
Tenderloin beef carcass scheme. Culinary cutting of beef: a diagram with a description

Scheme for cutting beef carcass:

1 - shoulder blade: a - shoulder part, b - shoulder part; 2 - neck; 3 - thick edge (dorsal part); 4 - hem; 5 - brisket; 6 - tenderloin; 7 - hind leg: a - inner part, b-lateral part, c - outer part, d - upper part; 8 - thin edge (lumbar), 9 - flank.

The beef carcass is divided into the following parts: tenderloin, thick edge (back part), thin edge (lumbar part), hind leg (inner, side, outer, upper parts), shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder parts), brisket, neck, hem, flank. To isolate these parts, the carcass is first cut into separate large parts (cuts), which are then deboned and trimmed.

deboning consists in separating the pulp from the bones. This operation is performed very carefully, that is, so that no pulp remains on the bones and pieces of meat do not have excessive deep cuts.

Cleanup consists in removing coarse tendons and films from meat. In addition, when stripping, excess fat is cut off, as well as thin rims from large pieces of meat to give them a more regular shape. They also clean small pieces of meat (trimmings) obtained by deboning parts of the carcass.

Cut the carcass into pieces, roll and clean these parts as follows.

A whole carcass or a longitudinal half carcass must first be cut into front and back parts along the line passing along the last rib and between the 13th and 14th vertebrae. To do this, the flank is cut in the carcass or longitudinal half carcass against the 13th (last) rib, then the flesh is cut along the back line of this rib to the spine, which is then cut along the articulation of the 13th and 14th vertebrae. In this case, the ribs should remain at the front.

When cutting the front part of the carcass, the shoulder blade, neck, thick edge, hem, brisket are isolated.

shoulder blade separated along its contour. To do this, the muscles connecting the scapula with the thoracic part of the body are cut, the muscles located along the line running from the ulnar tubercle to the upper corner of the posterior edge of the scapula, and the muscles lying along the upper and anterior edges of the scapula are cut. Then the scapula is pulled away from the body and the muscles underlying the humerus and scapular bones are cut.

For deboning, the shoulder blade is placed on the table with the outer side down and the meat and tendons are cut off from the radius and ulna. After that, the articulation of these bones with the humerus is cut and the bones are separated, the meat is cut off from the edges of the humerus, its articulation with the scapula is cut and broken.

To separate the scapula, they rest with the left hand on the humerus, and with the right hand they tear off the scapula from the meat, then cut out the humerus. From the resulting pulp, the sinewy part (shank) is cut off, taken from the radius and ulna. The rest of the meat is cut into two large pieces: the shoulder part, separated from the humerus and the rear edge of the shoulder bone, and the shoulder part, taken directly from the shoulder bone.

The pulp is cleaned by cutting off coarse tendons and films from its surface. In large pieces, in addition, thin rims of meat and excess fat are cut off.

As a result of deboning and stripping of the shoulder blade, the following are obtained: the shoulder part is a wedge-shaped muscle, the shoulder part is two oblong-shaped muscles connected to each other.

neck is separated by cutting the pulp to the spine along the line from the spinous process of the 1st dorsal vertebra to the protrusion of the sternum, then the spine is cut along the articulation of the last cervical vertebra with the 1st dorsal vertebra. The neck is rolled, cutting off the meat in a whole layer, trying to separate it cleanly from the vertebrae. Cleaning the pulp consists in removing the coarse tendons.

The dorso-thoracic part remaining after the separation of the scapula and neck includes a thick edge, a hem, and a brisket. When dividing a whole carcass, the dorsal-thoracic part (box) is sawn or cut along, exactly in the middle of the vertebrae, into two parts. The thick edge is separated from the dorso-thoracic part after it is rolled. To do this, cut the pulp along the spine along the spinous processes to the base of the ribs. Then the flesh is gradually cut off from the ribs and sternum in a whole layer.

The removed layer of pulp is cut parallel to the spine into three pieces: a thick edge, a brisket, a hem. The thick edge is cut off from the spine at a distance of 1/3 of the length of the ribs; brisket - along a line running from the end of the first rib to the end of the last. The edge is the middle part of the layer, remaining after the separation of the thick edge and brisket.

The thick edge is a muscular layer covering the processes and bodies of the dorsal vertebrae and the upper third of the ribs. When stripping the thick edge (dorsal part), a coarse tendon is separated, located along the length of the piece between the muscles that are adjacent directly to the spine. A part of the tendons is also cut off from the outer surface of the thick edge. Tendons covered with a layer of fat are not cut off. Part of the thick edge, located on the first three ribs, is cut off, because it is a muscle that easily separates (exfoliates) from each other, as a result of which it cannot be used for cutting portioned pieces. In meat of above-average fatness, a part of the thick edge located on the first three ribs is not cut off, since the muscles connected by the fat layer do not delaminate.

When stripped, the thick edge is a rectangular-shaped layer of meat.

Brisket is a muscular layer covering the lower part of the costal bones and cartilage. When stripping the brisket, the sinewy part is cut off - the flank and the edges (rims) are cut off.

Pokromka- the muscular layer lying on the surface of the middle part of the ribs. When isolating the hem from carcasses of above-average fatness, it is trimmed, cutting off the edges.

The edge isolated from the carcass of other fatness is not trimmed and used in the same way as trimmings.

When cutting the back of the carcass, tenderloin, hind leg, thin edge, hem, flank are distinguished.

tenderloin is a muscle located along the lumbar vertebrae (on the inside). To separate the tenderloin, it is cut at the spine along the entire length. The thick end of the tenderloin (head) is cut off from the ilium and muscles of the hind leg. Then, pulling the tenderloin by the head, separate it from the spine.

The tenderloin is cleaned, separating the thin layer of pulp adjacent to it along the entire length, consisting of muscles, and cut off the tendons and films. When stripped, the tenderloin is a muscle covered with a thin layer of films.

The hind leg is separated as follows: the flank and other adjacent muscles are cut along the contour of the leg in the direction of the ilium to the spine, then the articulation of the last lumbar vertebra with the 1st sacral vertebra is cut. When cutting a whole carcass, the hind legs, after separating the lumbar part from them, are sawn or cut along the sacral vertebrae.

The hind leg is deboned as follows: from the tibia, starting from the outer end, the meat and tendons are cut, the joints of this bone with the femur are cut, and the tibia is separated, cutting off the meat and tendons from it. Then the ilium is separated by cutting its articulation with the femur, and the meat is cut from the bone. Next, the meat is cut along the femur and the muscle located on the back of the bone, the inner part of the leg, is separated by layer. After that, the femur is cut out. The remaining pulp is then cut in layers into three parts: side, outer and top.

Side part located on the front side of the femur, the outer part is located on the outside of the same bone, and the upper part is on top, on the ilium of the pelvis.

Parts of the meat after separation of the bones are cleaned from films, coarse tendons, rims and excess fat.

From the outer part, sinewy meat is cut along the layer, cut from the lower end of the tibia (thigh and shank).

The thin edge is separated from the rest of the hind leg (loin), which also includes a hem and flank. A thin edge is separated from the hem and flank along a line passing at a distance of 2 cm from the lateral spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae.

When the thin edge is rolled, the meat of the spine is cut along the dorsal part along the upper spinous processes, after which it is cut off from the bones in a layer. In this form, the thin edge is a muscle layer covering the processes and bodies of the lumbar vertebrae.

They clean the thin edge, cutting off coarse tendons from its outer surface. Thin tendons covered with a layer of subcutaneous fat are not cut off. In very fatty meat, the fat is cut off, leaving it on the meat with a thickness of no more than 1 cm. The thin edges of the meat are cut off.

The stripped thin edge is a layer of meat that has a rectangular shape.

Hemline and flank cleaned from rough tendons and films.

These parts of the meat of carcasses of medium and below average fatness are used in the same way as trimmings. The trim of carcasses of above-average fatness is separated and used for cooking. To do this, the part remaining after separating the thin edge is divided approximately in half. The flank is the muscular layer of the lower peritoneal part of the carcass.

trimmings, remaining after stripping all parts, are also stripped of coarse tendons, films and excess fat is separated. The presence of fat in the total mass of scraps should not exceed 15%.

Bones, peeled from meat, are crushed so that during heat treatment, nutrients are better digested from them. Tubular bones are not crushed, their thickened part is sawn off, and the "tarsal" (tube) is left intact, since with such cutting the fat is well digested.

The culinary use of beef carcass parts is determined by their nutritional value and culinary properties, which depend on the amount and type of connective tissue contained.

The tenderloin, thin and thick edges have a small percentage of connective tissue, so they quickly soften when frying.

The shoulder blade, side and outer parts of the hind leg contain a significant amount of connective tissue and soften during prolonged cooking when stewing.

The neck, flank, hem from carcasses of low fatness have up to 80% of connective tissue. Therefore, these parts of the carcass are ground in a meat grinder before heat treatment or boiled whole. Pokromka is sometimes boiled with bones and used for soups.

Semi-finished products in large pieces can be used without any additional processing, for boiling and stewing, and some of them for frying.

Today, raising cattle for meat is one of the most promising business ideas. Quite often, this type of animal husbandry is practiced at home. The main reason for the interest in the direction is the high cost of beef on the market. But it is worth noting that although there are quite a lot of people who want to breed cattle, not all of them have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to butcher a cow after slaughter. And, by the way, if such a procedure is performed incorrectly, it is quite possible to spoil most of the carcass. Therefore, this process requires certain knowledge and experience.

Cutting the main parts

After slaughter, skinning and removal of the entrails, they proceed to the direct cutting of the cow carcass. It begins with the division of the carcass into two parts. Further, half-carcasses are divided into cuts, which are much easier to roll and clean. This process takes place in several stages:

  1. The half carcass is divided in half. On the carcass, a flank is cut with a sharp knife along the line of the last rib. In this direction, the muscle tissue is cut to the vertebrae. When the bone is freed from the muscles, the ridge is cut in the area between the 13th and 14th vertebrae.
  2. A shoulder blade is cut off from the half carcass. To do this, first carefully separate the muscles connecting the scapular bone with the sternum. Next, the muscle tissue is cut under the shoulder bone.
  3. Carefully separate the neck. With the help of a billhook, cut the meat along the line from the sternum to the first vertebra of the back. After that, an incision is made at the junction of the cervical and dorsal spine.
  4. Separate the breast cut. On the remaining half-carcass, an incision is made in the pulp at the junction of the dorsal and lumbar spine, as well as along the last rib.
  5. A notch is removed along the entire length of the spine. To do this, it is separated from the ilium. Further, more and more pulling on themselves, they are separated from each individual vertebra.
  6. Cut off the pelvis. It is cut off by cutting the ridge in the area of ​​​​separation of the sacral and lumbar. The inguinal part is cut along the contour of the hind leg.
  7. The lumbar region with the flank and upper costal part (hem) is separated from the pelvic part.

At meat processing enterprises, the carcass is often divided not into separate components, but into quarters. Only after that they are cut according to one of the selected schemes. To obtain quarters, the carcass is divided along the entire length of the ridge. Then each half-carcass is divided by a cut along the line from the first lumbar vertebra to the line of passage of the thirteenth rib.

The hindquarter is further disassembled into the pelvis with the sacrum, flank and loin. The remaining anterior ones include the shoulder blade, thoracic portion, neck, and dorsal portion with ribs. As a rule, the weight of the forequarter is at least 55% of the total weight of the side.


Immediately after cutting the main parts of the beef, the deboning process follows. This procedure is the separation of the pulp from the bones of the carcass. Deboning is considered ideal if there are no small pieces of meat on the bones, and there are no deep cuts on the pulp arrays. This procedure is carried out using a special set of boning knives.

Deboning of each part is carried out individually. Implement the procedure in the following way:

  1. Shoulder blade. When deboning the shoulder blade, the meat is first separated from the tendons present. Then, with a knife, the muscles are cut off from the ulna and radius. After that, the meat is cut along the entire length of the shoulder bone and the shoulder bone is removed. At the end, the veins are cut off from the resulting piece of pulp.
  2. Neck. From the neck, all the meat is removed in one piece, carefully cutting it off at the points of attachment to the vertebrae.
  3. Brisket. The thoracic part of the pulp is separated from the dorsal-breast cut in the area of ​​its fusion with the ribs. In this case, the knife makes a line through the cartilage from the first to the end of the thirteenth rib of the carcass.
  4. Thick edge. This piece of muscle tissue is cut off especially carefully. Start cutting from the thirteenth rib. Along the connection line of the thick edge with the hem, an almost horizontal cut is made to the fourth rib. After that, the meat is cut with a knife a third of the rib down and again horizontally adjusted to the first.
  5. The pulp of the subscapularis. In fact, it is removed from the bone along with the previous part. Only after that a square layer of meat is separated.
  6. Hemline. It is carefully cut from the ribs in one piece.
  7. Thin edge. When separating this part, it is carefully cut along the ridge. Then the meat is removed from the rest of the bones, in parallel separating the flank.
  8. Posterior part. The first step in deboning this cut is the separation of the tibia from the femur. To do this, at the junction, all tendons and meat are removed and the joint is cut. Next, the iliac bone is separated. At the end of the procedure, the meat is cut along the femur and removed, after cleaning off all the pulp.

Important! At the end of the deboning of each of the cuts, the bones are additionally cleaned of meat residues.


Immediately after the previous stage, cleaning of the meat follows. It includes the removal of veins, thick films, remnants of veins, fat and cartilage. Also, during stripping, excess rims are removed from the pieces (pieces of pulp that spoil the general appearance of the main parts).

Almost all layers of meat obtained at the previous stage are subject to stripping. When cleaning the pulp of the neck, first of all, parts of the periosteum are removed from it, and only then the remaining tendons. Excess fatty formations and films are cut from the meat of the shoulder blade. From the sternum, the remains of cartilage are cut out, which were connected to the rib and excess fat deposits. To give the thick edge a more attractive appearance, not only the veins are removed from it, but also the thin marginal sections of the meat.

Particular attention is paid to the posterior cut. In the limbs of the animal there are a large number of veins and tendons. In addition, large reserves of fat are also collected here. All this is carefully removed from the pulp.

Separation by grade

It is worth noting that all the obtained parts of the animal carcass, depending on the taste, consistency and other factors, are divided into three grades:

  1. Higher.
  2. First.
  3. Second.

The main criterion for separating all beef meat into varieties is the presence of veins and thin films of connective tissue in its composition. Thus, in the composition of premium meat, such inclusions occupy no more than 3–4% of the total mass. This category includes:

  • brisket;
  • meat from the back;
  • rump;
  • fillet part;
  • rump;
  • sirloin.

The pulp, which belongs to the first grade, contains about 5% connective tissue. Such meat has a less tender texture than premium products. The first class includes:

  • scapula;
  • shoulder pulp;
  • flank.

It is worth noting that, in addition to quality, the beef variety also determines the recommended way to use it. So, second-class meat is applicable for cooking rich broths. The pulp of the first and highest grade is often fried, baked and cooked on coals.

Scheme of cutting beef carcass

In addition to the above scheme, there are also other options for butchering the carcass. In general, they are all similar to each other, but there are still certain differences. So, the American scheme for cutting beef carcasses involves dividing into 13 main parts.

When cutting half carcasses using the Dutch method, only 12 parts are obtained. At the same time, almost the entire side and lower abdomen of the cow, in contrast to the American cut, is cut out in one large layer. At the same time, the names of the parts are also different.

The British tradition is characterized by more compact pieces. In this regard, 14 parts come out of the half carcass.

Another popular scheme involves dividing a beef carcass into 19 components. This scheme is called South American. When it is implemented, the following cuts are obtained:

  1. Shoulder blade.
  2. Blade part.
  3. Breast part.
  4. Rump.
  5. Upper rump.
  6. Fillet part.
  7. White meat.
  8. Flank.
  9. Shank.
  10. Ankle.
  11. Thigh.
  12. Entrecote.
  13. Thin edge.
  14. The inner part of the cut of the back of the pelvis.
  15. Thick edge.
  16. Thick loin.
  17. False fillet.

Also among the well-known cutting schemes are Australian, German, Danish and many others.

Where is the hungry fossa in a cow?

The so-called hungry hole has a certain importance in the implementation of cutting. This formation is a small depression in the pelvic region of the cow. Upon closer examination, you can see that it has the form of a triangle, which is formed by:

  1. Last rib on one side.
  2. The protrusion formed by the pelvic bone, on the other.
  3. Processes of the vertebrae from the third.

By feeling the hungry fossa, experts can easily identify signs of bloating, malaise and other health problems in the cow. In addition, according to the state of the hungry hole, one can also judge the fullness of the stomach of livestock with food. With its excessive amount, the stomach during the cutting process can be damaged, which will negatively affect the quality of the meat.

Where is the scar on a cow?

The digestive system of a cow is quite complex. To provide the massive body of the animal with nutrients, nature provided him with a large stomach, consisting of several compartments at once. And the largest of them is the scar. The capacity of this formation can reach up to 200 liters. Moreover, it is in this part of the stomach that about 70% of all food entering the esophagus is digested.

Of course, in order to digest large amounts of food, such an organ contains various bacteria and enzymes. They perfectly cope with their function. But if during the cutting the integrity of the scar is damaged, all its contents fall on the adjacent muscle arrays. This can significantly affect the taste of the product. Therefore, in order to carefully remove the scar from the dead carcass, you should know exactly where it is located.

Most of the scar is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity, and only a small part of it goes to the right half. It starts just behind the diaphragm and ends in the pelvis.

Butchering a slaughtered cow carcass is a rather complicated process that requires some skill and knowledge. Carry out cutting in accordance with certain schemes that came into domestic use from different countries. But each of them involves several main stages, including primary cutting, deep cutting, deboning, cleaning and trimming. Each of these processes requires strict adherence to the instructions and experience.

Parts of beef carcasses differ in their nutritional properties, the ratio of bones, tissues, muscles and fat - your choice will directly depend on this.

So, before you is a scheme for cutting beef carcass:


Beef brisket is a fairly hard meat, and in our country it is customary to stew or boil it to soften it. In other countries, for example, in America, the brisket is baked for a long time at a low temperature.


It is located along the ridge, has 4-5 ribs. The anterior shoulder blade has been cut off.

The name Ribeye comes from the English rib (rib) and eye (eye), since this part is taken from the ribs and has the shape of an eye on a cross section. On this cut, marbling is pronounced, which serves as a standard for assigning a certain quality standard to all meat.

You can use this edge for stewing or baking, it is suitable for various soups, as well as minced meat, meatballs or . However, the most common dish from this cut is .


The meat in this place is very tender, it must be baked along with the bone in order to preserve flavor and juiciness. Ideal for steaks and.

The most famous classic American steak, the New York steak, is made from this part. It is called the "steak for professionals". The dish must be ordered with blood, otherwise, with a higher degree of roasting, it will be dry. For cooking, only the meat of grain-fed gobies with a large number of marble inclusions is used. If you are in the USA, order this particular steak.


The most valuable part of the beef carcass belongs to the first grade beef. It contains a large amount of tender meat on the last three ribs. It will make beautiful, broth or .

The classic dish from this part is called - . It appeared in France, formed from the words entre - between and côte - rib.


It is obtained from the butt, and it is the most tender and tasty meat, because. the muscle tissue of this part receives almost no physical activity. The tenderloin makes the best steaks, roasts, , , as well as such famous dishes as Chateaubriand Steak and Filet Mignon. The British cook roast beef from the tenderloin, the Italians -, and in America they don’t separate the meat from the bone - they cut it entirely into steaks.


This part of the carcass for a third consists of bones and cartilage. It makes good broth.


The meat here is not fatty, it is used for all kinds of soups, you can also cook a steak from it. In the shoulder part, very tender meat, which, due to the central vein, is considered the most beautiful steak. For example, "Top Blade steak" resembles an open book or butterfly wings.


The back of the carcass, ideal for brewing clean and strong broths.

12. Flank

Meat of the second grade, contains many connective tissue layers, which makes the pulp tough. It retains moisture well, so it is suitable for minced meat. In France, during cutting, the flank is separated from the brisket and the film is removed from the inside.

13. Rump

Low-fat part of the back cut, suitable for and. It has a long fiber structure with a small amount of connective tissue. Rump dishes are juicy, moderately tender, easy to cut even when cooked. It contains the daily norm of iron, zinc, a number of amino acids, and a large amount of natural animal protein, which is the basis for the development of new cells, predominates. It is recommended for people with skin diseases, nail and hair problems.

Rump is the basis of such an English national dish as roast beef.

14. SHIN

The hind leg of the carcass contains the brain bone and a large amount of connective tissue. Because Since this part has developed muscles, it must be simmered for a long time. The shank is perfect for cooking. By the way, it is prepared not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the former USSR, for example, in Georgia. National varieties of aspic can be found in Germany, Poland, Latvia and Romania.

Jelly is very good for health, because it contains a significant amount of collagen protein - it slows down the aging process and renews cells. It is also a good prophylactic against joint diseases, and due to the content of retinol, jelly helps to strengthen the immune system.

The cutting of half-carcasses of meat consists of successive operations: separation into cuts, deboning of cuts (separation of the pulp from the bones), trimming and stripping (removal of tendons, films, cartilage). The main purpose of cutting and deboning is to obtain parts of meat that are different in their culinary purpose.

The cutting of meat is carried out in a room with an air temperature not higher than 10 ° C, so that the meat does not heat up. If the company receives beef in half carcasses, then it is divided into fore and hind quarters. The dividing line runs along the last rib and between the 13th and 14th vertebrae, while the ribs remain in front. In the half carcass, the flank is cut against the 12th (last) rib, then the flesh is cut along the line of this rib to the spine and divided along the articulation of the 13th and 14th vertebrae (Fig. 8).

Fig 8. Beef carcass cutting scheme:

a - the name of the bones: 1 - scapula; 2 - humerus; 3 - ulna; 4 - radius; 5 - sternum; 6 - ilium; 7 - tubercle of the ilium (maklak); 8 - femur; 9 - knee cup; 10 - tibia; 11 - seven cervical vertebrae; 12 - thirteen dorsal vertebrae; 13 - ribs; 14 - six lumbar vertebrae; 15 - sacral vertebrae;

b - names of parts: I - shoulder blade (a - shoulder part; b - shoulder part); II - cervical part; III - dorsal part (thick edge); IV - hem; V - brisket; VI - tenderloin; VII - hip part (a - inner part, b - lateral part, c - outer part, d - upper part); VIII - lumbar part (thin edge); IX - flank; X - subscapular part.

Forequarter cut. When cutting the forequarter, you get: shoulder blade, neck and dorsal ribs. To separate the shoulder blade, the quarter is placed on the table with the inner side down, the shoulder blade is lifted with the left hand, the muscles connecting it with the chest part are cut along the defined contour, and cut off. After that, the neck is separated along the last cervical vertebra. The dorsal-costal part remains, consisting of a thick edge, subscapular part, hem and brisket.

deboning is the separation of the pulp from the bones. This operation is carried out very carefully so that no meat remains on the bones, and the resulting pieces do not have deep cuts (no more than 10 mm).

At trimming parts of meat remove tendons, coarse, superficial films, cartilage and excess fat. In addition, thin rims are cut off from the edges of pieces of meat. Intermuscular connective tissues and thin surface films are left. Clean the meat so that it does not deform. It is more convenient to cut portioned semi-finished products from stripped meat.

For boning shoulder blade put on the table with the outer side down, cut off the meat and tendons from the radius and ulna. Then the articulation of these bones with the humerus is cut and the radius and ulna are separated. The meat is cut from the humerus, the tendons connecting the humerus to the scapula are cut, and the scapula is separated. After that, the humerus is cut out. The shank is separated from the resulting pulp, and the rest of the meat is divided into two parts: shoulder and shoulder. At neck cut off the pulp with a whole layer, trying to completely separate it from the vertebrae.

At dorsal costal part separate the brisket along a line running from the end of the first rib to the end of the last. The thick edge and subscapular part are cut together. To do this, an incision is made in the pulp along the line connecting the thick edge with the hem, starting from the last rib, then the flesh is cut at a right angle into 1/3 of the ribs, after which the flesh is cut longitudinally to the first rib and the thick edge is cut off along with the subscapular part. Pokromku cut off from the costal bones, clean and trim the edges.

As a result of culinary cutting and deboning of the forequarter, the following are obtained: the neck part, the shoulder and shoulder parts of the shoulder blade, the thick edge, the subscapular part, the hem, the brisket, as well as the bones: cervical, vertebral, costal, scapular, humeral, ulnar and radial.

Hindquarter cut. If the beef was delivered to the enterprise with a tenderloin, then first of all, the tenderloin is separated so as not to cut it during further processing. After that, the quarter is divided into lumbar and hip parts.

At lumbar cut the pulp along the dorsal vertebrae and cut it off in a whole layer. The resulting pulp is divided into a thin edge, hem and flank.

When deboning hip parts cut out the ilium (pelvic), the meat is cut along the femur and cut along the separating layer of the inside of the hind leg. After that, the shank is cut out and the remaining pulp is cut along the films into the upper, side and outer parts. Pieces of pulp, after separation from the bones, are cleaned from tendons, excess fat, and the rims are cut off.

As a result of culinary cutting and deboning of the hindquarter, the following are obtained: tenderloin, thin edge, hem, flank, inner, upper, lateral and outer parts of the hind leg, as well as bones: lumbar and sacral vertebrae, pelvic, femoral and tibia. Losses during meat processing are 26.5% for category I beef, and 29.5% for category II.

Sorting and culinary use of meat parts. The cleaned meat is sorted according to culinary use. The quality of meat is affected by the amount of connective tissue and its stability during heat treatment. Parts of meat containing little connective tissue are used for frying, and if there is a lot of it, then the meat is used for boiling and stewing.

tenderloin- the most tender part of the meat, used for frying in large pieces, natural portions and small pieces.

Thick and thin edges- for frying large pieces, portioned natural, breaded and small pieces.

Inner and upper parts- for stewing large and portioned pieces, for frying breaded and small pieces.

Outer and side parts- for cooking, stewing in large, portioned and small pieces.

Shoulder blade, subscapular part, brisket, hem(meat category I) - for cooking and stewing in small pieces.

Neck, flank, hem(meat category II) - for the preparation of chopped products, as they contain up to 80% of connective tissue.

Today, cattle breeding for meat production is one of the most promising types of business. The main reason for the interest is the high cost of beef on the market.

Unfortunately, not all farmers understand what a beef cutting scheme is. If this procedure is carried out incorrectly, you can spoil the main part of the carcass. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the scheme for cutting beef, which will be presented in the article.

Main parts

It is necessary to proceed directly to cutting after removing the skin and removing all the insides. The scheme implies the initial division of the carcass into two parts. After that, the half-carcasses are divided into cuts, which will be easier to debon and trim. The beef cutting scheme consists of several stages.

First stage

The half-carrot is divided in half. With a sharp knife, the flank is cut along the line of the last rib to the spine. This is done in such a way as to free the bone from muscle tissue. Next, you need to cut the ridge between the 13th and 14th vertebrae.

shoulder blade

Let's move on to the second step. It is necessary to cut off the shoulder blade from the half carcass. This is done as follows: initially, the muscles that connect the scapular bone to the sternum are carefully separated, and then the tissue under the shoulder bone is cut off.


Next, carefully process this part. With the help of a billhook, the meat is cut along a line that starts from the sternum and ends at the first vertebra. Then, a cut is made at the junction of the dorsal and cervical spine.

breast cut

Next, the meat of the front is cut. So we separate the chest cut. On the half-carcass that remains, it is necessary to make an incision in the pulp in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe junction of the lumbar and dorsal spine, as well as along the line of the last rib.

Back treatment

A notch is removed along the entire spine. To do this, it must be separated from the ilium. Further, pulling the meat on itself more and more, the deboner separates the tenderloin from each vertebra.

Pelvic part

It must be cut by cutting the ridge in the zone of separation of the lumbar and sacral. The inguinal region is separated along the contour of the hind limb.


The lumbar region with the flank is separated from the pelvic region, as well as with the upper costal part, which is called the hem.

Please note that at meat processing enterprises, beef carcasses are not divided into separate components, but only into quarters. It turns out an enlarged processing. Only after this is the beef carcass cut according to the scheme. Let's consider in order.

To obtain a quarter, the carcass is cut along the entire length of the ridge. Further, each half carcass is divided by a cut, starting from the lumbar vertebra and ending with the line of passage of the 13th rib.

The hindquarter is further disassembled into a pelvis with a sacrum, a loin and a flank. The remaining front part includes the chest region, shoulder blade, back with ribs and neck. As a rule, with such a culinary cut of beef, the weight of the forequarter will be at least 55% of the total weight of the carcass.


Immediately after cutting the main parts of the beef, a finishing process must be carried out. It's called a collapse. This procedure consists in separating the pulp from the seeds. It is carried out with the help of special knives. The ideal option is if there is not the slightest piece of meat left on the bones, and there are no deep cuts on the pulp.

Deboning of each area is carried out individually. This procedure is implemented by the following method of cutting beef carcasses:

  1. The meat of the shoulder blade is first separated from the tendons. After that, with the help of a knife, the muscles are cut off from the radius and ulna. After that, the meat is separated along the entire line of the shoulder. The bone of the scapula is removed. At the end of the process, all veins are cut off from the resulting piece of meat.
  2. From the cervical region, all the pulp is removed in one piece, it is carefully cut off at the points of attachment to the vertebrae.
  3. The chest part is separated from the dorsal cut in the area of ​​its fusion with the ribs. At the same time, a line is made with a knife through the cartilage from the first to the end of the 13th rib of the carcass.
  4. Thick edge. This segment of muscle tissue is cut off especially carefully. It starts from the 13th rib. An almost horizontal cut is made along the connection line of the thick edge with the hem to the 4th rib. Then the meat is separated with a knife about 3 ribs down, and then again horizontally brought to the first.
  5. Pulp under shoulder blade. In fact, it must be removed from the bones at the same time as the previous part. Only after performing this procedure, the square layer of muscle tissue is separated.
  6. Hemline. It must be carefully cut from the ribs in one whole piece, from which you can then cut the beef into steaks.
  7. Thin edge. During the separation of this part, it must be carefully cut along the ridge. Then the meat is removed from the remaining bones, the flank is removed in parallel.
  8. Posterior pelvic region. The first step in deboning this cut is the separation of the tibia from the femur. To do this, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection, it is necessary to remove all the tendons, meat, cut the joint. Next, the iliac bone is separated. At the end of the procedure, the meat is cut along the femur. It is removed when all the pulp has been removed.

It is important to note that after completing this type of cutting of beef, the bones must additionally be cleaned of meat residues.


After completing the above steps, the next step must be carried out without fail. This is meat cleaning. It involves the removal of veins, remnants of fat, cartilage, as well as thick films. During stripping, all excess rims must be removed from the pieces.

It is necessary to process almost all layers of meat that were obtained after cutting. During stripping of the neck, it is necessary to remove parts of the periosteum, after which all the tendons. It is necessary to remove excess fatty deposits and films from the meat of the shoulder blade. From the sternum, the remnants of cartilage connected to the rib, as well as all excess fatty tissue, are cut out. To give the thick edge the most attractive appearance, it is necessary to remove not only the veins from it, but also the marginal thin sections.

Particular attention should also be paid to the posterior pelvic cut. The fact is that in the limbs of cattle there are many veins and tendons. In addition, certain reserves of fats are concentrated here. All this must be carefully removed from the pulp.

Cutting by grade

What is beef grading? All obtained parts of meat, depending on taste, structure and other factors, are divided into several grades: the highest, the first, the second.

The main classification criterion is the presence of thin films and veins. For example, in premium meat, such components should not exceed 4% of the total mass of the piece. This category includes:

  1. Meat from the back.
  2. Brisket.
  3. Fillet part.
  4. Rump.
  5. Butt.
  6. Rump.

The pulp, which belongs to the first grade, should contain no more than 5% of connective tissue. This product has a less delicate texture. The following parts should be included in the first grade:

  1. Pashin.
  2. Shoulder pulp.
  3. Shoulder blade.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that, in addition to quality, the type of meat determines the recommended methods of its heat treatment. For example, meat of the 2nd grade is used to make rich broths. You can cook delicious barbecue. As for the pulp of the first and highest grade, it is most often fried, cooked on coals or baked.

A little about juiciness

We will give some useful tips on the proper processing of beef meat. The juiciness of the finished dish will directly depend on the fat content of the meat. For example, the lean flesh of marbled beef alternates with thin streaks of fat. This makes the steak taste juicy and tender. For the preparation of shish kebab, second-rate meat is used, which contains a sufficient amount of fat.

Of great importance in juiciness is also played by the method of frying. The more moisture the meat loses in the pan, the tougher and drier it will turn out. That is why it is not necessary to cook a good tenderloin in oil or fat. It is best to fry juicy and fresh meat in a hot dry frying pan for just a few minutes on each side. Salt should be done only after the flesh is browned.

It is best to beat the meat on a board that is pre-moistened with cold water. The fact is that a dry tree strongly absorbs the juice of the pulp.
