
How to choose a melon? Tips and secrets. How to choose a sweet and ripe melon

Melon is wonderful, especially chilled in the midday summer heat. But sometimes, having chosen, bought and tasted this fruit, a little disappointment comes: it is tasteless, unsweetened, there is no aroma. But do not be upset, in order to avoid such joyless purchases, you just need to know how to choose a melon. There are secrets and subtleties in this simple matter, let's talk about them.

How to choose the right melon

Melon is one of the oldest crops known to the world. As early as hundreds of centuries BC, wild-growing melons were cultivated in India, Central Asia or Iran. Until now, scientists do not know either the exact region, let alone the exact time of its appearance, history mentions that in ancient Egypt the fruit was loved and grown. Many years have passed, during the period of the plant's existence, methods, tips, even rules by which you can learn how to choose the right, good fruit have been formed.

First of all, you should understand for yourself which melon you prefer, because there are many varieties, they are distinguished by taste, smell, texture and juiciness. For buying fruit, it is better to go to the market or to the store. Pay attention to where the fruits are stored, if it is a market, then they should be in the shade under a canopy or indoors. Do not buy fruits along highways and roads - they absorb smog from cars, radionuclides and heavy metals. As a rule, sellers in such places do not have documents from the SES. So, how do you choose the right melon culture.

How to choose a ripe melon

The purchase period is an important point. We all begin to transport our favorite melons from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan already in June, they are unsweetened at this time of the year. But already at the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, the long-awaited melon season begins. Therefore, it is better to enjoy sweet fruits at this time. Everything that is on the shelves before this time is, at best, brought from far abroad, and at worst, the ripening process was accelerated and, of course, not by the most useful drugs or means.

We all know and love the most common varieties - these are Kolkhozntsa and Torpedo - two varieties that are different from each other both in appearance and in taste and smell.

The collective farmer is round, sometimes slightly elongated to the shape of an oval, the skin is bright yellow, cracks characteristic of a melon are clearly visible on the surface. Sweet in taste, incredibly aromatic. The pulp is tender, juicy, one might even say watery, melts in your mouth. The torpedo is more elongated, in appearance it looks like a self-propelled combat projectile (which is clear from the name of the variety). The color is pale yellow, sometimes greenish. Her peel is also all strewn with cracks, even more intensely than that of the Kolkhoz Woman. The taste is honey-sweet, but less fragrant. The pulp is cartilaginous in texture, when not sucked ripe. Most often, we buy these varieties, although they are not the only representatives of their kind on the markets today. Melons are brought to Russia from the Mediterranean, from Morocco and even from Southeast Asia.

How to choose a melon in appearance

When choosing, you need to pay attention to its integrity. There should be no dents that indicate that the fruit is injured and the process of decay may have begun. Deep cracks are also a bad sign, as this is access for microorganisms (possibly pathogens). The pulp is a favorable environment for their development.

Also pay attention to the skin. Run your fingers along the surface of the fetus or run your fingernail away from you. If your hands or nails are clean, that's good. If plaque is felt on the hands, and something white has formed on the nail plate, such a melon is most likely treated with a special wax-based composition for longer storage.

On the surface of the fruit, on its peel, there should be no spots or irregularities in color. Gray or brown dots indicate that the melon is affected by the disease, it is better not to eat it. Green or green-yellow spots on the skin indicate an unripe fruit.

How to choose a melon by smell

The smell in the choice of ripe gourds is very important. Aromas are different, often it is a pleasant melon fragrance with hints of pineapple, pear or even vanilla. It already depends on the variety and individual perception. An unripe green melon either does not smell at all, or has a barely noticeable plume of cut grass. A good melon aroma speaks of ripeness.

When choosing a product, it is best to smell a couple of fruits, this will give a more complete picture. If everyone exudes a pleasant aroma, then you need to take it, there is nothing to think about, but if the fruits smell after one, then the whole crop is not yet quite ripe, most likely the melon culture will not be very sweet. Ripe melon smells bright and rich, it is like a pleasant incense - the aroma is heard even at a distance.

How to choose a melon by sound

Like watermelons, melons can also be selected by sound. The main thing here is not to confuse anything. To determine the ripeness of melons, you need to lightly hit the surface with your palm, after placing it separately from everyone else or on your free hand. The sound should be deaf (on the contrary, it is voiced in a watermelon), but if the fruit gave out high voiced frequencies, it means that it is still green, unsweetened.

How to choose a melon by tail

Pay attention to the "tail" of the fruit, it should be completely dry, plump, easy to tear off if desired. A dry “tail” is a sign that the fruit was picked ripe and ripe. There is an opinion that a large thick "tail", like a "nose" (located on the opposite side, the place where the flower was) is a sign of a girl's fetus, and they are sweeter. By pressing on the “nose”, you can also understand whether a ripe specimen is in front of you or not. If the place of the flower is hard, then the melon culture is green, if it is a little soft, then the fruit is perfectly ripe. If the place is too soft, it seems that the finger will now push through the skin - this indicates an overripe fruit unsuitable for consumption.

All these tips will help in choosing a ripe, juicy, tasty melon. But you should not be guided by one thing, the technique works if all parameters are taken into account when choosing. Eat melons, because their season is so short, and there are so many useful substances in them!

Every year we look forward to the watermelon and melon season to enjoy these seasonal delicacies to the fullest. There are a lot of offers on the market, but how to choose the very juicy, fragrant and sweet among the many melons? After all, not always a melon, beautiful in appearance, turns out to be ripe. It often happens that the fruit, at first glance, ripe and even smelling delicious, tastes completely insipid and tasteless.

It's really hard to guess. But you can remember a few distinguishing features that will help you not to make a mistake with the choice of an oriental beauty.

Place of purchase

Of course, the average shopper has no control over the conditions under which the melon was grown, but choosing the right place to buy can greatly reduce the risk of food poisoning.

Melons and watermelons, dumped in roadside dust, sold on highways and spontaneous markets, are not the safest product. In such places, melons often crumple, the skin cracks and under it begins an as yet invisible process of decay. Through damage and microcracks, bacteria and microorganisms enter the fetus, which as a result can lead, at best, to intestinal upset, and at worst, to serious food poisoning. In addition, the melon perfectly absorbs all the toxins and heavy metals with which the roadways are saturated.

The goods should not lie on the ground, they should be stored in boxes and covered with a special awning or canopy.

It is best to buy vegetables in a supermarket or in a specialized market, where sellers and their goods are controlled. Feel free to ask the seller for a quality certificate, which should be included with each product. If instead of a certificate you are offered a story about what an ideal product is languishing on the counter, it is better not to contact such a seller.

Categorically refuse cut fruits, even if they are wrapped in cling film. No cellophane will protect the pulp of the fetus from the ingress of pathogenic bacteria on it. In addition, it is not known when this melon was cut - 10 minutes or 10 days ago.

Choosing a melon "torpedo"

Melon "torpedo" is one of the most beloved and delicious varieties of melons sold on Russian shelves. It is not recommended to buy fruits before mid-August, since unripe melons are not only tasteless, but also unhealthy. Unscrupulous sellers often pick an unripe melon, because then it will be tougher and easier to transport, so the risk of running into an unripe fruit is quite high.

Ripe "torpedo" has a delicate aroma and unsurpassed taste that just melts in your mouth. In addition, melon pulp is saturated with B and C vitamins, fiber and enzymes that improve bowel function.

Here are a few rules that will help you choose a truly ripe and tasty "torpedo":

  • Before buying, the first thing to do is to carefully examine the appearance of the product. Melon "torpedo" is elongated, and the skin has a light yellow color. Rough grooves stretch over the peel, which form a kind of cobweb on the surface of the fruit. If this web is not yellow, but green, then the melon is not ripe. The thicker the mesh, the sweeter the melon.
  • The melon should be free of cracks and dents - these are a sign that the fruits were either not transported correctly, or they were already overripe and began to rot.
  • If there are large dark spots on the skin, then the fruit is affected by the disease.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the tail - it must be dry. An unripe specimen has a greenish rind and a lively tail.
  • We examine the "nose" - the side opposite the "tail". If the “nose” is too hard, the melon is not ripe, and if it is too soft, then it is already overripe. Ideally, the "nose" should be slightly pressed in.
  • Now we take the melon in our hands and squeeze it slightly - a ripe specimen is quite hard to the touch. With a light pat of the palms on the sides, a dull sound should be heard - it is he who is a sign of ripeness.
  • Lightly peel off the top layer of the skin with your fingernail - it should be easy to remove. If greenish flesh is visible under the skin, this is a good sign.
  • Now we smell the melon - a ripe fruit has an incomparable honey aroma. The higher the air temperature, the better the aroma is heard. If all the above signs of ripeness are present, but there is no aroma, then this is not our client - the melon is probably not ripe.

Choosing a melon "collective farmer"

Melon varieties "kolkhoznitsa" - small and round, surprisingly juicy and fragrant. It grows, unlike the "torpedo" in our latitudes, in particular - in the Volga region. It costs, as a rule, cheaper than a “torpedo”, but in aroma and taste it is in no way inferior to its Uzbek counterpart.

  • A ripe "collective farmer" should be bright yellow in color, green fruits are not ripe fruits. The surface of the fruit should be as even as possible in both color and texture.
  • You can lightly press on the surface of the melon with your fingers - if the marks quickly level out without leaving behind wet spots and dents, then the fruit has the desired degree of maturity.
  • Pay attention to the integrity of the peel - among the natural mesh surface, it is easy to miss the cracks. And melons with defects definitely do not suit us. All cracks and damage indicate low taste and overripeness.
  • When patting the melon, a dull sound should be heard.
  • A thick stem and a large trace of a flower indicate that you have a “girl” in front of you - such a melon is more likely to be sweet and fragrant.
  • All ripe melons, regardless of variety, exude a delicate honey aroma. Overripe fruits have a rather heavy smell, reeking of rot. Immature specimens either have no smell at all, or they smell like grass.

What melons should not be bought

In order to facilitate transportation, many sellers resort to waxing the fruit. The use of special aerosols is indicated by the glossy appearance of the melon. In addition, after touching such processed fruits, barely noticeable oily traces remain on the fingers. Most likely, such a melon was plucked unripe and underwent a long transportation.

Too dirty or too clean melons should also alert. Dirty melons mean that they were harvested in rainy weather, and the fruits remained on the ground for a long time, which significantly impairs their taste and makes them watery.

And too clean melons indicate that they were most likely washed. When washing, the natural bactericidal layer on the skin is disturbed, which allows bacteria to freely penetrate into the fruit.

Ideally, melons should not be dirty and with a natural “coating”, which will indicate that the fruits have not been subjected to any processing.

Signs of oversaturation with nitrates can be the presence of a large number of longitudinal veins in the pulp of the fruit, as well as empty grayish seeds. Such fruits usually do not have a pronounced honey aroma. If there is a suspicion that the fetus is overfed with nitrates, then it is better not to eat the pulp near the crust - it is in this place that all harmful substances accumulate.

That, in fact, is all you need to know about melon, so as not to make a mistake when buying. Bon appetit!

If we arrange the main culinary symbols of the outgoing summer in terms of popularity, then the leading places will certainly go to melon and watermelon. In this material, we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about how to choose a ripe melon.

How to choose a ripe and tasty melon?

Many subtleties of choice are similar to those of a watermelon. For example, before buying, the first thing to do is to check with the seller from which locality the product came. The fact is that pumpkins tend to absorb pollution, therefore it is better to avoid melons grown in polluted and gassed areas. Also pay attention to the main subtlety - the presence in the fetus. It is an excess of nitrates, which farmers so often sin, trying to quickly get a plentiful harvest, is the cause of severe human poisoning. The presence of nitrates in the melon is given out by longitudinal stripes on the skin, empty seeds with a grayish tinge and the absence of a pronounced aroma.

During the selection, first tap on the selected fruit. A ripe melon will make a dull sound, unlike a watermelon, for example. If the melon has passed the initial test, then pay attention to the color of its skin. The skin should not have spots, the color of the whole fruit may be different, but certainly uniform.

One of the main secrets of how to choose the right ripe melon is to pay attention to the mesh on the surface: the thicker it is, the more sweet and ripe the melon is in front of you.

Not unimportant is the pronounced sweetish aroma, as well as the density of the fruit: a good melon should not be too hard or, on the contrary, soft.

How to choose a ripe and sweet melon "torpedo"?

Among the most common varieties of melons in our area, you can find the "torpedo". This fruit got its name due to its elongated oblong shape.

Like any other melon, the “torpedo” is chosen for its dry tail, strong aroma and soft “nose” (the part of the melon opposite the stalk). As for the specific characteristics of a delicious melon of this variety, please note that it should be oblong, have a rich yellow color, fine mesh and bright yellow longitudinal stripes, not solid, but scattered along the fruit, as it were, with a dotted line.

The seeds of a ripe melon easily move away from the pulp, and the seeds of a particular “torpedo” contain a mucous membrane.

How to choose a ripe melon "collective farmer"?

The "collective farmer" can be found on the shelves much more often than the "torpedo". This is a classic rounded melon with a bright yellow color, mesh skin, without spots and stripes. One of the criteria for choosing a "collective farmer" is precisely its incredibly expressive and uniform color. Make sure that there are no greenish or light yellow spots on the skin - this indicates that it has not ripened. Spots with a brown and grayish tint on the contrary indicate the beginning of decay. It is better to choose melons up to 2 kg in size, so you will protect yourself from overripe fruits or those that have been flavored with nitrates.

As with any other variety of melon, keep in mind that the sound when tapping on the surface of the fruit should be dull, the stalk should be dry, and the aroma should be strongly pronounced, with bright honey notes. Again, try to avoid buying roadside melons, as their skin absorbs any dirt well. Do not buy cut melons either, they begin to deteriorate much faster and may contain pathogenic microflora that gets on the surface of the pulp from the knife.

Watermelon and melon are indispensable attributes of the outgoing summer. However, each of us has our own preferences: someone passionately loves watermelon, while others cannot live a day without the sweet aroma of melon. We have already talked about how to choose the right watermelon in one of the previous articles. And how to choose a ripe melon? After all, there are many wisdom and secrets in this regard.

There are a great many different types of melons, but the most popular varieties in central Russia are the “collective farmer” and “torpedo” varieties: they tolerate transportation and storage best of all. And in the homeland of this fragrant berry, the South of Russia, there is a whole range of varieties: "Galileo" with greenish and sweet pulp, cantaloupe melon with a striped peel and a bright orange core, fragrant "Altai" melon and others.

Apart from its incredible taste, melon, among other things, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, improves immunity and improves skin. There is even a special melon diet that promotes rapid weight loss without the painful feeling of hunger. However, such miraculous effects are available only to those who know how to choose a ripe melon.

We will reveal a few tricks that are sure to come in handy when buying a melon:

Aroma of ripe melon. The ripeness of a melon can be easily determined by its smell. Sweet and ripe melon exudes a delicate aroma. If the melon has no smell at all or, worse, smells of greens, it is better to put such a fruit aside;

Proper melon sound. As in the case of watermelon, you can make sure that the melon is ripe by lightly slapping it with your palm. A ripe melon gives a deaf pop, and not a sonorous one like a watermelon;

Peel. Another little secret of how to choose a melon lies in its peel: the peel of the fruit should spring with a little pressure. And if the melon peel turned out to be too soft, and fingerprints remain after pressing, then the berries are overripe and it’s time for them to go to the trash, and not to the hands of the buyer.

Another weighty observation that should certainly be guided by those who do not know how to choose a torpedo melon is the color of the fruit. There should be no dark spots on the melon, the color of the fruit is uniform regardless of the variety. Pay attention to the “tail” of the melon: it should be slightly dried. But the “nose”, the trace of the flower, on the contrary, should be slightly soft.

Try not to buy melon near roads and in tents with unsanitary conditions. Fruits should not roll on the ground! In this case, they can be damaged, and pathogens of botulism or other dangerous infections can get into the melon through cracks.

Be careful when choosing a melon - so you protect yourself from poisoning and can fully enjoy this sweet and fragrant fruit.

How to determine the ripeness of a melon collective farmer

Among the variety of melon varieties, the “collective farmer” melon ripens the earliest. In order for the selected fruit to please with aroma and delicate taste, they approach the purchase with knowledge of the matter.

Choosing a melon in a store or market: the main rules

At the end of summer, fragrant melons appear on sale. The most inexpensive and at the same time delicious variety is the “collective farmer”. It is well stored and is not damaged during transportation.

Source: Depositphotos

Ripe melon "collective farmer" of medium size

When choosing a melon, follow some rules:

  • Don't buy near roads. Melon quickly absorbs harmful substances in the air through the peel.
  • Do not purchase fruits with cracks and violation of the integrity of the skin. Bacteria easily penetrate through the damaged membrane.
  • Melons should not lie on the ground or in other unsanitary conditions. The surface of the fruit is rough, and it is difficult to wash off dirt from it.
  • Do not buy a cut melon or individual pieces.
  • If these rules are observed, the probability of an unsuccessful purchase is reduced.

    How to determine the ripeness of a melon "collective farmer"

    For the sake of quick profit, unscrupulous sellers resort to various tricks when selling goods. You may be offered melon grown with chemical fertilizers or unripe.

    How to choose a melon "collective farmer", you will be prompted by the following signs:

    • Bright yellow or yellow-orange color, which depends on the region of cultivation. The color is uniform, without spots.
    • The peel is elastic and when pressed lightly, it does not leave dents. If the surface is hard, then the fruit is unripe. On the contrary, if a dent remains, then the melon is overripe and its flesh is more like a potato.
    • The ripe berry smells pleasantly of a melon aroma, which intensifies in hot weather. The absence of such a smell means that it is unripe or contains nitrates.
    • Sound. Unlike watermelon, a ripe melon makes a hollow sound when tapped.
    • Tail. It is dry or slightly dry.
    • Spout. Softer than the whole peel.

    When is it better to buy a "collective farmer" and how to store

    Before mid-August, buying a "collective farmer" is pointless. In this case, it will bring the body more harm than good. The ripest fruits are medium or small in size.

    It is better to buy a berry of such a size that you can eat it right away. You can store a cut melon for no more than two days and only in the refrigerator in a closed container or bag.

    During long-term storage, the fruit releases ethylene, and this leads to intestinal disorders. To be sure, the seller must ask the documents about the quality of the goods.

    A product purchased in compliance with the rules and advice will leave you only pleasant memories. Ripe melon of the “collective farmer” variety is not inferior in taste and aroma to other varieties.
