
Wine made from wild strawberries. Homemade strawberry wine with wine yeast

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Once, on a December evening, I put a few spoons of strawberry jam in a bowl, which I cooked back in the berry ripening season, and was not inspired at all by returning the jam to the jar. Frozen berries did cause an attack of inexplicable longing, because strawberries (aka garden strawberries), having thawed, flowed, lost their shape and, in fact, did not much resemble themselves. Then I filled the bowl with either Turkish or Greek strawberries - outwardly similar, of course, to ours, but without taste and smell, and I realized what I was missing. Yes, it was exactly that that was missing - a strong, persistent, fragrant and easily recognizable aroma of strawberries plucked from a bush on a June morning, which is especially acutely perceived on the days of the winter solstice. More precisely, the absence of the sun. Fortunately, there is such a wonderful thing as strawberry wine- the only, perhaps, of all the wines I know, which never once smells of wine. It is fragrant, and even how, with the very desired strawberry aroma! It exudes it like cognac, one has only to warm the glass in the palms and bend over it! It is everywhere, if you decide to walk around the rooms with a glass, occasionally kissing it like a basket full of berries! A fantastic drink, gratefully responsible for smothering a six-month-old internal toad: “Strawberries for wine?! Instead of eating it or making jam?!”

But it's true! Look at these berries (here is a little more than a bucket, that is, about 10 kilograms): well, how can you resist not to eat them? However, taught by experience, I demonstrate them for a different purpose. Strawberries for wine must be carefully sorted. Slightly rumpled berries during the harvest, which, in general, are not so many, are quite suitable for wine. Unlike berries, obviously spoiled or slightly rotten. They are able to ditch the wine in the bud, giving it shades of decay that cannot be corrected. Therefore, when sorting through strawberries, you should be especially careful, good for wine, so that future processes develop in it in the most natural way, you should not wash the berries, and you can not remove the cuttings-tails from them.

And here are the echoes of bitter experience number two in the truest sense of the word. I don’t know what a tiny strawberry seed contains, of which there are millions or a little more in the mass of the collected berries. But when crushing berries in any mechanical way, there is a high risk of crushing strawberry seeds, which then backfires with a slight, but still bitter taste in wine. Therefore, you will have to crush strawberries with your hands, and only with your hands, carefully kneading each berry, turning the harvested crop into a liquid puree - the basis of wine.

There is one important point that distinguishes the preparation of strawberry must from any other fruit and berry. It does not require the addition of water, which is often necessary to reduce the acidity of the juice or flush out the juice from the berry flesh. It does not require the addition of sugar at this stage, as a top dressing for the development of alcoholic yeast (it can be added in a small amount later). That is, according to the ratio of sour and sweet, on which, in fact, any wine is formed, strawberries are a “creature” self-sufficient and balanced. Perhaps it is this circumstance that determines the aroma of the future drink, subtle shades of its taste, its cognac color and amazing resistance to vices, if everything is done correctly.

And the rules at this stage are simple. Strawberries are squeezed into a suitable container - steel or glass. The container is closed on top with a lid so that midges do not climb into the juice (aka must). The juice container itself is for three to four days of rest with an ambient temperature in the range of 18-23 degrees Celsius. After this period, the wort should be disturbed (once every two or three days) several times, stirring it from bottom to top, so that the upper, most active life of alcoholic yeast compensates for their fading life at the bottom, and the yeast themselves take a sip of air.

After about two weeks (from the day when the strawberry wine is started), the vigorously fermenting must can be left completely at rest for a day. Usually the pressure of carbon dioxide is such that a dense cap of pulp is formed on top of the wort - strawberry lumps pushed out by gases from the seething juice. If this cap is not pulled, then there is a chance to remove it from the juice with a slotted spoon or spatula to the maximum, transferring it to a sieve. Remove, let’s say, in a “dehydrated” form, so that, on the one hand, you don’t grab “excess” juice, on the other, you spend less effort and time squeezing the pulp. Bearing in mind the previous experience, for example, I don’t even keep in mind the use of any press for squeezing or something similar in the variant with strawberry wine, which I advise you. Otherwise, the damaged grains of berries in the finished wine will backfire. Although maybe not. But I wouldn't risk it.

The removed pulp is best placed on a sieve, under which some container, such as a pot or bowl, is covered with a clean napkin and left for several hours so that the juice "stuck" in it drains by gravity. There is a more time-consuming method, but no less effective, if you put the pulp in a canvas bag and hang it over the pan. The choice, in general, is yours. In any case, the juice that has come down after a few hours should be poured into a suitable jar ...

... and send the main portion of the juice to it with the remains of the pulp, which could not be extracted.

Put the jar under a water seal for further fermentation for another 8-10 days. You can see, for example, how to make a simple water seal. As for the use of rubber gloves as a closure, in my opinion, this is akin to marinating meat in mayonnaise. That is, the action is meaningless and destructive for products, if surrogate mayonnaises can be called products at all.

After the agreed 8-10 days (maybe a little earlier, maybe a little later, because wine is not two-minute soft-boiled eggs, where accuracy is needed), the water seal can be removed and the accessible, that is, “dehydrated”, part of the pulp can be fished out of the jar, squeezing it slightly .

Then - strain all the future wine through a fine sieve to cut off the remnants of the pulp from it.

Straining is a painstaking process if there is a desire to extract the juice from the pulp as much as possible. However, if you strain the juice in small batches, being careful, it's just a matter of time. The main thing is to pour the strained juice into a container of a suitable volume and put it under a water seal again. Thus, a start is given to the main or, as it is also called, quiet, bottom fermentation of wine, which can last a month, or two, or three, depending on the speed of the metamorphoses taking place in the wine. But this does not mean, of course, that all this time you need to wait for something with folded hands.

About a week to ten days after the start of the main fermentation, the wine will need to be drained from the sediment, usually quite impressive. This is done in a primitive way, using a one and a half meter thin hose or tube.

It is poured into another clean container, of course, only juice, and in such a way as not to grab the sediment, or grab it to a minimum. Therefore, the end of the tube or hose facing the sediment should be controlled when pouring juice. The poured juice again goes under the water seal - until the next filtration, which, as a rule, is carried out in descending order, if we keep in mind the frequency. Roughly speaking, in a week, then in ten days, then in two weeks. As the drink clarifies, that is, it becomes transparent, the sediment falls less and less, which, of course, does not mean at all that it does not need to be removed. Wine left on the lees, especially at home and especially for a long time, is always a risk that something will go wrong later or that the result will not be as planned.

But the change in the color of strawberry wine, when thick pink tones are replaced by red ones (and this is noticeable after about a month of the main fermentation), is a kind of equator of the started process, when, in addition to filtration, it is useful to do other procedures that are useful for the drink.

For example, from time to time, when the wine is once again filtered, it can be carried out by pouring it from one container to another using a tube - so that the stream is thinner and "more authentic". On the one hand, ventilation stimulates further fermentation of wine, on the other hand, it makes it more resistant to diseases, and on the third hand, it helps to correct minor mistakes and tricks that arise along the way. In a word, in the overwhelming majority of cases, winemakers air the wine, and this is justified.

Now - about what was said at the beginning - about sugar, the addition of which at the stage of preparing the wort was not necessary due to the good percentage of this product in strawberries. Actually, if the task is to prepare table wine, sugar is required quite a bit - 50-70 grams per liter of juice. Moreover, this amount of sugar is not introduced at once, but, as it were, divided into two or three portions and added every time after the next wine filtration. It is better to start this procedure when the "own" strawberry sugar is almost already fermented - that is, in the taste shades of wine, if you take a sample from it, sour tones strongly prevail. To do this, a measured portion of sugar should be dissolved in a small amount of slightly warmed wine ...

... pour the solution into the main wine and mix well, repeating this procedure two or three times after the next filtration.

Almost at the finish line, when the wine has become transparent and not only sediment, but even a slight coating does not fall to the bottom of the container, the sweet component of the wine can always be corrected by sweetening it, which, of course, is carried out in a special way (this can be seen, for example, in the recipe red currant wine). But this is already a matter of taste and the scope of the winemaker's own decisions. The main thing to remember is that strawberry wine is a restless wine. In the sense that it can ferment indefinitely. That is why it should not be sealed tightly in bottles, even if there are no signs of fermentation.

However, this does not mean that he is unprepared. Young strawberry wine is a bright thing. In all senses. Especially in a dank time, when summer smells and sounds seem completely out of place.

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Many delicious dishes and preparations for the winter are prepared from strawberries. Strawberry wine is very tasty. You can make it at home not only from fresh berries: jam and strawberry compote are suitable.

Wine made from strawberry jam

From the old jam, which has been standing in the cellar for many years, a delicious wine is obtained with a beautiful color and rich taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • one st. a spoonful of raisins;
  • one and a half liters of old jam;
  • one and a half liters of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Warm the water to room temperature and stir in the jam.
  2. Add unwashed raisins to the must. Taste it, if the base is not sweet, you can add 50 g of sugar.
  3. Mix the wort well and put a rubber glove over the neck, piercing one finger with the needle.
  4. Put the container in heat. Remove the glove after 4 days, drain some juice and dissolve 50 g of sugar in it, stir and pour into a common container.
  5. Put the glove back on and leave the container warm for another 4 days.
  6. If necessary, add another 50 g of sugar after 4 days. Keep container warm.
  7. The wine ferments for 25-55 days, during this period the must must be stirred.

For the manufacture and storage of wine, take a dry sterile container: this way the drink will be stored longer and it will turn out delicious.

Strawberry wine without water

The prepared drink without water turns out to be very rich and aromatic.


  • 600 g of sugar;
  • two kg. strawberries.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Rinse the berries and put in a saucepan, turn into a puree.
  2. Mix sugar with mashed potatoes and transfer to a glass container.
  3. Place a water seal on the neck of the container. Keep mass warm.
  4. Remove the pulp that has floated to the top with a spoon and squeeze it through multi-layer gauze.
  5. Add juice from the pulp to a common container with liquid.
  6. Leave the container warm for 3 weeks with a glove on the neck, then strain and pour into containers.

Keep strawberry wine without water for another 7 days - then the drink will become even tastier.

Required Ingredients:

  • sodium bisulfate - ¼ tsp;
  • 11.5 kg. strawberries;
  • pectin. enzyme;
  • standard. top dressing for yeast - five teaspoons;
  • sugar - 5.5 kg;
  • wine yeast - packaging.


  1. Cut the berries into large pieces and place in a container.
  2. Pour water over strawberries, completely covering the berries.
  3. Add sodium bisulfate and pectic enzyme according to package directions.
  4. Cover the container with a cloth and leave for a day.
  5. Pour water into the container so that the total volume is 18 or 19 liters.
  6. Add sugar and stir.
  7. Add yeast along with top dressing and cover the container with a cloth. Stir occasionally, knock down the foam for a week.
  8. Pour the wine through a sieve or cheesecloth, pour out the must again and install a water seal. It will begin to ferment 4 - 6 weeks.
  9. During fermentation, pour the wine from the sediment until it stops forming, and also ventilate: pour over to get splashes from a great height.
  10. Strawberry wine will be ready in 2 weeks and will take on a beautiful color. It is recommended to age strawberry wines with yeast for a couple more months.

Prepare a drink from fresh and ripe berries. Even slightly spoiled berries can spoil the taste.


  • 50 g of rice cereal;
  • three liters of compote;
  • 350 g of sugar.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour compote into a large container, add unwashed rice and sugar.
  2. Place a rubber glove on the neck of the container, make a hole in one of the fingers.
  3. Leave the container in a warm place for 4 weeks.
  4. When the gas stops coming out, the glove will deflate. Now the drink must be filtered. Do this with a thin tube.
  5. Pour the drink into bottles and leave for another two months in a cool place.

You can’t buy drinks such as strawberry wine in an ordinary store, but sometimes you really want to try something unusual, refined taste. Moreover, if you have a romantic dinner with your significant other, strawberry wine will be the highlight that will brighten up the evening and make it unforgettable. This drink is loved by all women, because it is quite light and very pleasant in taste, leaves a sweet alluring aftertaste and resembles summer.

Note! This drink tastes too good to drink alone. Be sure to taste it in an embrace with your loved one.

A feature of the preparation is that there are many simple recipes, strictly following which everyone can prepare an alcoholic drink from strawberries at home, devoting a minimum of time. In winter, the old strawberry jam is great, which can be found in the basement, and if you really need it, you can attack the cellars of friends =). In general, everyone should try to make a wonderful strawberry wine.

homemade strawberry wine recipe

It should be noted right away that strawberries are not the best basis for making homemade wine. The drink is not well stored and is prone to souring. Strawberry juice is poorly clarified and difficult to squeeze out, the berries are reluctant to give juice. Therefore, if winemaking is a new field of activity for you, then it is better to practice first on grapes, and then take on capricious strawberries.

  • Strawberries cannot be used to make dry wine, but they make a wonderful semi-sweet drink, reminiscent of liquor.
  • Homemade strawberry wine should be prepared only from ripe, fully colored berries; unripe fruits will not work.
  • The strength of the drink will depend on the amount of sugar added to the wine must.
  • However, it should be borne in mind that the natural sugar content in strawberries is quite high and you should not overdo it when making wine.
  • Excess sugar acts as a preservative and the wort may stop fermenting.

Raw materials for wine are usually not washed. On the surface of the berries of any berries, there are natural wild yeasts, which, in the case of making homemade wine, are responsible for fermentation. But you still have to wash the strawberries. The fact is that during the growing season it comes into contact with the soil, and the dirt in the wine is useless to us. You can replace natural yeast with regular raisins, or you can make homemade strawberry sourdough for homemade wine.

Without alcohol

It is noted that wines made from berries without additional alcoholization have a more delicate taste and aroma. They do not gain a sharp and rough aftertaste, characteristic of ratified ones. Such drinks are more demanding on the quality of the raw materials, but are also rich in succinic acid, esters, aldehydes and many other benefits.

  • Of course, you cannot fully achieve such an aroma as in factory conditions, where wine is aged in special containers in compliance with high technologies.
  • But still, homemade strawberry wine is worth a try, especially if you have your own plantation of this berry.
  • Well, or in the season you can buy a bucket - it will not cost so much.

And on a winter evening, strawberry wine warmed in the palms in a wide glass will reveal all its aromas and tastes and delight you and your loved ones. So let's get started?

Strawberry - wine berry

Strawberries are an excellent material for fine dessert wines and high quality liqueurs. Strawberry wine has pink undertones.
A fragrant drink from these berries is often used to improve other wines that did not turn out very well or to add flavor to intoxicating fruit and berry drinks without a pronounced smell.

There are few tannins in strawberries, therefore, to make wines, especially with a higher percentage of alcohol, tannic acid or berries richer in tannins, such as raisins, are added to the must.

Under these conditions, fermentation will begin faster.

Container for making wine

To make wine at home, they use small wooden kegs or voluminous glass bottles, which are called suleis.

  • It is advisable to place the bottle in a protective case, such as a wicker basket.
  • A soft cloth, wool or hay can be laid between the rods and the glass of the sulei.
  • The protective cover can be made of dense fabric.

Starter for strawberry wine

The sourdough has a short shelf life - no more than 10 days, so start preparing it shortly before you are going to put the wine must.

The starter contains the following ingredients:

  • Garden strawberries - 2 cups.
  • Water is a glass.
  • Sugar - half a glass.


For sourdough, you need to collect berries that have not come into contact with the ground. Unwashed berries are crushed with a wooden pestle until mashed. Pour strawberry puree into a plastic bottle and add sugar with water. The mixture is thoroughly shaken and closed with a cotton plug. The starter must be placed in a dark place, the temperature should be 20-24 ° C. After 4 days, the berries will begin to ferment. They are filtered through gauze, and the drained liquid is added to the wine must.

To prepare dessert strawberry wine, you need 200-300 ml of sourdough for 10 liters of wine must.

Cooking process

Have to take:

  • Strawberries - kilogram.
  • Water - litre.
  • Sugar - 2 cups (to the waist).
  • Raisins - a handful.


  • Prepare a container for making homemade strawberry wine and a water seal. We take the number of ingredients depending on the number of berries, proportionally increasing them in accordance with the recipe.
  • We sort out the berries, removing the leaves of the stalk and spoiled specimens. Wash strawberries under cool water and drain in a colander to drain the water.
  • Now the berries need to be mashed, for this we take a plastic bowl or an enameled pan, you need to knead the berries with a wooden pestle, it is better not to use metal objects for these purposes.

Dissolve sugar in warm water and combine with strawberry pulp. Now pour the wine must into the fermentation tank and add the raisins. If you have prepared a starter for wine in advance. Oh, you can add it by calculating the proportions that we described above. The container is only filled to 2/3 of the total volume so that there is enough space for fermentation. The wine must is thoroughly shaken, a water seal is installed on the bottle, and the raw material is sent to a warm place. The pulp should actively ferment for 3-5 days, the temperature in the room is 22-24 ° C.

After this time, the liquid is drained through gauze into a clean bottle, the pulp is well squeezed out.

We again install a water seal on the bottle and send the wine to ferment in a cool place, at a high temperature strawberry wine can turn into vinegar and it will not be possible to save it. After 20-40 days, a sediment forms at the bottom, which is the waste products of wine yeast, and the wine will become much lighter. This indicates that the fermentation cycle is over and the drink is ready.

We drain the wine and put it in the cellar, corking it tightly. After 4 weeks, sediment will form again in the wine and the procedure will need to be repeated. After a month of storage in the cellar, homemade strawberry wine will be ready for tasting.

Fortified wine


  • Strawberries and sugar - per kilogram.
  • Water and vodka - 500 ml each.


Strawberries are prepared for wine in the same way as the previous recipe. Sugar and hot water are added to strawberry puree. Wine must must ferment under a water seal for 5-7 days. Then the filtered wine is poured into a clean bottle and vodka is added. It is important to know that immediately after adding vodka, the fermentation process stops, so if the wine did not ferment very actively, let it stand for a little more.

Wine diluted with vodka should be infused for a week in a cool place. Then it can be bottled and stored in the cellar. After 2 weeks, home-made fortified strawberry wine can be drunk.


No Waste

If you use this recipe, then you can make dessert strawberry wine from the pulp, in which there are a lot of useful substances and sugar for the body. This drink will be significantly different from wine made from strawberry juice, but its taste will be no less interesting and pleasant.

  1. The pulp is poured with 30% sweet syrup. Its volume is equal to the volume of obtained strawberry juice. The syrup is intensively mixed with the pulp. The vessel is placed in a warm room - only under such conditions will fermentation begin.
  2. After three days, the mixture will ferment and separate into two components.
  3. The liquid must be carefully drained. It will be thick and sticky. The drained wine is covered with gauze, left for a day, then a water lock is placed.
  4. Some winemakers recommend squeezing the pulp and adding it to wine to improve fermentation.
  5. Further steps are the same as in the main recipe.

From strawberry juice and the remaining pulp, you can get twice as much wine of various types and excellent quality.

Easy strawberry wine recipe

A simple recipe for making wine from strawberries, we need berries in the amount of 7 kilograms. They will take a little more than a kilogram of sugar. Please note that in this recipe water is not used at all, as in many other fruit and berry wines, where its addition is almost mandatory.

Strawberry wine at home according to this recipe is made in its own juice.

Selection and preparation of berries

The raw materials must be selected and prepared in the most careful way. Take only undamaged, perhaps slightly overripe and most ripe berries. We immediately brush aside rot and damage so as not to spoil the final product.

  • People often ask whether or not to wash these berries before making strawberry wine at home.
  • The thing is that the strawberry itself does not like washing, and when you try to wash it carefully, it is often deformed.
  • So you don't have to be too hard on it.
  • You can rinse a bit in the basin, for example.
  • But after that, some berries will have to be removed, since if they are crushed, they will lose a lot of juice.
  • But the leaves and stalks must be separated.

Some home distilling pros recommend removing dirt from berries by soaking them for a short time in a suitable container. After washing, the strawberries do not need to be dried, it is enough that the excess water is glass. Enjoy the easiest strawberry wine recipe ever!

Warm up

Before making wine from strawberries, we perform the following step: mash the berries with a mashed potato crusher or crusher. Some people prefer to do it with their hands, but then try to keep them at least clean - we don’t need extra microbes at all.

  • You can also skip the berry through a meat grinder.
  • But from contact with its metal parts, the juice worsens its qualities.
  • You can cut the berry in a blender.
  • The idea is simple: prepare a fairly homogeneous mass - the pulp, while losing as little juice as possible.

What to do with pulp

Pour the resulting juicy mass into a 10-liter bottle (you can take glass or food-grade plastic, but not metal). Attention: the balloon should be filled only to 2/3 of its volume. Otherwise there won't be enough room for the wine to roam properly.

Add a kilogram of granulated sugar to the mass. We mix everything thoroughly. By the way, you should not abuse sugar and put it noticeably more (they say, so that the wine turns out sweeter) is not worth it.

Primary stage of fermentation

We close the narrow neck of the balloon with a piece of gauze of suitable size. The container itself must be removed in a dark and warm place (the temperature for fermentation is not more than +24 degrees), without sunlight. Primary fermentation wakes up in about a day. There is an activated secretion of juice.

  • Carefully monitor the temperature regime: at lower temperatures, the process starts with difficulty, at higher temperatures, the yeast may die.
  • And in favorable conditions, the pulp is divided into cakes and juice completely already on the 4th day approximately.
  • The cake rises up, forming a cortical layer. Juice is below.
  • The primary fermentation process is considered complete.

wine making

Now we need to drain the juice into a clean prepared container and cork it with a water seal. How to make such a device? There are many options - both purchased and homemade. The simplest: we remove the hose from the neck, which we seal tightly. And we lower the hose into a small container with water, standing not far from the main dish, where fermentation takes place.

Secondary fermentation begins. Excess air is not allowed into the container (with the help of a manufactured shutter), otherwise vinegar may be prepared instead of making strawberry wine at home. The recipe is controlled by the intensity of fermentation (the number of bubbles gurgling in the shutter). Gas formation should take place quite intensively.

It is not recommended to influence the resulting process in any way (except for observing the temperature regime).

The final

The completion of fermentation is indicated by the fact that the bubbles in the shutter have ceased to stand out from the main bottle. But it still takes several days not to remove the water seal so that the wine fertilizes. This is followed by the clarification process, during which the corked wine is kept in a dark, now cool, place.

  • The wine separates into a sediment and a light, almost transparent liquid.
  • Drain and bottle without stirring up sediment.
  • They need to be corked and stored in a lying position in a dark and dry cool place (a wine cellar cabinet, for example).
  • This is how a non-alcoholic semi-dry strawberry wine is obtained.
  • The recipe, as you can see, is quite simple to execute, and the wine itself turns out to be excellent!

traditional recipe

A garden berry like a strawberry is an ideal product for many desserts and goodies, including drinks. Strawberries are often used as the base for homemade wine or liqueur. Of course, everyone will agree that strawberry wine at home, the recipe of which is not so complicated, is tastier and more aromatic than those that we can buy in stores. If you correctly observe the proportions and preparation technology, then the output will be a wonderful drink.

So, what is the recipe for homemade wine from your favorite strawberry?


  • berries - 3 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg
  • cold boiled water - 3 l

Almost all homemade wines are made with juice. And this, perhaps, is the main difficulty in making strawberry wine at home, the recipe of which we will now tell. Juice for a drink is obtained not in the traditional way - by pressing, but by fermenting berries mixed with sugar and water. Usually, the berries used to make wines are not washed, preserving the natural yeasts that are essential for the fermentation process.

In our case, carefully sort out all the fruits, remove debris and stalks. Otherwise, wine made from fermented strawberries will acquire an earthy flavor and an unpleasant smell. Attention! To seal the wine, use sterile dishes, thoroughly washed and dry.

Prepared berries must be placed in a large volume of enameled dishes and knead thoroughly. Experienced housewives recommend doing this with your hands so that all the fibers of the berries are separated and the bones are not damaged (bitterness may appear).

  • Mix three liters of water heated to +30 ° ... +40 ° С with 1 kg of sand and wait until it is completely dissolved.
  • Allow the resulting syrup to cool to +20 ° ... +30 ° С, then pour it into the berry puree, add 100 grams of raisins here, it contains live yeast necessary for the fermentation process.
  • The learned mass (wort) must be poured into a glass bottle or other container in which the drink will ferment.
  • Do not fill the vessel to the top, during fermentation, foam will appear, which will certainly rise and flow out of the bottle. Place the container in which the future strawberry wine was placed in a dark corner.


Do not forget to stir the wine blank every 5-8 hours for three days and remove the foam. The pulp, which rises along with the foam to the surface of the container, must be lowered back, so the wine will absorb the maximum amount of strawberry juice.

If after a day the liquid in the bottle ferments, strawberry wine at home, the recipe of which you have chosen, is prepared according to plan.

  • After a few days (3-5), the wort needs to be filtered, thereby ridding it of excess pulp, poured into the bottle again and poured 0.5 kg of sand into it.
  • After a week of fermentation, add another 250 grams of sugar. A week later - another 250 g, and so on until the sand (3 kg) runs out.

Advice! Sugar should not be poured directly into a container, it is better to pour a certain amount of future wine into a separate container, dissolve sugar in it, and pour the resulting syrup back.

Put the bottle under a water seal or put a latex glove on your throat. Somewhere after 2 months, fermentation in the container will stop: a precipitate forms at the bottom, the liquid becomes light and transparent. Now the resulting wine should be carefully separated from the sediment, poured into prepared glass bottles and corked.

It is worth noting that strawberry wine can also be prepared without water, in which case it will turn out to be even more saturated and fragrant.

Frozen strawberry wine

Many housewives are interested in the question, is it possible to make wine from frozen strawberries? Certainly! However, in order for the drink to turn out to be no less fragrant and tasty than from fresh fruits, it is important to follow the rules:

  • It is necessary to defrost the berries properly. Do not pour water over them or defrost them in the microwave. Strawberries should thaw on their own - so it will retain its beneficial qualities
  • It is best to defrost berries in the refrigerator.
  • You should not mix different berries, because each has its own fermentation rate. Wine drink made from strawberries must remain pure strawberry

So, to make a wine drink from frozen strawberries, we need:

  • Boiled water - 2 l
  • Yeast (powder) - 10 grams
  • Strawberries, pre-thawed - 3 kg
  • Vodka - 0.5 l
  • Sugar - 2 kg

The step-by-step recipe for this variation of strawberry wine looks like this:

  1. Put the defrosted strawberries in an enamel bowl and knead, heat, transfer to a glass container
  2. Pour the prepared yeast into the container, mix the base of the wine, put a water seal or put a glove on the bottle and put it in a dark place
  3. A month later, after fermentation is completed, drain the settled liquid into another container, add vodka there
  4. Let it brew for another 30 days, then filter and pour into sterile glass bottles

Strawberry wine is prepared in this way quickly, and by adding vodka it turns out to be fortified.

cooking secrets

Strawberry wine at home, the recipe of which is quite simple, can become even tastier if you follow some simple subtleties, for example:

  • A bottle of spilled wine must be carefully sealed. This is best done with wine corks. To reuse a factory cork, place it in boiling water and wait until the cork softens. It is recommended to fill the holes from the corkscrew with melted wax. Wrap the top of the sealed neck several times with tape
  • Don't forget to label the wine you leave to age. Indicate its variety, strength, date when the wine was made and bottled. So you do not confuse the wines and do not open them ahead of time

Follow these little tricks and delight your guests with an incredibly tasty and aromatic drink all year round!

How to make strawberry wine from compote?

It happens to every housewife that the preparation is not very successful and the lid on the jar of strawberry compote explodes. Do not rush to throw away the product, because from the fermented compote you get a great strawberry wine, which is easy to make at home.


  • granulated sugar - 350 grams;
  • compote - 3 liters;
  • rice cereal - 50 grams.


  1. Pour the compote into a larger container, if there is none, you can take two three-liter jars and divide all the ingredients into two parts.
  2. Add unwashed rice, granulated sugar.
  3. Poke one finger in a medical rubber glove and pull it over the neck of the container. If there is a water seal, then you can use it.
  4. Remove the container with the contents for a month in a warm place.
  5. As soon as the gas stops coming out, the process may end a little earlier or later than the allotted time, strain the drink and bottle it.

Keep strawberry wine for another 2 months in a cool place.

Recipe without water

Due to the fact that there is no water in the recipe, the wine is especially rich and aromatic.


  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 600 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse them, putting them in a colander, let the excess liquid drain.
  2. Transfer the strawberries to a saucepan or any other suitable size container and mash them into a puree. To do this, you can use a potato masher or a fork, a blender.
  3. Mix the berry puree with granulated sugar, put the mixture in a glass container, put a glove with a hole in one finger on the neck. And keep the container warm.
  4. After a week, the puree will exfoliate, and the pulp will float to the surface of the mash. It will need to be removed with a spoon, carefully squeezed through several layers of gauze.
  5. Combine the juice squeezed from the pulp and the remaining liquid in a jar. Put the glove back on, now leaving the container for at least three weeks.
  6. This time is enough for the maturation of young wine.
  7. Strain the drink, pour into bottles. Keep in the refrigerator for another week.

With sugar syrup


  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • strawberries - 3 kg;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

How to make wine according to this recipe?

  1. Put the washed strawberries in a glass container, shake it.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and water.
  3. Mix the berry mass with sugar syrup, remove for fermentation for a week in a warm place.
  4. Strain the drink, pour it into prepared dry bottles.
  5. Keep in a cold place for another month.

We use various additives


  • strawberries - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • chopped lemon zest - 30 grams;
  • vanillin - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Sort the berries, mix with sugar, vanilla and lemon zest.
  2. Give the mixture three days to start the fermentation process.
  3. As soon as the mixture begins to ferment, put a water seal on the neck of the jar and put the container in a warm room for three weeks.
  4. Filter the finished wine, store in a cool place.

simple recipe


  • fresh strawberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • hot water - 500 ml;
  • vodka - 500 ml.


  1. Take berries, crumpled, slightly spoiled fruits are also suitable for making wine.
  2. Go through them, cut off rotten places, if necessary, put the strawberries in a large container and mash. For this purpose, you can use a fork or potato pestle.
  3. Pour sugar into the resulting puree, pour everything with boiled, cooled to 50 degrees water. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a glass container of a suitable size.
  4. Remove the container with the fragrant berry mixture in a warm place for five days.
  5. After the time lowered for fermentation, strain the mixture, put the press in a gauze bag and carefully squeeze out the remaining juice.
  6. Pour vodka into strawberry juice, stir.
  7. Infuse the wine for another week, then filter the drink again.
  8. Now strawberry wine can be bottled and stored in the refrigerator.

After seven days, fortified wine can be consumed.

Super cooking technology

As you know, for the preparation of any wine, we need juice, unfortunately, this is precisely the difficulty in making wine from strawberries. Juice will be obtained in the process of fermentation with the addition of water and granulated sugar. For most fruit and berry wines, it is not necessary to wash the berries in order to keep wild yeast on their surface that will be used for the natural fermentation of the wine. In the case of strawberries, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the berries, separate the stalks and leaves to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant earthy taste and smell.

After you have collected the berries, washed them thoroughly, further work must be done only with very clean dishes, which are previously scalded with boiling water and wiped dry with a clean rag.

  • For strawberry wine, we need the following components, take 3 liters of water, 2 kilograms of sugar, approximately 3 kilograms of strawberries.
  • For a more confident imagination, we will prepare a raisin yeast starter or simply add raisins to our wort.
  • For reference, the surface of raisins contains wild yeast, which we need for the fermentation process.
  • I will put our strawberries in a large enameled bowl, thoroughly mash each berry to a puree state, you need to knead very carefully so that all the fibers are detached from each other.
  • In a separate bowl, do not heat 3 liters of water to approximately 25-40 degrees, this is necessary in order for the sugar to dissolve better, add 1 kilogram of sugar to this heated water and mix until completely diluted.
  • After that, we should cool the resulting sugar syrup to a temperature of 30 degrees and pour it into our berry puree.

Also mix thoroughly and add about 50-100 grams of raisins. Once again, mix thoroughly and pour our wort into a fermentation container, preferably glass, I draw your attention to the fact that the container should not be completely filled, since during the fermentation process foam will appear and the wort can overflow, and its foam in the preparation of strawberry wine appears very, very much .


Next, we need to put our wort to ferment under a water lock, preferably in a dark place.
In the first two or three days, it is necessary to stir the wort every five to eight hours and all the floating foam, which contains the pulp from the berries, the puree will float up and sink back into the wort. This will ensure the fullest yield of juice from the strawberries. In about a day, active fermentation should appear, which means everything is going according to plan.

It would be best to remove our strawberry wine from the sediment in two or three days, squeeze the juice through gauze back into the fermentation tank, add about a pound of sugar somewhere else, mix well and leave to ferment further, you can’t fill our container completely.

  • After about 5-7 days, we will need to add an additional 250 grams of sugar.
  • Do not pour sugar directly into wine, pour a small amount of wine, dilute granulated sugar in it and add it back, mix well and place under a water seal or under a medical glove.
  • Then after another five to seven days, add the remaining 250 grams of sugar and so on to add all three kilograms.

The expression should stop after about 60 days, the signal for this will be the water seal will stop bubbling, the glove will drop, the must should clear and sediment will settle at the bottom.
There are times when fermentation does not end within these terms, but continues in this case, we need to carefully remove the wine from the sediment and put it back for fermentation. If this is not done after 60 days, an unpleasant bitter aftertaste may appear.

We remove from the sediment

When our young wine has won back, it must be removed from the sediment and poured into bottles so that there is as little free space as possible between the wine and the cork, in which case the wine will not oxidize from contact with air.

  • Storage bottles should be glass because plastic or other bottles can cause wine to taste like plastic or other undesirable substances.
  • We will store our strawberry wine in the refrigerator or in the cellar at a temperature of 5 to 18 degrees.
  • It is also necessary to keep our homemade strawberry wine for at least 2 months, and preferably more when extracting, the taste will greatly improve and be very refined.
  • With this technology, wine clarification occurs gradually at the bottom of the sediment all the time, which must be removed.

When exposed to cold, the precipitate falls out more readily, but in any case, do not freeze the wine, this will kill its taste and aroma.

At a temperature of 5 - 10 degrees, the sediment can be removed every 20-25 days.
As soon as the sediment stops falling or it is less than 1 millimeter at the bottom, our strawberry wine is considered ready.

After all the manipulations, we should get natural, delicious home-made strawberry wine with a strength of up to 15 degrees and a shelf life of up to 5 years in the basement or in the refrigerator.

Recipe without using water

To make wine, it is advisable not to wash the berries. Wild yeast living on their skins will be involved in fermentation. If required, strawberries can be lightly rinsed with clean water, yet this berry grows close to the ground.


  • 8 kilograms of strawberries (any variety);
  • 1 kilogram of sugar.


Pour the berries sorted and peeled from the stalks into an enamel basin, knead with your hands to a mushy state and mix with sugar. Then transfer the sweet strawberry mass into a ten-liter jar and cover the neck with gauze. Leave for three days in a warm place, not forgetting to shake occasionally.


  • During this time, a layer of floating pulp will form in the upper part of the jar, and juice will remain at the bottom.
  • It's time to start straining.
  • To do this, you need to fold the cheesecloth in several layers and pour the wort through it into another jar, and then squeeze out the cake.
  • Close the vessel with a lid with a water seal and place in a cool place.
  • You can use a homemade cork with a tube immersed in a half-liter jar of water.

After 30–50 days, fermentation will stop, the wine will brighten, and a sediment layer will form at the bottom of the jar. Using a thin hose, you need to drain the drink from the sediment into a clean glass container.

Keep under a water seal for about a week, then pour into bottles, cork them and put them in the basement for storage. The strength of the finished wine can reach 16-18 degrees.

Recipe with raisins

By using washed strawberries, you can get rid of the earthy taste in the finished drink. However, it must be borne in mind that after thorough washing, no natural yeast remains on the surface of strawberries. Therefore, for normal fermentation, a small amount of unwashed raisins should be added.


  • 3 kilograms of berries;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 3 liters of water.


Sort strawberries, remove stems, wash. Mash it with your hands until it becomes a puree. Put an enameled bucket or pot of water on the stove. The capacity must be selected taking into account the reserve of ¼ volume for foam and carbon dioxide, which will be formed during fermentation.

When the water warms up to 30 ° C, add a kilogram of sugar to it and stir until completely dissolved. Remove the container from the stove. Add the strawberry mass and raisins to the sugar syrup, then mix everything thoroughly. Cover the bowl with a lid or gauze to protect it from flies, and leave in a warm room for a week.

If after a few hours (maximum a day) foam has formed, a hiss is heard and sour shades have appeared in the smell, then everything is going according to plan - fermentation has begun. Several times a day, the wort must be stirred with a wooden shovel or a clean hand, otherwise it will turn sour, and a dense layer of floating pulp (strawberry pulp) will become moldy.

We use gauze

Then you need to fold the gauze in several layers and strain the juice through it. Squeeze out the pulp. Pour the juice into a fermentation container, leaving at least ¼ of its volume free. Add 0.5 kg of sugar there. After thoroughly mixing the contents of the container, install a water seal or a rubber glove with a pierced finger on it. The container should be in a warm room.

  • Five days later, take a glass of wort and dissolve 250 grams of sugar in it, then pour it back and stir.
  • After another five days, add the rest of the sugar in the same way.
  • Fermentation will be completed in 1-2 months.
  • Young wine will brighten, sediment will form, bubbles will stop (the glove will fall off).
  • If after 50 days the fermentation does not stop, in order to avoid bitterness, it is better to carefully drain the wine from the sediment and put it under a water seal again.

Drain the completely fermented strawberry wine from the sediment through a tube (from a dropper), taste it, sweeten it if desired. Keep in the cellar at a temperature of 5-15 ° C under a water seal for another 2-3 months, after ripening it will become tastier. As sediment accumulates, the wine needs to be filtered. If no more sediment appears, it is ready.

To better store the drink, you can add vodka or diluted ethyl alcohol to it, but not more than 15% of the total volume. It should be borne in mind that this will slightly spoil the smell and taste of the wine. The finished product can be bottled, preferably under the neck, and tightly corked with corks. The strength of wine prepared with the addition of water does not exceed 10–12 degrees, and the yield is 2/3 of the original volume of must.

With a minimum set of ingredients

Making homemade strawberry wine is easy if you follow the recipe and cooking technology. Due to the sweetish aftertaste, bright dense aroma and rich deep color, this magnificent drink surpasses factory analogues. The shelf life of strawberry wine is short, only a couple of years, but, as practice shows, it is drunk much earlier.

This is a strawberry wine recipe with a minimum set of ingredients. Only fragrant fruit and granulated sugar.

  • strawberry fruits - 1.8 - 2.0 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 350 g.
  1. The strawberry fruit is soft. The raw materials prepared for wine are intensively crushed and stirred. All this is done in a clean enamel bowl.
  2. The resulting pulp is poured into a glass container. Approximately 1/3 of its volume should not be filled. (About 8 kilograms of pulp should be poured into a ten-liter bottle).
    Sugar is also poured here (about 150 g per kilogram of pulp). Mix.
  3. You can add 50-70 g of raisins to speed up the fermentation process.
  4. The container should be placed in a shaded warm place (temperature about 25 C), cover the neck with gauze. In a cool room, fermentation may not start and the product will spoil.
  5. Under favorable conditions, after about 24 hours the wine will begin to play. This action is accompanied by an active release of fluid.
  6. After 3-4 days, strawberry pulp will float up, forming a thick layer, under which there will be pure juice. The first stage has been completed.
  7. The juice is carefully poured into a separate bowl (suleyu), an industrial-made or home-made water seal is installed. A bottle of juice is placed in a shaded, warm room. After 5-6 days, the wine will begin to ferment again. Its speed is determined by the volume of the released gas.
  8. Interfering with the process at this stage is not recommended.
  9. When gas bubbles cease to be released, this is a signal that the fermentation mechanism has stopped. The water lock is not removed for some time to allow the wine to ferment.
  10. The next step in the production of strawberry wine is the clarification of intoxicating nectar. A vessel with strawberry wine is transferred to a dark, cold place.
  11. The duration of this stage is 8 - 9 weeks (but not less than a month). Here we will observe a sediment at the bottom of the container, and a translucent liquid will be above it. It is carefully drained without affecting the sediment. This can be done with a thin tube from a dropper.
  12. The wine is further filtered. You can use gauze or paper. They are bottled. Corked bottles are placed horizontally in a cold room, away from light.

Natural strawberry wine, obtained without an additional alcohol component, is more demanding on the quality of the berries, but at the same time a very soft, harmonious drink with a bright aroma is obtained.

This wine is enriched with useful substances, including succinic acid, esters, aldehydes.

1. From garden and forest strawberries: dessert wine


  • Strawberries 6.5 kg
  • Wild strawberry 5.0 kg
  • Sugar 4.1 kg
  • Wine yeast 3 g
  • Tannic acid 20 g
  • Wine stone 16 g

Cooking technology:

Sort fresh berries, remove the sepals, not mine, place under the press. The squeezed remains of the berries can be used to make a tincture.

Cooked sugar is introduced into the wort in parts, so the required amount must be divided into parts:

  • Introduce 1.1 kg of sugar into the wort initially, dissolving it in freshly squeezed strawberry juice and adding tartaric acid; Pour the wort prepared in this way into a glass bottle, filling it no more than 2/3 of the volume. After installing a water seal, follow the progress of fermentation.
  • After the vigorous fermentation phase is over, when the release of gas bubbles becomes moderate, add another 500 g of sugar, after pouring out a small part of the wort and dissolving a portion of the sugar in it. Sugar should not settle to the bottom of the bottle - it must be immediately involved in the process.
  • Continue adding sugar in batches every 5-7 days of fermentation. The remaining portion (0.5 kg) should be added only after the finished young wine is removed from the sediment and clarified.

To do this, you need to pour a small portion of wine again, dissolve the tannin in it and mix it with the total mass. Let the wine stand until transparent, then pour into a clean container again. Add the last portion of sugar, stir until dissolved. After the wine must be allowed to mature for 2-3 months. Follow him. Further care consists in pouring wine (once every two weeks). If the wine will be stored in bottles, then lay them in the basement on the shelves horizontally so that the corks are wet.

2. From garden strawberries. Liqueur wine


  • Juice, strawberry 7.0 l
  • Sugar 5.1 kg
  • Tartaric acid 70 g
  • Tannin 30 g
  • Yeast, wine 5 g

Cooking method:

2.1 kg of sugar are left to sweeten the liqueur wine at the final stage of preparation; 3.0 kg are divided into two equal parts. 1.5 kg of sugar, along with cream of tartar and yeast, are dissolved in fresh juice. The juice is poured into a bottle, leaving 1/3 of the free space for fermentation and subsequent addition of sugar.

When the first signs of fermentation (foaming of the must surface) appear, a water seal is installed. The next part of the sugar is added no earlier than 10 days after the most active phase of fermentation subsides.

The clarification of the must and the settling of the sediment at the bottom of the tank signals that it is time to remove the wine from the sediment, add tannin and the last part of the sugar. To do this, dissolve 2.1 kg of sugar with constant stirring along with tannin. Pour the wine into a clean bottle. The shutter can be removed by closing the wine with a stopper or a lid. When the wine is completely clear, pour it again, removing the sediment, and transfer the liqueur wine to the cellar for storage.

Control the humidity in the basement. Twice a month it is better to pour the wine. After 4 months, the wine can be bottled and sealed. After a year of storage, it will acquire a tea color, retaining a strawberry bouquet.

3. Fortify strawberry wine


  • Juice, natural strawberry 6.9 l
  • Sugar 1.4 kg (+ 1.2 kg for sweetening)
  • Vodka (40%) 0.75 l
  • oak leaves

Cooking order:

During the fermentation of the wine, we put the tincture of oak leaves on vodka for extraction. In the same dish, you can add the thick remaining when obtaining strawberry juice to enhance the aroma of fortified wine. Put fresh, washed and slightly dried, chopped oak leaves in a liter jar. Close the jar tightly and keep warm. Do not forget to shake it periodically to enhance the extraction. When the wine is ready, the tincture must be filtered to combine it with young wine and fix it, completely stopping fermentation.

Combine sugar and strawberry juice in an enamel bowl, mix well and pour the finished wort into a fermentation bottle. After the appearance of foam, seal the bottle with a shutter and wait for the fermentation to stop completely. Let the young wine stand for two weeks so that the sediment falls to the bottom. Pour the wine, removing the sediment. Do this carefully so as not to stir up the settled particles.

The sediment can be used as a starter for homemade wines from fruits of a later ripening period.

Sweeten the removed young wine by adding the second part of the cooked sugar, pour in the finished and purified tincture. Put for exposure is not less than a month. Keep it in a cool basement. Repeat the removal from the sediment and bottle.

4. Strong table wine

  • Compound:
  • Garden strawberries, pineapple 14 kg
  • Sugar 1.6 kg
  • Tannin 75 g

Cooking method:

Mash ripe, selected berries and combine with sugar. After a day, pass the fermented juice through a tight filter and pour it into the prepared bottle. Seal the must with a shutter and, placing it in a suitable place, wait for the fermentation to stop completely and the wine yeast to settle to the bottom. Add tannin to young wine. In a few days it should become even clearer. Again, remove the young wine from the sediment and pour into another sterile bottle, which is then transferred to a cool room (12-14 degrees) for aging and ripening.

5. Dry table wine


  • Juice of garden berries 8.5 l
  • Wild strawberry 9.0 kg
  • Sugar 2.4 kg


Sort through the wild berries, chop and add to the garden strawberry juice along with sugar. Set the wort to ferment at 25 degrees, and then pour into the bottle. Install shutter. All further steps in the preparation of wine are described in the previous recipe.

Advice: To make dry wine more resistant to diseases during storage, place a linen bag filled with oak bark in the bottle in which it will be stored in the cellar.

6. Recipe for homemade strawberry wine. Sparkling semi-sweet muscat wine


  • Forest and garden strawberries (1:1) 10 kg
  • Sugar 2.5 kg
  • Nutmeg, crushed 30 g

Cooking order:

Make pulp from prepared berries by adding 2 kg of sugar to it. Filter the fermented pulp, pour the resulting juice into a bottle and add ground nutmeg. Close the neck with a closure. Combine the finished, clarified young wine with the rest of the sugar, stir and pour into champagne bottles. Seal carefully. Soak the bottles for 24 hours at room temperature, and then transfer them to the basement. Lay horizontally and store at 10-14 degrees. You can taste sparkling wine no earlier than six months later.

  • Natural wine corks can be reused. To seal a bottle of good homemade wine, pour boiling water over the corks and wait for them to soften. Seal the wine in bottles. After, if there are through holes in the used corks left by a corkscrew when printing, fill them with melted beeswax, wrap the neck with tape.
  • Be sure to label homemade wine left to age. It is necessary to indicate on the labels the type of wine, the strength (sugar content), the date of manufacture. A home wine cellar can and should be better than the most famous in the world.


In June, one of the first summer berries ripens - strawberries. Bright, fragrant, juicy, fresh - it gives so much joy! Every housewife strives to cook jam or compote for the winter from what has not yet been eaten, so that later, on cold gray days, enjoy a piece of summer. But the true aroma and taste of this berry in such blanks cannot be conveyed. Frozen berry after defrosting is also disappointing. But strawberry wine retains the full flavor of strawberries.

By the way, it is not difficult to make it at home. At first, many may think: “How is it? Strawberries and wine? But believe me, when in six months you pour quite a bit of this wonderful drink into a glass, your thoughts will be completely different. Indeed, after a couple of minutes, the breathtaking strawberry aroma fills everything around, you remember your doubts and involuntarily smile, because they were in vain.

It is not necessary to make wine from the best strawberries, small or slightly crushed ones are also suitable, the main thing is that they are ripe. A spoiled or rotten berry is not good, it can completely spoil the entire batch of wine, giving the taste unpleasant shades, which will be impossible to correct. Getting juice from strawberries is not easy, so many people add water to the wort, although this is not necessary. But you can't do without sugar.

Easy no water recipe

To make wine, it is advisable not to wash the berries. Wild yeast living on their skins will be involved in fermentation. If required, strawberries can be lightly rinsed with clean water, yet this berry grows close to the ground.


  • 8 kilograms of strawberries (any variety);
  • 1 kilogram of sugar.


Pour the berries sorted and peeled from the stalks into an enamel basin, knead with your hands to a mushy state and mix with sugar. Then transfer the sweet strawberry mass into a ten-liter jar and cover the neck with gauze. Leave for three days in a warm place, not forgetting to shake occasionally.

During this time, a layer of floating pulp will form in the upper part of the jar, and juice will remain at the bottom. It's time to start straining. To do this, you need to fold the cheesecloth in several layers and pour the wort through it into another jar, and then squeeze out the cake. Close the vessel with a lid with a water seal and place in a cool place. You can use a homemade cork with a tube immersed in a half-liter jar of water.

After 30–50 days, fermentation will stop, the wine will brighten, and a sediment layer will form at the bottom of the jar. Using a thin hose, you need to drain the drink from the sediment into a clean glass container. Keep under a water seal for about a week, then pour into bottles, cork them and put them in the basement for storage. The strength of the finished wine can reach 16-18 degrees.

Recipe with raisins

By using washed strawberries, you can get rid of the earthy taste in the finished drink. However, it must be borne in mind that after thorough washing, no natural yeast remains on the surface of strawberries. Therefore, for normal fermentation, a small amount of unwashed raisins should be added.


  • 3 kilograms of berries;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 3 liters of water.


Sort strawberries, remove stems, wash. Mash it with your hands until it becomes a puree. Put an enameled bucket or pot of water on the stove. The capacity must be selected taking into account the reserve of ¼ volume for foam and carbon dioxide, which will be formed during fermentation.

When the water warms up to 30 ° C, add a kilogram of sugar to it and stir until completely dissolved. Remove the container from the stove. Add the strawberry mass and raisins to the sugar syrup, then mix everything thoroughly. Cover the bowl with a lid or gauze to protect it from flies, and leave in a warm room for a week.

If after a few hours (maximum a day) foam has formed, a hiss is heard and sour shades have appeared in the smell, then everything is going according to plan - fermentation has begun. Several times a day, the wort must be stirred with a wooden shovel or a clean hand, otherwise it will turn sour, and a dense layer of floating pulp (strawberry pulp) will become moldy.

Then you need to fold the gauze in several layers and strain the juice through it. Squeeze out the pulp. Pour the juice into a fermentation container, leaving at least ¼ of its volume free. Add 0.5 kg of sugar there. After thoroughly mixing the contents of the container, install a water seal or a rubber glove with a pierced finger on it. The container should be in a warm room.

Five days later, take a glass of wort and dissolve 250 grams of sugar in it, then pour it back and stir. After another five days, add the rest of the sugar in the same way. Fermentation will be completed in 1-2 months. Young wine will brighten, sediment will form, bubbles will stop (the glove will fall off). If after 50 days the fermentation does not stop, in order to avoid bitterness, it is better to carefully drain the wine from the sediment and put it under a water seal again.

Drain the completely fermented strawberry wine from the sediment through a tube (from a dropper), taste it, sweeten it if desired. Keep in the cellar at a temperature of 5-15 ° C under a water seal for another 2-3 months, after ripening it will become tastier. As sediment accumulates, the wine needs to be filtered. If no more sediment appears, it is ready.

To better store the drink, you can add vodka or diluted ethyl alcohol to it, but not more than 15% of the total volume. It should be borne in mind that this will slightly spoil the smell and taste of the wine. The finished product can be bottled, preferably under the neck, and tightly corked with corks. The strength of wine prepared with the addition of water does not exceed 10–12 degrees, and the yield is 2/3 of the original volume of must.

Making homemade strawberry wine is easy if you follow the recipe and cooking technology. Due to the sweetish aftertaste, bright dense aroma and rich deep color, this magnificent drink surpasses factory analogues. The shelf life of strawberry wine is short, only a couple of years, but, as practice shows, it is drunk much earlier.

Strawberries are the main ingredient for making romantic desserts. The evening can be supplemented with a fragrant alcoholic drink. Cooking will require some experience and time. But the article contains simple recipes for making strawberry wine at home.

The biochemical composition of the berry is ideal for winemaking. By adding certain ingredients, you can get a low-alcohol drink with a pleasant and mild taste.

It is better to store wine in bottles with a cork made of natural materials. Corks can be reused. Fill the hole from the corkscrew with melted wax. Be sure to label the container with the drink in order to know the date of manufacture and composition.

Let's look at a few options. You can choose the most suitable method for yourself.

First, let's try to make a fortified drink from berries. For long term storage, store it in a cool place. You will be able to taste the wine in a month.


  • 1 kg of fresh strawberries;
  • 1 kg of white sugar;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Ripe and clean berries without stalks are kneaded by hand until a puree-like mass is obtained. Dissolve granulated sugar in hot water and pour the syrup into a container with grated strawberries. The mixture is poured into a glass jar, covered with gauze and left for a week in a room with a temperature of 18-25 degrees. Stir the wort daily.

After 7 days, filter the contents of the jar through a sieve, pour into a clean container and add high-quality vodka or homemade moonshine. Close the lid with a straw and put it in a warm place for one week.

After a few days, fermentation will stop, sediment will form at the bottom, and the must will become lighter. Now the drink must be drained from the sediment with a straw.

We distribute the wine into bottles, close the corks and put them in a cool place. After a week, take the first sample.

How to make an alcoholic drink with berries and raisins

Would you like to make 10% strawberry wine at home? There is nothing easier. Prepare sugar, berries, raisins and start the process. The wine is very tasty and aromatic. To make it clearer how to make such a drink, watch the video instruction:

Such wine can be stored for two years in a cool place. It will take about three months for the wine to fully mature.

Recipe for cooking with sugar on wine yeast

Here we will use special winemaking additives. If you add ordinary yeast, you can spoil the pleasant bouquet of flavors of the drink.


  • 11 kg of strawberries;
  • ¼ tsp sodium bisulfate;
  • 5 tsp yeast nutrition;
  • 1 pack of wine yeast;
  • 5.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • Pectin.

Step by step cooking

  1. Cut the washed berries into several pieces and send them to a clean container;
  2. Berries are completely filled with water;
  3. Now add pectin enzyme and sodium bisulfate;

Use pectin according to package directions.

  1. We cover the dishes with a cloth so that insects and dust do not get into it. Leave in a warm place for 24 hours;
  2. After the specified time, pour water into the container. The total volume should be about 18 liters.
  3. Pour white sugar and mix thoroughly;
  4. At the next stage, add yeast and special top dressing;
  5. We cover the bowl or pan with a cloth;
  6. Leave for a week and periodically remove the foam;
  7. We filter the drink through a sieve, pour out the wort and put a water seal; Fermentation may take 0.5 - 1 month;
  8. During this time, constantly pour the wine until the sediment no longer appears;
  9. In a couple of weeks the drink will be ready.

Make wine only from fresh and ripe strawberries. Keep for 2-3 months before use.

Strawberry wine with lemon at home

To give the drink a pleasant flavor, add citrus fruits to it. In small quantities, such alcohol is beneficial to health.


  • 3 kg of berries;
  • 100 g of lemons;
  • 20 g yeast;
  • 2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.


  1. First of all, wash the strawberries several times in cold water. Remove the stalks, dry and pour into a glass bottle;
  2. Pour the contents with water, pour out sugar (1 kg), add yeast and cork with a lid with a water seal;
  3. We clean for 5 days in a warm place;
  4. At the next stage, pour out the rest of the granulated sugar, add the chopped lemon.

Citrus fruit cut into washers or half rings, as it is more convenient.

  1. Shake the bottle, close the cork and leave for a few days;
  2. When the fermentation process is over, drain the wine from the sediment, filter and pour into containers.

The wine must be aged for several months. For long-term storage, we remove the bottles in the cellar or put in the refrigerator.

Strawberry and red currant drink

If you are just a beginner winemaker and are not confident in your abilities, do not worry. After all, wine has always been prepared at home. Therefore, everything will definitely work out.

  • 1.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 0.5 kg currants;
  • 1.5 kg brown sugar;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • 1 lemon.

Step by step cooking

  1. Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan with 2 liters of water, mix and cook the syrup over low heat;
  2. When the liquid boils, we throw a few slices of lemon into it;
  3. After a couple of minutes, remove the pan from the burner and leave to cool;
  4. We eat the berries, sort and remove the stalks, then knead in any convenient way;
  5. Put berry puree in a sterilized container with a narrow neck, add raisins and sugar syrup with lemon slices. The container must be filled ¾.
  6. Cover with a rag and send for a week in a dark place.

In the morning and in the evening, mix the mass with a wooden stick.

  1. After 6-8 days, carefully drain the berry juice. We close the bottle with a cork with a straw, which must be lowered into a small jar of water.
  2. After 7 days, drain the wine from the sediment.

We bottle the drink and send it to a cool place for a couple of months. If you want to make fortified wine, then add 0.5 liters of 40% vodka to it at the finishing stage.

Easy no water recipe

Before making wine, the berries are lightly washed so as not to wash off the wild yeast that is on the skin. They are essential for the normal fermentation process.


  • 8 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 kg of white sugar.

Step by step cooking at home

  1. We sort out the berries, pour them into a bowl and knead by hand until a puree-like mass is obtained;
  2. Pour granulated sugar and transfer to a jar of 10 liters.
  3. Cover the neck with gauze and leave in a warm place for 3 days.

Shake the bottle periodically so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

  1. At the next stage, we filter the wort through several layers of gauze and squeeze the cake.
  2. Cover with a lid and water seal and put in a cool place.
  3. Fermentation will stop after a couple of months. Using a tube, drain the wine from the sediment. Let's leave it for one more week.

After the specified time, we pour the drink into clean bottles and put it in the cellar for storage. The maximum strength of the wine is 18 degrees.

Homemade wine from strawberry jam for a 3-liter jar

If you did it yourself, and for some reason it fermented, then do not throw it away. It is great for preparing a fragrant and delicate drink.


  • 1.5 liters of jam;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of pure water;
  • 1 tbsp raisins.

For long-term storage, only sterilized containers should be used.


  1. We heat the water to 20-25 degrees and mix it in any convenient container with jam.

Jam with mold cannot be used. Such a product will spoil the taste and can harm health.

  1. Add raisins and taste. If required, then pour 50 g of granulated sugar.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a jar. We pull a rubber glove over the neck and make several holes on it through which gases will escape. We remove the container in a warm place.
  3. After 3-4 days, drain some juice with a tube, dilute it with 50 g of sugar and pour it back into the container. We put on a glove and leave it for 5 days.
  4. You can repeat the procedure if necessary.
  5. We leave to wander for two months.
  6. When the glove is down, you can drain the wine from the sediment. We filter it and pour it into jars.

The drink will take 2-3 months to fully mature.

Alcoholic drink made from strawberry compote

In one of the previous articles I described how to do . If for some reason it has turned sour or deteriorated, then it can be used to make delicious wine.


  • 3 l compote;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 100 g sugar.

Cooking technology

  1. Strain the strawberry compote. We do not throw away the berry mass, they will still be useful to us.
  2. We heat 1 glass of juice to 30 ° C and dissolve granulated sugar in it. Add raisins to speed up fermentation.
  3. Pour the starter into a small container, cover with gauze and remove for 4 days.
  4. After the start of fermentation, pour the starter into a container with strained compote. We cover with a lid with a water seal and put it in a dark place.
  5. Grind the berries, filter through a sieve and sprinkle with a small amount of sugar. We put the mass on the stove and cook over low heat.
  6. When the mixture has cooled, then pour it into a separate container, fill it with water and put it in a warm place.

On cold days, it is better to cover the container with ingredients with a blanket or towel.

  1. When the fermentation process is completed in both jars, we drain the juice from them, mix, filter and pour into jars.

The strength of this wine does not exceed 15 degrees. The drink will be ready to drink in 3 months.

There are more complex cooking methods. We have reviewed the simplest strawberry wine recipes. Be sure to make some preparations for the winter.
