
What nations eat raw meat. Why is it good to eat raw meat?

Residents of the Far North do not even wonder if it is possible to eat raw meat, since for them stroganina from frozen venison, cod is the most common and very favorite product.

Juicy steak, dripping with pinkish juice, from only lightly fried beef, rolls and sushi with raw fish ... What can I say?! Herring is also actually raw meat! We eat it without thinking about the consequences. Can it be harmful to health?

What raw meat can you eat

Why, despite all the dangers of raw meat, can you eat it?

Beef, venison and other goat meat are also not allowed, but eating you is unlikely to kill you right away. If you agree to tolerate a neighbor in the intestines, then we will try to at least reduce the risk of such a food experiment.

Ways to eat raw meat

Let's get straight to the point:

  • Raw chicken meat, like the meat of other birds, is not eaten. Salmonellosis is practically guaranteed, and freezing does not help.
  • The meat of nutria, rabbits is not eaten raw, as it is tasteless.
  • Game, any forest bear meat, elk, poultry are not eaten raw. Infection with various worms in the wild is equal to 100%.
  • Pork is not eaten raw, as this meat is also almost always infected.
  • Goat meat, horse meat and sheep meat are not eaten raw, as they are tough and disgusting in taste without processing.
You can eat:
  • salted fish;
  • frozen fish, especially tasty stroganina, marinated meat of red fish and fatty varieties of sea;
  • beef and veal after a short heat treatment are eaten only if it has a sanitary and epidemic conclusion, but even in this case you take risks;
  • you can eat raw deer meat grown artificially; it must have a sanitary-epidemiological conclusion.
Of course, if you want to live long, it is better to forget that there is such a product as raw meat and dishes from it. Even pet food is now made from non-raw meat, just to protect your beloved cat from worms.

One more thing to help you think. When humans discovered fire and cooked food appeared, humanity changed forever. Anthropologists have discovered that just when we began to fry meat, and not eat it raw, the development of the brain accelerated, speech appeared, complex tools appeared, and we became people. Why degrade?

Many restaurants offer diners raw foods, such as sushi or steak tartare. Raw poultry dishes are not very common, but even if there is a similar position on the menu, it is better to choose something else.

New food trend in Japan and America

Several U.S. restaurants have begun serving a raw chicken dish called chicken sashimi or chicken tartare, according to Food & Wine Magazine. It is worth noting that this unusual dish did not cause a stir in American restaurants, which cannot be said about Japan, where gourmets were carried away by a new unusual taste.

Given this trend, we should expect the dish to appear in the restaurants of our country. This makes us wonder if it's safe to eat raw chicken even if it's served in a restaurant. Unfortunately, the answer will be no.

Risk of infection with dangerous bacteria

Eating chicken sashimi is associated with a rather high risk of infection caused by types of bacteria such as Campylobacter and Salmonella. They are known to cause food poisoning. "There is a very strong possibility that one or both pathogens are present in chicken meat," said Ben Chapman, a food safety specialist and associate professor at the University of North Carolina.

Campylobacter is probably the most common cause of diarrheal infections in the US, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This bacterium causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps, and often also nausea and vomiting. Approximately 1.3 million cases are recorded in the United States every year, and on average, about 100 people die from this infection each year.

Don't forget about salmonella. Infection with this bacterium causes symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. Every year, 1.2 million people are infected with salmonella, and about 450 people die from the infection.

Is it possible to get rid of bacteria in raw chicken meat?

According to Food & Wine Magazine, sashimi chicken is sometimes cooked by boiling or roasting for no more than 10 seconds.

In Japan, where the dish is becoming increasingly popular, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare recommended in June 2016 that restaurants "reconsider raw and undercooked chicken dishes," according to Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. Restaurants must cook chicken at a temperature of at least 75 degrees Celsius, according to the ministry's recommendations. According to The Asahi Shimbun, the order came after more than 800 people reported being poisoned by eating chicken sashimi.

Many people are afraid of eating raw meat. The most timid gourmets order only well-done steaks and refuse real sushi. Such people only eat foods that are cooked at a high temperature. Is this fear justified? What happens if you eat raw meat?

In fact, the cooking temperatures have been approved to ensure safe food, without any danger. But, if you strictly follow these rules, using only thermally processed foods, you can miss a lot of interesting things. Raw meat dishes exist in many cuisines around the world and usually have a delicate flavor and texture. For example, raw beef is very soft and juicy. Combined with crispy bread, this is an amazing snack. Raw fish is great too. No wonder it has a lot of national dishes: sashimi, sagodai, stroganina, tartar and so on.

Cooking is used as a safety net, but the great taste of raw meat is worth the small risk. Just keep in mind some simple rules.

What meat is eaten raw?

What about meats like beef, chicken and pork? The bacteria that live in these animals - strains of Salmonella and E. coli - tend to be more dangerous to humans than the micro-organisms found in fish.

Many harmful microbes are carried by flies on the skin of cattle. Therefore, they are not in the muscles. But beef can be contaminated if the butcher accidentally punctures the digestive tract. So the meat can have bacteria on the surface.

What happens if you eat raw beef? If it is not contaminated or purified, there is no danger. This is the safest type of meat, and it is this that is most often eaten without heat treatment.

Why You Shouldn't Eat Raw Pork?

However, in some parts of Germany, a raw pork dish called mettbretchen is common and is a national landmark. To prepare it, minced pork is rolled into “hedgehogs”, and onion slices are stuck into them in the form of “thorns”. But even there, in 1999, 52 cases of trichinosis were recorded.

Is raw chicken safe?

What happens if you eat raw chicken meat? This is highly undesirable. Most dangerous microorganisms are often found in poultry. Cooking it to an internal temperature of 74°C will kill these germs.

This white meat may contain either Salmonella or Campylobacter or both. Salmonella bacteria live in the intestines of many farm animals, especially poultry. This can cause intestinal infections in humans and lead to food poisoning, gastroenteritis, and even typhoid fever.

A chicken can become infected with Campylobacter when it comes into contact with the feces of other animals. The most common symptom of this infection is bloody diarrhea. In some cases, it can also lead to more serious complications.

How to choose beef?

Ready ground beef can contain meat from 100 to 2000 different cows in one package. If it is cooked in front of you, you will be sure how many pieces of meat from how many carcasses could be used. This reduces the chance of foodborne illness. If you buy a whole piece, you will be sure that you are dealing with only one cow.

Is it possible to get poisoned by raw meat? In general, the meat of an animal after butchering the carcass is essentially sterile internally. Care must be taken only with the surface. It is on it that bacteria settle and multiply. Even if the minced meat is made from one piece, it will mix the outside of the meat with the inside. To avoid the danger of poisoning, cook the minced meat yourself, after washing the meat and cutting off its outer layers. This will keep the beef fresh and clean.

How to choose fish?

In the same way as in the case of meat, one should be wary of bacterial poisoning. Therefore, remember the following: high-quality fish should not have a sharp "fishy" smell. If you buy a whole carcass, pay attention to its consistency and the presence of stains. A fresh product will be elastic and clean.

Keep the product cold

What happens if you eat raw meat from the refrigerator? While keeping food cold won't kill bacteria, it can slow their growth. A person is constantly exposed to microorganisms, but only potentially harmful ones are dangerous.

Bacteria that cause food poisoning are rare if the product has been stored properly. Therefore, store raw meat in the refrigerator if you want to eat it without processing.

What is cooked from raw meat?

There are many such dishes all over the world. The most famous of these include:

  • or just tartare (France). The original dish of raw beef is a steak cut into pieces, served with the sauce of the same name. The second version is raw minced meat with sauce and raw egg yolk.
  • Kitfo (Ethiopia). Minced beef, Ethiopian spices and herbs with butter. This mixture is spread on tortillas and eaten with goat cheese.

  • Kibbeh (Middle East). This is a dish of minced meat, onion and bulgur that looks like small balls. Eat with bread or flatbread.
  • Carpaccio (Italy). A dish similar to steak tartare. Thinly sliced ​​beef carpaccio is probably the most famous raw dish. It is named after a Venetian painter named Vittore Carpaccio, who painted in red and white in 1950. However, raw beef has been eaten in this region of the world for a very long time, only it was called differently.
  • Stroganin (regions of the Far North). Thinly sliced ​​frozen meats are served with a mixture of salt and black pepper.

Chicken is the most common poultry meat that is consumed in all countries. It is soft, juicy and useful. Soups and main dishes are prepared from it, chicken is put in salads and other snacks. But it is worth remembering that chicken can bring both benefit and harm to a person. Chicken poisoning is not uncommon. Especially many victims are hospitalized in the hot season.

Causes of chicken poisoning

Chicken belongs to the dietary meat varieties, which is why it is prescribed during many diseases and during the rehabilitation period. Meat contains little fat, but is quite well absorbed by the body. Chicken meat contains many useful microorganisms and a complex of vitamins necessary for a person. Anyone can buy chicken, regardless of income - this is a relatively inexpensive pleasure.

Poisoning from chicken meat occurs due to the factors listed below:

  • Cooking food with poorly washed hands that have pathogens on them.
  • Violation of the technological process in the preparation of chicken.
  • Salmonella is the most common disease that a person can get through contaminated meat. Poisoning occurs in case of poor-quality heat treatment.

Domestic and commercial chickens often contain this pathogenic microbe in abundance. Moreover, even an absolutely healthy chicken at first glance can be a carrier.

  • Toxoinfections - intoxication is caused by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which are found almost everywhere. If the product has been lying in a warm place for a long time and infection has occurred, then even spices and vinegar will not help, the product is actually teeming with harmful bacteria. Frequent cases of poisoning store-bought grilled chicken, for the preparation of which negligent cooks use stale products.
  • Various additives - it is no secret that when growing poultry, a number of biological additives are used that contribute to the rapid growth of the bird, all of which are deposited in the meat. In addition, suppliers often pump chicken meat with substances that retain water in the tissue to increase weight. This encourages the development of bacteria.
  • Allergic reactions - chicken products contain a lot of protein, so they can become a source of very severe allergic reactions that occur with general intoxication of the body.

It is worth buying chicken products only at specialized points that are equipped with refrigerators and have all certificates for the goods sold!

Can you eat raw chicken

Some weirdos are worried about the question, is it possible to eat raw chicken and what will happen after that? If a person eats raw chicken, then he will definitely have indigestion. which can end very badly. If pathogenic microorganisms are present in the meat, then a raw food diet can lead to a hospital bed.

The situation is a little different if undercooked chicken is eaten, there are less chances of poisoning, since there was at least a slight heat treatment. But it is better not to tempt fate, to cook meat for a long time and according to all the rules.

Signs of stale chicken

The signs of spoiled chicken are very diverse, if there is even the slightest suspicion of the poor quality of the product, then in no case should you buy it. The following points should be of concern:

  1. Broken packaging - if the chicken has been left in the air for a long time, then this increases the chance of infection with microorganisms.
  2. The chicken smells a little - this is a consequence of the fact that decomposition processes have already begun in the meat, during which a large number of microbes and their decay products are released.
  3. Atypical color - high-quality chicken meat should be soft pink, shiny and elastic in appearance. If the color of the chicken is blue or gray, this is the first sign of stale products.
  4. Sticky meat - If the chicken is sticky, then it means that it has been kept warm for a long time. No rinsing in running water can correct the situation; many microbes will remain in the chicken.
  5. The chicken smells of chlorine, a sign that enterprising vendors have soaked the meat in chlorinated water to get rid of the stale smell. Such meat is doubly dangerous, the risk of getting sick with an intestinal infection is added to the risk of chlorine poisoning.

It is strongly not recommended to use such products as food! It must be remembered that saving in certain cases leads to sad consequences.

Signs of chicken poisoning

Symptoms of chicken poisoning can be pronounced or smoothed. This directly depends on how much the pathogen has entered the human body and what state of its immune system. What are the symptoms of chicken poisoning?

  • When salmonella bacteria have entered the body, a person is worried about persistent nausea, indomitable vomiting, severe weakness and pain in the gastric region - this is with a mild course of the disease.
  • Severe pain in the gastrointestinal tract, which is constantly growing, repeated vomiting, green diarrhea interspersed with blood, flatulence and fever up to 40 degrees - this is how the severe course of salmonellosis is characterized.

When a chicken is rotten and a person has eaten it, this threatens with toxoinfection. It should be remembered that if the meat has even the slightest unpleasant odor, then it is thrown into the trash.

  • With toxoinfections, the onset of the disease is very acute. There is a general malaise, which is accompanied by persistent nausea and repeated vomiting. The temperature rises to high levels, but normalizes throughout the day. The victim complains of paroxysmal pain in the abdomen and watery stools with a fetid odor. The cardiovascular system suffers - blood pressure drops, which leads to fainting.
  • If an allergic reaction to proteins has developed, then a rash of various sizes appears on the skin, watery discharge appears from the nose. In exceptional cases, chicken allergy ends in suffocation and anaphylactic shock.

If after eating chicken a person has a persistent deterioration in health, then you should consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

A piece of chicken that the victim ate should be taken to the hospital for laboratory testing - this will facilitate the diagnosis and allow you to choose the right medicines.

How to help with chicken poisoning

Any poisoning, of course, is easier to prevent than to treat later. But if such an unpleasant situation has occurred, you need to know exactly what they are doing in this case. Chicken poisoning is treated in the hospital of the infectious diseases hospital, so you need to immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital. Prior to the arrival of doctors, a number of such activities are performed:

  1. The stomach is washed with warm salted water, activated charcoal tablets can be diluted in water. For an adult, at least 10 pieces, for a child, 3-5 pieces, depending on the weight. Periodically cause artificial vomiting. Washing is carried out until the washing water is clear.
  2. Wash the intestines. To do this, take a decoction of chamomile or salted water.

The enema solution should be at room temperature, if hot water is used, the toxins will be completely absorbed.

  1. If the symptoms of chicken poisoning are smoothed out, but the person feels bad, then symptomatic treatment is performed. Give the victim more to drink to replenish the lost fluid during diarrhea and vomiting.

To solder a poisoned person, do not use concentrated fruit juices and carbonated drinks!

  1. Prescribe antibacterial drugs that contribute to the fight against pathogenic microorganisms;
  2. Probiotics are used, these drugs quickly normalize the microflora.

Chicken poisoning can also happen from severe overeating.. In this case, there are signs of mild protein poisoning. The treatment is to follow a diet that does not contain chicken products.

How to prevent chicken poisoning

In order not to suffer from severe meat poisoning, after eating stale poultry, you need to be able to choose fresh chicken and properly heat it. What is worth paying attention to?

  • When buying chicken, you must definitely look at the expiration date, if it has expired or is coming to an end, then you should not take such products.
  • In the package with chicken, there must be a filter to absorb blood. This will reduce the risk of spreading bacteria.
  • You can not buy birds that have a bluish tint and a sticky film on top.
  • You can not buy meat in spontaneous markets and private farmsteads, the safety of such chicken meat is not confirmed by anything.
  • Before cooking, chicken meat is soaked in cold water for two hours, during which time most of the harmful substances have time to wash out.
  • Meat should be stored separately from other food products and must be refrigerated.
  • It must be remembered that undercooked chicken is a big chance of poisoning. It is necessary to cook the meat for at least an hour and under the lid.
  • You can store cooked food only in the refrigerator; you should not cook food for more than twice a meal.

You should not try poorly cooked meat for salt, even if you do not swallow it, you can still get poisoned.

Well-cooked chicken is always tasty and nutritious. Dishes from the meat of this bird can diversify any table, both everyday and festive. There will definitely be no chicken poisoning if you buy high-quality meat and follow the cooking technology.

Many have already tasted and appreciated such newfangled raw beef dishes as carpaccio and tartare. However, not every gourmet is sure of their complete safety. It is quite possible that you are also wondering if it is permissible to feast on such culinary delights, is it possible to eat raw red meat without risking your health?

Let's try to understand all this together, and the campaign - and with the most common myths about meat.

Should you eat meat?

A long time ago, scientists found that a person can easily do without meat. More than 800 million vegetarians, which is 1/6 of the world's population, proved this by their own example. The reality is that there is nothing in meat that you cannot live without. Another thing is that it is rich in proteins, iron and vitamin B12 - all those nutrients that are extremely problematic to get on a strict vegetarian diet.

Thus, meat is a valuable food source, which should be completely abandoned only with an eye to moral and ethical views or for medical reasons - kidney disease, oncological diseases.

Raw or cooked?

From the point of view of a nutritionist, the nutritional value of meat does not suffer much when heated, since the proteins are preserved almost completely. However, it has been observed that under the influence of high temperature, those enzymes in meat that help the body digest it (autolysis) are destroyed. For the assimilation of thermally processed meat, the body spends its reserves of vitamins and enzymes. With frequent use, their temporary deficiency is quite possible, which can immediately come back to haunt skin problems. Rashes on the face can be caused by an overload of the body with products of incomplete protein processing. The liver and kidneys cannot cope with the removal of harmful molecules, and they exit through the skin. Raw red meat is completely digestible and has no such disadvantage.

On average, cooked food takes twice as much as raw food. For example, to digest 20 g of protein, you need to eat either 100 g of raw meat, or 200 g of boiled meat. It is clear that in addition to proteins from boiled meat, we will get twice as much fat, which is highly undesirable.

It is also interesting to know that after eating thermally processed food, including meat heated above 80 C, the blood picture changes. The number of leukocytes increases sharply, as happens with an infectious disease. An extra shake-up of the immune system is not always desirable, especially if a person has a tendency to allergic diseases. Raw meat does not give such a reaction.
It is important to remember that when meat is smoked and fried, the content of mutagens increases sharply, which increases the risk of malignant diseases.

Harm of raw red meat

So, there are quite a few arguments in favor of eating meat in its raw form. However, you should be aware of the risk of infection with helminths. Very rarely, but still there are cases of infection with teniarinhoz or bovine tapeworm. A person can become ill by eating raw or undercooked or fried meat infested with finns (invasive larvae). Of course, veterinary control will never allow such meat to enter the market, but even expensive restaurants are not immune from such a risk. By the way, steaks “with blood” are still fried for 2-3 minutes on each side at a temperature of 200 ° C.
If you want to cook carpaccio or tartare at home, then freeze the meat to -15 ° C for 5 days. This is exactly how much you need according to the veterinary standard to completely protect yourself from infection with a bull tapeworm.
It should be recognized that in our time, cases of infection with teniarinhoz are very rare, since in most restaurants meat is stored in a frozen state.

The theory that red meat causes cancer has now been debunked. It turned out that the increase in the number of cancers was caused by the use of beef in a highly fried form, namely in the form of a barbecue. As we already know, heat treatment greatly increases the content of mutagens. Therefore, it is not the red meat itself that causes cancer, but the way it is prepared.

In conclusion, I will say the following. If you are just going to try raw meat dishes, then for this you should choose a good restaurant that cares about the reputation of the institution. There you can eat carpaccio and steaks "with blood" without fear. In fact, it is a much healthier food than French fries and roast beef, for example.
