
Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the delivery, acceptance, quality, conditions of storage and sale of food products in dow. Semi-finished products in baby food

The delivery and storage of food products should be under the strict control of the head and medical workers of the preschool institution, since the quality of the prepared food depends on this.

Each preschool institution is provided with refrigerators. In addition, there are pantries for storing dry products such as flour, sugar, cereals, pasta, confectionery, and vegetables. Warehouses and refrigerating chambers must be kept clean, well ventilated, maintain the necessary temperature and humidity in them (see Appendices 26-28).

Transportation of products must also be carried out in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. for each type of product you need to have a special container or transport. This will protect the products from dust, dirt, rain. Meat should be brought for 1-3 days, depending on the existing storage conditions, in boxes upholstered with galvanized iron or duralumin sheets. Sausages are also brought in special boxes. Salted fish is delivered in barrels or boxes in original packaging. For fresh fish, closable baskets or boxes are needed. Milk, sour cream, cream are brought in special packaging or containers, dry or bulk products - in factory containers: bags or closed boxes. For the transportation of bread and bakery products, a well-closable box with shelves is used.

Persons involved in the loading and unloading of products undergo regular medical examinations. They are provided with special clothing: a dressing gown, an apron, mittens. Food products entering children's institutions must be fresh and of good quality: without foreign impurities, pollution, rodent and insect infestation. This largely depends on the transportation and storage of food.

Delivered products are subject to sanitary inspection and marriage. All inspection data is recorded in a special journal. Before inspecting the products, you should familiarize yourself with the accompanying documents, from which you can obtain preliminary data on the products: the date of their release, storage conditions, and the timing of the sale. These data are especially important when receiving perishable products: meat, sausage, ham, fish, milk, etc. Products are scrapped not only when they are received at the warehouse or in the refrigerator, but also when they arrive from the warehouse to the kitchen.

The quality of products is usually assessed by a medical worker of a children's institution and a cook. At the slightest suspicion of the poor quality of a particular product, it should be separated from the rest and subjected to additional laboratory research, which is carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Meat And meat products have great nutritional value, as they contain high-grade proteins. As a rule, cattle meat (beef) is consumed; lamb, pork, goose meat, ducks in the diet of preschool children is not recommended.

When accepting meat, attention is paid to the availability of documents that guarantee the quality of meat or meat products. Delivery of ready minced meat is not allowed. Meat products are stored in refrigerators, protecting them from contamination. Frozen meat and poultry are stored at a temperature not exceeding +2 C, boiled sausages, sausages, sausages, as well as hams and rolls - from 0 to +6 °C for no more than 48 hours, in a suspended state.

Fresh And frozen fish It belongs, like meat, to quickly perishable products, so you must strictly follow the rules for its storage and the terms of implementation. Fresh fish and fish products are placed in special dishes and stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of -2 to 4 °C for no more than 3-5 days.

Milk- a ready-to-eat food product that preschool institutions receive after heat treatment (pasteurization or sterilization). After receipt and quality control, it is placed in a refrigerator and stored at a temperature of 0 to +2 °C for no more than 24 hours. Cottage cheese is used only after heat treatment in the form of curd dishes (casseroles, cheesecakes, cheesecakes, etc.). Yogurt and kefir should have a uniform texture, a pleasant sour taste, and be free of foreign taste and smell. Store them at a temperature of 0 to +2 ° C for no more than 48 hours.

Butter store in a closed container at a temperature of 0 to +2 ° C for no more than 10 days. Melted butter can be stored for up to 1 month.

Eggs in refrigerating chambers with a temperature of about 0 wasps are stored for a long time.

Plant-based products are less prone to spoilage, but sanitary rules must also be observed during delivery and storage.

Bread contains a lot of water (up to 50%), so it is more likely than flour and other flour products to become unfit for nutrition, especially if baked improperly, stored in a dark, damp, poorly ventilated room. It is stored in special cabinets or on racks with closing doors or covered with a fine metal (kapron) mesh. It is laid in 1-2 rows. The lower shelves should be at least 59 cm from the floor. Bread is recommended to be delivered at least once every 2 days.

Groats must be dry (no more than 15% water), clean, free of impurities and pests.

Sugar And confectionery are valuable foodstuffs. They, like cereals, are stored in a clean, dry, well-ventilated room at a temperature not exceeding 16 ºC. These products are very sensitive to moisture and foreign odors, which can cause them to spoil.

Vegetables, fruits And berries must be taken ripe and fresh, without mechanical damage, pollution, mold and rot.

The most frequent violations

in catering for children in preschool

  • Use of cutting boards and knives for other purposes.

For cutting raw and finished products, you should have separate knives and boards made of hardwood that do not absorb the juice of meat, fish and vegetables, without cracks and gaps, smoothly planed. Cutting boards made of plastic and pressed plywood are not allowed. Cutting boards and knives are assigned to workplaces and marked - for example, "CM" - raw meat, "VM" - boiled meat, "Herring", etc. For cooked products and gastronomy, boards and knives are located in the hot shop, and for cutting raw meat, fish products and raw vegetables, they are in the meat and fish preparation shop. (SanPiN 7)

  • Storage of food products and food raw materials in the food pantry with an expired shelf life is not allowed.

When accepting food products and food raw materials, the storekeeper must check the deadlines for their maximum sale (“Input control”). If the expiration date expires in 2-3 days (for example, for cereals, eggs, etc.), an act is drawn up immediately (in 3 copies: for the preschool educational institution, supplier, payer and the product is sent back to the supplier. Accordingly, an entry is made in the journal "Input control of food products, food raw materials" in the column "Notes". It is not recommended to order products in large quantities. SanPiN

  • Improper storage of food products in the food pantry on racks.

Cereals, flour, pasta are stored in a dry room on racks.

(preferably stainless steel, as they are constantly exposed to detergents and disinfectants) in institutional containers: enameled tanks (no chips), plastic boxes (marked for food products), at a distance of at least 15 cm from the floor. The distance between the wall and the products must be at least 20 cm, glass and iron tanks are stored on the rack, freed from packaging, storage of other types of products (herring, vegetables, etc.) is unacceptable here.

SanPiN 15.

  • Commodity Neighborhood.

When storing food products, it is imperative to comply with the rule of commodity neighborhood. Products coming from the store are released from the factory packaging, transferred to the container of the institution and stored in a refrigerator intended for them. Butter, cottage cheese, cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products are stored in the refrigerator labeled "Dairy Products"; meat, fish, chickens, turkey fillets are stored in the refrigerator marked "Meat"; the egg is stored in a separate refrigerator, in a specially allocated container or in a refrigerator marked "Meat". Spices, herring are stored separately from products that perceive foreign odors.

  • Ignorance of the conditions for storing bread.

Rye and wheat bread are stored separately on shelves and in cabinets; at a distance of the lower shelf from the floor at least 35 cm. Doors in cabinets must have holes for ventilation. When cleaning the place of storage of bread, the crumbs are swept away with special brushes, the shelves are wiped with a cloth moistened with a 1% solution of table vinegar.

SanPiN 15

  • Violation of the temperature regime of food storage.

Food products, especially: cereals (buckwheat, rice, etc.), canned food (fish, whole condensed milk with sugar), etc. are stored in accordance with their label labels (they must be glued or stamped on the product).

  • The use of refrigerators in catering units for storing food and food raw materials from the food pantry.

In the premises of the catering unit, only those food products and food raw materials that are prescribed according to the menu-requirement should be stored, and they are stored in refrigeration equipment marked "Daily set of products". If there is not enough space in the food pantry to store food raw materials, then it is allowed to store it in the premises of the catering unit in refrigeration equipment marked

"Products from the pantry", and there should not be free access to it. Otherwise, during the financial audit of stored products in the food unit and in the food pantry, you may experience a “shortage” of food in the food pantry and a “surplus” in the food unit.

  • Daily test.

A daily sample of the finished product should be left daily. The daily sample is taken in volume: portioned - in full;

first and third courses and side dishes - at least 100g. for the purpose of microbiological research in an unfavorable epidemic situation. The sample is taken into a sterile glass dish with a lid (garnishes and salads in a separate bowl) and stored for 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) in a special refrigerator marked "daily sample", or on a special designated shelf for storing fermented milk products at a temperature + 2…+6С. Control over the correctness of the selection and storage of the daily sample is carried out by a medical worker. SanPiN, clause 2.10.24; SanPiN Application11.

  • The place of storage of the "daily set of food products" issued to the catering department.

All perishable products (cheese, butter, sour cream, sour-milk products, cottage cheese, cottage cheese) are stored in a household refrigerator located at the catering unit marked "Dairy Products" (daily set). Bread is stored in a hot shop in a container specially designed for storage (separately "black", "white"). Banks are stored in the meat and fish (harvesting) shop on the table. Meat, fish, chickens, turkey fillets are stored in a household refrigerator located at the catering unit marked "Meat" ("Fish", "Chickens").

  • There is no place for egg processing, where is the egg given out from the food pantry placed?
  • Non-compliance with the terms of storage of food waste.

Food waste at the catering unit is collected in marked metal buckets with lids, which are released as they are filled, but not more than 2/3 of the volume. Every day at the end of the day, the buckets, regardless of the volume of filling, are cleaned and thoroughly washed with a 2% hot solution of soda ash, then they are rinsed with hot water and dried. SanPiN

  • What is the control plate for?

In order for employees to clearly see the required amount of servings for toddlers and preschool children (according to the presence of markings on the dishes).

  • Lack of displacement on boilers, pots in the catering unit.

It is recommended to mark the volume on boilers and pans so that the food is prepared strictly by weight and volume, and also so that the medical worker and the marriage commission can control the volume of the finished product.

  • Lack of knowledge of cooking technology by chefs.

It is recommended that cooks, before preparing a dish, open the technological map, read it, delve into the method of preparation and, strictly following the sequence of technology, proceed to cooking. Technological maps must be placed in files and always kept open during work.

  • Cleaning inventory.

Cleaning equipment is marked with red oil paint, used strictly for its intended purpose and stored in a specially designated room equipped with a shower tray and a washbasin with cold and hot water supply to them. In the absence of such a room, storage of cleaning equipment is allowed in a specially designated place (this can be a specially made cabinet with a certain number of divisions for each workshop). Storage of cleaning equipment in industrial premises is not allowed. At the end of the cleaning, at the end of the shift, all cleaning equipment should be washed using detergents and disinfectants, dried and kept clean.

SanPiN, P.5.21; 5.22.

  • Violation of the terms and conditions of storage of vegetables and fruits.

It is very important to comply with the requirements for the terms and conditions of storage of fruits and vegetables. So, potatoes during normal storage lose a third of vitamin C after 3 months.

In unprocessed leafy vegetables, vitamin C is destroyed after 2-3 days. Vitamins of group B, especially folic acid, are also subject to destruction.

Potatoes and vegetables are stored in a dry, dark, well-ventilated room in bins with a layer of no more than 1.5 m, in chests or on racks 15 cm from the floor, fresh fruits are packaged on pallets. Fruits and vegetables are stored depending on their type at a temperature of +3 to +12C and a relative humidity of 70 to 95%. Store vegetables in the DOW should be no more than 2-5 days. It is advisable to import fruits and vegetables in small batches to avoid spoilage during long-term storage. To reduce the loss of vitamins, short-term storage of leafy (greens) and other fresh vegetables should be done in a refrigerator at a temperature of 0 ... + 3C. MU "Catering in a preschool educational institution", 2007 - p. 9.9.2., 9.9.3.

  • Lack of knowledge of serving temperatures for hot meals, etc. used in children's meals.

For all hot meals, culinary products and hot drinks used in the nutrition of preschool children and adolescents, the serving temperature is

45 ... + 50 C. Ready hot dishes and culinary products should be used for food within 2 hours from the end of the technological process (if stored in an isometric container or on a food warmer). Whenever possible, it is recommended that culinary products be used as food immediately after preparation (after cooling to the indicated serving temperature). MU "Catering in a preschool educational institution", 2007 - p. 9.10.

  • Where are the salads made?

Vegetables intended for salads are cut and mixed in a hot workshop on a table for boiled products. SanPiN, P.2.10.31.

Boards and knives are used for boiled products.

  • Where is the herring processed and cut?

Herring is processed and cut on the board "Herring" in a hot shop on the table for boiled products.

Assessment of the development of the preschool nutrition system on the example of preschool educational institution No. 2 in the city of Verkhny Ufaley. Analysis of the product range and operational planning in the canteen. Analysis and formation of service for pupils. Recipes for meat dishes: technological maps.

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Course work

on the topic of: "Organization of the preparation of meat dishes in kindergarten

(on the example of preschool educational institution No. 2 in Verkhny Ufaley)


group student

Filippova Daria

Upper Ufaley 2014


1 Analytical review

1.1 The relevance of the organization of preschool nutrition in our country and abroad

2 Experimental

2.1 The state of development of the preschool nutrition system (city, region, preschool educational institution No. 2 of Verkhny Ufaley)

2.2 Analysis of the material and technical base and organization of supply of preschool educational institution No. 2 in Verkhny Ufaley

2.3 Analysis of the product range and operational planning in the canteen of a preschool educational institution

2.4 Analysis and formation of services for pupils

3 Meat recipes. Technological cards



Rational and nutritious nutrition of preschool children is the key to good health, normal growth and proper development of children.

The main stages in the organization of preschool nutrition:

- assessment of the state of children's health, determination of priority tasks for its preservation and strengthening;

- assessment of the diet of children in an organized team;

- study of the forms and actual conditions of catering;

- problematic analysis of the nutrition factor of children and adolescents in organized groups;

- determination of methods for managing the nutrition factor;

- organization of supervision and implementation of necessary measures to improve nutrition.

Main ways of development:

– improvement of the regulatory and methodological framework for the organization of preschool nutrition;

– targeted social and hygienic programming;

- systemic monitoring of children's nutrition;

– development of technical (technological) documentation for specialized food products intended for children;

– development of modern science-based diets;

- assistance in expanding the production of food products of increased nutritional and biological value for the nutrition of preschool children;

- increasing the effectiveness of explanatory work and hygiene education (administration, officials and specialists of facilities, as well as pupils, their parents and teaching staff of preschool educational institutions, including using the media).

With regard to the activities of the territorial departments of the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor, in order to increase the effectiveness of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the nutrition of children in preschool educational institutions, it is necessary:

- scientific and methodological support, including the development and implementation of guidelines for the implementation of supervision, questionnaires, effective classification of objects of supervision, the introduction of formalized forms of acts, detailed programs for sanitary and epidemiological examination, etc.;

– regular professional development of doctors.

To date, in many preschool institutions, but also in the city, a menu has not been developed that takes into account the taste priorities of children and their level of health. Weak technical equipment, low professional level of personnel training and insufficient awareness of the importance of proper rational nutrition of children by parents are the main problems that the kindergarten staff face and require urgent solutions.

By providing a properly organized, full-fledged balanced diet, you can largely guarantee the normal growth and development of the child's body, have a significant impact on the child's immunity, increase the efficiency and endurance of children, and create optimal conditions for their neuropsychic and mental development.

The purpose of the work: Studying the organization of the work of the preschool canteen, identifying the pros and cons, developing measures for improvement.

1. To study the material and technical base, the organization of supply and service, the assortment list of dishes of one of the preschool institutions.

2. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the organization in work.

3.Develop measures for improvement.

1. Analytical review

1.1 The relevance of the development of preschool nutrition in Russia and abroad. Basic norms

The number of pupils in preschool children's institutions in Russia is growing every year. That is why catering in preschool educational institutions is a problem of great social significance, especially in today's difficult socio-economic situation. Therefore, the health and development of preschoolers largely depends on how well the food is organized in the preschool educational institution.

The main groups of problems that are associated with catering in many preschool institutions:

The principle of individualization of children's nutrition in preschool educational institutions has not been developed. Children - "owls" and children - "larks", children with good and poor appetite, children with food allergies and obesity come to the kindergarten group. Relevant in solving this problem is the creation of a variable menu, taking into account priorities and the level of health.

Low professional level of staff training and insufficient awareness of the importance of proper nutrition of children by parents. Even with good funding, excellent refrigeration and kitchen equipment, catering will depend on the level of staff training. The solution to the problem is in the course retraining of personnel in the field of nutrition of preschool children and the informatization of parents and teachers on the organization of rational proper nutrition of children in the family and preschool educational institutions.

Weak technical equipment significantly reduces the quality of the cooked food. Equipping the catering unit with universal drives, special devices through the search for extra-budgetary allocations is a solution to this problem.

Not using information technology, special computer programs for auditing nutrition, creating a balanced menu layout and assessing the quality of nutrition. While such computer programs exist in the Russian Federation, they are not used in our city. To date, the solution to the problem is possible only by developing our own information computer comparative database.

With a large number of regulatory legal acts in the field of nutrition of the population, only recently has attention begun to be paid to the organization of nutrition for preschoolers. Thus, the main directions of the state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population are - full, high-quality nutrition of children; balance and rationality of nutrition; education of the population on the principles of healthy eating.

For the speedy and effective reorganization of the system of preschool and school meals, organizers at the regional and local levels need to:

- be guided by newly issued regulatory documents;

- inform the administration and teachers of educational institutions, parents, food suppliers about the introduction of new standards;

– develop and approve plans for the implementation of the requirements of new regulatory documents;

– hold meetings and seminars on this issue with responsible specialists and other employees;

- when planning production control, provide for laboratory studies of food products used in the nutrition of students and pupils of educational institutions, according to the main indicators of nutritional value included in the new regulatory documents.

In 2008, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation adopted a number of standards regulating the hygienic requirements for catering for children in preschool educational institutions:

According to these standards, in the preschool educational institution it is necessary to provide for a food unit operating on raw materials or semi-finished products. The catering unit is located on the first floor.

It is not necessary to place production and storage facilities for the storage of food products (dry, loose) in basements and semi-basements.

In the premises of the catering unit, equipment operating on electricity is installed. Technological equipment is located so as to ensure free access to it and compliance with safety regulations.

All rooms are cleaned twice a day with a wet method using detergents. Cleaning of premises is carried out with open transoms or windows. Particularly thorough cleaning of frequently polluted surfaces (door handles, cabinets, window sills, switches, hard furniture, etc.) and places where dust accumulates (floors near baseboards and under furniture, radiators, lighting fittings, ventilation grilles, etc.).

All catering workers are daily examined by a nurse for cuts, abrasions, pustular diseases on the skin and are questioned for the presence of catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract with an examination of the pharynx, with a mark in the journal of the established sample.

Catering staff should not wear rings, earrings, stab overalls with pins during work, eat and smoke at the workplace.

For PEI staff, at least 3 sets of sanitary clothing should be provided.

The requirements for the device, equipment, maintenance of the catering unit must comply with the sanitary rules and regulations for public catering organizations, the production and handling of food products and food raw materials in them, as well as standard instructions for labor protection when working in catering units.

Technological equipment, inventory, utensils, containers are made from materials that have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate of compliance with sanitary rules, and are marked for raw and finished products. During the operation of technological equipment, the possibility of contact between raw and ready-to-eat products should be excluded.

Cooking pots, after being freed from food residues, are washed with hot water not lower than 40 ° C with the addition of detergents, rinsed with hot water using a hose with a shower head and dried upside down on lattice shelves, racks. Clean kitchen utensils are stored on racks at a height of at least 0.5 m from the floor.

Cutting boards and small wooden utensils: spatulas, stirrers, etc. - after washing in the first bath with hot water (50 ° C) with the addition of detergents, rinse with hot water with a temperature of at least 65 ° C in the second bath, pour over with boiling water, and then dried on metal lattice racks.

Metal inventory after washing is calcined in the oven; after use, meat grinders are disassembled, washed, doused with boiling water and dried thoroughly.

Tableware and tea utensils are allocated for each group. It can be made of faience, porcelain (plates, saucers, cups), and cutlery (spoons, forks, knives) - stainless steel. It is not allowed to use dishes with chipped edges, cracks, chips, deformed, damaged enamel, plastic and aluminum cutlery.

The number of simultaneously used tableware and cutlery must correspond to the list of children in the group. Staff should have separate tableware.

Work tables in the catering unit and tables in the group after each meal are washed with hot water and detergents with special rags.

Washcloths, brushes for washing dishes, rags for wiping tables in case of a complicated epidemiological situation are boiled for 15 minutes in water with the addition of soda ash or soaked in a disinfectant solution, then washed at the end of the day with detergent, rinsed, dried and stored in a special labeled container.

Cleaning is carried out daily in the premises of the catering unit: mopping, removing dust and cobwebs, wiping radiators, window sills; weekly, with the use of detergents, walls, lighting fittings are washed, windows are cleaned from dust and soot, etc. Once a month, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning followed by disinfection of all premises, equipment and inventory.

Nutrition should provide the growing body of children with energy and basic nutrients. When organizing nutrition, age-related physiological norms of the daily need for basic nutrients should be observed.

In the daily diet, a caloric deviation of ± 5% is allowed. In a preschool with a round-the-clock stay, 1 hour before a night's sleep, it is recommended to give children a glass of milk or a fermented milk product.

For groups of short-term stay of children in a preschool educational institution (3-4 hours), a one-time meal is organized (second breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack), depending on the time the group works (first or second half of the day), while the diet should provide at least 15-25 % daily requirement for nutrients and energy.

Each institution should have a sample 10-day or 2-week menu based on physiological nutrient requirements and nutritional norms. A sample menu should be agreed with the institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Products such as bread, cereals, milk, meat, butter and vegetable oil, sugar, vegetables are included in the menu daily, and other products (cottage cheese, cheese, eggs) 2-3 times a week. Within a decade, the child must receive the full amount of products in the calculation of the established norms.

When compiling the menu, national and territorial peculiarities of the nutrition of the population and the state of health of children should be taken into account. In the absence of any products, it is allowed to replace them with products of equal composition in accordance with the product replacement table.

In winter and spring, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to include juices, freshly frozen vegetables and fruits in the menu, subject to the terms of their implementation. For the prevention of vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies, as prescribed by a pediatrician (nutritionist), it is allowed to use biologically active food supplements (BAA) that have a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, registered in the Federal Register of the Ministry of Health of Russia and intended for use in the nutrition of toddlers and preschool children.

In order to prevent hypovitaminosis, artificial fortification of cold drinks (compote, etc.) is carried out with ascorbic acid (for children 1-3 years old - 35 mg, 3-6 years old - 50 mg per 1 serving). It is possible to use the Golden Ball multivitamin drink (15 g per 1 glass of water) or multivitamin preparations (1 tablet per day during or after meals).

Ascorbic acid is introduced into the compote after it has been cooled to a temperature not exceeding 15°C (before sale).

To ensure the continuity of nutrition, parents are informed about the assortment of the child's nutrition by posting the daily menu during his stay in the preschool educational institution.

Particularly perishable food products are stored in refrigerators or refrigerators at a temperature of +2 - +6°C and in accordance with the requirements of current sanitary regulations. Thermometers are installed to control the temperature in refrigerators and refrigerated chambers. If there is one cold store, the places for storing meat, fish and dairy products must be strictly delimited, with the obligatory arrangement of special shelves that can be easily washed and processed.

In the nutrition of children in preschool educational institutions, it is strictly forbidden to use: mushrooms, flask (barrel) milk without boiling, flask cottage cheese and sour cream, canned green peas without heat treatment, blood and liver sausages, eggs and meat of waterfowl, fish, meat that has not passed veterinary control , canned home-made products in hermetic packaging; canned food in jars with leakage, bombed, with rust, deformed, without labels; cereals, flour, dried fruits contaminated with various impurities and infected with granary pests; vegetables and fruits with mold and signs of rot.

A drinking regime should be organized in the preschool educational institution to ensure the safety of the quality of drinking water, which must meet the requirements of sanitary rules.

According to these requirements, the organization of the work of the dining room in the preschool educational institution should be built. Compliance with these regulations is checked by the commissions of the SES and Rospotrebnadzor.

Catering in preschool institutions in Europe and Asia is not as strictly regulated as in Russia. They do not have laws that unite all the rules for organizing meals for schoolchildren and preschoolers, and there are no organizations that check their compliance. So, in many preschool institutions in Europe and America, children's food is not organized. Children bring breakfast with them and leave the preschool at 11.30 and have lunch at home. Some have a hot lunch.

2. Experimental part

dish meat preschool food

2.1 The development system of the preschool nutrition system in Verkhny Ufaley.

There are about 250 kindergartens in the Chelyabinsk region. About 50 companies work on the tender system of supply. Many firms participate in the tender for the right to supply these kindergartens. The remaining PEIs independently conclude contracts with suppliers.

The observance of the correct organization of the work of the canteens of the preschool educational institution is monitored by the SES and the Department of Education of the Chelyabinsk Region.

Over the past two years, there have been no special violations in the organization of nutrition in preschool institutions. Several violations were registered in the arrangement of equipment in catering units, the lack of some important components in the nutrition of children.

The institution in question is "MADOU CRR-KINDERGARTEN N 2 "DEVELOPMENT"", Verkhny Ufaley. Director. Address: 456800 Chelyabinsk region, Verkhny Ufaley, Babikov street 74B. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 07.00-17.30 without a break, Sat-Sun day off.

2.2 Analysis of the material and technical base and organization of the supply of preschool canteens

Material base. Children are fed at the expense of compensation of parental fees for the child's stay in kindergarten. A register is compiled for each group, all compensations are summarized. After that, an application is made to the education committee. The Education Committee of the Verkhny Ufaley city administration reviews this application and funds these compensations. They are transferred to the current account of the DOW. It is this financing that helps pay the bills of supplier firms for the products provided.

The average amount of support for one child is 2230 rubles per month. Of these, 1470 rubles are spent on catering. Which means 70 rubles a day.

Technical base of the dining room preschool educational institution. It consists of a catering facility and equipment located in it, a pantry room and the organization of places for feeding children in groups.

The catering unit of the canteen of preschool educational institution No. 2 is a procurement and pre-cooking enterprise. Therefore, there are several necessary workshops there. Cold, hot, meat and fish, vegetable. As well as washing containers (except for tableware) and a pantry.

The workshops are supplied with the necessary equipment, which is replaced approximately every 5-7 years. At the moment, the equipment has been partially replaced with a new one, the service life of the rest will expire in a few years. All technical passports are available in the accounting department of the organization.

In the pantry, all products are stored on racks and pedestals, in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

The following requirements are imposed on the organization and food supply of the enterprise: providing a wide range of goods in sufficient quantity and proper quality throughout the year; timeliness and rhythm of goods delivery; the optimal choice of suppliers and the timely conclusion of contracts with them for the supply of goods.

For the efficient and rhythmic work of the enterprise, it is necessary to organize the delivery of goods from different sources. One of the sources are enterprises producing food products of various forms of ownership: state enterprises, joint-stock companies, associations, private firms that manufacture food products.

A large contribution to the organization of food supply is made by agricultural producers: collective farms, state farms, farms, and private traders.

Acceptance of goods in a catering enterprise is an important part of the technological process. Acceptance is carried out in two stages.

Products are received in quantity and quality. The first stage is preliminary. Acceptance of products by quantity is carried out according to waybills, invoices, by recalculating containers, weighing. If the goods arrived in good packaging, in addition to checking the gross weight, the company has the right to require opening the container and checking the net weight. The second stage is final acceptance. The net weight and the number of trade units are checked simultaneously with the opening of the container. The tare weight is checked simultaneously with the acceptance of the goods.

If a shortage is detected, a unilateral act is drawn up on the identified shortage, this product is stored separately, its safety is ensured and the supplier is called. After the final acceptance, an act is drawn up in 3 copies.

Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods by quantity, the goods are also accepted by quality.

Acceptance of goods by quality is carried out organoleptically (by appearance, color, smell, taste). At the same time, compliance with standards, TU is checked. Certificates or certificates of quality are attached to transport documents.

2.3 Analysis of the product range and operational planning in preschool canteens

The operational planning of the production of the canteen of the preschool educational institution includes the following elements:

1. Drawing up a planned menu for the week, on its basis, develop a menu plan that reflects the daily production program of the enterprise; preparation and approval of the menu;

2. Calculation of the need for products for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan, and drawing up requirements for raw materials;

3. Registration of the requirements of the invoice for the release of products from the pantry at the production site and the receipt of raw materials;

4. Distribution of raw materials between workshops and determination of tasks for chefs in accordance with the menu plan.

The planned menu of kindergarten No. 2 is compiled for a week. It is compiled jointly by the cook, storekeeper and medical worker of the kindergarten in the form No. 299.

When compiling the menu, kitchen workers in kindergarten take into account:

1. Daily set of products

2. Portion size

3.Norms of interchangeability of products in the preparation of dishes.

4. Norms of losses during cold and heat treatment.

5. Data on the chemical composition of products and dishes.

The menu presents a wide variety of dishes, their repetitions are excluded, products with increased nutritional and biological value are widely used, which allows you to adjust the nutritional value of the diet, to form healthy eating habits in children, the right taste preferences.

The head of the children's institution, being responsible for the entire organization of its work in the institution, is also responsible for the proper organization of the nutrition of children. The Deputy Director for AHS supervises the work of business workers to ensure timely preparation of applications for the required number of products for a week, month, quarter, year. He monitors the composition of the products received, the delivery of products, compliance with the rules for their storage and use. The head of the institution is engaged in the organization of work at the catering unit, the correct preparation of menu layouts, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements in the preparation and distribution of food, and periodically checks the organization of meals in groups.

The doctor, the nurse, together with the head of the preschool educational institution, control the work of the catering unit, checking its sanitary condition, the quality of food preparation, the yield of dishes, and the fulfillment of natural norms.

Monitoring compliance with natural nutritional standards is carried out by checking applications drawn up by the manager and storekeeper, compliance with their approved nutritional standards for children in preschool educational institutions. Monitoring the correct state of the menu layouts, as well as conducting periodic calculations of the chemical composition and caloric content of children's nutrition, is carried out once a month separately for toddlers and preschool children (for the entire month or for any ten days in a row, each month) according to the accumulative statement. To calculate nutrition, official tables of the chemical composition of food products are used. At the same time, it is important to take into account the loss of nutrients during the culinary processing of products. The obtained data on the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diets of children, as well as the total caloric content of the diet, are compared with data on the chemical composition of the diets of children in preschools of various types and the physiological needs of children of this age in basic nutrients and energy.

If significant deviations from the norm are revealed during nutrition calculations, then the nurse takes prompt measures (makes the necessary correction when compiling menu layouts, achieving the necessary content of full-fledged products in them and compliance of chemical diets with current standards). This must be confirmed by power calculations.

The correctness of the laying of the main products (butter, meat, fish, etc.) is established by the control weighing of the products allocated for the preparation of this dish, and comparing the data obtained with the data of the layout menu.

It is necessary to pay attention to the correspondence of the volumes of prepared food to the volume of single servings and the number of children, avoiding the preparation of excess amounts of food, which reduces its calorie content, and also leads to a sick amount of food leftovers.

For the convenience of monitoring the output of dishes at the catering unit, you should have tables of food waste during cold cooking, tables of output and moisture standards for cereals of various consistencies, and tables of output of meat, fish and vegetable dishes during heat treatment.

Control over the quality of cooking consists in organoleptic evaluation.

After receiving the products from the storekeeper, according to the application-consignment note, the products are redistributed among the shops, where, according to the menu plan, dishes are prepared.

2.4 Analysis and formation of service for pupils.

In preschool educational institution No. 2, a 3-time meal plan with a packed afternoon snack is organized, in accordance with paragraph 2.10.15 of SanPin According to the results of work for 9 months of 2009, nutritional norms per child were fulfilled by 100% or more for all main types of products: flour, bakery products, meat and dairy products, cereals and pasta, cottage cheese, sour cream, potatoes, butter, butter vegetable, egg, sugar, yeast, fish, fresh vegetables and dried fruits.

Every ten days, medical workers of kindergartens monitor the implementation of the average daily norm of food distribution per child, and, if necessary, nutrition correction is carried out in the preschool educational institution in the next decade. The calculation of the main food ingredients: the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories is carried out once a month based on the results of the cumulative statement. The average calorie content for 9 months of the current year is 2078 kcal for kindergarten, 1702 kcal for nurseries (net), which corresponds to the norm.

In order to prevent hypovitaminosis in children, artificial fortification of third courses with ascorbic acid is carried out year-round, and children receive multivitamin preparations (Revit, Undevit, etc.).

For the prevention of iodine-deficiency conditions in children, only iodized common salt is used in food preparation, which meets the requirements of state standards, as evidenced by laboratory studies of salt for iodine content during state control. For the same purpose, bread enriched with iodized protein is included in the diet of children.

To ensure the continuity of nutrition, parents can receive daily information about the range of dishes. For parents, a menu is posted indicating the volume of servings and the cost of feeding the child per day. This allows parents not to plan at home the preparation of the dishes that the child received in preschool, as well as timely inform the kindergarten staff about food allergies or food intolerances in order to make an appropriate replacement.

Particular attention is paid to children with food allergies and atopic dermatitis. For them, dishes are prepared separately according to the doctor's recommendations. To do this, parents of pupils of kindergarten No. 2 must bring a certificate from an allergist. After that, an individual menu for the child or a product replacement for the same child is compiled.

Control over the organization of nutrition of children in groups is carried out by medical workers during visits to groups (daily rounds at different times). At the same time, attention is drawn to the observance of the diet, bringing food to children (if necessary, portions taken from the table are weighed), and the organization of feeding children. During meals, a calm atmosphere should be created in the group, without noise, loud conversations, distractions. It is important to monitor the aesthetics of food, table setting, instilling hygiene skills in children.

The control of the sanitary and epidemiological service over the proper organization of nutrition for children in the conditions of a preschool team consists in conducting periodic inspections of the implementation of the Sanitary Rules for the Design and Maintenance of Preschool Institutions, which contain specific requirements for the arrangement and equipment of a food unit, storage and processing of food, food preparation, and the quality of children's nutrition. , prevention of intestinal diseases and food poisoning, compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, personal hygiene of personnel, etc.

Children are fed in groups, where tables and chairs are installed in a specially designated area. Assistant educators receive dishes at the distribution, in the kitchen and deliver them to the group room. Each assistant receives dishes at a certain time with a difference of 3-5 minutes.

Children are fed according to the following scheme. While the children are setting the tables (arranging bread bins and cutlery), the assistant teacher receives the necessary dishes. Then, with the help of a teacher (in the senior and preparatory groups, with the help of children), he pours soup, porridge, tea, etc. And only then the children wash their hands in a specially designated room and sit down at the tables.

Dishes intended for children are located in the group's premises in a specially designated room. After eating, the children take the dishes to this room, where the teacher's assistant cleans them. Pots and other containers are returned for distribution.

Meals for children in groups are allowed by the SES authorities. The menu for each day is posted on the information stand of the group.

3. Meat recipes. Technological maps.

Meatballs for children

It is very difficult to interest a small child in a whole piece of meat, and proteins are an important component of the diet. This is where mothers remember simple recipes that allow you to cook meatballs for children from different types of meat. These mouth-watering meat balls are not only healthy, but also look beautiful on the plate, which is important for little gourmets. Before you cook meatballs for your child, decide on the presence of a side dish. Porridge or mashed potatoes will taste better if they are eaten with the gravy in which the meatballs were cooked.

chicken meatballs

Juicy, low-fat and delicious chicken meatballs for children can be prepared as an independent dish, and if desired, you can prepare a side dish for them.


minced chicken - 0.5 kg;

Boiled rice - 0.5 cups;

bow - 2 pcs;

carrots - 1 pc;

salt, pepper to taste;

vegetable oil for frying.


First you need to mix the minced chicken with rice. Then add finely chopped onion and spices to the mixture. Put the hand-shaped balls on a greased and heated frying pan. Fry them on both sides and put them in a saucepan. We shift each layer of meatballs with a layer of onion cut into half rings and grated carrots. Fill with water, add salt and simmer them over low heat for 25-30 minutes.


Name of products or semi-finished products

Number of people eating

Food consumption, g

Chicken (cutlet meat)

Rice groats

Bulb onions

Vegetable oil

Beef stroganoff from boiled meat

After cutting the tendons and fat, boil the meat, cut into cubes of 5-8 g, put in a saucepan, pour milk or sour cream sauce, salt, mix and cook under a lid with low heat for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley before serving.

Ingredients: meat 150 g, milk sauce (sour cream) 50 g, parsley 3 g, salt.

Beef baked with potatoes in milk sauce

Put the boiled meat, cut in portions across the muscle fibers, into a mold greased with butter, put the sliced ​​boiled potatoes on top, pour the dish with milk sauce, sprinkle with grated mild cheese and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Ingredients: boiled beef 80 g, potatoes 150 g, cream sauce 100 g, cheese 5 g, butter 3 g.

Meat zrazy stuffed with vegetables

Mince cut into cakes. In the center of each put finely chopped and stewed carrots, cabbage, sautéed onions and a chopped egg. Pinch the edges of the cake, giving it a zrazy shape, lightly fry in butter, then place in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Ingredients: minced meat 90 g, carrots 10 g, white cabbage 10 g, onion 5 g, egg 4 pcs., butter 7 g.

Meat dumplings (chicken)

Pass the chopped beef or chicken pulp twice through a meat grinder, add milk, butter, beat well, then add, gently stirring the mass, beaten egg white and salt. Form quenelles weighing 20-25 g and steam for 15 minutes.

Ingredients: beef (chicken) 100 g, milk 30 ml, butter 5 g, egg white 2 pcs., salt.

Steam meatballs

Form 2 round balls with a diameter of 3 cm from the cutlet mass, put them in a mold, fill half with water, close the lid and put in the oven for 30 minutes.

Ingredients: minced meat 90 g, white bread 20 g, water 90 ml, salt.

Meatballs in milk (sour cream) sauce

Form meatballs weighing 20-30 g from minced meat, lightly fry them in butter, transfer to a shallow saucepan and pour milk (sour cream) sauce. Cover the pan with a lid, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Ingredients: minced meat 100 g, butter 5 g, milk sauce (sour cream) 40 g.

Gachet of boiled meat

Boil the meat, pass through a meat grinder twice, add milk sauce, beat well. The resulting mass, stirring, bring to a boil, before serving, season with butter.

Ingredients: raw meat 100 g, milk sauce 50 g, butter 5 g.

Boiled meat pudding

Boil the meat, pass through a meat grinder twice, add white bread soaked in milk, salt, dilute with milk, add egg yolk, mix, then carefully introduce whipped protein. Put the resulting mass into a mold greased with butter and steam for 20-25 minutes.

Ingredients: raw meat 100 g, white bread 15 g, milk 30 ml, egg Ch2 pcs., butter 3 g, salt.

Beef stroganoff from the liver

Lightly fry the liver, cut into sticks 4-5 cm long and 1 cm thick, in butter, salt, pour sour cream sauce, stir and bring to a boil.

Ingredients: liver 100 g, butter 10 g, sour cream sauce 50 g, salt.

Liver pate

Simmer the liver with onions and carrots in a frying pan under a lid in a small amount of water with butter until soft. When the liver has cooled, together with carrots and onions, pass it through a meat grinder 2 times, salt, add whipped butter. Form the liver mass in the form of a loaf and cool.

Ingredients: liver 75 g, carrots 15 g, onion 10 g, butter 7.5 g, salt.

Bits from the heart

Pass the heart 2 times through a meat grinder, add semolina, water, salt, mix, form meatballs, roll them in flour and lightly fry in butter. Then put in the oven and bring to readiness. Drizzle with butter before serving.

Ingredients: heart 70 g, semolina 5 g, wheat flour 5 g, butter K) g, water 30 ml, salt.

Cutlets with white cabbage

Stew finely chopped cabbage in a small amount of milk over low heat until half cooked, combine with minced meat from boiled meat, add an egg, salt, mix and form cutlets. Bread in flour, lightly fry in butter or vegetable oil, then put in the oven for 10 minutes. Pour the finished cutlets with sour cream sauce.

Ingredients: white cabbage 100 g, boiled meat 70 g, milk 30 ml, sour cream sauce 30 g, butter (vegetable) 5 g, egg 72 pcs., salt, wheat flour 10 g.

Rice casserole with boiled meat

Boil the sorted and washed rice in boiling salted water. Put half of it in a form greased with butter, put boiled meat passed through a meat grinder on top, then the remaining rice. Sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with melted butter and bake in the oven.

Ingredients: rice 25 g, boiled meat 50 g, butter 5 g, cheese 5 g, salt


Most canteens at preschool educational institutions have a weak material and technical base. Due to the lack of funds in the budget of the preschool educational institution, the quality of food, its organization and technical equipment of canteens suffer. At the same time, the parents of pupils of preschool educational institutions say that kindergarten fees are too high. Thus, the competent decision here is the work of the state and municipal authorities to increase the financing of the budget of preschool educational institutions. And accordingly all other problems will be solved.

For the optimal organization of baby food, the coordinated work of the administrative, production and teaching staff of the preschool educational institution is necessary. Because if any problem arises, it must be addressed at all levels.

In this work, the material and technical base, organization of supply and organization of services in the dining room of preschool educational institution No. 22 were studied. The main problem identified in the analysis is the state of the material and technical base. Recommendations for a possible solution to this problem are indicated above.

List of sources used

1. Anosova M. M., Kucher L. S. Organization of production at public catering enterprises - M .; Economics, 1985.

2. GOST - R 50763-95 “Public catering. Culinary products sold to the population.

3. Methodological recommendations "Control over the organization of nutrition for children in preschool institutions" (approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on March 13, 1987 NN 4265-87, 11-4 / 6-33)

4.Radchenko L.A. Organization of production at catering establishments. - Ed. 7th, add. and reworked. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2007. - 373 p.

5.SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work regime in preschool organizations" ""

6. Methodological recommendations "Control over the organization of nutrition of children in preschool institutions" (approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR on March 13, 1987 NN 4265-87, 11-4 / 6-33)

7. http://www.det-sad.com

8. http://detskiysad.wordpress.com/

9. http://menobr.ru. An article about nutrition in preschool. A.V. Mosov,

deputy Head of the Department for Supervision of the Conditions of Education and Training of the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for Moscow, Researcher at the Research Institute for Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the National Center for Health and Human Development of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

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Culinary products- these are various food products (meat, fish, vegetables, cereals, etc.), which are sold prepared for further cooking. Now they are presented in a large assortment, and therefore you can choose dishes for every taste. The use of semi-finished products is a good help for the hostess, as they save her from the laborious work of primary processing of raw foods. But is it worth it to enter them into the child's menu? It depends on many factors such as nutritional value of the original product(fullness in terms of the content of nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals), its chemical and microbiological safety, consistency and method of heat treatment. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the state of health of the child and the age-related characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of babies - the fact is that preschool children have not yet improved the processes of digestion, as well as the production and secretion of enzymes and bile are still immature.

Nutritional value can be found on the label on the package, which shows the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy value. But it is not always possible to find out the qualitative composition of protein and fat. Meanwhile, in the production of chopped semi-finished products, vegetable proteins are widely used, which are inferior in amino acid composition to meat and fish proteins. But it is precisely the complete set of amino acids that is needed for.

Many chopped semi-finished products use food additives that have a negative effect on digestion. So, for example, purchased cutlets and dumplings contain a large amount of salt, all kinds of spices and fillers in the form of mushrooms, spicy cheeses. And an excessive amount of salt in food is an additional burden on the kidneys. Salt and spices also irritate the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, which can contribute to inflammation. In addition, to improve the quality of semi-finished products, ingredients (for example, starches) are used that are not always fully digested in the intestines, thereby causing functional disorders in the form of flatulence (bloating) and frequent stools.

Concerning heat treatment, then most semi-finished products are brought to readiness by frying. And for the preparation of children's food, cooking methods should be used, as a result of which there is a sparing effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract: boiling, stewing, baking, steaming.

Attention - freezing method

The quality of frozen products - meat and fish semi-finished products, as well as vegetables and fruits, depends on many factors, of which three most important ones can be distinguished:

  1. Raw materials and production process (rather stringent requirements are imposed on them).
  2. Freezing process (it is widely used in order to increase the shelf life of products without losing quality).
  3. Storage conditions (do not allow defrosting and re-freezing of products).

Let's take a look at the freezing process. Distinguish traditional And shock freezing.

Traditional freezing is carried out in three stages. On the first (at a temperature of 5°C) the product is cooled. At the second stage, the liquid contained in the product passes into the solid phase, and at the third stage, the product is "frozen" at a temperature of -5 to -18°C.

"Shock" freezing at a temperature of -35°C, in contrast to the traditional one, it occurs quickly, which allows the product to quickly pass from the liquid phase to the solid phase. At the same time, ice crystals are much smaller and are formed almost simultaneously both in cells and in the intercellular space. Therefore, the cells remain intact. As a result, the tissue structure, taste and nutritional value of freshly frozen vegetables, fruits and berries are preserved to the maximum. In addition, rapid freezing stops biochemical processes and the development of microorganisms.

To the delight of the meat eater

The choice of semi-finished meat products is quite wide. These include products made from natural or minced meat (beef, veal, lamb, pork, poultry) that have not undergone heat treatment. Among them are distinguished:

  • natural (large-sized, small-sized, portioned unbreaded and portioned breaded);
  • chopped;
  • dumplings;
  • chopped meat.

Natural bulk semi-finished products- this is meat pulp or layers of meat, taken from a certain part of the carcass in the form of large pieces, without tendons and rough surface films. This type of semi-finished products can be used for cooking meatballs, meatballs, meatballs and other dishes at home for children of early and preschool age (from 3 to 6 years old), since an independent choice of raw materials and control over food quality is possible.

Fatty meats are not recommended in baby food. It is preferable to use beef of the 2nd category, veal, lean pork, pig meat, horse meat and mutton of the 2nd category, rabbit meat and chicken meat. As for the meat of the chest, abdominal parts, neck and limbs of the carcass, it contains a significant amount of connective tissue, is more rigid and needs long cooking, which leads to a decrease in the nutritional value of dishes.

Natural small-sized semi-finished products- these are pieces of meat pulp of a certain mass and size, intended for the preparation of azu, beef stroganoff, goulash, frying, as well as meat and bone semi-finished products for the preparation of soups and stews.

Natural portion semi-finished products- these are pieces of meat pulp of a certain shape, intended for the preparation of rump steaks, natural cutlets, schnitzels, escalopes, steaks and so on. All of them can be used in older than three years, taking into account gentle heat treatment and without the addition of spices. It is not advisable to use them in the nutrition of children of an earlier age, since all these dishes are of a rather rigid consistency and it will be difficult for a small child not only to chew, but even bite off a piece of natural rump steak or escalope.

Portion breaded semi-finished products- these are semi-finished products, beaten off to loosen the fibers of fabrics and rolled in finely chopped white bread crumbs. Before deboning, the broken pieces of meat are immersed in a liquid egg mass. Unlike unbreaded, such semi-finished products are subject to exclusively roasting, which limits their use in the children's diet.

Chopped semi-finished products(rump steaks, steaks, cutlets) are made from minced meat with the addition of additional raw materials. These are eggs, salt, black pepper, onion or garlic, white bread. The recipe for chopped semi-finished products often uses vegetables, cereals, soy protein preparations, mechanically deboned poultry meat 1 . When cereals and vegetables are added, the products acquire a piquant taste, but their nutritional value decreases. In order to compensate for this shortcoming, and often to save meat raw materials, soy is added to semi-finished products.

1 Mechanically deboned POULTRY is minced meat from POULTRY obtained by strong mechanical action on soft tissues (including skin, fascia and tendons). As a result of deep destruction, they acquire fluid properties and are separated from bone particles.

Based on soy protein, specialized mixtures are produced - substitutes for newborns with intolerance to cow's milk proteins. But products containing soy flour should not be introduced into the diet before 3 years, since it contains substances that inhibit the activity of digestive enzymes, as well as a large amount of coarse dietary fiber and carbohydrates that are not digested and cause irritation of the colon.

It should also be noted that pale minced meat may contain a large amount of connective tissue and fat, while liquid meat probably contains meat, fat and skin of birds. Therefore, you should not give a child under 7 years old products from minced meat of industrial production, it is better to cook it yourself from natural meat.

Dumplings, as you know, consist of minced meat and dough. Minced meat for "purchased" dumplings is prepared from beef, pork, onions, black or white pepper, salt. To prepare the dough, premium flour, egg products, serum or blood plasma of animals are used. According to the production technology, it is allowed to replace 20% of meat raw materials with mechanically deboned poultry meat or soy protein preparations. The recipe of some dumplings includes offal, cabbage or potatoes. As a result, they contain a small amount of high-quality animal protein, but a high content of fats and spices. For this reason, the consumption of industrial dumplings by children under 7 years of age should be limited.

Now on sale you can find minced semi-finished products specially prepared for (there is a corresponding marking on the packaging). These products are cutlets, meatballs, meatballs for young children and rump steaks, schnitzels, zrazy, dumplings for children of preschool and early school age. In these products, the quality and percentage of nutrients are strictly controlled, strict requirements are imposed on the safety of meat raw materials. And in the manufacture they use the meat of livestock grown in ecologically clean areas, without the use of growth stimulants, hormonal drugs, feed antibiotics and other non-traditional feed additives.

Catch, lean fish!

The most common portioned semi-finished fish product is fillet. Due to its delicate structure, high nutritional qualities and the absence of bone structures, it can be used in the nutrition of preschoolers - of course, taking into account the individual tolerance of such products. Among the molded fish semi-finished products, there are sticks, cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, which are made from minced meat or fillet. However, before offering them to a child, one should know that minced fish is often obtained by processing low-value species of marine and freshwater fish, which, due to the relatively low quality of meat and small size, have little technological suitability. These are mainly saury, pollock, crucian carp, river perch, blue whiting. Only specialists in the production process can control the quality of minced meat for fish meatballs or cutlets, while consumers are content with the information on the label. Therefore, for baby food, minced fish is better to cook on your own. It is advisable to use semi-finished products of low-fat marine fish varieties (pollock, cod, haddock).

Summer in the freezer

Freshly frozen vegetables and fruits can be widely used in the nutrition of preschool children, especially in winter. Firstly, they contain more vitamins than canned or dried ones. And secondly, they remain an important source of gentle dietary fiber and carbohydrates.

In the manufacture of compotes and jelly from frozen berries and fruits, they should not be completely defrosted, as the shape and consistency of the raw material will change. Moreover, you should not defrost them under running water - you get "fruit porridge". It is recommended to dip the slightly defrosted berries into the ready-made boiling syrup, and as soon as the water boils again, remove from heat. You will get a tasty and healthy compote with beautiful whole berries.

Freshly frozen "summer gifts" can also be used for fruit salad. In this case, they also need to be allowed to thaw on their own, then drain the melted water, add sugar or honey and decorate with whipped cream. Ready-made whipped cream contains flavorings, and if the child suffers from allergies, it is better to whip it yourself, or use yogurt as a dressing.

Once and it's done

And now a few words about fast and instant products (or instant products). The difference between them is that it is enough to pour boiling water over instant products for complete readiness, and instant dishes need to be cooked for several minutes.

Noodles and pasta are especially popular among instant products. During the production process, such pasta is cooked in boiling water, washed from starch, dried and packaged. But everything is not as harmless as it seems. Firstly, these products are high in calories due to carbohydrates, and they have practically no vitamins and proteins; and secondly, bags of thermally processed oil and spices are attached to them. In addition to salt and pepper, the "kit" includes flavors that give the noodles a variety of flavors, as well as preservatives and flavor enhancers. Therefore, the use of instant products in baby food in the form of pasta is unacceptable. If you can’t do without such noodles in your baby’s diet, you don’t even need to add oil and spices to it. These restrictions also apply to instant soups and mashed potatoes.

But "quick" cereals have proven themselves well. In their production, specially processed cereals are used, and dried fruits are added to some types. In addition, they are additionally enriched with vitamins. But parents of allergic children should be on the alert here too: sometimes such cereals contain flavors that are identical to natural, which can cause an allergic reaction.

This delicious sausage

Statistics show that sausages (sausages, sausages, sausages) are very often used in children's nutrition. These products belong to meat-substituting products and are not semi-finished products, although they are similar to them in the speed of preparation. Sausages entering the food chain are produced in accordance with certain standards - GOSTs and TUs. GOSTs mean state standards that impose requirements that must be observed by all government authorities and business entities. So, according to GOST, the composition of minced sausages and sausages of the highest grade includes: beef of the first or highest grade, fatty and semi-fat pork, milk powder or cream, eggs. In products of a lower grade, it is allowed to use up to 10% trimmed meat (containing a large amount of connective and adipose tissue), protein stabilizer 2 (protein preparation from pork skin, pork and beef veins, tendons), up to 5% of the mass of raw materials and starch. But these standards were developed back in the "Soviet" 80s, and not for a type or group of products, but for a product with a certain name. Therefore, they are already hopelessly outdated. So-called specifications came to the aid of modern manufacturers - technical specifications, which, as a rule, are developed by the manufacturers themselves, depending on the pricing policy of the enterprise and the developed technologies. The composition of sausage products, according to TU, in addition to all kinds of fillers (cheese, mushrooms, paprika), may include protein preparations of plant origin, mechanically deboned poultry meat, it is also possible to increase the percentage of trimmed meat and protein stabilizer.

2 Stabilizer - a substance that contributes to the long-term preservation of the physical, chemical properties of the product.

Sausage products (almost the entire range) are not intended for baby food, since they contain salt, spices, sodium nitrite (food preservative, minced meat color stabilizer), food phosphates and gums (needed to stabilize the consistency), ascorbic acid, citric acid in various quantities and flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate. These components can adversely affect the health of the child, depending on their concentration and age. Therefore, it is better to protect small children from "adult" food, but you can treat them to specialized children's sausages, the production of which is subject to strict requirements. They are made of high quality minced meat, do not contain harmful substances, have passed the necessary examinations and have the appropriate marking. How to determine that sausages are specially made for children, because sometimes "adults" can be called "Children's" or "Cinderella"? Information that the product is recommended for children, along with an indication at what age it can be consumed, should be on the package or label. If there are no such inscriptions, the sausage product has nothing to do with the children's assortment.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you: if parents are worried about the child, they should not save their time on his health.

Larisa Titova
pediatrician, dietitian of the Department of Children's Nutrition and teenagers RMAPO
Article from the March issue of the magazine

Comment on the article "Semi-finished products in baby food"


I live in Iceland and work in DC. So here we have for children, a cat. Allergy to a particular product, prepared separately.
If fish is not allowed, then the cook always has meat cutlets in the freezer for such a case, many are allergic to cow's milk, they are prepared separately without milk.
There is a girl who is a vegetarian, so everything is separate for her.

We also have an egg and any milk. There is no replacement. Some teachers allow you to bring juice in boxes and on-duty bread. And so I feed breakfast and dinner at home.

Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance, exams The older a child gets, the less we manage to control his life, including nutrition. What do your teenagers eat?


The same problem with food ... A teenager of 18 years old (slender - yaki mop)) can be persuaded to eat normally only once a day. Soups, however, loves (almost all). Pasta, meat, potatoes, sometimes low-fat fish, pancakes. Everything is just simple. Do not eat porridge (none). Hates any sauces, cutlets, sausages, stewed vegetables. He goes to Madak exclusively with friends about once a month.

I've been fighting "for food" for about ten years now.

16 years old guy. Eats everything. Dines both in college and at home soup-second - tea with biscuits. If he doesn’t eat something, then he doesn’t like it from childhood and therefore I don’t cook.
the son does not go to the poppy, does not drink soda and other tasty harmful things, because he goes to the doctor for a long time and expensively about acne and he really appreciates his clean face))), if he eats something harmful, it is very rare))
Now I'm waiting for the youngest 11 years old to also start eating indiscriminately.

Semi-finished products in baby food. Chopped semi-finished products (rump steaks, steaks, cutlets) are made from minced meat with the addition of additional raw materials. NEWS! meals in kindergarten. There was a parent meeting in our kindergarten today.


The recipe is simple! There was real meat in the Soviet canteens, and those who say that they threw and grinded the trimmings do not believe it, or they had a very bad canteen. The recipe for Soviet cutlets is as follows per kilogram of finished products:
1. The meat could be either beef, then with lard, or beef and pork. In the first case, 500 grams of beef and 100 grams of lard, in the second case, 300 grams of beef and 300 grams of pork. Everything was cut into pieces for a meat grinder. Gray bread (better) was soaked in milk, if there is no gray, then 200 grams of white, better than yesterday's, crumb (the crusts were cut, dried and ground for breading) and one hundred grams of black were soaked in 300 ml of milk (usually a glass of milk and half a glass of water were taken, and half a cup you understand .... Completely wet bread was squeezed out (milk was not poured out, but used further) and, together with meat and two small (one large) onions, were twice passed through a meat grinder. Two eggs were added to the resulting minced meat and the milk remaining after soaking was poured The resulting mass was kneaded for a long time until a homogeneous mass was obtained to such an extent that it had just crossed the line of fluidity. That is, we take the minced meat in our right hand and squeeze it onto a dry table, if it spreads for a minute, we interfere again, if not, the minced meat is ready. The next stage - formation of cutlets An experienced cook, having gathered a handful of minced meat in his right hand and squeezing his palm, formed a cutlet weighing 100 grams, squeezing it in the shape of a boat onto his left palm, which he then turned over with a slight impact and threw it into breadcrumbs, and the other cook took a spatula, turned it over and into a pan with sizzling butter, yes it was a combiner, otherwise margarine and frying for forty seconds on each side put them on a baking sheet, which was then filled for twenty minutes in an oven in which a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius was set. And half an hour later the bell rang and a crowd of children rushed into the dining room to taste the cutlets from our childhood. If they tell you that there was no meat in them, do not believe it. How much according to the norm is supposed to be so much. The control was strict, and the punishment was the most severe, so very rarely anyone cheated. The recipe was strictly observed and the cutlets were really tasty and at least not harmful, especially on a piece of black bread and with sweet tea for 1 kopeck. Eat for health.

12/25/2012 10:57:09 PM, from Eugene

Section: Products (semi-finished product in dough with meat filling category d). Did you know about the categories of meat products? Here is the information: - meat semi-finished product of category A: Meat chopped or lumpy semi-finished product [semi-finished product in dough] with a mass fraction of muscle ...

I finally made pies according to GOST, this is something completely unusual, now I am no longer It's just a celebration of life !!! For those of you who haven't looked at the GOST recipes for all meals yet, take a look at the Twelve Hot Questions on Child Car Seats. Recently, a test of children's...


All real GOSTs with strange proportions. That's why they are successful recipes, that the proportions are not by eye, but are specially calculated. Thanks for the recipe.

11/30/2017 04:20:39 PM, Natalya Yaya

Well, it means that this is only for owners of electronic scales :)))...

Of semi-finished meat products (sausages, sausages, ham), only products under the brand name either School or Children's are centrally supplied to schools - God forbid I don't remember. It contains no soy and reduced the amount of flavor enhancers. This product is not for sale.


We had a special meeting at our school last year dedicated to feeding our children.
Not everything is as bad as it seems! Of semi-finished meat products (sausages, sausages, ham), only products under the brand name either School or Children's are centrally supplied to schools - God forbid I don't remember. It contains no soy and reduced the amount of flavor enhancers. This product is not for sale. Produces in my opinion by Velcom, I remember that some worthy manufacturer.
Vegetables are delivered to the school already peeled, vacuum-packed. The term of use is 12 hours.
Dairy products are also special - Big change, but they are on sale - you can try - quite decent quality.
At the meeting, they gave us a taste of everything that our children are fed with. Yes, many things are unusual. I don't cook vegetable casseroles like stuffed peppers with vegetables. But that doesn't mean it's disgusting and impossible to eat. It's just that my child is not accustomed to eating it.


You can not buy semi-finished products. It is better to buy meat and cook from it what you need :)
You can cook soup from chicken breasts, for example, then take out some of the meat and cut it into some kind of salad (olivier, for example).
Vinaigrette is a very low-budget dish.
Carrot salad with apples and raisins. (and sour cream! Without it, vitamin A is poorly absorbed)
Herring under a fur coat - you can without a herring. Instead, you can either cut pickles or sour apple (Antonovka)
Cabbage salad with cucumber and egg.
You can cook offal - I, for example, love chicken liver. also cheaper than meat.
You can cook inexpensive fish - sole, for example. It makes very tender meatballs.
You can also make a casserole of frozen vegetables - boil 0.5 packets of broccoli and cauliflower for minutes, then drain and put in a mold. Pour in sour cream mixed with 1 egg. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in the oven. You can add minced meat fried before sprinkle with cheese.

plan the month by points. Compose a menu.
Basic principles of the low-budget menu:
1.no semi-finished products
2. buying only high-quality products in fairly large volumes (at once the entire piece of the "product" is already mentally divided into dishes - be it meat or a three-liter can of corn), if only the terms of consumption and the terms of the product's gonost coincide :)
3.always cook first(soup that is :). Soups are frankly low-budget (unless, of course, you have planned a fish hodgepodge of salmon and sturgeon every day :) and fill you up very quickly (so the second-third-dessert will be small :)
4. salads are also not very budgetary, they can be planned for several days in a row with variations. Salads from cabbage (sauerkraut :), Korean carrots, etc. pasture can be kept at hand at all times - they are not perishable. This also includes all summer preparations in jars such as lecho snacks, horseradish snacks, winter salad on vegetable oil, salted and pickled vegetables.
Yes, also an aspect - salted vegetables from the market (barreled) are tastier than pickled ones from the store (canned) and three times cheaper :)
In any case, the recognized leaders in home savings are olivier, vinaigrette, metropolitan, mirage, and they are two to three times cheaper to make at home than to buy a semi-finished product. And you can control the shelf life of the product at home.
5. all minced meat dishes. Search for candy - thousands of them, thousands :) For the first, second and snacks;)
6. all dishes on the principle of pancakes - be it meat-liver pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes, flat cakes. They are more labor-intensive, but also cheaper (for the home - after all, you will save on yourself - instead of money, you will invest your work and time in the cooking process). This also includes appetizers such as pates - which seem to be meat, but how much you put in there in addition - only you know;)
7. all vegetable dishes, side dishes are budget. If not cook asparagus or artichokes :) or frozen mixes. Many simply increase the proportion of the side dish (the ratio "main dish: side dish"), but I personally do not like this approach. Monotonous and non-fantasy, although it also has the right to life.
8. sauces VERY greatly diversify the table, many sauces can be stored.
9. prepare a few extra servings in advance (it won't take much extra money and time), save them, freeze them. The soup freezes beautifully, almost any, with side dishes is more difficult. It turns out a kind of "bonus" from the refrigerator (like the use of scale effects in a single kitchen :).
10. again: do not save on the quality of products - buy only those that are guaranteed to be stored until the moment you cook them.
11. additional lotions. It's no secret that in many families, households after dinner-udin "catch up" with something :) Sausages, sweets and other things :) I figured that such things can take up to a quarter of the "grocery budget". Consider various such low-budget "catch-ups" - from potato cakes and small custards (everything can be stored in the freezer), all sorts of creamy sausages and other things, to a weekly serving of batter for cookies: 15 minutes and it's ready).
12. Alcohol eats up the budget at an awesome pace. And its consumption has a certain dependence - either you don’t drink at all, or you drink, but you never fit into the predetermined limits (which is reflected in the well-known anedote - no matter how much vodka you take, you still have to run twice)

Actually budgeting: look in your wallet, find out the amount for a month. Set aside one fourth.
Divide the rest weekly for the period that lies ahead.
Look carefully at this amount :)
You can make a layout for the day, of course, but in my opinion, this can only be done later, after living for a week and finding out the real amount.
Make a list of the foods your family eats (no frills).
Calculate the cost of meals by portions.
Next, make up the menu for the entire period in advance, making sure that it is varied and approximately the same in cost for different days.

See summary. If your tick-by-tick menu is equal to the budgeted amount, you won’t meet it: (For when calculating, as a rule, they “forget” 15 percent. Redo it with amendment :)

Go to the store, buy, cut food (in portions, of course, otherwise the whole focus will be lost :), putting them in the order in the refrigerator as you will use :)

The amount stashed in the first paragraph of budgeting goes to additional bells and whistles - a person who is in austerity mode ALWAYS has a weakness "I want to, but I can't afford it." You need to understand that you can - within the limits of this amount. Of course, not only for yourself, but also for the household :)


I love dumplings "From Palych", dumplings "From Ilyina" (but I haven't seen them for a long time). My husband somehow bought dumplings "Daria" - as a result they threw them away. Raviollo pelmeni somehow tried ... I didn’t think that it was possible to make them like that, I ate it only because I was very hungry, but there was nothing else.

Raviollo, like dumplings, I don’t know, but their pancakes are the most edible. With meat. Morozko, the craftswoman - about the same, Daria - not very much, the Russian hit is worse than the previous ones, and Shrovetide generally sucks. Pelmeni from Palych. Sausages Klinsky, sausage doctoral Klinskaya. Frozen vegetables are all the same. Semi-finished products in Perekrestok are tasteless. About 4 years ago, I swore not to take ready-made cutlets, zrazy, etc. there. But recently again - it would be better if I bought dumplings. I take salads at the Crossroads - it's normal.

The legislation does not establish a ban on the use of culinary products prepared from frozen raw materials (meat and liver) in the nutrition of pupils of a preschool educational organization (hereinafter - PEO). However, according to sub. 13 p. 8 art. 8 of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR TS 021/2011 "On Food Safety" (hereinafter - TR TS 021/2011) in the nutrition of young children, it is forbidden to use blocks frozen from various types of trimmed animal meat, as well as offal (liver, tongue, heart ) with a shelf life of more than 6 months.

In addition, in subparagraphs 4, 5, paragraph 8 of Art. 8 TR TS 021/2011 establishes a ban on the use in the nutrition of young children of products of slaughter of productive animals and poultry, raw materials from fish and non-fish species subjected to repeated freezing.

Therefore, when purchasing frozen semi-finished products, it is necessary to make sure that they are not made from frozen and thawed raw materials (for example, in the case when a manufacturer purchases frozen half-carcasses, defrosts them, then makes semi-finished products from them, which it freezes again). Such information may be requested from the product supplier.

In the nutrition of children, it is necessary to use exclusively specialized products for baby food, produced in accordance with GOSTs, in particular:

    GOST 31798-2012 "Beef and veal for the production of baby food. Specifications";

    GOST 31799-2012 "Meat and offal, frozen in blocks, for the production of food products for young children. Specifications";

    GOST 32967-2014 "Semi-finished meat products for baby food. General specifications";

    GOST R 54754-2011 "Semi-finished boneless meat products for baby food. Specifications";

    GOST 31465-2012 "Semi-finished products from poultry meat for baby food. General specifications";

    GOST 32737-2014 "Natural semi-finished products from poultry meat for baby food. Specifications" and other similar standards.

The use of general-purpose meat products in the nutrition of preschoolers is a violation, since such products do not meet the increased safety and nutritional value requirements that are established for children's meat products by the technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS 034/2013 "On the safety of meat and meat products".

The safest method of defrosting that ensures the maximum preservation of the nutritional value of products is defrosting meat in a refrigerator at a temperature of +2...+6°C. For this, a refrigerator is used, located in the meat shop, which has the appropriate marking. The meat (liver) freed from packaging is placed in a specially allocated container for defrosting. Defrosting lasts several hours and usually begins the day before the meat is used for cooking. The start and end time of defrosting is recorded in the production log. If necessary, it is allowed to defrost meat at room temperature on the production table in the meat shop. However, such a defrosting mode is more dangerous in terms of increasing the microbiological contamination of raw materials and is accompanied by large losses in meat quality and its nutritional value.
