
Cherry jam. How to cook cherry jam

For the winter, you can roll up as many cans as you like, and then your favorite fruit will become an exquisite dessert. Pitted cherry jam for the winter, delicious recipes will help even novice, inexperienced cooks figure out the intricacies and secrets of cooking.
How to make delicious homemade jam? Only it helps not to forget the tastes of fruits, delighting throughout the long winter. I immediately remember my grandmother's stocks, in the pantry or underground, where rows of different-sized cans delighted with the contents. You can make your favorite cherry jam with pits for the winter yourself, a delicious and simple recipe will literally step by step analyze the intricacies of cooking. So that the result is ... just like then, with my grandmother!


Cherry usually ripens by June, appearing on the market, in shops, vegetable stalls. People try to choose cheaper places to take buckets of berries right away. Of course, the sweet cherry will not give a rich taste, like the same cherry. Why do people take cherries more often. They think it's easier to cook. But if you choose a simple, detailed recipe, you will get an exquisite, beautiful and soft jam, a real luxury.

So, let's start preparing the inventory. First, dishes. You can not cook cherries in any large container found. Utensils needed:

Stainless steel;

Where the volume is 3-7 liters, as it turns out. There is no need anymore. As for cooking, there are secrets here. For example, it is better to cook not immediately, but in several “visits”, otherwise the berries will fall apart, flattened by their own weight.

Selection of berries. It is considered more delicious on its own than without it. For eating, the bones do not interfere, and for a long time, it is laborious to select all the bones from a bucket of berries. Pour boiled water over purchased cherries or pierce with a pin (boiling water is easier) before cooking.

Correct cooking. In order for the taste of already cooked jam to please, you need not only choose a detailed recipe with pictures. You need to learn more secrets of cooking. For jam, haste is disastrous, sugar simply does not have time to nourish the berries, they will wrinkle, dry quickly. It is better to cook slowly, repeatedly.

First, pour the collected fruits with already hot syrup, then leave them, let them stand for 4-12 hours somewhere. Next, you need to heat the pan again, boil (it takes a few minutes), remove and leave again.

Breaks 4-12 hours. Here's how the brew steps go. It takes patience and a progressive approach. Moreover, the number of brews determines the variety of purchased cherries. Track the foam, remove it in time, using a slotted spoon or a simple spoon.

Recipe 1

Here, we figured out how to cook cherry jam, now what is required for its preparation:

Sweet cherry - 1 kg;
Sugar -1 kg;
Water - 1 glass;
Vanilla sugar - 5 g;
Citric acid - 1 g.


First, rinse all the berries, at the same time remove the stalks, leaves and sort out the fruits. Damaged, rotten away. Next, make sure that excess water drains. Lay everything out, taking an enameled (brass, as in the list above) pan.

Boil sugar by adding water to it. You will get a hot syrup that you pour over your berries. Now cook both ingredients together. Each brew is long, 5 hours (average time). When the second one ends, add all the vanilla sugar, followed by the right amount of citric acid.

The number of brews is equal to the variety of cherries. However, rarely anyone understands this, it is better to clarify immediately when buying by asking the seller. Pour the finished jam, still hot, after sterilizing the selected jars. You need to dry them all. Fill, leaving somewhere 1-2 cm (this is from the top), then corking, leave to cool.

Recipe 2

Here comes another way for brewing. By the way, in cooking, keep track of the taste, because cherry jam often suffers from excessive sweetness, the sourness goes away. Its lack is easily compensated for with lemon zest. Natural ingredient, at the same time will give acid. The second method for cooking: the cooking itself is short, maximum 5 minutes, but the intervals are long, 6-12 hours.

Need 3 doses. It can be like: morning - then evening - the next morning. Of course, it's long and inconvenient to keep track of time, especially between brews. However, you can get by with one long one. The duration will be 30 or 40 minutes, readiness, see the degree of density of the syrup. As he sticks to the walls at the basin or pan, then it's ready. Thick, does not spread, keeps its shape.

The first case, where short boils, long breaks, gives juicy, healthy berries. Moreover, it is easier to cook, because the duration is short. The second one seems simple. Put, waited 30 or 40 minutes, that's all. Both methods are considered classic. By the way, the 1:1 ratio for sugar with jam will allow you to store all the jars calmly, in a room, without a refrigerator. The main thing is to close well.


Sweet cherry - 1 kg;
Sugar - 1 kg;
Lemon - 1 or 2 pcs.


Stage 1. First, rinse all the cherries, at the same time removing leaves, twigs, rotten, damaged or diseased berries. Pour them all into a basin or pan, where you are going to cook later. Add immediately sugar, lemon (you need zest). Squeeze out excess juice.

Put a small, small fire, slowly stir, then the berries will all soften, flow. Interestingly, the jam itself does not require a lot of water, a maximum of a glass. There is no need for more, because the cherry will quickly fill the pan or basin with its juice, and it will be enough for the liquid. The main thing is to wait for the softening of the fruit, avoiding burning the jam.

When everything boils, wait another 5-6 minutes, turn it off. Cover the basin or pan with a towel (lid). Everything, let it stand, soak. 6-12 hours.

Stage 2. Boil the jam again. Here, they first put it on the stove, made a small, slow fire. We waited for the boil, another 5 minutes, that's it. Let it infuse again for a long 6-12 hours.

Stage 3. Boil the jam again, waiting for the boil, 5 minutes. Select in advance, wash and sterilize the jars where you plan to spread the jam. Close them with clean, reusable or disposable lids. Cool down. Ready to store can be safely in the room, most importantly in a dark, calm, closed place. And the shelf life of such jam is a year.

Recipe 3

The ingredients are simple, just three:

Sweet cherry -1 kg;
Sugar - 1 kg;
Water - 1 glass.


First, wash the whole cherry, remove at the same time the bones, stalks, all rotten, damaged fruits.
Time to make syrup. Start boiling water by choosing a large saucepan or saucepan, then add sugar there, stir. You need to cook on medium, not high heat, until all the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the cherries in the same place, in the saucepan, as soon as the syrup is prepared. Keep stirring. Cook for another 15-20 minutes, tracking the foam. You can remove it with a spoon or a sieve. The finished jam is still hot to pour immediately into the jars, after washing and sterilizing them.

It is easy to store such jams in a room, most importantly in a quiet, dark place. storage time - one year. You can also cook

Pitted cherries jam is cooked according to different recipes, jam can be with or without pits, but housewives say that pitted cherries jam is the most delicious and fragrant.

Jam without pitting from cherries

This is one of the best recipes for a sweet treat, which is prepared easily and quickly enough, while remembering that in order to get a delicious treat, you must definitely pick up only ripe berries. Since cherries are quite sweet, you can use not as much granulated sugar to make sweets as for cherry sweets. Many housewives note that it will be more delicious from any light types of cherries.

We will need:

Sweet berries of white cherries - about a kilogram;
Purified water - one glass;
Sugar - about a kilogram.

The process of preparing treats:

To begin with, they begin to prepare the berries, for this, the cherries are sorted out to remove all rotten berries, as well as remove the stalks, after which it is necessary to wash the fruits and transfer the cherries to a separate bowl. Since our jam will be prepared from cherries along with the seeds, we will not have to peel the berries from them, which will significantly reduce the time for preparatory work.

Immediately after this, you can start preparing the syrup, for this a glass of purified water is taken, as well as granulated sugar, both ingredients are mixed together and put in a saucepan on the fire, the syrup is boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved in water.

As soon as the water with sugar begins to boil, it is necessary to put the washed cherries in a container with syrup, leave the jam for a while so that the berries boil in the syrup, immediately after boiling, the future jam is removed from the stove and removed for twelve hours to cool and infuse, during this time cherry will give juice.

If the hostess is not in a hurry, then she should repeat this procedure about three times, so you can get jam in which whole berries are preserved, at least twelve hours should pass between brews. Many housewives say that if you cook jam about five times in this way, then the delicacy turns out to be quite thick, but the berries remain perfectly intact. During the last cooking, it is worth using a little citric acid and vanilla sugar for cherry jam. Do not add too much sugar with vanilla, so as not to spoil the real aroma and taste of the delicacy.

It is enough to pour such jam into sterile jars and close with polyethylene lids, metal lids can also be used to keep the sweetness for at least one year. In this recipe, jam is prepared on the basis of syrup, but you can also cook a delicacy from cherries in your own juice.

To begin with, the berries are also sorted out to remove all rotten ones, then the berries are pierced with a toothpick and put into a large container, after which you can pour about a kilogram of granulated sugar into the berries and leave the cherries in sugar for a couple of hours. During this time, the berries will give juice, and it will be possible to start cooking jam.

Most often, such jam is simply closed with plastic lids and sent for storage in a refrigerator, since storing a treat in jars under metal lids all winter is not the best option. The housewives say that the sweetness from cherries is not at all as fragrant and tasty as cherry jam, for this reason, additional citric acid, a little ginger are added to the sweetness, the acid can be replaced with lemon zest, jam with apricot pits will turn out to be no less tasty or chopped almonds.

Sweet cherry jam with walnuts

This is one of the best recipes that makes it possible to get a very fragrant and tasty jam, this delicacy will be enjoyed by all households, and the walnuts in the composition will help emphasize the sweet taste of cherries.

We will need:

Sugar - about one kilogram;
Peeled walnuts - about 300 grams;
Ripe red cherries - not less than a kilogram;
Vanilla sugar - half a spoon;
Lemon or citric acid - to taste;
Filtered water - one and a half glasses.

The process of creating a treat:

During the last cooking, a pinch of citric acid is added to the delicacy, it is necessary to test the jam in order to add citric acid if necessary. Next, the finished delicacy is poured into jars and closed tightly with lids. If desired, finely chopped ginger root or a little almond is added to such a jam at the last stage of cooking, these products give the delicacy a special taste and aroma.

Despite the fact that cherries and cherries are berries of the same family, cherries are more often preserved. Apparently, because of its rich color and incomparable aroma.

Cherry fruits do not have a strong smell, but those who have tried jam from this berry at least once say that it is very tasty. Cherry jam turns out to be moderately sweet, with a transparent syrup of a beautiful color. Many housewives make up for the lack of natural acid in berries by adding lemon juice or citric acid.

In addition to taste, cherries have other advantages. This berry is useful because it contains a lot of potassium, as well as other trace elements: calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and even iodine. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP.

Cherries ripen early. Under good weather conditions, already in June, you can harvest a good harvest of this delicious berry - when there are no other fruits yet. Therefore, experienced housewives do not miss this opportunity and start harvesting for the future - cooking jam.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Jam is made only from ripe cherries. It is unacceptable to use spoiled berries or pecked by birds. The fruits should not be overripe, otherwise they will lose their shape and boil during heat treatment.
  • So that the berries do not wrinkle during cooking, they are first recommended to be blanched in boiling water, and then quickly cooled in cold water. Some housewives replace this technique by pricking each berry with a needle, but this process is very time consuming.
  • For the same reason, cooking should be carried out in two or three stages, keeping the berries in hot syrup. If this is not done, but cooked in one go, then the berries very often burst and turn out to be shriveled.
  • When cooking cherry jam, abundant foam appears, which must be removed with a slotted spoon, otherwise the product will not be able to be stored for a long time.
  • Cherry jam is cooked both with and without seeds. To remove them from the berries, use a special device or a regular pin. Remove the seeds very carefully so as not to flatten the berries.
  • Vanillin and citric acid are added to the cherry jam at the end of cooking to add flavor and slight sourness to the cherry jam.
  • Do not cook jam immediately in large volumes, as under their own weight the berries are crushed and lose their shape.
  • The finished jam is poured into glass jars, which must be washed in advance with soda, rinsed thoroughly with hot water and dried.

Pitted cherry jam

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1-1.2 kg;
  • water - 1.2 tbsp.;
  • vanillin - 0.5 packs (5 g);
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, remove all spoiled, overripe berries, as well as those pecked by birds. Cut off the stems. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running water.
  • So that the fruits do not wrinkle during cooking, it is recommended to prick them with a needle. But this is a very long time, especially if there are a lot of berries. Therefore, the best option is this: put the cherries in small portions in a colander and immerse in a pot of boiling water. Pasteurize 1-2 minutes. Then cool quickly under running cold water.
  • Prepare the syrup. Put sugar in a cooking bowl, pour water. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. If the syrup is cloudy, strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Throw out the cherry. Bring to a boil, skimming off the foam.
  • Set the jam aside and let it brew for 4 hours. During this time, the berries are well fed with syrup.
  • Place back on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Then insist 4 hours. Repeat the procedure two more times.
  • At the end of cooking, add citric acid and vanilla.
  • Cool the finished cherry jam in a basin and only then transfer it to clean, dry jars. Close with parchment paper. Cherry jam can be hermetically rolled up. In this case, package it in sterile dried jars while hot, then turn it upside down and cool in this form.

Seedless cherry jam: the first recipe

Ingredients for two 1 liter containers or four 0.5 liter containers:

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.

Cooking method

  • You will need ripe but firm cherries. Wash them first under running water. Let the liquid drain. Remove the stems.
  • Then, using a special device that can be bought at the store, remove the seeds from the berries. If you do not have one, then you can use a regular hairpin or pin.
  • Pour sugar into the cooking basin, pour water and place the container on the stove. Boil the syrup. If it turned out to be cloudy, it is advisable to strain it through several layers of gauze.
  • Dip the cherry in the syrup. Bring to a boil over medium heat, skimming off the foam that appears on the surface.
  • Remove the basin from the stove and let the cherry brew for 10-12 hours.
  • Put the jam back on the stove. After it boils, soak again for 12 hours. Repeat this procedure two more times.
  • Let the jam cool, and then package in dry, clean jars. Close with parchment paper.

Seedless cherry jam: recipe two

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort ripe cherries, remove wormy and spoiled ones. Rinse under running water. Remove branches.
  • Using a pin or special tool, remove the seeds from the berries. Pour all the juice that stands out at the same time into the cooking basin.
  • Place prepared cherries in a bowl, sprinkling sugar in layers. Leave for 12 hours in a cool place. During this time, the berries will give juice, which will dissolve some of the sugar.
  • The next day, put the basin on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. To prevent the berries from burning, the jam must be gently stirred. Remove the emerging foam.
  • After the jam boils, cook it for 30-40 minutes. At the end of cooking, make the fire smaller so that the jam does not burn, otherwise it will acquire an unpleasant caramel flavor. At the same time, add lemon juice.
  • Jam should not be liquid. Its readiness is checked by dropping syrup on a saucer: it should not spread.
  • Pack hot cherry jam in sterile dry jars and roll up with tin lids.
  • Turn upside down and cool in this position.

Pyatiminutka cherry jam with pits

Ingredients for three 0.5 l containers:

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • To cook this jam, take ripe large cherries. Rinse under running cold water. Let the liquid drain. Remove the stems.
  • Place the berries in a wide bowl with a thick bottom (this is important). Sprinkle with sugar. Pour water. Gently stir in the berries.
  • Put the bowl with cherries on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. To prevent the berries from burning, they must be carefully mixed.
  • From the moment of boiling, cook the jam for 5-7 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam that will appear with a slotted spoon or spoon.
  • Prepare sterile jars, which must be completely dry by the time of packaging.
  • While hot, spread the jam in them. Roll up with tin lids immediately.

Thick cherry jam

Ingredients for two 1 liter containers or four 0.5 liter containers:

  • sweet cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the cherries, remove the berries with wormholes. Rinse under running water. Let the liquid drain. Cut off the stems.
  • Place the berries in a cooking basin, cover with sugar.
  • Mix gently and place on the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat. During this time, the berry will release juice, and the sugar should dissolve.
  • Pour part of the syrup into another bowl, and boil the berries to the desired density.
  • When hot, pack in sterile dry jars and roll up with lids. Cool completely when turned upside down. Such jam can be covered with parchment paper. But then cool it first, and then put it in dry jars.

Note to the owner

  • Cherry jam can be prepared with the addition of cherries, lemons, oranges and other berries or fruits.
  • The amount of sugar can be increased or decreased depending on the type of sweet cherry and its acidity.
  • If all sanitary requirements are met, hermetically sealed jam is not sterilized, since during cooling the berries are pasteurized and the microbes that have entered the jar along with the air die.
  • Cherry jam is stored in a dry, dark, cool place.

Proper cherry jam should retain the color and aroma of fresh berries. For its preparation, it is necessary to collect only ripe, flawless berries (overripe, unripe and with traces of spoilage cannot be used). It is advisable to do this in dry weather. Before cooking, it is important to take care of the container in which we will roll the jam. Jars and lids should be thoroughly washed and dried. If this rule is not followed, the product may ferment or become moldy during storage.

When the berries and containers are ready, you need to decide on the recipe. There are many of them, but consider the most popular.

Cherry jam "five minutes"

Composition of products:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 300 ml of water.

Cooking steps

  1. We sort the berries, remove the tails, wash and dry.
  2. The next step is to make the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into water and put on a small fire, wait for it to boil, but do not boil.
  3. Squeeze lemon juice into syrup.
  4. Dip the prepared berries into the hot syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. We shift the finished jam into sterile, dry jars and roll up.
  6. This method is one of the simplest, but the jam is also very useful, because due to the fact that the heat treatment time is not long, the product retains a large amount of vitamins.

Cherry jam with pit

Composition of products:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 2 lemons.

Cooking steps

Jam must be boiled 3 times for 5 minutes at intervals of 6 - 12 hours.

First time.

  1. Pour the washed and dried cherries without stalks into a basin, add sugar, mix with lemon zest and juice.
  2. We put the container with the contents on a small fire and stir, juice begins to stand out from the berries. If the cherry is hard and does not let juice in for a long time, pour in 125 ml of water to avoid sticking to the walls of the container, and the jam does not burn until its liquid appears.
  3. When it starts to boil, cook for 5 minutes. Cover the container and leave the berries in the syrup for 6 to 12 hours.

Second time.

  1. We put the container with berries and syrup on a small fire and, stirring, wait for it to boil.
  2. Cook for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, cover and leave again for 6 - 12 hours.

Third time.

  1. Bring to a boil again.
  2. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat.
  3. We lay out in sterile jars and roll up.
  4. Leave in the apartment until cool.

So that dark spots do not appear on the berries during settling in syrup, it is necessary to monitor their complete immersion. Pop-up cherries must be pressed with a lid for complete immersion.

Pitted cherry jam

Composition of products:

  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 2 g vanillin;
  • 1 lemon.

Cooking steps

Cook the jam 3 times for 15 minutes at intervals of 2-3 hours.

First time.

  1. We sort out the berries, remove the seeds using a special device, or in another way.
  2. Cook the syrup by placing sugar, water in a container and heating until boiling. At the end, add vanilla. If grains of sugar remain in the syrup, it does not matter, after adding the berries, juice will appear and dissolve the remaining sugar.
  3. Dip the cherries into the hot syrup and cook for 15 minutes over very low heat, stirring occasionally.
  4. We leave to cool in the apartment, not taking it out into a cold room.

Second time.

  1. We put it on the fire and wait for it to boil.
  2. Cook for 15 minutes. At the same time, stir constantly, preventing the jam from sticking to the walls of the container.

Third time.

  1. Add the zest and squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes, not forgetting to interfere.
  3. Place in sterilized jars and close.

You can put less sugar when cooking jam - 300 - 400 grams, it comes out more tender, and the taste is very similar to fresh berries. Who does not like too sweet jam can use this method. Also, instead of the zest and juice of 1 lemon, you can add - 2, it will turn out less cloying, with a slight sourness.

Cherry jam with walnuts

Composition of products:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 225 ml of water;
  • 300 - 400 g of walnuts;
  • 1 lemon.

Cooking steps

  1. We sort the cherries and remove the seeds.
  2. We break the walnuts into pieces about the size of a stone and put them into each berry.
  3. Prepare the syrup by mixing water and sugar, bring to a boil.
  4. Dip the berries into the syrup and cook until the berries are transparent, stirring constantly so as not to burn.
  5. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice.
  6. Roll into prepared jars.

Cherry jam with lemon

Composition of products:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 300 - 400 ml of water;
  • 2 - 3 lemons.

Cooking steps

Cook the jam for 40-45 minutes after boiling.

  1. We remove the seeds from the berries using special tools or in any convenient way.
  2. Cook syrup by mixing sugar with water. To do this, mix and bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. We dip the berries into the hot syrup, thinly cut the lemon, add to the jam and cook. The readiness of the jam is determined by the viscosity of the syrup: it remains on the walls of the dish or a drop sent to the plate does not spread - the jam is ready.
  4. We lay out in clean sterile jars and roll up.

How to store cherry jam

When preparing cherry jam for the winter, you need to know that you can store such a product with a bone for only 1 year, and if without, for a longer time. When determining the storage temperature, the room temperature must be taken into account. If stored at room temperature, the ratio of berries and sugar should be 1:1, if it is less, put the jars of jam in the refrigerator.

Recipes for making cherry jam with and without pits. Jam recipe.

Cherry is a tasty berry with a sweet and slightly tart taste. In our country, cherry jam is mainly preserved, as it has a richer taste and aroma. But if you have ever tried cherry jam or confiture, you are unlikely to refuse an additional portion.

Is there a difference in recipes for white, yellow, red, black and pink cherry jam?

There is a difference in the preparation of jam from these berries. The fact is that white and pink cherries are more elastic than red ones. At the same time, white berries contain more acid, so more sugar is required during the cooking process. You can not add citric acid to the workpiece.

Differences in the preparation of jam from different cherries:

  • White berries take longer to cook than red berries due to their firmness.
  • Add a little sugar to red cherry jam
  • White and pink cherries are best cooked in several approaches. This will keep the color and shape of the berries.

Jam from white, yellow, red, black and pink pitted cherries

This is a great dessert or addition to tea. This jam can be used as a filling for pies.


  • Take 2 kg of berries and remove the seeds
  • Pour 2 kg of granulated sugar into a saucepan with 500 ml of water. Heat until a syrup is obtained without white undissolved crystals.
  • Pour in some vanilla and immerse the peeled berries. Boil for a quarter of an hour and leave for 2-4 hours. Boil again for 15 minutes and remove from heat.
  • For the third time, put the container on the fire and add one lemon, cut into thin slices.
  • Boil for another third of an hour and preserve in sterilized jars

Jam from white, yellow, red, black and pink pitted cherries

According to this recipe, the jam turns out to be very thick and is suitable for making compotes or as a seasoning for tea.


  • Take 1 kg of berries and sprinkle them with sugar. Leave for 20 minutes
  • Put 2 lemons that need to be pre-sliced
  • Put on fire and boil for 5 minutes
  • Leave the brew for 6-15 hours. It is very convenient to do this in the evening so that you can boil it again in the morning.
  • It is necessary to repeat the cycle 3-4 times and roll the sweetness into jars

Delicious cherry jam with walnuts

This recipe is for gourmets and housewives, as you will have to "tinker" with sweetness. You need to choose an elastic and ripe cherry, the stone from which is removed with a hairpin.


  • Take a handful of nuts per kilogram of prepared berries. They must first be poured with boiling water for 2 hours and peeled off.
  • Now pour a glass of water into the pan and dissolve the sugar in it. For 200 ml of liquid you need 1 kg of sugar
  • Put a piece of walnut into each berry and put in syrup. Boil 7 minutes
  • Remove from heat and let cool. Boil again for 5 minutes. roll up

Recipe for delicious cherry jam for the winter: how much to cook

There are 2 ways to prepare berry treats:

  • Cyclic cooking for 5-15 minutes followed by cooling. You need to repeat the cycle 3-4 times. This will make the berries elastic.
  • Continuous cooking. The jam is aged for 40 minutes on low heat and rolled into jars

These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Jam according to the cyclic method is very viscous, and the berries are filled with vitamins.

How to cook cherry jam in a slow cooker and how much to cook it?

A slow cooker is a popular technique that helps save time. Many housewives use this device to prepare blanks for the winter.


  • Peel 1 kg of berries from seeds. Pour in 500 g of sugar
  • Immerse the mixture into the multicooker bowl. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 90 minutes
  • At this time, pour boiling water over the dishes for blanks
  • Put the jam on the dishes and roll up

Thick cherry jam: how to make it thick?

To get a thick jam, you need to use the method of cyclic boiling and cooling.

Cooking features:

  • Remove the seeds from the berries and sprinkle with sugar. It is necessary that sugar and fruit be 1: 1
  • Put on a very slow fire and wait until the mixture boils.
  • Boil for 3-7 minutes and turn off the heat
  • Let the brew cool down and put it back on the fire
  • The first two cycles, the berry gives off juice, starting from the third, it absorbs it and becomes poured
  • The syrup is very thick, like caramel.

Cherry jam with orange

There is not enough acid in cherries, so its deficiency is compensated by the introduction of citrus fruits or citric acid crystals.


  • Cut 2 oranges into several pieces and, together with the skin, turn into porridge using a blender
  • Add 2 kg of sugar to the citrus puree. Leave for 120 minutes, and then put on fire
  • Leave on fire until the mixture becomes homogeneous
  • Put 2 kg of pitted berries into boiling syrup and cook for 30 minutes
  • Sterilize the jars and roll the mixture into them

Cherry jam with lemon

Choose only white berries for preparation. In this case, the finished product will turn out to be a rich amber color.


  • Peel 200 g of berries from seeds and pour 2 kg of granulated sugar
  • Leave for 1 hour for the mixture to cover with juice
  • Add one lemon cut into small pieces
  • Put on fire for 5 minutes. That is, it takes 5 minutes to cook.
  • Let stand 2-3 hours and repeat the cycle 2-3 times
  • Roll into sterilized jars

How and how much to cook cherry jam with gelatin?

Gelatin jam is a great way to save time. The finished product is thick and looks like marmalade.


  • Destone 1 kg cherries
  • Pour raw materials 1 kg of sugar and pour a bag of gelatin (40 g)
  • Leave for 8 hours. Then add 250 ml of water and put on fire
  • Boil for 7-10 minutes, constantly removing the foam. Roll into prepared jars

Strawberry and Cherry Jam: Recipe

This is a kind of mix of seasonal berries. Strawberries and cherries ripen at about the same time, so you can cook such a fragrant and tasty product.


  • For 700 g of cherries you need 500 g of strawberries
  • Remove the pits from the cherries, and pluck the stalks from the strawberries
  • Pour 1 kg of sugar and a spoonful of citric acid. Leave for 10 hours for the mixture to release the juice
  • Boil using the cyclic method, roll into jars

Cherry and Cherry Jam: Recipe

The recipe is not much different from the previous one. Sweetness is obtained with a very rich taste and aroma. You do not need to pour citric acid into the brew, since cherries are already sour.


  • Mix equal amounts of cherries and cherries, after pulling out the seeds
  • Sprinkle with sugar. Sugar should be as much as berries
  • Let it heat up, and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Cool down
  • Repeat the cycle two more times
  • Divide among prepared dishes and roll up

Cherry and raspberry jam: recipe

Berries are mixed in a ratio of one to one. You can even grind everything in a blender, in which case you get jam.


  • Put the berry mixture on fire and add sugar. For 500 g of the mixture you need 500 g of sugar
  • Boil for 25 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam
  • Bank and roll up

Cherry and currant jam: recipe

The recipe uses two types of berries. Cherry ennobles the taste of very sour currants and makes it not so tart.


  • Pour 800 g of pitted cherries into a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Place 500 g of currants on top, also sprinkle with sugar
  • Leave the mixture for 5 hours. During this time, the berries will release juice
  • Put on fire and cook in a cyclic way. Divide into bowls and roll up

Cherry jam with citric acid

Cherry itself is quite sweet with a mild flavor. To make jam, citric acid is added to the berry to make the taste more saturated.


  • Peel the berries from the seeds and sprinkle with sugar at the rate of 500 g of sand per 500 g of fruit
  • Leave for 20 minutes and add 20 g of citric acid
  • Cook with the cyclic cooking method

How to make cherry jam jam?

Jam is a homogeneous mass made from fruits. Served with tea or can be used as a filling for cakes.


  • Pour 1 kg of berries with 1 kg of sugar. Leave for 1 hour
  • Put on fire and cook for 30 minutes
  • Add one lemon along with the skin, after chopping it
  • Grind the berries through a sieve and put on fire again for 10 minutes. roll up

How to cook cherry jam without sugar?

This is a healthy delicacy that does not harm the figure. To prepare the blank, choose berries with a sweet taste.


  • Take the berries and remove the seeds
  • Press the raw materials with your hands so that the juice appears. Leave for 5 hours
  • Put on fire and cook for 5 minutes. Cool down
  • Repeat the manipulation several times to boil the mixture
  • Enter a spoonful of citric acid and heat until it dissolves
  • Roll up in banks

Simple cherry jam

Many housewives do not want to bother with repeated boiling of the mixture, so you can use the simplest recipe:

  • Peel 2 kg of berries
  • Sprinkle with the same amount of sugar and leave for 2 hours
  • Pour a spoonful of citric acid
  • Boil for 30 minutes and then roll into jars

Calorie content of cherry jam

Cherry is a very tasty and healthy berry. It contains a lot of fructose and glucose. The fresh product itself is low in calories, but the jam is characterized by high energy value. 100 g of the product contains 58 g of carbohydrates, and the calorie content is 230 calories

Indulge yourself in the pleasure of winter, be sure to make cherry jam.

VIDEO: Cherry jam:
