
Recipe for jelly from pork legs and legs. Pork leg and chicken jelly

Without aspic it is impossible to imagine any winter feast. This hearty, nutritious and healthy food always takes pride of place on the festive table. For people who want to strengthen their body, bone tissue and brain activity, it is advisable to include jellied meat in their diet more often. But those who are overweight should not get carried away every day, as this is still a high-calorie dish. I suggest you boil this, and add pork legs as a fat. If you are preparing jellied meat for a holiday, pour it into smart dishes or try serving it in portions, filling it in small containers. Before serving a treat, it is turned over onto a plate, decorated with herbs and served. Mustard, horseradish or adjika go well with aspic. Step-by-step cooking of chicken and pork jelly with a photo shown without carrots. You can boil it, then cut into circles and add to the jelly when spilling. The dish will become brighter and more attractive.

Ingredients for making jelly

Step-by-step cooking of chicken and pork jelly with a photo

Kholodets is served with mustard, horseradish or adjika. Although jelly is a cold dish, such spicy seasonings are sure to warm you up. Bon appetit!

Hearty, with amazing taste aspic from Chicken Suitable for any holiday menu. The main indicator of the quality of jelly - the degree of its solidification and the transparency of the meat broth. Learn how to cook jelly without using gelatin, master the techniques of making - cook delicious jelly and treat your guests with elastic aspic.

Chicken jelly: ingredients

All kinds of meat are suitable for cooking jellied meat. All recipes include the use of gelatin or animal feet rich in gelatin. They also cook jelly from chicken feet, adding the product to the main ingredients to enhance the gelling properties of the broth.

The recipe for jelly includes the following ingredients:

  • pork legs - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken carcass - 3 kg;
  • carrots, parsley root - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3–7 cloves;
  • black pepper - 7 pcs.

Parsley leaves, dill sprigs, boiled root vegetables can be used to decorate the dish.

Garlic and root vegetables are cleaned. The top layer of the husk is removed from the onion, washed. The golden peel gives the broth a beautiful color and a special aroma. Bay leaf, pepper wash before use.

How to cook jelly

At the preparatory stage, the legs are dissolved in half. The meat is soaked for 2-3 hours to remove blood.

Then the legs are scraped and washed. Lungs, kidneys, blood clots are removed from the soaked chicken carcass, washed thoroughly with running water. The skin is removed from the bird and the fat is removed. Next, perform the following actions:

  • The meat and legs are chopped, tightly stacked in a pan.
  • They pour water. The liquid level is 3 cm higher than the products.
  • On intense heat, stand until boiling, the broth is drained.
  • The scalded meat is washed, poured with water, and again kept on intense heat until it boils.
  • Parsley, spices, chives, vegetables are put in the broth.
  • The fire is reduced. The jelly is boiled for 5-7 hours.

  • Cooked meat is removed, separated from the bone, divided into pieces, laid out in containers.
  • The broth is filtered, cooled, and the congealed fat is collected.
  • The garlic is finely crushed and seasoned with jelly.
  • Containers with meat are poured with broth, left to solidify.

It is difficult to determine exactly how much chicken is cooked in jelly. This indicator varies depending on the age of the bird, the feeding ration and other factors. When the fillet begins to separate well from the bone, the meat is ready.

Experienced chefs or housewives without skill can cook insanely tasty, tight jelly - the recipe is quite simple. Learn the simple process, treat your family and friends to crystal clear first-class aspic.

Kholodets (or aspic) is a traditional dish that is prepared for the holidays and is a frozen broth with pieces of meat. There are a lot of recipes for this delicious dish. Aspic is pork, beef, chicken, fish. But simply amazing jelly is obtained precisely from several varieties of meat. It is this option that is considered festive. We suggest you cook homemade jelly from pork legs and chicken.

how to cook a delicious jelly recipe with photos step by step

Why is jelly a traditional holiday dish? Yes, because they prepare it, as a rule, for the New Year, Easter, birthdays. The dish is being prepared for a long time, the result is worth it, and this cold appetizer takes pride of place on the festive table.


  • chicken legs - 5 pcs.,
  • pork legs - 3 pcs.,
  • carrots - 1 pc.,
  • onion - 2 pcs.,
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.

Cooking process:

Rinse chicken legs and pork legs, cut off excess fat and everything that you don’t like. Place the meat in a deep bowl.

Pour the contents of the pan with water so that it is completely covered. Put on the stove to heat up.

As soon as the water boils, noise will rise to the surface. Remove the pan from the heat, drain the water completely, rinse the meat under warm running water.

Next, put the pieces of meat in a clean pan and again fill it with water, this time already purified. You need enough water to just cover the legs and legs. We put it on a big fire first. As soon as the water boils, reduce the fire to the smallest. The jelly must languish. We cover with a lid.

After about an hour, you can look under the lid, check the level of the broth. At this stage, we also salt the jelly. It should taste a little saltier than you usually salt first courses.

Now we clean the carrots and lower them into the broth. If you like a boiled root crop, then you can throw two.

About three hours after boiling, lower the onions into the pan. First, it must be thoroughly washed, because we will add it uncleaned. This will give the broth a beautiful shade and will not allow the onion to fall apart into separate petals from long cooking.

This is what the broth looks like at the end of cooking, after at least 6 hours of languishing. At this stage, you can check the taste again. Next, add the peeled garlic cloves. You can add some black ground pepper. Let it simmer for another 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, turn off the jelly and leave to infuse for another two hours. During this time, the broth will not only infuse, but also cool slightly, and it will be easier to pour it.

It's time to pour pork jelly with chicken. First, get the meat on a plate.

We disassemble each leg and pork leg. We remove the skins, fat, bones, leaving only the pulp.

We lay out the pieces of meat on the bottom of portioned plates or vessels.

Pour the broth into each plate, previously filtered through several layers of gauze.

We use carrots boiled in aspic to decorate aspic. We cut it into stars, triangles or just circles (as you wish) and lower it carefully into each plate.

As soon as the contents of the plates have cooled, we send them to the refrigerator to solidify. This will take approximately 12 hours.

Delicious jelly from pork legs and chicken is ready! A real holiday! All to the table! Bon appetit!

Svetlana Berezina told how to cook jelly from pork and chicken, recipe and photo of the author.

I offer a recipe for a very tasty and satisfying aspic of pork legs and chicken. Probably, you can cook this dish from a purchased chicken. But homemade chicken jelly turns out to be especially tasty. Aspic is prepared from pork legs and chicken for a long time, but the result exceeds all expectations. This dish will decorate any festive table.


To prepare jellied pork legs and chicken, you will need:

large chicken (I cooked from a domestic rooster) - 1 pc.;

pork legs - 4 pcs.;

salt, allspice peas - to taste;

bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;

small onion - 4 pcs.;

carrots - 1 pc. ;

garlic - 3-5 cloves.

Cooking steps

Rinse the chicken well under running water. Divide into pieces.

Put the chicken pieces and pork legs in a large saucepan,

Pour cold water to the top so that it completely covers the meat.

Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum (it should barely boil), remove the resulting foam with a spoon, cook for 2.5 hours.

After the time has elapsed, peeled onions and carrots, salt, pepper, bay leaf, add to the pan and continue to cook for another 2-2.5 hours on very low heat.

Remove the meat from the broth (it should well move away from the bones).

Remove bones from meat. Divide or cut the meat into small pieces. Peel the garlic, pass through a press and mix with meat.

Allow the jelly from pork legs and chicken to cool at room temperature, put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

To remove the jellied meat from the mold after solidification, it is necessary to lower the mold into hot water for 10 seconds and tip the jellied meat directly onto a plate.

Aspic of pork legs and chicken, prepared according to this recipe, turns out to be very tasty, satisfying, and you can serve it with mustard or horseradish.

Bon appetit!

Homemade jelly is an excellent appetizer, very satisfying and tasty. The classic of cooking is beef jelly, but there are a lot of combinations, with pork, poultry meat. It is spiced with horseradish and mustard. The components of jelly, gelatin and collagen, are very beneficial for the health of human bones and joints. And of course, no one can do without jelly. There are a lot of jelly recipes and it all depends on what kind of meat you plan to cook it from. We will cook pork and chicken jelly and it will be a great tasty dish. And after the recipe, we will tell, for those who are interested, how this wonderful dish appeared.

Pork and chicken jelly: ingredients

  • Pig legs - 4 pcs
  • Pork ham on the bone (preferably on the skin) - 1.5 kg
  • Chicken or turkey necks - 1 kg
  • 2 large onions (do not peel)
  • large carrot
  • Garlic, black pepper

Pork and chicken jelly: cooking

For jelly, use only fresh, not frozen meat! We are preparing jelly from pork and chicken, so we will take pork legs, ham on the bone and, if you have the opportunity to buy turkey necks, take them, if not, then. There is a lot of tasty meat in turkey necks, hence the preference for them.

Soak all meat products in cold water for several hours or overnight. However, if you don’t have time to do this, then you can skip this step, no matter how scared you are in other recipes, in fact, nothing bad will happen 🙂

Features of cooking aspic

But it is better not to skip the next step, since it depends on how beautiful and transparent the broth will be. Pour cold water over the meat and put it on the stove. The point is to bring the broth with meat to a boil, and then drain the water, rinse the meat and pour cold water again. Thus, you will save the future broth from turbidity, since with the first broth you will pour out all the scale. In the second broth, there will also be scale, but much less, the main thing is to remove it from the broth in time.

So they set the jellied meat to boil, but do not yawn. Do not miss the moment of boiling in order to reduce the fire to the very minimum and catch the scale in time.

How much to cook jelly

Simmer the meat on the slowest fire for 5 hours, remembering to ensure that the broth does not begin to boil more strongly. After five hours, throw well-washed, but not peeled, onions and carrots into the pan. Thus, your broth will acquire an appetizing golden hue. Now it's time to salt our future aspic. The amount of salt is individual, taste. The broth at this stage needs to be slightly undersalted, as the water will still boil away and you risk oversalting the dish.

We do not put any spices, why spoil the taste of meat! Just throw in a bay leaf 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Now cook the jelly for another hour.

After an hour, remove the pan from the heat and remove all the meat with a slotted spoon. Discard the onion, and the carrots can be beautifully chopped and added to jellied molds for decoration. Only a little!

The meat is separated from the bones and cut into small pieces. Just don’t twist in a meat grinder (some do) - it won’t be jelly anymore!

Finely chop the garlic with a knife. Divide the meat into molds, filling them halfway. Add garlic and some black ground pepper.

Strain the broth through cheesecloth and fill the molds with meat. In the cool season, you can put the jelly with pork and chicken first on the balcony, and then, after the broth has cooled, put it in the refrigerator. In hot weather, leave on the table and as soon as the broth has cooled, hide in the refrigerator.

When the jelly hardens, you can start the meal. Serve with mustard and horseradish, as well as brown bread! It will be delicious! Enjoy! At the bottom of the page there are buttons of social networks, share in your favorite social network and the recipe will be saved on your page! And now a little history of jelly.

Where did the jelly come from

Since ancient times, when preparing strong broths on the bones, a jelly-like mass was obtained when solidifying in the cold, which was considered at that time a lack of a product: the broth was constantly heated. French chefs took a different path: they boiled poultry, game, rabbit, veal together, made it from boiled meat, froze it and got "galantine", highly appreciated by lovers of delicacies.

Soon, cooks sent to Russia from France slightly transformed galantine, using meats closer to us for its preparation, improving the taste with spices, tinting with saffron. Meanwhile, something similar already existed in Rus': after feasts, the remains of meat dishes were finely chopped, poured into a steep broth, and cooled. It turned out not quite appetizing outwardly dish - "jelly". Ultimately, from the synthesis of French and Russian dishes, the “son” of galantine and jelly appeared - aspic. From the stone chambers, he went "to the people" and became truly one of the most beloved dishes of Russian cuisine.

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