
Greek tzatziki yogurt sauce. Step by step recipe with photo

Yogurt-based sauces are a great alternative to unhealthy factory-made sauces like mayonnaise, as they contain very little animal fat. By making yogurt at home, you can keep the amount of preservatives, colors, and flavors to a minimum. In a word, this is a great way to make your food healthy and tasty, and the low calorie content of such a dish will be a nice gift for those who are fond of diets.

We offer a recipe for yogurt sauce with garlic, which is ideal for fish. For the base, it is best to use Greek yogurt, because our sauce comes from Greece, but it will also be delicious with the usual if you know a few secrets.

Firstly, it is best to choose a product with a fat content of 2.5%, otherwise the finished dish will turn out to be too watery.

Secondly, it is necessary to wrap the yogurt in cheesecloth a day before the intended preparation, hang it over a bowl and wait until the excess liquid drains. Then our sauce will be thicker and richer in taste.

So we will need:

200 ml yogurt
- a few cloves of garlic (depending on how spicy you want to get)
- ½ teaspoon mustard (Dijon or plain)
- juice of a slice of lemon (to taste)
- 1 cucumber
- Greens to taste (parsley, tarragon and mint go well with our ingredients)
- Salt
- Pepper

garlic yogurt sauce recipe

Step 1. Peel the cucumber, grate it, sprinkle with salt and leave for 20 minutes. Finely chop the greens, sprinkle with lemon juice, remember a little with your hands or a spoon. Garlic must be passed through a press or chopped with a knife.

Step 2. Drain excess moisture from the cucumbers or blot them with a paper towel, combine with garlic and herbs and mix in a blender at high speed. If you don't have a blender, you can do it by hand, but then the sauce will be uneven.

Step 3. Add yogurt, mustard, taste and add salt, pepper or lemon juice if needed.

Our culinary delight is ready to eat right away or refrigerate for several hours. Whether in a crystal vase, on a bed of lettuce, or on a plate next to a juicy steak, this garlic yoghurt dressing will brighten up any table.

Bon appetit! Share the recipe with your friends!

Yogurt sauce is a pleasant, gentle and eco-friendly product. The main component of the dish is yogurt, which must be natural and without all kinds of additives. Only in this case, the yogurt sauce will turn out to be truly tasty and healthy.

Benefits of yogurt sauce

Industrially prepared yogurts come in a wide variety, but most of them contain chemical thickeners, flavor enhancers, fillers, flavors, colors and preservatives.

Natural yogurt is made from whole milk and sourdough, which contains acidophilus bacteria and health-improving substances:

  • micro and macro elements;
  • organic acids;
  • disaccharides and monosaccharides;
  • saturated fatty acids.

Yogurt made from natural raw materials has a number of properties that are beneficial for the human body:

  • contains a significant amount of calcium (daily rate), thereby strengthening bones and teeth;
  • with constant use promotes rejuvenation (also used for cosmetic procedures);
  • cleanses the intestines like a broom (from feces and toxic substances);
  • helps the stomach and digestion in general;
  • eliminates staphylococci, streptococci and fungus, which means it protects against infections;
  • improves mental processes and improves mood;
  • normalizes metabolism and has a beneficial effect on weight;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;

You can buy a natural product in the store, but it is better to cook it at home yourself. For preparation, you will need a sourdough starter from a pharmacy or dry sourdough, as well as pasteurized milk.

Important! When buying ready-made natural yogurt, pay attention to the expiration dates (live bacteria can only last for two to four days) and the composition of the product. Yogurt for children should not contain more than five percent fat and additives. Fermented milk products of this quality are best purchased in specialized stores.

With a 100% natural ingredient, you will get the same quality yogurt sauce. All useful qualities from one food will pass into another, and vegetables, spices and herbs will definitely complement the overall benefits and give the dish an unforgettable taste. Well, let's get down to the mystery.

Dietary yoghurt sauce "Fragrant"

Yoghurt sauce is not just called dietary. It goes well not only with meat and fish delicacies, but also goes well with stewed and boiled vegetables, applicable for baby food.

What you need to purchase and prepare:

  • natural yogurt without additives - 200 grams;
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro) - 2 sprigs each;
  • green onions - 3-4 feathers;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt - at the end of the knife;

Cooking order:

  • Let's prepare the herbs. Under running water, thoroughly wash all the branches and feathers of the onion. Lay out on a towel to dry.
  • We clean the garlic from the husk and wash it.
  • Finely chop the herbs and garlic with a sharp knife.
  • Put yogurt in a bowl and add garlic with herbs, salt.
  • Thoroughly mix the sauce, let it stand for 2-3 minutes.

The wonderful taste of the sauce with yogurt will complement baked potatoes, fried zucchini pancakes and even dumplings, both boiled and fried.

Yoghurt sauce for fish

The most delicate, slightly acidified sauce with aromatic herbs will give a special taste to salmon, trout. It will bring interesting notes to a dish with pollock or hake.


  • 150 gr. - yogurt (plain i.e. without inclusions);
  • 1 tsp - refined sunflower oil (you can take olive or corn);
  • 1 tsp - lemon juice (or apple cider vinegar);
  • on a branch - dill and parsley;
  • salt and black ground pepper - to taste.
  • In a container, mix yogurt, a spoonful of oil and lemon juice.
  • Grind the washed fresh herbs, and add to the yogurt mass.
  • Salt and pepper, then mix the ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

If you add a tablespoon of prepared horseradish to this sauce, it will change the taste and become more piquant.

Yogurt sauce for chicken

Such a dish is often called Indian, as it uses curry - a favorite seasoning of the Hindus.

We will need:

  • onion -1 small head;
  • fresh green onions - feather - 50 grams;
  • natural yogurt - 400 grams (2 cans);
  • curry (powder) - 1 teaspoon with a small slide;
  • red ground hot pepper - optional (for those who like it spicier).

Making sauce:

  • Put the chopped onion into the blender bowl.
  • Finely chop the onion - feather and shift it there.
  • Add yogurt and then pour seasonings (curry and pepper).
  • Whisk the contents and transfer to a gravy boat.

Pink bean sauce

Beautiful sauce has a pleasant taste and color. With a bean garnish or just as an addition to boiled beans - just a masterpiece.

  • 1 jar - Greek yogurt;
  • 1 st. l. - water;
  • 1 st. l. - tomato paste (tomato sauce);
  • 1 tsp - vegetable oil;
  • Fresh dill, salt, pepper and garlic - to taste.


  • Peeled chopped garlic, washed and chopped dill, mixed with tomato paste, water, butter and yogurt.
  • Salt and pepper the mixture, mix everything.

Cheesy yogurt sauce

As the name suggests, cheese plays an important role in this recipe. We advise you to give preference to suluguni, mozzarella or cheese.

  • cheese - 200 gr.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • natural yogurt - 250 gr.

The preparation is very simple:

  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  • Using a press, make a slurry from garlic and mix with cheese.
  • Add butter to yogurt.
  • We combine all the components and beat with a mixer.

Cheese sauce goes well with grilled vegetables, sausages and pita bread.

Sweet and sour, delicate, with a pleasant spiciness yogurt based sauce will not leave anyone indifferent. The sauce recipe is very simple. and contains available ingredients. WITH yogurt sauce green salads, eggs, boiled and raw vegetables coexist easily. It is very good with avocado and cucumbers. Try and yogurt sauce will become a favorite on your table.

You will need:

  • Turkish or Greek yogurt without additives (or sour cream 15%) 250 gr
  • honey 3 tsp
  • mustard 2 tsp
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • salt 0.25 tsp

Step by step photo recipe:

Transfer to a bowl. If there is no yogurt, feel free to replace it with low-fat sour cream also turns out delicious.

Add mustard. I have French mustard with grains, it is more gentle, but you can use any.

squeeze out lemon juice and rub on a fine grater lemon peel is a thin yellow layer of lemon peel. Add zest and lemon juice to yogurt.

For this sauce you need to use liquid honey- it dissolves better in yogurt. If the honey has thickened, melt it in the microwave - 3 tsp. melt in 15-20 seconds at full power. Make sure that honey does not boil, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. Add honey to yogurt. Salt

stir all ingredients until smooth. Try it, you may want to add salt or mustard, bring to your taste.

Ready! Very fast, less than 5 minutes.

If you still didn’t know what green fox salads are with, then here it is -. Quail eggs will be very happy with him, and chicken eggs too.

avocado and yogurt sauce- best friends! Be sure to try!

Bon appetit!

By the summer, many people want to lose a couple of extra pounds, so in April-May you have to especially monitor your diet, not overloading the diet with too high-calorie dishes. At the same time, you don’t feel like starving or eating something lean all the time - both salads and main dishes are always tastier with sauce. In this article, we will talk about recipes for yogurt sauces that will add additional flavors to dishes, but will not affect the waist at all.

Yoghurt sauces, along with the promotion of healthy and proper nutrition, are becoming more common. And this is not surprising - delicious, fragrant, such sauces complement the taste of a wide variety of dishes, without making their calorie content several times higher, as is the case, for example, with mayonnaise. Another plus is that such sauces are extremely easy to prepare, especially if you have a yogurt maker with which you can make homemade natural yogurt without additives at any time - the main ingredient for such sauces.

We will talk about yogurt recipes suitable for different dishes.

cucumber yogurt dip recipe

You will need: 50 mo of unsweetened yogurt 1% fat, 15 ml of odorless vegetable oil, 1 clove of garlic and cucumber, black and red ground pepper, salt.

How to make Cucumber Yogurt Sauce. Peel the cucumber, grate on a fine grater, squeeze out the liquid, salt, pepper, mix with crushed garlic and chopped parsley, pour in yogurt, oil, mix until smooth.

This sauce is great for main courses and salads.

Spicy Garlic Yogurt Sauce Recipe

You will need: ½ cup natural yogurt, ½ tsp. mustard, garlic, chives, parsley, salt.

How to make a spicy yogurt sauce. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with chopped chives and parsley, mustard, salt, pour in yogurt and mix.

olive oil yogurt sauce recipe

You will need: 200-250 ml of natural unsweetened yogurt, 60-70 ml of olive oil, 30-40 g of fresh parsley / cilantro, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tbsp. lime / lemon juice, 1.5 tsp balsamic white wine vinegar, salt.

How to make yogurt and olive oil sauce. Coarsely chop the greens, put in a blender bowl, add the remaining ingredients, mix until smooth. For piquancy, you can add mustard, gherkins, if the sauce is for fish dishes - sprat or anchovies.

This sauce is suitable as a seasoning for fish, meat dishes, pita bread rolls, sandwiches, salads and vegetables.

Salted Cheese Yogurt Sauce Recipe

You will need: 250 ml of natural yogurt, 200 g of Adyghe cheese / cheese, 5-6 mint leaves, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. olive oil, black pepper, salt.

How to make cheese yogurt sauce. Pass the garlic through a press, add chopped mint, crumbled cheese, mix with a mixer, add crushed garlic, oil and mix again, pepper and salt the sauce.

This sauce is ideal for dressing vegetable salads.

Blue cheese yogurt sauce recipe

You will need: 100 ml of natural yogurt, 50-80 g of blue cheese, 30 ml of white wine such as sherry, Madeira or vermouth, 1 pinch of grated nutmeg, ground or fresh red hot pepper.

How to make yogurt sauce with blue cheese. Mix yogurt, wine, nutmeg and hot pepper, add grated cheese, mix with a blender until smooth.

It is better to serve such a sauce with turkey or chicken dishes, from fresh vegetables.

Recipe for yogurt sauce with vegetables for grilled dishes

You will need: 200 g of natural yogurt, 8-10 green / black olives, 1 clove of garlic and a tomato, 1-2 tbsp. chopped green onion, black pepper, salt.

How to make yogurt sauce with vegetables. Grind all products and mix with yogurt, you can also do this with a blender.

More ideas for yogurt sauces

  • Oriental yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, ½ tsp. zira, a pinch of paprika, pepper and salt.
  • Béarnaise yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tsp each chopped parsley and tarragon, ½ tsp. mustard, celery or spicy salt.
  • Tartar yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tsp. chopped pickled cucumbers / gherkins, ½ tbsp. mustard, parsley, salt.
  • Pepper yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 5 peppercorns, ½ tsp. mustard and black ground pepper.
  • Dill yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. chopped dill, ½ tbsp mustard. Salt.
  • American yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, gherkins/pickles, sugar, salt.
  • Indian yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, ½ tsp. ground zira, ground ginger, turmeric and ground coriander, cinnamon, ground black pepper.

Any yogurt should be allowed to brew after cooking for a couple of hours in the refrigerator - this will allow the flavors and aromas to open up and mix. Eat deliciously, with pleasure and without harm to the figure!

I have few culinary principles, but I always adhere to this: if there is fish on the table, then there should be sauce somewhere nearby. Fish without sauce is ordinary and boring, fish with sauce is original and tasty. At the same time, the sauce does not have to be complex - even the simplest emulsion of olive and lemon juice with finely chopped parsley works wonders. or - slightly more complex, but very tasty sauces that go perfectly with fish.

However, all the examples above refer to white fish, which is not very oily and has a rather delicate, delicate taste. When it comes to red fish, my answer will be different: yogurt. Its light sourness and delicate silkiness perfectly smooth and set off the assertive taste of salmon. You can serve this sauce with any red fish from trout to pink salmon, fried, boiled or baked, and the ability to cook it with your favorite herbs, spices and other additives opens up a huge scope for creativity.

Yogurt sauce for fish

For this sauce, you need thick yogurt - and by "thick" I mean one that doesn't flow, but only turns reluctantly with a spoon. If you couldn’t find such yogurt (it’s more difficult than it seems), take a regular one, fold it over two layers of gauze and let the excess liquid drain, and then proceed to prepare the sauce.

However, “cooking” is too strong a word. All that is required of you is to finely chop the garlic and tarragon leaves (aka tarragon) and add to the yogurt along with lemon juice, salt and freshly ground pepper. Stir yogurt with additives until smooth and serve with red fish.

Leftover sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days and served with both hot and cold fish. If you feel like tweaking the sauce recipe for the better, try adding dill greens, lemon zest, shallots, and the right spices, from cumin seeds to dried.
