
Peppers stuffed with feta recipe. Peppers stuffed with feta cheese

Bell Peppers with Feta Cheese- this snack is constantly present on the table and is a great success.

Once upon a time, quite by accident, so to speak, “out of my head”, I made this simple snack. So this recipe can be safely considered.

Suddenly, people liked it so much that the wives of friends called me with questions about how to make it.
But most of all I was struck that recently, when my daughter's godmother came, the second question after the greetings was - "Did you do peppers?"

So, of all the snacks where the base is, bell peppers with feta cheese and herbs definitely hold the palm in terms of cooking frequency.

It is difficult to attribute this dish to any national cuisine. Since I came up with it myself, let it be a dish of Russian cuisine. At the same time, this type of dish is characteristic of the Mediterranean - Greek and Balkan culinary traditions.

For bell peppers with feta you will need:

  • Pickled feta cheese. I settled on the Fitaki as it is completely smooth, creamy and lacks acidity.
  • Greens to taste I have parsley and dill. Green onions also go well, but in this case I somehow didn’t want to put them.
  • Actually bell peppers - for a package of cheese (500g) - about 2.5 medium peppers are used.
  • A few cloves of garlic
  • Very, very optional - mayonnaise. In this case it was photographed but not used. It only serves to soften the mixture a little while stirring. Accordingly, the presence of mayonnaise directly depends on the cheese and the amount of greens.

Cooking bell peppers with feta.


We put the cheese in a suitable container (if there is brine left in the pack, we also pour it into the container), cut the greens finely, chop the garlic finely and finely and press with the flat side of the knife (you can also use a garlic press, but I have some kind of prejudice to them. So that I cut with a knife.)

We combine all sources in one container

And qualitatively, with soul, mix with a fork (most conveniently) until smooth. If it’s very hard to interfere, this is where you can add a little mayonnaise, but, I repeat, I try to do without it. In this case, it was definitely without it 🙂

We close the container with a film / lid and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, so that everything “makes friends” together and exchanges smells and tastes.


We take out a container with cheese and peppers, cut the peppers in half, clean from seeds and remove the white film.

Good day, dear reader! Stuffed peppers without meat are one of the most practical and at the same time delicious dishes. We can cook it baked, or we can eat it raw. In addition, it is very convenient - I cooked it, put it in bowls and you don’t worry about coming up with something like that for lunch.

And in the winter, when we really want something like that, canned stuffed peppers, this is what we need! We offer you six of the most delicious recipes with peppers.

Turkish stuffed peppers without meat

Delicious Pepper Recipe! Very juicy, satisfying and most importantly - without meat! It is possible to prepare for fasting if you replace the cheese, for example, with tofu soy cheese.

So, what do we need to prepare 4 servings of this miracle:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Brown rice - 150 g;
  • Vegetable broth - 350 ml;
  • Tomato juice - 250 ml;
  • Tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Black olives - 80 g;
  • - 100 g;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • Greenery;

Now let's move on to the actual cooking:

  1. We mix 100 ml. broth and 250 ml. tomato juice, salt. Add rice and cook until done.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, cut the olives in half. We mix it with ready-made rice, add mozzarella, salt a little, pepper.
  3. We take pepper, cut into halves, clean from seeds. We start the halves with the previously obtained minced meat.
  4. Then, pour the remaining broth into a baking dish and lay out the stuffed fruits. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and set for 30 minutes.
  5. Voila! It remains only to sprinkle with herbs and you can serve.

Bulgarian stuffed peppers

Did you know that bell pepper does not come from Bulgaria at all? In fact, Columbus brought it to Europe from America.

There are many types of peppers, but it is Bulgarian that is very useful and.

It contains an excess of vitamin C, as well as potassium, iron, magnesium and oxidants, which the liver simply needs. That's why we recommend this bell pepper recipe.

We will need:

  • Buckwheat - 1 glass.
  • Sweet pepper - 6 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 10% fat.
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Water;
  • Salt;

Getting Started:

  1. Buckwheat must first be soaked for 6-8 hours in water.
  2. We take the fruit and carefully cut out the core from it. Then let it simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Cut the onion into small cubes, lightly fry.
  4. We rub the carrots on a fine grater and fry with vegetable oil. We cut the greens.
  5. Mix onions, carrots and greens with porridge, mix, salt. Stuff the peppers with the mixture.
  6. We spread the peppers in a saucepan, fill with water and simmer for 15 - 20 minutes.
  7. It remains only to season with sour cream and you can serve.

Preparing peppers for the winter

Stuffed peppers are a healthy and tasty dish, especially when cooked with fresh peppers from the garden. But what to do if you want such saturated peppers in winter?

We will tell you how to stock up on these peppers for the winter, preserving their vitamin benefits and allowing yourself to enjoy this healthy food in the cold.

Moreover, minced meat can be meat. We will tell you how to stock up on vegetable peppers. It remains only to get the peppers from the jar and heat them up.


  • 50 bell peppers;
  • 500 g carrots;
  • 200 - 300 g onions;
  • 100 g of green celery;
  • 2.5 kg. cabbage;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper;
  • Parsley.

For 1 liter of marinade:

  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 200 g.
  • 9% - 200 ml.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons with a slide;

Cooking sequence:

  1. Mix everything for the marinade in a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  2. We take peppers. Cut off the top, but not completely. It should look like a lid. Through it we remove the seeds and wash the peppers. Then you need to put them in a boiling marinade for 5 minutes. and then let cool.
  3. Cooking minced meat. To do this, finely rub the cabbage. Cut the celery and parsley. Pass the garlic through the press, cut the hot pepper. Salt all this and mix thoroughly.
  4. Grate the carrots, chop the onion and simmer in oil until soft. Then add to minced meat, mix, salt, pepper to taste.
  5. Now stuff the peppers.
  6. We take the dishes in which our peppers will ferment, and put them there upside down. Pour all this with marinade, in which the peppers themselves were boiled before, cover with oppression and leave for 2 days at room temperature.
  7. Actually ready, peppers can be eaten or transferred to sterilized jars, add herbs, pour boiled marinade, sterilize for 40 minutes (3-liter jars) and can be twisted.

Peppers stuffed with feta

The original peppers cooked in the oven are distinguished by their exquisite taste, thanks to the unusual filling.

We will need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 12 pcs.;
  • Feta (you can cheese) - 250 g;
  • Wheat flour (or breadcrumbs);
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • Green olives (or olives) - 0.5 cans;
  • Vegetable oil.

And we prepare it like this:

  1. Wash the peppers and place them on a baking sheet. Can be lined with paper or foil. We heat the oven and set to bake until brown (15-20 minutes at 200 degrees). It is advisable to periodically turn over so that it browns on all sides.
  2. After roasting, put the pepper in a bag and tie it. It will steam and become softer.
  3. In parallel with these actions, you can prepare the filling. Mix feta (or cheese) and one egg, add olives (optional). the filling should be thick enough to make it easier to bread stuffed peppers in the future.
  4. When the peppers are warm, gently peel the skin, but do not be too zealous so that they do not tear. We remove the stalks with seeds. Next, we prepare 2 plates with flour and beaten eggs.
  5. Now we put the filling inside the peppers, then roll them in flour (well, or breadcrumbs), and then in the egg. We put the pan on the stove, add vegetable oil and start frying.
  6. Fry on both sides until crispy.

That's all. Very tasty served both hot and cold.

And this masterpiece generally deserves special attention, since it does not require heat treatment and can be considered a cold snack.

Our Ingredients:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 150 g;
  • Walnuts - 100 g;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Butter - 100 g;

Less energy and time is spent on cooking:

  1. Put the nuts and garlic in a blender and grind.
  2. We also chop the cheese. When it is already small enough, add butter.
  3. Mix both masses, salt to taste.
  4. Wash peppers, remove pits.
  5. Hard boil eggs, let cool.
  6. We stuff the peppers with the resulting mass, and insert the egg inside.
  7. Sprinkle with nuts and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
  8. When completely cool, cut into slices and serve. You can decorate with greenery.

Stuffed peppers in tomato sauce

Cooking pepper stuffed with mushrooms, rice and lentils.

To prepare peppers, we need:

  • Sweet pepper - 6 pcs
  • Champignons - 400g
  • Rice - 50g
  • Lentils - 0.5 cup dry (soak overnight - you get a glass)
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Tomatoes - 5-6 pcs
  • Cream 10% - 200g
  • Water - about 1 l
  • Salt, sugar, spices to taste, oil for frying

How to Peel a Pepper

If the Bulgarian pepper is subjected to heat treatment, the peel begins to separate from it, it is tough and does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, in some cases, it makes sense to clean it. In this video, three simple ways for all occasions, how to peel bell peppers.

These are our mouth-watering peppers for every taste. Do not forget that such dishes can be made not in a frying pan or oven, but they turn out great in a slow cooker, and even a double boiler.

Also, stuffed peppers are an excellent dish for ladies who watch their figure, because its calorie content is not very high.

We wish you a pleasant appetite and look forward to seeing you soon on our website! Goodbye, dear reader!

A simple and wonderful recipe. You want to eat such peppers without stopping!

In my childhood, sweet peppers were cooked in two versions. Peppers stuffed with minced rice and peppers stuffed with carrots. In the first version, I ate minced meat, and left the pepper shell. In the second, I was very fond of straw carrots, such a sweet and sour, and again the pepper was not in favor.

I grew up and fell in love with sweet peppers in all forms. Especially baked, this is generally my passion! All salty cheeses are ideal, especially soft ones, cheese, feta. As for me, the cheese is rough in texture, but the feta is just perfect. This recipe is Balkan, like Macedonian. Very simple, but trust me, it's beautiful! You want to eat such peppers without stopping, and it is quite possible to serve them on the festive table, and they are good both hot, and warm, and cold. Choose small red peppers and the most delicious creamy feta - and you will succeed!


Sweet red pepper - 1 kg

Feta - 300 gr

Egg yolks - 2 pcs.

Olive oil - 2 tbsp.

Chopped parsley - 2 tbsp.

Dried oregano - 1 tbsp.

Hard grated cheese - 30 gr

Natural yogurt 2 tbsp


Black pepper


1. Wash and dry the peppers. Brush them with oil and place on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven as much as possible, if there is, turn on the grill. Roast the peppers until charred. 7-10 minutes.

2. Remove, cool. Cut each pepper on the side and carefully remove the seeds without touching the stalk. You will get such empty pepper "boats".

3. For the filling, place the feta, egg yolks, yogurt, remaining butter, oregano and parsley in a bowl. Pepper and mix everything with a mixer until smooth. Taste and add salt if necessary, although feta is usually quite salty.

4. Fill the peppers with this mixture and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes to firm up the filling. Bake for about 25 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees, after sprinkling the peppers with grated hard cheese.

Cool slightly and serve.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 40 min

To satisfy the refined tastes of some guests, hostesses sometimes have to rack their brains over compiling a menu and selecting original dishes for the festive table. I want to offer you a recipe for a wonderful appetizer that never goes unnoticed by guests and rarely “survives” until the end of the banquet. Marinated multi-colored mini peppers with feta, the recipe with a photo of which I offer, are simply delicious! Saturated with the aromas of garlic and basil, they will not only decorate your holiday table, but will delight you with their unsurpassed taste.

If you have a feast planned for tomorrow, then cook pickled mini peppers with feta cheese tonight, they will have the opportunity to marinate well and become even tastier overnight.

To prepare the dish we need:
- small sweet peppers of different colors - 10 pcs.;
- Greek Feta cheese - 150 g;
- creamy curd cheese - 250 g;
- olive oil;
- vinegar;
- dry basil;
- dry granulated garlic;
- white pepper;
- allspice;
- Bay leaf;
- salt.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Prepare all the ingredients for the dish.

2. Wash the peppers and remove the stalk with seeds. Try to choose vegetables of different colors and as small as possible in the store, then your snack will have a bright, attractive look.

3. Before stuffing the peppers with feta cheese, you need to marinate them in a hot way. Pour a liter of water into the pan, put a few peas of allspice, 1-2 bay leaves and a teaspoon of salt there. Bring the marinade to a boil and pour in 50 g of wine vinegar, then put the peeled vegetables into the pan. They should boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Leave the peppers in the hot marinade until cool.

4. In the meantime, take care of the filling. Mix the feta and cream cheese well with a fork. Add a teaspoon of dry basil, half a teaspoon of freshly ground white pepper and half a teaspoon of dry granulated garlic. Mix everything thoroughly. Minced cheese for our mini peppers is ready.

5. Dry the cooled pickled peppers on a paper towel and fill them with a spicy cheese filling.

6. We tightly pack the stuffed peppers in a glass dish and start preparing another marinade. Mix 0.5 cup of quality extra virgin olive oil with a tablespoon of wine vinegar and a teaspoon of dried basil.

7. Pour the stuffed vegetables with olive marinade. If you have a few sprigs of fresh basil around the house, tear them up and place them between the peppers. This spicy herb will significantly improve the taste and aroma of the finished dish. Seal the mini-pepper bowl tightly and refrigerate for a few hours.

8. Marinated mini peppers with a delicious cheese filling, serve guests on juicy lettuce leaves. This colorful and unusually tasty appetizer will certainly become the highlight of your holiday table.

Bon appetit everyone!
Author: Lilia Purgina

See also how to cook.
