
What grows on a palm tree? Palm family. Coconut palm

The growth of the world's population requires more products. Vegetable oil is no exception. The world produces and consumes it great amount. On the territory of Russia, sunflower oil is the most common - one of the types of vegetable oil. In addition to it, there are still several dozen varieties, all of which have a name according to the plant or fruit from which it is produced. The most popular include palm, soybean, rapeseed, olive and sunflower. Moreover, they differ in terms of the level of world production and consumption, for example, the leading position is occupied by Palm oil, accounting for 36%, the second is soybean - 26%, the third is rapeseed - 15%, and only the fourth is sunflower, occupying 9 percent of the total.

What is it made from

Palm oil is extracted from fruits oil palm which is native to West Africa. Its Latin name - Elaeisguineensis - translates as "olive" (elaion) and "Guinean" (guineensis). For the first time, mention of it is found in the records of merchants traveling the African continent, dated to the 15th century. However, today the main suppliers of this natural product were Indonesia and Malaysia. It is not difficult to guess why - thanks to the perseverance and hard work of these East Asian peoples, and of course the warm and humid climate there. One third of the world's palm oil is grown and produced in these regions. In nature, palm trees can reach 30 meters, cultivated varieties - 15 meters. The tree begins to bear fruit at the age of 3-4 years. From one hectare of young palms, you can collect up to 3 tons of fruits, from mature plants - up to 15 tons. Plantation-grown palm trees yield 2-4 crops per year. The fruits of the oil palm tree, similar to plums, grow in whole seedlings - many thousands of "heaps" weighing from 25 kilograms.

What are the fruits of the palm tree

Looks like oil palm fruit similar to a plum or a date, under the pericarp of which there is an oily pulp, then follows a nut shell with an inner core (oil is also prepared from it - palm kernel oil).

What are the main types of oils made from the fruits of the oil palm

palm oil color directly depends on the color of the flesh of the fruit. It can have a wide color spectrum: from yellowish to dark red. Its scent is reminiscent of violets. After processing, including rectification (separation into components), bleaching and deodorization, it can be used in food. Basically, the refined product is used in the frying process, as salad dressing. It is also one of the components in the preparation of ice cream, chips, "quick" cereals, chocolate, various bakery and confectionery, sausages, mayonnaise, etc.

Extracted from the kernels palm kernel oil very similar in characteristics to coconut, and is often used with / instead of it. The process of production and processing of this species is more complex and expensive. It is produced in smaller quantities and is valued more than usual. The scope of the palm kernel product is the production of high-quality expensive cosmetics and perfumes.

About useful and harmful properties

It's impossible not to say that there are types according to the degree of processing: raw, refined and technical.
The most expensive of them is the first - raw. But it does not occur with us. Unrefined palm oil contains a lot of vitamin E, provitamin A, carotenoids. This is the positive side of the product properties.
Its harm lies in:

  1. high content of saturated fats,
  2. high melting point, or refractoriness,
  3. low levels of linoleic acid.

If such a degree of benefit / harm possesses that has not been purified, then the refined benefit loses - that's for sure, and the harmful characteristics increase.

next view according to the degree of processing - technical. Most often this type is used for the production of inexpensive cosmetics and technological lubrication. It is the cheapest. And therein lies the trick. Many food manufacturers add a technical variety to their production process in order to save money. There is no need to talk about its harmfulness. It is enough just to remember the raw product and increase it eleven times!

Buy or not buy products that include palm oil - everyone decides for himself.

All gifts of nature are a certain value For human body. IN Lately The Brazilian acai berry has gained worldwide popularity. For their beneficial features it has received many names: "Amazonian pearl", "royal superberry", "fountain eternal youth"," Amazonian Viagra "and others. Unfortunately, this “magic” berry can quickly deteriorate, so everyone will not be able to try it. Most often it is available in the form of dietary supplements. Let's find out what this berry is and whether it is really so useful.


The inhabitants of the Brazilian Amazon have been familiar with Acai for a very long time. They actively eat these berries and grow palm trees on which they grow. For them, it is not only a dessert, but also one of the staple foods.

The rest of the world learned about the miraculous acai in 2004, after the results of the studies were published. unique composition these fruits. Since then, the media in the US and other countries have often discussed their usefulness, these fruits have been given the title of "superfood".

Did you know? Brazilians from the Caboclo ethnic group eat a lot of acai: it makes up almost half (about 42%) of their daily menu..

The famous berries grow on tall palm trees (20 m) with long leaves, which are also called açai or euterpe. Trees are common in the northern part South America, or rather in the Amazon River Valley. For the sake of their fruit and edible core, they are cultivated in Brazil, mainly in the state of Pará.
The berries look very similar to grapes with large seeds. And the clusters are more like long garlands hanging down with dark purple balls instead of light bulbs. Berry pulp is very tender and perishable, loses its properties within a day.

It is difficult to describe the taste in one word, as the opinions of those who have tried the Brazilian "grape" are divided. Some say that the fruits of Euterpe are sweet and sour, like blackberries or red grapes, while others have tasted a nut-chocolate flavor in them.

Prepared from berries delicious juices and smoothies different desserts and other dishes.


Compared to other acai berries, they are very high in calories: 100 g of the product contains approximately 160 kcal.

Nutritional value of "superberries":

  • proteins (3.8%);
  • fats (0.5%);
  • carbohydrates (36.6%).

A rich set of chemical elements makes the fruits of Euterpe especially unique:

  • vitamins: group B, E, C, D and beta-carotene;
  • macronutrients: potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine;
  • trace elements: aluminum, boron, iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, rubidium, fluorine, chromium, zinc;
  • irreplaceable and partially non-essential amino acids: arginine, valine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine;
  • nonessential amino acids: alanine, aspartic acid, glycine, glutamic acid, proline, serine, tyrosine, cysteine;
  • fatty acid: Omega-6 and Omega-9;
  • anthocyanins, which provide berries with color and have antioxidant properties.

Did you know? In terms of protein content, acai is equivalent to cow's milk, and the presence of beneficial omega acids put the Brazilian "superfood" on a par with olive oil.

Beneficial features

Due to the presence of so many vitamins, minerals and other valuable components, acai can have a therapeutic and preventive effect on many organs and systems of our body:

  • cardiovascular system: the heart is strengthened, blood circulation improves, the amount of “bad” cholesterol decreases, due to which the vessels are cleared of plaques, coronary heart disease is prevented and pressure is normalized;
  • cancer: antioxidants actively fight free radicals, preventing the appearance and growth cancer cells;
  • vision: prevention of glaucoma and night blindness, reduction of the yellow spot, slowing down the process of vision loss in diabetic retinopathy;
  • immunity: T-lymphocytes are activated, which increases defensive forces organism;
  • gastrointestinal tract: digestion is normalized and metabolism is improved, which prevents the appearance of excess weight;
  • brain and nervous system: cognitive abilities improve, it is easier to cope with stress and insomnia;
  • the skin acquires a healthy appearance, becomes smooth and clean, the aging process slows down;
  • increases male potency.

Important! According to various sources, if acai is not processed within 2-5 hours, then they will lose 70-80% of their beneficial properties..


The Brazilian "superberry" has wide range Applications:

  • in alternative medicine: for the manufacture of bioactive additives;
  • in cooking they are used for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, added to ice cream, pastries and sauces;
  • in cosmetology: as one of the components of face and body creams and lotions, shampoos and hair balms.

Important! Acai should not be taken as a magic weight loss pill. Without physical activity and dieting effect can be quite the opposite.

Contraindications and harm

Use fresh fruit has practically no euterpe side effects. An exception may be isolated cases of individual intolerance. But an immoderate amount of berries or products based on them, for example, dietary supplements, can be harmful to health.

  • People who are prone to allergies may have an allergic reaction to an exotic product.
  • Those who want to lose weight should be careful with this high-calorie berry.
  • The high protein content of acai can lead to health complications. nervous system, kidney and liver.
  • An excess of carbohydrates, which this miracle berry is rich in, can increase blood sugar levels, which increases the risk of obesity.
  • Excessive consumption can increase cholesterol and cause problems of cardio-vascular system.

As you can see, the Brazilian acai berry is really very useful. But, like other gifts of nature, the “Amazonian pearl” should be consumed correctly and in limited quantities.

Acai berries are dark purple fruits of the palm tree. Euterpe oleracea growing in Central and South America. Harvested twice a year, but storage and transportation are difficult. This grape-like berry with large seeds spoils quickly, so it comes to us in the form of nutritional supplements.

Acai palm fruits are valued primarily for their antioxidant and dietary properties. They are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins, which form a reliable shield against free radicals and diseases caused by these molecules, such as cancer and heart disease.

As for the use of acai berries for weight loss, serious scientific research on this topic has not been conducted and, perhaps, the loud statements of dietary supplement manufacturers are just a cunning publicity stunt.

100 g of fruit contains 247 calories. In addition to antioxidants, acai is rich in fiber, vitamins A, C, D, K, E and group B, trace elements (calcium, manganese, potassium, copper, zinc and iron).

Other health benefits in acai berries include monounsaturated fats, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates.

What are useful

Tribes living on the banks of the Amazon discovered the beneficial properties of acai berries many centuries ago. This generous gift of nature is used locally to treat ulcers and diarrhea, microbial infections and bleeding.

The extract from the seeds is used to fight fever, and the powder from the palm roots is taken for menstrual cramps and liver problems.

But, since not all of our readers believe in the power of traditional medicine, let's turn to the properties confirmed by official medicine.

For the cardiovascular system

The high concentration of antioxidants makes this product effective tool to protect the heart from damage, lower cholesterol and improve blood circulation. To combat vascular plaques, acai berries have a special weapon: oleic and linoleic acids (they reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and increase - "good"), as well as beta-sitosterol.

By the way, heart-healthy beta-sitosterol is present in some other products. plant origin: , And .

Antitumor properties

The high levels of vitamin C and plant antioxidants hold promise for strong anti-cancer properties in acai fruit.

According to a Florida study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, acai berries cause cancer cells to self-destruct in 86% of cases.

Anthocyanins for good vision

Being good source vitamin C and anthocyanins, American palm fruits prevent glaucoma, night blindness and macular degeneration.

For retinopathy with consequent loss of vision (a common complication in patients with diabetes), acai berries can also be helpful and may slow down the process.

Sweet dreams

sexual attraction

The inhabitants of South America believe that the fruits of this palm tree increase sexual desire, so they are often called "tropical Viagra". Scientific research confirm that acai berries have aphrodisiac properties and increase sexual stamina.

Doctors suggest that the secret of the properties just announced lies in the ability of these fruits to activate brain activity and affect the level of sex hormones in the body.

My light, mirror

That's what definitely makes no sense to doubt, so it's unsurpassed cosmetic properties acai berries, because today almost one in three skincare manufacturers use them in their creams and lotions.

With the external use of berry extract, you will get excellent skin immunity, smooth and clean skin without rashes, protection against premature appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

A regular use in the food of these tropical berries makes skin healthier and more radiant.

In addition to the already listed beneficial properties, acai berries strengthen the immune system, improve work digestive tract(save from constipation and bloating), prevent the development of diabetes, activate the brain and nervous system, speed up the metabolism, fill the body with energy, increase the endurance of the body and prevent aging prematurely.

For conception and pregnancy

Worried about the health of your reproductive system? Acai berries normalize the level of hormones in the body and speed up the metabolism, preventing overweight"settle" in your body. But the absence of body fat is very important point for normal ovulation.

As for the nutrition of pregnant women, acai berries can also come in handy here. Their natural compounds will be equally useful for both the expectant mother and her baby. And plant antioxidants will protect the embryo from mutations.

Side effects

Among the properties of these berries, there is one that for some may seem more beneficial than harmful. It's about to reduce appetite - the dream of every "dumpling". But let's not forget that there are those who are trying to gain weight. Acai berries are contraindicated for them.

In some, the fruits of the acai palm cause allergies, so acquaintance with this exotic product should begin with small portions, checking the reaction of the body.

Following the euphoria that swept the public about, it was the turn of the acai. Today on sale you can easily find the most different forms Available in tinctures, powders, capsules, etc. And since many of the health benefits of acai berries are backed by science, it's likely that some of these supplements will help you improve your health. But do not expect miracles and do not believe in the existence of a magic pill.

Palm trees in the tropics are common. There are many varieties of palm trees. They differ not only appearance but also fruits. What kind of fruits do not have palm trees. There are fruits in palm trees large, medium, small.

There are palms on which there is one fruit, but very large. More often there are fruits, which are very numerous on palm trees.

They are collected in brushes. Brushes with fruits hang from palm trees without touching the trunks.
Some fruits are found next to the trunks of palm trees.
In the botanical garden, on the site, a plant that looks like a palm tree forms a very large fruit. Although not heavy, the dimensions are impressive.
I don't have room to grow any type of palm. That's why I don't try to grow them. So for fun I plant some fruits of palm trees.
Just to see how they germinate and what palm seedlings look like. From the fruits of nearby growing palm trees falling to the ground, small plants constantly appear on the ground. These plants are simply removed when the grass is cut. I also remove these plants as unnecessary weeds. Somehow, at the very beginning of my stay here, I put a coconut on the ground. A sprout has formed. Leaves have appeared. But there is no further growth. The soil in this place is completely unsuitable for plants. This is building sand with cement, which was used to level the area near the house. The coconut tree does not die, but it does not grow either. This suits me, as it would close the already narrow passage in this place. It seems a pity to throw it away - after all, the plant is alive. Twice I also planted small fruits of palm trees brought from other places. The fruits were attractive to look at. There was no rapid growth. Perhaps more time was needed. If these fruits germinate, then I will see it. Since the sprouts of palm trees are very strong and it is impossible not to notice them.

The content of the article:

Peach palm (lat. Bactris gasipaes) is a plant of the Palm family without a voluminous crown, which has a not very thick trunk up to 30 m high with evergreen leaves, the length of which can be 3.6 m. The flowers are yellow-white in color, the fruits are edible, yellow, orange or red, depending on the season, are collected in clusters of 50-70 pieces, the skin is thin. Hiding inside juicy pulp with a sweet aftertaste and one large bone. The jungle of South America is called the birthplace of this palm tree - Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia. In the wild, it grows mainly along the shores of the Amazon, and is cultivated in Costa Rica and India, the Philippines, in a word, in the tropics, where all year round hot and sunny. In food, the fruits are most often consumed in a fried or boiled form.

Composition and calorie content of peach palm fruits

The calorie content of peach palm fruits has not been fully elucidated, but it is definitely low. But it is known that 100 g of pulp contains 37 g of carbohydrates necessary to maintain vitality at a high level and improve performance.

Consider the benefits of vitamins in the composition of fruits:

  • Vitamin C. Ensures proper functioning immune system, increases the body's defenses and does not get sick, especially in winter.
  • Vitamin E. Necessary for timely tissue regeneration after injuries, maintenance water-salt balance, prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Vitamin A. Promotes a good metabolism, which eliminates the appearance of obesity, diabetes and a number of other problems. It is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes negative impact free radicals and thereby preventing premature aging and the growth of neoplasms.
  • Vitamin B. With its help, the condition of the skin, nails, hair improves, the level of hemoglobin normalizes, visual acuity increases, all metabolic processes in the body are restored and bad cholesterol is removed from the blood.
  • Vitamin K. Participates in the work of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas. It is also important that it neutralizes the strongest and dangerous poisons- aflatoxin, coumarin, etc. This reduces the likelihood of the appearance of cancer cells and reduces their number in time, if they are nevertheless formed.
The peach palm fruit contains a number of micro and macro elements. First of all, mention should be made of gland, without which the normal processes of hematopoiesis would be simply impossible. This element is needed to maintain hemoglobin levels at a high level and to prevent hair loss.

Particularly worth highlighting magnesium and potassium which have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. They strengthen the heart muscle, normalize its contractions and supply it enough blood to prevent a heart attack.

deserves the closest attention, and calcium with phosphorus, which strengthen bones and teeth, promote tissue renewal after injuries and prevent the development of various dental diseases (caries, periodontal disease) and rheumatic, such as arthrosis.

Palm fruits are also rich in zinc, which is very useful for men who want to lead a full intimate life. It also has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, reducing it. It is a reliable antioxidant that protects cells from destruction.

Note! The fruits are high in starch and vegetable fats.

Useful properties of peach palm fruits

They improve general well-being, as a result of which fatigue and migraine disappear, appetite is restored and mood rises, the amount of vital energy. Sleep is also normalized, due to which bags under the eyes, swelling on the face and a number of other signs of fatigue are eliminated. All this is possible due to the fact that the product has tonic and soothing properties.

Here are the benefits of peach palm fruit:

  1. Normalizes cardiac activity. This is facilitated by strengthening the heart muscle, restoring its normal rhythm, providing this organ with a volume of blood sufficient for stable functioning. Such effects can minimize the possibility of a heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris, arrhythmia and a number of other cardiac diseases. That is why the product is more useful than ever for people who have crossed the 60-year mark, who are more prone to this than young people. It should also be noted that the pressure level decreases, which, in turn, improves the general condition.
  2. Takes care of blood vessels. The pulp of fruits cleanses their walls from cholesterol accumulating there for years, sooner or later forming life-threatening plaques. She dissolves them and gently brings them out, without clogging the passages and without disturbing the blood flow. This helps to restore it and prevent a lack of oxygen in various internal organs, to which it enters just along with the blood. In the same way, the development of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and a number of other vascular diseases is prevented.
  3. Accelerates skin regeneration. The fruits of the tree contain iron, potassium and magnesium, which are actively involved in the renewal of damaged tissues. Therefore, they will be most welcome for those who suffer from dermatitis, eczema, urticaria and other skin diseases. They are recommended to be included in the diet even in the presence of wounds and cuts on the body, which, due to this, heal many times faster.
  4. Strengthens health. Fruits increase immunity, due to which the body becomes stronger and less exposed to harmful bacteria, viruses and infections. This minimizes the possibility of influenza, tuberculosis, hepatitis. It also reduces the likelihood of infection with helminths, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and this is very important for the prevention of tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other otolaryngological pathologies.
  5. Increases hemoglobin. If its level in the blood is low, then a person may be disturbed by constant dizziness, nausea, a feeling of coldness in the limbs, weakness, hair loss, peeling of the skin and exfoliation of nails. As a result of insufficient production of red blood cells internal organs they do not receive the amount of blood and, accordingly, oxygen necessary for normal work. The same fruit eliminates such a deficiency and provides normal nutrition for the liver, kidneys, heart, intestines, etc. It is worth looking very carefully at the fruits of this palm tree, first of all, for pregnant women, who in most cases have a low level of hemoglobin.
  6. Improves bone health. Fruits supply the body with phosphorus and calcium, which are especially valuable for the joints. They make them stronger and more durable, which minimizes the risk of injuries (dislocations, fractures) and various rheumatic diseases - arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc. For this very reason, they are recommended to be included in the menu primarily for older people who are at risk of developing these pathologies is much higher than in young people.
  7. Increases potency. This is made possible by the content of zinc in the product, which is widely known as the “male” trace element. It improves the quality of intimate life, enhances libido and sexual arousal, promotes good erections and prevents impotence.

Note! Fruits have immunocorrective, firming, analgesic, hemostatic and regenerating properties.

Contraindications and harm to peach palm fruits

It is strictly contraindicated to use them for people with an allergic reaction to these fruits, which usually looks like redness and itching of the skin, irritation of the nasal mucosa and sore throat. The product must be included in the menu for pregnant women and the elderly very carefully. It is also worth doing this with great care for any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To exclude harm from the fruits of the peach palm, you should try not to eat them in the morning. Before this, you should either have breakfast with something else, or, in extreme cases, drink a glass of warm water, which will eliminate irritation of the gastric mucosa with fruit pulp.

How are peach palm fruits eaten?

Raw they are practically not eaten because of the specific taste. Before cooking, the fruits are poured with water and left for 1-2 hours, after which they are dried and boiled in salt water for 2-3 hours. They are served hot to the table, most often with some kind of gravy.

No less popular is the combination of pulp with cheese and mayonnaise. It can be boiled, fried, stewed. The peel from the fruit and seeds are always removed. They make wine, various soft drinks, Dessert. There is also experience in manufacturing oil and flour based on the product.

Peach Palm Recipes

Take only fresh raw fruit, not covered with mold and with a rather tough peel, which, moreover, should also be smooth. They can be added absolutely different dishes- salads, desserts and even soups. They can be fried, stewed, boiled, stuffed and baked in the oven, they are very tasty and healthy.

Of all the recipes with peach palm fruits, the following can be offered:

  • Jam. Wash the "peaches" (1 kg), dry them, cut in half and remove the seeds. Then grind, add boiled water(50 ml) and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. After the appearance a large number juice in a saucepan, stir the mass and remove it from the stove. Then combine sugar (300 g) and warm water(100 ml), boil the mixture and mix with boiled palm fruits. After that, put the mass on fire again and do not remove for about 20 minutes, stirring regularly with a spoon. After this time, beat it with a blender, pour over clean glass jars 0.5 l and roll up with sterilized lids. Dip the finished jam in the cellar, turn the jars upside down and leave in this form for 2-3 days.
  • . Dissolve gelatin (20 g) in cold water(100 ml) and leave to swell for about 30 minutes. Do the same with the same volume of gelling agent, only this time use syrup from under canned pineapple. Next, crumble some as small as possible shortbread without any additives and put it in a baking dish lined with special paper. Then mix sugar (120 g), liquid cream(100 ml), vanillin (1 tsp) and beat the mass with a blender. Bring the gelatin swollen in water to a boil and combine with cottage cheese grated through a sieve. Mix these two compositions and fill them with the cookies previously laid out in the mold, put it in the refrigerator. After 20 minutes, lay out the fruits cut in a semicircle around the edges and add boiled gelatin soaked in syrup. Put the dish in the refrigerator for 3 hours to cool and solidify.
  • Jam. Wash, peel and seeds and chop the fruits (1.5 kg). Put them in a multicooker bowl, add sugar (700 g) and cook in the “Jam” mode for about 50 minutes, stirring the mass periodically and removing the resulting white film or foam. After this time, beat the mixture with a blender until a homogeneous slurry without lumps. Ready jam immediately spread in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and put upside down for 2-3 days, then return to normal position. It can be used both for greasing a slice of bread for tea, and adding it as a filling to pies, pies, buns.
  • stuffed fruits. Wash and boil them (200 g) in salt water together with the peel and bone. Then peel them and beat with a blender. After that, stew white chicken meat (200 g), fry champignons (150 g), grate hard cheese(150 g). Combine all this, season with grated garlic (3 cloves), sprinkle with pepper and salt to taste, pour sour cream (2 tablespoons). Then wash, cut the fruit in half and fill with the prepared mixture. Place them on a greased baking sheet. vegetable oil, and put in hot oven for 15 minutes.

Note! The fruits are well tolerated. heat treatment without losing its taste and usefulness. Moreover, after cooking, they become much softer and more pleasant in salads.

Interesting facts about peach palm fruits

On one tree, an average of 7 clusters weighing up to 10 kg grows every year. The fruits have a diameter of about 5 cm and look like ordinary peaches or apricots from the side, which is why the plant got its name. In order for a person to get enough, it is enough to eat 5-6 fruits at a time, which, by the way, are folk medicine serve to eliminate pain in the abdomen and head.

Ripe palm fruits remain usable for a short time, already 3-5 days after harvest they become moldy or become soft. It is for this reason that it is almost impossible to find them fresh in those countries where this plant does not grow. Most often, fruits are sold in supermarkets in canned in metal cans or on order in online stores.

Boiled fruits are very popular in Costa Rica, where street vendors offer to try them as a snack. In Panama, in addition to people, these fruits are also loved by parrots, for which they are used as food. By the way, here the harvest is carried out all year round, but it is especially rich in the period from October to November.

The palm tree is protected from animals by sharp thorns, which are used by the Indians for tattooing. They - those who live along the banks of the Amazon - call this plant peihuara, and for them the fruits of the tree are one of the staples in the food system.

What does a peach palm tree look like - look at the video:

We talked about how peach palm fruits are eaten, how they are best cooked and what to serve with. And it is obvious that there are a lot of options here, you can easily replace ordinary peaches or apricots with these fruits, they do not lose to them either in taste, or in benefits, or in ease of preparation. You only have to try them once to be sure.
