
Roast beef dishes. A selection of recipes. Country homemade sausages. Goose neck stuffed


Frying does not last long in an open dish on the stove. Meat should be put on heated fat. When in contact with the bottom of the dish, a crust is formed of toasted proteins and caramelized starch (meat for roasting should be rolled in flour or crushed breadcrumbs). The crust protects the meat from loss of juices and from excessive impregnation with fat. In addition, the crust has good taste qualities. When a brown crust forms on one side, the meat should be turned over to the other side and fried so that the surface is evenly browned.

Do not place the meat too tightly in the pan, since the steam released during frying makes it difficult to form golden brown on the entire surface of the meat; in addition, breading is damaged when the meat is turned over.

Meat intended for frying must be of high quality, tender, without films and tendons. The meat of the worst grades remains hard and fibrous after frying, and therefore it is recommended to cook fried minced meat from it.

The meat is fried in pieces cut across the grain. The thickness of the pieces depends on the type of dish and is determined detailed recipe. Portioned pieces are given a certain shape with a chopper (metal or wooden hammer in a metal frame), slightly moistened with water. In some cases, the meat must be flattened by hand and shaped with a knife (beef steak).

Before frying, prepared pieces of meat should be sprinkled with flour, rolled in crushed breadcrumbs, breaded or dipped in dough. Crackers must be pressed with a knife to the meat so that they do not crumble during frying and do not burn.

Breading consists in the following: prepared products should be rolled on both sides in flour, then in loose eggs, then removed, dried, rolled in crushed breadcrumbs on both sides, press the crackers to the meat. Some products from raw meat(for example, pork chops) or boiled (for example, ham, veal brisket, veal legs) should be dipped immediately before frying in a dough thicker than for pancakes. The dough covers the meat with a thin layer, forming a crispy crust during frying.

The meat should be placed on pre-heated, but not burnt fat. Fry over medium heat so that the meat is fried inside. For frying, lard or deep fat is most often recommended. The temperature of the fat must not decrease during the frying process, otherwise the meat will not brown and will be heavily saturated with fat. It is not recommended to bring fat to too much high temperature, since in this case it decays and, in addition, the meat burns.

In a small amount of fat, breaded meat and meat should be fried in English, that is, with a browned crust, but undercooked inside (pale pink or red).

Variety fried foods, cooked on a small amount of fat, are the so-called saute, that is, meat that is first fried in very hot fat and, after the formation of a golden crust, is roasted on the edge of the stove or in the oven. Roasting meat in a large amount of fat is less commonly used ( beef lard) poured into a deep saucepan. This method of roasting meat is used in the preparation of dishes from boiled meat, which must be dipped in dough before frying (veal brisket, veal legs).

Utensils used when frying meat in a small amount of fat: a frying pan made of durable metal, a metal spatula, a heated dish; in a large amount of fat: a saucepan, a metal spatula, a heated dish for serving.

A few tips
how to cook juicy and tasty meat dishes

Tip one- It is very important to choose the right meat for a particular dish, especially if you want to fry or grill it. It is impossible to cook a decent steak (steak in Russian cuisine) from the pulp of the sternum or part of the leg.

For frying in a pan or grill, you can use only fillet (in Russian terminology - tenderloin), entrecote (thick edge) or thin edge.

The quality of the prepared dish also depends on the age of the animal: the younger the meat, the tastier it is.

Tip two- It is better to marinate the meat before frying. The fastest and easy way- pepper and pour vegetable oil, after rubbing the meat with crushed garlic. Pre-salting is not recommended, as salt causes premature release of meat juice, which reduces the taste of meat. Therefore, you need to salt the meat at the very end of frying. This method of pickling is good to use when frying pork, lamb, veal ribs.

If the meat needs to be marinated, and there is not enough time for this, recommended next recipe marinade: Cut the meat into portions (usually 150-200 g), beat them off, put them in a bowl, sprinkle with chopped onions, cumin, bay leaf, parsley root. Then pour vegetable oil mixed with lemon juice in proportion - 5 g of oil per juice of a third of a lemon, pepper and salt. Turn the meat periodically.

Tip three- meat should not be turned frequently when frying. Usually it is turned over to the other side only when the first side is almost ready.

Tip Four- you have to determine what kind of meat you want by the degree of its roasting (strongly fried - well done, medium - medium, with blood - rare and derivatives of medium-rare or medium-well done). Only some beef dishes (roast beef or steak) can be semi-done, lamb, veal and pork are never cooked like that.

Tip five- the taste of portioned pieces of meat deteriorates during storage. Therefore, the meat must be fried shortly before serving it on the table.

How to cook schnitzels

Schnitzels are widespread in world cuisine. It is almost impossible to find such a restaurant, even an exclusive one, where you would not be offered this very simple dish. And restaurant goers often prefer schnitzel to all culinary delights. The Wiener Schnitzel is especially famous.

Schnitzel is usually made from different kind meat: chicken, turkey, veal. Chopped schnitzel is offered less frequently, and only occasionally can you be offered a vegetable schnitzel.

It is very important what kind of meat you eat. For schnitzels, veal is best - the flesh of the hind leg or fillet. And the bird has the chest part.

Schnitzels also differ in the way they are breaded.

Classic ways breading
Parisian(the meat is rolled in flour, then in an egg and fried in hot oil)
- And Viennese(still the same, only after the egg, the meat is also rolled in breadcrumbs, to which sum-sum, dry herbs and other additives are added for taste and beauty).

You can also suggest the following ways breading

1. Sprinkle the product with flour, dip in white sauce(a mixture of raw eggs with a tablespoon of butter), salt, breaded in breadcrumbs. Press down the breadcrumbs, then dip again into the sauce and bread again.

2. Add to olive oil lemon juice, salt, pepper and beat with a fork. Dredge the meat in flour, moisten with the prepared mixture and coat again in flour.

3. Very unusual taste gives wetting of schnitzels before breading with a mixture of eggs and ready-made mustard.


Ingredients :
700 g beef tenderloin (middle), 40 g fat, 40 g oil, 1 spoon vegetable oil, 100 g horseradish, salt, pepper.


Wash the tenderloin, remove films and fat, cut across the fibers into 4 slices, shape them with a knife into circles 2-2.5 cm thick (the meat for the steak should be sufficiently ripe and soft).
Grease the steaks (with a feather) with vegetable oil, then cover the pan with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours.
Wash the horseradish lightly, dry thoroughly with a napkin, peel, rinse and sharp knife trim long, thin chips.
Heat the fat in a large skillet. Salt the meat, sprinkle with pepper, immediately put on hot fat and fry each side for 3-4 minutes. before the formation of a golden crust; inside the meat should be pink. Add oil towards the end of frying. Put the pieces in the pan so that there are gaps between them.
Put the finished steaks on an oblong dish, put a circle of butter, rubbed with green onion. Garnish with horseradish shavings.
Serve with french fries and boiled vegetables, green salad, salad from raw vegetables.


Ingredients :
700 g of boneless beef (rump) or 1 kg of thick and thin edges, 60 g of fat, 20 g of butter, 80-100 g of onion, 20 g of flour, 4 eggs.


Wash the meat, remove the films and cut across the fibers into 4 slices. Beat the slices with a damp chopper along the surface of the cut, lightly chop with a knife, cut along the edges and give them the shape of circles 1.5-2 cm thick, sprinkle with flour, salt immediately before frying.
Peel the onion, cut into circles and brown in pieces of fat. Remove the fried onion from the pan, heat the remaining fat strongly, fry the steaks over high heat for 3-4 minutes on each side so that a golden crust forms on the outside, and the meat remains pink inside. Arrange the steaks in the skillet so that there are gaps between them. Put the fried onion back into the pan between the steaks and warm it all up for several minutes in a non-hot oven.
At the same time, heat the oil in a special frying pan and cook the fried eggs; put scrambled eggs (one egg per serving of meat) on steaks.
Serve steaks in a pan or put on a dish, garnished with onions. Garnish is potatoes (in any form) and vegetables ( green beans, brussels, cauliflower and etc.).
Can also be served with green salad or raw vegetable salad.


Ingredients :
1 kg of meat, 150 g of butter, 100 g of Madeira wine, 200 g of bread, 1 black peppercorn, 50 g of bone marrow, 600 g of tomatoes, 50 g of kashkaval, 5 heads of escarole lettuce, 500 g of asparagus, 200 g of eggplant and 200 g of bearnaise sauce.


Pour the fried steaks with meat juice and wine, put on bread croutons, and put a piece of bone marrow on top. Garnish baked in a very hot oven small tomatoes, stuffed with crushed bread, grated kashkaval and finely chopped parsley, salad stewed in oil and broth, asparagus boiled and covered with melted butter and bread crumbs, and eggplant slices fried in oil.
Drizzle with béarnaise sauce.

BEARNEZ(French beamaise). One of the main and most famous sauces French and international cuisine. "Invented" in the south of France, in Bearn, the capital of the kingdom of Navarre. It was brought to Paris by Henry IV and has since become widespread. Used for barbecue dishes.
The basis- shallots (5-6 onions), with the addition of tarragon, chervil, thyme, bay leaf, white pepper.
Onions and spices are cooked in a mixture of white grape wine and white grape vinegar(50:50 g).
Then they are cooled, two yolks are added, diluted in a teaspoon of water, the mixture is slightly heated in a water bath and at the same time whipped until thickened, flavored with 50-75 grams of butter when intensive mixing, salted, peppered, and you can add a few more drops of lemon juice.


Ingredients :
1 kg of meat, 100 g of butter, 100 g of bread, 500 g of eggplant, 200 g of tomatoes, 100 g of ham, 100 g of meat juice and 1 black peppercorn.


Fry the fillet pieces in oil in a very hot frying pan for 5-6 minutes. Finished fillet put on toasted bread croutons. Garnish with fried eggplants.” Top with roasted and finely chopped tomatoes, mixed with finely chopped ham. Arrange eggplant and tomato slices around the meat.
Pour over meat juice diluted with tomato sauce.


Ingredients :
1 kg fillet, 100 g butter or vegetable oil, or, better, their 1:1 mixture for frying.


Filet mignon is made from thinner cut beef fillets; it is smaller in size than steaks and tournedos, hence its name "mignon".
Cut the beef fillet with a knife across the fibers and beat to a thickness of 0.5-1 cm. Salt to taste, sprinkle with black pepper and fry in oil in a very hot frying pan or on a grill over hot coals, after sprinkling with olive oil so that the minion does not stick to the grill .


Ingredients :
1 kg of meat, 100 g of butter, 150 g of bread, 7 artichokes, 800 g of onion seedlings, 200 g of Marsala wine sauce, 1 black peppercorn and parsley.


Fry the fillet in a pan with butter, and then put on the toasted bread croutons. Garnish with artichokes, cut into 4 pieces and stewed in olive oil and white wine, onion seedlings and finely chopped parsley.
Pour the finished fillet with tomato sauce diluted with Marsala wine.


Ingredients :
4 fillets or entrecote, 4 teaspoons mustard, breading flour, 1 egg, 125 g chopped kernels walnuts, 250 g kohlrabi (or cauliflower), 1 carrot, 100 g butter, 1 lemon, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, salt, pepper.


Salt the meat, pepper and coat with a thin layer of mustard. Then roll in flour, dip in beaten egg and roll in nuts. Press the breadcrumbs lightly onto the meat.
First cut the vegetables into circles, and then into strips. Simmer for 5 min.
Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the pieces of meat there and do not big fire fry on each side. Place the cooked steaks on a heated plate. Lightly brown the chopped vegetables in the fat remaining from frying and overlay the steaks. Place slices of lemon and butter on top.


Ingredients :
400 g beef, 100 g porcini mushrooms, 1 onion, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 4 tbsp. spoons of water, fat, salt.


Grind the mushrooms, fry in fat, cool and add to the meat passed through the meat grinder. Add the egg, salt, pepper to the minced meat, mix the whole mass and divide into steaks. Dip in flour and fry in fat until tender.


Ingredients :
800 g beef pulp, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, salt, pepper, herbs.


Prepare the meat, cut into pieces 2 cm thick and beat off. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put in a preheated pan with butter and fry on both sides until golden brown.
For softness, beaten meat can be kept for 2 hours in the cold in a marinade: for 1 liter of water - 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of citric acid.
Serve for garnish fried potatoes. Pour the meat with the juice obtained during frying and melted butter. Sprinkle potatoes with parsley or dill.


Ingredients :
0.5 kg minced meat, 100 g smoked bacon, 3 slices of white bread, 1 tbsp. spoon of potato starch, water, 1 onion, crackers, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fat, salt, ground pepper, sour cream.


Soak stale bread in water. Cut half of the bacon into cubes, the other half into cubes.
Add finely chopped onion, squeezed bread, sapa cubes, starch, salt, pepper, sour cream to the minced meat. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
With wet hands, form an oblong loaf out of the mass, giving it the shape of a hare, put it on a greased baking sheet, sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs, spread the bacon sticks on top and fry in the oven until a brown crust forms on the surface. Drizzle with water or broth while frying.
Cut the finished bread into slices, put on a dish along with boiled potatoes and stewed vegetables.
In a gravy boat, serve the sauce made from the juice left after frying, flour and sour cream.


Ingredients :
800 g beef pulp, 50 g bacon, 50 g onion, 3 eggs, garlic, salt, flour, fat.


meat cut portioned pieces, lightly beat off, grate with salt and pepper, breaded in finely chopped onions.
Beat eggs, add flour and grated garlic. Dip the meat in this mixture and fry in fat over high heat.
Serve the schnitzel with fried potatoes and salad.


Ingredients :
400 g minced meat, 100 g ham, 2-3 onions, 1 celery root, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. tablespoons breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 partial teaspoon curry powder, 1 partial teaspoon ground red pepper, 3 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped parsley, fat for frying, 2-3 apples, 2-3 pods of sweet pepper.


Pass the ham, celery and onion through a meat grinder and mix with minced meat. Season the mass with lemon juice and curry. Add red ground pepper on the tip of a knife and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of parsley.
Beat the egg into the mass and add a lot of breadcrumbs so that the mass becomes viscous. Form small steaks from the prepared mass and fry them in hot fat. Garnish each steak with a fried apple slice.
In the same pan, simmer the onion rings and sweet peppers, cut into strips. Vegetable stew place on slices of apples in small handfuls. Sprinkle the steaks prepared in this way with red ground pepper and parsley.
File separately boiled rice.


Ingredients :
300 g minced meat, 1 egg yolk, 4 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1 onion, 4 tbsp. spoons of pickled beets, 1 grated potato, salt, frying fat, crackers.


Beat minced meat, milk and yolk until smooth, add grated potatoes, finely chopped beets, fried onions, mix, salt to taste. Form cutlets, coat in breadcrumbs, fry in a pan on both sides until golden brown.
Serve with boiled potatoes and pickled cucumbers.


Ingredients :
600 g good beef tenderloin, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter or margarine, 1 egg, 1 yolk, 2 bananas, 1 small onion, 3 cm, spoons of cream, 1 incomplete tbsp. a spoonful of flour, pepper and salt, breadcrumbs, 1 tbsp. spoon grated horseradish, 1 pinch of sugar.


Cut the meat into fairly thin slices and beat with a hammer. Put 1 tbsp in the pan. a spoonful of butter and fry the steaks on both sides for 6-8 minutes. Cut bananas lengthwise into two parts, roll in flour, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then dip in egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in the remaining fat. Salt and pepper the steaks and set aside on the edge of the stove.
Mix cream with grated horseradish and yolk and, stirring, combine with the sauce left over from frying the steaks. Season to taste with salt, pepper and sugar and pour the mixture over the steaks.


Ingredients :
600 g raw minced meat, bacon, cut into strips (4 cm wide and 20 cm long), salt, pepper, vegetable oil.


Divide minced meat into 4 parts and cook 4 large cutlets. Girdle cutlets with strips of bacon and chop them with toothpicks. Lubricate the cutlets with vegetable oil and fry for 5-10 minutes. The meat inside should remain damp, so each culinary specialist must determine the duration of frying for himself.
Then the cutlets should be sprinkled with salt and pepper and served on toasted slices of bread. Serve pickles and sauce with cutlets.

Roast in a large piece (roast beef)


Meat (large pieces of tenderloin of 1200-1500 g or more, dorsal or lumbar part of beef) is washed, tendons are cut, salted, fried in a pan with hot fat until golden brown, put in the oven and fried until cooked.
The fried meat is cut into slices across the fibers, put on a plate along with a side dish (fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, sliced ​​horseradish), pour over the juice formed during frying and melted butter. Pickled or canned cucumber is placed next to the side dish.


Ingredients :
For 500 g of beef - 2-3 tbsp. spoons of lard, 1 horseradish root, salt, pepper - to taste.


Prepared meat (beef tenderloin) is cut into portions 20-30 mm thick (100-120 g), lightly beaten, sprinkled with salt, pepper and fried in fat on both sides for 7-15 minutes, depending on the desired degree of roasting (lightly, medium or fully cooked meat).
When serving meat, garnish with fried potatoes, planed horseradish and pour over the juice and fat obtained by roasting the meat. Cooked meat can be served with an egg, which is placed on each piece in the form of fried eggs (steak with egg).


Ingredients :
For 500 g of beef - 4 onions, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of lard, salt, pepper to taste.


The meat (loin) is cut into portioned pieces 20-30 mm thick, strongly beaten to get a thinner and wider piece, sprinkled with salt, pepper and fried in well-heated fat to the desired degree of roasting. Separately, fry in a large amount of fat chopped onion rings.
When serving, put onions on the meat and pour over the juice and fat obtained by roasting the meat.
Fried potatoes are used as a side dish.


Ingredients :
500 g beef, 400 g cheese, 5 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of margarine, salt, pepper.


Cut the beef across the fibers into portions, beat off, salt, pepper, fry on one side, turn over, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour mayonnaise and bake until tender in the oven.
Serve with vegetable side dish, decorated with greenery.


Ingredients :
For 400 g of beef - 60 g of beef or pork fat, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk or water, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fat for frying, 3 onions, salt, pepper to taste, herbs.


Prepared as above, raw sicheniki are placed in a saucepan or pan with heated fat, chopped onion and fry until tender, stirring the onion all the time.
When serving, put onion on a plate on the sicheniki and garnish with boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta seasoned with fat, and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.


Ingredients :
For 500 g of beef - 100 g wheat bread, 1/2 cup milk, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter for frying onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flour, 4 tbsp. spoons of grated horseradish, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream for the filling, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter for frying sicheniki, 1.5 cups of sour cream for pouring, 1 kg of potatoes, salt to taste.


Prepared meat is cut into small pieces, passed through a meat grinder, soaked in milk and squeezed White bread, part of chopped, lightly fried onion, salt, mix well, pass through a meat grinder for the second time, prepare sicheniki, stuff them with grated horseradish, lightly fried in butter and mixed with sour cream, roll in flour and fry until cooked in butter.
Fried sicheniki are poured with sour cream and stewed in the oven for 8-10 minutes.
Sicheniki are served on the table with mashed potatoes and pour over the sour cream in which they were stewed.


Ingredients :
For 400 g of beef - 1 onion, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour, 1 cup of water or broth, 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt to taste.


Onions and carrots are peeled, cut into strips, meat passed through a meat grinder is added, sprinkled with wheat flour, stirred, broth is poured in, tomato puree, salt are added, stewed until cooked and sour cream is added at the end.


Ingredients :
For 400 g of boneless beef - 60 g of beef or pork fat, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk or water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat for frying, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, salt, pepper to taste, herbs.


Prepared beef is passed through a meat grinder along with internal beef or lard(or bacon) add salt, pepper, water or milk, mix well, cut round-shaped meatballs up to 15 mm thick and fry in a pan with fat until fully prepared.
Sicheniki are served on the table with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, poured over with warmed butter and sprinkled with finely chopped parsley or dill.


Ingredients :
For 700 g of beef - 50 g of bacon, 2 tbsp. spoons of crackers, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tbsp. spoons of lard, 1 kg of potatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of lard for roasting potatoes, salt, pepper to taste.


The meat is cleaned of tendons, washed, passed through a meat grinder twice, finely chopped bacon and garlic, pepper, salt are added, everything is mixed well, adding a little water for juiciness, oval sicheniki are formed, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in lard or butter until cooked .
Garnished with boiled peeled and then fried potatoes.


Ingredients :
700 g beef with bone (shoulder, rump), 1 egg, 100 g onion, 40 g fat, 30 g flour, 20 g oil, salt, pepper.


Wash the meat, remove the films, pass through a meat grinder, add an egg, 3-4 tablespoons cold water knead by hand to make a smooth lush mass. Add salt, pepper, cut 4 round steaks about 2.5 cm thick.
Cut the onion into slices and brown in pieces of fat. Fried onion transfer from the pan to a plate. Heat the remaining fat in a frying pan and fry the steaks sprinkled with flour over high heat. Fry 4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Put fried onions on steaks; fry the steaks on low heat for 5-8 minutes under a lid or in an open oven so that the meat remains pink inside, but without blood.
Ready steak served on a warmed dish, garnished fried onions, with potatoes in any form and vegetables (green beans, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, etc.).


Ingredients :
700 g tenderloin (middle), 10 g flour, salt, 60 g fat.
Green onion oil: 60 g butter, 1 tablespoon chopped green onion.


Wash the meat, remove the films and cut across the fibers obliquely 4 large, thin slices. On a damp kitchen board, beat each slice with a chopper moistened with water to a thickness of about 0.5 cm. Form a circle with a diameter of about 12 cm with a knife. Immediately before frying, lightly salt the slices of meat and sprinkle with flour. Fry the brizol in very hot fat on both sides (2-3 minutes each) until golden brown. The inside of the meat should be pale pink.
Put the toasted brizoli on a warmed dish, putting on each circle of butter, pounded with chopped green onions.
Serve with fried potatoes, french fries or mashed potatoes, with vegetables (spinach, green beans, cauliflower, etc.) and with green salad or raw vegetable salad. Brisols can also be served fried champignons(100 g); in this case, instead of circles of butter with green onions, put champignons on them.


Ingredients :
800-1000 g thick or thin edge, 60 g fat, 20 g flour, oil with green onions: 40 g oil, 1 tablespoon chopped green onions, salt, 100 g horseradish.


Wash the meat, remove the vertebral bone and cut across 4 entrecote, leaving each costal bone. Peel off films, cut excess fat, then beat off with a chopper along the cut surface and, using a chopper and a knife, cut slices with even edges about 1.5 cm thick.
Wash the horseradish, peel it and cut long thin shavings with a sharp knife. Just before frying, sprinkle the meat with flour and salt. Fry in hot oil on each side for 3-4 minutes until golden brown. The inside of the meat should be pale pink. Put the meat in the pan so that there are gaps between the pieces. Overcooked entrecote is tough.
Lay the entrecote on a warmed oblong dish, garnish with horseradish shavings and put a circle of butter mashed with chopped green onions on each entrecote.
Serve with fried potatoes and vegetables, as well as green salad and raw vegetable salads.


Ingredients :
800-1000 g butt (with bone) or 700 g rump (without bone), 20 g flour, 40 g fat, pepper, salt, 20 g oil.


Wash the meat, remove the films (remove the bone from the butt) and cut across the fibers into 4 pieces.
Beat the pieces of meat along the surface of the cut with a chopper, giving them an oval shape. Before frying, salt the slices of meat 1-1.5 cm thick, sprinkle with pepper and flour. You can then roll in egg or lezon (a mixture of eggs and milk 1: 1) and breadcrumbs - this is optional.
Fry in very hot fat on both sides for 3-5 minutes until golden brown.
The inside of the meat should be pale pink, as overcooked meat is dry and tough.
Serve in the same way as tenderloin steaks. Before cooking, the meat can be kept for several hours in a vegetable dressing.

LANGUET garnished

Ingredients :
600 g tenderloin (middle), 30 g flour, 60 g fat, 30 g butter, 100 g long loaf, 100 g veal liver, 50 g low-fat boiled smoked ham, 100 g of champignons, 1/4 l of broth, broth or 1 cube of seasoning for soup (concentrate), 1 spoon potato flour, 1 glass of Madeira or red wine, 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley, salt.


Prepare the meat for frying according to the recipe "Languette in tomato sauce" (see the following recipe). Rinse the mushrooms, remove the film and boil in 1/4 liter of broth or water seasoned with a cube of seasoning for soup (put the cube at the end of cooking). Add 1 tablespoon of potato flour, diluted in several tablespoons of cold water, to ready-made champignons, stir, boil, salt to taste, pour in wine.
Prepare croutons according to the recipe "Languette in tomato sauce". Wash the liver, remove the films, sprinkle with flour and quickly fry on a part of the fat. fried liver cut into thin strips, add the ham, also cut into strips, and place on the edge of the stove to keep warm.
Fry langet according to the recipe "Langet in tomato sauce".
Lay the croutons on a warmed oblong dish, put one langet on each, garnishing it with liver and ham, as well as pieces of champignons in sauce. Pour all this over with sauce and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Serve with mashed potatoes or french fries and a green salad.


Ingredients :
600 g tenderloin from the middle or thin end, 40 g fat, 30 g butter, 100 g loaf, 0.35 l tomato sauce, 1 spoon of chopped parsley, salt.


Wash the meat, remove the films, lightly beat off with a chopper, cut 8 slices across the fibers. Cut with a knife 8 circles about 2 cm thick, keep in a sealed container for 1 hour.
Remove the peel from the loaf with a grater, cut into 8 slices about 1 cm thick, spread thinly on both sides with oil and brown in a pan or baking sheet in the oven. Prepare tomato sauce.
Before frying the meat, salt and sprinkle with flour. Fry in very hot fat, about 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown. The inside of the meat should be pink.
Lay hot croutons on a warmed dish and put a langet on each. Pour half the sauce over and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Serve the remaining sauce in a gravy boat.
Serve with mashed potatoes and french fries, green salad and boiled vegetables (green beans, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts).



Pass raw beef pulp together with raw onions twice through a meat grinder, add cold crumbly rice porridge, chopped parsley, salt, pepper, a little water or milk (10% of meat weight), raw egg. Mix everything well.
Cooked cutlet mass cut into cakes oval shape 7-8 mm thick, breaded in grated cheese mixed with wheat bread crumbs, and fry in butter.
Serve with fried potatoes and a lemon wedge.



Boil the beef in a small amount of water or broth with the addition of onions, roots and bay leaves. Boil potatoes in their skins and peel.
poached meat and boiled potatoes(in the desired proportion), pass raw onions through a meat grinder, salt, add pepper, raw eggs, mix everything and once again pass through a meat grinder.
From the resulting mass, form cutlets or cue balls (2 pieces per serving), breaded in ground breadcrumbs, fry in a pan with fat and put in an oven for 5 minutes.
Strain the broth, in which the meat was allowed, and prepare a sauce on it with the addition of sour cream and tomato puree. Drizzle with sauce, sprinkle with parsley. Roast beef dishes

In this article we will talk about how to fry meat, learn how to make right choice from a rich assortment meat products. We will also learn the secrets of cooking and serving dishes from different types meat. After all, those who love to cook are always happy to learn something new and improve their culinary art. So, today we are roasting pork, beef and veal according to recipes related to different cuisines peace.

For getting excellent result It is important not to make a mistake when choosing meat. So what can be considered correct? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. After all, the choice will directly depend on what we are going to cook from it.

Firstly, it is better to go for meat not to the nearest supermarket, but to the meat pavilion in the market. There, the quality is higher, and they will make a discount, but at the same time you can get some useful advice from the butcher. So, beef has a rich red color, veal is lighter in comparison with it. Pork - from pale Pink colour until deep pink. Lamb: Lamb meat is light pink, while adult meat is dark red.

The following recommendations, again, will be more applicable in the market, and not in the store. Fresh meat, upon closer examination, should not have any extraneous shades and grayish spots. And no slime on the surface! Perfect Product should spring when you press it with your finger, and the resulting hole should immediately smooth out. We should also not forget that the younger the meat, the tastier it is. And, of course, the smell test. Nice smell fresh meat without extraneous notes will confirm you in choosing this particular the most tender piece and awaken the desire to create a small culinary miracle out of it.

How to fry meat

Before frying in a pan, it is cleaned from films and tendons (if any). Then it must be washed and be sure to dry it with paper towels or a linen napkin. Meat is fried like large piece, and in portions, or cut into cubes (as for roast) or cubes (beef stroganoff). And always remember that the meat is cut across the fibers! Do not salt the meat before frying, it is better to do it a couple of minutes before cooking. Thus, you will keep its juiciness.

Spread the meat in a well-heated pan with a thick bottom (ideally cast iron). Fry over high heat on both sides until golden brown. And don't turn it over often. We risk damaging the resulting crust and losing meat juice. In this case, the dish will come out dry and unappetizing. Don't put too much in the pan at once. If the pieces of meat are too close to each other, you will not get a golden crust, and the taste will not fried meat, but stew.

Grilled Meat Recipes

Roast beef

I bring to your attention a recipe for a traditional English cuisine, which won the hearts of many gourmets - roast beef. As you can see, English aristocrats love not only oatmeal. It can be cooked for Sunday lunch when the whole family gets together. Also, this dish has the right to take its rightful place on the festive table.

Roast beef is beef cooked in large chunks.

We take a piece of beef tenderloin weighing 1.2-1.5 kg, wash it, cut off the tendons (do not forget to dry it). After preheating the pan, fry the future roast beef on all sides until golden brown. Then we send it to the oven, where it will stay from 1.5 to 2.5 hours (depending on the size of the piece being prepared). The first 15 minutes the temperature should be 220-250 degrees, then we lower it to 150 degrees. Add some broth or water. During cooking, you need to water the meat with the resulting meat juice every 10-15 minutes. If it is not enough, then add more broth or water.

The meat prepared in this way is cut into slices and laid out on a dish. You can decorate with sprigs of greenery or put it on lettuce leaves. Voila! We accept compliments from grateful eaters.

Schnitzel a la Viennese

Another recipe for fried meat, this time veal. It is ideal for preparing a real Viennese schnitzel. As the name suggests, this dish belongs to Austrian cuisine, but it is also our favorite.

We will need: veal - 1 kg, eggs - 2-3 pieces, flour and breadcrumbs - 1 cup each, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp, milk - 2 tbsp. l. Don't forget to take 1 lemon, parsley, salt and pepper.

We cut the washed and dried piece of veal across the fibers into portioned pieces 1.5-2 cm thick. The resulting blanks must be beaten off on both sides with a kitchen hammer. It is better to do this with the smooth side of the hammer, while placing the meat between two pieces cling film. If the film was not at hand, then ordinary plastic bags will successfully replace it.

After the manipulations, the volume of the schnitzel should approximately double. At the same time, its thickness should be about 0.5 cm. It is advisable to make small cuts along the edges. This is necessary so that the meat does not bend during frying. Now the schnitzels need to be salted and peppered. Leave them for a couple of minutes, let them salt.

At this time, prepare the ingredients for breading. To do this, take three plates. 1st plate: sifted flour, 2nd: eggs beaten with two tablespoons of milk (it is advisable to add a little salt and pepper to the egg-milk mixture), and 3rd: breadcrumbs.

We dip the schnitzels in the following order: first roll them in flour, then make a swim in a plate with eggs, well, it remains to roll them thoroughly in breadcrumbs (while pressing the crackers tightly). Such a three-layer breading guarantees an amazing crisp on top, and also retains tenderness and juiciness inside.

We spread the schnitzels on a preheated pan and fry on both sides for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Now you need to put them on a napkin to let the excess fat soak.

Wiener schnitzels are usually served with lemon wedge sprinkled with chopped parsley. You can also garnish the dish with french fries.

Medallions wrapped in bacon

Pork lovers will love this dish. European cuisine like medallions. This is a fragrant meat, fried in a "shirt" of bacon. In addition, pork performs in a duet with gourmet sauce, the tenderness of which is given by cream. Just lick your fingers!

Ingredients: 0.5 kg pork tenderloin, 100 g bacon, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. cream 20% fat, 2 sweet bell peppers red, 5 g cornmeal, 1/2 tsp. salt and black pepper.

We wrap the pork tenderloin with bacon ribbons so that when cut into portions, each piece of pork is in a “shirt” of bacon. The thickness of the portioned piece is 2 cm. We spread it on a well-heated frying pan, lightly oiled. Salt and pepper already in the pan. Fry the pork for 3-4 minutes on each side, over medium heat. Remove the medallions from the pan and cover them with foil to keep them warm.

Now let's prepare the sauce. To do this, remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into small cubes. Fry it in the same pan where the medallions were fried. Stir it constantly for 5 minutes. It's time to add cream. Bring to a boil and continue cooking until the peppers are soft. Add salt, black pepper and stir. Puree the resulting mixture in a blender. Add flour and bring to a boil again. This will allow the sauce to thicken.

Arrange 2 medallions and sauce on plates. Great addition there will be boiled or fried potatoes. And if you want the dish to turn out less high-calorie, then when frying, instead of bacon, tie the medallions with cooking string or strips of foil.

And of course, we could not ignore Russian cuisine. Its worthy representative is beef stroganoff. This dish was invented in Russia, but French chef. Thus, it combines Russian simplicity and French chic. Which is why we love him.

beef stroganoff

Ingredients: beef tenderloin- 0.5 kg, onion - 2 pcs., garlic - 3 cloves. We also need mustard - 2 tsp, sour cream - 200 g, pickled cucumbers (small) - 4 pcs., butter- 4 tablespoons, paprika - 2 tsp, cognac - 20 ml, sunflower oil, salt, pepper, parsley.

We clean the meat from fat and tendons, cut into long thin strips. Length 3-4 cm, width 1 cm. Finely chop the onion and send it to the pan with vegetable and butter.

Pour in the cognac and fry the onion until the alcohol has evaporated. Then add garlic and paprika. Continue frying until golden color. Remove the cooked onion from the pan.

In the same pan where the onion was fried, add sunflower oil and fry (previously salted) the meat. Fry for 2-3 minutes until brown.

Return the onion to the pan. Salt, pepper and simmer a little more all together. At the very end, add sour cream and mustard. Heat up, but do not bring to a boil! Otherwise, the sour cream will delaminate. Mix well and remove from fire.

Serve beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes, garnished with chopped parsley and pickled cucumber. Boiled rice or pasta is also suitable for a side dish. Dinner is served!

Now you have learned the secrets of some cuisines of the world and will be able to please your dear people. I hope that your culinary experiments will be only successful. How else! After all, now you know how to choose and fry meat correctly so that the dishes turn out juicy and fragrant.

How to properly and tasty cook fried meat. Grilled meat - general principles and cooking methods. Since ancient times, fried meat has been

a favorite of any table. But only very rich and wealthy people could afford such food before. Specially trained chefs created real culinary masterpieces. In many films, we could see a picture when roasted suckling pig or game flaunt on large and long tables. Previously, there was only one way to cook fried meat - in a Russian oven. Of course, now the times of Russian ovens have sunk into history without a trace, but with the development of cooking, we have many other possibilities and ways of roasting meat. And in itself, fried meat has long ceased to be considered some kind of culinary delight. Now, fortunately, absolutely anyone can afford to eat a piece of well-fried meat pulp.
big chunks meat after frying can be used to prepare a variety of dishes, not only hot, but also cold. Whole carcasses of animals, such as rabbits, after gutting and cleaning, are loaded on a large baking sheet into the oven and roasted for quite a long time. At the same time, they must be periodically taken out and watered with the released fat, otherwise the top will dry out a lot, and the meat will lose its juiciness and tenderness. How do we know that the rabbit or pig is already sufficiently fried and ready to serve? Very simple - you need to pierce the carcass with a sharp long knife in its thickest part. If reddish juice stands out from the puncture, then the meat has not yet been completely fried, and if the juice is transparent, then we boldly take it out of the oven and eat it. Fashionable meat with blood now needs to be able to cook properly, so it is best to entrust such a thing to a professional in the field of cooking. Yes, and you can eat lamb and beef with blood, but veal and pork must be thoroughly fried. Therefore, you should not take risks and experiment, otherwise you may expect extremely unpleasant consequences after such a "bloody" meal.
Small pieces of meat, designed for one serving, should be eaten immediately after frying, otherwise after some even the most minimal time, they will dry out, and it will be very difficult to chew such meat. More often portioned pieces meat is fried in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil or any other fat. Thanks to this method of roasting, we can be content with juicy tender meat with ruddy and very appetizing crust. By the way, it is the presence of the same crust on fried meat that attracts lovers of meat products so much. To make it even and crispy, you need to put the pieces of meat in the pan in such a way that there is a little free space between them.

Fried meat - food preparation

Naturally, only the meat of the High Quality. It should be the freshest meat pulp without bones, veins, tendons, cartilage, films and excess fat. The worse the type of meat, the harder and drier it turns out.
Almost any type of meat is suitable for frying: pork, beef, lamb, veal, and poultry meat. Less suitable for frying is the meat of wild animals: elk, venison, bear meat and others. Such meat, even after marinating for a day, turns out to be tough, so it is best to boil it for a long time and then add it to soups or, alternatively, you can prepare it from it chopped meat.
Very important point- this is cutting meat immediately before frying. Any meat, regardless of type and variety, must be cut across the grain. The size and thickness of the meat pieces depends on the recipe of the dish on which you stopped your attention. For example, to prepare a stew, meat must be cut into pieces large size, but for pilaf, small meat pieces are preferable.
Many experienced chefs and culinary specialists advise to beat the meat before frying with the help of a specially designed hammer or an ordinary kitchen knife. This technique helps to make the meat soft and juicy for sure. It should also be remembered that only meat tenderloin or, in other words, fillet, can be fried in a pan. All other parts are cooked either in the oven, or on the fire, or on the grill.

Grilled meat - preparing dishes

For frying meat, heavy cast iron pans with thick walls. Even our grandmothers used these, and now slowly but surely, cast iron is again beginning to occupy a leading position and displace the once popular ceramics, teflon and glass. You need to turn the meat over with the help of special metal spatulas, unless, of course, your pan is equipped with a non-stick coating. When frying meat, do not pour into the pan a large number of oils, they only need to lightly lubricate the surface. During the frying process, a lot of fat will be rendered directly from the meat itself, and this, believe me, will be more than enough.

Fried meat - the best recipes

Fried meat with eggplant
The best way to prepare this dish is to use fatty varieties red meat, such as pork or lamb. In combination with eggplant and mushrooms, such meat will become even juicier and more aromatic, and ready meal perfect for hot holiday table. In addition, the cooking process itself will not take you much precious time and will not require any special efforts. Everything is done very simply and quickly, so even a novice hostess will cope with this task.
To prepare fried meat with eggplant, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Meat - 500 grams.
2. Fresh champignons- 350 grams.
3. Eggplant - 2 pieces of medium size.
4. Half a lemon.
5. Soy sauce - 2-3 tablespoons.
6. fresh greens- 50 grams.
7. Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.
8. Salt, ground black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.
Cooking instructions:
1. To prepare this dish, choose meat tenderloin and it is desirable that the meat is not frozen, but chilled. Meat must be washed thoroughly running water, pat dry with paper towels and cut into medium-sized pieces. Fresh champignons are also thoroughly washed, cleaned, if necessary, and cut into cubes. Wash eggplant, peel and cut in small pieces.
2. Lightly beat off the meat pieces with a hammer or a large kitchen knife. Warm up in a frying pan a small amount of vegetable oil, it is best to take olive oil. We spread the meat on a hot frying pan and fry at maximum heat almost until fully cooked, not forgetting to stir it occasionally. After the meat is almost cooked, we send chopped champignons to it. Salt, add black ground pepper and your favorite spices. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. After a while, put the eggplants in the pan, mix everything, pour the lemon juice, reduce the heat and simmer everything together until cooked without a lid.
3. After the eggplant is soft, add to the pan soy sauce. Stir again and turn off the fire. Rinse fresh dill or parsley, dry and finely chop. We serve the finished dish to the table hot, pouring sauce and sprinkling with finely chopped herbs.
Bon appetit!

Recipe number 2. Chinese meat

Have you ever been to China? If not, then no problem. You can easily bring a piece of Chinese flavor into your life without leaving your home. We offer you very original recipe cooking meat in Chinese style. The finished dish turns out to be unusually tender and juicy, and its tart aroma and unusual flavor of coriander and chili pepper will conquer all your guests and households.
To cook meat in Chinese style, you will need the following ingredients:
2. Apples - 1 kg.
3. Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons.
4. Ground coriander - 1 teaspoon.
5. Ground chili pepper, ground black pepper - to taste.
6. Chicken egg - 1 piece.
7. Wheat flour - 1 tablespoon.
8. Potato starch - 3 tablespoons.
9. Water (carbonated) - 50 ml.
10. Vegetable oil - 500 ml.
Cooking instructions:
1. Pre-defrost the meat, rinse under running water, dry with paper towels, cut off excess fat and cut into long strips across the fibers. Place in a deep bowl. Wash the apples thoroughly, peel the seeds and squeeze the juice with a juicer. The resulting freshly squeezed apple juice fill the pork and send it to the refrigerator for several hours, and best of all - at night.
2. In the morning we take out a bowl of meat and juice from the refrigerator, add soy sauce there, ground coriander, ground black pepper and ground chili pepper, mix and leave to marinate at room temperature for another thirty minutes.
3. While the pork is marinating, we can start preparing the batter. So, in a bowl, mix wheat flour with potato starch, break one large egg, salt a little and mix well. After that in small portions we begin to pour in carbonated drinking water, achieving desired consistency. The resulting batter should not be too thick, it should resemble the consistency of dough for pancakes.
4. Now we take a saucepan or a deep saucepan and pour vegetable oil into it. We warm it up well. We take a piece of pork, dip it in batter on all sides and dip it in boiling oil, fry for several minutes, take it out and spread it on paper towel to drain excess fat. We do the same with the rest meat pieces.
Serve the prepared meat in Chinese style hot to the table. As a side dish, of course, we use boiled friable rice.
Bon appetit!
Recipe number 3. Chinese style meat.
If previous recipe seemed difficult to implement, or you just don’t have time for a long marinade, then we offer you another recipe borrowed by us from Chinese chefs. It is unusually simple, but the finished dish is very tasty.
To cook Chinese style meat, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Meat ( pork tenderloin) - 500 grams.
2. Potato starch - 2 tablespoons.
3. Drinking water- 4 tablespoons.
4. Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon.
5. Salt, black and red ground pepper to taste.
6. Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.
Cooking instructions:
1. We wash the meat, dry it and cut it into small pieces. We spread the meat in a deep bowl, salt a little and sprinkle with black and red ground pepper.
2. We pre-cool the water and dilute it in it potato starch so that there are no lumps. Add soy sauce. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with meat. Leave for thirty minutes at room temperature.
3. In a pan, heat up a little vegetable oil, spread the meat. The meat should not be laid out all at once, but in small batches, so it will be evenly and well fried. Fry the meat over high heat without a lid until cooked.
Serve cooked Chinese-style meat hot with crumbly rice or Chinese noodles.
Bon appetit!

1. For faster and better frying, the meat must be marinated in advance.
2. So that the meat does not lose its juiciness during the frying process, you need to salt it at the very end of cooking.
3. If you didn’t keep track and overcooked the meat so that it became tough and hard to chew, prepare some kind of sauce for it, for example, tomato or sour cream, and stew the meat. The sauce will soften the meat and make it more tender.
4. During the frying process, turn the meat over as few times as possible. Fry one side - turn over, fry the second - remove from heat.
