
Why is lemonade bad? How much can you drink sweet soda without harm to health.

The times of vending machines with sweet lemonade are long gone, but nostalgia remains. Moreover, the true cause of nostalgia is not completely clear: either the ritual of obtaining a drink through a series of simple manipulations, or taste. The most delicious lemonade for a post-Soviet person is tarragon and duchess. But time mercilessly erases them from the picture of the food priorities of the population. Why did this happen and what can modern manufacturers offer in return?

The main problem of lemonade

The main problem of all lemonades, which are served both in Michelin-starred restaurants and sold in stalls at the entrance, is the composition. It will definitely come across either, or flavorings, or flavor enhancers. Children and adults who are accustomed to absorbing sweet drinks in liters will definitely feel or have already felt their destructive power. Metabolism becomes slower, taste buds refuse to accept any food without a huge amount of sugar, the skin becomes covered with rashes and tries with all its might to show how it suffers. We stubbornly ignore the problem, forget about the glycemic index, near-term diabetes and, of course, obesity, pouring another glass of foaming liquid. So harmful, but so beloved.

How to solve the main problem of lemonade

The problem has 2 possible solutions. The first says that manufacturers should take the side of consumers, exclude all kinds of harmful substances from the composition, think about people, not about earnings, and sell us an organic product. Sounds utopian, so let's move on to a more realistic option. The only way to protect yourself from chemical fragrances, emerald dyes and gases is to take matters into your own hands and make your own lemonade. It may sound unconvincing, but in practice it turns out great. To create your own lemonade, you do not need to finish a cooking college or kenwood courses, it is enough to be able to cut fruit and screw the lid tightly on the containers.

How to drink lemonade

As Paracelsus stated “Everything is a poison, everything is a medicine; both are determined by the dose. The Swiss alchemist was definitely right, and his statement applies to absolutely everything, even lemonade. The drinking regime is a kind of ghostly phenomenon that hangs over us and very rarely makes itself felt. A person rarely feels thirsty, but this does not mean at all that we do not need fluids. Maintaining a drinking regimen is a guarantee of the functionality and beauty of the whole organism.

A healthy person should drink at least 30 milliliters of fluid per 1 kilogram of body weight. In a hot period of time, this dosage increases and from 300 to 600 milliliters of liquid are added to the daily norm.

The monotony is boring, so whipping liters of ordinary filtered water does not bring any pleasure. It is much easier to force yourself to drink a colorful liquid with a sour/bitter/spicy/sweet note from a beautiful glass. It is such a healing drink that homemade lemonade can become.

Your homemade drink should be radically different from store-bought. It is necessary to create an interchangeable complex:

  • chemical fragrances for the natural smell of fruits / spices;
  • flavorings and stabilizers on fresh slices of seasonal foods;
  • food coloring for a riot of colors of whole plant components.

The benefits of the drink

American doctor Frank Lipman claims that tonic lemonade can remove toxins, restore acid-base balance and energize the body for the whole day. If you choose the right ingredients (for example, and), then at the same time you can disinfect the internal cavity.


A fragrant herbal drink is the easiest way to detox. Choose plenty of citrus fruits, throw them in lemonade and enjoy the effect. Citruses are able to cleanse the abdominal organs of "unnecessary" components, improve the functionality of the body, remove inflammation and solve the problem of the inflammatory process itself. Moreover, citrus water stimulates the digestive tract, increases salivation and improves appetite. You can drink lemonade (exclusively from natural ingredients) throughout the day.

We still have not learned to distinguish between hunger and thirst. Our body sends the same signals to the brain during both the first and second processes, which is why it is so difficult for us to decide on the spectrum of desires. The feeling of hunger is too often disguised as a lack of fluid in the body. The result - a person overeats, but hunger never subsides, because the body asked not for a cake, but for citrus water.

In addition, lemonade stimulates digestion and speeds up metabolic processes, which also contributes to weight loss.


Scientists conducted an experiment in which they determined the effect of liquids on athletic performance. The experiment involved 15 professional runners. The group that drank more tonic fluid showed higher and more productive results compared to those who refused an additional glass of lemonade.


Do not rush to climb into the medicine cabinet for a handful of pills as soon as you feel a slight pain in your head. Just drink a glass of warm or chilled lemonade - after a few minutes the pain will subside and disappear forever. Headache can be associated with dehydration, abnormal functionality of the body, or ordinary overwork. Homemade lemonade will perfectly cope with all these problems, which is much more useful than white tablets from a blister.


Scientists from Australia have proven that the amount of fluid entering the body affects the performance of the kidneys. Timely replenished water balance guarantees protection against kidney pathologies and the perfect functioning of the system.

Beauty control

A glass of lemonade can be just as effective as an expensive trip to the beauty salon. Even the best nourishing face cream cannot hydrate, nourish and give a natural glow to our skin better than enriched. The skin is the largest human organ, which reflects absolutely all the processes that are inside. A refreshing drink will help:

  • moisturize the skin;
  • get rid of and prevent the appearance of the notorious orange peel;
  • prevent premature aging;
  • smooth out existing age-related changes;
  • get into the deepest layers of the skin and deliver the maximum amount of useful components to them (which is impossible for a cream, since it works only in the upper layer);
  • activate the lymphatic system;
  • disperse stagnant interstitial fluid.

lemonade recipes


We will need:

  • filtered water - 200 ml;
  • Jerusalem artichoke syrup (can be replaced with honey) - 50 ml;
  • tarragon leaves - 100 g;
  • mineral water with gas (the amount depends on the selected container).


Add Jerusalem artichoke syrup to filtered water, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. Grind tarragon leaves in a blender, and send the resulting green mixture to hot diluted Jerusalem artichoke syrup. Remove the liquid from the heat, leave to cool at room temperature, strain the syrup and pour into any suitable container. Add a few tablespoons of Jerusalem artichoke syrup with chopped tarragon to mineral water, add a slice, 2 ice cubes, a sprig, close your eyes and imagine that you are 10 years old again.

Green kombucha

Culinary fact: This is a drink that is prepared on the basis of kombucha. In the process of secondary fermentation, absolutely any ingredients can be added to it: fruits, berries and your favorite spices. This exotic lemonade has become a new generation of superfoods. Kombucha has a detox effect on the body, activates metabolic processes, improves appetite and fills the body with vital phytonutrients.

We will need:

  • spirulina powder - 1 tablespoon;
  • prepared infusion of kombucha (can be bought at a chain supermarket) - 1 l;
  • berries, fruits, spices to taste.


Mix the ingredients and let the drink brew for 1-2 days at room temperature.

Rosemary Apple Lemonade

We will need:

  • green apples - 5 pcs;
  • agave syrup (can be replaced with honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup) - 5 tablespoons;
  • rosemary - 4 sprigs;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • mineral water with gas - 1 l;
  • ice to taste.


Remove the peel and inner core, put in a blender and beat into a liquid porridge. Pour the syrup, lemon juice into the puree, whisk lightly and send to the required container. Pour water into a container with agave-apple puree, drop it, ice. Mix the contents of the bottle well and drink throughout the day.

Side effects of drinking liquids

There is no need to worry about failures in the body due to excessive consumption of lemonade. A person simply cannot pour into himself the amount of water that he does not want. Everyone has an individual level of water balance, which we maintain on an intuitive level. There is a risk of not getting enough, rather than too much, with water and drinks.

Dehydration is the real problem. Modern man is in a constant hurry. We can forget to pick up our children from kindergarten, so there is no need to be surprised at irregular water consumption.

What causes dehydration? Water is involved in all chemical reactions in the human body. If there is not enough water, the cells begin to separate moisture from personal reserves. We begin to age faster, move less, look worse and digest food longer.

Drink preparation and storage

Proper cooking water

The main ingredient in lemonade is water. The body uses it not only to maintain water balance, but also as a storehouse. There is a concept of physiological usefulness of drinking liquid. Physiologically complete is considered water, which contains, and. It is this water that helps a person to cheer up and recharge with energy for a long time. Harsh filtration in factories often negates the content of important minerals, but exceptions can be found.

Additional factors:

  • acidity should be 7 (more acidic or alkaline water is used only for medicinal purposes);
  • minimum hardness threshold - 1.5 mg - eq / l;
  • the maximum allowable concentration of chlorides / sulfates is 250 g / l, magnesium - 65 g / l, - 20 ml / l, - 200 ml / l.
  • liquid should be clear and clean.

Proper storage container

A modern person does not have a special space for choosing a container. The container can be glass or plastic. The ideal option is glass containers. It is chemically inert, does not release harmful chemicals when heated, and does not react with the contents.

With plastic, things are a little more complicated. The most commonly used material in the food industry is PET. It is intended for containers of small volume, made of polyethylene terephthalate. A special mark is placed on PET - a triangle with the number 1 inside. This material is considered the safest in terms of recycling and reuse.

For containers, PVC is used more. This is frankly bad material, during the production and disposal of which a lot of pathogenic substances are formed. There is no need to store your proper homemade lemonade in it, otherwise the benefits will be doubtful.

How to motivate yourself to drink more fluids

At some point, even your favorite lemonades can become boring. And the desire to lie down will easily block the efforts to maintain the water balance in the norm. To add motivation to yourself, you can pay attention to 3 important aspects: savings, permanent reminders, constant presence.


Cooked homemade lemonade costs a penny compared to the offers of restaurants or chain hypermarkets. Moreover, you are confident in the quality of the consumed liquid, which also gives additional motivation.

Permanent Reminders

Install a mobile application that will calculate your individual fluid intake and will constantly remind you of the need to "fill the tank". Some applications are so relentless that they will turn your life into a hell of vibrations and reminders until you start to consume the daily allowance.

Permanent presence

Buy beautiful containers of different sizes and constantly fill them with lemonade. Take it with you, drink in establishments, put a liter bottle next to the bed. If water is always at hand, it will definitely be used.

Lemonadeit is one of the most refreshing and delicious drinks that can be prepared at home. Many prefer to enjoy it on hot days, but it's actually the perfect drink for all occasions! Try it and you will notice the difference!

The advantage of lemonade over other refreshing drinks and juices is that it contains Low calories and high in nutrients which provide invaluable health benefits.

Thereby lemonade can easily fit into any, even if you drink it several times a day.

Because of all these benefits Recently, lemonade has become a very popular drink to start the day.. After all, it is in the morning that our body absorbs nutrients best.

And so that you also have such a good habit, today we will tell you 8 reasons why you should start your day with lemonade.

1. Helps hydrate the body

The first reason why it is advisable to drink lemonade right in the morning is our body's loss of moisture during the night.

Fluid leaves our body through sweat and urine and needs to be replenished. And it's better if it's a healthy drink. A great option if you don't like drinking "tasteless" water.

2. Prevents urinary tract infections

The antiviral and antimicrobial properties of this drink will help ensure prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections.

Consuming this lemonade daily on an empty stomach helps remove harmful bacteria. They multiply, as a rule, in the region of the kidneys or directly in the bladder.

3. Reduces bloating

To date, there is no scientific evidence that water with lemon helps to lose weight. However, there is a hypothesis that this drink, being a diuretic, helps eliminate bloating after a heavy meal.

4. Helps cleanse the body

Day after day, our body accumulates waste and toxins. These are food, environmental pollution, and exposure to chemicals ... All these factors harm our health and disrupt the functioning of internal organs.

If you start your day with lemonade, then this way you can cleanse your body of harmful substances.

5. Restores and maintains acid-base balance

Many people think that because lemon has a sour taste, it must increase the level of acidity in the blood.

However, it has already been proven to be one of the best natural alkalizing products. He helps to absorb nutrients (metabolism) and restores the pH of the body.

If you start your day with lemonade, then you can avoid the increased level of acidity in your body.

6. Strengthens the immune system

Vitamin C is known to boost the immune system.

Drinking lemonade every morning will help prevent the development of many viral diseases. After all, he can resist them.

7. Improves digestion

Many disorders of the digestive system can be "cured" with ordinary lemonade (only you need to drink it on an empty stomach).

Lots of water and fiber in this drink will prevent the formation of constipation, relieve inflammation and relieve heartburn.

8. Helps skin stay young

How to make a healthy lemonade to start the day?

To enjoy all of the above benefits of this drink, it is best to prepare warm lemonade and do not add any sweeteners to it.


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • Juice of 1 lemon

Cooking method:

  • Boil water in a saucepan over medium heat. Then cool until the temperature is acceptable for consumption.
  • Squeeze out the juice and add it to warm or hot water.

How to drink?

  • Try to consume this lemonade every day, on an empty stomach, right after waking up.
  • After that, wait 30-45 minutes before eating breakfast.

As you can see, the drink is simply magical. It not only refreshes, but brings great benefits to the body. Train yourself to drink it every morning and you will see how your body becomes more and more healthy and attractive.

In view of the almost complete absence, we immediately omit the question “Why is it useful?” and go to the main point:

And so, we take ANY bottle with ANY lemonade. We look at the label. We temporarily skip the inscriptions with “obscene” words about the composition of the product, we will return to them soon, and admire the inscription “DRINK COOLED” or something like that.

Yeah, do you think that manufacturers care about your taste sensations in this way, like with cognac “to feel all its aroma, you need to warm the glass in your hands, etc.”? Yep, right now! In this case, the call to "DRINK COOL" is in perfect harmony with other warnings, such as "DO NOT CLOSE IN! KILL!" or “STOP! BACK! DANGEROUS AREA!" Those. this is the “line” beyond which it is dangerous to go.

Why? I explain:

Now we look at the composition, and in 9 out of 10 cases we find there, in the category of sweeteners, aspartame(E-951) . Found? Well, who would doubt it!

So, aspartame is a synthetic sweetener that is almost 200 times sweeter than sugar and at the same time has almost zero calories. Of course, such a product is just a godsend for the manufacturer, because instead of a ton of sugar, it takes only about 50 kg of sweetener to make lemonade. What savings in warehouses, and on price! Yes, and advertise something as convenient: "Coca-Cola Light - 0 calories!"

So, aspartame contains a small amount of methanol. Do you know what it is? Methanol is methyl or wood alcohol, yes, yes, the one that kills or blinds lovers of "singed" vodka. When it enters our body, methanol is converted into formaldehyde, which belongs to the same group of toxic substances as arsenic and hydrocyanic acid.

But the most interesting thing is that when heated above 30 degrees Celsius, the amount of this methanol in aspartame rises! So the recommendations to “drink chilled” have very good arguments.

It's funny, but with chilled drinks, too, everything is not so simple, however, for other reasons:

Back in 1969, our Soviet radiologists encountered an unusual problem when conducting their intricate experiments: it turns out that if food is washed down with cold drinks (for example, Pepsi-Cola with ice), then instead of being carried out in the stomach, as it should be 4 -5 hours, food, it doesn't stay there longer than 20 minutes! Do you know what it threatens? Yes, so .. a trifle: it is impossible to get enough of such food, and you find yourself hungry again, and this is a direct path to obesity. And putrefactive processes begin in the intestines, because such food did not wait for normal digestion.

By the way, it is on this principle that McDonald's operates, and we are still surprised - why are Americans so fat?!

Hence the conclusion: never drink cold drinks with food, even water, even juice, even lemonade. It turns out that cold liquid should be drunk only on an empty stomach.

But, and that's not all. Let's get back to aspartame.

It's funny, but drinks containing aspartame do not quench your thirst. The fact is that our saliva does not know how to properly remove the residual sweetener from the oral mucosa. And that is why, after such lemonades, an unpleasant sensation of cloying remains in the mouth, which you constantly want to drink with a new portion. So, dear ones, such lemonades are not a means of combating thirst, but, on the contrary, its sources!

Aspartame contains and phenylalanine which is used in the food industry. Phenylalanine, contained in aspartame, changes the threshold of sensitivity, depletes serotonin, which can eventually lead to the development of manic depression, panic attacks, anger and violence. Phenylalanine accumulates in brain structures, causing mental retardation. Still craving lemonade?

We continue to study the composition of the product. What else is there? ABOUT!

Sodium benzoate (E211). In truth, this is a cough medicine with an expectorant effect, but in the food industry, sodium benzoate is used as a preservative. Of course, sodium benzoate is allowed and approved by all sorts of relevant authorities in different countries, but here's the problem: when sodium benzoate is combined with vitamin C - a simple ascorbic acid that they like to add to soft drinks - benzene, a strong carcinogen, is formed. Yes, and sodium benzoate itself in large doses is able to suppress the activity of enzymes in cells responsible for redox reactions, as well as enzymes that break down fats and starch.
