
The most delicious honey cake with prunes and nuts. Honey cake "Special" with prunes

Although they say that they don’t argue about tastes, everyone likes such a combination as nuts and prunes. Whether we add these two ingredients to whipped cream, ice cream, soufflé, whether we make a cake out of them - all these desserts will be received with a bang. But when it comes to baking, people have different tastes. Someone likes a delicate biscuit, serve crumbly shortbread dough to someone, and a crispy puff to someone. Below is a selection of homemade baking recipes, where walnuts and prunes are one of the main ingredients. They differ from each other in the way of kneading dough and creams. You can choose yours with prunes and walnuts to delight your loved ones and surprise guests.

sour cream dough

Beat five eggs until white with a glass of sugar and a bag of vanillin. Add 300 g of sour cream, a jar of condensed milk, a spoonful of soda. Mix and add three cups of flour. The resulting mass is best divided in two. Mix three tablespoons of cocoa powder into one of the parts. We bake cakes alternately (half an hour at one hundred and ninety degrees). Each of them is cut into two parts. For cream, grind a glass of walnut kernels and 200 grams of steamed pitted prunes. Beat half a liter of sour cream with sugar (add it to taste) until fluffy. Add nuts and prunes, knead. I'm preparing a drink. We brew a cup of strong coffee, add two tablespoons of cognac. Now we collect sour cream cake with prunes and walnuts. The recipe prescribes to soak all the cakes and smear them with cream. Alternate white and dark layers. The chocolate cake should be on top. We decorate the top of the product with icing and the remaining cream.

shortcrust pastry

This is a very original recipe. Homemade cake with prunes and walnuts consists of round cookies, inside of which are a walnut instead of a stone. Grind margarine (three hundred grams) with a glass of sugar, add three eggs and beat. We put a spoonful of soda quenched in vinegar and begin to add flour. It may take four cups to knead an elastic dough. We divide it into thirty identical balls. We put inside each a berry of pre-soaked prunes, into which we have already inserted a quarter of a nut kernel. We cover the baking sheet with oiled paper, lay out the balls. We bake in a preheated oven at one hundred and ninety degrees. Whisk a liter of sour cream with two cups of sugar. We dip the cooled shortbread cookies into this cream and lay them in the shape of a pyramid. To give the structure stability, we coat the sides of the cake with the remaining sour cream and pour over the melted chocolate.

Economical recipe: "Pancho" with prunes, sour cream and walnuts

We start by turning on the oven. In a deep bowl, beat the egg, a glass of sugar and a bag of vanilla. In a cup of kefir, extinguish half a teaspoon of soda. Pour into the egg mixture. Beat again with a mixer. Sprinkle a glass of sifted flour in portions. Gently knead the dough with a wooden spatula, wielding it without fail from the bottom up. The form in which we will bake should be greased with fat, and then a little powdered with flour. This is where we pour our dough. Then we put the form in a hot oven and bake for about twenty-five minutes at 180 C. While the biscuit is cooling on the grate, let's get on with the cream. Let's steam two hundred grams of prunes, free it from the seeds, cut into pieces. Beat four hundred grams of fat sour cream and half a glass of sugar. Let's add prunes. Biscuit cut into two cakes. Cut one of them into small cubes and knead with cream. Line a dome-shaped bowl with cling film. We spread the cream. Top with a whole cake. Then you need to wrap the product with something on top (for example, cling film) and put it in the refrigerator for six hours, or even overnight. We crush walnut kernels with a rolling pin. Sprinkle them on the sides and top of the product. Cake with prunes and walnuts recipe advises to decorate with chocolate icing.

Biscuit "Truffle"

We grind four yolks with one hundred and fifty grams of sugar. Whisk the whites into foam. Melt two hundred grams of milk chocolate. We put a pack of butter in it, rub it. We introduce yolks and one hundred grams of chopped nuts and prunes into the chocolate mass. Mix, add one hundred and fifty grams of flour and a bag of cookie powder. Carefully fold in the beaten egg whites. Pour the liquid into a mold lined with parchment. We put in a hot oven and bake for half an hour at 180-200 C. Cut the cooled biscuit into two cakes, soak. We heat a glass of milk, dissolve one hundred grams of chocolate in it and bring to a boil. Grind three yolks with a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Add a handful of flour. Stir and pour over milk chocolate mixture. We put on a small fire and prepare the custard. When it cools down, we introduce half a glass of chopped almonds there. with prunes and walnuts, the recipe suggests decorating with truffles.

honey cake

The dough for this pie needs to be prepared ahead of time. It must be kept in the refrigerator for at least six hours. To bake such a cake with prunes and walnuts, the recipe suggests mixing a glass of honey, two eggs, one hundred grams of butter, two hundred grams of sugar and a spoonful of soda in a saucepan, put it in a water bath. You need to constantly stir the mass. After seven minutes, when it becomes homogeneous, you need to remove the saucepan from the heat, add three hundred and fifty grams of flour. Mix the dough and refrigerate. Let it come to room temperature before baking. We cover the form with parchment, put three or four tablespoons of the resulting dough there. Then we distribute them over the entire diameter. We bake each cake for five minutes at 180 C. Now we collect a honey cake with prunes and walnuts. We smear the cakes with sour cream, to which we add chopped nuts and prunes. We decorate the top of the honey cake with boiled condensed milk or whipped cream, and the sides with crumbs.

Cake with prunes and walnuts "Curly Pinscher"

How to cook this product with the original name? Soak a handful of prunes in water with the addition of three tablespoons of cognac. Knead the sour cream dough, as in the recipe above. We bake the first cake. Add cocoa to the rest of the dough. We bake it too. When the chocolate cake has cooled, cut into cubes. Beat half a liter of sour cream with a glass of powdered sugar. Mix with chopped prunes and a handful of crushed nuts. We introduce pieces of chocolate cake there. Next, we proceed as in the Pancho recipe: cover the bowl with cling film, spread the cream, cover with white cake. We impregnate it with cognac liquid left over from prunes. We send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. Turn over and remove the film. We decorate homemade cake with prunes and walnuts with icing or sour cream with gelatin.

Honey cake with prunes and sour cream is a great opportunity to diversify the assortment of your favorite sweets. How to make it tastier? Of course, add some zest. As a highlight, we will have prunes. Let's try it, I guarantee you will get an incredible combination that everyone will love.

Cooking a cake with honey cakes is not an easy task. He will have to devote a lot of time without being distracted by other things. Unlike other cakes, which usually have no more than three layers, the honey cake has at least six, and often eight or more. However, baking a large number of cakes will take a little time. Each cake is baked for only a few minutes, and this time is barely enough to have time to remove the previous one and roll out the next one. It is better to cut the cakes as soon as you take them out of the oven - while the cake is hot, it is very soft, and it is easy to cut it to the desired size. The cooled cakes are fragile, brittle, but when soaked in cream, they swell and become very tender, airy.

Despite the laboriousness, I consider the honey cake with prunes to be a fairly simple cake, it is always possible for everyone. The only difficulty is sour cream. It is very important not to kill it, otherwise the sour cream will go into grains, and the cream will not work. In order for the cream to whip well, it needs good sour cream, not too greasy and not very thick, but not liquid either. The optimal fat content of sour cream from the store is 20 percent (sometimes they also write 21%, I don’t know why). It turns out very tasty cream from homemade sour cream - it is perfectly whipped, the cream will be lush, airy, with a slight sourness. Prunes harmonize perfectly with this sourness. Some people add it directly to the dough, but I tried it, I didn’t really like it. So I propose to simply shift each cake with pieces of prunes. Place chopped prunes on top of the cream layer.

Dough Ingredients

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 500 grams of flour (maybe a little more - depends on the quality of the flour);
  • 1 teaspoon of soda with a slide;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar.

Ingredients for cream and layer

  • 3 cups of sour cream of optimal fat content;
  • 350 grams of sugar;
  • 1 sachet of thickener for sour cream;
  • 150 grams of dried pitted prunes.

Decoration and topping for this cake will be trimmed cakes.

The section of a portioned piece of chocolate "Honey cake" with prunes and nuts is so mesmerizing that you immediately want to try it. Such a delicacy, and even with custard, will make the end of any celebration a real feast of sweet taste. Believe me, it is prepared in just 1.5-2 hours, but guests will remember it for a long time!
Due to the fact that the custard is very nutritious, it perfectly soaks the honey cakes if you let the cake “rest” for about 2-4 hours in the cold.

Taste Info New Year's recipes / Cakes and pastries


  • Dough:
  • 600 g wheat flour;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 ml of honey (2-3 tablespoons);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1.5 tsp soda;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 2-3 pinches of salt;
  • 2-2.5 tbsp cocoa powder.
  • Cream:
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1 st. milk;
  • 50 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 50 g butter.
  • For decoration:
  • 200 g prunes;
  • 100 g walnuts.

How to make honey cake with walnuts and prunes

Take a deep container and break the chicken eggs into it.

Pour sugar and salt - it will balance the sweetness of the cakes. Whisk everything with a whisk or fork.

Pour the egg mass into a saucepan and add butter, honey, and soda to it. In no case do not extinguish it with vinegar - in this recipe, soda is added separately from it. Place the saucepan on the stove at minimum heat and simmer, stirring, until the mass increases several times due to the foam.

Then remove the container from the heat and let it cool for 15 minutes. Add cocoa powder and stir with a whisk until no lumps remain.

After that, pour the mass back into a deep container and add portions of wheat flour.

Knead a tight plastic dough and leave it for 15 minutes to activate the gluten.

Divide the dough into equal parts and roll out each of them with a rolling pin, remembering to sprinkle flour on the work surface. Put a plate on a layer of dough and circle it with a knife, outlining a circle. It is better to cut circles from the cakes now than after baking, as they will break.

Bake the cakes at 220C in the oven for 6 minutes. If you have two cakes on a baking sheet - great. This will shorten their baking time.

While the cakes are cooking, make the custard. To do this, separate the whites from the yolks. Immediately place the yolks in a saucepan and add granulated sugar. Mix everything together.

Pour in milk of any fat content and mix again.

Add wheat flour and beat the whole mixture with a whisk so that there are no lumps. Place the saucepan over low heat and heat the mixture, stirring, until it thickens.

teaser network

Remove container from heat and add butter. Stir the cream until glossy.

Cut prunes into small cubes.

Put the first cake on a dish, coat it with custard and sprinkle with pieces of prunes. Cover with the next cake.

Coat the second cake with cream and grind a pinch or two of walnuts on it. And so on, until you collect the whole cake.

Coat the cake completely with cream, both on the surface and on the sides. Don't forget to leave 2 cakes for crumbs!

Grind the remaining cakes and cover the whole honey cake with prunes and walnuts with crumbs. Decorate to your liking and let the dessert soak for about 2-6 hours in the cold.

When serving dessert to the table, cut it into portions. A cup of fragrant coffee or tea is perfect for a chocolate honey cake with prunes and nuts.

  • Mix honey with sugar and soda, pour in eggs and add oil. Put the mass on a steam bath and stirring constantly so that the eggs do not boil, wait for the sugar and butter to dissolve. Pour the flour into the honey mass and stir. Cool, cover with cling film and refrigerate for 10-12 hours. Then take the dough out of the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature for another 4 hours.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lightly oil it. Put a side from a detachable form on paper and pour 2 tbsp into the side. l. test. Smear it thinly. Put the baking sheet in the oven for 7-10 minutes, depending on the power of the oven. The baking temperature is 180 degrees.
  • Take out the golden brown cakes and cut them in a circle and take them out together with the paper. Leave to chill. Bake the rest of the cakes, there will be 5 of them in total. Bake one of the cakes for more time until it turns dark brown. Grind this cake in a blender to crumbs. For cream, beat sour cream and sugar. Separately, beat the cream to a strong foam and carefully combine with sour cream.
  • Chop the walnuts and chop the prunes into small pieces. Put cakes smeared with cream on a flat dish, while laying nuts and prunes alternately on top of the cream. Sprinkle the last cake with crumbs and nuts. Sprinkle the sides of the “Special” honey cake with crumbs mixed with nuts.

It also happens to you that there is some recipe in your bookmarks, and after a while you forget about it, and then you find it again and think "Why hasn't it been implemented yet ???"

That's how I had this wonderful cake from Sony buxgalter_sofi . The cake is designed for a large company (and I was just expecting a large number of guests), its preparation is somewhat stretched in time, but believe me - the effort is worth it and all the guests are very satisfied =)

1 option:
500 g fat sour cream *
375 g heavy cream (32-38%)
1/2-3/4 tbsp sugar
Option 2:
500 g fat sour cream
375 g cream (38%)
a pack of instant vanilla pudding ("Osem") - 80 g
1/2 tbsp sugar

300 g pitted prunes (finely chopped)
200 g walnuts (dry)

Oven-180 gr (middle shelf with airflow)
detachable form-24 cm

baking sheet
5 sheets of baking paper
The baking time of the cake is 7-8 minutes.

It is better to cook the dough in the evening (at night), and bake the cakes in the evening of the next day. The dough must go through the process of "parting", then the product has a rich, unforgettable honey taste.
1. Put all the products for the dough, except flour, in a bowl and put in a water bath. We keep in the bath, stirring the products in a bowl (watch that the eggs do not curl), until the butter and sugar dissolve and the mass becomes homogeneous.
2. Remove the bowl with the honey mass from the water bath and add the flour. We knead the dough (with a spoon). The dough turns out to be quite liquid.
3. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, and then take it out so that it stands at room temperature for another 3-4-5-6 hours.
4. Put baking paper on a baking sheet, put a ring from a detachable form, put two tablespoons of dough in the middle (on paper :)), spread it over the entire diameter.
We put in an oven preheated to 180 gr. We bake the cake (each oven has its own baking time ... It took me 7 minutes ... How to check that the cake is ready - it should turn brown, as in the photo .. But I also don’t recommend overdoing the cake). oven, remove it from the baking sheet (together with paper), let cool. We repeat the same procedure 4 more times.
5. Of the 5 cakes, we choose the most “unsightly”, cut it into pieces and put it in the oven to “dry out”, so that later we can make a sprinkle out of it.
We take out the cake (cracker :))) from the oven, let it cool and grind it into crumbs.
Here I draw your attention to the fact that the cake must be dried, and not burned :)))

Option 1
1. In advance (3-5 hours), we weigh the sour cream so that the glass has excess liquid.
2. Beat sour cream with sugar.
3. Whip the cream and mix it with whipped sour cream.

Option 2
1. Beat sour cream with sugar until the latter dissolves.
2. In another bowl, put the pudding and cream, beat (at high speed) -2 minutes, add sour cream and beat for another 2-3 minutes.
Prunes cut into strips (or as it turns out, but preferably medium-sized)
We grind nuts

We divide the cream visually into 4 parts, while the fourth "visual part" should be larger than all the others. This part will go to the top of the cake and to "brush" the sides.
1. Put the cake on the cake plate, put 1/4 of the cream on top, level it. Spread half of the prunes on top.
2. We spread the second on the first cake. Add 1/4 of the cream on top, level it and sprinkle on top with half the amount of nuts.
3. Repeat the operation from paragraph .
4. We put the fourth cake, spread the cream along the edge of the cake (leave a couple of spoons for the top) and smear it on the sides. Put the remaining cream in the middle and level it along the diameter of the cake.
5. Mix the crumbs with the remaining crushed nuts and sprinkle the sides and top of the cake.
6. Put the cake in the refrigerator.. Preferably for a day.

My comments:
This cake is Ø 28 cm, so I only got 4 layers.
Therefore, the very top of the cake is sprinkled with walnuts, and not crumbs from dried shortbread, i.e. layers, starting from the bottom: prunes - walnuts - prunes - walnuts.
* I took sour cream with a fat content of 40% - it whips up beautifully - so I made the cream according to the first option.
The cake turns out to be very tasty, but very satisfying, so it is extremely difficult to eat a large piece of it, even for an avid sweet tooth =)
