
What not to do for the New Year. New Year's signs, superstitions and traditions

The New Year is just around the corner, so it’s time for you to think not only about what you will wear for the holiday and what you will give to your family and friends, but also what you will put on the table. After all, firstly, dishes also obey fashion trends, which means that some trends must be included in the fashionable New Year’s menu, and secondly, the symbol of each new year has its own “claims” to food that are worth taking into account!

What not to cook for New Year 2019

Before giving you ideas on what you can cook for this New Year, it is necessary to note what dishes should never end up on your holiday table. Let's start with the fact that dishes for the Year of the Pig should not be made from pork. It is not difficult to guess that the presence of pork can seriously “irritate” the symbol of the year, and this, in turn, will negatively affect your well-being next year.

You also need to be careful when choosing ingredients for other dishes. And all because the Earth Pig prefers traditions, which means that a too “pretentious” dish can offend her. This does not mean at all that there should not be exclusive New Year’s dishes on your table, but there should not be many of them, but a maximum of three.

Hot dishes for the New Year's table

Hot food is the main dish of the New Year's table, so it almost always contains meat. As we said, pork is not an option, but you can use beef, veal, fish or poultry. With any of these products you can prepare delicious dishes for the New Year's table, and we will even give you some ideas.

Meat holiday dishes for the New Year's table made from beef that will decorate your holiday are:

  • beef with pear;
  • beef in dough;
  • Japanese beef.

If you prefer tender veal meat, you can choose:

  • beef stroganoff;
  • rump steak;
  • veal chops with garlic.

New Year's dishes from chicken fillet or a whole chicken will also look festive. For example, you can serve your guests:

Do you want to cook original dishes for the New Year's table from the meat of other birds? Then you can choose one of next dishes:

  • turkey with apples;
  • stuffed goose neck;
  • Peking duck.

If you want to cook fish dishes for the Year of the Pig, then pay attention to the recipes:

  • mackerel with bell pepper;
  • fish with spinach;
  • red fish steaks.

A fashionable New Year's menu for those who closely follow trends must include vegetarian dishes. Thus, on the festive table you can serve:

What you can cook for the New Year: salads

The symbol of 2019 loves abundance, so what more salads will be on your table - so much the better. Of course, no fashion can influence traditions, so “Olivier”, vinaigrette and “Herring under a fur coat” can be called a must have for any holiday. However, even these salads can turn into new dishes for the New Year's table if they are slightly modified. For example, many people puzzle over what can be prepared from shrimp for the New Year, without even suspecting that they can be used in the Olivier salad.

Vinaigrette, for variety, can be made with herring or beans.

If you decide to offer your guests completely new New Year’s dishes, then make the “Fur coat in a new way” salad with apples!

I can list everything endlessly existing salads and offer their new options, but if you want your 2019 New Year’s menu for guests to really please the symbol of the new year, then be sure to include the “Pig in the Garden” salad in it!

What to cook for New Year from snacks

As we already said, New Year's table should literally burst under the weight of the dishes, so you can’t do without cold appetizers. At the same time, nothing prevents you from showing off your originality and culinary skills by serving your guests unusual dishes for the New Year's table!

The decision of what to cook for the New Year 2019 can be influenced by both the cost of food and the time it takes to prepare a particular dish. That’s why we’ve selected different ideas for you on what you can cook for the New Year if you don’t have extra time or money!

For those looking for more budget solutions, New Year's potato dishes are ideal. For example, you can bake potatoes with cheese in the oven or offer your guests stuffed potatoes cheese and sausage. And yet, the most festive look will be on potato tartlets, which can be with any filling!

TO inexpensive snacks New Year's Eve also includes:

  • pita snacks;
  • canapes with sausage and cheese;
  • sandwiches with sprats.

For those who don't mind cooking interesting dishes for the New Year's table, we recommend paying attention to:

If you are ready for culinary exploits, then you can prepare snacks new year cakes. For example, “Napoleon” with pineapple or eggplant cake"Gluttony."

New Year's dishes 2019: desserts

The 2019 New Year's table menu must include desserts, but unlike salads and appetizers, there can be only one dessert. If you want it to be trendy, you can choose the Princess cake. At the same time, it can be either a princess-shaped cake or regular cake, decorated with a crown.

If you think that you can’t make a “Princess” cake, then you can make homemade “Raffaello” sweets. After all, for this you only need to have condensed milk, coconut flakes, vanillin, butter, almonds and desire!

Dishes for the New Year's table with decorations

Festive look will add to the feast original design dishes. After all, it doesn’t matter what New Year’s dishes you choose for the New Year 2019, since all of them can be decorated additionally!

The decoration of dishes for the New Year's table can be in the classic “winter” style - with snowman salads and Christmas trees or snacks in the form of snowballs, but if you want something new, you can decorate or arrange the dishes in the form of flowers or cartoon characters. The choice is yours!

  • Yulia Zolotareva
  • 25.10.2018, 15:52

What to put on the table on New Year's Eve?

According to the Eastern calendar, on the night of December 31, 2018 to January 1, 2019, the kind and friendly Dog will hand over the reins of power to his follower, the Yellow Earthen Pig. Concerning New Year's menu, this fact will greatly facilitate the culinary chores of many housewives, because this animal is not as picky in its diet as its predecessor.

“Star” experts say that almost anything can be placed on the New Year’s table, from fresh vegetable salads to a variety of meat and fish snacks. However, there are certain exceptions to any rule. They also exist in the 2019 New Year's menu. What dishes might the Yellow Earth Pig not like?

First of all, these are ham, lard, bacon, as well as sausages, pates and dressings containing pork meat. The remaining products can be presented on the table in their widest variety. As ingredients for cooking New Year's dishes, astrologers offer the following options for consideration:

  • fresh, pickled and salted vegetables;
  • all types of poultry and fish;
  • beef/lamb/venison;
  • fruits in any form and assortment;
  • cereals and flour products;
  • homemade cakes and other desserts.

As for meat, it can be served boiled, stewed, or fried. There are also no restrictions on drinks. Household members and guests can be offered juice, wine, fruit cocktails and a variety of alcoholic drinks.

Experts in Eastern traditions claim that the Pig prefers not so much variety as an abundance of food. However, this does not mean that dishes should be served on the table too large sizes, it is enough to place them in moderate portions in beautiful and compact plates.

The Yellow Earth Pig has a particular weakness for sweets. Therefore, having cake, sweets and other goodies on the New Year’s table will not be amiss.

In addition, the 2019 totem values ​​aesthetics and order. Considering this fact, it is worth paying attention Special attention table setting. Orientalists claim that the following elements must be present in it:

  • festive tablecloth;
  • new beautiful dishes;
  • decorative candles ( yellow color);
  • Pig figurine.

Separately, it is worth recalling that the patroness of 2019 prefers natural products. Therefore, during the preparation process holiday dishes You should stop using semi-finished products purchased in the supermarket in advance.

In addition to preparing dishes for the New Year's table, you need to take care of a number of points that, according to experts, can endear the Yellow Earth Pig to the owners of the house. Taking into account that the housewife of 2019 is accompanied by the earthly element, it is recommended to decorate the interior of the house with elements of a yellow hue.

Considering that the Yellow Earth Pig is the “indigenous inhabitant” of the village, it is recommended to decorate the room where the New Year is planned in ethno-style. For example, you can use handmade homespun curtains to decorate windows.

Festive outfits deserve special attention. Due to the fact that the Pig does not like tightness and constraint, New Year's clothing should be as loose as possible. This rule applies to both women's and men's wardrobe. Astrologers advise choosing outfits in yellow, beige and brown shades, and it is recommended to use amber jewelry as an elegant addition to the overall ensemble.

Magic of the New Year 2019

For many residents of our country, New Year's Eve is not only a time for a family feast, but above all, a unique moment for bringing good luck into the house. In order for the Yellow Earth Pig to be favorable to its owners throughout the year, it is necessary to pay attention to folk signs and follow the advice of Eastern astrologers.

A few days before the New Year, it is worth getting rid of old things, and especially dishes that have cracks and chips. If the family has debts, they should also be paid off in advance. Otherwise, home owners risk losing their material well-being next year.

To attract financial success, orientalists recommend purchasing several bright Christmas tree decorations. To enhance the effect, you can hang various money symbols on the Christmas tree. It can be either a garland of coins or a serpentine of hand-drawn bills.

Happiness and good luck will be guaranteed to those who dare to start a family in the first month of the New Year. The Yellow Earth Pig will be especially supportive of such couples.

The year is coming to replace the Fire Rooster Yellow Dog. This animal has always been considered a friend of man. A dog is a very active, kind and loving animal, not picky about food, but loves to eat delicious food.

Not a single holiday is complete without a feast, so you need to prepare in advance. For the Year of the Yellow Dog to bring success and happiness, you need to lure the symbol of the year to the table, knowing exactly what can and cannot be cooked for the New Year 2018.

Taste preferences of the Yellow Dog

For a year Fire Rooster, it was not recommended to have chicken on the table. For the Year of the Dog, you can put any treats on the table. The symbol of the year loves meat, which means that the table cannot be complete without a good meat steak. Welcome various vegetables. Don't forget about fruits. The most important thing is not to sit at an empty table, because the dog does not like to be hungry!

Housewives can cook various lungs snacks made from meat and ham so as not to overload the stomach.

Note! It is strictly forbidden to place dishes made from broken noodles on the festive table, since noodles are considered a sign of longevity.

It is difficult to say which dishes cannot be cooked. It’s easier to recommend certain recipes that will definitely please the Dog.

Meat baskets with minced meat and mushrooms

Baskets with minced meat and mushrooms. To prepare this dish you need pork and minced chicken V equal proportions– approximately 300 g each, spices, ginger, marjoram, basil, salt, pepper, 300 g fresh mushrooms(champignons), ham - 300 g, cheese - 200 g for filling and 100 g to sprinkle on top, butter - 100 g.

Mix minced pork and chicken.

Add spices.

Sprinkle the minced meat with ginger and add a set of seasonings. Mix and set aside.

Slice the mushrooms for the filling.

Then ham.

We also cut the cheese into cubes.

We form a basket. To do this, roll out a ball of minced meat, take a glass greased with vegetable oil on top.

Cover the bottom of the glass with minced meat. Then carefully remove the glass.

First add diced cheese to the bottom, then mushrooms.

The last layer is ham. Place a piece of butter on top.

Place the baskets in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for another 10 minutes. When serving, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs. The results are very beautiful and tasty baskets.

Chicken with buckwheat

Very delicious dish You can surprise your guests with chicken with buckwheat. It turns out full meal: both meat and side dish. Buckwheat, soaked in chicken juices, becomes very tasty and crumbly. You can use chicken breast fillet, drumstick or thigh. To prepare the dish you will need: chicken 600-800 g, buckwheat about 2 glasses, cheese, butter, mayonnaise (sour cream), onion, garlic, seasonings to taste.

This is a set of products that will be required.

Grease the bottom of the mold with butter. Pour the washed buckwheat onto the bottom and level it out.

Chop the onion and garlic and place it on top of the buckwheat.

Then add the chicken. Sprinkle seasonings on top.

Lubricate the top with sour cream, mayonnaise or a mixture of both. Add two glasses of water and a little butter.

Sprinkle with cheese.

Bake in the oven for about an hour.

Like this rosy chicken it worked out.

Pork ribs with honey and mustard sauce

As you know, dogs love to chew bones, so to lure good luck to the New Year's table, you can cook ribs. Pork ribs in honey mustard sauce will please all guests festive dinner. To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • water - 2-3 l;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • garlic - a small head;
  • cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • black pepper and chili sauce.

For honey mustard glaze you need:

  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • Chili sauce - 1.5 tsp.

A set of products that you will need for cooking.

Pour water into the pan. When the water boils, add onion, garlic and cloves. You can add spices, such as cloves. Also squeeze the juice of one lemon into the pan. Do not add salt to the marinade so that the meat does not become dry, but add pepper and spicy sauce. Cook the marinade for 15 minutes.

Add the ribs and cook over low heat for 1 hour.

After an hour we take out the ribs. Prepare glaze based on the marinade.

Use a glass of marinade. Pour it into separate pan. Add a tablespoon of vinegar, mustard, honey, hot sauce and salt. Cook for 5-10 minutes until thickened.

Cover the ribs with glaze.

Then we put it in the oven to bake - 5-10 minutes on each side. After turning the ribs over, brush them with glaze again.

The ribs are ready.

Smoked pork ribs

Guests will also enjoy pork smoked ribs. The recipe is quite simple. You need pork ribs, liquid smoke, pepper and salt.

Pork ribs need to be washed and rubbed with pepper and salt. Then spray the ribs liquid smoke and leave to marinate for 1 hour. Next, place the ribs in a multicooker bowl and turn on the “Baking” mode and bake for 30-40 minutes.

Fir cones - dessert

Since some dogs love sweets, don't forget about dessert. The recipe will seem very interesting " Fir cones» without baking. This nut and cornflakes treat takes 15 minutes to prepare!

To prepare the dessert you will need cornflakes, walnuts, a can of condensed milk and powdered sugar.

Products for making “cones”.

Pour the cereal and nuts into a bowl and mix.

Add boiled condensed milk. Mix well.

As a form, we use wine glasses moistened with water. Add the mixture with a teaspoon. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

You can remove the dessert from the mold with a knife.

When serving, dust the dessert powdered sugar like snow.

Fruit paradise

Bright fruits should also be on the table. You can show your imagination and cut them unusually.

You can cut the orange into two parts and cut out the pulp from there. Next, decorate the edges beautifully, cutting them unevenly with a knife. You will get this kind of basket.

Then cut the bananas and peaches into small slices. Mix everything with yoghurt and put in orange baskets. For beauty, you can put pomegranate seeds on top of the baskets.

You should definitely celebrate the New Year and not ignore this holiday! If you can’t do this on the night of January 1, then you can do it on the night of January 29, it will be New Year according to the eastern calendar.

Video: low-calorie salads without mayonnaise

Video: Meat salad "Rafaelo"

The same mayonnaise

“The salad contains a kilogram of mayonnaise, which is tasty, and most importantly, very healthy,” sang Alexey Kortnev and he was absolutely right. Especially about the kilogram. Replace this sauce with sour cream or Greek yogurt. Those who cannot imagine their life without mayonnaise also have a solution: prepare your favorite sauce at home. This way you will protect yourself from preservatives and harmful additives.

Maxim Myasnikov, chef of the Prozhektor restobar: “For some reason, mayonnaise is added to any salad from the Soviet culinary repertoire. This fatty sauce ruins the entire dish and turns individually delicious ingredients into an indistinct mixture. Certainly, we're talking about about factory mayonnaise! So arm yourself with a mixer, eggs and olive oil: make it homemade!”


No, we are not suggesting that you find something more humane and less caloric, but you probably shouldn’t mix champagne with whiskey. Try not to interfere with anything at all: drink the same thing all evening, and in reasonable quantities. And have a snack, be sure to have a snack!

Ilya Doronin, head bartender of the gastrobar “We’re not going anywhere”: “I think I won’t be too far from the truth if I say that the most dangerous drink on New Year's Eve - this is the second glass of champagne! After it, the degree of fun can rise so much that it won’t be long before you miss the New Year. These are such deceptively light bubbles. Be careful! However, one glass of sparkling wine during the chiming clock is a good tradition.”

Vasily Zheglov, head chef of the bar “Dukhless”: “On New Year’s Eve it is better not to drink sweet red wine, sweet champagne and drinks with high content Sahara. I also don’t recommend carbonated drinks, even soft drinks. It is advisable not to change alcohol during the evening, for example, drink cocktails with one alcohol base.”

Meat in French

Russia has its own, incomparable meat recipe, which, to be honest, has nothing to do with French cuisine. Usually a huge piece of meat is taken and baked with butter, cheese, mayonnaise and potatoes. In general, this is just the thing for a team of movers who have just moved all the furniture in your apartment. For the guests who came to your party, it is still better to choose something more humane and less high in calories.

Regis Trigel, chef Sixty restaurant: “If you don’t count mayonnaise, then the most junk food on the New Year's table - these are baked dishes. For example, the famous French meat! It's hard to think of anything more difficult to digest and heavy. There is meat, potatoes, and a rich cheese-mayonnaise sauce. A real blow to the liver! It’s much tastier to simply bake the meat, say, in foil, and then serve with grilled vegetables seasoned with olive oil.”

Pickling and smoking

Spicy and smoked foods are a known enemy of the liver, stomach and other organs. They pose a particular danger when combined with alcohol. Swap pickles for fresh ones: you can find decent-tasting ones at farmers markets even in late December.

Nikolai Bakunov, concept chef of Duran bar: “In my opinion, the most harmful thing is vodka and mushrooms, despite the fact that this combination is quite popular on the New Year’s table. All mushrooms are poisonous in one way or another - it is a matter of the dose of poison content. And when you drink alcohol, the toxins increase! Enter the New Year without mushrooms!”

Cakes and pastries with cream

If you want to be sure that you haven't bought a time bomb, prepare desserts at home. Another option is to go to a time-tested bakery. Calculate your strength correctly: are you sure that deep after midnight you will crave something sweet? If it comes to tea only on the evening of January 2, then it’s better not to buy a cake on December 30. Actually, this golden rule applies to any food: do not buy meat and fish slices, carefully check the expiration date - and you will have a holiday!

Last year, it was not recommended to serve poultry dishes on the New Year's table. I wonder what you can’t cook for New Year 2018 (Year of the Dog)? This and many other questions interest housewives on the eve of winter holidays. So let's find out what the yellow earthen Dog doesn't like.

Mistress next year not so picky about food, but still there are points that are worth considering when preparing for New Year's holiday. After all, everyone wants to be happy in 2018, and therefore you need to please the dog as much as possible. What must be on the holiday table According to experts in Eastern culture, the Yellow Earth Dog is a kind and completely non-greedy animal. At the same time, she does not like squandering and showing off. There should be exactly as much on the festive table as you can eat in one evening. Don't stand at the stove for a long time and cook a lot of dishes to amaze your guests. It’s better if the food is simple. For example, baked chicken, turkey or duck or one big piece meat, no matter pork or beef. The meat must have bones. Perfect option baked rack of pork ribs. There can be more than just potatoes as a side dish. The duck can be stuffed with buckwheat, and the chicken with rice. Vegetables are also suitable: cabbage of all types, stewed eggplant, bright bell pepper. Salads are best served in the shape of dog faces, sprinkled with yolk or canned corn to best match the spirit animal. As you understand, the dog loves meat in any form, so the table must have:

cold cuts from smoked meat;

various types of sausages;

all types of meat, preferably processed over an open fire;

game prepared by any method;

jellied meats, aspic;


meat salads of all kinds.

There should be a variety of breads, preferably homemade or on wood. After all, a dog is a pet and loves everything natural.

It should be served on the table fresh vegetables and fruits, preferably yellow: bell peppers, oranges, tangerines, pears, apples, bananas.

You can add it to dessert fresh berries, dried fruits, bright candied fruits. As for sweets, it should be limited, because such products are contraindicated for the mistress of the year. It’s better if it appears on the festive table cottage cheese casserole or other milk products with the addition of nuts, dried apricots, etc.

In general, to please the dog, the holiday table should have plenty of everything, but without any special culinary tricks. She won’t understand the vegetarian New Year’s Eve either.

What you should not cook to celebrate the Year of the Dog:

The Mistress of the Year does not like fish. It is contraindicated in varieties where there is a lot small bones, therefore it is necessary to exclude from the New Year's menu any river fish: carp, pike, etc. She will not have the tastes that are familiar to us, “herring under a fur coat.” It is better to postpone salads with caviar, salmon and other red fish until better times. It is also necessary to abandon the currently fashionable sushi and rolls.

When preparing cold cuts, you must ensure that there is no horse meat or horse sausage. As you know, dogs do not like this breed of animal.

We hope you're not an avid fan. Korean cuisine and you won't be there exotic dishes from dog meat. Just as Feng Shui experts say, you need to exclude broken noodles from the menu. It turns out that longevity depends on the length of the noodles. You should not tease your dog with dishes such as hot dogs and other fast foods.

As for drinks, it is not advisable to serve: kvass, beer, lemonade. Cook regular compote or make fruit drink and juice. The mistress of the year will not greet strong alcohol. You've probably seen in your life how a dog reacts to drunk people.

It is better to complete the preparation of dishes by lunchtime, so that by the New Year you have time to relax and look fresh and cheerful. The mistress of the year will not like it if you are overwhelmed and cannot celebrate the holiday cheerfully and carefree.

As a rule, dogs do not like cats, so try to keep them away from the holiday table. In general, the dog belongs to active animals, so it will not really like it if you do not constantly sit behind it. festive table. Come up with fun activities, games, competitions to please her to the maximum.

What else will the symbol of 2018 like?

The heroine of the year can rightfully be called a country animal. She will probably like simple and uncomplicated things in everything:

Dishes. It must be natural. Focus on country style. Place clay jugs of drinks on the table. Place wooden spoons in salads. Can only stand on the table ceramic tableware. When eating dessert, place a samovar with a bunch of bagels on the table.

Decor. Decorate your okta with natural linen curtains. This material is impossible would be better suited and for napkins, tablecloths and chair covers. When choosing decor, pay attention to the favorite colors of the totem animal: yellow, orange, beige, brown, gold, etc. When choosing decorations for the Christmas tree, you should also follow the same trend. Toys may include wooden and clay dog ​​figurines, stars made from twigs, and garlands made from dried citrus slices.

Cloth. The New Year's outfit should be chosen based on the Dog's favorite colors (see above). As for the style, you should prefer loose styles so that nothing interferes with your fun. The dog will like it, because it is an active animal. Among the jewelry you can choose yellow and orange color. The best option there will be beads or a necklace made of natural stones with wooden elements. Without a doubt, the Dog will also like amber jewelry.

Signs of the “dog” year and useful tips.

Pre-New Year's cleaning should be completed before sunset, so as not to accidentally sweep family happiness out of the house.

On the eve of the holiday, do not lend money and return the borrowed money yourself.

Choose an outfit and jewelry that the totem will like. They should not be pretentious and match the color of the year.

If you wish to have strong family, then don’t be lazy and tie the table legs with a thick rope.

When having fun, refrain from playing cards. This will protect you from unnecessary excitement for the entire next year.

Choose simple and inexpensive gifts from natural stone or wood. This will drive away materialistic people from you.

When the chimes strike, throw a coin into your glass and make a wish, then carry it with you in your wallet all the time. The wish will definitely come true.

If you want to get rid of something (applies to women), throw a light shawl over your shoulders. At the last chime, throw it away, and you will forever forget about what was stopping you from living.

To live carefree all year, try to peel a tangerine during the chimes and put it under the Christmas tree, and then drink champagne and make a wish;

If you have a fireplace, you should keep it burning until the morning. Also, no one should take objects related to fire: candles, matches or firewood.

On New Year's Eve, you shouldn't be afraid of the awkward moment when you have a sneeze. This is evidence of a happy year for everyone present.

If from the Christmas tree during New Year's Eve If three balls fall and break, then expect a new addition to the family soon.

In order for love to reign in the family, the first thing you need to do after waking up on the first of January is kiss.

You should not engage in heavy work on New Year's Day, otherwise the whole year will be difficult.

Unmarried girls, by meeting an unfamiliar man on January 1, can determine from which side their betrothed will come.

Previously, on the first day, girls who wanted to know their future went for milk. If it does not turn sour for seven days, then there will definitely be a wedding this year.

By meeting the animal on the morning of January 1, they also judged what would happen. So the cat foreshadowed a romantic meeting, the bird - a long journey, and the dog said that there would be a meeting with an old friend or a new acquaintance.

It was a bad omen to receive a watch, towel or mirror as a gift. If, after all, you were presented with such gifts, then give the giver a symbolic coin. This will protect you from negative consequences.
