
Homemade strawberry jam recipes. How to cook strawberry jam with redcurrant juice

This is the easiest and most versatile option on how to make delicious jam from strawberries. In addition to the classic strawberry jam recipe, there are a huge variety of its options. For example, it can be prepared with the addition of apples or currants, with rose syrup, even with white chocolate or wine. At this point, everyone decides how much time they can spend on preparations and what kind of taste they will pamper themselves with in the winter.

For implementation, you need the most minimal set of ingredients:
1. Strawberry;
2. Sugar;
3. Lemon or citric acid;
4. Fixer and utensils only made of stainless material or enameled basins.

Berries will need to be rubbed by hand or chopped in a blender. If possible, it is better to use pink rather than red berries for making jam. This is because they contain a large amount of useful pectin. Transfer the mass to a saucepan, cover with sugar, add two tablespoons of lemon juice or citric acid.

As for the ratio of berry puree and sugar, then the proportion is one to one. Cook over low heat and stir constantly. When the jam becomes thick and small bubbles appear on its surface, you can turn off the fire, transfer the jam into jars and roll them up.

Interesting! should not stick to your fingers, and from a spoon it will drain slowly, with a thin thread.

with gelatin

Strawberry Jam: A delicious, thick recipe with a photo of this cooking options includes the use of gelatin. Thanks to this product, it will be possible to quickly reach the consistency of jelly and this jam will definitely not spread: it is convenient to smear it on bread, use it as a filling for pies.

Strawberries and sugar are taken in equal proportions. Make puree from strawberries, add sugar to it and mix everything thoroughly. Put in a saucepan, put on a slow fire and cook for a few minutes. After that, add gelatin diluted in water, mix again and spread the jam in jars.

On apple juice

To prepare this unusual version of jam, strawberries will also need to be crushed, covered with sugar and insisted for several hours. After that, cook everything on low heat and stir constantly. In the process of cooking, add the juice of sour apples (about 100 ml). Boil all three minutes, then remove from heat and stir for another three minutes. After cooling, put the jam in jars and roll up.

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With rose wine

Another unusual option,. In addition to the already familiar ingredients, you will need half a glass of rose wine, a bag of pectin, 500 grams of sugar. When the berries are mashed and puree is obtained from them, you need to pour wine into them. Then cover everything with sugar, lay out the pectin and cook over low heat: stir constantly until the mass boils.

Boil for exactly three minutes, then remove from heat, remove the foam and let the jam cool. Further, the procedure is traditional - put the cooled jam into jars and roll everything up.

Pros of harvesting strawberries for the winter as jam:
1. A very tasty preparation that reminds you of summer, no matter what time of the year it is outside the window.
2. If everything is done correctly during the cooking process, the berries retain vitamins and beneficial properties, which means that the jam strengthens the immune system.
3. The recipe is extremely simple.

Strawberry jam: a delicious, thick recipe: recipes with photos will help even a young housewife figure out exactly how this seaming option is prepared. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that it is recommended to store jam in the refrigerator, because for it heat and humidity are negative conditions for long-term storage.

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Summer is in full swing, and with it the season of cooking healthy and tasty berry preparations.

Strawberries are rightfully considered their queen - it does not bear fruit for long,Therefore, before the end of July, it is important to have time to eat, and freeze, and cook desserts.

This article has collected the best ways to make strawberry jam in a saucepan or, as well as recipes for delicious and thick strawberry confiture for the winter.

P you can make jam or confiture simply from strawberries with sugar, or or gelatin.

First you need to sort out the berries, rinse them thoroughly, free them from the sepals, and dry them.

Sterilize the jars and lids into which we will roll the treat.

Now you can start cooking. Let's start with the simplest way.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam - a basic recipe for the winter

You will need:

  1. 2 kg strawberries
  2. 2 kg sugar
  3. Juice of one lemon

The easiest jam recipe


  1. The main advantage of making jam is that any berry is suitable for it - a little unripe or, conversely, overripe.
  2. We clean the berries, wash them, let the water drain and sprinkle with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.
  3. We leave for 2 hours, from time to time we interfere so that the strawberries start up the juice.
  4. We pour all the juice into a saucepan in which we will cook dessert. Bring to a boil and add strawberries with sugar.
  5. When it boils, pour in the lemon juice - so the jam will retain a beautiful color and will not be too cloying to taste.
  6. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat, periodically removing the foam from the surface. This time is enough for the berries to boil down, and there is even more juice.
  7. We remove the jam from the stove, cool a little and interrupt with a blender, then put it back in the pan and cook for another half an hour.
  8. Gradually, the jam will become more viscous and viscous. It will eventually thicken as it cools.
  9. Pour into sterilized dry jars, roll up with lids, turn upside down, wrap with a blanket and leave in this form until completely cooled.
  10. Then we transfer to a cool place for permanent storage.

Tip: similarly, thick and tasty strawberry jam for the winter can be prepared in a slow cooker or bread machine equipped with a special program. For example, redmond.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam - recipe with gelatin

If it seems to you that the jam will not thicken, you can play it safe and prepare a delicacy with gelatin.

But it will already be called confiture (what is the difference between the first and second, we will tell below).

It will turn out not only more dense in structure, but will also look like real strawberry jelly.

You will need:

  1. 2 kg strawberries
  2. 1.5 kg sugar
  3. 1 tsp citric acid or juice of 1 lemon
  4. 2 tsp gelatin, previously diluted in 100 ml of water

Jam with gelatin


  1. We sort the berries, sprinkle with sugar, let it brew for 2 hours - that is, we perform all the steps described in the basic recipe, up to the preparation of mashed potatoes.
  2. Pour it back into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode and set the time to 1 hour.
  3. Add the swollen gelatin, mix well, pour into jars and cork.

Tip: to make the taste of the finished product more interesting, you can add various spices during cooking, first wrapping them in a piece of gauze, and then remove them. Cardamom, star anise, mint leaves are ideally combined with strawberries.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam - recipe with pectin

Pectin is a natural thickener or citrus. In the preparation of jams, it can be used as an analogue of gelatin.

You will need:

  1. 1 kg strawberries
  2. 300 g sugar
  3. 20 g pectin

Jam with pectin


  1. We sort the berries, wash them, mix with sugar and immediately grind them into puree without cooking with a blender.
  2. Transfer to a saucepan or multicooker bowl and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  3. At the end, add pectin, mix, pour into jars and cork.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam - recipe with orange

In addition to the classic version of the preparation of strawberry jam, its taste is often diversified with additional components.

Apples, white go well with a treat. , Sprigs Of Mint, Lemons And Oranges. It is with the latter that we will prepare a winter dessert.

You will need:

  1. 1 kg strawberries
  2. 0.5 kg sugar
  3. 0.5 kg orange
  4. 40 g gelatin diluted in 200 ml hot water

Orange Strawberry Paradise


  1. We wash the strawberries, peel, grind with a blender. For extra tenderness, puree can be passed through a sieve.
  2. We do the same with oranges - peel and partition, chop.
  3. Mix both types of fruit with sugar and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  4. After cooling, repeat the procedure two more times. At the end of the last cooking, add gelatin to the jam.
  5. Pour into jars and roll up.

Delicious and thick strawberry confiture - a basic recipe for the winter with lemons

How is confiture different from jam? Jam is English and differs from it in that when cooking, the fruits should be well boiled(derived from the English word jam- crush, mix).

For the preparation of delicacies, fruits with a high content of pectin are usually used - berries, apples, apricots, peaches, etc. Such a product is gelled during cooling.

Confiture (French configuration, from confire- cook in sugar came to us from France, where an artificial thickener is added to it - gelatin, agar-agar or pectin.

It is thicker in texture. Actually, that's the difference.

Try making this unforgettable citrus treat. Ideal option - lemons.

You will need:

  1. 1 kg lemons
  2. 1 kg strawberries
  3. 2 sachets of pectin
  4. 1.5 kg sugar

Real confiture


  1. Strawberries and lemons, together with the peel, grind into two types of puree and mix equally with sugar.
  2. Cut one lemon into slices and put in a bowl with lemon puree.
  3. Both types of fruit are cooked for five minutes in different pans. After cooling, we perform the procedure 2 more times, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  4. We leave for the night. In the morning, add a bag of pectin to each container and boil the confiture for three minutes.
  5. Pour into pre-prepared jars in layers - a layer of lemon confiture with a slice of lemon, a layer of strawberry.
  6. We cork and send to be stored in a cool place.

Healthy strawberry jam without cooking

You will need:

  1. 1 kg strawberries
  2. 1.5 kg sugar

Recipe without cooking


  1. We clean the berries, wash them and pour over with boiling water, after we interrupt them in mashed potatoes.
  2. Mix with sugar.
  3. Let stand for half an hour, mix again, put in jars and send for storage in the refrigerator.

Mint strawberry jam

You will need:

  1. 1 kg strawberries
  2. 1.2 kg sugar
  3. bunch of mint
  4. 1 lemon
  5. A glass of boiling water
  6. 1 sachet of gelatin or agar agar

Unforgettable mint confiture


  1. To give the future confiture a minty flavor, we need an infusion from a fragrant plant. To do this, pour a washed and dried bunch of fresh leaves with a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour.
  2. We combine with sugar and prepare the syrup - cook until the latter is completely dissolved.
  3. Add the strawberries cut into quarters and the juice of a whole lemon.
  4. After boiling, cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. Remove from the stove, remove the foam with a wooden spatula.
  6. Add gelatin diluted in a small amount of water, mix thoroughly.
  7. Pour the confiture into jars and roll up the lids.

Tip: lovers of different types of jams and marmalades will love our article with recipes .

You will learn an interesting detailed recipe for making delicious and thick strawberry jam from the video below:

Jam is a food product that is obtained by boiling strawberries with sugar. Jam can be stored for a long time, because it contains a high concentration of sugar, which prevents the vital activity of microbes. People of all ages love jam and it is in demand.

Today we will not go to the store for jam, but we will cook it ourselves, at home. There are different recipes, mostly they are simple, classic and justify themselves. And there is only one reason for this - the flavoring and aromatic substances contained in berries contribute to better absorption of food.

When cooking jam, the berries are prepared in the same way as for cooking jam in one step. Syrup in jam, unlike jam, should have a jelly-like consistency and not spread.

Strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter without cooking

Required products:

  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1.5 - 2 kg of sugar

Preparing jam:

Sprinkle prepared berries with sugar and mix thoroughly.

Then tightly packed in glass jars. From above, to the very neck, a layer of sand (1 cm) is poured.

Banks are tied with parchment paper or closed tightly with a lid, stored in a cold basement or in a refrigerator.

Delicious and thick strawberry jam for the winter


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of water

Recipe preparation:

Small and crushed berries can be used to make jam. Jam is made in one go. There is a difference from jam cooking - the berries are completely boiled soft.

Prepared strawberries are first boiled in boiling water (10 minutes), then all sugar is poured and boiled until tender.

Readiness is checked in the same way as for jam: take a little syrup in a spoon and, when it cools down a little, drip onto a clean saucer. If the drop does not blur, but is held by a “button”, then we can assume that the contents have been boiled correctly.

At the end of cooking, you can add 2-3 g of citric acid - this will give the jam a beautiful look!

The cooked contents are hot, laid out in clean sterile jars and closed after they have cooled.

How to cook strawberry jam with redcurrant juice


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 glass of red currant juice


We prepare strawberries, as for jam. Then boil in redcurrant juice (10 minutes).

Add sugar and cook until done.

We lay out in prepared clean jars. Cover with lids or parchment paper. We store in a cool place.

Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries and skipped red currants

Required products:

  • 500 g strawberries
  • 500 g sugar
  • 200 g red currants

Recipe preparation:

Rinse the strawberries, remove the sepals.

Pass red currant berries through a meat grinder, combine with prepared strawberries.

Cover with sugar and leave until the next day (for 14 - 16 hours).

Then boil the mixture:

  • take out the strawberries
  • and the juice continues to cook until it turns into jelly.
  • then put strawberries into it and continue to cook until tender.

Before packaging the jam in jars, it should be cooled, otherwise the strawberries will concentrate in the top of the jar. Ready jam is packaged in jars, covered with lids and sterilized. Jam yield 0.8 kg.

Strawberry jam - a recipe for the winter with gelatin


  • 1 kg strawberries
  • 700 g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons gelatin

Recipe preparation:

  1. Prepare strawberries: wash, remove the sepals, let the water drain.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar and stir gently a few times.
  3. Leave strawberries with sugar for 2 hours to extract juice.
  4. In the meantime, prepare the gelatin according to the instructions on the package bought at the store. The gelatin should swell.
  5. We put the basin (or saucepan) on the fire and bring to a boil, constantly stirring the contents.
  6. Remove all foam from strawberries and fill with prepared gelatin.
  7. Boil gently our berry mixture over low heat for 20 minutes
  8. We turn off the fire. The recipe is complete.

We lay it out in jars and wait for it to cool down - close and tie.

Strawberry jam: a recipe for making jam from strawberries, raspberries, red currants, cherries - jam "Assorted"

Required products:

  • 0.5 kg strawberries
  • 0.5 kg raspberries
  • 300 g redcurrant
  • 500 g cherries
  • 2 kg sugar

Assorted Berry Jam:

  1. Sort the strawberries, carefully rinse with cold running water, remove the stalks. Place the strawberries on a paper towel and let dry.

2. Sort and clean the raspberries from debris, then gently wash, dry on a paper towel, then combine with strawberries.

3. Wash the red currant, dry it,

crush with a wooden masher,

then pass through a sieve.

Puree half of the strawberries with a blender.

4. Pour the resulting strawberry puree over the raspberries and the remaining strawberries. Pour 1 kg of sugar and leave for 2 hours.

5. Wash the cherries, remove the pits, cover with the remaining sugar and leave for 1 hour.

Then put on fire, stirring, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

6. Strawberries with sugar,

raspberries and grated currants, stirring constantly, bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes. Add cherries, mix gently and cook for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam.

7. Allow to cool completely and put on fire again for another 10 - 15 minutes. Drop the syrup on a saucer, if the drop does not spread, the jam is ready.

8. While hot, pour the finished contents into pre-sterilized, absolutely dry jars and close with screw caps. Banks should be stored in a cool place.

Strawberry jam with currant or gooseberry puree


  • 800 g strawberries
  • 800 g sugar
  • 800 g currant (or gooseberry) puree


  1. The currants are washed, the berries are cut off and poured with a small amount of water in a low saucepan. Bring quickly to a boil, boil covered for 10 minutes, then pass through a fruit squeezer. Currant puree is ready.
  2. If you need to cook with gooseberries, they are washed, the stalks and sepals are removed, crushed, a little water is added and boiled under the lid until softened (about 10 - 20 minutes). Then it is passed through a fruit squeeze machine. Gooseberry puree is ready.
  3. Strawberries are sorted, washed well, the stalks are removed. Approximately 3/4 servings of berries are poured with a few tablespoons of water and boiled. A little later, add 1/4 portion of sugar and 10 - 15 minutes intensively boil.
  4. Then add the rest of the sugar, currant (or gooseberry) puree and the remaining strawberries. With constant stirring, thicken so that the contents begin to gel.
  5. Boiling jam is filled to the brim with jars wrapped in a damp towel, the edges are quickly wiped, the lids are quickly strengthened. Banks are turned upside down, covered with a cloth and left to cool. Before storage, the jars are wiped with a damp cloth.

If the jam turned out to be liquid, there is a way out, sterilize the jars for 15 - 20 minutes in boiling water and roll up the lids.

Strawberry jam with agar-agar as a thickener - video recipe

As you can see, the process of making jam is not difficult, but fascinating. But in winter, what a delicious meal!

You can see even more about preparing strawberry recipes for the winter in an article by my friend Vladimir: https://garim-parim.ru/varene-iz-klubniki.html

Stock up on recipes - the strawberry season is already starting!

Strawberries are an excellent addition to fresh fruit salads, cocktails, mousses and jelly, ice cream and whipped cream, cereals and pastries. But they are tasty not only in their raw form: strawberry jam is considered one of the best desserts, a recipe for the winter of which even a novice hostess can easily master. It can be added to other desserts and drinks, flavored toast during breakfast, used to stuff pies, pies, cheesecakes, etc.


  • Strawberries - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.4 kg.

You can cook strawberry jam for the winter from ripe dense berries or from overripe berry raw materials: they will still be crushed.

How to make strawberry jam

Dessert, adored by many sweet tooth, is easy to prepare, both on a simple stove and in a slow cooker. It is often flavored with gelatin or pectin, but the classic recipe uses only granulated sugar and berries.

Learn how to make strawberry jam for the winter from the step-by-step instructions:

  • Pour the berries with cold water for 10 minutes: insects, small litter and other contaminants will separate from the strawberries.
  • We place the raw materials in a colander or sieve and rinse under the tap.
  • When the water drains, put the berries in a saucepan and crush or grind with a blender into a puree.
  • Pour the mass with granulated sugar - 700 g, mix and leave for 3 hours to extract the juice.
  • We turn on a slow fire, bring the contents of the pan to a boil, and boil for 5 minutes, removing the foam.
  • We add another 700 g of sugar and cook until thickened over low heat (about 20 minutes), stirring regularly, otherwise the workpiece will burn and become tasteless.
  • Fill sterilized jars to the top with strawberry jam prepared according to the recipe for the winter, wrap with sterile lids and wait for cooling.

The jam, which is watery when hot, will become much thicker when it cools, and will take on a distinct strawberry flavor. We store it in the pantry or cupboards in the kitchen, but if the jar has already been opened, we keep it in the refrigerator so that the product does not ferment.


  • Lemon juice - 4 tablespoons;
  • Strawberries - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

We use any berries, most importantly, to discard the unripe and moldy.

How to make strawberry jam recipe for the winter

Jam according to this recipe can be cooked not only from fresh berries: frozen is also suitable, but properly thawed - in the general compartment of the refrigerator or by immersing the container in cold water.

Prepare fragrant strawberry jam for the winter according to the instructions:

  • We wash the berries (we leave the frozen ones as they are) and get rid of the sepals with tails.
  • We cut them into 3-4 parts, put them in a saucepan, add sugar and grind them with a pusher, hands or a blender.
  • Pour in the lemon juice, put on the stove and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Reduce the heat and cook the jam, stirring regularly, until it thickens.
  • Pour the strawberry blank into a sterilized container and twist with sterile lids.

We store a delicious dessert that smells strongly of fresh strawberries in a closet or pantry. Such blanks do not require cold storage, but if the contents of the jar have already been tasted, we keep it in the refrigerator.


  • Strawberries - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 2.1 kg;

  • Citric acid - 3 tsp;
  • Gelatin - 3 tsp

Before cooking, dilute gelatin in 300 ml of hot water and wait until it swells.

How to cook delicious strawberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

With modern technology, such as a slow cooker, it has become much easier for housewives to manage the preparation of everyday and festive dishes. Sweet desserts from berries and fruits are no less easy to prepare in it.

Let's cook delicious strawberry jam in this miracle device:

  • We wash the berries, let the water drain, and chop with a blender, pusher or by hand.
  • Mix the strawberry mass with the rest of the ingredients and transfer to the multicooker bowl.
  • We turn on the device in the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the mass for an hour, removing the foam and stirring occasionally.

Pour the cooked delicacy into sterile containers, roll up and store at room conditions.

Now it’s clear how to make strawberry jam according to a recipe for the winter, using different recipes, on a regular stove or in a slow cooker. We choose the most suitable method and set of ingredients, and provide the family with a delicious strawberry dessert with a delicious taste and aroma!

How to make jam for the winter

In addition to the unique taste and long shelf life, strawberry jam for the winter according to our recipe has another plus: it is extremely easy to prepare!

1 hour

200 kcal

5/5 (1)

Summer in my mind is inextricably linked with strawberries. These juicy red berries we literally overate every year. But even our joint efforts with my brother were not enough to destroy the rich harvest. Then the grandmother took out various jars from the basement and began to make preparations for the winter. Thick and tasty strawberry jam I could eat it with spoons. Strawberry jam reminded me of a carefree summer.

Now I myself make strawberry jam according to my grandmother's recipe. Everyone in our family loves him. Children prefer to eat it with pancakes or buns, my husband with white cheese and cottage cheese, and I still eat strawberry jam with spoons, washed down with unsweetened tea.

In addition to the unique taste and long shelf life, grandmother's jam has another definite plus: it is extremely easy to prepare. Zealous housewives will rejoice at the opportunity to use all the berries that are available. Strawberries of any size are suitable for jam: small, medium, large. If the berry has a flaw, you can simply cut it off and send the rest to a common pan.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

Preparatory stage

Sort out the berries. Remove the tails, wash and let the water drain well. Without any regret, get rid of greenish, overripe or rotten berries.


The proportions are easy to vary depending on how many strawberries are available.

From inventory you will need sterile glass jars, a wide enameled pan and seaming lids.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

  1. Place the prepared strawberries in a large bowl or saucepan and chop the berries. This can be done with an immersed blender or an ordinary wooden pusher.
    The second option is even more preferable - in the process of turning berries into puree with the help of a pusher, much more juice is released.
  2. Pour the berry puree into an enameled pan with a thick wide bottom and pour both sachets of confiture into it.
  3. We put the pan on a slow fire and constantly stir the puree until the powder is completely dissolved. We wait until the puree boils, then gradually add sugar and citric acid. Stirring constantly, let the puree boil again and keep it over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Hot confiture is immediately poured into prepared glass jars. We cork the main part of the blanks intended for long-term storage with metal lids.

Strawberry jam can be prepared without confiture. But then you will need more sugar and the berry puree will have to be kept on fire for a long time. The variant with confiture is preferable, as it allows you to reduce the heat treatment time. Thanks to this, jam retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. Yes, it saves a lot of time and effort.

Storage of strawberry jam

Jars of jam are stored in a dry, cool and dark place. The ideal temperature is below room temperature - 10-15 degrees. If the jars have been properly sterilized and rolled up, then the jam can be safely left until next summer. True, in our family it is not stored for such a long time.

Jam differs from jam in that it is not necessary to preserve the integrity of fruits and berries during its preparation. How to make confiture is up to you. I prefer not too homogeneous jam, so when preparing the berries, I only lightly knead them with a wooden crush. If you want a more delicate texture, puree the berries with a blender or rub through a sieve.

Add sugar only after the confiture has dissolved.

About the quality of jam says its bright ruby ​​color and thick consistency. To check the degree of readiness, remove the spoon from the pan while cooking. If the jam flows from it in a thick continuous thread, then it is ready.

Strawberry jam goes well with any kind of sweet pastries. It can be used as a filling in the preparation of pies and cookies. It is a great addition to pancakes and pancakes.

Strawberry jam is also good paired with cottage cheese and various types of white cheeses.

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