
Tomatoes under the snow with vinegar. We prepare pickled tomatoes with crushed garlic for the winter (in the "snow")

Once again we will talk about blanks. I really liked the recipe for how to cook pickled tomatoes with garlic for the winter “under the snow”, and I wanted to make it this season.

I consider this pickling of tomatoes very simple and it suits everyone, since there are very few ingredients here, no additional greens that fit down the jar are needed. You do not need to look for horseradish root, as well as currant-cherry leaves.

The only moment that made me specifically go to the store was mustard powder. I’ll tell you a secret, I first went to the pharmacy for him ... Yes, it seemed to me that it should be sold there (the only time he was in our house was when I used it instead of mustard plasters to treat a cold.

So, mustard powder or ground mustard, it turns out, is sold in supermarkets with spices: I found it safely there. Therefore, if you do not have it, then start immediately from the store.

Well, now about the recipe itself.

Recipe "Tomatoes under the snow"


  • Tomatoes
  • 2 heads of garlic

For marinade in 1.5 liters of water:

  • 0.5 cup sugar (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder
  • 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar in each liter jar


As usual, jars and lids must be sterilized before pickling tomatoes. For this salting, I decided to take 2 one and a half liter jars and one 650 gram for cherry tomatoes, which I also decided to make according to this recipe. I still have them unattached, and I have already tried everything known to me. So, let them also go under the snow, I decided.

Wash tomatoes and arrange in jars.

Separately peel the garlic cloves, wash and crush them all with a garlic press. You can also use a blender, I prefer to press by hand.

Pour boiled water over jars of tomatoes and let them stand while the marinade is being prepared.

For the marinade, you need to take water, add sugar, ground mustard and salt to it, bring to a boil and let it boil for several minutes. After boiling, I recommend immediately adjusting the fire to the smallest, otherwise the mustard powder gives a strong foam, and half of the marinade may end up on the stove. He very quickly tried to slip out of the pan with me.

So, the marinade is ready. Therefore, you need to drain the water from the jars, put a heaping tablespoon of crushed garlic in each jar (this is for a liter jar, and for a 1.5-liter jar I took 1.5 spoons) and add vinegar. For a liter jar you need 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

A day later, put the pickled tomatoes with garlic for storage for the winter in the usual place for conservation.

If you look closely, then such tomatoes with garlic for the winter really look like tomatoes under the snow. This effect is achieved thanks to garlic with mustard.

It is interesting that it is worth turning the jar over to get the effect of “falling snow”, as in souvenirs filled with “snow” inside. I hope that such tomatoes will be tasty, and they can be given as souvenirs.

Here is such a hocus pocus ... Well, almost like real snow.

Such tomatoes turn out delicious: garlic does not interfere at all there. Recommend: tested and approved)))

In conclusion of this recipe for tomatoes with garlic for the winter, I want to say thanks to Elena Luzanova. It was from her blog that I learned about this recipe, where it is called "Tomatoes under the snow".

And I still advise you to try. Delicious!

Delicious preparations for you and a pleasant company for eating in the winter!

Tomatoes in the snow is one of the most popular recipes for harvesting tomatoes for winter storage. Now in winter, you can find any fruit and vegetable, but they are expensive and may not contain all the vitamins. Therefore, many housewives make preparations for the winter in the summer. Even canned tomatoes retain a lot of vitamins and fiber.

Recipes for tomatoes in the snow for the winter are easy to prepare and do not take much time. The name states the snow that replaces the antiviral and antibacterial product garlic. In jars, it falls on tomatoes, resembling snowdrifts.

For cooking, it is necessary to prepare glass jars with a capacity of three liters, marinade and the tomatoes themselves. Banks must first be sterilized. It is better if the tomatoes are of a small rounded shape, a cherry variety is also suitable.

For a 3 liter jar, the marinade is prepared as follows:

  • put on fire 1.5 liters of water;
  • after the water boils, you need to pour 100 g of sugar and stir a little;
  • then salt is poured in about 35 g and the water is left to boil for another 4-6 minutes.

While preparing the water for the marinade, each tomato must be thoroughly washed. Clean vegetables fit tightly into the container. During laying, do not press hard on the tomatoes so that they do not crack. After the entire jar is filled, pour boiling water.

Snow, as mentioned above, is garlic. It can be chopped finely with a knife or grated. It all depends on the amount of snow you want. If you use a blender or garlic crusher for chopping, then pickled tomatoes begin to become cloudy.

During the cutting of garlic, the right time passes, so you can pour boiling water from the jar. Chopped garlic is distributed on top of the tomatoes under the snow for the winter and the contents are poured with brine, leaving a little space. Then you need to add vinegar.

A similar recipe for the winter involves twisting the jar with an iron lid as the last step. The container is placed on the surface with a lid down and covered with warm clothes until the contents cool.

Acetic free option

Vinegar recipes make canned tomatoes last longer. Vinegar prevents bacterial growth and extends shelf life. In addition, it gives sourness to tomatoes. But some people may not like this taste. And for people who have diseases of the digestive system, they simply cannot be eaten. Therefore, you can harvest without this ingredient.

How to cook tomatoes without adding vinegar? On a liter jar, you need to pick up small tomatoes, two large heads of garlic. Citric acid and dill sprigs will also come in handy.

The recipe for a tomato under the snow with citric acid retains the rich red color of the fruit for a long time, making their taste unusually tender. In addition, lemon acid does not act as strongly on the walls of the stomach as vinegar.

For the marinade, you will need to take 30 g of salt and 100 g of sugar. Marinate as follows:

  • dill is placed at the bottom of a glass liter jar, you can put a leaf of lavrushka;
  • followed by tomatoes;
  • the contents are poured with boiling water for several minutes, then this water must be drained and new boiling water poured;
  • water that has been refilled must be used for the marinade;
  • it is poured into another container, put on fire and pour sugar and salt.

While the marinade is boiling on the stove, citric acid is poured into the tomatoes and chopped garlic is added. After that, the entire contents are poured with marinade. Snowball in the form of garlic begins to slowly settle on the tomatoes.

Salting vegetables ends with twisting the jar. The container turned upside down is covered with a warm blanket, which must be removed only after everything has cooled down.

Snow-covered tomatoes with garlic can also be made, for example, with apple or grape vinegar, currant juice, sour apples, or sorrel can be added.

Composition with mustard

For the winter, tomatoes can be prepared using recipes that include mustard. For a two-liter jar, you need to chop about two small heads of garlic.

Marinade for canning tomatoes under the snow is prepared with the addition of 200 g of sugar, 5 ml of vinegar, and 30 g of salt and mustard powder are also added.

Preservation involves putting clean vegetables tightly in a 2 liter glass container and pouring hot water for about 17 minutes. After that, the water is poured into another container, salt with sugar and mustard are added. Put the contents on a slow fire and boil for 6-7 minutes. As soon as the marinade has cooled down a bit, table vinegar is added.

Tomatoes with garlic are poured with the resulting brine, the jar is screwed with an iron lid, turned over and wrapped in heat.


  • Tomatoes per 3 liter jar;
  • garlic - 7-8 cloves.


  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tablespoons.

Step-by-step recipe for tomatoes under the snow for the winter with garlic

  1. Rinse the tomatoes, with a thin toothpick, make a few injections in the tail area. We do this so that the tomatoes do not crack.
  2. Place the tomatoes in jars and cover with boiling water.
  3. Prepare a marinade from water, salt and sugar, boil it.
  4. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press.
  5. Drain the water from the tomatoes (let them stand soaked for about 15 minutes), add garlic to them, add vinegar directly to the jar and pour boiling marinade over.
  6. Then roll up the jars and wrap them upside down in a blanket.

If you are using young garlic, do not worry if the marinade becomes cloudy, this is normal, it will not affect the taste in any way.

Tomatoes under the snow for the winter are just awesome, try it, you will definitely like it.

Delicious preparations for you, and bon appetit!

Maybe not everyone has heard this name, but it is easily explained. The garlic used for such harvesting is finely chopped and used in large quantities, due to which the tomatoes in the jar look as if powdered with snow mass. Tomatoes prepared according to this recipe not only look spectacular, but are also very tasty and extremely healthy. After all, the benefits of garlic are undeniable and proven many times.

So that jars with blanks do not explode and are well stored all winter, you need to carefully prepare the dishes and select high-quality ingredients. Glass jars must first be washed with soda and sterilized in any convenient way - in the microwave, steamed, in the oven. Metal lids should also be sterilized. They need to be held before sealing for 2-3 minutes in boiling water.

When selecting tomatoes, it is desirable to choose firm fruits of medium size without damage. They may be slightly unripe, brown, but it is not recommended to use green tomatoes for harvesting. Vegetables are washed under running water and laid out on the table, spreading a towel to dry them.

The same is done with garlic, after peeling it from the husk. At the next stage, its slices are crushed in a blender, grated or cut with a knife. A garlic crusher should not be used - garlic passed through it will make the marinade cloudy. According to the classic recipe, additional seasonings are not required, but lovers of spices and herbs can add pepper, currant leaf or any greens if desired.

On a note! Before putting the tomatoes in a jar, they are pierced with a toothpick in several places so that the skin does not burst when pouring the marinade.

The best recipes for tomatoes in the snow with garlic with photos

There are different recipes for this blank using different ingredients. For example, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are not very suitable for preservation with vinegar, so there is a way to cook a tomato under the snow without using acetic acid.

Someone wants to get a product with a sharper taste, for this additional additives are used. Some summer residents distribute a tried and tested recipe, which, from their point of view, seems to be the most delicious. By the way, tomatoes under the snow do not have a pronounced garlic flavor. The brine is moderately spicy and pleasant to the taste.

If you do not use vinegar in the recipe, you can replace it with citric acid. It will not be possible to completely do without an acidifying ingredient - it extends the shelf life of the blanks, inhibits the development of microflora and mold. To prepare the blank according to this recipe for 5 liter jars, you will need:

  • 4 kg ripe tomatoes:
  • 5 st. l. chopped garlic;
  • 5 tsp citric acid;
  • chopped parsley;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • Bay leaf.

Pour tomatoes with 3 liters of marinade. To prepare it, you need 3 tbsp. salt and 5 tbsp. granulated sugar.

At the bottom of each jar is placed 1 bay leaf and a dill umbrella, a little parsley. Then the tomatoes are carefully laid, trying not to crush them, but at the same time leaving as little space as possible between them. At the next stage, the jars are poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes. Then repeat the procedure again.

Place a tablespoon of grated garlic on top of the tomatoes. After that, the jars of tomatoes are poured to the top with a marinade of water, salt and sugar (boil for 5-7 minutes), adding 1 tsp to each of them. lemon powder and roll up.

To make spicy tomatoes in a large container for the whole family, use 3-liter jars. This recipe is suitable for summer residents who have harvested a good crop of tomatoes that require immediate processing. The order of preparation of the workpiece will be as follows:

  • tomatoes are tightly packed in a jar, how much will fit;
  • add half of the bell pepper, cut into slices;
  • throw 3-4 peas of allspice;
  • put 2 pcs. cloves;
  • sprinkle tomatoes with chopped garlic (5-6 teeth);
  • pour boiling water.

Let the tomatoes stand for 20 minutes. Marinade for a 3-liter jar of tomatoes under the snow is prepared from 1.5 liters of water, 3 tbsp. l. salt and 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Actually, that's how much water goes into a 3-liter container filled with tomatoes. It is simply poured from a jar into a saucepan, put on fire, brought to a boil, after adding salt and sugar according to the recipe, and boiled for 5 minutes. Ready marinade pour tomatoes with garlic, then add 1 tbsp. l. 70% vinegar essence and roll up.

For a change, try the recipe for sugar tomatoes under the snow in a liter jar. Its main difference is that they use fleshy juicy and ripe tomatoes, cut into pieces. Tomatoes are canned in their own juice and have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. It is pleasant to open such a jar in winter on a frosty day and eat the workpiece with the family for 1-2 times. In addition to tomato, garlic, salt and sugar, nothing else is used in the recipe. For one liter jar you will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 1 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp heaping salt.

Salt should be taken ordinary, rock - the cheapest. Before putting the tomatoes in a jar, they are cut into large pieces. Finely chop the garlic with a knife and mix it with salt and sugar. Tomatoes are placed in sterilized jars, sprinkled with garlic mass. Vinegar is not used for this recipe. Banks are rolled up and sterilized for 15 minutes in boiling water.

On a note! If you plan to eat the workpiece in the near future, you can not sterilize it, but close it with a polyethylene lid and store it in the refrigerator until serving.

If you want more flavor rather than spiciness, you can put mustard seeds and allspice in the blank. Garlic per 1.5-liter jar consumes 1 dessert spoon. For the marinade, salt, sugar and table vinegar are used. Each jar will take about 750 ml of marinade. Its total amount is calculated based on the number of cans. Put on 750 ml of water you will need:

  • 1 st. l. salt without a slide;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • dessert spoon of 9% vinegar.

In sterilized jars, chopped tomatoes (preferably medium-sized ones) are laid out, 1 tsp is added to each. mustard seeds, 2 peppercorns and minced garlic. Then pour the container with boiling water, cover with lids and leave to warm up for 15 minutes, and then drain. During this time, marinade is prepared on the stove, which is then filled to the top with each jar, and rolled up with a typewriter. Vinegar should be poured into the marinade after the fire is turned off.

Advice! In order for the garlic to be evenly distributed over the jar, it should be twisted by weight in different directions, holding it at an angle, after the lid is hermetically closed.

This recipe is on the list of favorite blanks for many housewives. There is nothing unusual in its composition, but the tomatoes turn out just the way that you lick your fingers. It is best to use small tomatoes, perfect cherry tomatoes. The recipe is given for a 1 liter jar. Opened - and quickly ate! Very comfortably. To prepare for such a volume, you will need the following products:

  • 500 g of small tomatoes;
  • 1 st. l. chopped garlic;
  • 1 st. l. granulated sugar with a slide;
  • 0.5 dessert spoon of salt;
  • 1 dessert spoon of 9% vinegar.

On tomatoes, 1 puncture is made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalk and placed in a clean, sterilized jar. Pour boiling water over the container and let it warm up for 15 minutes. During this time, a marinade is prepared based on 0.5 liters of purified water. Add a measured amount of salt and sugar to the pan, let it boil for 1 minute, and after turning it off, pour in the vinegar. Boiling water is drained from the jar, chopped garlic is laid out and immediately poured with cooked marinade and the lid is screwed on. Each cooked jar should be shaken slightly so that the garlic is distributed over the voids.

In this recipe, the role of snow is played not only by chopped garlic, but also by grated horseradish root. The workpiece turns out to be vigorous in taste, perfectly stored and does not become cloudy. The recipe is intended for 3-liter jars, if you make a blank in a container of a smaller volume, the amount of ingredients is reduced proportionally. To prepare a tomato in the snow is taken:

  • about 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 st. l. grated horseradish and garlic;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar essence;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Put all the vegetables and spices in a jar, pour boiling water over it and soak for 20 minutes. During this time, prepare the marinade from water, salt and sugar. Then you should replace the boiling water with marinade, pour vinegar essence into the jar and roll it up.

Tomatoes in the snow for the winter with garlic Insanely delicious Tomatoes for the winter: video

After the jars are hermetically sealed with lids, it is recommended to turn them upside down and observe if any of them are leaking. If the marinade oozes out from under the lid, the jar needs to be twisted a little more. Hot blanks are covered with a thick blanket or an old blanket and kept wrapped for 2 days. After that, the preservation of tomatoes under the snow can be stored at room temperature.

Today it is hardly possible to surprise experienced housewives with some unusual preparation of tomatoes.

With what only tomatoes are not preserved, and with sweet pepper, and with horseradish, and with basil, and even with honey. But the simplest proven recipe for tomatoes under the snow with garlic for the winter is one of the most popular, delicious and original options for preserving tomatoes. Even young and inexperienced hostesses can pamper their loved ones with such a preparation, since few products are required, and jars with tomatoes do not need to be sterilized.

Tomatoes canned in this way are incredibly tasty, and moderately spicy. The taste of garlic and vinegar is almost not felt, and the brine has a very pleasant taste. Tomatoes, for this type of preparation, it is necessary to choose strong, medium-sized. It is allowed to make a harvest from tomatoes that are not quite ripe, brown or greenish (but not green!). Tomatoes will then turn out sweet and sour.

Tomatoes in the snow with garlic for the winter: a classic recipe

The traditional recipe for tomatoes in the snow with garlic for the winter consists of a modest set of ingredients: tomatoes, salt, sugar, vinegar, tomatoes and garlic.

Why are tomatoes under the "snow"? Yes, because the white flakes of garlic cover the bright red fruits like the first snowball.


  • tomatoes;
  • two tablespoons of garlic.
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • salt - a quarter cup;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • two tablespoons of 9% vinegar (you can use two teaspoons of 79% vinegar essence).

Attention! Ingredients are for a 3 liter jar

We prepare as follows:

  1. put tomatoes in a jar;
  2. pour boiling water;
  3. leave for twenty minutes;
  4. prepare the marinade: add salt and sugar to hot water, boil for five minutes;
  5. drain the water from the tomatoes;
  6. put chopped garlic on top of the tomatoes and pour in the vinegar;
  7. pour the prepared marinade;
  8. roll up.

Recipe Features:

  • if garlic is passed through a garlic press, the brine will become cloudy. It is best to chop the garlic cloves with a knife or grate on a coarse grater;
  • the approximate consumption of garlic per liter jar is one dessert spoon, and for a three-liter jar - 1.5 - 2 tablespoons;
  • the traditional recipe for tomatoes under the "snow" does not include any seasonings and spices, but if you want to enhance the taste and aroma, you can add a currant leaf, greens or pepper.

Tomatoes under the snow with garlic for the winter: a recipe for a liter jar, without vinegar

If you have already tried tomatoes according to the traditional recipe, you can diversify the preparation somewhat by adding spices or herbs to your choice and taste. Tomatoes will be just as beautiful, but their taste will change. For flavor, you can add allspice, for the original taste of the workpiece, use basil in the recipe, for piquancy, add mustard or horseradish. And who does not like preservation with vinegar, you can replace it with citric acid. We offer you an excellent recipe for harvesting tomatoes under the snow for the winter in liter jars without vinegar - well, just yummy!

For five liter jars:

  • medium-sized tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • garlic - five tbsp. spoons;
  • citric acid - five teaspoons;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • five umbrellas of dill;
  • bay leaf five pieces.
  • sugar - five tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - three tbsp. spoons.

How to cook:

  • put on the bottom of the jars: bay leaf, greens;
  • place the tomatoes tightly on top of the seasonings;
  • pour boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes;
  • drain and repeat the procedure again;
  • put a spoonful of grated garlic on the tomatoes;
  • prepare the marinade in the usual way (salt, sugar), let it boil for 5-7 minutes;
  • pour and add a teaspoon of lemon;
  • roll up.

Mustard tomatoes in the snow: recipe for 2 liter jars

For a two-liter jar of tomatoes, you need two tbsp. tablespoons minced garlic.

To prepare a marinade with a volume of one and a half liters, you need:

  • half a glass of sugar;
  • Art. a spoon with a slide of salt and the same amount of mustard powder;
  • teaspoon of 70% vinegar essence.

Cooking mustard tomatoes in the snow for the winter according to a recipe for a 2 liter jar:

  1. put the tomatoes in a jar;
  2. pour hot water for 20 minutes;
  3. drain and prepare the marinade: salt + sugar + mustard, boil for 7 minutes;
  4. let the marinade cool slightly, and add vinegar essence;
  5. pour tomatoes with brine and roll up with metal lids.

Attention! Boil the marinade over very low heat, as the mustard powder produces a very large foam.

Recipe for tomatoes in the snow with garlic in the original marinade

What ingredients to prepare:

  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • basil;
  • allspice - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic - two heads.

For filling:

  • hot water - two to two and a half liters;
  • salt - two tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - a little more than half a glass;
  • vinegar 9% - a quarter cup.

Stages of preparation of harvesting tomatoes under the snow for the winter according to a recipe for 2 cans of 3 liters each:

  1. put in each jar: pepper, a few sprigs of basil;
  2. tomatoes and a spoonful of garlic gruel;
  3. pour boiling water;
  4. drain and prepare filling: salt + sugar;
  5. let it boil for 3-6 minutes;
  6. pour tomatoes, let stand for 5-7 minutes;
  7. drain the marinade, put on fire and heat to 100 0 С;
  8. cool slightly and add vinegar;
  9. pour tomatoes, roll up.

A proven recipe for cherry tomatoes in the snow with garlic and allspice

The recipe is designed for 3 jars with a volume of one liter, so it is most convenient to close tiny fruits.


  • cherry tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 4 heads;
  • allspice;
  • Bay leaf.

For three liter jars of marinade you will need:

  • apple cider vinegar 6% - a little more than half a glass;
  • salt - two tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - four tbsp. spoons

The recipe is proven, so we cook cherry tomatoes in the snow with garlic in the following sequence:

  1. fill the jars with spices, tomatoes and put a spoonful of chopped garlic on top;
  2. once pour boiling water;
  3. then, marinade;
  4. roll up.

Advice! In addition to the listed spices, you can add parsley or dill to the tomatoes, and also put a cherry or currant leaf on the bottom of the jar.

Spicy tomatoes under the snow for the winter: a recipe for a 3 liter jar

So, for a three-liter glass container you need:

  • tomatoes - how much will fit in a jar;
  • half a sweet pepper;
  • 2 pcs. cloves;
  • 3-4 peas of allspice;
  • 5-6 garlic cloves;

For a 3 liter jar of tomatoes under the snow for the winter, according to the recipe, one and a half liters of marinade is used. To prepare it, we take:

  • a quarter cup of salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • one st. a spoonful of vinegar essence 70%

Prepare in the following way:

  1. put tomatoes and seasonings in a jar;
  2. pour boiling water, soak for 20 minutes;
  3. drain;
  4. salt the water, sugar and add to the tomatoes;
  5. pour vinegar into a jar;
  6. roll up.

for lovers of spicy, add a few pieces of hot pepper to each jar;

Do not cut the garlic too finely, otherwise the brine may become cloudy.

"Sugar" tomatoes under the snow: a recipe for a liter jar

The difference of this preparation is that the tomatoes are rolled in their own juice and have an unusually tasty sweetish-sour taste. It is convenient to cook such “sugar” tomatoes under the snow according to a recipe for a liter jar:

  • tomatoes;
  • Art. a spoonful of sugar;
  • teaspoon of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. cut the fruit into four or six parts (depending on size);
  2. mix salt and sugar in a bowl;
  3. prepare the garlic - peel and finely chop;
  4. mix with salt and sugar;
  5. shift the tomato slices with the prepared mixture;
  6. close.

On a note!

Use the fruits you need large and juicy, so that they give juice.

Be sure to sterilize jars with ready-made tomatoes, otherwise, there is a possibility that the tomatoes will “ferment” and explode.

If the snack is not prepared in large quantities, then the jars can be closed with a nylon lid, let them stand at room temperature for a day or two, and then store in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes in the snow: a recipe for 3 liters

What could be tastier with a baked potato or chicken than homemade spicy tomatoes with garlic? Such tomatoes can be served not only for dinner in the family circle, they can also be put on the festive table as a snack.

It is unlikely that you will preserve one container for 3 liters, so the recipe for tomatoes in the snow is designed for two three-liter jars:

  • tomatoes - three kilograms;
  • garlic - grate or grind in a meat grinder - 2 tablespoons with a slide;
  • 70% vinegar essence - 2 dessert spoons;

To prepare three liters of marinade:

salt - 2.5 tbsp. spoons;

sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;

How we cook:

  1. We tightly pack the washed tomatoes in sterilized jars.
  2. Fill with hot water.
  3. Preparing the marinade:

add salt, granulated sugar to a saucepan with water;

put on fire and let the marinade boil;

remove from heat and add garlic

  1. Drain the water from the jars and pour over the marinade.
  2. Add to each jar of vinegar essence.
  3. Roll up, turn over and let cool.


Canned tomatoes should be stored in a cool place. If there is no cellar or another refrigerator, then add one aspirin tablet to the canning jar. Then the jars can be stored in the pantry or in the kitchen in the closet, without fear that they will explode;

Be sure to turn the jars rolled up with metal lids upside down, cover with a thick, warm blanket, and leave to cool completely. What is it for?

  • firstly, the marinade will soak the tomatoes very well;
  • secondly, if the lid is not closed properly, it will start to leak, so it will need to be replaced with another one;

To prepare spicy tomatoes with garlic, instead of vinegar, use 70% vinegar essence - for a three-liter jar - one dessert spoon, and for a liter - an incomplete teaspoon.

Special tomatoes in the snow, canned with garlic and horseradish

Not quite the usual recipe for tomatoes under the "snow" is diversified by homemade preparations. Spicy and fragrant preservation will delight lovers of spicy snacks. As snow in this recipe for canned tomatoes, a mixture of garlic and horseradish root, grated on a coarse grater, or chopped in a blender, is used.

Required products:

  • medium sized tomatoes;
  • leaves of horseradish, currant;
  • a few peas of hot pepper;
  • chopped horseradish root and garlic - Art. spoon with a slide;
  • vinegar essence 70% - a teaspoon.

Next, cook as usual: spices at the bottom of the jar, then tomatoes, top with a mixture of garlic and horseradish. Pour hot water for 15 minutes. Prepare the brine from a spoonful of salt and half a glass of sugar. Pour. Add essence. Roll up.

Attention! Products are designed for containers with a volume of three liters, and brine - for 1.5 liters of water. Do not forget that 70% essence, in the amount of one teaspoon, must be added to the tomatoes after they are already filled with marinade.

If all the jars are already rolled up, and the tomatoes and garlic remain, then prepare a quick tomato sauce, which can be served for dinner in the evening.

Spicy tomato-garlic sauce

Products, those that remained: tomatoes, garlic. What to do with them?

Make the perfect sauce! So, you need:

  1. cut the tomatoes into pieces;
  2. grind in a blender until smooth;
  3. add the remaining garlic gruel;
  4. salt to taste;
  5. mix;
  6. put into a clean glass container;
  7. lower into the cellar, or other cool place;

You can take a sample in the evening.

remove the skin from the tomatoes, so the sauce will turn out more uniform!

if you like hot sauce, you can add a little black pepper;

pour one tablespoon of vegetable oil into a jar of sauce to prevent mold.

Basic conservation rules

In order for the workpiece not to explode and survive until winter, it is necessary to learn the important points of conservation.

  1. Jars preparation:
  • thoroughly wash glass containers and metal lids with baking soda;
  • sterilize the jars (over steam, in the oven or in the microwave).
  1. Preparing vegetables:
  • choose strong, undamaged tomatoes, preferably medium in size;
  • wash and lay out on a kitchen towel to dry;
  • make several punctures with a match in the center of the fruit so that the skin of the tomatoes does not burst during the canning process.
  1. Checking tightness:
  • after rolling the lids, turn the jar upside down;
  • if the brine leaks or air bubbles collect near the lid, roll the lid again with a seamer.
  1. Cooldown:
  • after seaming, turn the cans upside down;
  • wrap with newspapers;
  • cover from above with a large terry towel or an old wadded blanket and leave it like that for two or three days;
  • move to a storage room.

Fantasize, experiment and surprise your family with incredibly tasty and original recipes for preparing tomatoes under the snow for the winter with garlic and various additives. Bon appetit!
