
The guests sat so long that we began to glance. Distant relatives on the doorstep

A guest who sits too long is worse than an uninvited one. To see him out, let's take note of the experience of catering workers and quotes from classics.

Until the call.

In front of the most or another institution, the waiter will kindly ask if you want to order something else, and only then, for those who are especially slow-witted, they go to turn off the music, rattle the dishes, turn the chairs over on the tables. At home, chairs can be left alone, but it’s still worth removing the dishes from the table! Sudden silence and an empty table will give guests the opportunity to realize that the evening at a party has come to an end. You can end by saying, “Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed it."

"Are we by any chance sitting up?"

A naive question from guests around midnight. It makes you want to say: “How else!”, But education does not allow us to tell the truth, and we mutter something like: “No, what are you. Maybe some more tea?

But the writer A. Chekhov, a connoisseur of human souls, objected in such cases and asked to sit for just another five minutes! And he referred to the fact that he had to get up early tomorrow. This is a classic take. But if it doesn't work, try the following tricks and tricks.

Let's see off the guests

Do you consider yourself too intelligent a person to put guests out the door without any ceremony? Make a polite gesture - offer to walk them home. It doesn't matter if you drive or walk. The main thing here is to delicately take the guest under the elbow and bring to the nearest stop. Return home, call back, make sure that the guest arrived home safely and will not accidentally return halfway. The phrase will help: "Come on, I'll accompany you, at the same time I'll take a walk!".

First - last

There is a category of guests who arrive the earliest and stay the longest, as if competing to see who can last the longest. On their part, this is not so much a manifestation of harmfulness, but rather curiosity and fear of missing out on something tasty or interesting. It is better not to torment such guests with anticipation, but immediately put all the culinary delights on the table. Thus, to make it clear that cookies with sweets is everything, and there will be no “continuation of the banquet”. At the end, you can offer to wrap a little treat so that the guest can take it with him.

A week before the second...

If you are a resident of the capital or a seaside resort, immediately indicate to all visiting guests the scope of what is permitted. Otherwise, all close and distant relatives will not stop storming your home. If a guest has been living for a month instead of a couple of days, hint that tomorrow a crowd of former Chinese classmates will come to you, who traditionally fry herring for breakfast. Immediately upon arrival, ask the question until what date they plan to stay with you.

Friendship and personal life

Almost everyone has a friend who comes suddenly without a call and sits in your kitchen for hours, having fun and eating your romantic dinner, which is not designed for three. Moreover, on any holiday, your restless friend does not get out of you, thereby giving no chance. It is treated quite simply - in front of him, coo, kiss, gradually retreat to the bedroom. You can use a minimum of words, but kisses, and very passionate ones, should be to the maximum. After a couple of such scenes, the shameless guest will at least begin to wonder if his visit would be appropriate.

Help me!

The maritime law says "Whoever got up last from the table, he cleans up." Invite guests to tidy up together after the meal - wash the dishes, wipe the glasses, change the cat's tray, put the room in order. At the same time, throw away the Christmas tree ... Now wait for the reaction. Someone, citing urgent matters, will leave. The rest can be used for its intended purpose.

Fun hour

With unceremonious people you should not stand on ceremony. Especially if they do not react to hints in any way. Do a report in their presence, check your mail, pretend that you need to urgently call for work - let them know with your whole appearance that you are busy.

It's embarrassing, embarrassing....

most efficient and fast way escort lovers of long gatherings - take them out of the game from the first minutes. As soon as you notice this on the doorstep, immediately put on your boots, grab your coat and fly out of the apartment with the words that you urgently need to run on business. Use any excuse to fight off his stickiness and desire to go with you. Let me know what you are waiting for. Show acting skills, pretending to be annoyed, use the phrase "Sorry, you're out of time!".

Keep in mind

It is permissible to come to visit, being late for 15-20 minutes, but no more. Try to warn about your visit in advance, ask friends and acquaintances to do the same with you. right time afternoon until 20.00. If your friends began to look at their watches and think about unfinished business, then most likely you have already sat up too much ...

When friends come to visit and stay for a few days, this can cause discomfort for the owner of the apartment. It can be hard to get rid of such visitors. If the unwanted guest does not understand the hints that it is time for him to leave, then you need to act differently. How to get rid of uninvited visitors? Do folk ways?

How not to offend an unwanted guest?

How to kick out an unwanted guest?

Some people do not even want to be allowed on the threshold of their house, especially if they come without an invitation. In order not to be too tough, it is not necessary to say directly to the face that the guests were not expected. You can come up with answers.

  1. Say that you are not feeling well and want to relax alone. You can also think that your illness is very contagious, then the guests themselves will quickly run away.
  2. Say that relatives should come and you need to prepare.
  3. Imagine that you need to go somewhere urgently.

If it is high time for guests to leave, then you can offer them tea on the path or ask how they will get there. Friends will immediately take the hint and remember that they need to go home.

If the above methods did not bring results, then you can say directly that you want to relax alone.

When friends get into the habit of coming to visit and staying overnight, in this case, you need to put forward your own conditions. For example, either come and go, or even forget the way to your house. Faithful friends they will understand and will no longer arrange a station out of housing.

How to drive away unwanted guests with the help of conspiracies?

There are folk ways that help get rid of visiting enemies. After the uninvited guest leaves, you need to sweep all his traces or wash the floor in the rooms in the direction of the threshold, and pour water out the door. You can also sprinkle salt after him, after which the person will lose the desire to come to your house.

To protect housing from enemies, such rituals are used.

  1. Hang a horseshoe over the front door.
  2. Put under the floor or drive a knife into it.
  3. Stick a nail or pin into the box of the front door with the tip down and read the plot. “I’ll plant a pin in the door, I’ll protect the house from enemies.”

If the enemy is already in your house, then you need to act differently. You can speak a glass of water and, as if by accident, spill the liquid at the guest's feet. Say these words: "As water flows on the floor, so the servant of God (name) will leave the house." The enemy will feel discomfort and leave your home.

Guests who like to stay in your house indefinitely should not be invited. Getting rid of them without a scandal will be difficult.

Perhaps a guest who stays up late and does not think about leaving is even worse than an uninvited one. The feast is over, the tea has been finished for a long time, the cake has been eaten, and the stray birds are all chirping and waiting for the continuation of the banquet. How to politely escort those who are "a little" late?

"Did I by any chance stay up?"

“Yes, for about two hours!” - one would like to answer the late guest, but instead, with a sweet smile, we squeeze out something like: “No, what are you. Everything is fine". To hell with excessive politeness - take an example from the classics! Namely, from Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who had the peculiarity of politely answering such questions: “No, not at all. Sit for another five minutes." True, not everyone wants to hear the second sentence, but you can always remind that five minutes have long passed and it's time for someone to fly home.

"Maybe we can go for a walk?"

If there is an intellectual in you who does not allow you to take and put a guest out the door, get rid of him in the most polite way - offer to take a walk. To his house or to the subway. And don't forget to call and find out how he got there! And then suddenly decides to return.

At home, of course, you can do without such harsh methods, but it’s worth removing the dishes from the table.

"Thanks for stopping by"

Remember what waiters do in cafes or restaurants when the clock is slowly approaching closing time? That's right, they start defiantly flipping chairs, thereby hinting that yours will be next. At home, of course, you can do without such harsh methods, but it’s worth removing the dishes from the table. And there, even the guests will understand that they have nothing more to catch: there will be no food, no table talk.

"What's on the menu today?"

There are some guests who arrive early and stay the longest, afraid to miss something interesting and tasty. So that your friends do not suffer in anticipation of the next culinary delight until late at night, immediately put all the prepared dishes on the table and spice them up with an entertaining conversation.

"I was just about to leave"

You thought that your friends would only be with you for a couple of hours, so you made another appointment with a childhood friend. But 4 hours have already passed, and lovers of long gatherings are sitting on your sofa, starting more and more new topics for conversation. To prevent this from happening, let your guests know right away that your time is limited, and then you will not have to put anyone out the door.

“My squares, round off!”

There is such a word fast action, which awakens good breeding in guests, but at the same time does not offend their self-esteem. So the word “round off” has an extraordinary power of influencing friends who have been sitting too long and fed up with the order, the main thing is to apply it in time:

We have to get up so early tomorrow ... Maybe we will slowly round off?

Insert a pre-prepared phrase when you see fit, and the result will not keep you waiting!

The word “turning around” has an extraordinary power of influence on overstayed and annoyed friends.

"I'm telling you…"

Everything was fine, but then a nice conversation over a cup of tea turned into a heated argument that has been going on for several hours now. And now your dear friend, who ran in just for "5 minutes", is desperately trying to prove to the whole world that eating meat is harmful and disrespectful towards our smaller brothers. In response to all his big words about how tasty it is to chew celery, nod your head, count the jackdaws outside the window, thereby showing that you are absolutely not interested in this. You will not even notice how the guest realizes that they do not understand him here, and leaves, thanking for the tea and the “wonderful” conversation.

"Leave the ceremonies!"

Not only did this sass stay up until the first star appeared, but also his unceremonious behavior leaves much to be desired. You managed to check your mail 10 times, make an “urgent” call 3 times, and the shameless guest does not want to respond to your hints. Then, without much hesitation, directly make it clear that it is high time for someone to go home.

"Good things come in small packages"

Guests staying up until midnight are flowers compared to those who stay with you for ... a few days. To not wake up every morning from the smell fried herring or the cries of a news announcer, mark the boundaries of what is permitted in advance. And if this does not help, then weapons of mass destruction will have to be used: say that any hour distant relatives who came from the North will appear on the threshold of the apartment to visit their beloved great-niece. You will see how the wind will blow away your friends who have been overstayed, and there will be order and tranquility in your house again.

Guests staying up until midnight are flowers compared to those who stay with you for ... a few days.

Perhaps, if you do not invite bores, shameless, chatty lovers, and those whom you know little, then you will not have to turn to any of the above methods. And, most importantly, it is worth remembering a few rules, following which you will never become an unexpected or overstayed guest.

  1. You can come to visit with a delay of 15-20 minutes, but no more. But you don't have to come early.
  2. Warn your friends in advance of your visit.
  3. perfect time for a trip to visit - from 12 to 20 hours. If you are invited, of course.
  4. If friends look excitedly at their watches, remember some business and long-planned meetings, then most likely it’s time for you.

There are times when you do not want guests to stay with you for too long, but are forced to accept them as guests. In such a case, you feel like you are drawing conflicting conclusions about the guest and coming up with a way to kick him out of the sweet home. Here you can read 10 ways to drive out late guests who do not know the measure.

To do this, you need to connect your friends. Invite them to your place, and then call the guest, then let your friends talk about such things that he decides to leave the house as soon as possible. Give friends the opportunity to ask the guest unambiguous, allusive or incomprehensible questions that he will not be able to answer. In fact, you can't really attack as openly, but this opportunity to invite friends and make the guest helpless may solve the problem.

With this solution to the problem, you can get rid of the guest without too much malice by deciding to find another place to stay. Perhaps at first he will refuse this offer, but the more he stays in your house, the more he will agree with the idea of ​​​​not causing you inconvenience, remaining so long time. Plus, he will come to the conclusion that he stayed at your place for too long. In the end, he will remember that everything is good in moderation and he should live in his own house. Well, that's a good way!

Well, why not disturb them? He does the same by staying in your house. Well, grab the nearest interlocutor and lay everything out to him right outside their room. Find something he doesn't like watching and do it in abundance. He may ask you to stop, but who is he to say anything - this is your house! Better than resenting yourself, try the idea of ​​resenting others, it will be more fruitful for health and imagination.

In this regard, the famous character of Arthur Conan Doyle - Sherlock Holmes, perhaps, would say: "Elementary!". Stop being the outgoing good guy and start pestering the guest with questions about his morals and bad behavior, such as staying away for so long. Make your thinking clearer and stronger.

If next to you old man then make your presentation of the facts clearer, so that he does not have misunderstandings about your hospitality and his weakness gives you an advantage. Of all the tips in this article, this is the most controversial and requires the ability to think tactically, but it really works.

For many of us, courtesy is a characteristic trait, especially when it comes to serving a guest a glass of water or offering a snack. You overpower yourself to make them comfortable and make a good impression on them. But if the guest stay lasts longer than common sense requires, you need to let the guest know that your home is not a hotel, and you are not his personal servant. When a guest begins to do his own work for himself, he may want to return to his own home. This advice makes clearer the fact of excess on the part of the guest, and the problems of the guests are solved by them themselves without demonstrating your own negative qualities on your part.

When a child does or does something wrong, his parents then tell him a story as an example so that he understands the difference between right and wrong. For the same reason, past experiences and a fictional example of other people can really help in getting the guest to understand the situation. Depiction of a situation in which the guest understands that it is time for him to pack his things and leave. This great idea in order to remain polite and at the same time it is easier to understand the storm of emotions that are outside of you and the guest and this will allow him to understand what the story wants to tell him.

Usually, when people seek to prevent a coming conflict, best idea his permission, in contrast to everything, turns out to be organizing a party with children. Children, with their looks, can melt the heart of an adult and at the same time, no matter how honest it may sound, it good way say the right thing like throwing another party and the guest might get your hint and reason right and leave your house.

Until you stop hiding behind the rules good manners, customs and courtesy, they will remain your big minus. And if you want to continue to have your piece of the inner world. then, instead of continuing to smile, express indignation at the fact that your guest stays with you longer than decent. This can lead to a scandal, and as a result, the guest will go home.

If none of the above worked, then maybe the best way out out of the situation will move away from him and always go somewhere without informing the guest, or even better - do not invite him to your company. Go somewhere for a walk, clubs, dinners and parties without him and the result of this will be a great understanding of the current situation. In this way, you will let the guest understand your desire to be free and he will admit that he has been staying with you for an unusually long time, and he should move out as soon as possible, while as soon as he realizes this fact, he will leave the house immediately.

Well, if he still stays at your house, then he should adjust to your standards and help clean the house. After all that long time that he has been visiting you, it becomes his duty to keep the environment clean. Let the guests wash dirty dishes and point to places where you need to clean up urgently. This may encourage them to finally leave your house.

How to drive away a guest - video

A humorous look at how to get an overstayed guest out of the house:
