
Organization and holding of banquets. Best offsite banquet service offers

Anniversaries, weddings, corporate parties, High school prom it is impossible to imagine without a well-organized banquet. This part of the celebration is always associated with delicious dishes, a festive atmosphere. But what to do if you want to organize this part of the event not the same as everyone else? In this case, you should entrust the holding of banquets to professionals and masters of their craft. In this case, "Catering Banquet" is what you need. Our company knows how to make your holiday bright and memorable.

Advantages of applying to the "Catering Banquet"

The company has many years of colossal experience in the restaurant business and, directly, in holding, organizing banquets. Therefore, if you are planning to order catering services, you should contact us. Only we can make your holiday beautiful and offer exquisite delicious dishes.

Our company "Catering Banquet" has a lot of advantages over other organizations. The key benefits are:

  • we will easily select the menu and service of the event for any amount;
  • there are no difficult tasks for our specialists, therefore we can easily organize a banquet for any number of guests, in any place, whether in a restaurant, on a ship or even outside;
  • the celebration menu is developed in advance, tasted with the customer. At the same time, we select an individual menu for each event, in accordance with the theme of the holiday and all the wishes and requirements of the customer;
  • we not only cook fine dining, but we also organize high-quality table setting and unique design of tables, rooms;
  • we deliver at the specified time ready meals within strict deadlines. There is no chance that the event will be disrupted or disappoint the customer.

What can we offer?

There are many reasons for holding banquets. For all the time of our existence, we have held a lot of different events. But we should highlight the events that are more often of interest to our customers and the process of conducting with us has been brought to perfection:

  1. A wedding banquet is the brightest and most unforgettable event. Our team of specialists and professionals understands that one of the brightest moments in a person's life is the wedding day, so we hold the event at a decent level. We create a festive atmosphere, serve delicious dishes on the table.
  2. New Year's banquet is one of the popular services of our catering company. This event is always grandiose, so it is very important that the table is set with dignity. Thus, next year promises to be even more successful, more fun and brighter than the previous one.
  3. A corporate banquet is not uncommon. Very often, the conclusion of a profitable contract or agreement is accompanied by a banquet. In this case, negligence in its implementation should not be allowed. When organizing an event by Catering Banquet, you can be sure that the dishes will be the most refined and delicious, and the serving is simple, strict, but very elegant.

What services are included in the banquet?

Turning to us, you can be sure that your banquet will be held in a special way, regardless of the number of guests, venue. In addition to the fact that many exquisite, beautiful and delicious dishes will be served on the tables, our company will provide other related services that allow you to bring luxury, brightness and solemnity to the event:

  • our specialists arrange and decorate tables, rooms;
  • develop the concept of everything holiday table in accordance with the theme of the event;
  • provide the services of waiters who will make sure that the guests of the banquet do not need anything;
  • provide cleaning of the premises after the banquet;
  • if the products and dishes remain, they will pack and hand over to the customer.

Organization of banquets in Moscow, service and holding offsite banquets- "Prestige-Catering"

Services for organizing and holding banquets in Moscow and the Moscow region. Field Service banquets anywhere. Go

organization of banquets, holding a banquet



Organization of banquets

"Prestige-Catering" offers professional services for organizing banquets in Moscow and the Moscow region. We organize and conduct banquets of any format and scale (any number of guests). We will select for you a banquet hall of the required capacity, develop an individual banquet menu, taking into account the wishes for the kitchen and dishes, snacks and other treats. Working with us, there is no need to spend time looking for a suitable banquet hall, purchasing products and finding someone who can cook it - we organize turnkey banquets, which means that the customer receives a ready-made event, provided with a feast, service personnel and, if necessary, , organizational program.

Prices for organizing and holding a banquet

Banquet: 1600 - 2700 rubles.

Banquet catering menu – 1 Banquet catering menu – 2 Buffet catering menu
Japanese catering menu BBQ catering Coffee break catering

We have vast experience in organizing celebrations of various levels. We have worked in many restaurants and banquet halls in Moscow and we know which one is best for your banquet. Our prices are inexpensive and the choice of food is always plentiful. There are also ready-made solutions for a certain number of people, and we can also develop an individual menu and a banquet program, taking into account all your requirements and wishes. We successfully organize non-standard banquets dedicated to a specific event or theme.

Benefits of organizing an offsite banquet

Our catering company knows how to pleasantly surprise, starting from our own methodology for holding and servicing off-site banquets and ending with the dishes offered to guests. Our competitive advantages that you will appreciate immediately after ordering services:

  • Work with any budget - we are well aware that the budget allocated for holding a banquet in an organization is not "rubber". We will select a menu based on your budget, make an offer for any wallet and requests. We have been successfully holding inexpensive banquets in Moscow and the Moscow Region for several years;
  • Selection of venues — we have our own base of banquet halls located in Moscow and the Moscow region. Together with the customer, we will select a place for a banquet and celebration for any number of guests;
  • Variety of menus - the menu can be selected from our ready-made solutions, if it is suitable for a banquet, or designed individually, including non-standard menu. The offer includes several cuisines of the world to choose from, and professional chefs are engaged in cooking;
  • Decoration of banquet halls - the company employs masters in the design of premises of any size and for any theme of the event;
  • Serving dishes - yes, this is indeed a very important point when organizing a banquet, since you need to be able to serve dishes in such a way that it pleases not only the customer’s eye, but is also convenient for guests;
  • Just-in-time delivery - no event we host has been delayed due to food delivery. We prepare and deliver meals right on time. They are always fresh, natural and delicious.

What does the banquet service include?

The main stages of the banquet service look like this. Cold appetizers are served first, and the tables are set before the guests are seated. At the same time, cuts (fish, meat) and salads are served. After about 30 minutes from the beginning of the banquet, hot appetizers from the approved menu are served - warm salads, baked vegetables, julienne. After 1.5 hours, there comes a turn for serving hot meat or fish with a certain side dish. Dessert is served after 2 hours from the beginning of the celebration.

Depending on the type of event for which the banquet is organized (wedding, corporate party, birthday or anniversary, romantic evening etc.), the package of services for its maintenance may include the following works:

  • Preparation banquet menu with the subsequent preparation of dishes, according to its composition;
  • Decor of banquet halls and their decoration according to the theme of the event;
  • Preparation of the script and performance of actions with the help of professional animators, musical groups, pyrotechnicians and other specialists;
  • Cleaning the hall after the end of the solemn feast.

How to book a banquet?

Ordering and holding a decent banquet in a restaurant in the capital is not difficult. The city is full of interesting establishments, within the walls of which it is pleasant to be on a solemn day. Here is a selection of places that will help you choose a restaurant for a banquet in Moscow for every taste. Elegant banquet halls, festive restaurants with beautiful interiors, or just cozy cafes with comfortable accommodation in a separate room - all this can be found here.

Order a banquet in Moscow: prices, promotions, venues

Find the right room for festive celebration or a business event can be both in the center of the capital and outside the Moscow Ring Road. The main plus of holding a banquet in a restaurant more remote from the central part of the city is an inexpensive cost. In terms of level, such establishments are not inferior to popular places from the center, and the cost of dishes will be much lower. As a bonus of a banquet in such a restaurant, there are more opportunities for entertainment (for example, a trip on a river boat). Establishments in the center of the capital benefit from their close location and picturesque views of the famous streets, monuments and architecture.

Restaurants with banquet halls in Moscow

The variety of worthy establishments in the capital can be confusing. To choose best restaurant for a banquet in Moscow, you should pay attention to:

  • menu. IN metropolitan institutions for a festive celebration, they offer all kinds of culinary traditions: from classic European to Korean or Scandinavian. Especially for the banquet, Moscow restaurants can prepare author's dishes to order or a cake from their own confectionery.
  • entertainment. Each restaurant in its own way seeks to entice visitors. Some provide billiards and bowling, others provide karaoke, professional DJs or live music. Most of the banquet restaurants in Moscow can also prepare an entertainment program from and to.
  • layout. In order for the event to be 100% successful, it is important to take into account all the details: lighting, sound equipment, interior. An additional plus will be the opportunity to decorate the hall to your taste or invite designers and florists.

Restaurants for a banquet in Moscow

How to choose the right site

Our selection contains only banquet restaurants and halls that have proven themselves as worthy venues for a banquet - be it a corporate party, a wedding, an anniversary, or a fun children's holiday. In any of them you can order a banquet, rent an entire room or a separate area, choose dishes from a special banquet menu, or order something individual, as well as receive nice gifts and discounts.

Banquet - a solemn magnificent reception with the seating of guests, the most famous and deservedly popular option for organizing holidays. Most often, a banquet is timed to coincide with weddings, birthdays and anniversaries, corporate parties and business events.

A banquet is a large-scale event, so its organization is most often shifted to the shoulders of professionals: a catering company or. At the same time, the venue for the banquet can be any, from a rented venue in a restaurant or cafe, to an office, home or open area. This is the main advantage of catering. You get first-class service without being tied to a specific area.

The CaterMe service provides profitable terms. Place an application for a banquet, and the organizers will take over the selection of the site.

Menu, drinks and service at the banquet

You can organize a holiday with any budget. The larger it is, the less restrictions on the number and complexity of dishes. Holding a banquet has its own characteristics. So, banquet tables are set by waiters in advance. When the guests take their seats, cold snacks are already in front of them. If a wedding banquet or a protocol event is organized, cold appetizers and salads are served by the waiters in portions.

If there are hot appetizers on the menu, they are served in portions or on common dishes. Desserts are served after the main courses. The number of meal changes depends on the budget and the number of guests.

When organizing a banquet, there are three options for serving drinks.

  1. Alcohol and soft drinks put on the table. The waiter or one of the guests can pour them.
  2. Juices, lemonades and water are put on the table, alcohol - on the buffet line. The waiter pours and serves drinks.
  3. All drinks are on the buffet line. They are poured and served by the waiter.

Features of the banquet

A banquet is a solemn event, which is usually timed to coincide with important occasions, such as a wedding or a reception. Therefore, even if you pack a birthday in this format in the family circle, there will be a touch of formality.

Here are a few important points, which should be remembered when organizing a feast.

  • The banquet is held in the evening. If one of the guests got stuck in a traffic jam, the reception may be delayed until the night.
  • If there will be children with the guests, indicate this fact in the application. The catering company will develop a children's menu.
  • If guests plan to give gifts, experts will provide for the presence of vases and a free table in the hall.
  • To speed up the serving of dishes, guests with the same taste preferences plant closer to each other.
  • Say how many guests are invited to the banquet. The exact amount is important, not the estimated amount.
  • If you need an organization wedding banquet on a turnkey basis, you can entrust the entire list of services to one contractor, the main thing is to indicate this fact in the application.
  • Do you want to take food and drinks left after the banquet with you? Specialists will prepare convenient containers in advance and help with cleaning.
  • If it is planned to present gifts to employees at a corporate event, professionals can also take over the organization of this part of the celebration.

The CaterMe service will help you find the perfect catering company that will take over the organization of the banquet. You just need to place an application on the site and study personal commercial offers. Compare, study and choose the best option of the possible. Organization of a holiday for 5+ is real.

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  • Introduction
  • 2.2 Types of receptions and banquets
  • 2.3 Order acceptance
  • 2.4 Choosing a banquet hall
  • Conclusions and offers
  • Bibliography
  • Applications


In the process of many years of development of the restaurant industry, a complex service system has developed, which has various forms. Many enterprises focus their efforts on one form or one type of service, while others introduce more complex, combined forms.

Organization of a banquet in a restaurant in Lately is very popular and attracts a large number of visitors, contributes to the growth of turnover and profits of the restaurant. Banquets are arranged at the highest level and just in the circle of friends and relatives.

Various events can serve as the reason for such events: official or diplomatic meetings, meetings of foreign ambassadors, government receptions, signing of protocols, theater receptions, conclusion of business agreements, significant dates, family holidays.

It is necessary to be able to clearly organize banquets, prepare the premises in which the banquet will take place. The most important thing during a particular banquet is the service, which has its own characteristics depending on the type of banquet. Service personnel need to know these features in order to ensure that the banquet is held at the highest level. The knowledge and skills of waiters to serve a particular banquet event is very important.

Banquet with partial service waiters is informal. As the name implies, the service at such a banquet is performed partly by the participants themselves, and partly by the waiters. Guests serve themselves mainly during the reception of cold snacks and dishes and pouring drinks.

Soups, second hot dishes, sweet dishes are served to each guest by waiters. Banquets with a similar form of service are the most common. Usually significant dates, family holidays are celebrated this way. Guests are seated, as a rule, arbitrarily, for guests of honor, the hero of the day and the organizer of the banquet, places are provided in the center of the table, and when arranging a banquet for a large number of participants with several tables, a separate central table is provided. Unlike a banquet at the table with all appetizers, dishes and drinks served by waiters, where the assortment of cold appetizers is relatively limited, the menu of this banquet can include a wide variety of cold appetizers, pickles, marinades. In addition to cold snacks, you can offer hot, one or more hot dishes, dessert, fruit. At the end of the banquet at the same table or in a separate room, it is recommended to serve hot drinks - coffee, tea, as well as sweet dishes: cakes, cakes, rolls.

ArelevanceTopicsVin general The restaurant industry is one of the largest sectors of the global economy. The infrastructure of restaurants, cafes, eateries has received a noticeable development.

The professional skill of a waiter, bartender, steward is an art that turns a simple meal into an aesthetic act. It is human nature not only to be satiated, but to enjoy the appearance of dishes, their aroma, and design.

The very atmosphere of the meal not only promotes digestion, but gives a person the opportunity to relax, unwind, distract from current problems.

Currently, the restaurant business requires high professionalism. The requirements for production and maintenance personnel have increased. There are a large number of restaurants with national cuisine new types of businesses are emerging Catering(pubs, sushi bars), today catering establishments are equipped with automated accounting systems, new professions appear (sommelier, hostess) and, in the end, a modern catering establishment becomes a place of beautiful, pleasant pastime.

Targetwritingterm paperaboutekta - consideration of the option of organizing a banquet corporate banquet on the occasion of the Education Worker's Day at the Dionysus restaurant.

To do this, you need to solve the following taskswritingterm paperaboutekta:

1. Studying the characteristics of the characteristics of restaurants and banquets held in them.

2. Make the appropriate calculations for compiling the menu and costing dishes.

3. To study the technology of serving a banquet.

4. Show the role of the head waiter in organizing and servicing receptions and banquets.

5. Describe the rules for organizing entertainment and recreation for guests at a banquet.

6. Carry out calculation and paperwork.

7. Investigate the principles of maintenance and delivery of dishes, appliances, linen, drawing up acts for a fight, damage, loss of dishes, appliances.

Obbect - restaurant "Dionysus".

Predmet - organization of a corporate banquet on the occasion of the Day of an educator in the restaurant "Dionysus".

banquet restaurant banquet hall

1. Feasibility study of the project

The work of the restaurant is carried out in accordance with the rules of operation of restaurant facilities in accordance with order No. 219 dated July 24, 2002, which apply to enterprises of all forms of ownership and operate on the territory of Ukraine. In its daily work, the restaurant adheres to the "Rules for the operation of establishments".

Proper planning of production work ensures the rhythmic operation of the enterprise and timely release culinary products. It allows you to set a task for each employee of the enterprise, taking into account the fullest use of production capabilities.

The production program of the restaurant provides for the range and quantity of dishes and products produced and sold per day, during the hours of maximum load on the trading floor or during the maximum shift. Before compiling the menu, the number of consumers, the total number of dishes and the number of dishes by type in the assortment are determined.

The operational planning of the work of the production of procurement and pre-preparation enterprises consists of the following sequential operations: development of a production program based on the turnover; pre-production; execution control.

The preparation of culinary products in the restaurant is carried out by production personnel: production manager, shop manager, cook (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 categories), confectioner (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 categories), baker (2.3 category), culinary flour products(4 digits), manufacturer semi-finished food(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 categories), meat cutter (3, 4, 5 categories), kitchen worker.

Thus, production program restaurant is a calculated menu of dishes sold directly in the hall, to other enterprises, buffets, branches.

2. Settlement and explanatory part

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise

The restaurant "Dionysus" is rich in European traditions. A reception or a banquet is organized, as well as accompanying events, show programs and performances by famous stars are offered, the decoration corresponding to the celebration is carried out. The address of the restaurant is Kharkiv, Kosmicheskaya St., 21.

A respected audience rests here and delicious dishes of a creative and European cuisine. The structure of the building includes: industrial premises, administrative premises, amenity premises for staff, trading floor, foyer.

The production facilities include; hot shop, cold shop, semi-finished product refinement shop, vegetable shop, washing kitchen utensils, washing tableware, service tableware.

The main idea of ​​the restaurant "Dionysus" is to create an imitation of a sunken treasure ship. Entering the bar, we find ourselves on the deck of a ship lying at the bottom of the sea. Through a hole in the side, the deck was filled with sea sand, through the windows you can see the underwater world - fish, corals, algae. The decoration clearly traces the Greek theme, because. the restaurant is named after Greek god winemaking - "Dionysus".

The restaurant has:

· Parking

VIP rooms

Children's places

· Business lunch

· Banquet service

· Live music

The office of the director, the accounting department, the office of the head of production are classified as administrative premises. The household premises include a locker room for staff, a shower room and toilet rooms. There is a foyer at the entrance. The foyer includes: wardrobe, toilet rooms, security post. Restaurant "Dionis" is a favorite restaurant of the bohemian public with rich traditions and creative cuisine.

Restaurant offers business lunches, banquets, children's parties, live music. Number of halls:

1. Opening hours: Mon-Sun 11:00 - until the last visitor.

Thus, the restaurant "Dionis" has established itself as one of the best in the field of organization of holidays, organization of banquets, receptions and corporate events.

2.2 Types of receptions and banquets

There is a banquet reception at the table with full service waiters and banquet- Reception at the table with partial waiter service. The most widespread receptions such as "buffet" and "cocktail" and others.

The restaurant can also organize a banquet, which combines several types of service. Such a banquet is called combined. Combined banquets can be official (cocktail - buffet - coffee) and informal (banquet at the table with partial waiter service - tea or coffee table).

Unlike banquet at a full-service table, when all meals and drinks are served by waiters, banquets are sometimes organized when cold snacks and drinks are put on the table in advance, and hot dishes are served by waiters. Usually significant dates, family holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. are celebrated this way.

When determining the number of waiters required to serve such a banquet, one waiter per 10-14 guests is taken into account. A characteristic feature of the menu of such a banquet is a varied assortment of cold appetizers, pickles, marinades. In addition to cold appetizers, guests are usually offered one or two hot appetizers, then hot dishes, dessert, fruit.

A partial waiter service banquet, like a full service banquet, may end with coffee. For the convenience of table setting, one half of the table is first covered with plates. The second half of the table is served, placing the plates already against those set.

Banquet at a table with full service by waiters, they are most often arranged at diplomatic, official receptions, where the placement of invited guests at the table is carried out in accordance with the protocol adopted in diplomatic practice.

The number of participants in such banquets is usually from 8 to 50 people, and only in rare cases more than 100.

Banquet - a cocktail is economical, does not require a large variety and quantity of furniture, dishes, cutlery, table linen. The requirements for the banquet hall where the banquet-cocktail is held and the preparation of the banquet are the same as for organizing banquets of other types.

Banquet- tea is organized for birthdays, anniversaries and other solemn occasions. The number of guests at such banquets is small. The time for holding is most often from 16 to 18 hours, the duration of the banquet is no more than 2 hours.

The reason for holding a banquet - a buffet table, which is usually of an official nature, are business negotiations, the signing of trade agreements. But a banquet - a buffet table is also organized during various anniversaries, family celebrations and other festive events.

During a banquet - a buffet table, guests eat and drink, standing at the tables, to which no chairs are placed. A feature of the menu for such a banquet is that it includes a wide range of cold dishes and snacks, hot snacks, dessert and hot drinks. Snacks are served to banquet participants in small portions"under the fork", i.e. so that you can eat them without the help of a knife.

Sometimes the menu includes main courses in small portions and finely chopped so that you can only use a fork or a special hairpin. At a banquet - a buffet table, you can serve 4 - 5 times more guests than at a banquet at the table, with equal areas of the hall. The duration of such a banquet is 1-2 hours.

Thus, a banquet is a solemn breakfast party, lunch or dinner, arranged in honor of a person, event or celebration. Depending on the form of organization banquets and tricks can be used various methods service.

2.3 Order acceptance

Preparatory work for the banquet consists of taking the order, preparing for the banquet, service. Correct design the order largely depends on how detailed and timely all the conditions and procedures for holding a banquet between its organizer and the restaurant administration are thought out and agreed upon.

When placing an order, they agree on the date, start and end times, the venue of the celebration, the number of participants in the celebration, sample menu and the preliminary cost of the order.

After preliminary agreement, the customer makes an advance payment in the amount of 50% of the order value to the cashier on the basis of an incoming order issued by the accounting department and receives a receipt. Then, no later than two days before the start of the celebration, the head waiter, together with the customer, draws up an order-invoice.

The order is issued in five copies, approved by the head of the restaurant and transferred to the cashier. The first copy of the invoice order is transferred to the customer, the second remains with the cashier, and the third, fourth and fifth are sent respectively to the foreman of the waiters, financially responsible persons of the kitchen and buffet.

The cashier, on the basis of the order-invoice, prints checks on the cash register and transfers them to the employee fulfilling the order. The foreman of the waiters confirms the receipt of the check with his signature on the second copy of the order-invoice.

The financially responsible persons of the kitchen and buffet release products according to checks and order-invoice. In case of a reduction in the order for hot dishes, drinks, confectionery and other products, the money is returned to the customer. At the same time, an expense and cash order is drawn up on the basis of a written application from the customer, approved by the director and accountant of the restaurant.

The head waiter confirms on the customer's application the cancellation of some dishes and products in the order. At the request of the customer, other products can be released for this amount, which is recorded in the order-invoice.

Table 1

Recommended norms of dishes and drinks for a banquet with partial service of a corporate banquet for 35 people

Types of food and drinks

Banquet for 35 people

Cold snacks

Hot appetizers

Second courses:

Sweet dishes

Hot drinks



Mineral and fruit water

fruit juices

Alcoholic drinks:

vodka, cognac

table wines

white and red

dessert wines


On the basis of the chosen head waiter, the head waiter draws up an order-calculation, according to which the final calculations are carried out.

Enterprise "Dionysus"

Order calculation


Hall name

Date and hours of service

Order-calculation calculated

Maitre d' Customer

table 2

Order calculation for a banquet with partial service of a corporate banquet for 35 people



Price, UAH.

Amount, UAH



Price, UAH.

From the cold shop at 18.30

From the service bar at 19.30

canape with salmon and olive

Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in tartlets

From the hot shop at 19.00

From the coffee buffet at 19.30

French fries

Cutlet in Kiev

Mushrooms,bakedWithsauce " Bechamel"

Cake "Prague"

From the bread slicer at 18.30


The accountant checked the price and amount ________________

Advance payment N from _____________ UAH. _____________ kop.

Surcharge N from _____________ UAH. _____________ kop.

Total Received________________________________

Received by the cashier _________________________________

Thus, the order for a banquet is discussed by the customer and the head waiter regarding the date, menu, number of guests, the duration of the banquet, and an order for a banquet is issued.

2.4 Choosing a banquet hall

The metro-hotel is obliged to familiarize the customer with the hall in which the banquet will take place, to coordinate with him the table arrangement plan. At the same time, such issues as places for guests of honor or a plan for placing guests at each table separately are discussed; specify whether guests will be served an aperitif, whether flowers are needed to decorate the table, musical accompaniment and a place for dancing. At the same time, they familiarize the customer with the rules of the restaurant, the order of service and compensation for possible losses. The restaurant administration does not have the right to set a minimum order value, as well as offer the customer a forced assortment of dishes, drinks, confectionery.

The area of ​​the hall for is calculated by the formula:

S=NЧS 1,

where N is the number of banquet participants;

S - area norm per guest (for a banquet at the table = 1.5-2 m)

S \u003d 35H (1.5-2) \u003d 52.5-70 m

For 35 participants in a corporate banquet, the area of ​​the banquet hall should be at least 52.5-70 m 2 .

In the interior design of the hall with partial service of a corporate banquet for 35 people, it is proposed to use various details - these can be compositions of natural flowers on the tables, Balloons, paper decorations, as well as draperies with fabrics of chairs, tables, walls.

One of the main elements of the interior of the hall is lighting and sound equipment. The correct choice of lighting is of great importance, both for visitors to the restaurant and for its employees. Sound helps to create an environment for the client, it can contribute to a noisy animation or set the client up for a quiet conversation, to calm down.

Thus, for 35 participants in a corporate banquet, the area of ​​​​the banquet hall should be at least 52.5-70 m 2.

2.5 Preparation for the banquet

The organization of any banquet includes receiving and placing an order, preparing a banquet for serving and servicing. The organization and precise work on preparing for the banquet service depend on how detailed and timely all the details of the banquet are determined and agreed between the customer and the contractor (restaurant administration).

The preparation of the banquet consists of calculating the number of attendants, placing an order for crockery, cutlery, table linen, production products and a service bar, selecting furniture and serving banquet tables.

The number of waiters is calculated by the formula:


where A is the number of waiters;

n - service rate.

A=35/(12-15) = 2.33-2.92

For 35 participants in a partial service banquet, 3 waiters are needed.

Table 3

Recommended Service Rates for 35 Guests at a Partial Catered Corporate Banquet

The number of dishes is determined by the number of waiters serving snacks and meals. The number of dishes for serving dishes during serving is calculated by the formula:

m service =P bl. /V,

where m service. - the number of dishes of the same type;

P bl. - the number of servings of one type of dish;

V - capacity or number of servings in one type of dish.

Table 4

The need for utensils and appliances for serving dishes

The calculation of dishes and tableware is calculated by the formula:

where m c - the number of dishes of this type;

N - the number of guests at the banquet;

n - the norm of dishes and appliances of the same type for serving.

Table 5

The need for dishes and cutlery for a banquet for 35 people

The number of dishes for eating when replacing one type of used dish with another is indicated taking into account the number of operations performed in the service process and an additional 15-20% for unaccounted operations.

Calculation-order in the service room for a banquet of 35 people. "__"______2010. Hour of readiness - 16.00

Rice. 2.5.1 Calculation-order to the service room for a banquet of 35 people

Ready time: cold snacks - at 18.30

hot snacks - at 19.00

other hot dishes - 20.00

Table 7

Calculation-order for preparation for a banquet of 35 people "___" _____________ 2010

Table 2.5.6

Calculation-order in the service bar for a banquet of 35 people "___" ___________ 2010 Ready hour - 17.00

"___" _____________ 2010

Maitre d' ______________________________


Rice. 2.5.2 Calculation-order to the service bar for a banquet of 35 people

Guests will be seated on both sides of the table.

The following formula is used to calculate the number of tables:

where L is the length of the table, p.m.;

N - the number of guests;

l - the norm of the length of the table per guest.

L=35H (0.6-0.7) /2=10.5-12.3

Those. for 35 guests, the total length of the tables is 10.5-12.3 m.

The width of the tables should be at least 1.2-1.5 m. When using ordinary restaurant tables with a size of 1.25 × 0.8, a side equal to 1.25 m is taken for the width of the table.

The number of tables for banquets is determined by the formula:

K st \u003d UL / L st,

K st - the number of tables, m; L - total length of one table, m; L st - the standard length of the banquet table, m. If the total length of the table is 10.5-12.3, then

(10.5-12.3) /0.8=13.1-15.4 tables

The length of the banquet tablecloth is determined by the formula:

L c k \u003d L st + 0.6ch2, where L c k - the length of the banquet table, m;

0.6Ch2 - descent of the tablecloth from the ends of the table, m.

The length of the banquet tablecloth is 11.7-13.5 m:

L c k \u003d (10.5-12.3) + 0.6 × 2 \u003d 11.7-13.5

The width of the tablecloth is:

B=1.25+0.3×2=1.85 m

The number of tablecloths is calculated taking into account their standard sizes. The number of napkins is calculated taking into account 1 napkin - per 1 guest and an additional 20% of possible replacement and other operations. Handbrakes are taken 2 per waiter, aprons or jackets for the work of waiters in the preparatory period - 1 each.

Table 9

Calculation-order in the pantry for linen for a banquet

Thus, for 35 participants in a partial service banquet, 3 waiters are needed, for 35 guests the total length of tables is 10.5-12.3 m, for 35 guests 13.1-15.4 tables with a size of 1.25 × 0.8 are recommended.

2.6 Service for banquet participants

When holding a banquet with partial service for participants in the banquet, the head waiter organizes teams of waiters led by a foreman to serve one or more separate tables.

Guests invited to the table are met by waiters, each in their own sector, helping them to sit down at the table. The placement of guests at the table, most often, is arbitrary, although places of honor and the host of the banquet are allotted in the center of the table, and when arranging a banquet for a large number of participants with several tables, a separate central table.

After seating the guests, the waiters pour them into vodka or wine as desired. Drinks are taken from the main table or from the auxiliary, prepared in advance for this purpose. Following drinks, snacks are offered, taking them from the main table. characteristic feature banquet menu with partial service for participants - a varied assortment of cold appetizers, pickles and marinades. In addition to cold appetizers, guests are usually offered one or two hot appetizers, then a hot dish and dessert. Such a banquet may end with coffee.

Usually they start serving with caviar and butter or lightly salted fish. Dishes with caviar, butter, fish, as well as with other snacks, after they have been offered to guests, are placed on the banquet table, and the vacant dishes are taken to the utility rooms to the sink.

After the first serve, without pausing, the guests are surrounded fresh vegetables, boiled jellied fish or assorted fish and fill glasses with drinks.

After the fish snacks are served, the empty dishes and bottles are removed from the table, the used dishes are taken out of the hall and they begin to change the snack utensils and plates.

When replacing plates, you must ask the guest for permission and only after his consent to remove the plate from the table. You can take a plate and cutlery without asking permission if the guest put a knife and fork on the plate in parallel or crossed.

After fish snacks guests are served with meat snacks. Pickles and marinades guests take themselves.

The head waiter or head waiter, in agreement with the organizer of the banquet, must inform the kitchen about the time of serving a hot dish (no later than 20-30 minutes before serving). There may be a break before the hot meal is served.

In between serving dishes, guests can leave the table, dance, and relax. At this time, the waiters prepare the table for serving a hot dish - they sweep away the crumbs, clean the dishes, bottles. Sometimes guests do not get up from the table, and waiters replace dishes and cutlery in front of them, removing used plates and cutlery and putting clean ones in. At the same time, speed and skill are required from the waiter.

At the request of the customer, the appetizer left on the dishes may not be removed from the table until the end of the banquet, then it is necessary to shift it from several dishes to one, giving it an attractive look.

Hot dishes are served either from a common dish, passing them around to guests (in this case, each guest should have a small dinner plate and cutlery), or directly on plates. In the latter case, hot dishes are brought to the banquet hall from the kitchen in a common multi-portion dish. Here, on auxiliary tables or sideboards, waiters transfer them to heated plates and place them on the banquet table for guests.

Hot meals can be plated by chefs directly in the kitchen. The waiter will only need to bring them into the hall and place them on the table. However, the first method is preferred.

Before serving dessert or hot drinks, with the permission of the customer, it is recommended to remove from the table everything that will not be required for guests in the future: the remaining appetizer, dinner plates and cutlery, bread, spices, sauces, etc. .

Tori, cakes, sweets are placed in the vacated place, after which hot drinks are served. If snacks in dishes, salad bowls, vases are left on the table, plates with cutlery should be placed. They can be placed in front of each guest or put stacks (several pieces) in the middle of the table.

Thus, banquet events with partial waiter service also require a lot of skill from the wait staff. Waiters should be aware of the composition of the menu, know the sequence of serving dishes and arranging appetizers on the table that he serves. To this end, the head waiter makes a separate calculation for each table for kitchen and buffet products and hangs it in a conspicuous place at the distribution and at the buffet or in banquet hall.

2.7 The role of the head waiter in organizing and servicing receptions and banquets

During the service of the banquet, the head waiter performs the following functions: meets the guests of the restaurant, assesses their mood and preferred style of relaxation, transfers customers to waiters, controls and maintains the condition of the restaurant hall in the most suitable form for receiving customers, including the condition of the interior, equipment, furniture, utensils, utensils and others, controls the work of waiters and bartenders, monitors the quality of service, resolves any problems and contradictions that customers have in the process of serving in a restaurant, in the event of a conflict, seeks to localize and immediately resolve it, responds to any complaints from restaurant guests, accepts orders from especially important customers of the restaurant, provides them with special signs of attention and location as a representative of the administration of the institution, ensures the organization and conduct of services at banquets, controls the work of the dishwasher, service and cleaners, controls appearance hall staff, the head waiter interacts with all available services that ensure the life of the institution and the smooth operation of the restaurant (electricians, plumbers, elevator operators, security, etc.). The maitre d' has the right to allow or not to allow subordinate staff to work at the banquet, has the right to check the rate of output of dishes, has the right to expel customers from the restaurant who do not comply with the rules established in the institution, interfering with the rest of other guests.

Thus, an important role in the organization of banquet services belongs to the head waiter. The clarity and rhythm of the work of waiters serving guests at a banquet depends on how accurately and in detail all issues of organizing a banquet are agreed with the customer.

2.8 Organization of entertainment and recreation for guests

Services for the organization of entertainment and recreation for guests include the organization of musical services, the organization of concerts, variety programs.

The restaurant has a music band on request. At the beginning of the evening, well-known musical compositions are performed, then after the majority of the guests have finished the hot dish, the guests can dance to a rhythmic, dance tune, alternating them with calmer, lyrical ones. The repertoire of the musical group is negotiated in advance with the customer of the banquet.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that the restaurant provides full musical accompaniment for banquets with a varied program.

2.9 Calculation and documentation

The procedure for preparing and presenting an invoice in each restaurant is different: from receipts filled out by hand to high-tech computer systems. Invoicing serves two purposes: to inform the guest of the payment amount (in detail) and to act as a control system for the restaurant.

The bill can be served to guests at the table, in the bar or at the cash desk. Regardless of the place of presentation, the invoice should be submitted on demand. He must always be ready.

The waiter must be on the alert and not miss the moment when the guests want to get the bill. Nothing irritates customers more than having to wait in vain to get the waiter's attention to get the bill.

As a general rule, you should not submit an invoice unless you are asked to. Although some restaurants specializing in fast service and high bandwidth It is customary to put the bill on the table before the end of dinner. If the bill is served on the table, it is placed in front of the owner of the feast on the right side.

The bill is either rolled up so that the total amount is not visible to other guests, or served in a special folder. If there is no obvious host of the feast among the guests, the bill is placed in the middle of the table. Common methods of payment include cash, credit cards, checks, and deposit. The waiter must know the calculation procedures for all of the above methods.

Thus, the payment for the banquet is made directly by the customer with the receipt of an order-invoice.

2.10 Servicing and delivery of dishes, cutlery, linen

Tableware, cutlery, table linen and production equipment are understood as separate items that are means of labor, as part of working capital.

Journal of tableware, cutlery and table linen issued under the report to employees of the enterprise date

Handling of tableware, cutlery, table linen intended for a banquet should be carried out in the following order: before starting work, a financially responsible person issues to the waiter the tableware, cutlery and table linen necessary for work against signature in the register of items, which indicates the names waiters, the number of cutlery, tableware, table linen issued to them; during the banquet, tableware and cutlery between waiters and dishwashers are used in exchange; at the end of the banquet, tableware, cutlery, table linen must be counted. The result of the recalculation is reflected in the register of items.

Thus, the accounting of tableware, cutlery and table linen issued under the report to the employees of the enterprise is in the department of the material entity and is issued and accepted with fixation in the journal.

2.11 Drawing up acts on the fight, damage, loss of dishes, appliances

Upon delivery of tableware and cutlery, an act is drawn up for the fight, scrap, damage and loss of tableware and cutlery in the form N74 separately for porcelain-faience and high-quality glassware, which is drawn up by the commission in the prescribed manner.

The act lists item by item tableware, cutlery that has become completely unusable in the process of using them, and separately lost items. It indicates the workers who caused the fight, scrap, damage or loss of tableware and cutlery. In case of breakage, scrap, damage to tableware due to the fault of the banquet visitors, the damage caused to the enterprise shall be recovered from it in accordance with the procedure established by law. A visitor who has caused damage to the enterprise can voluntarily compensate for it, while an incoming cash order in the form N K-1 is issued for the amount of compensation. The warrant and the receipt to it list the name, quantity and value at the retail price of the lost items. A receipt for the incoming cash order with the cash register's mark of payment is handed over to the visitor, and the money received is credited to the cashier according to the incoming cash order. For the amount of battle, scrap, damage to tableware and cutlery not compensated by the visitor, a separate act is drawn up to resolve the issue of recovery of the damage caused.

Table 2.11.1

Enterprise restaurant "Dionysus" Act on the fight, damage, loss of dishes, appliances, commission members: head waiter ___, service ___, accountant ___.

Crockery, cutlery

Unit of measurement


Price, UAH.

sum, UAH

Reasons for the battle, loss, perpetrators

fight, damage

serving plate

in the banquet hall, due to the fault of the banquet participants

fight in the washroom

snack plate

fight on delivery from the banquet hall


loss due to waiter

Attribute the cost of a wine glass to the restaurant's bills, recover the cost of broken snack plates from the waiter ___, the cost of a broken serving plate - from the participants in the banquet, recover the loss of a coffee cup from the waiter ___.

In accordance with the Instruction on the application of loss rates for tableware, cutlery, table linen and production equipment in commercial catering facilities, loss rates for tableware, cutlery, table linen are set as a percentage of the annual retail turnover of the trading floor of the facility; for production inventory - as a percentage of annual output own production object . Thus, at the end of the banquet, tableware, cutlery, table linen and sanitary overalls must be returned to the person who issued them. At the same time, the person responsible for the safety of these items must monitor the condition of each returned item.

Conclusions and offers

The paper considered the option of organizing a corporate banquet banquet on the occasion of the Day of the Education Worker in the restaurant "Dionysus".

In the course of the work, the tasks were solved, the organizational and economic activities were characterized, the types of receptions and banquets were described, the technology for servicing the banquet was determined, the role of the head waiter in organizing and servicing receptions and banquets was shown, the calculation and execution of documentation for servicing the banquet of a corporate banquet on the occasion of the Day of the Educator was carried out at the Dionysus restaurant.

Macroeconomic factors significantly influence the development of the restaurant business. The trends in the restaurant business are, of course, the trends in the development of certain cuisines. preferences for the type of cuisine are very ambiguous, especially in the regions of Ukraine.

A commitment to a particular product, and not to the type of cuisine as such, is characteristic, for example, preference for meat, often of a certain type (pork, chicken meat), performed by various cuisines, or fish and seafood. Promising directions in the development of the restaurant business are local establishments that would serve residential and outlying areas (pizzerias, cafes), the so-called "single street restaurants".

Enterprises focused on the preferences of a particular product (dish or menu component or drink) are underrepresented. Catering and food delivery to your home or office has incredible scope for development.

I would also like to note the prospect of music-oriented establishments (not nightclubs, but rather art restaurants and art cafes).

From a business point of view, establishments created according to an existing model are very successful; the idea of ​​franchising is based on this principle. In this case, the risk of concept failure is minimized. Any successful catering business is actually a successful technology, and like any technology, it can be replicated in any city in the world. Active network development of well-known restaurant brands is not far off.

A low-budget way to promote is to work with the client base. To do this, it is enough to hire one employee who will come up with holiday programs and invite regular customers to these evenings. The most "hackneyed" methods of attracting customers: today from 11.00 to 16.00, many restaurants offer set meals or a certain discount on the general menu, the restaurant announces the day of a free mug of beer or a glass of wine, the effectiveness of such events is short-term, but it creates the opportunity to get new visitors, because many "primary" visitors come, a "compliment from the chef" becomes a popular feature - dessert or a serving of ice cream - to customers. who ordered certain items on the menu or for a certain amount, Interesting promotions are also able to attract new visitors. but in order to "get" the press, especially the free press, and new customers, the event at the restaurant must be outstanding.


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Annex 1

Wine list

Aperitifs and liqueurs

Martini Bianco 50 ml

Martini Rose 50 ml

Martini Rosso 50 ml

Martini Extra Dry 50 ml

Cointreau 50 ml

Baileys 50 ml

Sambuca 50 ml

Amaretto 50 ml

Banana liqueur 50 ml

Blue Curacao 50 ml

Cream Cocoa 50 ml

Wine Chile 150ml

Wine Chile 750ml

Cuvée202 150ml

Cuvée202 750ml

Bordeaux France 750ml

Sansonne 750ml

Baron s/s 150ml

Baron s/s 750ml

Africa Classic 750ml

Champagne 750ml

Asti Martini 750ml

Baron dry 150ml

Baron dry 750ml

Plum wine 150ml

Plum wine 750 ml

Wine sl. with plum 150ml

Wine sl. with plum 750

whiskey and rum

Chivas Regal 50ml

Black Label 50ml

Red Label

Jameson 50ml

Bacardi black 50ml

Bacardi white 50ml

Finland 50ml

Russian Standard 50ml

Honey with pepper 50ml

Nemirov Special 50ml

Diplomat 50ml

Absolute assorted 50 ml

Russian Diamond 50 ml

Parliament 50 ml

Nemirov premium 50 ml

Sake 50 ml

Gin, Tequila and Absinthe

Beefeater 50ml

Gordons 50ml

Olmeca gold 50ml

Olmeca silver 50ml

Absinthe 50ml

Hennessy VSOP 50ml

Hennessy VS 50ml

Metaxa 3* 50 ml

Moscow 50ml

Croise XO 50ml

Croiset VSOP 50ml

Bastion 5* 50 ml

Napoleon XO 50ml

Napoleon 50ml

Croiset V.S 50 ml

Remy Martin V.S 50 ml

Remy Martin VSOP 50 ml

Hoegarden 0.3

Hoegarden 0.5

Staropramen 0.3

Staropramen 0.5

Lowenbrow 0.3

Soft drinks

Coca Cola 0.25

Bonaqua 0.25

Narzan, Jermuk 0.5



Tea in a teapot 0,5l


Assorted hot chocolate.

Annex 2

Restaurant plan

Annex 3

The main entrance of the restaurant "Dionysus"

Appendix 4

Interior elements of the restaurant "Dionysus"

Appendix 5

Decoration of the hall for a banquet

Appendix 6

Table setting for a banquet with partial waiter service

Annex 7

Banquet table setting with full waiter service

Annex 8

Organization of a banquet-buffet

Annex 9

An example of a work schedule for two 12-hour shifts with round-the-clock work

Start of the shift

08.00, 8-20 - planning meeting

in the period from 13.00 to 14.00 (30 minutes for 50% of the shift)

End of 1st shift

Beginning of II shift

in the period from 01.00 to 02:00 (30 minutes for 50% of the shift)

End of the working day

Annex 10

Levin M. Z.

waiter 3 p.

Kovalchuk T. O.

waiter 3 p.

Lovitin S. B.

waiter 4 p.

Kokhlov A. M.

waiter 4 p.

Koneva E. A.

waiter 4 p.

Peterchuk D.L.

waiter 4 p.

Zabolotskaya E.P.

maitre d'

Shakurov S.S.

maitre d'

Krebel B.M.

cleaning woman

Klescheva I.I.

cleaning woman

Vlasenko S.A.

Snezhko L.O.

Levin M.Z.

waiter 3 p.

Kovalchuk T.O.

waiter 3 p.

Lovitin S.B.

waiter 4 p.

Kokhlov A.M.

waiter 4 p.

Koneva E.A.

waiter 4 p.

Peterchuk D.L.

waiter 4 p.

Zabolotskaya E.P.

maitre d'

Shakurov S. S.

maitre d'

Krebel B.M.

cleaning woman

Klescheva I.I.

cleaning woman

Vlasenko S.A.

The main approaches to organizing a banquet for the meeting of school graduates in the restaurant "Staraya Tower" (Kharkov, Gorky Park). Features of receptions and banquets. Feasibility study of the project. Menu planning for customer service.

term paper, added 07/14/2016

Characteristics of the restaurant "Rybak". Banquets with full and partial service by waiters. The procedure for receiving an order and placing an order for service. Calculation of the need for dishes and appliances for serving. Banquet preparation and guest service.

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Types and forms of holding banquet events. The main features of the organization of a banquet-buffet. Banquet at the table with partial and full service by waiters. Preparation and organization of events. Demanded companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

test, added 01/24/2014

Basic approaches to organizing a banquet with partial service for 25 people on the occasion of the 50th anniversary in the restaurant "Perlina Stepu". Feasibility study of the project. Calculation and compilation of the menu of the banquet, the role of the metro-hotel in its organization and service.

term paper, added 07/14/2016

The procedure for receiving and placing an order for service. Banquet menu. Calculation of the need for dishes and appliances for serving. Calculation of the need for dishes and appliances for service. Drafting applications. Banquet preparation. Serving guests at a banquet.

term paper, added 02/26/2009

Serving features buffet, service specifics and benefits. Organizational structure of the Nika restaurant, organization and holding of a banquet-buffet. Analysis of the buffet in the restaurant, freedom of choice of dishes and pleasant communication.

term paper, added 11/08/2013

Characteristics of the food object. Development of a menu for a banquet on the occasion of a child's birthday for 20 participants. Banquet script. Features of serving dishes and snacks, selection of dishes and appliances in accordance with the menu. Use of advertising media.
