
Shu pu-erh or black pu-erh useful properties. Types and varieties of pu-erh

Yunnan Pu-erh is a drink unique in its taste, composition and useful properties, which is native to the city of the same name in the Yunnan province of China.

Teas differ from other drinks, first of all, in the production technology. As a result, the leaves acquire a refined, mild taste over time, it is this property that is most valuable. Real gourmets even collect tea, because over time, such an exquisite treat is not inferior in price to good wine.

The composition of the drink from the Yunnan region contains a small amount of caffeine, which is well known for its invigorating properties. Properly brewed drink, subject to regular use, is useful, and in China it is called the "elixir of eternal youth." There are two types of this tea:

  1. shu pu-erh - ready, black;
  2. a variety called shen - raw, green.

What common

  • The place where tea is grown, harvested and produced is Yunnan Province, located in the southern part of China.
  • Both shen and shu pu-erh are made in the form of pancakes with pressed leaves.
  • For many years, the same specialists have been making tea.

Note: if you want to brew delicious tea that retains all the beneficial properties, aroma and taste, it is important to understand the differences and features of each type.

Main differences

Appearance and color

At first glance, it may seem that sheng and shu pu-erh are the same, because they have the same shape and almost the same color. Often, an inexperienced person cannot find differences in the external characteristics of the two varieties.

Shen leaves vary in color from light to dark green. The drink is clear, light with a slight greenish tinge.

Shu pu-erh leaves are brown, almost black, the drink has a thick consistency, opaque, rich dark chocolate color.

Fragrance Differences

Aroma is an important characteristic of any product, but especially for Yunnan tea. Many connoisseurs prefer to choose a particular variety of leaves for its delicate aroma. In addition, the aroma is an important difference between sheng and shu pu-erh.

The raw or green variety has a delicate, pleasant aroma with a fruity note. While the aroma of shu pu-erh is heavier, you can detect hints of smoke in it.

Differences in taste

The most important characteristic not only of Yunnan tea, but also of other drinks. That is why when choosing a particular variety, it is important to pay special attention to its taste. Before you find your tea, you will need to try a considerable number of flavors.

The green variety from the Yunnan region has a slight acidity, but the aftertaste is sweetish, as is the aroma.

Note: it is important to brew the drink strictly following the technology, otherwise an unpleasant bitterness will appear in the taste, most of the useful properties will be lost.

If the leaves are not brewed long enough, you will not be able to fully enjoy their amazing taste. Shu pu-erh has a mild taste, no sourness and no bitterness.

Differences in production technology

Before shen and shu pu-erh acquire the appearance and properties familiar to the consumer, the leaves go through a certain technological process. At the same time, the process of making black and green teas differs significantly.

The history of the green drink from Yunnan province has more than seven hundred years, during which time the production technology has been worked out and perfected to the smallest detail:

  1. as soon as the leaves reach the required degree of maturity, they are harvested;
  2. after the raw material is dried in the sun;
  3. then pressed.

The production process of black tea was established in the Yunnan region only forty years ago, namely, in the second half of the 70s of the last century. In order for the leaves to acquire all the unique properties, unique taste and aroma, a rather painstaking work will be required:

  1. raw materials are collected;
  2. put in a pile and fill with clean water.

The essence of the method lies in the fact that inside the heap the sheet begins to rot, this is artificial aging. As a result, the leaves acquire a dark, chocolate color, tart taste and exotic aroma. Only after that the raw materials are pressed into the usual pancakes.

Interestingly, many note the offensive. But that's not the case at all. In addition, the taste and properties of the drink depend on the correct brewing of raw materials.

A few words about making a wonderful drink from China

So, in order for the leaves to fully reveal their unique properties, taste and aroma, it is important to purchase high-quality dishes, use purified water - these are the main rules for tea from China. How to properly brew pressed leaves:

  • Filtered, bottled water is used, the best option is spring water, but it is hardly possible to find it in urban conditions.
  • Leaves should not be brewed in low grade metal or clay pots.
  • Water must be heated to 90-95 degrees. It should be noted that for black varieties, given the high fermentation of raw materials, it is permissible to use boiling water.
  • The container should be rinsed with boiling water.
  • On average, a glass of water requires from 5 to 7 grams of raw materials or a tablespoon. You can chip off the required volume of leaves with a special knife or awl.
  • The leaves are poured with hot water and drained after five seconds, this will allow the leaf to open and also wash off the dust.
  • Then boiled water is poured into the container again, left for ten seconds and drained.
  • The duration of the third brew is fifteen seconds.

You will surely be able to surprise your guests if you prepare an exclusive tea from pressed leaves in milk. This will require two containers:

  1. for soaking leaves;
  2. to prepare meals.

It is better to use homemade or store-bought milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%. First you need to soak the tea leaves. The dishes for brewing should be heated for 30 seconds on fire, then reduce the flame and bring 300 ml of milk to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles appear, you need to put the leaves in the milk, after draining the water. After five minutes, the tea can be removed from the heat and poured into cups.

photo: depositphotos.com/AndreyCherkasov, kingkonglive

Black Puer, or Shu Puer, is a young colleague of the ancient Shen tea. And if the latter has been produced for several centuries, and the technology has not changed much during this time, then Shu is only a little over 40 years old. The essence of the manufacture of this type is accelerated aging. That is, those stages that Shen goes through decades, Puer black tea - in a very short time. But this does not make it less tasty and healthy. After all, it's still Puer. And it is worth its weight in gold.

Pu-erh black: production

The tea is grown in the Chinese province of Yunnan. The raw materials for its production are the leaves of tea trees and bushes.

In production, it goes through the following stages:

  • assembly;
  • killing greens;
  • crushing;
  • languor;
  • drying;
  • pressing.

The similarity between the production of ancient Shen and young shu ends at the post-crushing stage. It is the process of languor that accelerates the aging of tea. It happens like this:

  • The leaves are folded into heaps of the same shape and are abundantly moistened for subsequent debate with water. Then they are covered and left for a month or more. In order for the oxidation to occur evenly, the tea is constantly shaken. Further, fermentation begins, during which the microbes formed in the leaves accelerate aging.

Here, the main thing, along with the quality of the raw materials, is the observance of all the rules of production technology, the preservation of important parameters during fermentation. Therefore, the main role in the manufacture of Shu Pu-erh is played by the professionalism and experience of the tea master. It depends on this person whether it will be possible to subsequently enjoy this magnificent tea.

Pu-erh black tea: description

The infusion is dark in color, thick and opaque. Pu-erh tea black has a heavy rich aroma with hints of smoke and earth. The earthiness of tea fades over the years. The taste is characteristic of nutty chocolate. Or caramel? It is difficult to put into words all the sensations that this drink causes.

To understand what black Puer is, you need to try it. Perhaps, completely new notes will be found in the aroma and taste of the drink.

When choosing, you need to know:

  • The age of this tea is not important, unlike its counterpart. The main thing is the quality of raw materials.

Effect on the body

Chinese black Pu-erh has repeatedly proven its beneficial effect on the human body. It can be safely used to improve health:

  • It is effective for high cholesterol, helps to smoothly reduce it, and is also good in this regard for prevention, especially if there is a tendency to increase this indicator in the blood. The ability to normalize cholesterol levels was proven by French scientists during a study.
  • If you regularly drink Shu, the result will be a strengthening of immunity. The body will easily cope with the attacks of various viruses and infections. Improvement occurs also due to the removal of toxins and toxins.
  • Guaranteed to give positive results in the fight against excess weight. Nutritionists have long included this tea in the list of products for weight loss.
  • Stabilization of the intestines and all digestion is also included in the list of positive properties of Shu. Helps digest heavy foods.
  • In the morning, a cup of this tea works wonders: it energizes the body, tones, makes you wake up better than coffee. Plus, it significantly increases mental activity and performance. It has been noticed that the number of tasks performed per day, if you drink Shu every day, doubles.
  • Eliminates the consequences of various intoxications: food, medicinal and alcohol. And, in general, it helps to get rid of alcoholism, because it stimulates the production of the hormone of happiness. And, as you know, happy people don't drink.

This is not the whole list of its medicinal and simply useful qualities. It can be continued indefinitely. But it is also worth highlighting that there are some restrictions for taking this drink. This:

  • Urolithiasis disease. The contraindication here is due to the diuretic effect.
  • Use on an empty stomach and at bedtime. In the first case, due to the stimulating effect of tea on the gastrointestinal tract, black Puerh can cause heartburn and discomfort. In the second case, tea is unlikely to let you fall asleep.
  • During pregnancy, you should not drink it. The lactation period allows taking one cup a day. Of course, welding should be weak.
  • A categorical contraindication is children's age up to three years, but only for strong Pu-erh - up to 10 years.
  • A strong infusion with regular use increases blood pressure.
  • Improper brewing can cause tea intoxication. Although some of this effect is expected from Pu-erh.


The benefits of tea can entirely depend on its proper brewing.

  • The water must be purified.
  • The utensils for tea leaves are preferably earthenware. Just keep in mind that it will absorb all the flavors. All tea utensils must first be rinsed with boiling water.
  • One minute after boiling, 100 ml of water is taken (temperature 96–98 ° C) and a piece of 2 cm2 is poured. pressed or a teaspoon of loose Pu-erh. And then, after a maximum of 30 seconds, the water must be drained. So it will be cleaned of dirt, and at the same time the leaves will warm up.
  • Next, you need to refill the water in the teapot. Time - maximum 1 minute. Shu Puer is ready!
  • Important: Black Pu-erh withstands several brews, with each one revealing its features more and more.

It has been proven by time and people that regular consumption of this drink leads to healthy longevity!

Shu Pu-erh tea- a variety of black tea that will radically change your ideas about this drink. What makes the shu pu-erh family so different from other teas? All varieties of pu-erh tea are divided into two groups:

  • Shu - black, ready (young) teas,
  • Shen - all other varieties.

It is noteworthy that shu pu-erh appeared only in the 1970s, as a cheaper version of the famous pressed tea. Its price has been reduced accelerated fermentation technology, which makes it “ready” (as the word “shu” is translated) in a short time (only 10-14 years). In general terms, the process is based on increasing humidity and limited access to fresh air. Decades have passed, and the masters have managed to give it a completely original and no less refined taste than that of mature pu-erh. On our website you can read descriptions of several varieties and buy black pu-erh with delivery in Moscow.

The effect of shu pu-erh on the human body

Over time, it turned out that shu pu-erh tea has a beneficial effect. on the digestive and immune systems. Drinking this drink on a customized schedule can save you from:

1) liver diseases ,

2) gastrointestinal tract ,

3) eliminate the symptoms of anemia and fatigue ,

4) excess cholesterol in the blood

Doctors recommend buying shu pu-erh if you have problems with being overweight. This tea cleanses the blood of cholesterol, normalizes high blood pressure promotes a healthy metabolism. In case of food poisoning, black pu-erh quickly removes toxic substances and restores the intestinal microflora.

How to achieve maximum effectiveness of shu pu-erh?

Black pu-erh comes in the same classic pancake, bowl, brick and gourd forms as all other varieties of this tea. It is very rare to find loose black pu-erh tea. We source our tea from leading manufacturers and carefully take care of proper storage until this unique product reaches you.

shu puerh tea brew in a warm kettle with water not cooler than 95 degrees- this is the only way to get the maximum benefit from this drink and enjoy the taste.

You can buy shu pu-erh in Moscow in tea shops, but only on our website you can get acquainted with the assortment in a relaxed atmosphere, read the description of the teas you like, compare customer reviews and make a choice without haste and pressure from sales assistants.
