
How to make rosehip wine at home according to a simple recipe. Homemade rosehip wine according to a proven recipe: tips from experienced winemakers Rosehip flower wine recipe

Even the seemingly most harmless plant, if used improperly or excessively, can be harmful. The use of wild rose can also become unsafe. Caution should be exercised in the following cases:

  • Gastritis and ulcer. The composition of the plant contains a lot of ascorbic acid, which can lead to exacerbations of diseases.
  • Hypertension. People suffering from this disease are strictly prohibited from taking alcohol tinctures.
  • Tooth enamel. The acids contained in the berries contribute to its destruction, therefore, after eating rose hips, you should rinse your mouth with water or drink a drink through a straw.
  • Pregnancy. Before taking, you should consult a doctor, if there are no contraindications for use, rose hips will be a real vitamin find for a future mother.

Include rosehip drinks in your autumn-winter diet and stay healthy!

Collection and preparation of ingredients

Raw materials for cooking should be collected before the first frost. Berries are best picked at the end of September and until mid-October. It is during this period that they contain many useful substances. And with a sharp cold snap, rose hips lose most of the vitamin.

Important! When picking berries, you should pay attention to their ripeness, lack of spoilage and elasticity. To make delicious wine, you need to select rose hips without rot and signs of damage.

After harvesting the berries, they must be dried. Under the negative influence of ultraviolet rays, rose hips also lose their beneficial qualities. Therefore, it is necessary to dry it in a shady place or in a well-ventilated area.

If overripe berries were collected, it is not recommended to store them for more than 1-2 days.

Important! All useful trace elements are preserved in dry and frozen berries. So that pests do not start in a dry dogrose, it is better to pour it into a glass container or a bag of thick linen.

How to painlessly collect rose hips is described in the video:

What else to consider

Different types of wines have different periods of fermentation and infusion. It depends on the recipe and can range from a month to a year. The end of the fermentation process is determined by taste, sugar taste disappears here, and sediment also forms. It should be separated in the following way. The existing container where the wine is located is placed on the table, while the clean bottle is on the floor. These two vessels are connected with a tube. The liquid will overflow, but the sediment will remain.

In addition to the recipe tips, you can increase the amount of sugar to taste. The finished product is filtered again and poured into bottles. The container is tightly corked with a stopper, which is impregnated with paraffin. I recommend storing finished products at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees Celsius, while the bottles should be filled with wine completely. If the conditions are not met, the drink will be subject to acetic oxidation, it will become cloudy, or the taste will simply deteriorate. Subject to the rules and conditions of the recipe, the wine will not change its taste.

Collection and preparation of wild rose

It is not recommended to use the fruits of the first wild rose bush in cooking, winemaking, for medical purposes. First, you need to find out what kind it belongs to. There are many varieties of wild rose, the composition has some differences. In some, the concentration of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, is very high, in others it is much less.

It is better to choose varieties in which the receptacle on the berries is upright. These fruits contain the most vitamin C. In an ordinary decorative wild rose, the receptacle looks like an open dried cinquefoil. Their vitamin composition is poorer. You can make wine from them at home, but the healing properties of such a drink will be less pronounced.

Secondly, if a rosehip bush of the desired type grows on the side of the road or in a dusty place, it cannot be used as food.

Thirdly, it is best to collect wild rose in early autumn. By September, the berry ripens completely, and the composition of valuable components in it during this period is the highest. Harvesting of raw materials should be carried out before the onset of frost, as frozen fruits lose some of their nutrients. Berries intended for storage and use in recipes for alcoholic beverages must be ripe, large, firm, with dark red skin.

It is most convenient to store rose hips at home in dried form. And you need to dry the berries correctly. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, some of the nutrients are destroyed, so the rosehip should be dried in a cool, well-ventilated place protected from sunlight. Thermal exposure also takes away some of the useful properties, and therefore it is not recommended to dry the berries at home in the oven.

Dry fruits are best stored at home in linen bags, tightly closed glass containers. Cellophane bags are suitable for storing berries exclusively in the freezer.

Rose hips, selected for making wine at home, need to be sorted out, washed thoroughly, and dried. To make the wine tart, a handful of fresh leaves can be added to the must.

Dried berries before laying in a fermentation tank are washed under running cool water and passed through a meat grinder. It is impossible to grind dried rose hips to a state of powder.

Why not try it all again

In this case, we act as follows: - again we return to the container with sediment forgotten on the table. - in the resulting wort we fall asleep two kilograms of granulated sugar. - fill up to the shoulders with water. - add some yeast. - start the fermentation process in a warm and dark place. - we repeat all subsequent procedures for removing the sediment from the sediment and maturing the future wine of our own production.

Of course, repeated winemaking on the old must will no longer give you the same bright and tart drink as the first one, but it is also not bad at all! Perhaps only a real gourmet can catch the difference between them.

Classic cooking recipe

This recipe is similar to the methods of making other wines that are made at home. The process includes several steps. For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Rosehip fresh - 3 kg. (can be replaced with dried berries in the amount of 2 kg).
  2. Grapes - 100 gr.
  3. Sugar - 3 kg.
  4. Water - 10 liters.

About fruits

Rosehip wine at home can be made from any berries - fresh, dried or frozen. But each of the options requires a special approach.

Fresh berries require the right picking time - September or the very beginning of October. Otherwise, a significant part of their usefulness will be lost. Sorting of raw materials is the most thorough. Not a single rotten, lethargic, unripe or moldy berry. One single low-quality fruit can nullify all the efforts of the winemaker. At least in terms of the taste of the resulting drink. By the way, the bones from the wild rose, intended for the preparation of the wort, do not need to be removed.

Frozen berries before laying rosehip wine should be brought to room temperature. And this should be done in a natural way - no hot water or microwave.

Dried fruits are moved even more diligently than fresh ones, since during storage they may well “catch” mold. They are crushed into the must.

Collection and preparation of wild rose

It is not recommended to use the fruits of the first wild rose bush in cooking, winemaking, for medical purposes. First, you need to find out what kind it belongs to. There are many varieties of wild rose, the composition has some differences. In some, the concentration of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, is very high, in others it is much less.

It is better to choose varieties in which the receptacle on the berries is upright. These fruits contain the most vitamin C. In an ordinary decorative wild rose, the receptacle looks like an open dried cinquefoil. Their vitamin composition is poorer. You can make wine from them at home, but the healing properties of such a drink will be less pronounced.

Secondly, if a rosehip bush of the desired type grows on the side of the road or in a dusty place, it cannot be used as food.

Thirdly, it is best to collect wild rose in early autumn. By September, the berry ripens completely, and the composition of valuable components in it during this period is the highest. Harvesting of raw materials should be carried out before the onset of frost, as frozen fruits lose some of their nutrients. Berries intended for storage and use in recipes for alcoholic beverages must be ripe, large, firm, with dark red skin.

It is most convenient to store rose hips at home in dried form. And you need to dry the berries correctly. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, some of the nutrients are destroyed, so the rosehip should be dried in a cool, well-ventilated place protected from sunlight. Thermal exposure also takes away some of the useful properties, and therefore it is not recommended to dry the berries at home in the oven.

Dry fruits are best stored at home in linen bags, tightly closed glass containers. Cellophane bags are suitable for storing berries exclusively in the freezer.

Rose hips, selected for making wine at home, need to be sorted out, washed thoroughly, and dried. To make the wine tart, a handful of fresh leaves can be added to the must.

Dried berries before laying in a fermentation tank are washed under running cool water and passed through a meat grinder. It is impossible to grind dried rose hips to a state of powder.

About fermentation

Rosehip itself is an absolutely yeast-free berry, so without the introduction of additional components it will not ferment, it will simply turn sour. Therefore, almost any recipe for rosehip wine indicates the need to use natural fermenters. Most often, it is proposed to use a handful of raisins as a fermentation initiator. Which, by the way, is not supposed to be washed. Instead of dried fruit, you can use a similar amount of fresh grapes, and also unwashed.

Rosehip wine has a very interesting taste effect, in which fermentation is started by raspberry sourdough. It can be made from jam, or from fresh berries. In the latter case, the raspberries are rubbed through a sieve with a small amount of sugar; in any case, the mass is slightly diluted with water and heated on fire to start the fermentation process.

Classic rosehip wine recipe

It is classic not because someone said so, but because the recipe is based on traditional winemaking technology, which almost always allows you to get a good result. If you read an article about making grape wines, you will realize that the differences are minimal. The only thing is that mature rosehips in the amount used to make the must cannot provide normal acidity, so you always need to add citric acid (it can be replaced with the juice of one lemon or tartaric acid).

And, of course, you will need to help the yeast with top dressing, which can be a handful of good raisins, but this will certainly affect the taste of the finished product, so it is better to get by with top dressing from a liquor store. But most importantly, the finished wine must mature in the bottle for at least 1.5 years to reveal its potential. Young wine will be almost undrinkable!

  • 2.5-3 kg of rose hips
  • 2.5 kg sugar
  • 7 liters of water
  • 10 g citric acid
  • yeast nutrition (according to instructions)
  • wine yeast (tokay, sherry, for strong wines)

How to cook:

  1. First you need to properly ferment the yeast, as they have not an easy job to do. To properly make a starter, a bag of dry wine yeast must be dissolved in 250 ml of warm water with 1 tsp. sugar, as well as a pinch of top dressing for yeast. Mix well, cover the container with a paper towel and leave for 2 days in a warm place. Every day the starter needs to be mixed well.
  1. Cut the prepared rosehips in half and place in a clean, sterile fermenter (they can be placed in a nylon bag beforehand, which will greatly simplify the filtration process), then pour them with 3 liters of boiling water. While the water is cooling to a temperature comfortable for the yeast, boil the syrup from 1.5 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water. As soon as the water with fruits cools down to 22-25 o C, add top dressing for yeast (according to the instructions on the package), 10 g of citric acid, sugar syrup and the previously prepared starter into the fermenter. Mix the contents of the fermentation tank well, cover with gauze and leave for 1 day alone - during this time the yeast should multiply.
  1. After 24 hours, install a water seal on the fermenter and send the wine for primary fermentation at a temperature of 20-25 ° C for 1-2 weeks. Every day, the fermenter must be shaken so that the carbon dioxide accumulated in the thickness of the wort comes out. When the fermentation weakens and a small yeast sediment falls out, the young rosehip wine needs to be filtered (if the rosehip was in a nylon bag, then there will be no problems with this at all, as well as with a convenient filter unit from a filter bag on a metal rack), and the fruits should be squeezed well to extract the maximum amount of juice.
  1. While the wine is filtering, boil a simple syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 1 liter of water. Pour the filtered wine into the washed fermenter, add boiled syrup, install a water seal and send the wine for secondary fermentation in a dark place at a temperature of 10-15 ° C for a period of 2 to 3 months. About once a month, the wine must be drained from the sediment (or as it forms).
  1. Ready clarified wine should be poured into clean dark glass bottles and corked. Bottles should be stored horizontally in a dark, cool place. The minimum aging period for such wine in bottles is 1.5 years, but it is better to leave it alone for 2 years or more.

To make high-quality rosehip wine at home, you can use fresh, dried or frozen berries. Raw materials must be selected. In the classic recipe, it is better to use varieties: needle, May, Dahurian, Fedchenko, etc. The dishes involved in the process must be sterile, dry, so that the wine must is not infected with pathogenic microorganisms and moldy.

The recipe for classic rosehip wine includes the following ingredients:

  • Are the rose hips fresh? 3 kg (dry? 2 kg).
  • Sugar? 3 kg.
  • Raisins or fresh grapes? 100 g
  • Water? 10 l.

Cooking technology:

From the amount of ingredients proposed in the recipe, about 8 liters of wine with a strength of 11-14% are obtained. Keep the drink in a cool place. Shelf life? up to 2 years.

About container

Whatever homemade rosehip wine recipe you choose, remember that it will not give the result you expect if the fermentation vessel is made of aluminum, iron or copper. Metals tend to oxidize, and therefore - to bring an unpleasant flavor to the wine. "With a creak" stainless steel tanks are allowed for use. But experienced winemakers assure that their wine turns out somehow soulless and uninteresting.

The ideal option was and remains wooden barrels, which should be washed, scalded several times and fumigated with sulfuric smoke. But unfortunately, for most of us, this luxury is not available - there is simply nowhere to keep it. Then we stop at glass bottles, which need to be washed with baking soda and rinsed thoroughly.

Rosehip wine? A lady's whim?

When you need to make wine faster, yeast is added to the must. The recipe for the wine, which is called "Lady's whim", is not difficult to remember.


  • Rose hip? 1 kg.
  • Raisin? 100 g
  • Sugar? 800
  • Lemon acid? 1 tsp (optional).
  • Water? 3 l.
  • Yeast? 10 y.
  1. The berries are crushed into gruel, spread in an enamel pan.
  2. Raisins are poured with 1.5 water and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Cool down.
  3. Syrup is boiled from sugar and 1.5 water (5 minutes). Cool down.
  4. Blanched raisins, along with a decoction and sugar syrup, are poured into the berry mass. Stir.
  5. Baker's yeast is bred according to the instructions, introduced into the wine must.
  6. The container is covered with gauze and left to ferment for 1.5 months at home, in a dark place.

The finished drink is filtered, bottled.

Making wine: the first stage

The classic recipe for homemade rosehip wine offers the following proportions: one and a half kilograms of fresh or frozen berries (five glasses of dried), the same amount of sugar, five liters of fresh drinking water, 100 grams of raisins.

Rosehip is crushed, for example, with a rolling pin or pusher. A syrup is made, on which a kilogram of sugar is measured and a liter of water is poured. When the loose component is completely dissolved, the syrup should be cooled to about 30 Celsius and poured into a container with rose hips, raisins and the rest of the water. The neck of the container is tied with gauze so that foreign “components” such as insects, debris and dust do not get into the must, and it is placed somewhere where it is dark and warm for three to four days.

Rosehip red wine balm


  • Rosehip berries? 1 st.
  • Honey? 0.5 st.
  • Dry red wine? 1 l.

According to the recipe, all the components of the composition are mixed in a saucepan, put on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring all the time. The foam formed on the surface is removed.

The drink is cooled, the pan is covered with a lid and left at home to infuse for 15 days. Then the balm is boiled again, removing the foam.

After cooling, filter, filter, bottled. Store wine balm in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Taken as a medicine for colds, viral diseases, tonsillitis, 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3 times a day.

Second approach

When the rosehip wine begins to ferment throughout the volume, the must, together with the liquid, is poured into a bottle, where it will ferment until it is ready. A water seal is put on the neck; if your household does not have it, use a thick rubber glove, in which you need to pierce one of the fingers to release carbon dioxide.

Last step

After another week, the wort is filtered from the pulp and supplemented with the rest of the sugar. The water seal or glove returns to its place, the bottle is again sent to a dark and warm room. Now we are gaining patience for a month, or even a month and a half. During this time, the rosehip wine will finally ferment, the sediment will sink to the bottom, and the liquid will brighten a little.

It is carefully poured into another container, at the same time a sugar test is carried out. If it's not enough, it's time to fix the situation. Clogged with a lid or with the same shutter, the container is subject to aging. Rosehip wine should ripen in a dark, but this time cool room, with a temperature not exceeding 16 ° C.

After 2-3 months, the drink is completely ready. It is drained from the sediment, distributed into bottles and tightly sealed. Subject to storage conditions (darkness, coolness, lying position), rosehip wine does not lose its taste and useful qualities for two years.

And repeat?

Having removed rosehip wine from the must once, it is not necessary to get rid of the already used wine material. You can get a second "harvest" from it. The sediment remaining in the bottle is covered with a couple of kilograms of granulated sugar and filled with water up to the shoulders. Do not forget to also add "fermentation" material to it and put on the shutter.

The secondary product, of course, will not have the same richness of taste and aroma as the first plum. However, it will still be much cooler than store-bought wines enriched with flavorings, sweeteners and fixatives. And many winemakers argue that the reuse of the must allows you to get wine from rose hips, which only a professional sommelier can distinguish from the first removal. Whether this is true, can only be understood from one's own experience.

Rosehip wine: a simple recipe for beginner winemakers

Or for those who do not agree to wait a few months. A kilogram of fresh berries should be washed well and chopped. With dried do the same, with the exception of the stage of washing; they will be required for a standard wine-making capacity of only 400 grams. From seven liters of water, half a kilogram of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid, a syrup is prepared.

When it cools down to 20 degrees, it should be poured into a container with rose hips. And add 10 grams of yeast. A water seal, as they say, is not necessary here, it is enough to tighten the neck with gauze. It takes only a week to age such a rosehip wine. It is then filtered, bottled and tasted. The tart taste of a young drink is liked by all wine lovers.

Again, keep it refrigerated. And if the room is also dark, over time you can get an aged version of rosehip wine. Unless, of course, you taste it to the very bottom.

Fans of experiments who are no longer new to winemaking can try combining rose hips with something else. It is believed that it goes well with blackcurrant, mountain ash and wild berries. You will have to find out the proportions of the components from personal experience.

And remember: rosehip wine, like other alcoholic beverages, should be consumed in moderation. Moreover, there is a good reason for such a position: the taste of the drink is quite worthy to enjoy it. And to fill the grief, if God forbid it happens, you can do something less noble.

Rosehip can be called a storehouse of vitamins and useful trace elements. Its healing properties are used in pharmacology, cosmetology, and cooking. Mineral elements and vitamins improve the general condition of the body and affect individual organs and systems.

Good to know: rose hips are rich in various tannins, flavonoids that improve blood composition, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, and berry decoctions well cleanse the kidneys and the whole body as a whole. It contains vitamins of group B, as well as A, E and K.

But there is an area of ​​​​application of wild rose, which many do not even know about. This is based on its berries. Rosehip wine has a wide spectrum of action. With moderate consumption of the drink, the composition of the blood improves, the vessels are cleansed, and the vitality increases.

Rosehip wine

Selection of berries

In the manufacture of wine drinks from rose hips, first of all, you need to prepare raw materials. Berries can be taken fresh, but dry rosehip wine is no less tasty and healthy. It is best to harvest fruits in dry and clear weather, after frost. The fruit remains dry and clean. We pick the berries together with the sepals and the stalk, trying not to damage their very body. After harvesting, the crop must be sorted out and cleaned of dirt. If desired, rose hips can be dried and already dried fruits can be taken for making wine.

Take only ripe fruits of bright red color, without visible defects.

Dog-rose fruit

After preparing the berries, you can proceed directly to the preparation of the drink. There are many recipes for homemade rosehip wine, in which various additives are used, for example, raisins or, directly, grapes. To obtain fermented drinks based on this healthy berry, you can use not only fresh, but also dried raw materials.

Preparing a drink from fresh berries

The process of producing such wine at home is not particularly difficult. But the result will please you - the low-alcohol drink has a pleasant amber color, and tastes like southern wines - Serbian, Hungarian.

For wine you will need:

  • dried or fresh rose hips - 2-3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 10 liters;
  • juice of one lemon or tartaric acid (citric acid is also suitable);
  • raisins or fresh grape material for fermentation effect - 100 grams.

To provoke fermentation, you can also use special and enzymes that can be bought in specialized stores.

To obtain an unusual wine, which some connoisseurs consider second only to grape wine, you must follow the instructions below.

Making wine from fresh rose hips
  1. We separate the stalks and grind the berries with a mortar. Seeds from fruits do not need to be removed.
  2. In an enameled saucepan, heat 2 liters of liquid, then add 2 kg of granulated sugar, lemon or citric acid there. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and heat the syrup for another 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly and be sure to remove the foam. Then turn off and cool the syrup to 30C.
  3. We take a container with a wide neck and combine the ingredients in the following order - first chopped berries, then chilled syrup, add the rest of the water (8 liters) and at the end throw a handful of raisins so that our wine begins to ferment. Be sure to stir the wort!
  4. We bandage the neck with clean gauze and put it in a warm place for about 3-4 days. Do not forget to stir the contents at least once every 24 hours.
  5. When foam or a hissing sound characteristic of fermentation appears, the mixture must be poured into a large-volume bottle, flask or other fermentation container. We fill the bottle approximately 2/3 and. It can be a glove with a hole to remove carbon dioxide or a balloon.
  6. We leave the mixture in a dark place for 1 week, while maintaining the temperature from 18 C to 29 C. Throughout the entire fermentation time, we monitor the temperature regime.
  7. We expect about 7 days. We filter the resulting wort through cheesecloth in order to separate the rosehip seeds and raisins. Add the rest of the granulated sugar (1 kg) and again put the glove on the neck of the bottle. We wait from 1 month to 6 weeks. As soon as we notice that the glove has deflated and the sediment has gone down to the bottom, and the wine material has become noticeably lighter, it means that the process of active fermentation has ended and you can proceed to the next stage.
  8. At this stage, you need to separate the resulting wine from the sediment at the bottom using a silicone tube or rubber hose, trying to prevent flakes from getting into the finished product. You can add a little sugar for a harmonious taste or fix it with alcohol at the rate of 10% of the total volume of wine.
  9. The containers into which the young wine was poured are filled to the top and tightly sealed so that there is no contact with air. We remove everything in a cool dark place for exposure. If sugar was added at the previous stage, it is worth reinstalling the water seal or glove.
  10. After 2-3 months, when the wine is finally ready, it must be filtered again, bottled and sealed. When transfusing, we try to ensure that the sediment that remains after fermentation does not get into the finished wine, otherwise it will acquire bitter notes.

Many fans in the field of home winemaking are wondering if it is necessary to separate the pulp from the infused juice, or can the berries be left until final processing? So, the distinctive features of the taste are not noticed, therefore, if desired, the pulp can be left to ferment along with the wort. The taste of the finished wine has no significant differences.

Good to know: wine aging not only brightens the drink with the precipitation of impurities, but also allows you to make its taste more intense. For wines made from rose hips, the minimum aging period is 60 days, the optimal one is 6 months.

As a result of the actions described above, you will get about 7 liters of a drink that has a sour taste with slightly tart notes, which can be stored in a dark and cool room for up to 3 years. Many connoisseurs say that the real taste of the wine is only after storage in the bottle for a year and a half.

Wine made from dry or frozen rose hips

The cooking process itself does not differ from the actions in the home production of wines from fresh berries, but it will be necessary to restore dry or frozen raw materials in advance.

Frozen fruits must be thawed at room temperature and slightly dried. It is easier to get juice from such raw materials than from fresh berries.

Soaking dry rose hips

Dried rose hips should be washed in advance and soaked in warm water for a period of 12 to 24 hours.

Next, the berries must be sorted out, possible inclusions of litter, leaves, sepals and other foreign objects should be removed. Foreign impurities will lead to the appearance of noticeable bitterness in the flavor composition, the wine will lose its best qualities.

Proportions when using dry raw materials:

  • 1-1.5 kg of dried fruits;
  • 9-10 liters of clean water - filtered, well, artesian;
  • 1.8-3 kg;
  • citric acid 10 gr. or juice of one lemon;
  • wine yeast or raisins (grapes).

As in other homemade winemaking recipes, neither raisins nor grapes can be washed in ours - wild yeast found on the surface is responsible for the fermentation process.

For frozen fruits, the proportions from the classic recipe are suitable.

The remaining steps are absolutely identical to those indicated in the previous section. We prepare the wort, leave it for fermentation, filter. And then - exposure and bottling.

Fortified wine made from dry rose hips goes well with meats, and the dessert version is more suitable for cheeses, vegetables and sweets.

Interesting recipe with double fermentation

This option is closest to the work of professional winemakers. To get a wine worthy of a festive table, take as a basis the classic recipe - rosehip wine, which is described in detail above.

The nuance of double fermentation is that the process is divided into two stages, which take place in different temperature conditions.

  1. First, the prepared wort is poured into a fermentation tank with 75% sugar added. A water seal should be installed and put in a place with a temperature of 20-25 degrees for a period of 1-2 weeks.
  2. Next - after the primary fermentation, we filter the must, removing the pulp or its residues and again placing it in a fermentation vessel (previously thoroughly washed). At this stage, add the remaining sugar syrup. The fermentation temperature should not exceed 15 degrees. The wine must be removed from the sediment and filtered after at least 3 months.

Fermentation of rosehip wine at home

Next, again drain from the sediment as carefully as possible. If the wine is still cloudy, which is not surprising due to the high pectin content, it will need further clarification. For rosehip wine material, gelatin is best suited as a gluing agent.

Rosehip homemade wine

Such a wine requires a long aging in bottled form - at least 1.5 years, but the result is worth it.

Rosehip wine at home, the recipe of which I will write, was prepared by a neighbor in the country - to improve health. Moreover, I tried it quite often, but I didn’t even try to make a delicious drink. For what? After all, a neighbor is nearby every weekend and you can treat yourself to a tasty treat without any problems. But I still took the recipe - after a funny incident that happened to me and my relative.

Rosehip and hawthorn for Tanya

One warm autumn day, my husband and I decided to do a good deed - to take out his beloved sister with the children. Tatyana recently divorced, and has not yet recovered from a severe shock. The scoundrel husband, with whom they lived for 14 years, said that he was tired of his wife always busy with children - he wants a new relationship, and Tatyana is too mired in household chores.

I must say that Tanya is an excellent hostess, she literally dissolved in her husband and children, trying to give her family all the best. Oleg, his beloved husband, never had wrinkled, unwashed shirts and holey socks, he was always full and fed, the most interesting tales were read to him, and Tanya's kitchen often smelled of fresh pastries or another meat masterpiece.

Do you think she completely forgot about her appearance and frightened her poor husband with her pale face and worn dressing gown? No matter how! That's who took care of his own, so this is Tanya. I often found her with or mixing another super scrub. In stores, Tanya studied in detail the labels of expensive shampoos, creams and balms for all parts of the body, choosing the best. Honestly, my relative was the dream of any average man - a natural blonde with blue eyes and a stunning figure. What else did poor Oleg lack?

But what to be, that cannot be avoided, and the divorce, painful for the woman, took place. Inspired by freedom, the ex-husband rushed off to conquer other bastions, and the tearful wife, who was absolutely not used to considering herself an ex, was left alone with two little sons. Tanya stopped taking care of herself, stopped showing interest in anything, even the children did not please her as before. On the "machine" fed, dressed, walked and put to bed. It seemed that it was not her husband who left her, but life itself, leaving only the shadow of the former beauty.

And in this state, we are taking our Tanya to a place of unsurpassed beauty - a hill outside the city, generously strewn with trees and herbs. If you climb to the very top, then a wonderful view opens up: fluffy green meadows, small, like doll-like pine trees in the forest and the mirror-like surface of lakes with swimming swans. Incredibly beautiful!

Tatyana looks tiredly at all this splendor with absolutely glassy eyes and, turning her back, begins to cover the picnic clearing. What to do? I drooped a little, we did not expect such a reaction, especially since the kids are playing with might and main - their joyful laughter echoes around. I take a sad relative for a walk, because she will not see such beauty anywhere else. We go down and make our way through the wilds of overgrown hazel. Suddenly Tatyana stops in her tracks. I look over my shoulder and freeze with delight: we have BEAUTY in front of us.

Approximately three meters high, like a king, spread out in a clearing. The whole plant was dotted with small red berries, which, against the backdrop of autumn foliage, seemed simply unreal. It was truly breathtakingly beautiful! Coming closer, I noticed that another miracle was growing nearby - a large wild rose bush with huge fruits.

And then the hostess wakes up in my Tatyana: “Ir, let's pick up rose hips - we’ll put some wine on, eh?!”. I nod, secretly rejoicing at the first spark of life in this unfortunate young woman. In the absence of containers, we collected wild rose and hawthorn in our jackets, and then, with jokes and jokes, carried all this stuff upstairs to the clearing. It was on that day that Tanya, as she put it, was born again:

You know, I just looked at the natural splendor and thought it was wrong to suffer if there is SUCH BEAUTY in the world.

And in the evening we ran to a neighbor - to ask for a recipe for rosehip wine at home. An elderly lady came out, looked at us with surprise and said: “Girls, why, this wine is made from fruits picked in the cold, when the wild rose is slightly frozen ...” We stood then, mouths open, like two magpies, having collected unnecessary trinkets.

However, Tanya suddenly calmly said:

Then we'll make a liqueur, I know the recipe. And we'll get some more wine, right?

And we did return to that place on a gloomy November day, gathered rose hips, and Tatyana made a magnificent wine, which she was treated with all winter. And the hawthorn fit - the infusion helped her cope with a nervous shock and strengthen her heart. Still, we did not go in vain!

Rosehip wine at home, a recipe without yeast

The wine turns out to be very tasty, without a sharp alcohol taste, soft amber color.

So, you need to collect the wild rose after the first frost, clean it from seeds and rinse gently. Put the fruits in an enamel pan and pour warm sugar syrup over. Stir, cover and ... forget about it for about 25-30 days. The main indicator of readiness is the bubbles on the surface. When they begin to appear, strain the wine, pour into a clean container and store in a cold place (cellar or refrigerator). The proportion is as follows: for 1 kg of berries take 1 kg of sugar and 2.5 liters of water.

Rosehip wine with yeast

This recipe was given to me by a Moldavian Marta, whom I mentioned in carrot and elderberry. I confess honestly, but I have never cooked wine using it, although I savored it with a hospitable hostess (the taste is amazing).

Required raw materials:

  • Rosehip - 5 glasses;
  • Sugar - 3 kg;
  • Yeast - 150 g;
  • Water - 7 l

Pour rose hips with warm water with yeast diluted in it. Leave to ferment for 14 days. Strain. Rinse the berries, put them in two clean 3-liter jars or a large bottle and pour over the fermented liquid. Close the container tightly and leave in a cold place (preferably in the cellar) for 3 months. From these products, 6 liters of healing wine are obtained.

Rosehip liqueur for colds from Tatyana

Mix 5 cups of rose hips peeled and ground in a meat grinder with 8 cups of sugar and 15 cups of vodka. Place the container with the mixture in a warm place for 5-7 days. Then again add vodka (10 glasses) and leave for the same number of days. After that, strain the liquor, pour into clean bottles and store like regular alcohol.

Take for any colds - after eating 20-30 g. You can add 1 teaspoon to tea. Helps quickly and SARS, frees the bronchi from sputum, treats pulmonary inflammation.

Rosehip wine balm

Pour 1 liter of dry red wine into a saucepan, add a glass of ground rose hips and half a glass of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Foam will form on the surface, which must be constantly removed with a spoon. After that, cool the balm, strain and leave for 15 days. Then boil the mixture again and remove the foam, cool, strain and leave for another 15 days. Pour into bottles and store in the cellar or refrigerator.

Take courses - two weeks on a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Then take a break for 14 days and repeat the course again. Like the previous recipe, the balm helps in the treatment of colds, viral infections and the common cold.

And one more recipe that I can’t help but write, because I promised when I talked about the same Martha))).

Unusual hawthorn wine, recipe ... on white wine

Grind 1 kg of hawthorn berries and pour 2 liters of dry white wine. Add a small handful of raisins, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, 3-4 dried sprigs of cloves and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Leave to infuse for 10 days, shaking the contents daily. Then strain and squeeze well, bottle. Drink healing wine should be 50 g 30 minutes before meals.

According to this recipe, hawthorn wine turns out to be unusually tasty - tart-sweet, with an unusual aroma.

Recipe for hawthorn tincture on vodka

Why do it if this medicine can be bought at any pharmacy? Let's just say: those who are seriously involved in the treatment of folk remedies rarely buy pharmacy drugs. Everything you can do yourself is prepared at home. Here is the hawthorn tincture on vodka, the recipe of which I got from Aunt Sasha, also belongs to such medicines - it seems to be in the pharmacy, but my own, homemade, is better)).

Pour a glass of fresh hawthorn fruit with 10 glasses of vodka and insist in a dark place, periodically shaking the container, for 20 days. Do not strain. Store at room temperature for up to 2 years. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day for heart pain, hypertension, tachycardia, nervous disorders. When stressed, it is better to add a teaspoon of tincture to sweet tea and drink it 2 times a day.

In conclusion, I’ll say that it’s not difficult to make rosehip wine at home according to the recipe of my dear neighbor, you just need to follow all the proportions and withstand the prescribed number of days (do not forget to check for bubbles on the surface). I myself do not practice this art - Tanya makes excellent wine, for which many thanks to her!

An interesting video about the properties of wild rose, a lot of useful and amazing information:

That's all.

As always with love, Irina Lirnetskaya
