
New Year's salads from around the world. What is prepared for the new year and Christmas in different countries

Decorate the New Year's menu 2012 with dishes from France, Poland, England, Germany and the Czech Republic.

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Prepare for the New Year's table a colorful meat, fish dish or dessert from the New Year's menu around the world. Choose a New Year's recipe

New Year's recipes from around the world


Turkey is the main dish of the New Year's table in France. The French joke: "If there is no turkey, then the New Year may not come."

New Year's Recipes 2017 with photo © Shutterstock

French turkey


0.5 kg turkey fillet, 5 small onions, 2 tomatoes, 300 g cheese, mayonnaise, spices, salt to taste.


Cut the turkey fillet into thin layers and place in a bowl, sprinkling with spices and salt. Cover with a lid, put a load on top and leave for 20-30 minutes to marinate in its own juice.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices, cut the onion into rings. Sodium cheese on coarse grater. Lay a sheet of foil on a baking sheet, tuck the edges. Spread the turkey layers evenly in one layer, lightly spread mayonnaise on top. Then put a layer of onions and a layer of tomatoes. Top everything with cheese.

Bake in the oven for about an hour. First on high heat, then on low heat. Serve the dish hot, garnished with greens.

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On the New Year's table in Poland, there is always a fish, which is considered a symbol of well-being and family happiness.

Fish in Polish


300 g pike perch fillet with skin, 1 carrot, 4 g parsley root, 2-3 boiled eggs, 20 g butter, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, parsley, salt - to taste.


Cut the fish fillet portioned pieces, boil in salted water with the addition of carrots and parsley root.

For the sauce, combine the melted butter with chopped eggs, lemon juice, chopped herbs and 2 tbsp. l. fish broth.

When serving, put the fish on a dish, pour the prepared sauce. Alternatively, garnish with mashed potatoes and carrots.

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3. Czech Republic and Slovakia

In these countries New Year's table not without aromatic national dessert- apple strudel.

Apple strudel


250 g flour, 1 egg, 150 g butter, 1 tsp. vinegar, 1 kg of apples, 80 g of sugar, 30 g of raisins, 100 g of bread crumbs, ground cinnamon, lemon zest - to taste.


Sift flour, then pour in beaten with 6 tbsp. l. warm water egg, 1 tbsp. l. melted butter, vinegar, salt and knead into a soft, shiny dough. Roll into a ball and leave for 30 minutes, covered with a damp cloth.

Cut the dough in half, roll each half on a linen towel dusted with flour. Stretch the dough from the center in all directions, trying not to tear, sprinkle with melted butter, lay a layer of peeled and chopped apples on it, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, washed raisins, chopped zest and bread crumbs fried in 30 g of butter.

Lifting the edge of the towel, roll the dough into a roll. Transfer to a baking sheet and bake in a moderately heated oven for 30 minutes, brushing with oil from time to time. Ready strudel cool and cut into slices. Serve to the table, decorate to taste. For example, nuts, sprigs of mint, cinnamon or powdered sugar.

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In this country, pies and other dishes with raisins, apples and nuts are always served on the New Year's table. And each ingredient has its own meaning. For example, nuts are the ability to learn secrets and overcome the difficulties of life, and raisins are a symbol of abundance.

Cakes with nuts - a recipe from Germany


2 eggs, 2 egg yolks, 200 g sugar, 6 tbsp. l. crackers, a pinch of salt, 2 tsp. dry yeast, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 0.5 tbsp. chopped raisins, 1 tbsp. nuts, 200 g butter, 0.5 tbsp. milk.


Beat eggs and sugar, add salt, crackers, yeast mixed with flour, raisins and 0.5 tbsp. nuts. Knead the dough, roll it into a layer 0.7 cm thick, put it on a baking sheet covered with oiled paper and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at medium heat.

For cream, beat the yolks with sugar, pour in, stirring, hot milk. Heat, whisking continuously, in a water bath until thickened. Cool the resulting mass, combine with whipped butter and beat everything together until fluffy. Add 0.5 tbsp. chopped nuts and mix.

Immediately cut the baked cake into rectangular cakes, let them cool, then cover with cream and decorate to taste.

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A traditional dessert on the New Year's table in this country is pudding. Before serving holiday pudding doused with rum and set on fire. Very spectacular decoration New Year's table, especially in the Year of the Dragon 2012!

Christmas is a special holiday for many people around the world. And, perhaps, one of the most important traditions is the Christmas dinner. What dishes are served on Christmas Eve at the festive table in various parts of our planet? Traditional German treats are mulled wine and a candied fruit pie called stollen. Stollen is often baked with humpbacks, in memory of the camels on which the Magi reached the cradle of Jesus. Many Bulgarians go hungry on the eve of Christmas, and on the holiday they treat themselves stuffed vegetables, soup and pies.
The festive table of the inhabitants of Fiji consists of fish wrapped in banana leaves, stuffed chicken and roasted pork. It is cooked in an earthen oven “lovo” lined with heavy stones.
In the United Kingdom, fig pudding serves as a table decoration. It should be doused with brandy and set on fire.
The Italians call Christmas dinner the "Feast of the Seven Fishes". A variety of seafood dishes are served at the table - squid, cod, anchovies, as well as pasta with shellfish.
The French also prefer seafood. Lobsters, oysters and foie gras usually flaunt on the table.
Traditional christmas dish Swedes - rice pudding. An almond is hidden in one of the servings, promising good luck to the one who finds it until the end of the year.
Costa Ricans enjoy tamales, a pork and corn dish that has been passed down from generation to generation.
In Ethiopia, doro wat is a roasted chicken served on thin cakes. And forget about knives and forks, this dish should be taken with your hands.
In South Africa, Christmas comes in the summer and locals flock to the braai, an African grill, to roast lamb, turkey or pork.
It's also summer in Australia in December, and Australians have a Christmas barbecue. They roast turkey, lamb and large shrimp.
Ghanaians eat at Christmas corn porridge, stewed okra and mashed various root vegetables called "fufu".
Most of those who find Christmas in Antarctica celebrate the holiday on board the ship. So they have to make do with meat, canned food and frozen vegetables.
The Christians of Egypt observe strict post during three days before Christmas. The main dish at this time is "kushari", it is made from pasta, rice and lentils seasoned with tomato-vinegar sauce.
In India, biryani or curry is served for the holiday - a dish of rice and spices with the addition of meat, fish, eggs or vegetables. Dessert is a sweet milk pudding.
Filipinos Prefer Whole Baked suckling pig, in the mouth of which they put a ball of yellow cheese.
In Iceland, Christmas dinner starts at 6 p.m. and consists of a wide variety of meat dishes, including venison.
In Argentina, they serve "vitel ton" - veal in tuna sauce, as well as turkey, pork, and bread. Often festive dinner served in the backyard barbecue style.
Finnish people organize Christmas Buffet, which contains ham, bread, fish, various casseroles and vegetables, as well as warmed spiced wine
In the US, many people prefer "egg nogg", or heady eggnog - a drink made from beaten eggs with sugar and wine.
Believe it or not, on Christmas night, a lot of Japanese people gather at KFC to eat crispy chicken with a side dish.

Each dish on the New Year and Christmas table is endowed with different countries, y different peoples with its own meaning and significance. Let's take a short walk through the traditions of the New Year's table.

New Year's table in France
In France, a holiday is not a holiday if there is no traditional roast turkey at the New Year's table.

What is remarkable about the New Year's table of Austria, Hungary and Yugoslavia

But on the festive tables of Austria, Hungary and Yugoslavia there is never a bird - geese, ducks, chickens, turkeys. In these countries, they believe that it is impossible to eat a bird this evening, happiness will fly away.

New Year's pies in Romania, Australia, Bulgaria
In Romania, Australia, Bulgaria they bake New Year's pies, and not simple ones, but with surprises: whoever gets it will be lucky.

New Year's table in Poland
In Poland, exactly twelve dishes can be counted on the New Year's table. And no meat! Mushroom soup or borsch, barley porridge with prunes, dumplings with butter, for dessert chocolate cake. Mandatory dish- fish. In many countries, it is considered a symbol of family happiness and prosperity.

New Year's table in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
A similar set of dishes is present on the New Year's tables of the hostesses of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. True, they prefer pearl barley porridge, and strudel is obligatory - puff roll with apples, the pride of every good housewife.

New Year's table in Germany
In Germany, a brightly colored dish with apples, nuts, raisins and pies is always served on New Year's Eve. The symbolism here is as follows: an apple is the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, nuts with their hard shells and tasty core symbolize the secrets and difficulties of life. In Germany they say: "God gave the nut, and man must crack it."

New Year's table in Spain, Portugal, Cuba

In many countries, in Spain, Portugal, Cuba, since ancient times they have been considered a symbol of abundance and a happy family hearth. vine. Therefore, the inhabitants of these countries eat twelve grapes at midnight, according to the number of strokes of the clock. With each grape, a wish is made - twelve cherished wishes for each month of the year.

New Year's table in Italy
In Italy, it is also customary to serve grapes, nuts, lentils to the New Year's table as a symbol and guarantee of longevity, health and well-being.

New Year's table in England
In England, traditional Christmas food is pudding and stuffed turkey With vegetable side dish. Pudding is made from bread crumbs, flour, lard, raisins, eggs and various spices. Before serving, the pudding is doused with rum, set on fire and put on the table flaming.

New Year's Eve in America

In America traditional dish also considered stuffed turkey. The turkey is stuffed with everything that is lying around in the refrigerator: bread, cheese, prunes, garlic, beans, mushrooms, apples, cabbage.

New Year's table in Holland
In Holland, one of the main national New Year's dishes are salted beans. This is a very heavy food for the stomach, which cannot be relieved either by vodka or red wine.

New Year's table in Cambodia
In Cambodia, the New Year's table is placed near the window and the family's favorite sweets are served.

New Year custom in Tibet
Tibetans have a cute New Year's custom. Mistresses bake mountains of pies with the most various fillings and give them to all acquaintances and strangers. The more you give away, the richer you will be!

New Year's table in Japan
In Japan, on New Year's Eve, dishes are prepared from foods that, according to legend, bring happiness. sea ​​kale gives joy, roasted chestnuts- success in business, peas and beans - health, boiled fish - peace and good spirits, herring caviar - a happy family and many children. The New Year's meal in Japanese families is quiet and decorous, without noisy conversations and drinking songs. Nothing should distract from thoughts about what awaits everyone in the coming year.

New Year's table in China
In China. In the end, it was the Chinese who gave us all these rabbits, dragons and wild boars, which we are trying to "appease" on the night of December 31 to January 1. Many of the traditional Chinese New Year foods are vegetarian and well-seasoned. However, this does not mean at all that the Chinese in the New Year deny themselves meat - they eat and how. But they cook it in their own way. For example, chicken is baked or fried only as a whole, that is, with the head, paws and tail. In China, they believe that this way you can strengthen your family. The same applies to fish: it is also cooked whole so that the family is strong and happy.

History of Russian New Year traditions
In the beginning, under Peter the Great, who ordered the celebration of the New Year from December 31 to January 1, the main thing at the holiday was not the table, but balls. Following the well-known line from the song for lunch, dinner and breakfast, our ancestors had ... dances and drinks to quench their thirst. Almost until the middle of the 19th century, the Russian New Year's menu did not exist, and what is now considered an invariable part of the New Year's table - all these suckling pigs with buckwheat porridge and geese with sauerkraut or apples - actually came from the Christmas table. At the beginning of the 19th century, cuisine was not complicated. Even in the homes of the nobility, pickles and mushrooms, radish salad could well have been on the New Year's table. They also served a piglet, veal fricassee, fried poulards, boiled trout in wine, ruffed flesh. And, by the way, apricots, oranges, grapes and pears - greenhouses were in vogue, fruits were grown in the middle of winter in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow. In the New Year's menu of the second half of the 19th century, salmon, caviar, smelt and vendace, cheeses are already present - along with the same radish and pickles. For some reason, they cooled off for mushrooms, but labardan (cod) and watermelons came into fashion. The game competed with the pig fried with buckwheat porridge.

Festive roast pigs

It's time soft drinks, ice cream and brandy. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, French, Spanish fortified, Italian and German wines were drunk. And in imitation of champagne, they already made Don sparkling wine. Of course, they drank vodka, tinctures and liqueurs, Russian homemade and German beer. By the beginning of the 20th century, anchovies, lobsters, and sardines began to appear on the New Year's table. The notorious piglet and goose with apples could not do without, but hazel grouse and turkeys already competed with them. During the Christmas days of 1912, 250,000 piglets, 75,000 turkeys, 110,000 geese, 260,000 chickens and ducks were sold in St. Petersburg. After the revolution, the celebration of the New Year was canceled. But he was welcomed anyway. True, only quiet dances were possible so as not to wake the neighbors. It was then, presumably, that the habit of sitting at the table arose. The food was poor. They tried, of course, to hang nuts in gold and silver foil and apples on the Christmas tree banned by the revolution. Rehabilitated Christmas tree in 1936, along with the night dances. The Soviet New Year's table did not become refined - even sausage cut into circles could decorate it. However, in the former shops of Eliseev they still sold hazel grouse and caviar. In the forties, the New Year was celebrated with vodka, boiled potatoes and herring, decorated with onion rings. In the fifties, life became more fun. Celebrate New Year no longer considered offensive. And it became possible to gather not only in a narrow circle, but also big company. On the tables appeared: jelly, herring under a fur coat, Baltic sprats. The second coming of Olivier salad has come - with doctor's sausage instead of grouse. It was prepared in a large basin and generously seasoned with mayonnaise.

Piglet, goose or duck were desirable but not required. Under the chimes, it was imperative to open a bottle of "Soviet champagne". In cramped apartments, the table took up all the space, so you had to choose: dancing or food. With the advent of televisions, the table won completely.

New Year is a holiday of traditions. This is a Christmas tree decorated by children, a bowl of Olivier familiar to everyone, a glass of champagne to the chiming clock and long gatherings at the table. The format of the holiday has long been studied up and down, the menu for the New Year's table is drawn up with your eyes closed. Whether this is good or bad is not the topic of today's note, let's just talk about how sometimes it is useful to deviate from the routine and, surprising yourself, try something new and unusual.

Do you want to expand your geography this year? New Year's feast and prepare dishes traditional for certain countries of the world to the table? If you wish, you can generally start celebrating the New Year with Japan, and finish with the States, along the way, “checking in” in China, Egypt, the Azores, Brazil and Peru. This does not mean that everything is needed. new year menu compose in such a way as to include in it a variety of festive dishes from all over the Globe - you can limit yourself to two or three, but unusual and interesting.

So, let's figure out what you can cook for the New Year so that it is non-standard and new?

Denmark - roast goose with dried fruits

What do we know about culinary traditions Denmark? Alas, the maximum that can be remembered is the famous lutefix, which foreigners for the most part understand little, at the same time mistakenly associating it with Denmark, although it comes from neighboring Scandinavia. At the same time, New Year's culinary etiquette exists and exists, and thanks to it, the Danes have every year on the table roast goose stuffed with dried fruits. On the one hand, nothing special, but on the other hand, it is very, very fragrant!


  • 1 goose carcass weighing about 4 kg;
  • 4 pears;
  • 4 apples;
  • 1 glass of prunes;
  • 1/2 cup dried apricots;
  • 1/2 cup raisins;
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries;
  • 1/2 tsp crushed rosemary needles;
  • 1/2 tsp cumin;
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste;
  • 1 glass of white wine.

We stuff the goose carcass (gutted, washed and dried) with minced meat prepared in advance: mix dried fruits, sliced ​​​​apples and pears, salt and add pepper, rosemary, cumin. The hole through which the filling was inserted is sewn up or the edges are properly fastened with toothpicks.

Thoroughly rub the goose skin with a mixture of salt, pepper and garlic. We spread it in a baking dish, pour it with wine, cover it with foil and leave it for marinating for 3-5 hours, after which we put the form in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 2.5 hours, then remove the foil, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and hold until readiness - the crust should be golden, and the juice that stands out when cut should be transparent.

Italy - Kotekino Pork Sausage with Lentils

As in many others European countries, the New Year's table in Italy is classic and standard, however, there is one dish that is invariably prepared in many regions of this country and served as a symbol of prosperity - pork sausage kotekino. Dinner is served at the usual time (and not at the usual 12 o'clock at night) and is always accompanied by lentils - to soften the fatty component of the meat delicacy.

By the way, if you think that we are talking about an ordinary sausage, just with some strange name, you are gravely mistaken. This is not at all the product we are used to: kotekino is made from the bottom of pork leg, which is freed from everything and remains only in the format of the outer skin. She is stuffed minced meat and the edible that is removed from the shank. After cooking, a very fatty jelly-like sausage is obtained, which is served with a side dish. In fairness, it is worth mentioning the fact that almost no one cooks kotekino at home, people have long just gone to the nearest butcher shop and buy semi-finished products.

However, for the sake of color and the Italian spirit, it is quite possible to try it once. Let's immediately allow ourselves to simplify and adapt the recipe as much as possible to our own realities and possibilities, but at the same time we will try to set the New Year's table in the Italian style.


  • 1 tsp paprika;
  • 1 tsp dry dill;
  • 1 kg chopped pork meat from the bottom of the leg;
  • 500 g chopped lard;
  • 3 large cloves of garlic;
  • 5-7 juniper berries;
  • 1 st. l. black pepper grains;
  • 100 ml dry red wine;
  • salt to taste.

Pour wine into a blender bowl, add juniper and garlic. We grind. In the same bowl, put the meat and lard, salt, do not forget about whole pepper, paprika, dill. Grind again in pulsating mode. We fill the dense shells prepared in advance for homemade sausages with the resulting mass (well, or, if you wish, peeled skins from pork feet), carefully tie with a thread.

Boil sausages in in large numbers salted water for about 30 minutes. Serve with lentils, vegetables, any sauce of your choice.

Japan - sobu with crab meat

New Year in Japan is very similar to a standard European holiday - there are classic Western snacks, champagne, fruits on the table. After the bells at Shinto shrines ring 12 times to announce the start of the New Year, people go to the nearest shrine to also ring the bell and make a wish. However, there is also purely Japanese tradition: on the last day of the outgoing year, plates with soba are always put on the festive table - thin long noodles, which symbolize a long life. If you want life to be not only long, but also rich, crab tempura is added to the noodles (which, by the way, rational Japanese immediately buy in ready-made) or regular boiled crab meat.


  • 200 g buckwheat noodles;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 100 g broccoli;
  • 1 carrot;
  • the white part of the leek bulb;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 champignons;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sesame oil;
  • 2-3 tsp soy sauce;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 2-3 tsp rice vinegar;
  • crab meat.

We put a pot of water, salt and boil the soba. We throw the finished noodles into a colander and rinse well under cold water.

In parallel, heat the olive oil in a wide frying pan, fry the finely chopped garlic, then add the leeks in circles. When the onion becomes soft, pour in the mushrooms, grated carrots and broccoli disassembled into inflorescences. Fry over medium heat, after a couple of minutes add soy sauce(carefully, it is salty!), honey, rice vinegar, Sesame oil. At the end, add the crab meat cut into pieces (you can additionally take shrimp, mussels and other marine reptiles). Fry a little more, taste for salt and serve.

USA - classic stuffed turkey

Let's start with the fact that the inhabitants of the United States, like many other Protestant countries, do not particularly recognize the New Year, but if they do, they try not to cast too much magic over festive table. A couple of salads and a stuffed turkey are enough to get into the spirit of the New Year, but not turn the holiday into a grand event.

However, with the turkey, everything is not so simple. This traditional dish in each family is prepared in its own way, universal prescription no, of course, just as, for example, there is no single version of Olivier salad or oven-baked chicken. Every hostess contributes to the American heritage, well, eh basic recipe will look something like this.


  • 1 turkey carcass weighing approximately 5 kg;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 small celery root;
  • 3-4 apples;
  • 1 st. l. mustard seeds;
  • 1/3 cup dry white wine;
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh sage
  • zest of 2 oranges;
  • juice of 1 orange;
  • 50 g softened butter;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Mix salt, pepper, sage, zest and softened butter, grease the turkey under the skin and inside. We cover cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 5-10 hours.

Before putting the bird in the oven, dice the carrots and celery, mix with apple slices. Add olive oil, mustard, wine and Orange juice be sure to add salt and pepper. We hide the minced meat in a turkey, do not pour out the remaining liquid, sew the hole or fasten it with toothpicks.

Put the turkey in a mold, pour over the rest of the sauce from the filling. We cover with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 2 hours, after which we remove the foil, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and, periodically watering the bird with the released juice, bake until tender - at least 1.5 hours more.

Collection step by step recipe Magic Food:

Holland - salted beans with bacon

New Year in Holland is a lot of laughter, fun, fireworks, noise, champagne, donuts in icing sugar. These are “gifts in the cellars” (search for surprises using clues), traditional “slam” (a drink based on hot milk with spices), gingerbread and waffles. And also - salted beans, generously seasoned with bacon and garlic. Finding the desired pre-salted component in our stores is unrealistic, so we will perform this dish in a light version - with ordinary dry beans.


  • 500 g of beans;
  • 500 g white beans;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 300 g of fat;
  • 700 g smoked meat platter;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1/2 celery root;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Soak beans and beans overnight in plenty of water. In the morning we wash, fill with fresh water and, after salting, cook until tender (of course, separately - the beans, as a rule, become soft earlier). Aim for approximately 1.5 hours.

Boil lard in 3 liters of water, adding an unpeeled onion and peeled carrots and celery. After 40 minutes, filter the resulting broth, pour it into a pan with beans. Add peeled and diced potatoes. Lay the meat platter on top. large pieces, salt, add pepper (you can add Bay leaf, dry parsley, granulated onion and garlic). We cook for about 25 minutes.

When the potatoes are ready, take out the meat, puree the contents of the pan by squeezing the garlic, then mix with the beans and arrange on plates. Serve with chopped meat on top.

Alternative recipe - lobio with ham or chorizo ​​sausages (served in restaurants Georgian cuisine):

Bulgaria - sauerkraut stewed with meat

In this country, both Christmas and New Year are celebrated, widely and richly, although quite simply. Most of the dishes are everyday table, the choice is wide and depends on the preferences of each individual family. However, almost everyone cooks sauerkraut stewed with meat!


  • 0.5 kg of sauerkraut;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 st. l. lard;
  • 400 g lean pork;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 2 bay leaves.

In a deep frying pan, melt the lard, spread the pork cut into small cubes, fry until golden brown. At the end, add the chopped onion in half rings. Stirring, fry for another 2-3 minutes, at the end we spread the grated carrots and sauerkraut(if the cabbage is very sour, pre-wash it under running water running water). Add salt, pepper, tomato paste, Bay leaf. Pour half a glass of broth or water, cover with a lid and simmer for about half an hour.

Serve with potatoes or on its own.

Alternative recipe - Polish bigos:

UK - traditional roast beef

The British are nobility lovers of traditions, and celebrating the New Year in their format is simply following a number of traditions. drive away old year fire - done, throw away something unnecessary - ready, decorate a Christmas tree - credited, cook for dessert sweet pudding- done. Among other things on the list of preparations for the holiday is the obligatory British roast beef - like most recipes English cuisine, a simple uncomplicated thing, but at the same time very, very tasty.


Turn on the oven to heat up to 250 degrees.

Fresh (not frozen and not thawed, this is the main condition!) We clean the meat from excess films, rub it thoroughly with a mixture of peppers and vegetable oil and fry on all sides in a well-heated frying pan until a beautiful golden brown. After that, salt the roast beef, put it on a baking sheet. If desired, you can put 3-4 sprigs of rosemary or juniper berries under a piece of meat.

Bake at 250 degrees for about 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes if you like roast beef with blood, or 20 minutes if you prefer meat without blood.

After the meat is ready, do not rush to cut it into portions: real roast beef should “infuse”, “breathe” for at least 10-15 minutes - so the juices are evenly distributed inside the meat, and the dish will be as tasty as possible.

Estonia - blood sausages

New Year in Estonia - the post-Soviet space - is similar to the holiday to which we are accustomed. Of course, there is something that is unique to this territory - for example, a belief about a meeting with a chimney sweep on the street, which leads to happiness, but in general the format is very, very familiar. So much so that it is sometimes difficult to say where the roots of the tradition come from in general. Well, here, for example, blood sausages - are they originally Estonian or not?


  • 3 liters of blood;
  • 1.5 kg of fat;
  • about 6 m of cleaned prepared intestines;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 4 large onions;
  • red pepper, black pepper, ground cumin, salt to taste;
  • 50 ml brandy;
  • 1.5 kg of boiled buckwheat.

Fry finely chopped bacon in a deep frying pan. As soon as the fat is well rendered, add the diced onion, turn off the heat.

Mix with buckwheat, add spices, garlic, pour in blood, salt, mix thoroughly. We fill the intestines with the resulting mass, tying them every 10 cm and forming small sausages.

We spread the rings on a greased baking sheet, prick each sausage in several places, and then bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Try Ukrainian pork sausages:

Cuba - chicken with rice and bananas

As in many related countries (Portugal, Spain), in new year's eve in Cuba, it is customary to eat 12 grapes with each stroke of the clock - for the fulfillment of desires. But they usually have dinner there until midnight, they don’t pull with a feast - they feast on oven-baked chicken with fragrant rice. By the way, with bananas!


  • 1 chicken carcass weighing 1.5-2 kg;
  • 2 cups of rice;
  • 3 unripe bananas;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • salt, pepper, olive oil.

In a frying pan vegetable oil fry the garlic sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin slices, as soon as it begins to blush, we transfer it to a baking dish. In oil over medium heat, quickly fry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbananas. We put it in the form. We do the same manipulations with carrots (circles) and onions (petals). Pour rice over the fried vegetables and fruits, salt, add parsley.

My chicken carcass, dry and cut into portions. Fry until light golden olive oil. Pour into a baking dish on top of the rice. Add water - so that the rice is covered by 1 cm of liquid, and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.

Running through the culinary new year traditions different countries, you (absolutely!) got great gastronomic joy, culinary knowledge and hopefully some inspiration. Let the New Year's table this time bring something new, unusual and original to your family, and the upcoming reporting period - a lot of happiness, smiles and warmth.
