
Dough for cupcakes to rise well. Classic cupcakes: master class

Every hostess always wants to please loved ones and surprise guests with delicious homemade sweets. Cupcakes are small cake cupcakes stuffed with chocolate, condensed milk or fruit. They can be a real work of art, and at the same time, not difficult to prepare at home.

What do you need to make a cupcake?

The classic version of the dish is designed for 12 servings. Energy value of pancakes- 365 kcal / 100 g. It will take very little time to cook - just 70 minutes.

For cream you need:

  • 210 g butter or heavy cream
  • 300 g fine powdered sugar
  • 180 g of tender fatty cheese (like mascarpone, almette). If there is no cheese, fatty cottage cheese is also suitable, but it must be passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon (optional)

For the classic topping You need to have the following ingredients on hand:

  • 100 g frozen raspberries
  • 100 g frozen strawberries
  • 50-70 g sugar

For the test you need to take the following components:

  • 260 g sifted premium flour
  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 160 ml milk
  • 60 ml cream 15% fat
  • 125 g butter
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • a pinch of salt

Where should you start cooking culinary delights?

You can just decorate with cream from a pastry bag, or you can show your imagination: use curly nozzles, cream of different colors, colored glaze, sugar powders, chocolate figurines. Strictly follow the above recommendations and you will succeed.

Recipe for making cupcakes at home

While preparing the dough mix dry ingredients first, and then add a mixture of liquid to them. Butter cream needs to be taken out of the refrigerator a little in advance so that it softens.

But the main thing is not to overdo it. If the butter is too soft, the cream will flow and it will not work. It is better to immediately transfer the finished cream into a pastry bag and put in the fridge.

If you do not have cream, you can use them in the dough replace with regular milk. Before baking, press the center of each cupcake a little so that they do not rise too much, this will make it easier to spread the cream. Decorate only well-cooled products, otherwise the cream or icing will melt and ruin the pattern, remember this.

What are the options for serving meals?

The options for submission and design are endless. It all depends on your free time and fantasy. Cupcakes can be decorated in a wedding, children's and even corporate style.

Serve them like dessert for tea, or stack on a dish in a pyramid in the form of a large portioned cake. You can make themed culinary products, for example, with different characters of your favorite cartoon. Come up with your own style and soon everything will be fine.

Video recipe for making dessert from Olga Matvey

Fillings for cupcakes from condensed milk, sour cream and banana

As already mentioned, there are many filling options. Let's look at a few of them. For cupcakes with banana filling we need 2 ripe bananas, 100 g of cream (approximately 33% fat), 4 tsp. powdered sugar. Mash the banana with a fork or blender until pureed, add powdered sugar and cream, mix. The filling is ready.

Another tasty option condensed milk filling. You can use boiled condensed milk toffee or regular. If you use ordinary condensed milk, put not a spoonful of dough into the mold, but fill almost half.

To prevent the condensed milk from spreading, make a small indentation in the middle with a spoon, into which pour the filling with another spoon.

For those who do not like very sweet, suitable cupcakes with sour cream filling. This is one of the simplest fillings: we take 400 g of thick sour cream, 160 g of powdered sugar, you can add vanilla on the tip of a knife, beat until a fluffy mass is obtained. In this cream, you can replace part of the sour cream with cottage cheese, rubbed through a meat grinder, or mascarpone cheese.

A brief history of delicious food

Cupcakes have arrived from USA. By its original name, meaning in translation "cup cake", they are indebted to the cooks, who did not always have scales at hand, so it was more convenient to remember and transfer the recipe, measuring all the ingredients with a cup measure, for example, two cups of flour, a cup of milk, a cup of sugar.

In the late 1820s, a recipe was invented in which the dough was baked not in one large, but poured into small molds.

Since then, cupcakes have become portioned. miniature cakes for a couple of bites, decorated with cream, icing or chocolate, we have recently appeared, but everyone has already fallen in love with. Cupcakes will decorate any festive table, and their preparation can turn into an exciting hobby.

Hi all. Today I will share with you the recipe of the most tender cupcakes. After trying them once, I decided that I would not even experiment with new recipes. In my opinion, the ideal has been found. If you are also in search of the best taste, then this article is for you.

I consider myself lucky. Before this recipe, I only made vanilla cupcakes once. They turned out to be rather dry and did not impress me at all (that is, in practice, there is only one unsuccessful recipe for vanilla cupcakes, which cannot but rejoice).

Then, I came across a recipe that tasted great, and I always baked them.

After reviewing my blog, I realized that the basics were missing - after all, the vanilla version is the most frequently ordered. It is quite possible to present it as a gift to both adults and children. Since the recipe does not contain dyes, chocolate, cocoa and a large amount of butter. Which, of course, is a big allergen for many.

The next recipe I decided to try turned out to be successful in every way. The cupcakes themselves are so tender that they just melt in your mouth. Hats always turn out perfectly even, well, the taste is beyond words. This must be tried.

In order to bake cupcakes, you need the following tools:

  1. baking molds (iron or silicone)
  2. paper capsules for cupcakes (if the capsules are reinforced with a rim, then they can be baked without molds)
  3. scales. With the help of scales, we measure not only the necessary ingredients, but also the amount of dough that needs to be placed in the molds. For relatives, of course, you can do it by eye. But, for sale, cupcakes must be the same size.
  4. mixer
  5. disposable bag (you can use a zip bag). The bag is needed mainly for confectioners who bake to order. With the help of a bag, it is more convenient to put the dough into capsules, and the edges of the capsules themselves remain clean, without drops of dough, which, of course, for sale is an indicator of the cleanliness of the confectioner. For homemade dough, capsules can also be laid out with a spoon.

How to make delicious and simple vanilla cupcakes at home, a recipe with a photo step by step.

Ingredients for 12-14 pieces:

  1. 200 gr flour
  2. 120 gr sugar
  3. 120 grams of butter
  4. 3 eggs
  5. 60 ml. milk
  6. 2 sachets of vanilla sugar
  7. 1.5 tsp baking powder
  8. a pinch of salt


Since cooking is very fast, we immediately set the oven to warm up to 170º.

Place room temperature butter and sugar in a mixer bowl. Beat at high speed for 5 minutes until light and increase in mass in volume. It is the whitening of the mass that is a good quality criterion.

Whisking constantly, add the eggs to the butter, one at a time. Each time we wait about a minute for the previous egg to mix.

In a separate bowl, mix dry ingredients - flour, baking powder and salt.

Reduce the mixer speed to a minimum and add a third of the dry ingredients there (I sift immediately into the bowl, you can pre-sift the flour and baking powder, and then add to the butter-egg mixture). We wait until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Then, a third of loose.

Then the rest of the milk.

And we finish again with bulk ingredients.

As soon as the mixture has become homogeneous, without lumps, stop the mixer. In principle, all the ingredients can be mixed by hand, using a silicone spatula. It is more convenient for me to do this in a stationary mixer.

The dough according to this recipe is incredibly tender, fragrant, and what a taste! I always pull myself up so as not to eat a couple of spoons).

We transfer our dough into a pastry bag.

And we deposit it in capsules (I do it on the scales). In my molds, I always put 50 grams of dough. If you fill not on the scales, then fill a little more than half, the dough rises well.

Put to bake in a preheated oven. Top-down mode. Not convection! Remember that the convection mode does not bake cupcakes! Caps in this mode do not turn out to be even, but swell up with bumps and cracks appear on the surface.

We bake for 20 minutes. At a temperature of 180 °. The main thing here is not to overdo it in the oven, otherwise the cupcakes will turn out dry. We put them on a wire rack to cool. After complete cooling, you can decorate with cream.

The cupcakes themselves can be baked the day before the event, wrapped in cling film and stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Cream should be decorated immediately before serving, so our cakes will retain the most beautiful appearance.

These are some pretty cupcakes from this recipe.

They can be stuffed with your favorite flavors by cutting out the middle with a knife or with such a special device.

Of my favorite fillings -, or, strawberry and blackberry confiture, boiled condensed milk, toffee, various berry jams. In general, inside you can add whatever you like the most.

By the way, if you add lemon zest to the dough, you will get lemon cupcakes. In combination with they are very tasty, citrus lovers will definitely appreciate it.

I decorate all my cupcakes with my favorite (the recipe is available here). Decorated with cream, they can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Before serving, it is better to take the cupcakes out of the refrigerator in advance so that they come to room temperature.

I warn you, they are so delicious that one serving may not be enough. I usually have a couple of pieces disappear without waiting for decoration.

By the way, there are other cupcake recipes on the blog. All of them are incredibly tasty, you can choose at your discretion. Look for all recipes in the Cupcakes section.

Enjoy your meal.

Cupcakes are the perfect solution for a buffet.

Multi-tiered “cakes” made of cupcakes look no less elegant than monumental structures made of biscuit and cream, and eating them is a pleasure - they do not need dishes and cutlery and do not need to be cut.

1. Delicate cupcakes


1. Flour - 1.5 cups
2. Sugar - 1 cup
3. Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
4. Baking powder - 1/2 teaspoon
5. Baking soda - 1/4 teaspoon
6. Melted butter (82% and above) - 100 gr.
7. Egg - 1 pc.
8. Sour cream (15-20%) - 1/4 cup
9. Milk - 3/4 cup
10. Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons

How to make tender cupcakes:

In a saucepan or deep bowl with a whisk or fork, mix sugar, egg, vanilla sugar, sour cream and milk. Then add the slightly cooled melted butter and mix well again.

In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, soda and salt. mix. Then sift the flour mixture through a sieve into a saucepan with the milk mixture. Mix well with a whisk until smooth. It is even better to let the dough rest a little at room temperature for 15 minutes.

Spoon the batter into the molds with a teaspoon.

We put the cupcakes on a baking sheet and put them in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. They will bake for about 9-13 minutes. Everyone's oven is different, so I give you universal advice to make cupcakes tender and not dry.

Keep an eye on the cupcakes after the 8th minute they are in the oven. Check them for readiness with toothpicks, stick them in and if they come out dry, take them out immediately. Cupcakes should be white, if they begin to “golden”, then they are already dried.

Butter cream for cupcakes

1. Powdered sugar - 1.5 cups
2. Very soft butter - 100 gr.
3. 20% non or 10% cream - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
4. Vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon

How to make buttercream for cupcakes:

According to the recipe for the cream, you just need to beat all the products.

To make the cream really tender and soft, you need to do this: Beat the butter until white at medium speed with a mixer. and they will interfere). Now add vanilla sugar and cream.

Beat with a mixer for several minutes until our mixture acquires the consistency of a cream, airy and pleasant. The finished cream can be colored with cocoa or dyes, I do not recommend adding syrups, because of them the structure of the cream will change and it may leak, delaminate. You need to apply the cream on cooled cupcakes.

2. Orange cupcakes


For test:
1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
2. Milk - 120 ml.
3. Butter - 100 gr.
4. Sugar - 220 gr.
5. Flour - 310-320 gr.
6. Orange - 2 pcs. (350 gr.),
7. Chocolate (bitter) - 50 gr.
8. Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
9. Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with vanilla sugar)
10. Salt on the tip of a knife

for butter cream
1. Butter - 200 gr.
2. Condensed milk - 6 tbsp. spoons
3. Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
4. Orange juice - 2 tbsp. spoons
5. Vanilla extract (optional) - 0.5 tsp

How to make orange cupcakes:

Wash the oranges, pour over boiling water and wipe dry.

Remove the zest from the oranges using a special tool or a medium grater.

Cut the oranges in half and squeeze the juice out of them (you will need 120 ml of orange juice).

Chop the chocolate with a knife. In the bowl of a food processor, sift the flour together with the baking powder, add the sugar, a small pinch of salt and the softened butter.

Mix all the ingredients with a spatula or guitar dough attachment (you can knead the dough in a food processor with knives).

Advice. The dough can be prepared without using a food processor. To do this, grind flour with baking powder, sugar and a pinch of salt (or chop with a large knife) with softened butter in a bowl or on a large cutting board. Pour milk into the dough in 2-3 doses and mix. Beat in the eggs and mix the dough. Advice. At this stage, you can add vanilla extract to the dough. If there is no vanilla extract, you can replace some of the sugar in the recipe with vanilla sugar.

Also, in 2-3 doses, pour in orange juice and mix the dough until smooth. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream.

If the dough is too liquid, add some flour to it. And if thick - a little orange juice or milk. Add chopped chocolate and orange zest and mix well.

Divide the batter into the prepared molds, filling them 2/3 full. Bake the cupcakes for ~25-30 minutes in a preheated oven at ~180°C until light golden brown.
Remove the finished cupcakes from the oven and cool.

Prepare buttercream with condensed milk. Beat softened butter with a mixer until fluffy. Without stopping beating, in small portions, add condensed milk.

Then add powdered sugar and beat the cream until smooth, at medium speed of the mixer. Pour in orange juice in 2-3 doses, add vanilla extract and beat the cream well.

If desired, the cream can be tinted with food coloring. Decorate cupcakes with butter cream using a pastry bag (star tip) and sprinkle with multi-colored pastry toppings.

3. Homemade cupcakes "Rainbow"


1. Egg (protein) - 4 pcs.
2. Milk - 1 cup
3. Vanillin - 2 teaspoons
4. Flour - 3 cups
5. Sugar - 1.5 cups
6. Baking powder - 1 tbsp. spoon
7. Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
8. Butter - 1.5 packs
9. Confetti - 1/2 cup
10. Creamy frosting

How to make homemade rainbow cupcakes:

Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Whisk egg whites, milk and vanilla. Beat. Sift flour and sugar.
In a food processor, combine flour, sugar and softened butter. Add egg and milk mixture and mix until smooth. Add confetti. Mix. Divide the dough among all molds, filling them halfway. Bake for about 20 minutes. Cover the cooled cupcake with buttercream icing

4. Chocolate cupcakes


For test:
1. Butter - 100 gr.
2. Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. spoons
3. Sugar - 0.5 - 0.75 cups
4. Milk - a little less than 0.5 cups
5. Flour - 1 cup
6. Eggs - 2 pcs.
7. Baking Powder

For cream:
1. Thick sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons
2. Cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons
3. Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
4. Butter - 20 gr.
5. Nuts or colored powder for decorations.

How to make chocolate cupcakes:

Combine butter, cocoa, sugar and milk. Stir and bring to a boil. Remove the hot mass from heat and let cool. Add a glass of flour, baking powder and 2 eggs to the cooled one. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
Insert paper cups into round muffin tins and fill 2/3 with the resulting mass.
Bake in a hot oven at 200C for 15 minutes. While the cupcakes are baking, prepare the cream to decorate the top of the cupcake. To do this, mix sour cream, cocoa, sugar and butter. Bring to a boil and cool. The cream should be thick enough. You only need to decorate the cooled cupcake with cream.
Sprinkle the top with cream with nuts, small sweets or multi-colored powder.

5. Red Velvet Cupcakes


1. Flour - 190 gr.
2. Soda - 1/2 teaspoon
3. Salt - 3/4 tsp
4. Cocoa - 1 tbsp. spoon
5. Sugar - 180 gr.
6. Vegetable oil - 160 gr.
7. Egg - 1 pc.
8. Kefir - 125 gr. (room temperature)
9. Table vinegar 9% - 1/2 teaspoon
10. Food coloring red - in accordance with the instructions on the package
11. Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon

For cream:
1. Cream cheese - 240 gr.
2. Butter - 40 gr.
3. Powdered sugar - to taste
4. Vanilla extract - to taste

How to make red velvet cupcakes:

Line muffin cups with paper liners. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
Sift flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder into a bowl and mix. In another bowl, beat the butter, sugar, vanilla sugar with a whisk, add the egg and mix well again, but do not beat too much. Mix kefir with dye, add vinegar. Use the dye as written in the instructions, if the dye needs to be diluted in water, then dilute it in a very small amount of liquid and add it to kefir.
Add the kefir mixture to the mixture of butter and eggs, mix.

Combine the mixture with dry ingredients and mix until smooth (I stirred with a mixer). Fill the molds with dough 1/2 and put in a preheated oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes, check readiness with a toothpick.

Remove the finished cupcakes from the molds and cool. For cream, beat butter at room temperature, cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla extract. Decorate cooled cupcakes with frosting.

6. Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese


1. Flour - 200 gr.
2. Sugar (ground in a blender so that there are no large grains) - 200 gr.
3. Unsweetened cocoa - 30 gr.
4. Soda - 1 teaspoon
5. Salt - 1/4 teaspoon
6. Water - 240 ml.
7. Vegetable oil - 80 ml.
8. Vinegar 5% - 1 tbsp. spoon
9. Vanilla sugar - 8 gr.

For creamy filling:
1. Cream cheese such as Philadelphia, Almeta or another brand - 230 gr.
2. Sugar (ground in a blender so that there are no large grains) - 65 gr.
3. Egg (room temperature) - 1 pc.
4. Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon

How to make chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese:

First, prepare a 12-muffin tin by greasing it with butter or by lining it with paper muffin liners.

Preheat the oven to 177°C.

Dough preparation: In a large bowl, sift flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, vanilla sugar and salt. In a separate bowl, mix water, oil and vinegar.

Make a hole in the sifted flour mass and pour a liquid mixture of water, oil and vinegar into it. Mix it all with a whisk or spatula until smooth.

Divide the prepared chocolate dough into 12 molds.

Then you need to prepare the creamy filling: In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth, add sugar and vanilla sugar to it and beat for about a minute, until the sugar combines with the cream cheese. Then add the egg and beat until creamy and smooth. The mass should turn out like thick sour cream.

On top of each cupcake, you need to distribute the creamy filling for 12 cupcakes, then put in the oven to bake for 18-25 minutes at 177 ° C until cooked (look at your oven). Test the dough with a wooden skewer, if you stick the skewer into the dough, it should come out dry.

Since the creamy mass is poured in the middle of the cupcakes and it will be hot and liquidish, you need to stick the skewer along the edges of the dough, sticking it deep into the middle of the dough.

Remove the finished cupcakes from the oven, put them on the wire rack together with the mold and let cool for about 8 minutes, after the cupcakes remove from the mold and let them cool completely on the wire rack.

7. Cupcakes


1. Butter - 100 gr.
2. Sugar - 2/3 cup
3. Egg - 2 pcs.
4. Flour - 1-1/4 cup
5. Salt
6. Baking powder - 2 teaspoons
7. Milk -1/3 cup
8. Different additives to taste (nuts, chocolate chips, raisins)

How to make cupcakes:

Beat butter with sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating well each time. Divide the total amount of flour into three parts. Add a third of the flour to the total mass, mix well. Add baking powder and salt. Then add the remaining two parts of flour, alternating with milk. The last ingredient added should be milk, then add raisins, nuts, and more.

Divide into molds. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees until dry. From this proportion, I usually get 48 mini cupcakes or 20 medium cupcakes. After that, we take some filling (jam, Nutella, ganache), pierce the cake and stuff it with a pastry bag. And then in a circle we deposit the cream with a special nozzle.

For cream:
1. Curd cheese (standard Hochland pack) - 140 gr.
2. Butter - 100 gr.
3. Powdered sugar to taste
4. Various additives at will - 50 gr. (any chocolate, jam, peanut butter, Nutella)

How to make cupcakes:

Whisk cream cheese with butter. Add powder, beat. At the end, beat with other additives. Put in a bag (or a pastry syringe) and deposit on a cupcake. You can put a berry on top, sprinkle with chocolate chips or multi-colored confectionery sprinkles. Give free rein to your imagination!

8. Apple cupcakes


1. Eggs - 2 pcs.
2. Milk - 160 ml.
3. Butter - 100 gr.
4. Flour -220 gr.
5. Sugar - 150 gr.
6. Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
7. Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
8. Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
9. Apples -250 gr.

For cream:
1. Philadelphia or Almette cheese - 175 gr.
2. Butter - 100 gr.
3. Powdered sugar - 100 gr.
4. Vanilla extract - 0.5 tsp
5. Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

How to make apple cupcakes:

Beat softened butter with sugar. Add eggs one at a time, add milk, beat, add van. extract. Sift flour with baking powder and cinnamon into the butter-egg mixture, mix well.
Add finely chopped apples, mix. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour into molds and bake for 20-25 minutes. To prepare the cream, mix all the ingredients in a bowl and beat with a mixer. Spread the cream on completely cooled cupcakes. Decorate with sprinkles if desired.

9. Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes


1. Butter - 100 gr.
2. Sugar - 100 gr.
3. Cream - 100 ml.
4. Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons
5. Rum - 2 tbsp. spoons
6. Egg - 1 pc.
7. Baking powder - 1 teaspoon
8. Canned cherries - 200 gr.
9. Flour - 200 gr.
10. Mascarpone - 100 gr.
11. Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
12. Cream - 100 ml.

How to make Chocolate Cherry Cupcakes:

Drain the juice from the cherries, leave 100 ml, mix with 1 tablespoon of Grand Marnier, pour over the cherries and leave for 1 hour. Mix the cream with sugar and cocoa, add the oil and heat over low heat until smooth, without boiling and stirring constantly. Cool down. Add egg and mix well. Mix flour with baking powder or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch. Sift into the chocolate cream mixture, mixing gently. Add 1 tablespoon of rum.

Drain the cherries in a colander to drain the liquid. Grease cupcake molds with oil. Fill 1/3 with dough, put a couple of cherries, pour dough on top again so that the molds are half filled. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes, checking for readiness with a match.
Whip the cream with sugar into a fluffy mass, add Mascarpone and 1 tablespoon of rum. Fill a syringe or bag and place on cooled cupcakes. Top with remaining cherries and grated chocolate.

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Cupcakes are miniature cupcakes of American origin. Despite the fact that they are not something new in the world of cooking, these cakes have a lot of advantages.

The cupcakes look very appetizing. As a rule, they are neat, bright and festive. These cakes are perfect for any event. It can be a birthday, promotion, official holidays and just gatherings with friends.

You can experiment endlessly with the preparation of this dessert. Choose different ingredients, combine your favorite colors, look for cool toppings. However, in no case do not forget about the rules for making perfect cupcakes.

We have put together a detailed guide for you, with which you can make your family happy by preparing dream cupcakes.

1. Prepare the dishes

To make bright and tasty cupcakes, you will need a baking sheet, a baking dish and special cupcake tins. If you are making miniature cakes, then it is better not to oil the molds once again - then they will last you much longer. Don't worry, the cupcake batter already contains a small amount of butter, enough to lift your cupcakes with ease. But the form itself is better still lightly sprinkled with oil.

2. Be careful with the ingredients

There are a lot of cupcake recipes out there. Everyone can find an option to their liking. In general, cupcakes can also be prepared according to the recipe of your favorite pie - these will be its smaller versions.

When preparing cupcakes, you can experiment with anything, but not with the recipe. Try to follow the proportions as accurately as possible and take exactly the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, you risk getting a not quite edible result.

3. Knead the dough correctly

There is no universal advice that will help you determine how to properly mix the ingredients for cupcakes. Perhaps you should beat the resulting mass with a mixer, or maybe just let it stand for a while in the cold. It all depends on the result you want to get. For example, if you are going to decorate cupcakes with whipped cream and berries, then ideally their texture should be soft and airy - then it is better to beat the dough with a blender, and not by hand.

4. Fill out the form with the test incompletely

It is important not only to knead the dough for miniature cakes correctly, but also to pour it into molds correctly. There is nothing difficult in this, but not everyone does it correctly.

The dough must be poured so that only 3/4 of the mold is filled - during the baking process, the dough will rise and be distributed evenly. It is most convenient to do this with a regular tablespoon. If you overdo it with the dough, then the cupcakes will turn out not very pretty.

By the way, before you start pouring the dough into molds, mentally divide it into an equal number of parts, depending on the number of molds. It will be very disappointing to realize that the test was not enough for you.

5. Come up with cool toppings

You can add absolutely any topping to your cupcakes to your taste. So, if you are making chocolate brownies, then place chocolate slices in the center. In the process of cooking, they will melt, and the taste of the dessert will become even richer and more refined.

Show imagination and originality. You can add jam, marshmallow, marmalade, caramel, fresh berries, peanut butter, dragee to cupcakes - the main thing is not to overdo it. Choose only one additional ingredient. You will get much more pleasure from one, but very understandable taste than from a strange mix of all the sweets that you found in your kitchen.

As for the amount of filling, one tablespoon will be enough. Consider this to be the maximum.

6. Keep track of time

Cooking time for cupcakes is a question that confuses many people. If the recipe does not specify the time, and you are making cupcakes by inspiration, borrowing ingredients from the recipe of your favorite cake, then this is not a reason to determine it by eye. If you overcook cupcakes in the oven, they will become very dry and lose all their charm and flavor.

It is much more efficient and reliable to use a wooden stick. Stick it in the center of the cupcake. How do you know when it's time to take the cakes out of the oven? Pull out the stick: it should not be wet, but there should be small pieces of dough on it. If the stick is completely dry, then this is not a problem, but your cupcakes should be urgently removed from the oven. They no longer need hot temperatures.

7. Cool cupcakes before serving

When your cupcakes leave the oven, they will need to cool. Keep them in shape on a cold stove for 5-10 minutes. Then transfer the cakes to a cold baking sheet or other surface and let them cool completely.

Don't start decorating cupcakes with whipped cream or other toppings until they're cool. Nothing good will come of it. The good news is that, unlike other baked goods, miniature cupcakes cool down in just 25-30 minutes.
