
Recipe for cooking pasta with meat in a pan. Pasta with meat - the best recipes

Tired of the usual boiled pasta? Make a new dish of pasta and pork for your family, indulge in a delicious hot dish according to the original recipe.

Some better ways cooking unusual dishes from ordinary products:

All the ingredients in the above recipes are given in approximate quantities, be guided by your own taste to determine the amount of products you need.

"Fried" pasta with pork in a pan


Pork - 200 grams;
Pasta - 0.3 kilograms;
Carrots - 1 piece;
Onions - 3 pieces;
Salt and spices to taste;
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
Drinking water.


1. Heat the oil over medium heat and fry finely chopped pork in it.

2. We clean the onions and carrots, chop them and send them to fry for meat.

3. When the pork with vegetables is reddened, pour boiling water from the kettle (about a liter) and let it stew for about 20-30 minutes.

4. Salt the broth, add your favorite spices (it can be black pepper, cumin, coriander and others).

5. After waiting two minutes, add the pasta. The water should cover them by about two fingers' width. Mix well and cover with a lid.

6. From time to time, pasta with pork should be mixed, not allowing it to stick to the bottom. When all the liquid has boiled away, test for readiness, if it is damp, you can add more boiling water and cook for additional time.

Fried pasta with pork meat ready! Serve with herbs and fresh vegetables.

Pasta with pork in a slow cooker

The whole charm of cooking in a slow cooker lies precisely in the fact that I put everything in a miracle pot and forgot about it until the beep. Therefore, we will use a recipe in which you do not need to pre-boil or fry pork. And since pork meat is cooked much longer than pasta, grind it either with kitchen appliances(meat grinder / combine), or by hand, trying to keep the pieces literally tiny.


Pork - 200 grams;
Pasta - 300 grams;
Vegetables - 200 grams;
Vegetable oil or melted butter - 50 grams;
Salt and spices to taste.

Cooking pork with pasta:

1. Pour oil into the multicooker. If you took creamy ghee, keep in mind that it must be liquid.

2. Put the meat in a bowl, distributing it evenly along the bottom.

3. Salt and add spices for pasta.

5. Top with pasta. It is best if these are durum wheat pasta, so you will be sure that they will not boil into porridge during cooking.

6. Fill with water. It should completely cover the pasta, slightly exceeding the level.

7. Close the lid and set the “Pilaf” mode, so the multicooker will turn off the heating itself when all the water boils away and the meat and vegetables are fried a little.

8. After the beep, open the lid, mix and determine the readiness of the pasta. If necessary, you can add boiling water and cook for 5 minutes on the “Steamer” mode, but, as a rule, this is not required.

Recipe in spicy tomato sauce


Pork - 400 grams;
Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
Onions - 2-3 heads;
Carrots - 1-2 root crops;
Fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces;
Sun-dried tomatoes to taste;
Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
Boiled pasta - 600 grams;
Salt and spices;
Vegetable oil for frying.

Step by step recipe

1. Pork meat is best taken with fat, and cut it in such a way that each piece gets both lard and meat. We fry it in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil over low heat so that not only the pieces become golden, but the fat is rendered and becomes translucent.

2. Add finely chopped garlic, half rings of onion and carrots. Roast over low heat.

3. When the onion becomes transparent, lay out the chopped fresh tomatoes. Simmer for 5 minutes.

4. Dilute tomato paste in half a glass of water. Pour into the pan.

5. Add salt and spices. Sun-dried tomatoes if desired.

6. Simmer over medium heat until the liquid has evaporated.

7. In the finished tomato sauce with pork, spread boiled pasta(stage al-dente), mix, close the lid and let the dish soak for two minutes. And then, removing from heat, brew for another 2 minutes.

Arrange on plates and serve hot with white wine and fresh vegetables.

Pork with pasta in the oven

You will need:

Nest pasta - 8 pieces;
Pork - 200 grams;
Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
Vegetables - 200 grams;
Milk or cream - 200 grams;
Butter - 1 tablespoon with a large slide;
Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon with a large slide;
Nutmeg on the tip of a teaspoon;
salt and white pepper taste.

Cooking step by step:

1. Boil the nests until half cooked so that the core inside remains solid.

2. Chop the pork and fry over medium heat until a crust appears.

3. We take vegetables to our taste, for example, onions, carrots, tomatoes, celery. Cut into small pieces and add to the meat. Passer.

4. We drown in a separate ladle butter and slowly add the flour, stirring constantly. As soon as the mass becomes a nut color, remove from heat and pour in milk in small portions. Having achieved a homogeneous state, we warm it up on fire. After the sauce has boiled, put salt, pepper and nutmeg. When lumps appear in the mass, it should be filtered through a fine sieve.

5. Place tightly in a baking dish pasta nests. In each in the center we impose a meat and vegetable filling. Drizzle the nests with cream sauce.

6. We send it to the oven preheated to 220 ° C until a crust forms.

We lay out in portions, decorating with herbs and pouring the remaining sauce from the mold. Gourmets can be recommended to sprinkle the dish with parmesan, grated with a fine grater.

Recipe for pasta and pork casserole


Pork (boiled or fried) - 150 grams;
Pasta (boiled) - 400 grams;
Eggs - 2 pieces;
Cream - 0.5 cups;
Salt to taste;
Tomatoes - 1 piece;
Hard cheese - 150 grams;
Mayonnaise - 4-5 tablespoons;
Vegetable oil or butter for greasing the mold.

Preparing the casserole:

1. Mix eggs with cream. Salt if desired. In fact, the dish includes mayonnaise and cheese, and the finished meat and pasta are already salted, so additional salt is not necessary.

2. Add half of the grated coarse grater cheese.

3. In a greased baking dish, lay out the pasta boiled until half cooked, and with the next layer - meat pieces. Pork for casseroles can be boiled, fried, or even left over after dinner, the main thing is to cut into medium-sized cubes.

4. Fill with egg-cheese mixture.

6. Last layer- the remaining grated cheese.

7. Send to the oven. The casserole is cooked at 220°C up to golden brown.

We cut in portions. Serve the pasta and pork casserole hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Naval pasta with pork meat


Pork - 300 grams;
Salo - 100 grams;
Onion - 300 grams;
Pasta - 500 grams;
Salt and ground black pepper;
Vegetable oil.

How to cook pork with navy pasta:

1. If you prefer dishes with minced meat, then scroll the meat, lard and onions in a meat grinder and fry in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil. If you are a lover of cracklings and pieces of meat, then we offer you another option. Put crumbled lard on a greased pan and wait until it melts as much as possible, giving up its fat. Next, chop the pork and onion, add to the browned cracklings. Stirring, cook until golden color.

2. In separate saucepan Boil your favorite pasta by placing it in boiling salted water. Boil according to package directions.

3. Ready pasta Rinse in a colander under cold running water. Let the moisture drain, shaking lightly with a colander, and then transfer to the pan with the meat and onions.

4. Heat together, stirring, so that the products "share" their flavors with each other.

A huge assortment of pasta allows you to choose original bulk products that look great on a plate. After boiling, they should be washed well under running water so as not to stick together in a lump.

Veal is suitable for cooking in a pan, chicken fillet and pork with small layers of fat. These types of meat do not require long stewing. Spicy tomato paste will shorten the cooking time, give the food an amazing taste. sweet and sour taste and appetizing orange tint.

Sprinkled with fresh herbs, pasta with meat is served only hot, supplemented with a vegetable salad.


  • pasta - 300 g
  • pork - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • water - 100–150 ml


1. Start by processing the meat. It could be pork this recipe, chicken or beef. Beef takes longer to cook. If you like fatter and more satisfying, use pork with a layer of fat.

Rinse meat, pat dry paper towel. Cut into small pieces. Heat up in a deep frying pan sunflower oil(you can also use butter). Add meat pieces. Fry for 5-8 minutes over high heat until the meat has changed color and lightly browned.

2. Pour boiling water into the pan with the meat. Cover with a lid and reduce the heat. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. The meat pieces should be soft.

3. Peel a large onion, cut into small cubes. Add to skillet. Stir and fry for about 5 minutes over medium heat.

4. Add tomato paste. Stir. Simmer for 10-15 minutes small fire. If there isn't enough oil in the pan, add a little more. Instead of butter, you can add a little boiling water.

5. At this time, send a pot of water to the stove. Boil, add some salt. Add pasta. Stir so they don't stick to the pot and cook as directed in their instructions. Drain in a sieve or colander and rinse warm water, you can directly from the tap. Shake to drain excess water.

Pasta and pork are very satisfying and tasty. No wonder the combination is so popular.

Exists great amount recipes with these ingredients in the base. They can be baked, fried, stewed and each dish will be special, unlike any other.

Pork Pasta - General Cooking Principles

Pork for such dishes is usually used boneless. The pulp is cut in small pieces: cubes, bars, straws. If a specific form is not specified, then you can do it at your discretion. Then the meat is fried in a pan, stewed, combined with separately boiled pasta, or the garnish is seasoned already in the plates, the additive is laid out next to or on top.

Often all kinds of casseroles are prepared from pasta with pork. They add vegetables, sauces, spices, mushrooms and, of course, cheese. When baked, it turns into a golden crust, making the dish much more beautiful and tastier. And if you add crackers or a few nuts to the cheese, the dish will be even more aromatic.

Pasta with pork (fried)

A simple recipe for pasta with pork in a pan, which is somewhat reminiscent of the Navy. We take any pieces of meat without bones.


400 g pasta;

400 g of meat;

100 g of onion;

10 ml of oil;

Salt pepper;

1 carrot.


1. Put a pot of salted water on the fire. Prepare pasta according to package instructions.

2. We cut the pork into cubes no more than one centimeter. Heat up a spoonful of oil in a frying pan. If the meat is without fat, then pour 3-4 times more.

3. We lay the meat, quickly fry over high heat, then reduce, cover and simmer in our juice for about 15 minutes.

4. Cut the onion, rub the carrot.

5. Remove the lid, add vegetables to the meat. We fry everything together until cooked. For 3 minutes, put salt, pepper.

6. Add boiled pasta to the finished meat. We mix. Warm up together for a couple of minutes and turn off.

Pasta with pork and vegetables in a pan

The recipe for another perfect pasta dish with pork and vegetables for dinner. It turns out very juicy, does not require gravy.


350 g pork;

400 g pasta or spaghetti;

1 onion;

1 Bulgarian pepper;

2 tomatoes;

1 carrot;

Spices, oil;

Dill greens.


1. Put the meat cut into small cubes or strips into a frying pan with two spoons. We fry until half cooked.

2. Add diced onion, cook for another minute.

3. Now we put the carrot, fry it along with the meat further.

4. As soon as the carrots change color slightly, you can add sliced ​​​​tomatoes and straws from bell pepper. We cook everything together for about five minutes.

5. Boil pasta according to the instructions, grease with any oil.

6. Put pasta or spaghetti in plates. Lay pork with vegetables on top.

7. Wash the dill, cut with a knife, sprinkle on top. Serve immediately while the dish is hot.

Pasta with pork in the oven

The recipe for pasta baked with meat under an appetizing and very fragrant crust from cheese and crackers. Bechamel sauce is prepared for pouring.


0.5 kg of pork;

0.3 kg of pasta;

70 g of cheese;

60 g crackers;

600 ml of milk;

40 g butter + vegetable;

2 tablespoons of flour;

onion head


1. We wash the pork, dry it with napkins, cut into cubes. We chop the onion arbitrarily.

2. Pour a little oil into the pan, throw onions first, fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Next, add the pork and cook on high heat for about five minutes all together, then reduce and bring almost to readiness over low heat.

4. Boil any medium-sized pasta, but not quite to the end. They should be a little stiff. We throw it into a colander. Then mix with meat and onions.

5. Put the butter in the pan, melt it. Add flour, fry. Pour in milk, first 100 ml, then everything else and heat the sauce. Salt, pepper, garlic to taste. As soon as the sauce begins to "gurgle", turn off the stove.

6. Mix the meat, pasta and sauce so that everything is evenly distributed in the dish.

7. Lubricate the form, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We spread the prepared mixture, level it.

8. Pour the rest of the crackers (about 40 g) into a bowl, rub the cheese there, mix. Pour this mixture over the pasta.

9. Put the dish in the oven, bake for up to half an hour at 180 degrees. If the crust is fried earlier, then you can take it out after 20 minutes. When serving, decorate with greens.

Pasta with pork in creamy sauce

To prepare this dish, you can use cream of any fat content. The sauce is tender, fragrant, goes well with pork and pasta. Olives are used to decorate the dish, but you can skip this moment.


300 g pasta, spaghetti;

200 g pork;

2 onions;

1 spoon of flour;

250 ml cream;

Salt oil;

Pitted olives 10-12 pieces;

Garlic to taste hot peppers, curry.


1. Cooking in the usual way spaghetti or any other pasta.

2. Turn on the stove, pour a little oil into the pan.

3. Cut the pork into strips, fry until golden brown, remove from the pan with a slotted spoon so that the fat remains.

4. Add the onion cut into small cubes into the fat, sauté.

5. Put a spoonful of flour, fry until golden brown for a few seconds along with onions. Then add cream in a thin stream. Stir, put the spices, salt the sauce. You can add to taste crushed garlic.

6. We heat the sauce, but do not let it boil.

7. Return the fried pork to the pan. Cook over low heat for a few minutes to soften the crust on the meat.

8. Connecting it all with boiled spaghetti or pasta, stir.

9. Arrange in plates. Cut the olives into quarters, sprinkle on top.

Pasta with pork, cheese and nuts

Recipe for a delicious pork with pasta, which is also baked in the oven. Cheese is hard, you can "Russian", nuts only walnuts.


0.3 kg of pasta;

0.3 kg of pork;


4 spoons of sour cream;

2 cloves of garlic;

A couple of eggs;

2 tablespoons chopped nuts;

150 g cheese.


1. Cut the meat into strips or small cubes. Fry in a skillet until almost done.

2. Cut the onion, add to the meat, brown. Salt, stir, turn off after a minute.

3. Boil pasta in the usual way, free from liquid.

4. We combine pasta with meat in one bowl.

5. Put crushed garlic, eggs, pepper in sour cream, add the third part grated cheese. Shake and transfer to pasta with meat. Mix everything thoroughly.

6. Lubricate the form, lay out the entire prepared mixture.

7. Combine the rest of the grated cheese with nuts, mix. Sprinkle the dish.

8. Send to a preheated oven. Fry at 200 degrees until golden brown. We make sure that the pieces of nuts do not burn.

Pasta with pork and mushrooms

The recipe is very delicious pasta with pork, mushrooms and cream. You can use any pasta made from durum wheat, the shape and size of the dish will not spoil.


300 g pork tenderloin;

300 g of paste;

150 ml cream or sour cream;

250 g of champignons;

1-2 onions;

Spices, dry dill or fresh herbs.


1. Cut the pork into cubes or cubes. Put into a frying pan. If the meat is not very fatty, then add a little oil. Fry for 15-20 minutes fully prepared. You can cover the pan for a while.

2. Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices. Peel the onion heads, cut into half rings.

3. We take out the meat from the pan. We throw mushrooms into this fat. Cook until all moisture is gone.

4. It's time to add onions. Cook until golden brown.

5. Add salt and pepper to the cream, stir. Or use sour cream.

6. Pour the sauce over the mushrooms, simmer for a couple of minutes.

7. Now we return the pork, cook for another five minutes all together, at the same time bring it to the desired taste, season with dill at the end.

8. Cook the pasta, put it in a pile on a plate, mushrooms with pork on top and serve.

Chinese pasta with pork and green beans

Chinese dish from pork and pasta, which is cooked in a pan. String beans can be taken fresh or frozen.


200 g pork;

250 g pasta;

200 g of beans;

1 onion;

40 ml soy sauce;

2 tablespoons of tomato;

Oil, spices.


1. In a water saucepan, cook the pasta according to the instructions.

2. Boil separately green beans, also salt the water. It is enough to boil for 5-7 minutes.

3. Cut the pork into strips, put it in a frying pan and start frying. Bring the pieces to softness, add the chopped onion.

4. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, put boiled beans and now fry everything together until the water from the pods evaporates.

5. Mix in a bowl soy sauce and tomato. You can use any ketchup. Pour the contents of the pan, stir quickly.

6. Now we cook the meat for several minutes, do not move away from it. As soon as the dish darkens, immediately turn it off.

7. We spread the meat to the pasta, stir, decorate with herbs, serve hot.

To make the pasta perfect, not stick together and the taste is not affected, you need to take at least one liter of water per 100 g of dry product.

If you need to fry the pork until crispy, then you can roll the pieces before that in wheat flour.

So that the baked dish does not stick to the form, the container not only needs to be greased, but also sprinkled with crackers on top.

If the pasta is cooked ahead of time, it needs to be greased. A few drops are enough vegetable oil.

If durum wheat pasta is used, it is not necessary to rinse it after cooking. It does not stick together and retains its shape perfectly.

Macaroni - the simplest and most classic dish. It is difficult to surprise someone with such a concoction. But it’s worth cooking them with pork meat, adding sauce and you get a dish worthy of a restaurant.

Pasta with meat in a slow cooker

Easy recipe step by step

  • pasta "horns" - 400 g;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • medium bulb;
  • spices, salt;
  • pork tenderloin - ½ kg.

Time: 40 minutes.

Calories: 293.4 kcal.

  1. Cooking should start with boiling pasta. This must be done following the instructions on the package;
  2. The meat component must be thoroughly washed and chopped into small strips;
  3. We heat the pan and coat with oil;
  4. Fry the pork until golden brown over high heat;
  5. While the meat is fried, it is necessary to peel the onion and cut it in any way;
  6. Add the chopped vegetable to the pork, season, add salt and continue cooking over low heat under the lid;
  7. 5 minutes before readiness, we send the boiled pasta to the substance in the pan, mix abundantly.

Fried pasta with pork in a pan

  • pasta "spirals" - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 small head;
  • pork pulp - ¼ kg;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • carrots - 1 small root vegetable;
  • salt;
  • dried herbs, pepper.

Time: 50 minutes.

Calories: 262.3 kcal.

  1. Before you start cooking, it is worth preparing the products. meat ingredient rinse and cut into pieces, the size of which suits you. We remove the peel from the carrot root, wash it and chop it using a grater. Remove the onion head from the husk, pour over with water and chop with a medium cube;
  2. Pour oil over the bottom of the frying pan, which we send to the stove. We spread the chopped pork on a red-hot dish and gild it over high heat;
  3. We supplement the meat roast with chopped vegetables and, changing the fire level to the minimum, we sauté them until soft;
  4. Pasta is sent to the meat and vegetable mixture, flavored with dried herbs, salted, peppered and mixed abundantly;
  5. Add about ½ tbsp to the pan. water, cover with a lid and simmer until the “spirals” are ready;
  6. If necessary, add a little more water if the pasta is not cooked through. In the event that the pasta is cooked, and there is still water left, it is important to increase the heat to maximum and evaporate the remaining moisture.

Naval pasta with pork

  • pasta "nests" - ½ kg;
  • dill greens - 20 g;
  • pork tenderloin - 1/3 kg;
  • salt and favorite spices;
  • oil - for frying;
  • the bulb is large.

Time: 35 minutes.

Calories: 298.7 kcal.

  1. We remove the onion from the husk and chop it into several parts;
  2. We wash the pork pulp and cut into small pieces;
  3. We put the freshly prepared ingredients and washed dill greens in the blender bowl. Grind to the consistency of minced meat;
  4. We coat the bottom of the pan with oil, place it on the fire and shift the chopped meat with onions;
  5. Season with spices and salt. Fry ground pork until lightly browned;
  6. While the minced meat is golden, it is important to boil the pasta. The instructions on the package will help to do this;
  7. Add boiled pasta to meat frying and knead abundantly.

Pasta with pork in tomato sauce in the oven

  • onion - 1 large head;
  • tomato paste - 300 g;
  • pork pulp - ½ kg;
  • broth - 1 tbsp.;
  • pasta - ½ kg;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • larva leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • dried herbs, salt.

Time: 45 minutes.

Calories: 227.9 kcal.

  1. We wash the pork tenderloin and cut it into medium pieces;
  2. We chop the onion with a large cube, after separating it from the husk;
  3. A frying pan that can be sent to the oven is placed on high heat and doused with fat;
  4. We pass the chopped vegetable until transparent, add meat pieces and give them a light golden color;
  5. In the broth we dilute the tomato paste and pour the roasted pork with this mixture;
  6. Salt, season with spices, add bay leaf, mix and send to the oven, which is heated to 190 ° C for 20 minutes (until the meat component is soft);
  7. While the pork is languishing in the oven, it is necessary to boil the pasta. Dealing with this is as easy as shelling pears: follow the instructions on the pack;
  8. We send cooked pasta to the meat stewed in sauce, knead and keep in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Pasta in a creamy sauce with meat

  • "Spirals" from hard varieties - ½ kg;
  • seasonings;
  • cherry - 5 pcs.;
  • pork neck - 400 g;
  • "Parmesan" - 100 g;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • cream - 150 g;
  • "Dor Blue" - 100 g;
  • oil - 40 ml.

Time: 40 minutes.

Calories: 290.7 kcal.

  1. Remove the fat from the meat component, rinse, blot with napkins and cut into pieces;
  2. Every meat slice wrap in flour and place in a frying pan, the bottom of which must be coated with oil;
  3. We give the pork a ruddy, not forgetting to stir;
  4. We fill a small saucepan with cream and heat them well;
  5. We cut small pieces“Dor Blue” and send to warm cream, constantly stir until the cheese dissolves;
  6. We wash the cherry and chop each tomato in half;
  7. We attach tomatoes to the meat roast and supplement with spices;
  8. We continue to stew the ingredients until soft;
  9. Pour pork with tomatoes with creamy sauce and simmer for 10 minutes until the pasta is boiled;
  10. Boiled pasta is sent to the pan to the finished components and, after mixing, cook for another 5 minutes;
  11. Chop the parmesan fine grater and shower them ready meal.

  • pasta is different varieties and forms. Therefore, to prepare them, you need different time. To cook pasta correctly, you must follow the instructions that are indicated on the package;
  • if the cooked pasta products according to the recipe must also be stewed in the sauce along with the meat, better time reduce cooking by 1-2 minutes;
  • If desired, it is not forbidden to add your favorite vegetables and herbs. So the dish will acquire a taste that you will like;
  • if the meat could not be purchased from the “soft” part of the carcass, then it is worth stewing it additionally by adding a little water or broth;
  • as for the method of cutting the ingredients, everyone chooses the method that he likes;
  • Your favorite spices are not listed in the recipe? Feel free to use them.

There are many ways to cook pasta with meat. But each hostess is looking for her own, special. My family especially liked the recipe for pasta with meat. It takes a little time to prepare, even a novice hostess can handle it.

Incredibly tasty, nutritious and appetizing dish, which is prepared from simple and affordable products for everyone. For everyone who loves pasta as much as I do and wants to cook something special, I share my culinary masterpieces.

Pasta with meat in a cauldron

In Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, pasta with meat is often cooked in a cauldron. True, there pasta is pre-fried, and then vegetables and meat are fried. I prefer to throw them at the end. Try cooking with me unusual dish your loved ones will be delighted.

Kitchenware: plank and knife; cauldron


  • I love both pork and beef, but this recipe with beef is less fatty.
  • Roasted tomatoes add juiciness to the dish, and I flavor it with garlic, which I take out before serving.
  • It's better to have macaroni hard varieties, I had "horns". I wash the vegetables and peel them. If you have a cauldron, feel free to start cooking.

Cooking steps

  1. I put the cauldron on fire and add 100 ml of vegetable oil.
  2. Sliced ​​​​beef (300 g) is sent to the bottom of the cauldron and fry, stirring, until tender.

  3. As soon as the meat is browned, I add 2 onions, chopped into slices.

  4. When the onion is fried, I throw coarsely chopped strips sweet carrot(3 pcs).

  5. I fry everything well, throw 2 tomatoes, cut into slices.

  6. When everything is well fried, the tomatoes will give juice and significantly decrease in size, pour in 500 ml of water. I add salt and pepper to taste. Stew meat with vegetables for 30 minutes.

  7. I pour out 300 g of pasta, put 3 cloves of garlic in the husk on top. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 15 minutes.

  8. 2-3 minutes before the end, I take out the garlic and mix everything well. Under the closed lid, I let the dish brew for another 10-15 minutes.

Served with fresh vegetables and herbs.

video recipe

Look what beautiful view at the finished dish. How to cook pasta in a cauldron with meat, you can see in the video.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing this dish. You can put any meat and vegetables, use broth instead of water, add your favorite spices. Some housewives fry pasta, believing that this is how they retain their shape. As you can see, in my recipe, the "horns" were not boiled soft. You do not need to stir them often, under a closed lid they will be well extinguished, you can mix them before the end of cooking.

I inherited the cauldron, but buying it now is not a problem. If you don’t have such dishes in your kitchen, you can cook pasta with meat in a pan according to the same recipe.

Pasta with meat and mushrooms

Introducing pasta into your diet is a must. This is a source of fiber, and the content in them a large number carbohydrates will allow you to satisfy your hunger for a long time. The main thing is not to overeat, especially at night, then you will not harm your body. Pasta goes well with meat, so I offer you a simple and delicious recipe pasta with mushrooms and minced meat.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Servings: 8.
Kitchenware: plank and knife; pot; pan.


  • In this recipe I used minced pork, previously thawed it and drained the excess liquid. While the water under the pasta was boiling, I chopped the vegetables. Cook pasta according to instructions for up to 12 minutes.
  • The pan should not be covered with a lid, and so that the pasta does not stick together, you can add vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons). By I made a vegetable length with the addition of beets, it will give the dish a rich color.
  • Mushrooms pre-washed and dried. I took champignons, they are affordable and very useful. Mushrooms will add extra juiciness to the dish, and they cook quite quickly. I advise you to choose good quality pasta, preferably hard varieties. They should be a rich yellow color.

Cooking steps

  1. Cut into small cubes fresh vegetables: 2 carrots, 1 small beetroot. Separately, I chop a couple of onions and a couple of cloves of garlic.

  2. I throw 500 g of pasta into boiling water, salt to taste. Pour in 30 ml of vegetable oil and cook until tender.

  3. I cut 500 g of mushrooms into small pieces. I put the pan on the fire, pour in 70 ml of oil.

  4. First I fry the chopped onion, then add the carrots, garlic and beets.

  5. When the vegetables are slightly browned, I pour out the chopped mushrooms. I fry for a few minutes.

  6. I add 300 g of minced meat, mix all the ingredients and season with a pinch of curry and paprika, sprinkle with black pepper (1/4 tsp). Fry, stirring, 15 minutes.

  7. Separately, I prepare the sauce from tomato paste. In 100 ml of water I dilute 2 tbsp. l. paste and mix. I pour the tomato sauce into the pan. I add 200 ml of water, salt to taste. I leave it covered for 10 minutes.

  8. Add pasta to skillet and stir. I keep the lid closed for another 5 minutes so that the pasta is well soaked.

video recipe

It turns out very tasty, satisfying full meal. And in order not to miss anything, watch the video, which shows all the stages of preparation.

You can serve ketchup to pasta with minced meat, sprinkle a hot dish with grated cheese. Can be submitted separately vegetable salad.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cooking pasta with minced meat.

Everything is prepared quickly enough from the simplest and most available products. If you want to make a casserole, then see how to cook "pasta in the oven". And if you have sausages in the refrigerator, make "pasta with sausages".

How to cook pasta with meat sauce

Delicious pasta with Bolognese sauce. This sauce is traditionally prepared for Italian pasta. I make them pasta. Bolognese is cooked with carrots and celery, but I modified his recipe and cooked it in my own way. If you want to feed a hearty lunch or dinner for the whole family, cook delicious dish, the recipe of which I will share with you.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Servings: 4-6.
Kitchenware: plank and knife; frying pan or cauldron; saucepan and sieve.


  • I used durum pasta, fresh minced pork and beef.
  • I added red and green sweet bell peppers to the sauce for taste and color. To add richness to the dish, generously sprinkled with paprika and poured red sauce. You can use fresh tomatoes.
  • The piquancy of the dish gives garlic, which I added at the end of the preparation of the sauce.

Cooking steps

  1. In a pot of boiling water, add salt and 30 g of vegetable oil to taste. I pour out 500 g of pasta, boil them for 8 minutes.
  2. I chop 2 onions.

  3. I put a cauldron on fire, pour in 50 g of vegetable oil and spread 400 g of minced meat. I send the onion to the meat, sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Mix well, fry for 20 minutes.

  4. Drain the pasta, put it in a sieve and rinse.
  5. I cut 2 bell peppers into small cubes.

  6. When the minced meat with onions is almost ready, add pepper. Saute until the peppers are tender, stirring occasionally.

  7. I sprinkle 1 tbsp. l. paprika and pour 200 ml tomato sauce.

  8. I grind 3-4 cloves of garlic with a knife, add to the sauce and leave for 2-3 minutes.

  9. At the end I add 100 ml of water, if necessary, you can salt to taste. For flavor, I sprinkle 1 tsp. oregano.

  10. I mix everything, the sauce is ready.

I spread the pasta on a plate, top with gravy, sprinkle everything with grated cheese.

video recipe

How to cook bolognese sauce and what the finished dish looks like, you can see in a detailed video recipe.

Instead of tomato sauce, you can add cream to the gravy and cook pasta with meat with red wine. If Parmesan cheese is available, sprinkle the finished dish, it will acquire nutty notes.

The spaghetti dish will look beautiful. - How to cook spaghetti - in a saucepan, look.
Chopped meat you can replace it with chicken and make it. The choice of spices depends on your preferences, so use any spices that go well with the meat. It can be basil or celery leaves.

All recipes are simple and include the most simple and inexpensive ingredients. If you are just learning how to cook, use step by step instructions with a photo, and you will definitely succeed. I look forward to your feedback.
