
Dry herbal balm "Female", rejuvenating. Dry balm "for you" for women

My favorite time has begun, when you can start cooking delicious and very fragrant tea from fresh herbs, leaves, flowers, fruits and berries.

At proper preparation, you can prepare such a mixture that when brewing, a unique and inimitable bouquet of smells and aromas will be created!

So here are my delicious tea recipes for you.

These tea recipes tone up, increase the activity of the cerebral cortex, have positive influence with overwork, weakness, fatigue, neuroses. They help to quickly restore strength after illnesses, during periods of increased mental and physical stress.


  • For 250 grams of black tea you need to take
  • 2 tablespoons of mint herb and,
  • 0.5 tsp cumin fruits,
  • 1 tsp each of oregano herb, linden flowers and thyme herb


  • St. John's wort 3 parts
  • mother and stepmother -3 parts
  • mint-2.5 parts
  • oregano - 2.5 parts
  • chamomile-2 parts
  • rose hips - 1.5 parts
  • eucalyptus-o, 5 parts
  • Mix everything.
  • From ready mix herbs take 2 parts of herbs for 8 parts of tea.


This tea balm can be prepared when the berry bushes begin to bloom, collecting their wonderful young fresh leaves.

Leaves of wild strawberries, strawberries, rose hips, apple trees, cherries, bird cherry equal amounts chop mix with equal amount .

Another delicious berry tea balm recipe:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of rose hips,
  • as well as currant, raspberry and lingonberry leaves,
  • taken in equal amounts, mix with 2 tablespoons


Brew ready-made tea balm at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 cup of boiling water. Pour the teapot boiling water 2/3 of its volume, cover with a napkin so that it covers the hole on the lid of the kettle and its spout. Leave for 15 minutes and add boiling water to the kettle.

  • , brewed in this way, preserves almost all essential oils.
  • Such teas are best consumed immediately, fresh, after being poured into a cup, still warm. Honey can be added if desired.
  • Milk or cream cannot be added to herbal tea, as they weaken the effect of catechins, which have a powerful tonic and atherosclerotic effect.
  • At one time, you should not drink more than two glasses of balm.


Don't forget that everyone has it side effects take this into account and individual characteristics your body when preparing any herbal teas.

I hope you enjoy my tea collection recipes and appreciate them. magical properties and flavors.

Well, if you don’t have the time or opportunity to procure medicinal raw materials, you can always buy ready-made herbs or. The main thing is that they are made from high-quality organic raw materials.

"Altai Tea Company", located in the village. Krasnogorsk, does herbal teas and balsams from wild herbs and berries collected in the foothills of Altai. Herbal compositions are unique taste and fragrant aroma, contain a unique range useful substances. They will fill you with the strength and energy of the Altai mountains.

Dry balm is a carefully selected composition of Altai herbs and berries, which will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of your body, thanks to the action of natural ingredients.

It can serve as a wonderful gift for those whose health you would like to take care of.

The composition of the dry balm "For you" for women:

  • . chaga,
  • . red brush (upland uterus),
  • . volodushka golden,
  • . monarda lemon,
  • . meadowsweet,
  • . oregano ordinary.

In aqueous solution:

Pour the contents with boiled water at a temperature of 90-95 C and insist in a warm place or a water bath at a temperature of 40-50 C for 2-4 hours. Consume by adding to tea, coffee, spirits and other drinks to taste. Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator.

In a water-alcohol solution:

pour the contents with a water-alcohol solution with a strength of at least 20% by volume, let it brew for at least 10 days. Recommended recooking after the full use of the primary infusion, as this will enhance beneficial features raw materials. Use by adding 1-2 teaspoons to tea, coffee.

Chaga birch. Preparations of birch fungus act as active biogenic stimulants, they increase the protective properties of the body, stimulate the central nervous system, improve metabolism. Chaga activates the metabolism in the brain tissue. Renew the activity of inhibited enzymatic processes, regulate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, act as a general strengthening immunomodulator. The successful use of the fungus in the complex treatment of psoriasis has been confirmed. The antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of chaga are exceptional.

Chaga preparations are used in patients peptic ulcer, gastritis, chronic liver disease, with tumors.

red brush(in Latin it is called Rodiola guadrefida) is unique plant which has no analogues in the whole world. It grows exclusively in the Altai Mountains. Its peculiarity is that it is possible to cure not the consequence of the disease, but the root cause of its occurrence. They say about her that this is a pure drop that can cleanse the whole ocean.
The red brush has a wide range of restorative functions, is able to return all the joys of life. After it, people begin to breathe deeply, “flutter like birds”, a second wind opens, a new life begins.
The uniqueness of the red brush lies in the wide medical use, biological rejuvenation of the diseased organ. This property has not yet been studied by modern science.
This drug should be given attention in complex injuries, long illnesses and long-term use of various antibiotics, with weakened immunity, to maintain youth and health as an adaptogen and natural immunostimulant.
The red brush has a hormonal effect, helps in the elimination of endocrine disorders: in the lymph nodes, adrenal glands, thyroid gland.
It is an invigorating and hemostatic agent, used in the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases, in oncology. Helps relieve spasms that occur in the vessels of the brain.

Volodushka effective in all hepatic diseases, biliary dyskinesia, nephrotic syndrome. Clinical trials have confirmed its high activity in hepatitis and cirrhosis.
The healers of antiquity 2 thousand years ago believed that the volodushka saves from any deadly poison. The main thing is to brew a handful of her flowers as soon as possible and drink the decoction. The flower is also valuable because it cleanses the body of radioactive irradiation.
In this golden grass, substances were found that kill pathogenic and putrefactive microorganisms - staphylococci and streptococci, it helps with dysbacteriosis, enteritis, gastritis.
The plant is an excellent antiviral agent. If you start immediately using the volodushka with the flu, the temperature will quickly drop and complications will be avoided. Scientists recently discovered another important property plants: it prevents breast cancer. Infusion of herbs can treat abscesses, boils, wash ulcers and wounds.
Good volodushka and as a component herbal tea especially after eating fatty foods. If you eat a couple of her flowers 20-25 minutes before a hearty meal, then not only will your stomach not swell, but excess fat will not be absorbed.

Monarda lemon named after the Spanish physician and botanist Nicolás Monardes, who described many useful plants America. Its leaves and flowers have a strong pleasant, slightly spicy aroma.
Monarda acts as a mild antihelminthic, and, unlike others, does not cause poisoning in case of overdose. The most important feature monarda is the stimulation of cardiac activity and the ability to relieve cardiac neurosis, the ability to strengthen the walls of capillaries and expand the coronary vessels of the heart.
The properties of the monad as a radioprotective agent, for the treatment of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and tracheitis, as a means of promoting engraftment of foreign tissues, it has a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, explains its effectiveness against various pathogens (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.).
Monad preparations have a mild prolonged immunomodulatory effect with an almost complete absence of adverse reactions.
Monarda essential oil is used to treat burns, eczema, and hair loss.

meadowsweet or tavoga as a medicinal plant has been known to people for a very long time. Infusions are used in the treatment of rheumatism, diseases of the heart, kidneys and Bladder, gastrointestinal tract, with bleeding, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, anemia, chronic cholecystitis, allergies, multiple sclerosis, colds, epilepsy. Externally, a decoction of the herb is used to wash festering wounds, burns, bedsores, furunculosis, frostbite, and to treat various dermatitis.
Therapeutic action meadowsweet due unique composition her biologically active substances, which put meadowsweet at the top of the list of herbs for the prevention and treatment of cardio- vascular diseases: strokes, heart attacks, cholesterolemia, varicose veins, capillary fragility, diabetic ulcers, tachycardia, hypertension.

Oregano used for intestinal diseases, as a means of calming the central nervous system, for acute and chronic bronchitis, liver and biliary tract diseases. Oregano has analgesic, anticonvulsant, wound-healing properties. Infusions and decoctions of oregano also help with hypertension. They are also used externally as lotions and compresses, for eczema, various itchy rashes, for washing wounds, for boils and abscesses. Indications for use are insomnia, hypocidic and anacid gastritis. Oregano herb alone and mixed with other plants in the form of fees, teas or complex preparations is prescribed to increase appetite, improve digestion, especially with secretory insufficiency. gastrointestinal tract, with cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia, as well as with enterocolitis, accompanied by constipation and flatulence. Preparations from the plant are prescribed as an expectorant for acute and chronic bronchitis. Oregano herb is part of breast and diaphoretic tea and in the collection for gargling in the treatment of tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, gingivitis.

tea cosmetics

I would like to immediately make a reservation that everything written below is a translation from a Chinese site. The translator and site owners are not responsible for the reliability of the following alternative uses tea leaf, but may follow some of the recommendations)).

IN Lately the use of tea leaves for the production of cosmetics has become very common. At the same time, it was proved that useful trace elements contained in the tea leaf can be directly absorbed by the skin when using face wash, makeup remover, face masks, sunscreen or shampoo with. In all these cosmetics useful trace elements contained in tea leaves are used, which are safe and do not contain irritants. Manufacturers of tea-based cosmetics claim that their products give amazing effects as a result of long-term use.

In addition to "tea cosmetics", it is also highly recommended to drink tea and eat tea leaves daily.

Below are a few recipes for using tea in cosmetic purposes at home:

1. Tea wash

In the evening, after you have washed off your makeup and washed your face, brew a glass of green tea and rinse your face with tea infusion - apply tea infusion followed by soft pats or with a clean towel soaked in tea. Wash again after a few minutes. clean water(without the use of soapy products). Overnight, the tea infusion will be absorbed into the skin, which will lead to an improvement in complexion and the disappearance of spots on the skin.

2. Tea mask

Mix 1 teaspoon flour and 1 teaspoon egg yolk, mix until a homogeneous mass is formed, then add crushed green tea(tea powder). Apply the resulting mass on a clean face (after removing makeup), rinse off after 20 minutes. You can add another teaspoon of sweet tea infusion and a teaspoon of flour. Periodic use of such a mask will give your face elasticity, relieve acne and acne, will help reduce the oiliness of the face.

3. Tea bath

Brew 20-30 grams of fresh green tea in a basin, pour the resulting infusion into the bath. Bathe with pleasure and benefit for skin health. It is also recommended to steam your feet in tea infusion. This procedure helps to cope with some skin diseases, removes old skin, makes the skin soft and smooth. Bath procedures with tea infusion will also invigorate your body, and the essential oils contained in the tea infusion will help you relax and give your body a pleasant aroma.

4. Tea leaves as an eye care product

After brewing, dry the tea leaves a little and put them in a gauze bag. You need to close your eyes and apply a "tea compress to your eyes" for 10-15 minutes. This will help relieve eye fatigue, and also has a beneficial effect on the delicate skin around the eyes, will get rid of dry skin and circles around the eyes.

5. as a hair care product

Tea leaves contain great amount trace elements that have a positive effect when used as a hair care product. Shampoos and tea-based rinses help get rid of dandruff, skin diseases head (psoriasis), reduce skin irritability, give freshness and vigor.

At home, you can use tea powder (crushed green tea) or tea infusion. After you have washed your hair, apply two to three tablespoons of tea powder on the scalp with massaging movements. Continue massaging your head for 3-5 minutes, then rinse your head with cool water. You can also use tea infusion as a conditioner (green tea infusion is best).

6. as a means to lose weight

Body massage with the addition of tea powder to the massage oil will not only give your body vigor and freshness, help get rid of dead skin, but will also promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

It is also recommended to eat tea powder (recommended to mix with food or milk). Regular use eating tea leaves bored promotes weight loss, strengthens the body's immunity, lowers blood pressure.

Health to you and all the best!

I don’t have tea for the soul (c), 2012

“We are fond of all kinds of “assorted” mint, thyme, lime blossom, currant leaves ... But we are only guided by taste sensations. I would like to get expert advice: which of the combinations of tea and herbs will not only not cause harm, but will bring the maximum benefit.
Parhots and Nazin families. Voronezh.

Tea is perhaps the most popular drink in the globe, and this is natural: it tones the body, relieves fatigue, strengthens blood vessels, eliminates their spasm, stimulates the heart, has an antimicrobial effect, quenches thirst well. But it has a lot of caffeine: in a glass strong tea it contains 0.05 grams - as in a tablet designed to relieve headaches. True, in its action, the caffeine in tea is much milder than the caffeine contained in coffee. However, excess caffeine can adversely affect health. Therefore, the so-called tea balms, consisting of berries, flowers, leaves, and sometimes roots of various medicinal plants combined with tea. Such a tea balm is useful for everyone, and especially for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases, as it contains a complex of vitamins (C, P), which strengthen blood vessels, various microelements and other useful biologically active substances.
Our meadows and forests are rich in plants that are often more fragrant and tastier than tea. You can prepare a mixture of such herbs, pick up a recipe for tea balm, which, when brewed, gives a unique, inimitable bouquet of smells.
tea balm brew in preheated porcelain teapot(rinse it with boiling water 2-3 times). After letting it brew, serve the kettle on the table. Let the guests pour the drink into the cup themselves. This will help preserve its flavor.
Here are some balm recipes that you can cook at home. Make a mixture of pre-finely chopped dry herbs: St. John's wort - 3 parts, coltsfoot - 3, mint - 2.5, oregano - 2.5. chamomile - 2, corn silk - 2, rose hips - 1.5, hawthorn - 1, valerian - 1, eucalyptus - 0.5. Then take 8 parts tea and 2 parts herbal mixture or 9 parts tea and 1 part herbs.
Brew tea balm at the rate of a teaspoon per cup of boiling water. Fill the teapot with boiling water to 2/3 of its volume, cover with a napkin so that it covers the hole in the lid and spout of the teapot (this traps volatile aromatic essential oils), and leave for 15 minutes, then add boiling water to the teapot. With this method of preparation, almost all essential oils, most of caffeine and half of the tannins (tannins) contained in tea balm go into solution.
Drink the drink warm, immediately after it is poured into a cup (essential oils that have a variety of positive action, evaporate within a few minutes), adding sugar or honey to taste if desired. Milk or cream is undesirable because they bind catechins. which have high P-vitamin activity and contribute (together with vitamin C) to strengthening the walls blood vessels, counteract the development of the atherosclerotic process in them. tone the body, increase its resistance. The drink must be drunk fresh. During storage and reheating, vitamin C is almost completely destroyed, and essential oils, which determine the bouquet of tea balm, evaporate rather quickly. And yet, no matter how pleasant it is, do not get carried away - you should not drink more than two glasses at a time.
Here is another recipe for tea balm. For 250 grams of tea, take 2 tablespoons of dry chopped St. John's wort and mint, a tablespoon of thyme herb and valerian root. You can prepare a mixture consisting of tea (9 parts), mint (0.5 parts), cumin fruits (0.5 parts). Try this composition too: tea, rose hips, mountain ash and St. John's wort or tea, linden flowers, oregano herb, thyme and raspberries. Tea balm prepared according to this recipe also has a diaphoretic effect, that is, it is useful for colds.
Such tonic balms increase the activity of the cerebral cortex, improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on overwork, asthenic conditions (that is, fatigue, weakness) observed after illnesses, neurosis, hypotension, atherosclerosis, hypertension 1 -2nd degree.
If you have a limited choice of herbs, use, for example, a mixture of tea and blackcurrant leaves. It will be rich in vitamins (especially C) and microelements fragrant restorative drink. Fragrant, tasty and healthy mixtures of tea with oregano, mint, St. John's wort, leaves of strawberries, strawberries, rose hips, apple trees, cherries. These plants can also be used to make tea drinks that do not contain caffeine and tannin. Then they have no characteristic tea aroma, but in their own way, pleasant and fragrant.
Nature provides us with a rich selection of plants containing healing substances. Some of them normalize and stimulate metabolism, others soothe, relieve headache and improve sleep, the third have a bactericidal effect, the fourth improve digestion ... Can you list all of them positive effects! And with what pleasure you drink fragrant herbal tea after a ski trip through the winter forest! It relieves a slight chill, quenches thirst, gives vigor. In general, the intake of herbal teas containing a wide variety of vitamins, trace elements, phytoncides (plant antibiotics) and a number of others necessary for a person biologically active substances restorative action, allows not only to restore strength faster, but also contributes to the prevention of diseases.
I offer you several recipes for vitamin tea. Insist drinks in a tightly sealed container.
1. A tablespoon of a mixture of rose hips and mountain ash, taken in equal amounts, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Infuse for 3-4 hours, strain and drink half a cup 3 times a day.
2. A tablespoon of a mixture of rose hips and raspberries, taken in equal amounts, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and leave for 3-4 hours. Strain and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
3. A tablespoon of a mixture of rose hips and lingonberries, taken in equal amounts, pour 0.6 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Insist for 1-2 hours, strain and drink half a cup 3 times a day.
4. Two tablespoons of a mixture of rose hips, currant leaves, raspberry leaves and lingonberry leaves, taken in equal amounts, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1-2 hours, strain and drink half a cup 2-3 times a day.
5. A tablespoon of a mixture of 7 parts of rowan fruits and 3 parts of nettle leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Insist for 3-4 hours, strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day.
6. A tablespoon of a mixture of 1 part of rose hips and lingonberries and 3 parts of nettle leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Infuse for 4 hours, strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day.
7. A tablespoon of a mixture of 12 parts of rowan fruits, 2 parts of raspberries, 1 part of currant leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 3-4 hours, strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day.
Try it! Hope you don't regret it.

A. F. Sinyakov, Candidate of Medical Sciences

This is interesting…
Poison tea

Chinese medicine along with healing properties tea notes at the same time a number of restrictions associated with its use, especially for the elderly. After dinner, instead of tea, it is better for them to drink a glass boiled water, and those suffering from hypertension, heart and lung diseases are advised to drink only weak tea and in moderation.
You can not drink medicines with tea, as the tannins of tea combine with the constituent elements of the preparations and they precipitate. This may affect the effectiveness of the medicine. Chinese medicine does not recommend drinking yesterday's brew, as well as brewing tea with boiling water - boiling water (100 °), once on a tea leaf, decomposes its constituent elements. Tea should be brewed with boiled water, the temperature of which is about 80 °, and it is better to drink it immediately. In 20 minutes after brewing, according to Chinese experts, tea turns into "rattlesnake venom".
As you can see, the point of view of Chinese medicine is somewhat different from our usual ideas about tea. Well, you are given a choice.

P. Denisov, orientalist

According to the magazine "Health"

Herbal teas after the bath are good because they tone up, give strength and improve health, incredibly tasty and fragrant. Master-collector of the ancient traditions of Russian bathing culture, teacher of master classes Stanislav Maksimov shared the best recipes. They even sound amazing, but what happens if you mix all the ingredients and pour boiling water over it? Mmm… Have a nice tea party!

Black tea

1. "Fortress"

Required: 5 tsp black granulated tea, 1 tsp. coriander, 1 liter of water, honey.

Cooking method: dried coriander fruits must be crushed in advance in a mortar. A coffee grinder is not suitable for this purpose, as the smell of seasoning "eats" into the walls of the appliance and spoils the coffee. In a special bowl washed with boiling water, mix tea and coriander. Pour boiling water over the mixture. Serve the drink with honey.

When using granulated tea, keep in mind that it brews stronger and faster.

2. "Arabic"

Required: 4 tbsp. l. tea leaf, 1/2 tsp. cumin, 1 orange, 1 liter of water, honey or sugar.

Cooking method: prepare cumin seeds. They must be dried and crushed. Then mix them with fine tea leaves. Peel the orange, dry the skin in a slightly preheated oven and finely grate. Thoroughly mix the prepared zest with tea and cumin. Rinse the teapot with boiling water. Pour the prepared mixture with boiled water and place in a warm place. Tea will be ready in 10-15 minutes. Squeeze the juice from the peeled orange and add to the slightly cooled drink. Serve with honey or sugar.


3. "Fragrant"

Required: 2 tbsp. l. loose leaf tea, 3 g oregano, 1 tbsp. l. cherry liqueur, 1 liter of water, honey or sugar.

Cooking method: crush oregano (freshly cut or dried) with a knife and mix with tea leaves. Brew the mixture and let it brew for a while. Then add cherry liqueur, honey or sugar to taste.

You can brew a particularly tonic tea, where instead of individual herbs, add a variety of herbal balms. Such a drink is not only very fragrant, but also healing.

4. "Balm"

Required: 2 tbsp. l. granulated tea, zest of 1 lemon, 1 liter of water, 1-2 tsp. herbal balm, sugar.

Cooking method: pour into the prepared teapot right amount tea and zest, pour the mixture with boiling water. Then pour strong black tea into cups. Add balm to taste. Give me sugar.

Cranberries are valued for their medicinal properties and very rich in vitamins. For tea, you can use both fresh and dried berries.

5. "Cranberry"

Required: 1 st. l. tea leaf, 1/3 cup cranberries, 1 liter of water, sugar.

Cooking method: wash the berries, dry a little. In a teapot, mix tea leaves and cranberries, pour boiling water over. Let the drink brew. It is better to drink tea with sugar or honey, as a slight sourness is felt.

Green tea

One of the remarkable properties of this drink is the ability to refresh in the heat. That is why it is good after the bath. Unlike black, green can be brewed two or three times, and it is infused for only three minutes.

6. "Jasmine Garden"

Required: 2 tbsp. l. green tea, 1/2 cup jasmine blossom, zest of 1 orange, 1 liter of water, sugar.

Cooking method: Pour tea and jasmine flowers into the teapot. Add dried and crushed orange zest. Then pour boiling water over the mixture. Let the drink brew and drink it hot or chilled with sugar.

Instead of jasmine, you can add 3 teaspoons of lime blossom. But you need to insist such a drink for about half an hour. Fresh honey will perfectly complement the taste.

Rosehip tea is very useful. It is known for its rich content of vitamin C, it strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous systems well.

7. "Pleasure"

Required: 1 tbsp. rose hips, 1 liter of water, sugar to taste.

Cooking method:Rinse fresh or dried rose hips and pour into a special bowl. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Let the wild rose boil 5 minutes. Then remove from heat, let the tea brew for 20 minutes. Can be drunk with sugar or honey.

8. "Rowan"

Required: 2 tbsp. l. tea leaf, 2 tbsp. l. berries chokeberry, 1 liter of water, sugar.

Cooking method: Rinse the berries with water, dry a little and mix with tea leaves. Having poured boiling water over the teapot, pour in a mixture of tea leaves and chokeberry berries. Brew. Tea should be well brewed.

Tea with mint, chamomile and honey is a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent. This feature is enhanced if you drink tea immediately after the bath.

9. "Grandma's joy"

Required: 2 glasses peppermint, 1 tbsp. l. chamomile, honey, 1 liter of water.

Cooking method: mix mint and chamomile, pour the herbs into boiling water for 2 minutes. Infuse tea in a sealed container. Strain. Even healthier and tastier - with honey.

Peppermint tea is considered a healthy, soothing and anti-inflammatory drink. It is good to throw a few leaves of mint into the teapot and when making regular black tea.

10. "Mint freshness"

Required: 3-4 st. l. dried mint, 1 liter of water, sugar, lemon.

Cooking method: dry the mint in a dry place, out of direct sunlight. Pour into boiling water. Let the drink boil for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and let the tea steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain. You can add sugar and lemon.

Stanislav Maksimov, collector of traditions of bathing culture:

The taste of tea largely depends on how it is brewed. Eat special rules. For example, it is necessary to prepare a teapot by dousing it with boiling water, give the tea time to brew properly and cool down a bit.

After the bath, you should not drink too hot a drink.

Special taste for yourself plain tea will give aromatic additives: berries, fruits, herbs, spices, honey and healing balms.

Text: Marina Chaika

1 part recipes. Also from Stanislav: how to choose and prepare for steaming and bath brooms.
