
Green borsch from Alena Doletskaya. We welcome guests: the rules of good manners from Alena Doletskaya

According to Alena Doletskaya, a Russian journalist and one of Russia's main gourmets, bread and an egg are the beginning of beginnings, which is why it's so good to start the day with them. Alena loves poached eggs very much, their amber flowing yolk and elastic protein increase appetite just by the sight, and also perfectly complement morning sandwiches. Note that, according to the celebrity, this option for cooking eggs can be cooked both in the traditional French way (breaking eggs into boiling water with vinegar), and in a more “lazy” way in special arable pits, which are now sold everywhere. ELLE publishes one of the most simple, nutritious and delicious Doletskaya recipes, which really everyone will like. And as a drink for this dish, Alena herself offers to make one of her favorite morning coffees, eggnog with mogul.

Sandwich with poached egg and slightly salted salmon from Alena Doletskaya


White grain bread with seeds 4 slices

Eggs 4 pcs.

Lightly salted salmon 200 grams

Philadelphia cheese or any cottage cheese 2 tablespoons

Cheese dor blue 50 grams

Salad corn 100 grams

Olive oil 2 tablespoons

Lemon juice 1 teaspoon

Salt with saffron, green pepper, zira or coriander to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Break the eggs into arable shells floating in a deep frying pan with boiling water. Forget about them for 5-8 minutes. In parallel, in a dry frying pan, fry the croutons of bread with a pinch of ground cumin or coriander. Cut lightly salted salmon into thin strips.
  2. Spread warm croutons with soft curd cheese, lay salmon on top and ready-made eggs nearby. Sprinkle with pepper and saffron salt.
  3. Serve with corn salad, which must be sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil already on a plate. Crumble dor blue on top.

Mogul coffee from Alena Doletskaya


Espresso prepared in any way

Egg yolk 5 pieces

Salt on the tip of a sharp knife

Sugar 3 tablespoons

French cognac or liqueur 40 ml

Nutmeg and vanilla sugar on the tip of a knife

Cooking method:

  1. Very carefully separate the yolks from the whites, beat the yolks with sugar and a pinch of salt until white with a blender. As soon as the mass of eggnog becomes homogeneous, add nutmeg and vanilla sugar. If you don't want to drive, you can add your favorite strong alcohol at the last minute of whipping.
  2. Prepare a very strong coffee in a French press and serve the drink in small coffee cups with eggnog on top.

Until now, I wrote book reviews only of my own free will, but when I saw on Facebook an offer to take a new book with recipes from Alena Doletskaya for a blogger review, I could not resist and left a request. I don’t know if there were many people who wanted it, but I got on the coveted list and after some time this big beautiful book turned out to be with me. The only pity is that without an autograph.

I never bought recipe books, I was quite satisfied with a few “Stalinist” books that I have at home, and a couple of food blogs that I subscribe to.

The first thing I want to note is that Doletskaya's book is more than just a book with step-by-step instructions for cooking. Alena has created a real atmospheric album that is pleasant to read, scroll through, look at photos. This is a very lively and captivating book, when I leafed through it for the first time, it seemed to me that I had a personal conversation with Alena.

In addition to interesting recipes, Alena shares her personal observations, her own views on serving dishes and useful tips in the book. The recipes themselves, I must say right away, are not simple. You will have to seriously prepare for the preparation of any dish, and, possibly, run around the shops. Although if you have tsitsmat, lavender sugar or bird cherry flour in your house on a permanent basis, then you will feel better.

Before writing a review, I even prepared one of the dishes - radish salad. The simplest thing that was there, but I still did not find the Tsitsmat. A very simple recipe, ideal for those who love radishes. Of course I made changes. I put quite a bit of radish, and increased the number of quail eggs per serving. Watercress (tsitsmat) can be replaced with ordinary leaf lettuce. I don’t know what effect exactly tsitsmat should give, but I assume that it softens the “radish taste”. I was a little afraid of the sauce of sour cream and honey. I don’t like sour cream, and I couldn’t imagine how it would all “sound” together. I also don’t particularly favor radishes, but what can you do for the sake of a blog.

The result was delicious, I enjoyed this salad. Unfortunately, I have not yet learned how to photograph the process, and I did not try to make the salad photogenic. I rubbed all the ingredients on a regular grater, and not on a “mandalin”, which cuts products into beautiful thin circles.

I also planned to make a bird cherry cake, and I already bought all the ingredients for it, but there was a problem with bird cherry flour, I could not find it in any store in the area (including two ABCs of Taste). If I do find it, I'll make a separate post later. But now I already have 600 g of sour cream, which was supposed to go to the cream. And where should she go??

All recipes are divided into lunches, each lunch has its own mood. The dishes are all very tasty served, the desire to start cooking arises by itself. I would love to cook from this book with my friends. Remember how at school in labor lessons? Everyone brought some product and then everyone cooked the dish together. Fun, tasty, economical. An excellent solution in a crisis, I think.

This book is worth buying not so much for the recipes as for the mood. I think she will not leave anyone indifferent. Well, now I want Alena's first book, 50 Breakfasts. Also for the mood.

And in the near future, in addition to the cake, there are also dumplings, the dough recipe that Alena offers is the only one that did not scare me.

Not a single New Year's table is complete without Olivier - even a stellar one! Unusual recipes for everyone's favorite salad are shared by William Lamberti, Yulia Vysotskaya, Artem Korolev, Alexandra Novikova and others


Italian Olivier Salad by William Lamberti

Relationships with Olivier salad among Italians - and especially with me - have not gone well. This is because the Italian insalata russa is as far from a real Russian Olivier as the Earth is from the Moon. The fact is that in Italy the “Russian salad” with seemingly the same ingredients is simply terrible! My compatriots prepare it from three large pieces of carrots, two coarsely chopped potatoes, boiled peas, some incomprehensible vegetable to increase the mass of the dish and flavor it all with nasty mayonnaise. As a restaurateur, it hurts me to even look at it.

When I came to Russia and tried the real, primordially Russian Olivier, a whole world opened up for me. Now I adore this salad, and not only as a New Year's dish, which is on every table in Russia. We often cook it at home on weekends. Moreover, with different fillings - with smoked chicken, turkey, even with shrimp and crab.

Personally, I prefer the classic recipe, but with the addition of two secret ingredients: a little sour cream and olive oil. Sour cream softens the taste, and olive oil... How can you live without olive oil? I'm Italian after all!

Photo: mhealth.ru

Olivier salad in Italian

Ingredients (4 servings):

boiled beef fillet - 200 g

boiled potatoes - 120 g

boiled carrots - 120 g

pickled cucumber - 50 g

fresh cucumber - 70 g

green peas - 120 g

quail eggs - 16 pcs.

sour cream for dressing - 150 g

mayonnaise for dressing - 50 g

olive oil - 30 g

fresh parsley - 10 g

salt - 2 g

black pepper - 1 g

Boil the beef fillet in salted water for 20 minutes and let it cool. Potatoes and carrots can be boiled together, but be careful: you need to get the potatoes earlier, because they will be ready faster. After cooking, cool the vegetables in cold water to stop the cooking process. Boil the quail eggs hard boiled and cool too.

After that, it is necessary to peel the cooked vegetables and cucumbers from the peel, and the eggs from the shell. Cut all prepared foods - you can finely, but I prefer the average size of the cubes. Then you can safely collect everything in one bowl and mix with olive oil so that the vegetables are saturated with the magical taste of Italy. Salt and pepper to taste, but be careful, because this is a festive salad for guests. Dress the salad with sour cream and mayonnaise - and you're done.

Olivier salad with crab meat and homemade mayonnaise from Julia Vysotskaya

It is impossible to imagine the New Year without Olivier salad, like Maslenitsa without pancakes, and Easter without Easter cake. Each housewife has her own Olivier recipe. I know people who add a fresh apple and those who prefer a soaked one. I like to replace peas with capers. As for the meat component, I have veal, tongue or white chicken meat - everything is boiled. My personal interpretation is as follows: add Chinese cabbage to the salad, and take crab meat as a "meat filler" - cabbage is very "friends" with a fishy taste. Vegetables are best undercooked a little so that they retain their elasticity. And of course, mayonnaise should be homemade: then the salad will become more fragrant and tastier.

Photo: cdnm.westwing.ru

Olivier salad with crab meat and homemade mayonnaise


200 g crab meat

3 potatoes

3 small carrots

3 eggs

3 pickles

1 apple

5 green onions

small bunch of dill

3 tbsp green peas

3 tbsp low-fat sour cream

a pinch of sea salt

a pinch of freshly ground black pepper

For eclairs:

150 g flour

120 g butter

3 eggs

a pinch of sea salt

For mayonnaise:

300 ml olive oil

2 egg yolks at room temperature

juice of one lemon

1 tsp french mustard

a pinch of sea salt

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

The first step is to sift the flour for the eclairs. Then put 100 g of butter in a small saucepan, pour in 1 cup of water, add a pinch of salt and bring to a boil over low heat. As soon as the water and oil boils, remove the pan from the heat and add the flour, stirring very vigorously, then leave the dough to cool for 2-3 minutes. Then break the eggs one by one. The dough should be smooth and shiny.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, brushing it with the remaining butter. Spoon the dough into balls on a baking sheet, 2-3 cm apart. Bake for 20-25 minutes without opening the oven, then reduce the temperature to 160°C and leave the eclairs in the oven for another 15 minutes. Then take them out and let them cool.

Now prepare the mayonnaise. Whisk the yolks with a pinch of salt and mustard and slowly add the olive oil drop by drop. As soon as the mayonnaise thickens, you can add the oil faster, pouring in a drop of lemon juice from time to time.

Then boil, cool and peel carrots, potatoes and eggs. All salad ingredients - boiled vegetables and eggs, pickles - finely chop, add crab meat and green peas, salt, pepper and mix. Combine mayonnaise and sour cream in a ratio of 2 to 3, season the salad and stuff the eclairs with it. Ready!

Olivier salad from mother and grandmother Artem Korolyov

In general, I try not to eat dishes with mayonnaise, but even if I come to visit my mother at one in the morning, I eat half of everything she has cooked. And when she adds just one small detail to Olivier - an apple, the salad turns out to be especially tasty!

Photo: annarusska.ru

Olivier salad according to a family recipe


boiled potatoes - 6 pcs.

boiled carrots - 2 pcs.

doctor's sausage - 500 g

canned green peas - 500 g

onion - 1 large onion

pickled cucumbers - 10 pcs.

apple - 1 pc.

boiled eggs - 8 pcs.

mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste

Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs, cool and peel. Peel the onion, pour over with boiling water and cool. Peel the apple, cut out the core. Drain the liquid from the canned green peas and pickles. Cut all the ingredients into small cubes, add green peas and mix. Season the salad with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. You can garnish with herbs before serving.

Olivier salad with vegan mayonnaise from Alexandra Novikova

I love olivier, but this is a very heavy salad and usually I don’t allow myself one. Therefore, I decided to develop a healthy recipe with vegan mayonnaise, which tastes indistinguishable from the usual one. And instead of sausage, I use salmon. The salad is very easy to prepare and at the same time everyone likes it, without exception, and not just adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

Photo: cdn.incrussia.ru

Olivier salad recipe with vegan mayonnaise

ANDIngredients (5 servings):

150 g peeled boiled potatoes

100 g peeled boiled carrots

100 g lightly salted salmon or tofu

80 g lightly salted cucumbers

90 g green peas (boiled or canned)

finely chopped green onions


Vegan mayonnaise:

1 cup grapeseed oil or other unflavored vegetable oil

1/2 cup unsweetened almond or soy milk

2 tbsp lemon juice

2 tsp Dijon mustard

1/2 tsp salt (to taste)

Let's prepare the mayonnaise first. Take all the ingredients for it, place them in a blender and beat at medium speed for 1-2 minutes.

Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers and salmon (or tofu) cut into small pieces. In the classic recipe, it is recommended to cut them into cubes the size of green peas. Mix, add greens and peas. Top with vegan mayonnaise. Season to taste if desired.

Salad "Sakhalin" from Vladimir Mukhin

Crab is an essential element of the New Year's table for many people. In December, a recipe for such a salad appeared in our Sakhalin restaurant, and I will be very happy if it turns out to be on the tables of all crab lovers on New Year's Eve.

Photo: whiterabbitmoscow.ru

Salad "Sakhalin" - interpretation of crab salad


concasse tomatoes - 80 g

cucumber - 60 g

rui - 70 g

tobiko caviar - 50 g

green dill oil - 15 g

flower salt in flakes - 2 g

crushed peas - 1 g

iceberg lettuce - 50 g

crab meat from claws - 60 g

Take the tomatoes, peel them and cut them into cubes, then put them in a ring on a plate. Drizzle tomatoes with rui sauce (if you can't find it ready-made in the store, then make it yourself from Sweet Chili sauce and Hellmans mayonnaise). Place the peeled and diced cucumbers on top of the tomatoes and pour over the rui sauce again. We spread the iceberg lettuce, cut into strips, on the cucumbers - and again the rui sauce. Next, tear up the boiled crab meat, put it on the salad - and, you guessed it, rui sauce. Then arrange the raspberry tobiko properly, but gently press the salad on top with a spoon and remove the ring. Pour oil around. Salad ready!

Olivier with crab and Antonov apple from Alena Doletskaya

Olivier salad is the king of kings. Once Miuccia Prada came to Moscow, and on this occasion they arranged a gala dinner. Everyone talks about sales, about strategy, about new collections and so on - and she got bored. Olivier salad is brought in here. I look at him, my heart does not rejoice. She says to me: “Alena, you won’t believe it, the signature dish of my chef is Olivier salad.”

Photo: open-uniqlo.afisha.ru

Olivier with crab and Antonov apple

Ingredients (4 servings):

300 g crab claws in their own juice

3 potatoes

2 carrots

3 pickled cucumbers

1 fresh cucumber

4-5 quail eggs

200 g canned green peas

1 Antonov apple

1/2 leek

1 small bunch of parsley

1 small bunch of dill

salt, pepper, onion seedling to taste

For homemade mayonnaise:

2 yolks

1/2 tsp mustard

1/2 tsp Sahara

1/2 tsp salt

1 tbsp lemon juice

10 - 12 tbsp. olive oil

Dip the carrots in slightly salted boiling water first, and 5-7 minutes later add the potatoes. Boil the eggs separately. While the vegetables are cooking, cut into small cubes, no more than 1 cm wide, crab claws, cucumbers and an apple.

It is important not to overcook the vegetables: let them be a little al dente, you can check this with a fork. When you realize that the carrots and potatoes are ready, remove them from the pan, cool, peel and cut into the same small cubes as you did with the crab, cucumbers and apple.

Chop the eggs and mix them with the crab cubes, vegetables and peas. Finely chop the parsley, dill and white part of the leek and add them to the salad. Then salt and pepper to taste and leave for 15 minutes so that all the ingredients release the juice.

Let's make mayonnaise. Beat the yolks with mustard until a liquid cream and add salt and sugar. Then slowly pour in the olive oil, and when the sauce begins to thicken, add the lemon juice. Mayonnaise is ready. It remains to add it to the salad - 5 tablespoons will be enough.

The salad can be given any shape and decorate in your own way.

Serving is as creative and joyful as culinary exercises. If bohemian friends have come and the gatherings will be richly polished with various libations, I put simple transparent glasses, and plates not from the finest Limoges bone china, but simple Dulevo ones, but hand-painted by artists. So it will be more fun and appropriate situation.

About porcelain

When we sit down to drink tea at home, I always ask: “Are you from a large or small cup today? From blue Ermesovskaya or white Iefzeshnaya? After all, the mood is different, and the cup can play a role. And if he suddenly answers: "From any" - it's bad.

Even because of the shape of the cup, an almost Gogol dispute can flare up: “Drinking from this thick mug is not tasty! And this one, on the leg, well, not masculine at all. The one is wide, with a piping - elegant, of course, but tea gets cold quickly in it. And so on ad infinitum.

I will speak for myself. I truly, passionately and mutually love porcelain. All, without exception: translucent bone, hard milky, smooth and corrugated, with glaze and matte biscuit. And I wish you the same.

Publishing house "Kolibri"

About aesthetes

When you want to show yourself in all its glory, get the best and dear to your soul and do not be nervous about incomplete services. Mix different glasses, forks, spoons and knives with the ease of an absent-minded aristocrat.

It would be nice to know what exactly you covered. Guests may ask: “Is this Faberge or Baccarat, Limoges or Imperial porcelain?” And you told them: “No, it’s just Royal Copenhagen.”

And if suddenly someone likes your glass or cup to a stupor - just give it. Find yourself something else great.

About parents

If your parents came to visit you, they will be very pleased to see the set table with those glasses and plates that you technically whistled from them when you left your parental nest for the first time to live in a rented apartment with your loved one.

Silently and forever we will chop on our nose: his parents are sacred. If they are already coming to you, it is important to show themselves in all their glory. To win, you need to surprise. Not I said, but Napoleon, that the meaning does not change.

There are two military strategies: take the well-known complex dish, for example, pilaf. Add a secret ingredient to it, like goji berries. Serve on family china. Or cook a dish that they have never tried in their lives.

About jam

I love it when all kinds of homemade jam are served at the table in a large company and it immediately turns into a separate dramatic subject of discussion, pleasantly diverting the attention of guests from angry philippics to the authorities, corrupt officials, fools and roads.

For me, jam and everything connected with it is a real meditation in Russian. No stress or rush.

Publishing house "Kolibri"

The movements are smooth (or to the beat of your favorite music). And all attention is focused on one thing - on the contemplation of the indisputable natural beauty in its wonderful manifestations and transformations. I can’t stand it when jam from the store is served with tea in exquisite vases. Nothing at all is better.

About tea

I can't stand artificially flavored tea. I treat this product with great sorrow. Why all this synthetic fuss? Maybe to cover up the quality of the original product?

Tart, nutmeg Darjeeling, or spicy, velvety-honey assam, or bright, masculinely aggressive pu-erh themselves have an excellent taste. My latest passion is Ivan tea, the legendary Russian plant, which brought many millions of gold rubles to Tsarist Russia at the time.

It's not about the gold, it's about the fact that fireweed tea is still being grown all over the country, tasting like a neutral, regular herbal tea, is becoming an absolutely amazing drink. If it is fresh, properly harvested and properly dried, you will get a drink of all shades of olive and amber in the cup. Sometimes Ivan-tea is mixed with other herbs: a little bit of mint, or currant leaf, or even with dried strawberries - the perfect hero for an evening tea party with jam.

About digestif

It is very good after a hearty dinner with snacks, soup, hot and dessert - for tea or instead of it, serve homemade liqueur or tincture in small glasses. The first will have a little more sugar, which is suitable for girls.

There is less sugar in the tincture, which may suit boys. But under all circumstances, firstly, they will work as a good digestif and help your guest digest a hearty meal, and secondly, they will emphasize the real homeliness, if you like, of your dinner. After all, making a liqueur or tincture yourself is very simple.

About entertainment

Since we are talking about a digestif, it is pleasant and useful to go to tea and sweets in another area of ​​your apartment or house after a family lunch or dinner.

This movement will break the monotony of sitting at the table and give you the opportunity, for example, to play any board game from erudite to monopoly and chess.

It’s just that sometimes it’s very good to take a conversation in a completely different direction. And if at lunch they discussed menus and recipes all the way, then at tea this will definitely not be discussed. Or, on the contrary, at dinner there was a conversation about politics and the media. So for tea, believe me, and in another place the topic will definitely be changed - such is the law of the feast.

Publishing house "Kolibri"

About bad tone

It's not good at all when:

- The guest forgets to say that he is on a new diet, and I have to run to the stove again, cook something suitable for him / her, skipping the latest news and the latest jokes from the guests.

- At the table they quarrel or sort things out. Being a peacemaker is, of course, a sacred thing, but the sediment always remains.

The guests come empty-handed. A bottle of good wine or a jar of your homemade jam will delight anyone.

- Some - out the door, while others immediately wash their bones. Ugh.

- Late for breakfast. I can't stand it! Hot yolk, crispy toast, fragrant coffee - all this should go into your mouth piping hot. And only so.

- Get up to the stove in a bad mood. It is passed on to the cook, and then to the companion.

While cooking, they listen to the news or talk on the phone. Instead, I recommend music and quiet cooing with loved ones.

In the publishing house "KoLibri" on November 21, new culinary tips from a great lover of a tasty and beautiful life Alena Doletskaya "Sunday Lunch" came out. This book is for those who have learned how to cook breakfast and want to take it to the next level. Or for those who have not particularly tried to cook, but are confident in their abilities and are going to immediately start with something more difficult. It will also suit those who have already approached the stove more than once, are seriously skilled in this matter and know how to fry cutlets, bake a cake, cook borscht even blindfolded - traditional dishes are processed here and served in a new manner. All in all, this book is for everyone.

Sunday lunches_cover_XS.jpg

“In our guest tradition, dinner,” Alena writes, “is a long-awaited meeting, endless conversations, a thorough discussion of public and personal. This is reading one's own and other people's poems and prose, these are games in words, in music. And of course, this is the pleasure of homemade food, freshly prepared with your own hands.

Because once a week everything is possible. You can sit at the table for a long time. Dine at two, three, four and five innings. To fill up from the belly without the slightest feeling of guilt. You can drink, after all. And also - to add various tasty things to the guests with you, so that the memory of Sunday lunch stretches for longer. And finally, because lunch is a logical continuation of the culinary day after the breakfast I described in the Morning book.

November 26, Wednesday from 19:30 to 21:00 at the Novy Knizhny store at 12, Malaya Sukharevskaya Square, Sadovaya Gallery Shopping Center, a meeting with the author will take place. Alena Doletskaya will present her new book, and guests will have the opportunity to ask questions and sign a copy and even more than one.

In the meantime, we are publishing three recipes from the "For Him" ​​dinner.

“Silently and forever we will chop on our nose: his parents are sacred. If they are already coming to you, it is important to show themselves in all their glory. After all, to win - you need to surprise. I didn't say, Napoleon, that it doesn't change the meaning. There are two military strategies: take the well-known complex dish, for example, pilaf. Add the secret ingredient to it - goji berries. Serve on family china. Or cook a dish that they have never tried in their lives. In my crown menu, this is a bird cherry cake.

Royal sterlet soup with champagne

NECESSARY (for 4 servings):

Chicken (for broth) 1 pc.
Parsley root 1 pc.
Celery root 1 pc.
Parsnip root 1 pc.
Fresh sterlet (fillet) 1 kg
Dry champagne 1/2 bottle
Dill 1 bunch
Green onions 1 bunch
Celery 2 stalks
Parsley 1 bunch
Salt, black peppercorns to taste


Puff pastry 250 g
Green onions 1 small bunch
Chicken eggs 3 pcs.
Wheat flour 2 tbsp. l.
Salt, pepper to taste


1. We put the chicken in cold water and put on a small fire. As it boils, we throw in the roots and allspice. Cook covered for 45 minutes. Salt 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Let the broth brew for 10 minutes without opening the lid. We take out the chicken (I usually separate the meat from the bones, pour it a little with broth and put it in the refrigerator - then you can always make a kurnik or an omelet with chicken out of it).

2. For pies, cook two hard-boiled eggs. Chop and fry a little green onion. Finely chop the eggs and add to the onion. Salt, pepper, mix. Roll out the dough on a floured surface and cut into 8 rectangular pieces. We spread a tablespoon of the filling on each part, then grease the edges with a lightly beaten egg and fold in the form of triangles. Put the pies on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, grease with egg and bake at 180 ° C for 30–35 minutes.

3. Strain the broth through a double cheesecloth.

4. Sterlet, without a head, fins and other unnecessary details, cut into portions for laying in the ear.

5. Bring the strained broth to a boil and put the fish in it. When cooking, add parsley sprigs and celery stalks to the broth for a pleasant aroma. Then don't forget to throw them away.

6. When the pieces of sterlet float up, reduce the heat and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour in the champagne, turn up the heat, heat it up a little (in no case bring it to even a hint of boiling) and remove from the heat. Let stand covered for 5 minutes.

7. We put a piece of fish in a plate for each guest, pour it with broth, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. We lay out the finished pies in a slide and serve to the ear.

NECESSARY (for 4 servings):

Devzira rice 2 cups
Lamb on the bone 400 g
Vegetable oil 250–300 g
Coarse salt 2 tbsp. l.
Garlic 2 heads
Yellow carrots 3 pcs.
Onion 1 big head
Cayenne pepper 1 pc.
Goji berries 1 tbsp. l.
Barberry 1 tbsp. l.
A mixture of spices for pilaf 2 tbsp. l.
Zira, salt, pepper to taste


1. Devziru carefully sorted out. Pour rice into a bowl, add 2 tbsp. l. salt and pour five glasses of cold water. We leave for half an hour.

2. We clean the lamb from veins, films and fat. Remove the meat from the bone and cut into cubes about 3 cm wide.

3. We cut the carrots into long strips, 3–4 mm thick, onions into half rings.

4. Pour the vegetable oil into a cauldron and first of all put the onion into the hot oil. As soon as it takes on a golden color, add carrots, pilaf mixture, salt, pepper, zira to it. We reduce the fire a little and close the lid for 5 minutes, until the vegetables give juice, and send slightly salted lamb to the stewed vegetables.

5. We drain the water that the rice has not absorbed, and pour it into a cauldron, pour boiling water over it so that the water is two fingers above the level of the rice.

6. We drown two heads of garlic in rice (do not peel, just rinse before sending to the cauldron). We close the lid, make medium heat and do not open it again and do not disturb the pilaf for 20-30 minutes.
