
How to cook koumiss from mare's milk. Methods for preparing koumiss

I don't think anyone will take it on. Well, what if ... Then our circle of advice is as follows.

To cook koumiss at home, you need to take 1 liter of sour milk, acidophilus, kefir or good curdled milk with a creamy clot, add 1 cup of boiled tepid water and 2-3 tbsp.

spoons of sugar or honey. “Rejuvenated”, that is, activated, yeast is also added here in the amount of 2-3 g of dry or 3-5 g of pressed baker’s yeast, which must be soaked in boiled sweetened water for 2 hours before that so that they ferment vigorously.

Stir all this, strain through cheesecloth and pour into thick-walled bottles or decanters and cork the dishes with corks. After that, the drink is allowed to stand for 0.5-1 hour at room temperature until fermentation begins, which is recognized by the formation of foam. After that, bottles with koumiss are placed in cold water for slow fermentation at a temperature of 12-15 ° C, as a result of which the drink is enriched with alcohol and carbon dioxide. You need to store koumiss in the refrigerator. Uncork only when chilled.

Well, if there is no yogurt, what then?

Make your own with fresh whole or skimmed (skimmed) milk. Eco is an incomprehensible thing... For the preparation of koumiss, it is better to use skimmed milk, since fat during fermentation of milk can churn into lumps of butter, which spoils the taste of the drink when consumed chilled.

Dairy shops in many cities sell kefir starter culture, and pharmacies sell dry bacterial starter cultures for curdled milk and sour cream; they are very good for making curdled milk. About how to prepare yogurt with their help, it is written above, and, in addition, instructions for their use are usually attached to dry sourdough.

When preparing koumiss from cow's milk, one should remember the following basic rule: it is impossible to add both lactic ferment and yeast to fresh milk at the same time. Otherwise, the koumiss will be spoiled, because the whey will separate and the curd will fall out. You must first ferment the milk, and then add yeast to the yogurt.

For the same reason, it is impossible to use old koumiss for fermenting milk, which contains both lactic acid bacteria and yeast; such koumiss can only be used later - instead of yeast, to induce or accelerate alcoholic fermentation.

When koumiss is prepared from ready-made yogurt, then strong old koumiss can be added to yogurt instead of yeast, if the old koumiss contains a lot of them - it smells strongly of yeast.

Kumis is good for health; at the same time, the production of koumiss in factories, in canteens and at home is of great national economic importance, as it allows the use of huge resources of valuable food raw materials for nutrition - skimmed milk containing animal proteins, vitamins and minerals, which are very necessary for the body of food components .

From correspondence:

Leo Tolstoy - Sofya Andreevna

“..I get up at 6, at 7 o’clock, drink koumiss, go for the winter, koumiss live there, talk to them, come, drink tea with Styopa, then read a little, walk around the steppe in one shirt, drink koumiss all the time, eat a piece of roast lamb, and either we go hunting, or we go, and in the evening, almost in the dark, we go to bed.

“I get up very early, often at 5 1/2 (Styopa sleeps until 10).

I drink tea with milk, 3 cups, I walk near the wagons, I watch the herds returning from the mountains, which is very beautiful - 1000 horses, all in different groups with foals. Then I drink koumiss, and the most ordinary walk is wintering, that is, the village.

“..Our life is still. Styopa goes hunting, killed a duck and a khan's tura, I have not been completely healthy for several days; side and stomach or liver, as always, but all this is weaker with koumiss.

“...Kumiss is an amazing drink. There were about 10 sick people of the most heterogeneous people here, and positively everyone recovered, except for one priest, who is traveling today and will hardly live until winter. He arrived dying.

July 25, 1881. Farm on Moche (river) “... For several nights I slept badly from the heat in the rooms, especially with koumiss. Now he began to sleep on the balcony upstairs, and wonderfully Babai, the guard who was on the melons, guards the house and rides on the old gelding, Tursuk, for flour. This is the sweetest 70-year-old child of nature. He sings Tatar songs in a thin voice all night and drums in tune on an old bucket ...

I am morally, thank God, still the same as I was - a little dumber; but physically, it seems to be stronger and more mobile.

P.S. Exotic for Russians. In many eastern and Arab countries, camel milk is the most popular. The camel in the Holy Quran is singled out as a special perfect animal, and the word itself in Arabic is the same root as the word "beauty". Camel milk reaches a fat content of 8%. They not only drink it, but also get shubat from it, gatyg - sour milk, kaymak - cream, kyasmig - cottage cheese, ayran - yogurt, cheese. Unlike cows, which live up to 20 years, a camel lives 30 years or more.

In India, Indonesia, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Armenia, buffalo milk is traditionally consumed. Fermented milk products are also prepared from it: cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt. The famous Italian mozzarella cheese is made from the milk of black buffaloes. Buffalo milk contains a fairly large amount of fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, various vitamins, and it is quite tasty.

But the most valuable and useful milk of donkeys. Donkey milk proteins are an excellent stimulant for the synthesis of collagen, which is the structural basis of the skin. Elite cosmetics basically contain donkey milk.

Milk... from rabbits. One inventor lives in Ulyanovsk, who realized this idea. He started a small rabbit farm in his country house, having learned that lop-eared not only have valuable fur and tender meat, but also incredibly healthy, thick and tasty milk. In cow's milk, 3.5% fat, and in rabbit - as much as 15. And there are no many useful substances in it.

Now Yuri Shmakov, a former aviator and now a teacher at the Aviation Institute, has 10 rabbits. You won’t get much from an eared “cow” - no more than a glass. But this is enough for the family. Thanks to this wonderful drug, the daughter and grandchildren do not get sick for a whole year, and the “farmer” himself cured himself of prostate adenoma.

He plans to design a milking machine and put dairy rabbit breeding on stream. And now she is preparing a cup of milk from the best rabbit for Putin. Perhaps the prime minister will taste it, and Shmakov's idea will be of interest at the state level.

Koumiss is a refreshing, foamy, delicious milk drink. Its sweet-sour, pleasant taste perfectly removes thirst, which is why it is so good to drink in hot summer weather. In addition, it is much more useful than sweet soda or purchased kvass.

I must say that a drink that is prepared independently, at home, is very useful. It contains the most important vitamins from the B group, namely: thiamine, riboflavin and nicotinic acid. Also, koumiss contains vitamin PP, biotin, as well as para-aminobenzoic acid and many other extremely useful and necessary substances for humans.

Real koumiss is made from fresh mare's milk. Of course, in the conditions of a modern city, mare's milk is quite difficult to find. Therefore, koumiss is most often prepared from cow or goat milk, which is bought at the market. So today we will cook koumiss from goat's milk at home. I will tell you the recipe a little later. First, let's briefly talk about the beneficial properties of this popular drink:

Useful properties of koumiss

The fact that this foamy milk drink is very useful has been known since the beginning of the forties of the last century. It was then that articles about him began to be published in medical scientific journals. Many doctors in our country, as well as other European countries, in particular Germany, France, and others, recommended drinking it in the treatment of tuberculosis and other diseases of the respiratory system. It was also used in clinical nutrition for certain gastrointestinal diseases.

Since then and until now, experts confirm the medicinal properties of the drink. It is recommended to include in the diet for overwork, digestive diseases, cardiovascular diseases. It is useful to drink it for people undergoing rehabilitation after severe, debilitating diseases, as well as after a large blood loss.

Koumiss is effective in the treatment of constipation, as it enhances intestinal motility. The drink is quickly absorbed, so it is included in some complex diets. It improves metabolic processes, promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, and the removal of toxins accumulated in the intestines.

How to cook koumiss?

Preparing this healthy drink at home is not at all difficult. Since we will be making it with goat's milk, buy it from the market in the morning to keep it fresh. The prepared drink will be quite a bit inferior to the mare in terms of medicinal properties, remaining an extremely useful product for the health of your entire family.

For cooking, we need: 1 liter of low-fat goat's milk, 200 ml of very clean, fresh, bottled water. Also prepare 3 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt (can be replaced with kefir). Well, you will also need 4-5 g of pressed (raw) yeast.


Pour milk into a saucepan, boil, add water, put honey in the same place. Wait until it cools down to room temperature. Now pour yogurt or kefir. Close the pan with a lid, wrap it with a warm towel, put it where it is warmer, keep it there for 3-4 hours.

Then, as the milk turns sour, whisk it well with a whisk, strain it into another bowl through cheesecloth. And only now add yeast to the milk, which you first dilute in warm water, to the consistency of sour cream. Add, according to the recipe, just a pinch of sugar. Mix well. Pour into bottles (on the shoulders), screw the caps tightly.

After half an hour, fermentation in bottles will begin. At this point, place them in a bowl of very cold water, or place them on a refrigerator shelf. Keep it there for a day, after which you can drink. Just open the lids very carefully so that the drink does not clog with a fountain.

And yet, remember that the longer bottled koumiss is stored, the stronger it becomes. Therefore, it is better to drink it immediately, do not wait until it turns into a low-alcohol drink. For example, depending on the shelf life (ripening), the drink is divided into three categories:

Weak. From the moment of preparation, it is stored no more than 5-6 hours.
- Average. Stored 1-2 days.
- Strong. Stored for about 3 days or more.

Koumiss, prepared at home, can be drunk as a refreshing, healthy, health-giving drink. You can cook pancakes, pancakes, pies or cookies on its basis. At the same time, it is easy to prepare it at any time of the year, and it will always be very useful to you.


You need to know that in addition to the undeniable beneficial properties and qualities of this drink, it still has some contraindications. They are few, but they exist. For example, koumiss is not recommended for severe obesity, acute or chronic rheumatism, rheumatic heart disease. There are contraindications for the use of people suffering from gout and hemorrhoids.

It is strictly forbidden to drink it with acute pneumonia, with a general painful condition. Koumiss is not recommended for use in severe forms of bronchial asthma, especially with frequently recurring attacks.

But even if you have no contraindications for its use, it is better not to abuse the drink. The measure must be observed in any case, otherwise even the most useful product can harm the body. Be healthy!

Koumiss, the recipe for which will be presented below, is one of the most refreshing drinks that can be prepared at any time of the year.

Koumiss from goat milk - recipe


  • goat milk - 1 l;
  • water - 1l;
  • granulated sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • yeast - 5 g;
  • kefir - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Milk must be boiled in an aluminum bowl, then add sugar and water to it and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mass should cool to room temperature.

When the milk has cooled, add kefir to it and remove the mass in a warm place for 10-12 hours. Sour milk should be stirred and filtered. If you are not afraid of lumps, you can not filter the sour mixture.

Now you need to dilute the yeast with ½ tsp. sugar in warm water and let them brew for 5 minutes. After that, the yeast should be added to the milk mixture and mix thoroughly. The resulting drink must be poured into plastic bottles, tightly closed and let the koumiss brew for several hours. When the yeast "calms down", and this will happen after 2-3 hours, the drink can be served at the table.

Koumiss from cow's milk - recipe


  • cow's milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 3 teaspoons;
  • water - 1 l;
  • yeast - 5 g;
  • kefir - 2 tbsp. spoons.


The recipe for making koumiss from cow's milk practically does not differ from the previous one, with the exception of only the initial set of ingredients. Therefore, the steps described earlier can be repeated to prepare this recipe.

Ready koumiss can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, however, the more time passes, the stronger the drink becomes.

Homemade koumiss can also be used as an ingredient for baking muffins, pies or cookies. And the advantage of such a drink is that it can be prepared at any time of the year.

At home, you can also cook and. Definitely try it!

Koumiss is a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk, which is obtained by alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation thanks to Bulgarian and acidophilic lactic acid bacillus and yeast. This frothy drink, which has a whitish color and a sour-sweet taste, is very popular among residents of many countries and republics.

Koumiss at home is traditionally prepared from mare's milk, but at present, in the conditions of a modern metropolis, you can use goat or cow's milk, since mare is very difficult to find. This article with a photo will tell you how to make koumiss step by step and, as well as about the benefits and harms of this product.

A set of useful properties of koumiss

In this drink, beneficial properties prevail in large quantities.

  • Our body absorbs it well by almost 100%.
  • The product contains iodine, iron, vitamins C, A, B, E, fats, copper, live lactic acid bacteria and antibiotic substances, which perfectly help in the fight against dysentery, tubercle bacillus and typhoid fever.
  • Live bacteria of koumiss have a positive effect on the gallbladder, stomach, and lead to an improvement in the intestinal microflora. The product also has a wonderful effect on the heart and blood, calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep, reduces irritability and fatigue, and is used to treat stomach ulcers.
  • Koumiss has another very valuable property - it is great for people on a diet. If you use a glass of this drink before eating, then you will want to eat less. The product has a mild laxative effect, which has a good effect on bowel movements, and dehydration in this case does not threaten you.

  • Koumiss perfectly quenches thirst and hunger, helps our body absorb proteins and fats from various foods, protects against beriberi, and is invaluable in chronic bronchitis, anemia, and furunculosis.
  • In case of a serious illness, koumiss will restore health and strength, protect against toxicosis and help keep breasts beautiful and elastic in expectant and nursing mothers.

From the foregoing, it is clear how useful koumiss is. But in large quantities, it can harm our body. If it is abused, you can earn flatulence, diarrhea, increased gas formation. For infants, koumiss is contraindicated, and expectant mothers can drink it only in moderation. If you suffer from allergy attacks, it is better to refrain from taking.

Treatment with this drink should be carried out for three weeks, no less. As a result, you will become positive, cheerful, recharged with strength and energy.

Recipe with cow's milk

This therapeutic diet drink is an excellent remedy for a hangover. It is easily digestible, has great nutritional value, and is saturated with organic acids.

Required Ingredients:

  • Glass of water;
  • 5 g yeast;
  • A liter of skim milk;
  • 3 large spoons of kefir;
  • 3 small spoons of sugar.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Boil milk in a container, add sugar and water, cool to the temperature of the living room;
  2. We introduce kefir and leave it for 10 hours (we follow - if it turns sour earlier, you can leave it for a shorter time) at room temperature. If the room is warm, then it will turn sour faster;
  3. Stir and strain the mass (but you can not filter if the clots do not bother you);
  4. We dilute the yeast in lukewarm water with 0.5 small spoons of sugar, wait 5 minutes until they bubble, and mix it into the mass;
  5. Immediately pour into clean bottles (do not fill to the top, because the liquid “plays”) and close tightly with corks. Let the drink stand for a while, about 1.5-2 hours and put it in the refrigerator. You can drink when homemade koumiss "calms down";
  6. The more time passes, the higher the fortress will be. In three days there will be 4 degrees of fortress;
  7. Bottles must be opened very carefully, otherwise they may explode. When you put them in the refrigerator, carefully release the gas from the bottles.

Shubat - koumiss made from camel milk

This is a traditional Kazakh drink made from camel milk, which has a high fat content (8%). It quickly deteriorates and after five days is unsuitable for food, so it is almost never exported. Shubat contains three times more vitamins D and C than cow's milk.

You will need these products:

  • Skimmed milk powder - 8 g;
  • Camel raw milk - 0.5 l;
  • Leaven.

Everything should be fresh with a normal shelf life.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix 125 g of camel milk with dry, mix thoroughly. Try to keep the mixture free of lumps;
  2. Next, add the starter and the remaining milk. We cover the container with a cloth and put it in heat for a day;
  3. Gently stir the mass every 3.5 hours.

The product does not thicken too much, unlike cow's milk. To determine its readiness, carefully look at its structure. If a thin layer with a clear liquid has formed at the bottom of the pan, you can begin to filter the drink by taking a sieve. Then close the shubat tightly, shake and refrigerate. Drink only chilled, as a warm drink has a laxative effect on a person.

Camel koumiss is stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. After that, you can not drink it, because there may be an upset stomach.

Goat milk option

Goat koumiss in the heat perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes.

List of components:

  • Honey and granulated sugar - 50 g each;
  • Goat milk - liter;
  • Kefir - 50 ml;
  • Cold water - 200 ml;
  • Pressed yeast - 5 g.

Koumiss recipe:

  1. Boil the milk in a saucepan over a slow flame and mix it with water, add honey, remove from the stove until completely cooled;
  2. Add kefir to this mass, close the lid and wrap it with a large warm cloth. Let's put it in heat for 5-6 hours;
  3. After the formation of sour milk from the liquid, beat it with a mixer or a whisk, and strain the flakes formed in the process through cheesecloth, previously folded in 4 layers;
  4. Pour the yeast with warm water and whisk so that they become like thick sour cream. Add granulated sugar, then combine the whole mass with milk. This produces carbon dioxide and alcohol;
  5. We take clean bottles and pour the product, cork tightly and let it stand for half an hour or 50 minutes. At this time, carbon dioxide appears in the dishes, the liquid “plays”, so do not fill the bottles completely;
  6. When fermentation begins in the dishes, you need to put it in the refrigerator down or in a bowl of icy water. The drink is served chilled to the table and is opened carefully.

Recipe with mare's milk

To prepare this delicious drink, milk is taken from a middle-aged mare who does not work hard.

Manufacturing instruction:

First you need to make your own starter:

  • Wheat flour - 2 tea cups;
  • Honey - a large spoon;
  • Millet - 2 tablespoons;
  • Brewer's yeast - a small spoon.

How to cook koumiss from mare's milk:

  1. The starter mass is poured with mare's milk and the result should not be a thick mixture;
  2. We shift it into a container and keep it warm until soured;
  3. We take mare's milk (5 l) and pour it into a bowl with a wide neck. We put the leaven on the bottom, previously tied in gauze;
  4. We keep it warm, where the milk will begin to ferment and get a pleasant, sour taste, reeking of alcohol. This will take no more than a day;

Ready mare's koumiss is cleaned of fatty particles floating on its surface, bottled. We store in the cold, because the drink quickly deteriorates and must be monitored.

Video: Homemade koumiss recipe

Have you ever seen horses standing in line? It is a horse, on four legs and with a tail. And I saw. At the koumiss farm of the Ufa stud farm No. 119.

01. This is the turn. Mares stand for morning milking. There is a strict hierarchy here: the older and authoritative go first, and those who climb out of line get hit in the neck - they are bitten and driven away from the cherished doors. So that you understand: the path through these doors leads to foals, a date with which the mares have once a day.

02. There are about 250 horses on the koumiss farm that give milk. Each of them has a foal grazing in a common herd. A narrow passage is arranged in the barn, where the mares enter in turn, and two milkmaids with buckets sit down to each for milking.

03. They patiently wait for those in front to be milked. They squint with their eyes, shake their manes clogged with burdock, driving away horseflies.

04. Automatic milking is bad, old, so they milk by hand.

05. Rear left leg should be placed back. The mares know this. Those with a temper, milkmaids slap on the ass: - Get up, as you should!

06. Mares, like women, have two nipples.

07. Milked milk is poured into flasks.

08. Milkmaids know all the mares well by their numbers. Each has its own character, each has its own approach.

09. The next batch is milked and sent home.




13. This is the most touching scene in the whole process: milking mothers come to the corral where the foals are grazing. Mares are not allowed to see the babies, they are waiting for pasture and evening milking. They will only meet in the evening.

14. In the meantime, the shepherd drives the mares to the pasture.

15. Foals stand by the fence and see their mothers off with their eyes.


17. Here koumiss is made from mare's milk.

18. These barrels made of lime boards are called chelyaks. Mare's milk is poured into them and beaten with wooden boards. As a leaven - the remains of koumiss. The whole process takes about an hour.

19. Milk from Chelyakov is bottled.

20. Using a simple device, the bottles are corked with metal caps.


22. Two hours in a cold room and the healing drink koumiss is ready. In the center of Ufa, you can buy a bottle of koumiss for 70-80 rubles. Horse drink is stored for about five days. It tastes like carbonated kefir. Tasty and, as they say, very useful.

23. Like this. The entire stud farm, founded here back in 1936 to supply the Red Army with horses, exists on the income from koumiss production.
