
How to cook cherry jam. Cherry jam with orange

Who doesn't love juicy, sweet cherries?! Unfortunately, their season is quickly passing, but you want to prolong the pleasure as long as possible. There is nothing easier - you can roll seedless cherry jam for the winter. It has more sweet taste than, but not cloying, moreover, it is very fragrant and looks beautiful.

To preserve jam, you can use all varieties of cherries, but the most delicious treat obtained from Napoleon (pink and black), Francis and Trushenskaya cherries.

The jam will turn out sweet when all the berries are ripe.

Before you cook pitted cherry jam, the berries should be washed well and the petioles cut off. And of course, remove the bones. It is worth noting that the process of removing the bones is not easy. Unlike cherries, cherry pits tightly attached to the pulp, and it is rather difficult to take them out, but it is possible. If there is no special device that facilitates the process, an ordinary pin will do for this purpose.

If during the period of flowering and fruit ripening there was warm, humid weather, there is a high probability that larvae will appear in the berries. Upon discovery of " uninvited guests» before processing it is necessary to pour cold water and leave for a couple of hours. During this time, the larvae will emerge, and the cherry will become clean.

The foam that appears during the cooking of the jam must be removed, otherwise the shelf life can be significantly reduced.

In order for the berries to remain whole, it is better to cook the jam in several passes - this way the cherries will have time to soak in the syrup and retain their shape.

Cherries in their own juice

Saturated seedless cherry jam for the winter is obtained if the berries are cooked in own juice, without adding water. The only caveat is that you need juicy cherries that can release enough liquid.

To make jam, sugar and berries should be taken in a ratio of 1: 1. From 1 kg of cherries, according to this proportion, 1.2 liters of jam are obtained.

Step-by-step instruction:

If in 5 hours the cherry still let out little juice, do not despair. The situation can be corrected by adding a little water (no more than 200 g).

Thick cherry jam in own juice with gelatin

A universal recipe for pitted jam is brought to life in just 5 minutes. Thanks to the addition of gelatin, such a dessert will not spread over pancakes, and besides, it looks very beautiful.

Since sugar will be required almost three times less than in previous recipe, for jam, you should choose very sweet varieties of cherries.

Required Ingredients:

  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • water for diluting gelatin - 400 g;
  • gelatin - 60 g.

So to prepare thick jam from pitted cherries:

Cherry jam with lemon

For especially impatient sweet teeth, a recipe for seedless cherry jam with lemon, cooked in one go, is useful. The duration of cooking depends on the desired consistency - the thicker the jam should be, the longer it takes to cook.


  • 1 kg of sugar and berries;
  • 1 large lemon

Cooking technology:

Jam "Pyatiminutka" with orange

A feature of the recipe is the puree-like consistency of the dessert, which is rather unusual compared to traditional preparations. Orange is used instead of lemon.

Peeled cherries in the amount of 1 kg and half a medium orange, cut into pieces, chop in a blender.

Pour the mass into a saucepan, add 600 g of sugar. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat from the moment of boiling. The emerging foam must be removed.

Pour hot jam into glass containers and let cool.

Pyatiminutka pitted cherry jam should be stored in the refrigerator.

White cherry jam

Amber-colored berries - this is what a dessert made from white cherries looks like. To make it more fragrant, vanillin and a little lemon are used. The latter will add some acid to the workpiece, which is necessary for long-term storage and will also help the jam thicken faster.

Berries and sugar for pitted white cherry jam should be taken in a 1: 1 ratio.

In addition, for every kilogram of cherries you will need:

  • 100 g of water;
  • 0,25 ;
  • 1 g vanillin.

Instead of sour citrus, you can use citric acid-3 g per kilogram of berries.

To make jam:

Ready jam after dripping onto a plate should keep the shape of a drop and not spread.

Hello dear friends. What could be tastier in a cool rainy or maybe cold winter evening than a mug of hot tea with fragrant jam. I immediately recall childhood, carefree times spent in the village with my grandmother. But this, of course, is my personal associations.

In general, I mean that today we will talk about jam. We will cook it from cherries. The lesson is not difficult, with the possible exception of removing the bones from it. But this is also to whom. I like to watch some kind of movie for this business, time flies by not noticeably and with benefit. It’s not so boring if, for example, you just pick a berry while sitting in the kitchen in silence.

How to make seedless cherry jam

The cherry season passes with lightning speed, and so you want to prolong the pleasure of enjoying the taste of these amazing fragrant berries. There is a way out, you need not be too lazy and make jam out of them, at least a couple of jars, which will then delight the whole family at a tea party.


  • Sweet cherry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg

Cooking steps:

1. Berries must be thoroughly washed, put in a colander to drain the remaining water.

For preparing jam for the winter, any variety of cherries is suitable. The main thing is that all the berries are ripe, then it will be really sweet with rich taste.

2. Separate the pulp of the cherry from the seeds. To do this, many gadgets and devices are sold in stores, you can also do this with a pin. Who is more comfortable.

This is not an easy occupation, since in cherries, unlike cherries, the pulp sits more densely on the bone. Be patient, you will succeed.

3. When the process of removing the stones is completed, transfer them to a cooking container.

5. Then move the container to the stove, the contents must be brought to a boil. After reducing the heat of the stove to a minimum, be sure to stir, hold for another 5 minutes on the stove.

It is very important to remove the resulting foam, this will affect the shelf life of the treat.

6. Cool the jam and only then you can pour it into jars that must first be sterilized.

In the end, you should get about a little more than one liter of delicious jam. Bon appetit!

Preparing cherry jam in the microwave

Traditionally a favorite treat in Russia and beyond. Dessert cooked in the microwave will save you a lot of time. A thick jam will turn out if you cook it in your own juice, without adding water.


  • Sweet cherry - 500 g
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 teaspoon

Cooking steps:

1. Remove the seeds from the washed berries.

2. Sprinkle the cherries with sugar, leave until the juice forms. You can periodically stir the contents of the bowl.

3. Pour the berries with syrup into a special deep bowl for the microwave. Put the dishes in the microwave for 5 minutes, turn on the maximum power.

4. Remove the bowl, remove the foam. Cover the container with a clean cloth, leave for 1 hour.

5. Procedure with microwave oven repeat after the time has elapsed, place the jam for 5 minutes in it again. Remove the foam, cool and can be laid out in jars.

6. Roll up the cans using a special device for this. Turn the jars upside down, cover with something warm. It is advisable to leave the banks in this position for a day.

Thick cherry jam with gelatin

For such a jam, sweet varieties of cherries such as "Napoleon" or "Francis" for example are best suited. Berries have a rich burgundy color closer to black. The flesh of these varieties is sweet. Sugar will need a smaller amount than is usually needed for cooking jam.


  • Pitted cherries - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 600 g
  • Gelatin - 60 g
  • Water - 400 g

Cooking steps:

1. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running cold water. Separate the pulp from the seeds. Sprinkle the cherries with sugar. It is necessary to leave it like this for 5-6 hours, so that the berries give juice, and the sugar is partially dissolved.

2. Pour the syrup with berries into a deeper pan, put on the stove. On high heat, bring to a boil, skimming off the foam. Then reduce the temperature, cook for no more than 5 minutes. Stirring is important to avoid burning.

3. Dilute gelatin in warm boiled water until completely dissolved.

4. Pour in a thin stream gelatin mass into the jam, while stirring vigorously so that lumps do not form. Bring the mass to a boil with moderate heating of the stove and remove from heat.

5. Spill cherry jam by jars.

A very tasty delicacy in consistency will resemble jam. Good luck with your cooking Bon appetit!

Cherry jam with lemon

delicious fragrant jam will remind you of warm summer days. Recipe proven over the years. This dish is very popular in our family. I hope your loved ones will also appreciate this amazing dessert.


  • Sweet cherry - 1 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 800 g
  • Water - 160 ml
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g

Cooking steps:

1. Rinse the berries under running water, remove the bones. It is more convenient to use a special device for these purposes.

2. Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick day, fill with water. Place the saucepan on the stove with moderate heat. We need to boil the syrup, stirring the contents, we are waiting for the sugar to dissolve completely.

3. Pour cherries with hot syrup, leave to stand for 3-4 hours.

4. At this time, cut the lemon into quarters, remove the peel only if it is too thick. In other cases, the zest will add its spicy notes jam.

5. Pour the infused berries in syrup into a saucepan or basin, put on the stove. Add lemon, stirring, bring to a boil over moderate heat. The foam that will form must be removed. Boil until desired consistency.

It is very easy to check the readiness of the jam, if you drop a drop on a saucer, it should not spread.

6. At the very end, pour vanilla sugar, stir. Leave the jam to cool, while covering the container is not necessary. Pour into jars that need to be sterilized in advance, this is a condition long storage your preparations.

Bon appetite!

Thick white cherry jam

The jam will have a beautiful amber. Vanillin in the composition will give flavor, and lemon will add a little sour notes and help keep your dessert for longer. long time.


  • Sweet cherry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 100 g
  • Lemon - 0.25 g
  • Vanillin - 1 g

Cooking steps:

1. Rinse the cherries, separate the pulp of the berries from the seeds.

2. Place the container in which you will cook the jam on the stove, pour water into it, add sugar. On low heat, while stirring, prepare the syrup. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Dip the cherry berries into the warmed syrup. You need to cook for 5-7 minutes, then turn off the stove, do not forget to remove the foam. Leave the jam to cool for 3-4 hours.

4. Then turn the stove back on to minimum heat. Cook again for 5 minutes and turn off the stove.

5. After 2-3 hours, the jam will need to be brought to a boil, add lemon and vanillin, mix.

6. Pour the finished jam into jars, close the lids.

Good mood and bon appetit to you!

Seedless cherry jam for the winter

Many families in our country cook jam for the future. This delicacy is loved and appreciated. Especially, of course, children eat it with pleasure. Yes, and adults can not refuse to feast on themselves delicious dessert with a cup of hot tea. You need to cook it in three stages, so it will be possible to preserve the integrity of the berries as much as possible, which will affect the final appearance treats.


  • Sweet cherry - 500 g
  • Sugar - 500 g

Cooking steps:

1. Rinse the cherries, dry the berries. Remove the bones using a special gadget or the old and true way - with the blunt end of a closed pin.

2. Then transfer the berries to the bowl in which you will cook the jam, sprinkle with sugar. Mix gently so as not to damage the berries. Leave to stand for about an hour or an hour and a half, juice should form.

The more weight of sweet cherries you take, the longer they have to stand with sugar to form juice.

3. After the time has elapsed, move the dishes to the stove. Bring the contents to a boil, reduce the heat to medium, cook for about 10 minutes. Then turn off the stove.

During the cooking process, it is necessary to stir the contents very often to avoid burning, as well as boiling over.

4. Repeat the procedure three times, in between allowing the jam to cool completely.

5. The last step in cooking is putting treats into jars. Sterilize and dry them first.

Aromatic, appetizing and tasty treat will not leave indifferent. Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for delicious cherry jam

Bon appetite!

Seedless dessert has a lot of advantages, you can not be afraid that children can swallow or choke on the bones. Yes, and it’s more pleasant to enjoy the jam yourself, without periodically spitting out the seeds from the berries.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

Summer is in full swing, which means it's time to do homework. Today I propose to cook a fragrant, thick cherry jam with a stone. This simple and easy-to-make jam will delight you during the winter months with its wonderful rich taste, and its seductive aroma will bring back pleasant memories of summer.

We will prepare jam the fastest and the easy way- boil the berries in syrup in one go. Of course, if time allows, you can cook an equally tasty version of this jam -. But when there is no time or nature is so generous that you simply do not have time to cope with the volume of the harvest, such a simple and fast option cherry jam blanks are very helpful! Try it!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Prepare jam jars. Wash the jars thoroughly inside and out using baking soda and then sterilize over steam or in the oven.

Sort out the cherries. Remove leaves and petioles, crumpled and spoiled berries.

Soak the cherries for 40-60 minutes in salted water. Add the amount of salt as needed, tasting the water - the solution should be brackish. After infusion, rinse the cherries thoroughly and soak in cold water for another 10-15 minutes to finally get rid of any salt residue.

Blanch prepared cherries in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, and then immediately transfer to cold water and refrigerate. Or pierce the fruit 1-2 times with a pin or toothpick - so the skin of the fruit does not wrinkle during the jam cooking process.

Measure out the amount of sugar proportional to the amount of prepared cherries. Standard proportions: 0.8-1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of pitted cherries. Add water and heat the mixture over low heat.

When the sugar melts, turns into syrup and boils, add the prepared cherries. Bring the syrup back to a boil over low heat.

When the syrup boils, add spices to taste. I like to add vanilla or cinnamon and a few cherry leaves.

On minimum heat, continue to cook the jam for another 1-2 hours until the desired density, removing the resulting foam. I prefer to make a very thick jam this way, boiling it down until the syrup takes on a caramel flavor and tint.

You can make sure that the jam is ready by dropping a drop of syrup on a cold saucer, if the drop does not spread and retains its shape, the jam is ready. Another indicator of the readiness of jam - the syrup will begin to stick to the walls of the pan.

Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars, close with prepared lids and roll up.

Turn jam jars over and wrap until completely cool.

Pitted cherry jam is ready! Bon appetit!

Hello dear guests and lovers of homemade preparations!

If you are still looking for something unusual and tasty, then this note will definitely come in handy. Because today we will make cherry jam for winter storage. And consider the simplest and most delicious recipes with and without a bone.

Choosing any option, you still should first take only the most meaty and ripe fruit and that they be free of damage and mold. But what a delicacy to cook from them, think for yourself. Today we will get acquainted only with the most popular and new recipes.

Therefore, if you are still in search and thinking, is it possible to make jam from such berries, then I answer unequivocally: “Yes, of course.”

Somehow this sweetness reminds and many say that cherries are even one of the varieties of cherries. But still, there are many differences. The main thing is that the final result turns out to be very tasty and beautiful, which you will agree is not unimportant. To achieve this, you need to know a lot of secrets and nuances. We will go into this in some detail.

Such fragrant dessert, and even with rich color Not only adults, but also boys and girls will definitely like it. Imagine, after all, then such jam can be added to yogurt or, for example, milkshakes can be made from it. I often lubricate shortcakes and biscuits with such a treat.

And you know what is most interesting, because you can take different varieties this wonderful berry, and they will have a completely different color scheme. For example, yellow, white, orange and brown-red, which is more familiar to our region. And then you get a kaleidoscope of tastes.

How to make pitted cherry jam - a delicious recipe for the winter

Let's start right away with my favorite option, which my grandmother knew. The consistency of this jam is thick, and the berries are boiled in their own juice. And due to the bones it has peculiar taste. His color comes out amazing, like amber, but at the same time, the syrup becomes transparent.

It may even seem to someone that it looks like honey, well, again, it all depends on the variety of cherries.

Attention! The recipe is also universal, according to it you can cook a delicacy from any other berries, such as cherries or apricots.

If you ask what this dessert tastes like, I will answer like this: “Tender and sweet, slightly sour, it may even have a little bitterness. But anyway, it's delicious!

We will need:

  • Sweet cherry (cherry) - 500 g
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Cinnamon, vanilla, cherry leaves - optional
  • Citric acid - a pinch


1. Rinse the jars baking soda, or use another sterilization method, such as over steam or in the microwave.

2. Then put the berries in a bowl and place the second one next to it. In order to be able to sort through it and remove everything that is not needed, leaves and sticks. If you suddenly meet wrinkled or shriveled cherries on the way, then discard them in a bucket.

Then soak the berry in salt water, determine how much salt to put in yourself, but the liquid should not be too salty, slightly. Let stand like this for about 1 hour.

On a note! This soaking will help kill all pathogenic microbes.

Then drain the water and shake the cherries in a colander to remove excess moisture.

Now do these things. Take a needle or you can take a wooden stick with sharp end(toothpick) and pierce each copy.

It is this action that will help the sweet cherry not to wrinkle during cooking, but to remain just beautiful and liquid. whole berries. Especially if you have selected and very large ones.

3. Now decide on the ratio of granulated sugar, usually the calculation is 1 to 1. But, if the berry is quite sweet, then you can put a little less, for example, not 500 g, but 400 g, and vice versa, more if sour.

In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, preferably made of stainless steel, place the sugar and pour in the water. Stir and simmer until boiling. As you see the first bubbles, then cook for a maximum of 1-2 minutes, so that the grains completely dissolve in the syrup.

4. After that, as you might have guessed, add the cherries to the sweet sugar syrup. Wait until it boils. And then proceed, improve the taste - add vanilla, cinnamon, lemon and you can even take mint or cherry leaves.

5. After a while, foam will appear, it is easily removed with a slotted spoon. If you don’t remove it, then the jam will become cloudy and not attractive, transparency, then you definitely won’t achieve it.

How long does it take to cook it? Everything is simple here, if you like thinner, then about 30 minutes, if thicker, then bring the time to one hour. Here are your preferences.

But, remember that the syrup should caramelize, and if you drop it on a bowl, then the droplet should not spread. And another indicator that the jam is ready is such that the mass will begin to stick a little to the walls.

6. Immediately place the resulting delicacy in a hot, not cooled form in jars and twist it with a special seaming machine under iron cover. Then turn it upside down and wrap it up overnight with a towel or something warmer, such as a fur coat. Keep strictly in cool place, and to Sun rays he was not touched.

Cherry jam with whole berries for the winter - Five-minute recipe

Do you like to cook delicacies that are rich in vitamins in your kitchen? It is in the cherries of their hoo-hoo how many, just a storehouse. And so that, during cooking, they are lost much less than in the traditional classic version, try to make according to the recipe, which has become in great demand among Russians.

This is because it is really simple, and it takes quite a bit of time to implement it, but about 5 minutes, but several times.

Just do not forget to take sterile jars and lids, and also do not forget to process the ladle.

I almost completely forgot, maybe for someone it is very important, but these berries are low in calories. Therefore, you can eat, as my husband says to satiety. That's just for jam go only the most ripe and juicy fruits, and also too early varieties not suitable for conservation, they take exactly the later ones. Be aware this!

We will need:

  • sweet cherry (cherry) - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • vanilla - sachet (12 g)
  • citric acid - sachet (12 g)


1. Select only the largest and most fleshy fruits, then scald them with boiling water. After this procedure, let the liquid drain completely, add sugar. Stir and without waiting for the cherry to give juice, immediately put the container on the fire.

2. You won’t have to cook for a long time, but for as long as 5 minutes, can you imagine. How fast it turns out. Remove from stove and let cool to room temperature.

After that, put it on the stove again and after boiling, cook again for 5 minutes, this will be the second run. Let cool again, and already in the third run, add citric acid and boil again (cooking time is the same).

Wow! Citric acid will help ready dessert not sugary during storage.

A simple recipe for cherry jam without sterilization

Probably many adults often remember this taste, it resembles childhood, and therefore mother. So, why not return to those happy moments. And this fragrance will drive you crazy when you start to act quickly.

One important point- preferably take berries for such a treat, plucked on the first day, so that they cannot turn sour, and the result will make you happy.

And remember that with such blanks, any tea party will go off with a bang, because you can grease the top of the pie with it, or put it in the filling when you make it.

Seedless thick cherry jam

Homemade jam is always better than store bought. With this, no one will ever even argue. Of course, a cherry delicacy will not save you from a cold or flu, as is possible if you use raspberry. But, on the other hand, this berry is also rich in B, P and C vitamins, as well as trace elements, potassium, magnesium, etc.

Therefore, it turns out that if we use this miracle, we will improve our health and improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. And how happy the children will be, that's for sure!

This time you will have to work a little, because you will need to extract a bone from each berry. For many, this work will seem problematic, but in fact, everything is not so difficult. After all, there are now special devices, or you can take the usual improvised means. In more detail, if you wish and who does not know, you can watch this film from the YouTube channel right now.

We will need:

  • Ripe cherries - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Citric acid - a pinch


1. Start working with the usual actions, select only the best fruits, without damage and dents. Remove stems and leaves.

2. Place, as in the first option, in saline solution to nail all harmful microorganisms.

3. Then put each piece into the bone remover or use folk ways. You can adapt a regular pin or hairpin and even a wooden stick.

4. Now measure how many grams of cherries you got, use the scales. Take the same amount of granulated sugar. It turns out that the proportions are standard one to one.

5. Now sprinkle with sugar in layers and leave until the juice is released for one night or 7-8 hours.

6. So, one night has passed and now you need to bring this mixture to a boil, turn on the stove and cook over medium heat. You can adjust the time yourself, it will depend on the density, that is, what consistency you want to achieve (from 5 to 40 minutes). Before turning off, add lemon and stir. Cool, should take 4.5 hours.

But, remember that after cooling, it will become even denser.

Repeat the above preparation 3-4 times. That is, boil again, cool and so on.

Next, as usual, take the washed jars and sterilize them over steam. Wipe dry with a clean towel and pour ready jam pitted in a glass container. Put on a blanket and wait to cool down.

7. This golden treat will help you lubricate savory or drizzle. How do you like this idea?

Cherry jam with gelatin for the winter

And of course, without confiture, or, as they say, jam, well, you can’t do without it. After all, this cooking masterpiece also worthy and the secret of its preparation is simple. Need to contribute special ingredient, for example gelfix, you can take pectin or agar-agar. But, I would like to introduce you to the most popular view, namely to show a video in which cherries and gelatin are taken as the basis.

And so the jam turns out to be thick, and even keeps its shape perfectly in a spoon. It is tangled up instantly, worth a try.

Azerbaijani Jam Recipe with Bone

A slightly complicated option, because it is with nuts, namely, walnuts are taken. You will have to put a piece of a nut in each berry, but in this way you will see right now.

It may seem like a hassle, but it's worth it! Unrealistic, but it is a bomb and a hit of the season this year. This is how this dish is prepared in Azerbaijan.

We will need:

  • white cherry - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar- 1 kg
  • rose water or plain water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • cardamom - 2 boxes
  • walnuts- a handful of


1. Take walnuts, you can use almonds.

2. Peel them from the skin, this is necessary so that during the cooking process the jam does not become cloudy, but remains light and transparent. To do this, first pour the nuts with boiling water for 18 minutes. It is after such a procedure that the peel can be easily removed if you pick it up with a thin sharp knife. Don't forget to drain the water.

If the nuts are small, then do nothing with them, and if they are large, then break them into several halves.

3. Next, in any way familiar to you, pick up the bone and remove it from the cherry. You need to try not to tear off the entire skin of the berry, but only scoop up and remove the bone. Fruits, pre-scald with boiling water and cool to kill microbes.

Then insert a walnut slice into the resulting hole. Such a lot of work needs to be done with all the berries.

4. Now it's the turn of cooking. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar and stir.

5. Bring to a boil to make real sugar syrup. As soon as the grains of sand have dissolved, immediately add berries with nuts. Simmer while stirring for about 5-10 minutes over low heat.

Then remove from the stove and let the mass cool completely. After 8 hours, repeat the work again, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Before turning off, add cardomom, mix.

6. Pour over clean banks and close the lid. Turn over and wrap in a blanket until completely cool. It turns out this jam is amber in color, exquisite in taste, and it seems that a honey consistency has turned out, which gives new impressions. Bon appetit!

How to cook jam with cherries and lemon

Yeah, is it original? But no, do you know what lemon is used for? First, for a little sourness, although it is enough. In drops lemon juice contained a large number of pectin, which means that the consistency of the jam will become dense and viscous, that is, it will thicken before our eyes.

In general, you will definitely like it and you will want to make such a blank for winter storage. Try, experiment and unsubscribe below in the comments. Reading your reviews is a pleasure. Share your opinion and recommendations, let's exchange experiences together!

Look carefully at the list, you will probably be surprised, because the proportions are slightly different (1 to 2), due to the fact that the sweetest variety is used.

We will need:

  • sugar - 2 kg
  • red cherry - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.


1. Prepare everything you need for work. Wash all fruits. If you wish, you can remove the stones from the cherries, but do this carefully so as not to break the berries.

2. Pour further sugar and put the pan on the stove, turn on the fire to medium. Bring to a boil and when the first bubbles appear, stir and turn down the heat. Boil for five minutes. Remove foam if necessary. Cool, it should take 4-5 hours. Repeat all the steps in a circle exactly 3 times (cook, cool).

At the end, before the third shutdown, add freshly squeezed lemon juice. This will give a rich and vibrant color.

3. Well, then move the hot savory treat into sterile jars and cork under screw caps. Turn the lids upside down and wrap in a towel. Next, put in the refrigerator or in the cellar. Bon appetit!

Jam "Cherry in chocolate"

To be honest, I only came across this option this year. and it immediately captivated me. By the way, cherries can be replaced with cherries, it comes out nicely too!

Imagine what a chic dessert turns out to be, yes, just like that - lick your fingers. Just truly royal. I hope that such a miracle will become your favorite and you will prepare such a preparation more than once.

We will need:

  • sweet cherry or cherry with a stone - 1 kg
  • dark chocolate - 1 bar = 100 g
  • sugar - 0.4 kg
  • water or Apple juice- 40 ml
  • vanilla extract - 0.5 tbsp.


1. Wash all the berries well and prepare the pan for work. Pour into non-granulated sugar and a little water or juice. Also vanilla extract. Stir. And bring the mass to a boil, as soon as the syrup begins to boil, gently add the cherry.

Due to the fact that the syrup is hot, the berries will begin to release their juice. And again bring the jam to a boil, if foam appears, remove it from the surface with a spoon. Boil for 1-2 minutes, and then turn off and cool, let it brew.

2. In the meantime, have a chocolate bar. Break into pieces. And after that, turn on the stove again and boil the cherry jam, simmer for 5 minutes over medium heat, stirring.

Pour a little syrup from the pan where the berries are boiled to the pieces of chocolate. This will help melt the chocolate faster.

3. As soon as this happens, add immediately to the pan and stir, boil for 1-2 minutes.

4. And then immediately spread it hot in dry, clean jars, cover with lids. You can store for a long time in a cool room. Bon appetit!

That's all my friends. The note turned out to be small, but at the same time, all the recipes are varied and deserve attention. Eat cherry jam for health and be healthy!

All the best to all and see you soon. Quite a bit and we'll see you again. Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Fruit preview. Select defective fruits. Cut off the green stems. Place the cherries in a colander and rinse well in cool water. Shake the glass to remove excess liquid.

Place in a suitable deep cooking pot. You can use an enamel basin. Pour cold water, you can directly from the tap. Pour in all the sugar. If the container is small, the contents can not be mixed. Place the saucepan over a low heat and let it sit until the sugar is completely dissolved. Gradually, juice will stand out from below, and rise to the top. As the juice is formed, stir the contents of the pan until the sugar grains dissolve. Boil the contents of the pot.

After boiling, cook for about 15 minutes, constantly removing the resulting foam. Turn off the heat and let the berries cool completely. After cooling, send the saucepan to the fire. As soon as the berry mass boils, reduce the flame of the burner and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Again, cool to room temperature. You can even leave it overnight.

Before the last boil, add the cinnamon stick, clove buds and citric acid. Install on the stove for medium fire. While stirring, bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes over moderate heat. At the same time, while the jam is being prepared, prepare the container. It is better to use small jars. Rinse well and sterilize. Boil the lids for about five minutes.

Pack the hot billet in clean jars and seal tightly with lids. Turn upside down to check for leaks and leave to cool. No need to wrap.

Such blanks are perfectly stored in the apartment pantry. delicious jam from cherries for the winter is ready.
