
Potato tarts. Potato tartlets with different fillings

Tartlets are shaped like a crown. Not in vain they were called "princesses on plates." Potato tartlets compare favorably with conventional (flour) ones, they can be filled with both cold and hot fillings. Many foods are perfectly combined with the neutral taste of potatoes: meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, cheese and much more. Such a dish can be prepared for a festive table or eaten daily.

Tartlets with cheese and red fish can become a decoration for a New Year's meal. And tartlets with salad will help to diversify the table. In addition, such a portioned snack is convenient to serve on the table and eat throughout the New Year's Eve.

How to cook raw potato tartlets?

Products for this dish will need the most common:

  • Raw potatoes of medium size, we will take 3-4 pieces
  • Chicken egg, one piece will be enough to "tie" the mass
  • Flour, you need very little (1-2 tablespoons)
  • Salt, as usual - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil or butter, grease the molds with it

For baking tartlets we will use a silicone mold, it will work best. It will not be easy to get fragile baskets from a metal fixture.


We take out the forms from the oven, free from tartlets (they are easy to give in), cool and fill.

Potato tartlets with red fish and curd cheese

Potato tartlets with mussel and squid salad

To prepare the filling, we take exotic (and not so) products:

  • Calamari and mussels in equal quantities (150 grams each)
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Fresh cucumber of medium size - 1 piece
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons


Comment: Preparing a salad will not cause difficulties even for a novice hostess (if you take seafood ready to eat). In this case, they will only need to be crushed. Then continue cooking as above.

1. Ingredients in the salad can be cut into thin strips.
2. Mayonnaise in this recipe can be successfully replaced with yogurt or sour cream sauce and tomato puree (the latter should only slightly tint the sauce and give it a piquant taste).
3. Other seafood can be added to the salad: crab sticks, shrimp meat.
4. The curd mass can be prepared from kefir: lay out the frozen kefir on a linen napkin and hang it (for 8-10 hours), when the kefir is defrosted and the liquid drains, 200 grams of cheese mass will be obtained from 1 liter of kefir.
5. You can use boiled potatoes to make tartlets.

How to make mashed potato tartlets?

The list of products is the same as in the version with raw potatoes.


We take out the tartlets, take them out of the molds, fill them with the above fillings (or other suitable ones).

Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

With the holidays approaching, housewives often think about how to surprise their beloved guests this time. Traditional salads and snacks are no longer so original, and every woman strives to stand out with her uniqueness even in the culinary business. Although you can, for example, submit.
To surprise and please guests with something new and fresh, it is not necessary to spend a lot of effort and money, because you can always conjure yummy from improvised materials. I often have potato tartlets on my holiday table. It seems to be nothing new: potatoes, meat, cheese, but the form in which it is served plays a huge role. My tartlets always arouse curiosity and admiration, and all my friends have already rewritten the recipe. Use it and you and decorate your table with a novelty.
Ingredients listed are for four servings.

Potato tartlets stuffed with minced meat recipe.

- potatoes - 3-4 large pieces;
- chicken meat (you can use pork, beef, etc. of your choice) - 400-500 grams;
- onion - 2-3 pieces;
- chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
- salt - a pinch;
- spices and herbs - your choice;
- lemon juice;
- butter - for greasing molds.

How to cook with a photo step by step

First, let's prepare the minced meat. We take out the chicken meat from the freezer, defrost it and pass it through a meat grinder. To make it easier to grind, you can first cut the meat into pieces. If the meat is passed through a meat grinder twice, then the tartlets will turn out more tender.

Add chopped onion (finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder), chicken egg, salt and spices to taste to the chopped meat. As for spices and herbs, I use black pepper powder, turmeric and dried dill, with thyme.

Mix everything thoroughly and leave for a while. The filling is ready.

Let's start peeling potatoes. For convenience, it is better to use a large one. We clean it and rub it on a grater.

Put the grated potatoes in a glass container and sprinkle it with lemon juice, which will prevent the potatoes from browning. There we add one chicken egg with salt to taste.

Again, mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed.
To prepare this dish, you will need silicone molds. You can buy them either in the supermarket or in a specialized pastry shop. So, generously grease the molds with butter.

Place chicken mince in the middle.

We heat the oven well, send the potato tartlets with the filling there and bake for 40 minutes. The dish is almost ready if a tender golden crust has formed on it.

Before removing the finished tartlets from the oven, sprinkle them with grated cheese. Bake until the cheese is melted.
The holiday appetizer is ready.

Best served still warm. Having laid out each tartlet on a saucer, you can decorate them with a sprig of greens. Serve with sour cream or aioli sauce.
Bon appetit and merry feast!
Irina Sazonova prepared potato tartlets stuffed with minced meat.
Well, we recommend to cook as a cold appetizer

  • 4 medium sized potatoes
  • 1 egg
  • lemon juice (a few drops)
  • salt,
  • chicken breast or chicken fillet (pre-boiled),
  • 100 grams of hard cheese,
  • vegetable oil for greasing molds.

Cooking process:

Peel potatoes, wash and grate on a coarse grater. Transfer to a deep bowl, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix everything. Let the potatoes go, juice, it needs to be squeezed out - I used cheesecloth. Then beat in the egg and mix.

We heat the oven to 200 degrees. Grease molds with vegetable oil. We spread the minced potato in them, forming tartlets - it is convenient to do this with a fork.

Prepare the filling: chop the chicken pile finely, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. You can also add greens, tomato, ketchup, etc. to the filling - everything is optional.

We put the molds in the oven for 25 minutes. We take them out, but do not turn off the oven.

We spread chicken meat in almost ready tartlets and sprinkle with cheese on top, send it back to the oven for 5 minutes, so that the cheese just melts.

We take out the tartlets from the oven, let them cool slightly and remove from the molds.

The dish is ready!

Julia Kolomiets told how to cook stuffed tartlets, recipe and photo of the author.

If you are tired of ordinary potato dishes, I suggest surprising your family and guests with something new, namely, cook potato tartlets with chicken fillet with garlic and cheese sauce. Such a yummy is obtained as a result that you can just lick your fingers - an incredible dish - potato baskets are literally soaked with filling in the form of chicken, sour cream, cheese and garlic - just a gastronomic taste, everything seems so simple, but at the same time elegant, unusual. Such tartlets can be served at the table in addition to a vegetable salad or fresh herbs, you can also add sauce at your discretion. Since the tartlets are small, they can easily be served as an appetizer. In a word, the recipe is very tasty, so try it, you won’t go wrong for sure! Prepare those too.

- potatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
- chicken eggs - 1 pc.,
- chicken fillet - 200 g,
- hard cheese - 60 g,
- sour cream - 2 tablespoons,
- garlic - 2 cloves,
- water - 2 tablespoons,
- salt, pepper - to taste,
- vegetable oil - for lubricating molds.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Peel potatoes, wash and dry. After potato tubers grate on a medium grater. If potatoes are watery, squeeze out excess moisture. Sprinkle potatoes with salt and ground pepper.

Add the yolk of one egg to the potatoes. Mix all ingredients very thoroughly. Also turn on and preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Prepare silicone molds - lightly grease them with vegetable oil. Fill the molds with potatoes - put a tablespoon of potatoes in each mold, distribute it on the sides of the mold so that there is room for the filling inside. Remove the blanks in the oven for 20 minutes.

Boil chicken fillet in advance until fully cooked. After the fillet cut into very small pieces.

Add sour cream and hard cheese to the potatoes, grating it on a medium grater.

Sprinkle with salt and ground pepper.

Add literally a couple of tablespoons of water to all the ingredients, squeeze out the peeled garlic cloves, mix. Take a salt sample.

Stuff the prepared tartlets with the filling, put in the oven for another 10-12 minutes. After a while, carefully remove the tartlets from the molds, serve. I would like to draw your attention to this

Potato tartlets are a recipe that has become very popular these days. In fact, the recipe for making tartlets is very simple, so even a person who does not often visit the kitchen can cook this one. In addition, with its beautiful appearance and amazing taste, even the most sophisticated holiday table. Let's see how to cook potato tartlets:

  • 700 grams of chicken fillet
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise
  • Three garlic cloves
  • 6-8 large potatoes
  • 200 grams of cheese
  • green onion
  • Salt - to taste

How to make potato tarts:

  1. First, let's prepare the filling for the tartlets. To do this, cut the washed and dried chicken fillet into medium cubes. Put the meat in a pan, pour water (about a glass), add mayonnaise and salt. Simmer covered for 30 minutes. Add finely chopped garlic, a couple of minutes before readiness.
  2. After that, cleanly washed potatoes, grate and be sure to salt.
  3. In order for our tartlets to have a presentable appearance, we will take ordinary cupcake molds for baking them. Forms for muffins are well lubricated with sunflower oil. Now we put grated raw potatoes in these molds, so that it is in the form of baskets that we can fill with minced meat.
  4. In a well-heated oven, at a temperature of 240 degrees, place the tartlets for baking, for about 20-25 minutes.
  5. While our tartlets are cooking, grate the cheese and finely chop the green onion. Mix cheese and onion well.
  6. We take out the finished tartlets from the oven and sprinkle the cheese-onion mixture on top. Then put it back in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

Now our delicious appetizer is ready, bon appetit everyone!
