etiquette, you can’t rush a man for a meal, and even more so ask the waiter to bring the bill before it ends.

Different situations during a banquet

Even people who know the rules of etiquette from A to Z can get into an awkward situation during dinner at a restaurant. The following rules of behavior in the institution will help to avoid them:

  1. Do not pick up appliances that you have dropped on the floor. The waiter will do it himself and replace them with new ones.
  2. Broken dishes in a restaurant are no cause for fuss. You just need to ask the waiter to remove the fragments, and the cost of damage will automatically be included in the bill.
  3. It is not cultural to fall apart in a chair, talk loudly, bend over a plate.
  4. If the dish is absolutely not to your taste, discreetly spit the food into a paper napkin, and not into a plate, so as not to spoil the appetite of other guests.
  5. Talking on the phone right at the table is the height of indecency. It is better to apologize and leave the table if the conversation is urgent.
  6. If you need to leave, even for a short time, you need to politely ask permission from friends.
  7. Don't shout at the people at the next table. Need to talk? Invite a friend to your table or sit down at his table, asking permission from your friends.
  8. If a familiar person has entered the restaurant, you can greet him with a nod of your head. As a rule, no one lingers at the table. If the fleeting conversation dragged on, it is better to leave the table and go into the hall. Or invite a person to sit at your table, but only if you yourself organized a banquet.
  9. When late guests approach the table, the men stand in greeting, while the women remain in their places. If a lady has joined the banquet, everyone stands up.
  10. A negative impression is made by people loudly calling the waiter. Insinuate your need for his presence with a simple nod of your head.
  11. The organizer of the evening speaks about the end of the banquet. The man ends the romantic dinner, but if the lady needs to escape urgently, she can do it by apologizing to the gentleman.

Who pays the bill

It is better to discuss payment of the bill in advance; it is unacceptable to do this in the presence of a waiter. After he brought the bill, you need to look into it and immediately pay.

Large banquets are most often paid for by the organizer, while it is not nice to expose the amount spent to the public. A friendly dinner can be paid together or asked for a separate bill for each. Alcohol in this case, men can pay for the ladies, which will be a sign of good manners.

If a couple ate at the restaurant, the man pays the bill himself. And the lady should not feel awkward and obligated. And in combination, when a man and a woman are friends, you can share the costs.

How to leave beautifully

At the end of the meal and payment of the bill, you must thank the waiter and the head waiter. After that, the man escorts the lady to the exit, opening the door for her. He takes outerwear from the wardrobe, dresses himself, and only then helps the lady to dress. She is patiently waiting for help.

Going to a restaurant is accompanied by beautiful clothes, fragrant perfume and good mood. If this is your first outing, you need to learn a little code of conduct in a restaurant so as not to scare your partner off by not knowing the etiquette.

Restaurant etiquette rules

According to the requirements of etiquette, a man must come shortly before the arrival of a woman in order to find a free table. In rare cases, when a man is late, a woman needs to choose a table herself. Upon arrival, the partner must explain the reason for his being late, and the lady, after listening carefully, must

Before going to the table, guests are offered to leave their clothes in the cloakroom. In this case, the man must help his companion take off her outer clothing, and only then hand over her own (the number remains with the man).

Napkins that are on the table near the appliances should be straightened and laid on your knees. She must be there until the end of the meal. Often the napkin rolls off the woman's dress, so you need to hold it. If it so happened that she nevertheless fell, the man must pretend that he did not notice anything, and the lady must independently and imperceptibly return her to her place.

After the order has already been made, there is time to leave for a couple of minutes, for example, to smoke.

The initiator of leaving the institution is a man. Only in rare cases can a lady herself offer to leave.

Cutlery in a restaurant

A person who rarely visits such establishments can get confused in the variety of available devices. The usual knife instead of a sharp blade has a blunt shape, which is associated with the possible use of a sharp knife as a melee weapon.

Spoons appeared later than knives, but entered the ranks of cutlery earlier. At first they were worn behind the top of the boots, while some had special cases. Having cutlery on hand was the norm, suddenly where you need it.

Fork in the distant 15th century was the privilege of the nobility. It came into Russian use thanks to Peter I. Earlier attempts were unsuccessful. The first forks were flat and had two cloves. Over time, they took on a more comfortable look.

If earlier some cutlery was rarely used, today it is impossible to eat without them.

It is customary to start a meal in a restaurant with an appetizer. Along with the plate, customers are offered a snack knife, which has a length equal to the diameter of the dish, and a small fork.

Next, after a pleasant snack, the first and second courses are served to the customers. Cutlery is subject to change. As with the appetizer, the knife has the same diameter as the plate. The rest of the cutlery is slightly different in size.

For fish, there is a special set - a knife resembling a spatula and a fork with the usual, but short cloves. There is also, but in rare cases served at the table, a fork for sprats. It has a familiar shape, has five teeth, the last of which are combined for the convenience of the client.

For dessert, cutlery must be changed. The knife, as in previous cases, has a length identical to the diameter of the dessert plate, and it is also narrower and sharper than usual. The rest of the utensils are slightly shorter than the knife, this time the fork has three cloves.

Fruits, although they are a dessert, have their own table set. The knife and fork in this case are smaller, the latter has only two prongs.

Coffee or tea is served with special coffee/tea spoons.

A few rules on how to use the above devices:

  • the knife is in the right hand;
  • V the process of eating food should be parallel to the table;
  • the spoon is not filled to the brim, so as not to spill its contents;
  • tilt the plate away from you to finish the rest of the food;
  • if you took a cutlery - you can’t put it back on the table, because dust and other microbes can stick to it;
  • during a pause, cutlery should be placed on a plate so that the end of the fork slightly intersects with the end of the knife;
  • after the end of the meal, put the cutlery in parallel.

Restaurant table etiquette

After you have sat down at the table, the menu will be brought to you and you will be given a little time to decide on the order. According to the rules of etiquette, the first dish is chosen by a woman. Or she can let a man make the choice for her.

The serving waiter first of all brings the dish that the woman ordered. You need to start the meal after everyone sitting at the table has brought food. The visitor can ask for new appliances if they accidentally fell on the floor (no need to pick them up). If, through a little negligence, you broke the dishes, do not worry, their cost will be included in the bill.

According to the etiquette in a restaurant, you can’t have a loud conversation, interfere with others, lean low on a plate, fall apart on a chair and, of course, put your elbows on the table. Eat your food slowly so that you can feel every flavor. Let the food cool down, because according to the rules of etiquette, you can’t blow on food.

Fish and fruit bones should be pulled out with a fork. If you do not like the food at all, then gently and tightly bring the napkin to your mouth and spit it out.
