
Everything you need to know about banquets: rules, organization, menus, varieties. Organization and support of banquets

Usually a large number of guests come to the wedding and you need to please everyone, since the success of the event depends on the mood of the public.

There are several important aspects that you need to pay attention to when planning a celebration.

Preparation of a banquet budget

First of all, you need to decide on the list of invited guests. When the number of guests has been precisely established, it is time to choose the premises where the banquet will take place. There should be enough space to accommodate all guests. Usually these are restaurants or cafes.

In some cases, young couples rent small private cottages or host weddings at home, inviting caterers who organize events and banquets outside restaurants. It is important to consider all possible options in order to have enough funds. To accurately calculate the cost of a wedding celebration, we draw up an estimate, which will include the following items:

The cost of renting the premises, which is discussed in advance with the management of the selected restaurant;

Calculation of the number of dishes and alcohol for a wedding banquet

The cost of serving a banquet by waiters. Usually, the restaurant does not provide for a separate payment for the work of the service, with the exception of "tips", the amount of which is agreed in advance;

Holiday table menu. For each participant in the banquet, it is important to calculate the number of snacks: 100 grams of salad, at least two hot dishes (usually meat and game), 3-4 types of snacks at the rate of a third of the portion per person, wedding cake - 1 kilogram for 5-6 guests.

Alcoholic drinks at the rate of 3 bottles of spirits, 3 bottles of wine and 2 bottles of champagne for every 10 people;

Drinks for guests. If the wedding is held in the summer, then you need to consider that you will need still water in addition to the total number of drinks. It is advisable to purchase juices no more than two types at the rate of 1 liter for two people, carbonated drinks in the same proportion. - additionally, if desired, delicacies are calculated - caviar, sturgeon, seafood at the rate of 15 grams per person.

Entertainer or host who will help to conduct the wedding;

How much will a child eat at a banquet

Photographers Service;

Hall decoration;

Wedding car rental.

Decoration of the banquet hall

For a wedding, the banquet hall is decorated with flowers, fabrics and balls. Many decorate the main entrance to the restaurant with all kinds of garlands with the names of the newlyweds, which creates a special holiday atmosphere in advance. If necessary, invited designers can help design the hall.

Who to invite to the wedding?

It is definitely worth inviting all close relatives to the wedding, even with whom, for a number of reasons, you do not communicate. Experts recommend making two guest lists. The first will include those who must be at the wedding, the second - those whom you invite if people from the first list for some reason cannot be at the celebration. A wedding is a great occasion for reconciliation of loved ones. Try to avoid friends, relatives and colleagues who have a conflicting nature or are not abstinent when taking alcoholic beverages. Such guests often seriously spoil any festive event and bring all the efforts of the newlyweds to nothing.

How to properly seat guests?

In modern etiquette, there are a number of rules that must be observed. In order for the wedding to take place harmoniously and the guests are not divided into groups by age or belonging to a particular family, you need to be guided by the following rules when planning places for guests to sit:

The men sit to the left of the ladies;

Only men sit on the edge of the table;

Alternating familiar and unfamiliar people;

Only witnesses and parents sit next to the newlyweds.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the most important thing at a wedding is the mood of the newlyweds.

Think over every step in advance, leaving the last day before the celebration, exclusively for rest and communication with each other, then the wedding will become truly the happiest day in life!

Organization of banquets in Moscow, servicing and holding offsite banquets - "Prestige-Catering"

Services for organizing and holding banquets in Moscow and the Moscow region. Offsite banquet service anywhere. Go

organization of banquets, holding a banquet



Organization of banquets

"Prestige-Catering" offers professional services for organizing banquets in Moscow and the Moscow region. We organize and conduct banquets of any format and scale (any number of guests). We will select for you a banquet hall of the required capacity, develop an individual banquet menu, taking into account the wishes for the kitchen and dishes, snacks and other treats. Working with us, there is no need to waste time searching for a suitable banquet hall, purchasing products and finding someone who can cook it - we organize turnkey banquets, which means that the customer receives a ready-made event, provided with a feast, staff and, if necessary, , organizational program.

Prices for organizing and holding a banquet

Banquet: 1600 - 2700 rubles.

Banquet catering menu – 1 Banquet catering menu – 2 Buffet catering menu
Japanese catering menu BBQ catering Coffee break catering

We have vast experience in organizing celebrations of various levels. We have worked in many restaurants and banquet halls in Moscow and we know which one is best for your banquet. Our prices are inexpensive and the choice of food is always plentiful. There are also ready-made solutions for a certain number of people, and we can also develop an individual menu and a banquet program, taking into account all your requirements and wishes. We successfully organize non-standard banquets dedicated to a specific event or theme.

Benefits of organizing an offsite banquet

Our catering company knows how to pleasantly surprise, starting from our own methodology for holding and servicing off-site banquets and ending with the dishes offered to guests. Our competitive advantages that you will appreciate immediately after ordering services:

  • Work with any budget - we are well aware that the budget allocated for holding a banquet in an organization is not "rubber". We will select a menu based on your budget, make an offer for any wallet and requests. We have been successfully holding inexpensive banquets in Moscow and the Moscow Region for several years;
  • Selection of venues — we have our own base of banquet halls located in Moscow and the Moscow region. Together with the customer, we will select a place for a banquet and celebration for any number of guests;
  • Variety of menus - the menu can be selected from our ready-made solutions, if it is suitable for a banquet, or developed individually, including a non-standard menu. The offer includes several cuisines of the world to choose from, and professional chefs are engaged in cooking;
  • Decoration of banquet halls - the company employs masters in the design of premises of any size and for any theme of the event;
  • Serving dishes - yes, this is indeed a very important point when organizing a banquet, since you need to be able to serve dishes in such a way that it pleases not only the customer’s eye, but is also convenient for guests;
  • Just-in-time delivery - no event we host has been delayed due to food delivery. We prepare and deliver meals right on time. They are always fresh, natural and delicious.

What does the banquet service include?

The main stages of the banquet service look like this. Cold appetizers are served first, and the tables are set before the guests are seated. At the same time, cuts (fish, meat) and salads are served. After about 30 minutes from the beginning of the banquet, hot appetizers from the approved menu are served - warm salads, baked vegetables, julienne. After 1.5 hours, there comes a turn for serving hot meat or fish with a certain side dish. Dessert is served after 2 hours from the beginning of the celebration.

Depending on the type of event for which a banquet is organized (wedding, corporate event, birthday or anniversary, romantic evening, etc.), the package of services for its maintenance may include the following works:

  • Preparation of a banquet menu with subsequent preparation of dishes, according to its composition;
  • Decor of banquet halls and their decoration according to the theme of the event;
  • Preparation of the script and performance of actions with the help of professional animators, musical groups, pyrotechnicians and other specialists;
  • Cleaning the hall after the end of the solemn feast.

How to book a banquet?

Anniversaries, weddings, corporate parties, proms cannot be imagined without a well-organized banquet. This part of the celebration is always associated with delicious dishes, a festive atmosphere. But what to do if you want to organize this part of the event not the same as everyone else? In this case, you should entrust the holding of banquets to professionals and masters of their craft. In this case, "Catering Banquet" is what you need. Our company knows how to make your holiday bright and memorable.

Advantages of applying to the "Catering Banquet"

The company has many years of colossal experience in the restaurant business and, directly, in holding, organizing banquets. Therefore, if you are planning to order catering services, you should contact us. Only we can make your holiday beautiful and offer exquisite delicious dishes.

Our company "Catering Banquet" has a lot of advantages over other organizations. The key benefits are:

  • we will easily select the menu and service of the event for any amount;
  • there are no difficult tasks for our specialists, therefore we can easily organize a banquet for any number of guests, in any place, whether in a restaurant, on a ship or even outside;
  • the celebration menu is developed in advance, tasted with the customer. At the same time, we select an individual menu for each event, in accordance with the theme of the holiday and all the wishes and requirements of the customer;
  • we not only prepare delicious dishes, but also organize high-quality table setting and unique design of tables and rooms;
  • We deliver ready-made meals at the specified time in strictly stipulated terms. There is no chance that the event will be disrupted or disappoint the customer.

What can we offer?

There are many reasons for holding banquets. For all the time of our existence, we have held a lot of different events. But we should highlight the events that are more often of interest to our customers and the process of conducting with us has been brought to perfection:

  1. A wedding banquet is the brightest and most unforgettable event. Our team of specialists and professionals understands that one of the brightest moments in a person's life is the wedding day, so we hold the event at a decent level. We create a festive atmosphere, serve delicious dishes on the table.
  2. New Year's banquet is one of the popular services of our catering company. This event is always grandiose, so it is very important that the table is set with dignity. Thus, next year promises to be even more successful, more fun and brighter than the previous one.
  3. A corporate banquet is not uncommon. Very often, the conclusion of a profitable contract or agreement is accompanied by a banquet. In this case, negligence in its implementation should not be allowed. When organizing an event by Catering Banquet, you can be sure that the dishes will be the most refined and delicious, and the serving is simple, strict, but very elegant.

What services are included in the banquet?

Turning to us, you can be sure that your banquet will be held in a special way, regardless of the number of guests, venue. In addition to the fact that many exquisite, beautiful and delicious dishes will be served on the tables, our company will provide other related services that allow you to bring luxury, brightness and solemnity to the event:

  • our specialists arrange and decorate tables, rooms;
  • develop the concept of the entire festive table in accordance with the theme of the event;
  • provide the services of waiters who will make sure that the guests of the banquet do not need anything;
  • provide cleaning of the premises after the banquet;
  • if the products and dishes remain, they will pack and hand over to the customer.

Are you planning to organize an off-site banquet in Moscow for a wedding, corporate event, anniversary or graduation? Use the CaterMe service to select an artist. Order the organization of an off-site banquet for 7-2000 people on the website and save yourself effort, time and money. Place 1 application and get up to 7 offers in 30 minutes. The decoration of the hall and the preparation of dishes on the road will be taken over by a catering company or a restaurant.

Best offsite banquet service offers

Ordering catering on our website is not difficult. All offers are published in a single format, so you can easily choose the best. What to look for when looking for catering for organizing banquet services at a celebration?

    Menu. On the banquet table there will be cold and hot appetizers, salads, hot dishes, pastries and desserts. Alcohol can be brought with you or ordered from a catering company or restaurant.

  • Area. You can leave a request for food delivery to the office or at home, or use the site selection service from catering. To choose from: lofts, country cottages, open terraces, summer tents and banquet halls.
  • Budget. Offers are available for organizing off-site banquets in the economy, standard, and premium segments at a price of 2,500–15,000 rubles per guest.

Banquet service options

When ordering a banquet, you can make a choice in favor of partial or full professional service. In the first case, cold snacks are already on the table, hot and drinks are served by the waiters. With full service, tables are served before guests arrive, and all dishes (both hot and cold) are served in portions or on common dishes. Do you want to save on catering services for organizing a banquet? Order food delivery. In this case, the cost of the event will be reduced to 300–10,000 rubles per person.

Order offsite catering with CaterMe

Now, in order to order an off-site banquet in Moscow, you do not need to spend time calling catering companies and restaurants, comparing conditions and menus. We have collected all the offers on one site. Use the CaterMe service to organize an off-site banquet once and you will understand how convenient, profitable and fast it is.

Organization of banquets is a very demanded service. Especially on the eve of the holidays. But despite the demand for restaurant services, many catering establishments cannot compete. The matter is that in the organization of banquets it is necessary to consider a number of requirements. And employees of institutions often ignore them.

Poor organization of the banquet and poor service leave guests with an unpleasant experience. And then negative reviews appear on thematic resources. Sometimes, due to the poor organization of the banquet, the restaurant irrevocably loses its reputation.

What should be kept in mind by specialists in banquets, weddings and other events? First of all, about the rules of serving. But not only about this. Punctuality, courtesy of the staff and, of course, the quality of the dishes are also important.

A bit of history

What is a banquet? This is a solemn feast. There are several types of banquets: with full or partial service, combined, banquet-tea, banquet-cocktail.

Arranging grandiose feasts in Russia has been customary for centuries. However, the organization of a banquet 200-300 years ago, of course, did not look like it does today. Indeed, in the 17th century, the inhabitants of Russia still did not know anything about cutlery.

When organizing a banquet-buffet, the budget, the capacity of the site, the number of guests, the duration of the event, the time of day, the season are taken into account. All these factors are interrelated. Not the last role is played by the status of the participants in the celebration.

Banquet with full service

From service personnel, work at such an event requires special responsibility and experience. After all, when setting the table, they do not expose any snacks, salads, or drinks. Waiters serve dishes directly during the banquet. Such events are held in honor of the visit of a high-ranking official, a foreign delegation, a symposium, an exhibition, a conference.

The organization of a banquet begins with the preparation of the menu. But more on that later. How is the banquet table set up? Tables are covered with well-ironed tablecloths. More often white, because this color emphasizes the solemnity of the event. Dinner plates should be at a distance of one meter from each other. Snack plates are placed on them, and on the left, at a distance of 10-15 cm, patties.

Cutlery should be at a distance of 0.5 cm. On the right - knives (fish, cutlery, snack bars) and spoons. On the left - forks (fish, snack bars). Waiters in a certain order also arrange wine glasses, glasses, glasses. The whole process is monitored by a manager responsible for organizing a banquet in a restaurant.

Every dinner plate should have a beautifully folded napkin. The number of devices also matters: one for two guests. The attendants decorate the tables with flowers, flags of the states whose representatives are the participants of the celebration.

There are many nuances in organizing a full-service banquet. A flaw in the design of the table can spoil the overall impression. But in general, there is nothing complicated in organizing a banquet even for the most high-ranking guests. You need to know simple rules and, of course, be extremely careful.

Partial service banquet

This type of restaurant feast is the most common today. A partial service banquet is ordered in honor of an anniversary, wedding, graduation. What are the specifics of its organization and conduct? Accommodation is optional. True, the honorary participant in the celebration, as a rule, is given a place in the center of the table. Serving is carried out according to the basic rules.

Salads, cold appetizers, drinks, fruit cuts are served by waiters before guests arrive. Usually such a banquet lasts no more than two hours. Of course, if we are not talking about the celebration of the New Year or the wedding. Cold snacks and drinks are located at a distance of three meters from each other. Bottles of alcoholic beverages are labeled for guests.

When organizing a banquet (wedding, anniversary) in a small restaurant or cafe, strict rules are not always followed. However, it is very important to take into account the following point in serving: snacks and drinks should be along the entire length of the table so that each of the guests can reach one or another dish. Bread is laid out on patty plates. As for the color of the tablecloth, this is discussed with the customer at the initial stage of organizing a banquet.


Such an event is less solemn. "Buffet" in French means "on a fork." Guests choose their own drinks, dishes. They drink and eat, usually standing up. The buffet lasts no more than 1.5 hours. Tables are usually set in the form of the letter T or P. Small tables with flowers, napkins, ashtrays are located near the wall. The buffet menu is dominated by appetizers.

When are such banquets held? It can be a family celebration, an anniversary, or an official reception. It all depends on the desire of the organizers of the event. After all, not everyone loves grandiose, luxurious feasts that last for hours.

It is worth saying a few more words about serving the buffet table. The tablecloth should hang down at a distance of five to ten centimeters from the floor. Serving can be one-sided or two-sided. In the latter case, wine glasses, glasses, glasses are displayed in two rows, in a “herringbone” or “snake” pattern. At the same time, part of the glass remains on the so-called serving tables and is displayed as needed. When serving a buffet table, dessert and snack plates are required. Moreover, they are placed in piles, and their number should exceed the number of guests.

Banquet cocktail

Such an event lasts from forty minutes to two hours. Although there are no strict limits, of course. Often a cocktail banquet is confused with a buffet. What is the service specific? Tables with napkins, ashtrays and flowers are placed against the walls. Devices are not used - only skewers. The waiters offer snacks and drinks to the participants of the celebration. The main element of a banquet-cocktail is a bar counter. The menu consists of drinks, sandwiches, tartlets, desserts.

Banquet tea

The event is held in the afternoon, no later than evening. It goes on for about two hours. According to the rules of the restaurant business, a round table is set in the center of the hall. Along the wall - armchairs, sofas. The menu consists of tea, confectionery, jam, chocolate, honey. Sometimes, in order to add solemnity, the organizers of the banquet use a samovar. It is located on a tea table, next to it - a teapot, cups, saucers, spoons.


The list of dishes for any celebration always includes salads and cold appetizers. Usually not exotic, but traditional dishes are chosen. So, in the banquet menu, as a rule, there are Olivier, Caesar, meat, fish, vegetable cuts and cheese platter. Salads are ordered at the rate of two servings per person. Cold appetizers - one serving per guest. Sometimes hot dishes are not taken into account when compiling a menu for a small banquet. They are ordered during the event.
