
What do you need to make coffee. How to brew ground coffee in a cup? important features

True coffee connoisseurs prefer to brew in a Turk, or at least in a coffee maker. Natural ground coffee brewed in a cup is certainly not as good as a drink prepared in accordance with the rules, but it is also better than instant coffee.

You need

  • finely ground coffee;
  • kettle
  • a cup or glass with thick walls;
  • a lid for a bowl or dish;
  • sugar to taste.


  1. A cup of coffee is prepared quite quickly, so use finely ground coffee - the recovery rate is much faster, so the drink will be more aromatic and tasty. Some manufacturers make packaging and finely ground coffee with the words "To brew in a cup"
  2. It is better to choose a thick, ceramic cup for brewing coffee. It would be good to keep warm, otherwise the water will cool before the coffee is brewed. To heat a cup, cover it with boiling water for a couple of minutes or just hold it under hot tap water.
  3. Pour one to two teaspoons of ground coffee into a cup. If drinking coffee with sugar, add sugar to help keep the coffee grounds at the bottom. If you want, you can add spices: a pinch of ground cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg. It would be advisable to add a few grains of salt: they make the coffee taste softer.
  4. Pour into a glass of boiling water. The optimum temperature for making coffee is 96-98℃, but while the stream is pouring from the kettle into the cup, the liquid has time to cool down a bit.
  5. Stir and quickly cover with a lid (you can use a plate). Wait about two or three minutes and remove the lid. No need to stir the mixture and pluck the thick settled at the bottom - small particles of coffee, falling on the tongue, can spoil the pleasure.

For many, the morning begins with a cup of fragrant black coffee. The drink is able to charge a good mood for the whole coming day. The preparation of an invigorating drink becomes a kind of ritual or tradition in the family of its admirers.

Everyone can brew coffee, but it requires certain rules and a little attention and respect for this drink. To master the rather simple science of brewing coffee beans, you must first learn how to choose the right beans.

The most delicious ground coffee is obtained from Arabica beans. A drink from such fruits is tender and soft. The fruits are large and oily with a pronounced aroma. From the Robusta variety, a very strong drink is obtained, one might say, rough with a very pronounced bitter-sharp taste.

The best option is obtained by mixing these two varieties in certain proportions.

Rules for storing coffee beans

To keep your coffee fresh and fragrant and continued to delight with its taste, you must follow a few simple rules for storing coffee beans:

Drinking all over the world every day up to three billion cups of delicious coffee drink.

Advantages of a vacuum briquette

As the grain goes through the roasting stage, gas is formed in its center. The aromatic substances of these berries are concentrated in the gas. In the process of grinding fruits, the structure is destroyed, and the most valuable smell of grains quickly disappears.

For this reason, you should not buy coffee fruits already ground and packed in paper bags. It is better to ask to grind them when buying.

If you buy factory ground coffee in briquettes, then be sure to pay attention to the packing density, it should not be damaged. Soft packaging indicates a violation of the tightness of the briquette, which means that the quality of the content itself has suffered.

Unlike vacuum briquettes, soft packaging loses a little. In such a package, the contents lose their taste qualities a little. But there are also advantages. Some packages are equipped with a special membrane that does not allow air to get inside. But at the same time, air can easily leave this bag.

This is a very important point from the technological side, since gases can accumulate in soft packages, and unauthorized package explosions can occur. Their advantage is that it is convenient for the buyer. Picking up the packaging and pressing it a little, you can feel the aroma of a coffee drink.

When opening any soft bag, the first thing to do is to inhale the smell of coffee. The smell, like a litmus test, will determine the quality of the purchase.

Interesting fact: The vacuum briquette was invented in the first year of the twentieth century.

Preparing a drink in Turkish

Despite the variety of special machines for brewing a coffee drink, the Turk (or cezve) still remains the most popular and in demand among coffee gourmets. Historically, the Turks brew grain in the best oriental traditions.

A coffee drink prepared in Turkish is distinguished by a denser texture, rich and aromatic taste. The secret of preparation lies in the fact that when brewing, the drink is not filtered and all useful qualities remain in it.

Turk is a specific vessel with a rather wide bottom and a narrow neck, attached to an elongated handle. The size of the Turk can be absolutely any, but the shape remains unchanged. The material from which a vessel can be made is metal. The best and most correct will be the one that is made of copper with a silver coating inside.

How to make good coffee

There are quite a few methods for creating a fragrant coffee drink. And every coffee lover has his own special recipe, which he is in no hurry to part with. Any recipe is based on personal preferences and gourmet habits.

But no matter what kind of coffee you prefer, there are principles that should be followed in order to always be satisfied with a cup of your favorite drink. Any equipment for preparing a delicious drink must be in perfect condition. No residue from past use should remain. Otherwise, the freshly brewed coffee product will have off-flavours that negate the great aroma and taste of the drink.

Rules for preparing a quality drink:

How to keep the taste after cooking

A freshly prepared coffee drink begins to lose its taste very quickly, and in order to slow down this process, it is necessary to warm up the cup from which this drink is drunk. The optimal temperature that should be maintained if the coffee is not immediately consumed is within 83 degrees and then within a few minutes.

If you need to take coffee with you in a thermos, the flask should be poured over with boiling water so that it is initially warm. In a thermos, all the flavors of a coffee drink are preserved for only 45 minutes.

Classic Turkish coffee recipe

This recipe is considered the oldest. To prepare a Turkish drink, grains of very fine grinding will be required. Water with good taste, preferably without minerals and salts. And, of course, the correct cezve is a Turk.

The volume of the cezve should correspond to the number of cups that need to be prepared. We take ground grains at the rate of two full teaspoons per 150 ml of cold water. The classic recipe does not include sugar.

Pour coffee bean powder into the Turk and put on fire to warm it up a little. Literally within one minute. Then carefully pour very cold water into the Turk. Brew the drink on a very slow fire.

At the moment when the foam begins to form and rise, the Turk should be removed from the fire, and as soon as the foam settles, return the Turk to the fire again. This is done three times, but more is possible. The main thing here is not to overdo it.

Before pouring coffee, it is better to collect the foam and carefully spread it into already filled cups.

Ready coffee is poured into heated cups and served with a glass of cold water. You should drink in small sips alternately - coffee and water.

Rating of the best cooking recipes

To satisfy the tastes of even the most fastidious coffee lover, there are many recipes for making a drink. Below is a ranking of the most popular and common cooking methods.

Spanish passion, Cortado coffee

This is for lovers of a strong coffee drink with the addition of milk. Usually served with fresh, still warm bread and dry-cured pork.

You will need:

  • Transparent glass with a capacity of 200 ml.
  • Freshly brewed Arabica coffee.
  • 50 g skimmed milk.
  • One teaspoon brown sugar.

In a heated transparent glass, put sugar and pour milk, beat a little with a whisk until thick and very carefully add the already prepared drink.

Burning Moroccan coffee

The most delicious coffee made with fragrant absinthe and spices. It is great to cook on days of complete relaxation.

You will need:

  • Two teaspoons finely ground Mocha coffee.
  • One teaspoon of sugar.
  • 50 g cinnamon.
  • A few pieces of cloves.

Place sugar in a very hot Turku and heat over a fire until golden. Add cinnamon and cloves, stir. When the sugar melts, put the ground powder into the mixture and pour everything with hot boiled water. Bring to a boil over low heat until the first bubbles appear. Remove from fire. Mix everything and put it on fire again. And as soon as bubbles begin to appear, turn off. Very quickly burn absinthe in a spoon and pour it into coffee. Such a drink is drunk only hot.

With chocolate syrup

You will need:

In a Turk, cook ground robusta grains in the usual way. You will get a very rich taste and aroma. Whip cream with powdered sugar. Place ice cream and whipped cream in a transparent glass, pour nice chocolate syrup on top. In a small stream and very slowly pour coffee along the wall of the glass. Coffee will be at the bottom, and the integrity of the layers will not be violated.

There are a lot of coffee recipes. It all depends on the courage to experiment with the ingredients. Coffee beans can be combined with both spices and spirits. The main thing is the proportions. Good luck!

Sometimes our desires do not match the possibilities. You woke up, you wanted coffee, but you had 0% strength to prepare it? No problem. After all, coffee can be brewed in a cup.

How to brew ground coffee– recipes and recommendations:

"Open Brazilian Method"

  • a couple of teaspoons of Arabica;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • sugar to taste.

In order for the drink to be saturated with coffee oils as much as possible, it must be brewed with boiling water at 90 degrees Celsius. Pour the sugar into a mug, and pour the dry ingredients with boiling water. Cover with a lid and let it brew for about 5-10 minutes. The coffee drink is ready to drink!

Coffee in a cup in Warsaw

How to brew ground coffee in a Warsaw style cup? First of all, it will be useful for you to know that the grains must be finely ground - this is a nuance, an indispensable condition for preparing a strong and aromatic drink. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • glass of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of finely ground Arabica;
  • sugar to taste.

The recommended water temperature is 80 degrees Celsius. Coffee drink should be infused for about 10 minutes under a lid or saucer. Pour the dry ingredients into a cup, pour boiled and cooled water, cover with a lid and let the drink brew. Please note that small grains will come across in coffee. To avoid discomfort while drinking coffee, the liquid can be filtered using gauze.

Note: always boil water. Ideally, use bottled water instead of tap water. It is of better quality.

How to brewCuban coffee in a cup

The Cuban version of the preparation of a fragrant drink is famous for its rich aroma and tart taste. Some people add a few drops of rum to the drink. If you just need to warm up on a cold winter evening, then this recipe was created especially for you. And for cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • a couple of tablespoons of cane sugar;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 3 spoons of ground coffee;
  • a teaspoon of rum.

Pour sugar and coffee into a faceted glass. Pour boiling water over dry ingredients. Cover with a lid and let it brew for about 10 minutes. Open a fragrant drink, and add a teaspoon of rum. Happy coffee drinking!

Tip: Better before cooking. Freshly ground beans have a beneficial effect on the taste of the coffee drink.

Now we know whether ground . This is a simplified version of the preparation of your favorite drink. And by the way, not every coffee lover will find the difference between Turkish coffee and the so-called "custard" drink.

We reveal the secrets of making a "custard" drink

To maximize the taste of coffee, you should know about some of the intricacies of preparing this drink in a mug.

Please note: it is important that the dishes were made of ceramic and had thick walls.

Brewing Tips:

  1. Coffee lovers advise not to be lazy and before preparing a drink, warm the mug well. To do this, you can put it in the microwave, or just pour boiling water over it.
  2. To give the drink a fragrant smell and a refined taste, be sure to cover the dish with a lid after you introduce boiling water.
  3. Once the lids are removed, stir the liquid vigorously. If desired, you can pass it through cheesecloth.
  4. No sugar - coffee lovers advise. But of course this is a matter of taste. In the finished coffee, you can add not only sugar, but also milk, cream, alcoholic beverages, sweet syrups.

If you have a large company gathered, then you can use a French press to prepare a drink. To do this, 8 teaspoons of ground grains, pour 500 ml of boiling water, and let it brew for about 5-10 minutes. Don't forget to prepare for coffee drinking

For some reason, it so happened that the process of preparing a fragrant drink is often called "brewing coffee." This name is fundamentally wrong, because coffee is not brewed, but brewed. This definition assumes that the water should not boil during cooking. Professional baristas know that boiling kills the taste of the drink, and therefore they never bring it to a temperature of 100C. The most optimal temperature for brewing coffee, at which the taste and aroma of the finished drink will be most fully expressed, is 96-98C. Water has this temperature at the moment when, when it is heated, bubbles are just beginning to appear and rise to the surface. Consider 2 ways of brewing coffee - in and a cup. Cooking stands a little apart, because. with this method, human participation in the process is minimal.

How to brew coffee in Turkish

It is recommended to brew coffee in . The high heat conductivity of copper contributes to uniform heating, which has a positive effect on the taste and aromatic qualities of the drink. To properly brew coffee, do the following:

  1. Heat an empty Turk over a fire.
  2. Pour into a heated Turk at the rate of 2 teaspoons per cup.
  3. Add sugar to taste.
  4. Pour in cold filtered water. As a rule, strong coffee is brewed in a Turk, or in another way - “oriental coffee” and usually the volume of water here is 30-40 ml per 1 coffee cup. But no one, of course, forbids you to make weaker coffee and pour, for example, 100 ml of water.
  5. Put the cezve on a small fire, and heat until the moment when the resulting coffee foam with bubbles begins to rise. If you are not experienced in brewing coffee in a Turkish pot, it is important to not let the coffee run over the edges.
  6. As soon as the coffee has risen, remove it from the stove and let it stand for a couple of minutes. Then pour into a cup.

How to brew coffee in a cup

Can be brewed directly in the cup. Moreover, brewing in a cup is used in professional tasting to determine the organoleptic properties of the drink. How to brew coffee in a cup?

  1. First of all, the cup must be heated. To do this, it can be rinsed with boiling water. Preheating is necessary to reduce temperature losses for heating the cup itself, all the heat should go to brewing coffee.
  2. Pour finely ground coffee into a cup. Coffee beans should be ground almost "to dust".
  3. Pour coffee with hot water at a temperature of 96-98C. This is the temperature of boiling water removed from the fire a minute ago.
  4. Cover the cup of coffee with a saucer or other covering made of a suitable material and let it brew for 2-3 minutes to settle the thick and infuse the coffee.

With proper brewing, coffee will have a rich and velvety taste, with a wonderful and persistent aroma.

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A real thick, strong, rich, piquant and intoxicating aroma of coffee can only be obtained if it is prepared correctly. Such a process can be compared to a real art, which not every person possesses. To create your own coffee masterpiece, you must know how to brew coffee properly. And this will help you with tips, secrets and other important nuances from professionals.

Today, coffee can be brewed in a variety of ways, but the most traditional is the use of Turks. These coffee utensils come in different sizes and can be made from different materials. The shape of the Turks is selected depending on the number of coffee lovers, and the material - on personal preferences. So that you know how to brew the right Turkish coffee, remember to follow this process consistently.

In a Turk, you should not brew a large amount of a fragrant drink.

It should be said right away that it is not recommended to brew a large amount of coffee in a Turk at a time, since it is believed that the more coffee you brew in one brew, the less aroma and taste it will have. The average capacity of the drink should reach 100-150 ml. It is this nuance that baristas recommend to remember for all coffee lovers.

Before brewing the drink, pour boiling water over the Turk so that there is no temperature contrast during its preparation. It is not necessary to use boiling water - the dishes can be slightly heated over steam or simply held over a lit burner.

Next, you can start preparing the mixture. In the store, of course, you can buy a ready-made crushed product, which is called "For making Turkish coffee." But, so that you know how to brew coffee deliciously, remember that in order to get an open aroma and rich taste, it is better to use whole grains, ground with your own hands immediately before preparing the drink. If in the morning you do not have the opportunity to use a coffee grinder (little household members or guests are sleeping), then you can grind the grains in advance, but they should be stored mainly in a glass container that is hermetically sealed. So that the product does not absorb the smells of other products and does not become damp, it should be stored for no more than a few days.

So, the Turk with the coffee mixture is ready. Now we need water. But it is at this point that many people make gross mistakes when using tap water or simply boiled water to brew coffee. The most ideal option would be purified or at least filtered water. Pour water into the Turk for one serving (100-150 ml), heat it up and pour the finished mixture (one teaspoon with a small slide). With this dosage of water with powder, you will get a fairly strong coffee. Before boiling the drink (without bringing it to a boil), you can optionally add spices and your favorite spices. Now watch the process of boiling the drink - as soon as the foam starts to rise, stir the mixture, wait a few seconds and remove from heat.

Important to remember!
Proper coffee brewing is not only the preparation of all products and the brewing process. As the experience of professionals has shown, removing coffee from the fire in time is half the successful process of making a drink.

The next way to make delicious coffee is to use a coffee maker or coffee machine. In order for the drink to be filled with rich taste and unsurpassed aroma, you should first choose a good model of coffee machine. A "good model" is one that has high pressure. The higher the pressure indicator in the technique, the tastier, richer and more natural the drink will turn out. High pressure allows the water to have a high temperature, and this leads to the extraction of grains (pulling aroma and taste out of them).

A good coffee machine will create the optimal mode for making an aromatic drink.

It is not for nothing that in expensive establishments guests are offered coffee from coffee machines - during the preparation of such a drink, it should not be allowed to boil, and such a technique “knows” how to make delicious coffee without losing a drop of aroma and taste. Preparing a drink using technology is a very easy task, because all you need to do is pour grains or powder into the desired container and pour water, and then the machine will carry out the whole process itself. Busy people are very fond of coffee machines, because not everyone knows how to prepare such a drink on their own, and not always in the morning business people think only about preparing morning coffee.

Brewing coffee is, in a way, an art to which people have paid a lot of attention, experimentation and time. The result is an experience that helps this magical drink to fully develop in taste and aroma, thus pampering coffee lovers. To make deliciously brewed coffee, you can use these little tips.

  • If you are using a cezve, then first pour sugar into a heated vessel, then pour water and hold on fire until it boils (but do not bring the mixture to such a state). The magic lies in the fact that sugar not only dissolves better, but also softens the water, allowing the coffee mixture to better "give" its taste and aroma. Before the process of boiling water with sugar, remove the dishes from the stove, pour in the coffee powder, mix well and quickly, put it back on the stove, hold for a few seconds and immediately remove the Turk from the heat.
  • To bring out the aroma of the drink even more, you can strongly heat the mixture more than once. Thus, you can get a thick and dense foam that will emit an incredibly rich smell.
  • If you want to get different flavors from one type of coffee, you can add ground ginger, cinnamon, hot pepper, cardamom, anise, cloves or even salt to it. Each seasoning for one serving of the drink should not be more than on the tip of a knife. These seasonings in a coffee drink will give the finished product different flavors and aromas. Each time, with the addition of a new spice, coffee will have its own new unique taste.
  • After making coffee, try to pour the finished product into a warmed cup, because this is the only way you will help ensure that the aroma and taste do not disappear with a sharp temperature drop.
  • The standard dosage for strong coffee given above corresponds to the production of espresso (the strongest drink in a small dosage). To get an Americano, you can reduce the amount of powder added to the water, or simply dilute the resulting espresso with hot water.

Anise and cinnamon will give the drink a unique flavor

How and what kind of coffee is better to choose

Many gourmets of such a drink are interested in the delicate question of choosing “their” coffee. You should not look for an unambiguous and unique answer to such a question, because there is simply no single brand, company or manufacturer of the best coffee in the world. Its choice depends only on the taste preferences of the person. But there are some tips from the barista that will help you decide which coffee is best to choose.

  • When buying whole grains, smell them. They should radiate a fresh, rich aroma. Otherwise, this will indicate that the product has either been stored for too long or has become damp, and this will certainly affect the quality of the drink. In addition to a fresh and distinct smell, coffee beans should have a beautiful appearance. The product must be free from mold and other signs of a stale condition. The size and color of all grains should also be the same.
  • Almost all varieties of coffee, when properly prepared, emit an attractive smell and taste, but the Arabic variety will have more saturation, because it contains the most oils.
  • If you are a fan of strong coffee, then a variety called Robusta is more suitable for you. To reduce caffeine in the drink, it is advisable to dilute this variety with Arabica. By the way, combining coffee varieties, you get a more delicious drink.
  • The intensity of the fire when brewing the drink should be minimal, because with strong heat it can turn out to be too bitter or even sour. The finest grinding of grains and the smallest fire during brewing are two very important factors in preparing a drink. To understand whether the coffee is brewed, look at the thick - it should not contain large particles. By the way, the lower the intensity of the fire, the stronger the coffee will turn out.

Quality grains are easy to distinguish by appearance and smell.

The finished drink is poured into special small cups for coffee. The fact is that coffee poured into large cups quickly loses its properties, aroma and taste, and this is not at all aesthetically pleasing.

If you want to serve coffee with real foam to guests, but you didn’t manage to do this, then remove it from the drink after heating it and put it back into cups after preparation. So you show that you care about the guests, and also really know how to prepare this drink.

It is important to know!
Remember that such a drink is a strong diuretic, so its use should be limited to people who suffer from kidney disease. Also, this drink is able to remove many minerals from the human body, so keep an eye on the balance of minerals and vitamins in your diet.

Don't believe the myths that too many ground beans will give you the true aroma and rich taste of the drink. Do not exceed the dosage (we talked about it above). Too much coffee powder can lead to high blood pressure and bitterness.

Properly prepared coffee will allow you to enjoy the whole bouquet of a fragrant drink.

After making coffee, do not write it off to drink, because it needs time to infuse. This process will allow the foam to acquire a more expressive color shade, and the drink itself will be saturated with a rich aroma and taste. You can cover the drink, for example, with a saucer. In order for the coffee to infuse after brewing, and also to absorb all the qualities that belong to it, three minutes will be enough. After that, you can drop a few grams of cool water so that the thick settles, does not interfere with enjoying the magical taste and aroma of this drink.
