
How to make milk from nuts. Walnuts to increase lactation: myth or truth

We recommend soaking the nuts before use to neutralize the chemicals, inhibitors, enzymes and toxins that protect the plant during growth. These substances are poorly digested and prevent the proper absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and other valuable elements. A very simple soaking process will neutralize these substances. In addition, soaking makes the taste of the original product more pleasant and rich.

Vanilla almond milk

Almond milk goes great with the sweet vanilla flavor. Try this magical drink!

4 cups filtered water

Cooking instructions

Soak the almonds along with the vanilla for 8-12 hours in filtered water.

Almonds, vanilla (if it is a pod, then cut it into small pieces), sweetener, salt and 4 cups of water, place in a blender. Stir on high speed for 1-2 minutes. The color of the mixture will become milky and foam will appear on top.


* You can use 1 cup of nuts for 1 liter of milk, but if you want to make it richer, then use 2 cups.

Vanilla cashew milk

Amazingly creamy and flavorful milk.

Ingredients (for 1 liter of milk):

1-2 cups raw unsalted cashews

4 cups filtered water

Pinch of sea salt (optional)

1-2 tbsp sweetener (optional)

1 vanilla pod or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)

Cooking instructions

Soak the cashews along with the vanilla pod for 2 hours in filtered water.

Drain and rinse nuts under running water.

Cashews, vanilla (if it is a pod, then cut it into small pieces), sweetener, salt and 4 cups of water, place in a blender. Stir on high speed for 1-2 minutes. The color of the mixture will become milky and foam will appear on top.

Strain the milk through a nut milk bag or a fine sieve.


* Store milk in a closed glass bottle in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

* During storage, the milk may separate into 2 layers, this is quite natural, just shake it before use.

Almond milk with turmeric

This drink is delicious both cold and hot. If you have a cold, then hot milk with turmeric will help you recover and feel better.

Ingredients (for 1 liter of milk):

1-2 cups raw, unsalted almonds

4 cups filtered water

Pinch of sea salt (optional)

1-2 tbsp sweetener (optional)

1-2 tbsp turmeric powder (feel free to use 2 tablespoons as turmeric has a rather mild taste)

Cooking instructions

Soak almonds in filtered water for 8-12 hours.

Drain and rinse nuts under running water.

Place the almonds, sweetener, salt, turmeric and 4 cups of water in a blender. Stir on high speed for 1-2 minutes. The color of the mixture will become milky and foam will appear on top.

Strain the milk through a nut milk bag or a fine sieve.


* Store milk in a closed glass bottle in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

* During storage, the milk may separate into 2 layers, this is quite natural, just shake it before use.

hazelnut chocolate milk

This nut milk is literally life changing! It tastes almost like Nutella, but in the form of a drink. The perfect dessert for breakfast or dinner.

Ingredients (for 1 liter of milk):

1-2 cups raw unsalted hazelnuts

4 cups filtered water

Pinch of sea salt (optional)

1-2 tbsp sweetener (optional)

1 vanilla pod or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 tbsp cocoa powder

Cooking instructions

Soak hazelnuts with vanilla pod in filtered water for 8 hours.

Drain and rinse nuts and vanilla under running water.

Place hazelnuts, sweetener, salt, cocoa, vanilla and 4 cups of water in a blender. Stir on high speed for 1-2 minutes. The color of the mixture will turn milk chocolate and foam will appear on top.

Strain the milk through a nut milk bag or a fine sieve.


* Store milk in a closed glass bottle in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

* During storage, the milk may separate into 2 layers, this is quite natural, just shake it before use.

pistachio milk

Pistachio milk has a very strong nutty flavor. If you love pistachios, then this recipe is definitely for you. In addition, the delicate green shade of milk looks quite beautiful and unusual. For a change, you can add a little ground cardamom to the pistachio milk. Pistachio milk can be drunk on its own or added to various desserts and smoothies.

Pistachio milk is made quickly as the pistachios do not need to be soaked first.

Cow's milk is not always well absorbed by the human body. This is especially true for the elderly and young children (which is why most milk formulas are made on the basis of goat or soy milk). In addition, according to the book "", cow's milk protein can be the cause of some autoimmune diseases.

Walnut kernels contain fatty oil (up to 60-76%), proteins (up to 21%), carbohydrates (up to 7%), provitamin A, vitamins K and P, amino acids (asparagine, cystine, glutamine, serine, histidine, valine, phenylalanine). Walnut fatty oil consists of glycerides of linoleic, oleic, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acids.

During the manufacture of milk, some of the beneficial properties are lost, but most still remain.


  • 1 cup shelled walnuts;
  • 3 cups water + water for soaking
  • honey to taste;
  • a pinch of vanilla.


Measure the nuts with a glass of any volume and fill with cold drinking water so that it covers the nuts. Leave overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning, take out the nuts, drain the water, pour them into a blender and pour three glasses (the same volume that you used for the nuts) of cold water.

Beat with a blender for several minutes until smooth and strain through cheesecloth. After that, you can add a little honey and vanilla to taste, or you can leave it clean. Shelf life - 2-3 days in the refrigerator.

Based on this milk, you can make very tasty cocktails! The first option: beat it with a banana, dates (3-4 pitted things), a pinch of cinnamon and honey. The second option: whisk together with cinnamon, nutmeg, honey and dates (5-6 pieces). You can adjust the amount of bananas and dates to your liking.

Another option is to use nut milk as a base for cocktails with frozen berries (whatever you like) and honey, and also add it to coffee. The only but: this milk is not very homogeneous in consistency, when added to coffee it is divided into flakes and does not look very appetizing, so it needs to be stirred well.

Despite the fact that I do not really like walnuts, I liked the milk from them! It has a pleasant taste, the coffee is simply amazing. If you feel like the milk is not rich enough, add less water next time.

And do not forget that this nut milk is very: 100 ml contains 79 kcal. You should not drink it in large quantities, and because nuts are a healthy product, but rather difficult to digest. You don't drink cow's milk, do you?

Next time we will experiment with rice milk and be sure to share the results!

Often, the joy of motherhood is overshadowed when, at the next weigh-in at the clinic, it suddenly turns out that the baby is not gaining weight well. In such a situation, the nursing mother first of all comes to mind that she does not have enough milk.

Most likely, she will remember that walnuts during breastfeeding are considered a traditional remedy for increasing lactation. Is it really worth resorting to this method of solving the problem, or is its effectiveness just one of the myths surrounding breastfeeding?

What are the benefits of walnuts

Let's start with the fact that the product in question is actually very useful, one might say, even unique in its own way. Walnuts contain:

  • vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, P, K, zinc and copper, which contributes to the prevention of various diseases, slowing down the aging process;
  • vitamin C, and in terms of its quantity they are ahead of blackcurrants, oranges, and rose hips;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids that cannot be obtained from animal fats.

Scientists have found that the use of walnuts contributes to a long-term reduction in blood cholesterol levels, which means that they can be used to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

What about the effect on lactation?

Whether it is possible to increase the “performance” of the mammary glands with the help of nuts is not known for certain, since no one has conducted relevant studies. And is it worth it to use them during lactation? On this issue, the opinions of both doctors and lactation consultants differ.

Some pediatricians, if they are dissatisfied with the increase in the baby, advise the mother to eat walnuts, because if with their help it is not possible to increase the amount of milk, then at least its “quality”, that is, fat content, can be increased. In the case of a lack of weight in a baby, this is no less true.

But it does not hurt to keep in mind that more fatty milk tends to stagnate in the ducts, which leads to blockage of the latter (it looks like a white dot on the nipple), as well as to lactostasis and mastitis. If you are prone to such problems, just in case, exclude walnuts from your menu, or at least do not abuse them.

There is another opinion among doctors, according to which the composition of milk (or rather, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) is genetically programmed. Can't change it with any products. This seems quite logical, because women have always managed to feed their children even in the most difficult conditions, without access to hearty and healthy food.

Nuts with milk - a healthy or dangerous recipe?

Some mothers and even lactation consultants believe that cow's milk with walnuts is a real salvation in case of a lack of breast milk. They offer the following recipe: boil one and a half glasses of milk, pour a handful of chopped nuts, put it all in a thermos for a couple of hours and drink it throughout the day.

However, other consultants and doctors consider it inappropriate to use this drug while breastfeeding. The fact is that both cow's milk and nuts are included in the so-called "Big Eight" of the most significant allergens, which, in addition to the products mentioned, includes chicken eggs, peanuts, soybeans, shellfish and crustaceans, fish, and wheat.

Allergy symptoms can be:

  • unstable stool with mucus (and sometimes streaked with blood);
  • intestinal colic;
  • rashes on the skin, redness of the cheeks, elbows, buttocks, inguinal folds, dry skin;
  • less often - respiratory phenomena.

If you notice something similar in your baby, be sure to consult a doctor.

It is worth recognizing that walnuts are safer than, for example, hazelnuts. But still, the combination of two allergens is hardly a good way to establish breastfeeding, especially in the first month of lactation.

However, everything is individual, and many nursing mothers can drink milk with walnuts, as their children tolerate these products well. However, this recipe cannot be recommended to everyone without exception.

How to stimulate lactation in case of walnut allergy?

First of all, do not forget that the most effective way to maintain the amount of milk at the proper level is to feed on demand and often breastfeed the baby. "Demand creates supply". If the mammary gland is rarely emptied, the body receives the information that milk is not really needed, and less is produced.

You also need to monitor the correct attachment of the child (not only the nipple, but also the areola, especially its lower part, should fall into the mouth). Otherwise, sucking will not be as effective, and painful nipple cracks may also occur.

Night feedings should not be neglected either, since prolactin (a hormone that stimulates milk production) is produced in the mother's body at night. Even if the baby sleeps well, you should try to feed him twice from 3.00 to 8.00 in the morning.

If even if all these conditions are met, the problem is not solved, it is better not to let things take their course, but to contact a breastfeeding specialist (on forums, by phone or invite home). Also, be sure to talk to your pediatrician, because weight loss may not be associated with a lack of milk at all, but with some kind of disease.

In conclusion, we note that if both the baby and the mother tolerate walnuts well, then they can be consumed during breastfeeding in the amount of two to three kernels per day, this will be quite enough to manifest their beneficial properties. It is better to buy thermally processed and unpeeled nuts. Bon appetit!

We almost always have a bottle of nut milk in our fridge. With it, any smoothie becomes even tastier and more satisfying. Nut milk is a great alternative to regular milk, and you don't need a farm or a cow to make it.

Olya Malysheva

Of what

All you need to make nut milk is water and any unroasted nuts. The most delicious milk comes from hazelnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts. You can use walnuts or pine nuts. They also make milk from raw seeds - sesame seeds, poppy seeds or pumpkin seeds.

Milk will taste better if the nuts are soaked in drinking water beforehand. If I prepare milk in the morning, I leave the nuts in a bowl of water overnight. In the morning I wash and then I mix the nuts in a blender with the required amount of water. But sometimes I forget about it and just use dried nuts.

The nut milk formula looks like this:
Nuts + drinking water + blender + sieve

The classic ratio of nuts to water is 1 to 4.

*To make 4 cups of nut milk, you need 4 cups of water and 1 cup of nuts. For one glass of milk - 1 glass of water and 1/4 cup of nuts.

The ratio can change in one direction or another. For example, for more aromatic and thicker milk, I sometimes take more nuts and less water - about 1 to 3.

For one or two

1. Mix nuts with water in a blender. While the blender is doing its job, plain water will turn into white milk before your eyes. The more powerful the blender, the faster this will happen, and the smoother and whiter the drink will be.

2. With the blender off, strain the finished milk through a sieve, cheesecloth, or special nut milk bag (google it!).

You can clearly see the process in this video from the My New Roots blog

Ready! Now this milk can be sweetened with dates or honey, add vanilla or cinnamon. You can make a banana and berry milkshake, or put the milk in the fridge and use it in the kitchen just like you would normally use cow's milk.

Store nut milk in the refrigerator in a closed bottle for about 3 days.

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The next summer Orthodox holiday is approaching, the main dish of which, judging by the name, is nuts.

On the eve of the Walnut Savior tochka.net I decided to tell you about the health benefits of nut milk and how you can make it at home.

Benefits and uses of nut milk

Nut milk is a healthy alternative to cow's milk. It does not contain lactose, and therefore even those who cannot tolerate regular animal milk can drink it. Another plus of nut milk is that it is absolutely a product. It is approved not only by those who refused animals and their derivatives, but also by adherents of raw food and Ayurvedic nutrition.

Nut milk is considered very useful, as it contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes in its raw form, without heat treatment. It is also better absorbed by the human body.

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Nut milk can be poured into granola, added to smoothies, coffee and tea, cooked on it and just drunk for pleasure. Also, on the basis of nut milk, you can create delicious and healthy cocktails by adding honey, cocoa, cinnamon, dates or vanilla to it.


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How to make nut milk

All you need to make nut milk is water and any unroasted nuts. The most delicious milk comes from hazelnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts. You can also use walnuts or pine nuts. Plant-based milk is also made from raw seeds: sesame, poppy or pumpkin seeds.

To make the milk really tasty, it is better to soak the nuts in cool drinking water for a period of 4 hours to the whole night.

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Soaking times for different types of nuts:

  • Almond in order to absorb moisture, you need the most amount of time - 8-12 hours.
  • For hazelnut, macadamia and peanut will be enough 8 ocloc'k.
  • walnut all you need 4 hours.
  • A cashew - 2 hours.
  • From pistachios and brazil nuts excellent milk will turn out even without soaking.

Ideal proportions for making nut milk - nuts and water 1 to 4. That is, for 4 glasses of milk(about 1 liter) 4 cups water and 1 cup nuts.

The ratio can change in one direction or another. For example, for more aromatic and thick milk, you can take more nuts and less water - about 1 to 3.

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Place nuts and water in a blender and beat thoroughly until smooth. After that, the mixture is filtered through a sieve, cheesecloth or a special bag for nut milk.

Store nut milk in the refrigerator in a closed bottle 3-4 days.
