
Meat minced beef steak. Step-by-step recipe for chopped minced steak

Hello dear friends!

To make up for a long pause in cooking, I decided to take on tasty dish. And not just like that, but with an eye on one more thing. Today's post is about how to cook minced beef steak so that it turns out to be a savory delicacy flavored Provencal steak (I'm not afraid of this word).

It all started with what I decided to master. Well, for them, who doesn’t know, you first need to learn how to make chopped steaks (a cutlet that is put inside).

But this is not just a cutlet for you, fragrant chopped steak in some cases can be very worthy competition. delicious steak. Or its alternative. There are situations when it is better to turn a piece of beef tenderloin into a juicy and delicious steak than to get a steak of unpredictable stiffness. (Yes, there are all sorts of cows). And with a steak, you can not be afraid that the dish will suffer from the age of the cow ...

So, if everything is in order, then for chopped steak we need


(for 2 steaks)

  • 300 g beef tenderloin
  • Salt pepper
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 10 g butter
  • 10 capers (optional)
  • 5 olives (optional)


So, as I wrote, for chopped steak we need beef tenderloin. You need to take a thick piece, then the steak will turn out more juicy. You can use the pulp instead of tenderloin. But in this case, you will need to pay more attention to removing the skin and veins.

Yes, do not forget to sharpen the knife before cooking: since we will cut the meat, we need a very sharp knife.

So, at the very beginning, remove from beef meat all unnecessary "connective tissues". Cut everything and throw away, leaving only the beautiful meat.

Cut this meat into strips, these strips into thin strips and chop with a knife into small pieces.

After that, you will get such a slide.

Salt and pepper the chopped meat, transfer to a deep container and here you need to add a tablespoon of olive oil.

And the moment came when this Ground beef need to knead. We just knead it with our hands for about 5 minutes. It is simply necessary for the minced meat to “grab”: highlight the starch for viscosity and then keep the “heaps”, since we do not put the egg here for binding, unlike ordinary cutlets.

In addition, after the "kneading" to comply with the technology and proper cooking minced meat must be served. That is, take all the chopped minced meat and smack it on a bowl. For those who are afraid that they will scrape the minced meat from all the walls of kitchen furniture, it is recommended to put the minced meat in cellophane bag, but better in two (if one suddenly breaks). And "shmyakat" a bag of meat. I didn’t use the bag, but at the moment of beating I felt like a real professional chef. Yes, beat back tedious times 5-7.

After this execution, you will get such a beautiful broken hill of minced meat.

And now it remains just to form two steaks. Usually, it is recommended to make a steak 1.5 cm thick. It can be up to 2.5 cm, but if later you still need to make a hamburger with it, then you need to think about making it convenient to bite it too. Well, if it is thicker, then it will need to be fried a little more.

To form beautiful chopped steaks, I used a forming circle, but without it it also works well.

Fry in a well-heated pan in vegetable oil on both sides, 2-3 minutes on each side. Not more.

Beefsteak is a dish that is eaten varying degrees roasting. I really do not recommend drying it, because then the meat loses all its juiciness and becomes like a “sole”, as the French say.

After the steak is fried on both sides, remove it from the pan and put it on top. small piece vegetable oil.

You can serve the steak with an egg: it is used as fried egg"soft-boiled" and raw yolk on a chopped steak (this is how you have enough taste courage if you are not used to it).

I've cooked steaks this way many times. And I’ll tell you, if you want to cook a savory, delicious, aromatic Provencal chopped steak, then add capers and a few chopped olives to the meat. (Before adding the capers, I recommend rinsing). Thanks to capers (thank you, Alla and Luda), the steak becomes piquant.

If you take not tenderloin, but simply beef pulp, then it is better to twist the pulp in a meat grinder: there will be less fuss (the pulp contains more veins, and it will be long and tedious to chop it).

The readiness of steaks is characterized by degrees of roasting. IN European cuisine There are the following degrees of roasting:

          • "With blood" (rare) - uncooked meat with red meat juice (200 ° C, 2-3 minutes)

          • Unroasted (medium rare) - meat with pronounced juice Pink colour(190-200 °C, 4-5 minutes)

          • Medium (medium) - meat with pinkish juice (180 ° C, 6-7 minutes)

          • Almost fried (medium well) - meat with clear juice(180°C, 8-9 minutes)

          • Well-done - absolutely fried meat, almost without juice (180 ° C, 8-9 minutes + additional cooking in the oven)

I like it when the steak is "medium" or "medium led".

Cook with pleasure and see you soon!

Beefsteak is 100% man food. Big piece tasty meat, properly cooked and beautifully served on the table, can turn the head of any representative of the stronger sex. Therefore, a woman must be able to cook it really tasty.

Rules for cooking steak

  • The meat should be fresh and of high quality, so you should not spare money on it.
  • The meat must be properly cooked: the fact is that some people like a steak with blood, but for many, blood is unacceptable in meat. This point must be immediately clarified for yourself: what kind of steak will you cook.

So, there are a lot of options for cooking steak. We suggest taking classic recipe, since it is not difficult to prepare, and it does not require many ingredients, but the taste of such meat is guaranteed to be simply amazing!

To do this, we need a piece of beef meat (300-400 g), black pepper, salt, garlic, rosemary sprig, butter, lemon.

Beefsteak cooking process

  • In the matter of cooking a steak, the question of time is fundamentally important, so be sure to stock up on a timer - this is just done so that the steak is fried, but not overcooked.
  • Before you start cooking meat, put the pan on the fire. A frying pan should be taken with a thick bottom, for example, cast iron, so that it heats up evenly. You don’t need to make a large fire right away - a medium one will be enough. If you are a fan of Well done steak, that is, without blood, well fried, then put the oven to warm up in the same way. It must be brought to a temperature of 180°C.
  • While the pan is heating up, chop the meat. large pieces, 2 cm thick. We clean it of unnecessary bones, get rid of the film, which is so hard to chew.
  • Now, on both sides, the meat must be salted, pepper to taste, and grated olive oil. The point is that the pan for cooking the steak must be absolutely dry, so we grease the pieces of meat in advance.
  • If the meat is already chopped and processed, and the pan is warmed up, then you can start frying the meat. First on one side - 3 minutes, then turn the meat over to the other side - also for 3 minutes.
  • While the meat is fried on the second side, you can take a sprig of rosemary and lightly walk it along the already fried side, then take the garlic, make a cut on it and spread the steak with the side of the cut. Next, take a piece of butter and rub the meat with it.
  • When 3 minutes have passed, the meat can be turned over again and quickly done with butter, rosemary and garlic on the second side.
  • Then fry the sides of the steak.
  • When everything is done, the steak can be transferred to a saucepan and sent to the oven for another 5 minutes - but this should only be done if you want the steak to be well done.

How to serve a steak

When the meat is ready, note that it will release some juice. This juice does not need to be poured! Add literally 5-6 drops of lemon juice to it and stir - this will be the sauce for the cooked steak.

Put the meat on a wide plate, pour over the sauce, you can decorate the dish fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!

Hamburger adored in many countries of the world. Juicy beef cutlet is made from 100% beef with onion, salt, pepper, and then grilled. Beef steak is served with an egg or as a hamburger - on a bun seasoned with mustard and ketchup, with onions, tomatoes and pickled cucumbers.

The dish is so popular that it is prepared in establishments of any level: from expensive restaurants to small cafes. How to cook the perfect steak at home? Yes, very easy! You will need a “correct” piece of beef, a sharp knife and a toasty-walled pan.

IN modern culinary it is allowed to prepare chopped steak from minced meat, chopped with a knife or through a meat grinder, not only from beef, but also from pork, with the addition of vegetables and eggs, breaded and battered. In a word, there are a lot of options.

IN today's recipe I will cook beef steak, chopped with a knife, in a pan, with the minimum amount additives to keep the purity of taste, texture and exciting meat flavor. It will turn out a well-done steak, juicy, with a golden crust - I hope the photos turned out to be expressive.

What kind of meat to choose for a steak?

To make the dish juicy, it is important to choose the right meat. A tenderloin or shoulder blade of young beef will do. The tenderloin is very tender, lean and without connective tissue, but quite expensive. Shoulder cut contains enough fat to make the steak juicy, and there is little connective tissue, moreover, this part of the cut is more affordable.


  • beef tenderloin or shoulder blade 500 g
  • onion 3 pcs.
  • ground black pepper 3 g
  • salt 5 g
  • vegetable oil or ghee 40 ml

How to cook minced beef steak

  1. I cleaned a piece of fresh beef pulp (shoulder) from all connective and intermuscular films, dried it with a towel. To make the steak juicy, it is best not to grind the meat in a meat grinder, but to chop it with a knife / hatchet. I cut a piece of pulp into slices about 0.5 cm wide - always across the fibers. For cutting, it is best to use a large and sharp knife.

  2. I cut each piece into long sticks about 0.5 cm wide. Then I chopped the sticks into a small cube - it should turn out something like brunoise slicing (as in Olivier).

  3. And after that I chopped it additionally - walked on top sharp knife on minced meat several times with chopping movements with a knife from top to bottom, so that the pieces of beef become even smaller, like minced meat. It will be more convenient for beginners to grind in portions. You can speed up the process if you use not one knife, but a pair of knives of the same size or a meat hatchet at once.

  4. I peeled the onion and cut it into small cubes. In order for the minced meat to keep its shape well, you need to take 180-200 g of onion per 500 g of beef (3 medium onions). If you add a little onion, then the steak will be dry, and if you add too much, then excess liquid will form and it will disintegrate.

  5. I combined the onion and minced meat in a deep bowl, added salt. Thoroughly mixed - you need to knead for 7-10 minutes, with passion, knead and pinch so that the onion releases juice, and the minced meat becomes plastic and dense. After kneading, I beat the minced meat well, hitting it with force on the edges of the bowl so that it thickens, the plasticity of the fibers increases and excess air leaves.

  6. With oiled palms, she formed round blanks. Serving size is approximately 80 grams. Thickness - about 1.5 cm, diameter - 8 cm. In total, 6 blanks will be obtained.

  7. Heat up a frying pan - a cast-iron or grill will do. It is best to fry in ghee or refined oil. vegetable oil. Butter If it doesn't fit, it will burn and smoke. In order for the steak to retain its shape during frying and not “swell”, it must be periodically pressed down with a spatula, but not too hard so that the meat juices do not leak out.

  8. You need to cook for 4-5 minutes on each side, only 8-10 minutes, the fire should be medium, without a lid. I add pepper during frying, then its aroma is better revealed.

  9. Chopped steak with egg is traditionally served - when cut, the yolk slowly spreads, serving as a kind of sauce that harmonizes perfectly with beef cutlet. To make the fried eggs even at the edges, it is usually prepared in tin molds. To do this, I heated a pan with vegetable oil, put a molding ring into it (diameter 8 cm, I also greased it from the inside so that it would not burn), warmed it up and beat in 1 whole egg. Cooked over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes. Added salt and pepper to taste.

Beef steak should be served immediately after cooking, while still hot. The egg is laid out on top of the cutlet. You can add vegetables or collect hamburgers. Enjoy your meal!

It seems that frying a piece of meat is as easy as shelling pears, but! The method below makes the meat so delicious that you don't want to eat anything else but this.

Beefsteak is fried piece beef cooked in the simplest way.

There is one basic requirement for meat for a steak: it must be cut strictly across the fibers. I met in the literature the opinion that the tenderloin is not suitable for steaks. And in my opinion, tenderloin is the best meat. It makes amazing ma-a-a-lenk steaks. But more often I use the shoulder blade. It turns out a big-o-o-th steak.

Beef is a meat that needs to be cooked either very long or very quickly. So, the steak cooks quickly.

Cut into pieces, 2-4 cm thick. Put in a bowl and lightly sprinkle a small amount seasonings I use black pepper and dried dill.


Let it stand for a moment. A lot of seasonings are not necessary so as not to interrupt the taste of meat. For real, you need to fry the steak on the grill over the coals. But in a city apartment it is difficult. Therefore, fry the steak in a skillet.

All you need is a frying pan large enough to fit all the pieces at once and have plenty of room in it, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and half a teaspoon of salt.

Meat is laid on a very hot frying pan. Roasted until golden brown. Turns over. Roasted again until crispy. Approximately 4-5 minutes on each side. Readiness is determined by poking with a knife.

A steak is considered ready if it protrudes at the cut point. pink juice. Salted. If you want a "rare" steak, you've got it. If you want "half-done" then repeat the flip cycle again, about 2 minutes on each side. When checking, light juice should stand out.

If you continue to fry, you will eventually end up with an "overcooked" steak, inedible due to toughness. Juice no longer stands out from it.

Recipe 2, basic: Fried steaks in their own sauce

Whatever cut of beef you fry in a pan, the main part of this procedure is unchanged. Start frying for a very hot pan with a small layer of fat and vegetable oil on the bottom; brown the meat on both sides to form a crust; then spend The final stage frying, the operating temperature of which should be lower, the thicker the steak. And although the method itself is quite simple, the end result will depend on how attentive you are to the details.

Beef should be at room temperature before roasting; otherwise, the outer layers of the meat will be overcooked before the inside is done.

The meat in the pan should be fairly loose; excessive tightness will create a steam cushion, and the meat will be stewed instead of frying.

The frying pan should be hot enough that when the steak is lowered into it, a characteristic hiss is heard.

The frying time is determined by the thickness of the steak and the desired degree of doneness. Approximately, a 3 cm thick steak becomes medium rare by the time both sides of it are covered with a ruddy crust; the whole process takes about 4 minutes. Cooking each side for another 1.5-2 minutes makes the steak medium rare, and 9-10 minutes of total roasting time allows you to get a completely done steak.

To determine the degree of doneness, check the meat with a “pinch” or press it with your finger.

The readiness of meat can be judged by outward signs. The beef reaches medium-low doneness at the moment when the first pearl of red juice appears on the browned surface. If after some time you prick the meat with the tip of a knife, light pink juice will flow out of it - the steak is medium roasted; and if the juice is clear, the steak is completely fried.

Grilled steaks can be topped with one of the meat-leaked sauces. To do this, before deglazing the pan with red wine, fry finely chopped shallots in it or pepper the steaks with a pepper breading.

Deglazing: treasure at the bottom of the pan

When you fry a piece of beef or veal in a pan, under the influence of heat, the juices slowly flow out of the meat. The moisture contained in them evaporates, leaving a residue of solid and at the same time soluble protein deposits, the latter accumulate in the pan during the frying process. You can use this wonderful flavor by dissolving it in the liquid heated in a pan to make a sauce (this is called deglazing). Deglazed juices usually form the basis of a sauce served with pan-fried steak or veal escalope. However, the deglazing process is not limited to pan frying alone. In particular, stews are quite often pre-brown in the pan, and deposits left on the bottom of the pan can be deglazed to enrich the stewing liquid. Roasting meat in the oven also releases meat juices, which form a protein residue at the bottom of the broiler and are the natural basis for making gravy. If you want to keep the meat flavor, deglaze with water or, for more nutrition, broth. Quite often, wine is used as a deglazing liquid, which transfers its bewitching aroma to a sauce, gravy or stew. However, do not forget to boil the mixture for wine-based for a few minutes to evaporate the alcohol. For some dishes, special deglazing liquids are sometimes used. For example, lemon juice adds a tangy flavor to the sauce roast veal cream softens the pungency of pepper-coated steak; beer goes well with stewed beef And onions in a dish called carbonade.

Carefully drain the fat from the pan so that the dark meat juices remain in it. Put the pan back on high heat and immediately pour plenty of liquid over the bottom, in this case water. When the liquid boils, stir it with a wooden spatula, scraping off protein deposits adhering to the pan.

When all deposits are cleaned and dissolved, the deglazing process is considered complete and the liquid can be added to the stew. However, a sauce or gravy needs thickening: keep evaporating the boiling liquid, stirring it until it has the consistency of a thin syrup.

Recipe 3: Pepper Breaded Beefsteak

1 - Breading the steaks with pepper

Crush the peas (in the picture - a mixture of white, black and a few peas allspice) and evenly distribute the resulting breading on the surface of the board. Put the steak (in the picture - from the rump) on the breading and press firmly on top with your palm so that the pepper pieces are pressed into the meat; do the same with the other side of the steak.

2 - Frying steaks

Pour fat or vegetable oil into the pan. When the fat (oil) is heated to high temperature, brown the steaks, frying each side for about 1-2 minutes. To turn the meat, use a spatula or stick a fork into the end of the piece so as not to damage the breading layer. Lower the heat and continue frying, without turning the meat, until the desired degree of doneness.

3- Preparing the sauce

Pepper steaks can be served with or without breading, as you like. They can also be served with a contrast sauce, such as brandy cream. Deglaze the pan over high heat to remove the alcohol from the brandy, then add the cream and thicken. Pour the sauce over the steaks.

Recipe 4: Grilled Beef Steak and Pan

Surprisingly good piece of beef grilled on fresh air!.. Luxuriously smelling, incredibly tasty!.. But, let's not dream, but make dreams come true - fry a steak (or, in our opinion, a steak) here and now - in a frying pan. The meat will turn out fragrant, even with the best crust. All you need: salt, pepper, good frying pan. And, of course, beef (veal) tenderloin or fillet!

  • Steaks, 3-3.5 cm thick - 2 pcs. (300-400 g each)
  • Salt, black ground pepper
  • Vegetable oil (if necessary) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Dry chorizo ​​sausages with red pepper and garlic, diced - ¼ cup
  • Fried Bell pepper, canned - ¼ cup
  • Chopped parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter, unsalted, softened - ½ cup
  • Hungarian paprika, sweet - 2 tsp
  • Worcestershire sauce - ¼ tsp
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • Black ground pepper - ½ tsp

How to fry a steak in a pan:

Season meat at room temperature with salt and pepper on both sides.

Warm up well big fire a frying pan, preferably cast iron, heavy, with a thickened bottom. If using another, pour vegetable oil on the bottom. Check if the pan is hot enough by lightly touching the surface with the edge of the steak. A characteristic hiss should be heard.

Lay the pieces of meat in the pan. They should fit freely on the surface. Fry one side for 3 minutes (or one to two minutes longer) until golden brown. Flip the steak and cook the other side for 2-3 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 3 more minutes. Flip. Another 1-3 minutes - until the desired level of readiness (a meat thermometer will show 48 degrees for low rare, 52 - for medium-low and 54 degrees - for a medium-rare steak).

Put the steaks on warm dish, cover with foil and leave for 5 minutes. Cut them in half and arrange on four plates. For each steak, put a piece of butter, made according to the recipe described below, or a simple, creamy one. You can sprinkle the steak with herbs, you can serve with fried mushrooms... or you can "without anything" - your choice. Either way, it will be delicious!

When choosing meat, give preference to thicker pieces, about 3 cm thick. This will help to achieve a good crust without overcooking the steak.
If it has been stored in the refrigerator, keep it under room temperature at least 15 minutes (up to half an hour) - this will improve the quality of the roasting of the steak.

Fry one side for 3 minutes until golden brown. Flip the steak and cook the other side for 2-3 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 3 more minutes. Flip. Fry the steak until done, 1-3 minutes.

Butter with Sweet Peppers and Chorizo ​​Sausages:

Mince the garlic with a food processor, add the chorizo ​​sausages to the bowl, fried pepper and parsley. Chop foods. Add oil, paprika, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Stir. Transfer the finished oil to a plastic film. Attach rectangular shape, wrap well and place in the refrigerator (there will be more butter than necessary, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, and in the freezer for up to two months).

Recipe 5: How to fry beef steak correctly and tasty

  • Roast beef 450 g
  • Sunflower oil refined 50 ml
  • Sea salt 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper 1 tsp

Main conditions:

  1. The right kind of meat.
  2. Accurately follow the rules with oil and frying temperature. Do not pour oil into the pan, but lubricate the meat, and do not be afraid to heat the pan harder first so that the meat juice remains inside.

Clean the meat from the veins and cut across the fibers with a thickness of about 1.5 cm.

Cover with plastic wrap and peel off both sides.

Lubricate the pieces of meat with vegetable oil on both sides, salt and pepper.

Preheat the pan and, without adding oil, quickly fry the meat over high heat for 20-30 seconds on each side.

Reduce heat to medium and sauté until desired doneness (5-10 minutes)

Beefsteak - in its original form is a piece of beef fried on both sides, without any additives. Now it is made from different varieties meat, using various additional processing methods. How to cook a steak so that it is juicy and tender, as well as several modified cooking options, you will learn in this material.

The laws of cooking the right steak

Beefsteak (from English beef - beef, steaks - steaks) - in principle, simply beef steak, but in its preparation there are several nuances that are better taken into account.

Basic rules for the perfect dish:

  1. It is necessary to choose the right meat. The best is the flesh of the thighs or back, as well as the head of the tenderloin, which should be fresh, chilled, but in no case frozen;
  2. It is better to cut into slices no more than 4 centimeters thick across the fibers. That is why the finished meal will not be so tough;
  3. As for the heat treatment time, it depends on your preference. There are several types: with blood (fry only 2 minutes on each side), medium (3 minutes each) and fried (about 5 minutes on each side);
  4. You can check the readiness level by simply piercing with a toothpick. A fully cooked steak will have clear juices.

Classic steak recipe

The classic beef steak is prepared quite simply and quickly.

For 4 servings you will need:

  • 500 g tenderloin;
  • taste coarse salt, ground black pepper;
  • Olena for frying.

Cooking steak step by step:

  1. Cut the chilled meat into slices of the prescribed thickness. Cover with clingfilm on top and beat off a little.
  2. Each piece is salted and peppered.
  3. Fry the steak in a pan on both sides in a well-heated oil. Cooking time depends on how done you want it to be.
  4. Put the hot dish on a plate and pour over the yushka, which was formed during frying, on top. As a side dish, a vegetable platter is also good.

Beef steak with blood

To prepare such a dish, you need to take only the freshest beef (you can pork).

For 4 servings you will need:

  • 600 g of pulp;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • 30 g creamy spread;
  • odorless oil for frying.

  1. Cut the meat into pieces that should not be very thin.
  2. We heat a cast-iron pan (or any dishes with a thick bottom) over very high heat. Pour oil into it and wait for it to heat up.
  3. We spread the steak and fry over high heat for exactly one minute, then reduce the heat and fry again for the same amount.
  4. Remove from the stove, add salt, crush with pepper and cover with a lid.
  5. Put it in after 2 minutes creamy spread and hold for 30 seconds on both sides at medium temperature. Such a dish, with a golden crisp on top and very juicy inside, must be served immediately.

Chopped steak in English

Chopped steak - pretty tasty alternative usual classic.

To feed 8 people you will need:

  • beef fillet - 1 kg;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • eggs - 8 pcs.;
  • fat (oil) for frying.

  1. Of course, you can make a steak from minced meat, but if you cook it from chopped fillet, it will turn out much juicier. The pulp mode is thin strips, from which we make small cubes. Pour vinegar over and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Then add the resulting mass, pepper and beat well. We make cutlets the size of a palm.
  3. Heat some fat in a frying pan. Cook the cutlet for 3 minutes on each side. If you want it to be completely fried, then you need to hold the steak in the oven at 180 degrees for several minutes. Serve a steak with an egg, which is laid out on top.

French beef flambé

Beef steak recipe can be turned into cooking masterpiece. A dish prepared in this way is a hit in expensive restaurants France, but despite all the pathos, you can easily handle it in your kitchen.

For 4 servings take:

  • 600 g beef tenderloin;
  • 150 g salted hard cheese;
  • 250 ml dry white wine;
  • salt, freshly ground pepper;
  • butter for frying.

Detailed cooking scheme:

  1. Washed, peeled from the film, cut the tenderloin into 2 cm thick steaks across the location of the fibers. Slightly beat them off, salt and crush with pepper.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Each piece is breaded in cheese.
  4. We spread a well-heated stewpan with a piece of oil. Fry the steaks for a few minutes on both sides, and immediately remove from heat.
  5. Now it remains only to make flaming, which can be done right in front of the surprised guests. Pour the wine directly into the saucepan, which we immediately set on fire. Let the flame burn for a few minutes. We extinguish the flame by covering it with a lid and immediately put it on the table.

Viennese steak

Looking at the photo, you might think that you have ordinary cutlets in front of you. In fact, this is a chopped steak, only the meat needs to be chopped into it with a blender.

To make 4 servings you will need:

  • beef fillet - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • breadcrumbs for breading - 100g;
  • cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • starch - 25 g;
  • flour - 25 g;
  • 50 g of vegetable and butter;
  • greens -1 tbsp. spoon.

  1. Beat the softened butter with finely chopped greens and put in the freezer.
  2. Chop the onion into rings and fry.
  3. Put in blender meat pieces, onion rings and chop.
  4. We add the yolk, cream, crackers and spices. We mix everything well.
  5. We form cutlets from the resulting mass and bread them in a mixture of starch and flour.
  6. We cook them in hot vegetable oil. It is better to eat hot, be sure to put cubes on top. creamy mass with greens.

Pork steak

As we said earlier, real beef steak made from beef, but very often it is replaced with pork. And it should be noted that the dish comes out of it more tender and juicy, which absolutely cannot be called a disadvantage.

For 500 g of pork you need to take:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of mayonnaise;
  • ½ tsp turmeric;
  • a little red pepper and nutmeg powder;
  • salt;
  • odorless oil.

Description step by step:

  1. We cut the meat in portions. We put it in a plastic bag and lightly beat it off.
  2. Mayonnaise mixed with spices. Lubricate each piece with mayonnaise-spicy mass and leave to marinate for half an hour.
  3. Pork steak is fried in the same way as classic. Very tasty with baked vegetables or potatoes.

BBQ steak

This cooking option will easily compete with the usual barbecue.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of suitable beef;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon of chili and coriander;
  • 20 g of Tabasco sauce;
  • 75 ml of rum.

Preparation description:

  1. Let's prepare the marinade first. Mix the sauce with all the spices and rum. Let it brew for 20 minutes.
  2. Cut the meat into fairly wide layers. Coat each with rum mixture and leave for a while.
  3. Heat up the barbecue or grill to the maximum. We spread the meat and fry until cooked on both sides. To make it juicier - pour periodically with the remaining marinade. In this version, rice or salad is best suited for a side dish.

As you can see, there are many ways to cook this dish. Each of them gives the meat its own special taste. You just have to choose the recipe you like and cook it using our detailed instructions. Your family and friends will appreciate your efforts.

Video: Beefsteak with onions and zucchini
