
The most expensive cheeses in the world. For everyone and everything

Favorite dish real gourmets. He is appreciated for rich taste, indescribable aroma and combination with the best wines. It's all about cheese. In many countries, cheese gourmet dessert. It's already served well-fed people along with collection wine. Therefore, a delicacy can cost sky-high money. But the most expensive cheeses are worth it.

The most unusual cheeses in the world

Epuas cheese is considered one of the most original cheeses. By the way, this is one of Napoleon's favorite types of cheese. It is so smelly that it is even forbidden to transport it in public transport in France. A product with a disgusting aroma is prepared from raw cow's milk, the cheese rind is washed apple cognac. strong-smelling soft cheese should be thrown away if it starts to smell of ammonia. In this case, Epuas simply deteriorated and became inedible.

One more pretty original cheese is called Milbenkase. It is made in German Würchwitz using an unusual technology, which makes the product an unusual delicacy.

Milbencase - obtained from cottage cheese, which was left to be torn to pieces by thousands of dust mites. These are small insects and do original product. The mites secrete an enzyme that makes the cheese 'ripe'. A month later, it acquires a yellowish tint, after three - brown, a year later the cheese turns into a black lump. Some gourmets adore him. The taste of the delicacy is a bit bitter, but it is believed that the cheese has medicinal properties. Some believe that Milbencase prevents the development of allergies to house dust. By the way, ticks are absorbed along with cheese.

The most unusual cheese with ticks - manufacturing technology

Halloumi cheese is traditional product Cyprus. Cheese has a very high temperature melting, so it can be fried and grilled. No barbecue on the island is complete without halloumi. Surprisingly, the delicacy is often eaten during the warm season along with watermelon. Juicy slices are refreshing in the heat, and pieces of halloumi give an extraordinary taste.

By the way, halloumi is included in the Cypriot meze snack set. If, for example, you order beer in a Cypriot bar, then most likely they will bring a couple of pieces of halloumi along with it.

Cheese merchants who sell milk product from all over the world, very few cheeses are called "pungent". And the real indicator of causticity is the appearance of a person in a gas mask. So, if you ask a specialist to bring the most caustic cheese in the world, then it will most likely be Vieux-Lille. The pungent smell and salty taste can scare away and put everyone in a gas mask, because this delicacy is not for the faint of heart.

The cheese is called "Puant Macéré" and "Puant de Lille". Translated, it literally means "stinky marinade."

The most expensive cheeses in the world

Very expensive cheese is made on the Swiss farm Moose House. And the process requires moose milk. Moreover, the animal can be milked only at a certain time. The milking itself takes at least three hours. The cost of moose cheese is approximately one thousand euros per kilogram. And they produce a delicacy in limited quantities.

Expensive cheese is also produced in the Serbian reserve Zasavica. The delicacy is called Pule. And it's made from donkey's milk. Moreover, an ordinary animal will not work. Milk is taken from donkeys of an old Balkan breed. For the preparation of Pule cheese, only natural ingredients are taken.

Experts believe that such a product from the Serbian reserve is extremely beneficial for health, because donkey milk has been used since ancient times in medical purposes It takes 25 liters of milk to make a kilogram of the most expensive Pule cheese. Hence the price - a thousand euros per kilogram.

The most expensive cheese with pieces of gold

It can be assumed, that modern gourmets little surprise. It turned out that this was not the case. Anyone's head will spin at the invention of British cheese producers. They invited connoisseurs to try special cheese, which is embellished with flakes of 24 carat gold.

The unusual cheese is called Clawson Stilton Gold. It is made on the basis quality cheese Stilton with edible gold foil and gold liquor.

Golden cheese is produced by Long Clawson Dairy. It is located in the British county of Leicestershire. Representatives of the company say that the elite product has increased demand. Cheese with pieces of gold is ordered for dinner by some pop stars, as well as sheikhs of the rich countries of the Persian Gulf. They are not even afraid of the price of a delicacy - one thousand dollars per kilogram of the product.

The most expensive rotten cheese

Another delicacy from the ranking of the most expensive cheeses in the world. Real gourmets appreciate italian cheese Kas Marz. This product is produced only in Sardinia. From Italian the most unusual cheese in the world Casu marzu translates as "wormy cheese" or "rotten". And it contains live insect larvae. To get such a delicacy, the cheese factory takes as a basis usual cheese pecorino, bring it to a state of decay (it occurs as a result of the vital activity of the larvae cheese fly).

Larvae (worms) 8 millimeters in size settle in the delicacy, their number reaches several thousand. The acid of the worms accelerates the process of decay of cheese fat, as a result, the delicacy becomes soft and filled with liquid. If the larvae in the cheese have already died, then such cheese is not safe to eat, so the product is served with live white worms. Some connoisseurs take them out before a meal, some absorb them with larvae. For those who dare to try this cheese, connoisseurs have issued a warning: you need to be more careful while eating, disturbed insects can jump and get into your nose and eyes. They are able to jump to a height of 15 centimeters.

By the way, the most unusual and expensive "rotten" cheese is banned in Italy. But in some cheese dairies in Sardinia, a piece of delicacy is always hidden away.

The most expensive cheese in the world sold of all time

The most expensive cheese in the world, according to appraisers, is made from sheep milk at the famous cheese factory of Jesus Ansola Huaristi. A half-kilogram head of cheese went under the hammer at an auction in Spain for a record 6.3 thousand euros.

Such a record can be considered significant, given the fact that such cheeses are valued at a maximum of 80 euros per kilogram. The most expensive cheese in the world was bought by the owner of a Spanish restaurant. He thought it would be great publicity for his restaurant.
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Good cheese is great to complement good wine or chocolate, and some types of cheese are always synonymous good taste. Archaeological evidence unambiguously indicates the spread of cheese making in 5500 BC in the region of Kujawsko, Poland. By the time Rome became the dominant civilization in the world, cheese was already an everyday food. After the fall of Rome, cheesemaking spread throughout Europe. Today in the world there is great amount various kinds cheese: in the UK alone there are about 700 different local cheeses; France has over 400 famous cheeses.

First plant for industrial production cheese was built in 1815 in Switzerland, since then mass production cheese became commonplace. Below we will learn about 9 such exorbitantly expensive cheeses in the world.

1. Beaufort D'ete: $35 per half kilo.

Made in the French Alps, this sumptuous cheese is often the preferred choice for fondue lovers due to how well it melts. Cheese is perfect paired with wine and salmon. It has a well-known creamy texture and a slight pungent smell. During production, this cheese is stored in a cool mountain cellar for 6-12 months.

8 Gorau Glas: $40 for half a kilo.

The cheese comes from a small Welsh farm. Gorau Glas originally sold for $27 a kilo, but now the cheese is regularly sold for around $40 a pound. Cheese was invented by Margaret Davies on her farm in Anglesey, Wales.

7 Extra Old Bitto: $150 for half a kilo.

Priced at around $150 a pound, this Italian cheese was bought by an Importer from Hong Kong hoping to sell this delicacy to China, despite the fact that the cheese market in Asia is far from as large as in Europe and North America. 20 kg of this cheese turned out to be much older than the typical age of Bitto cheese - it was produced in 1997. That's why it cost so much. And, as a rule, Bitto cheese is sold only at the age of no more than ten years.

6 Wyke Farms Vintage: $190 per pound.

When white truffles and gold leaf are added during the production of this cheese, its price soars. Half a kilogram of this luxurious lace cheese costs a staggering $190. Wyke Farms has a long history, but it comes from a worldwide recipe. famous cheese Cheddar. The cheese maker has won countless awards.

5 Clawson Stilton Gold: $450 per half kilo.

It's not the cheese itself that costs so much, but rather the British Stilton and the edible gold leaves that go into its recipe make it so expensive. Clawson Stilton Gold was created as luxury snack for the Christmas season, both wealthy oil sheikhs and famous pop stars were interested in expensive, gourmet cheese.

4 Elk House: $455 for half a kilo.

Farmers Krister and Ulla Johansson make this cheese from moose milk. An elk produces only 300 kg of milk per year, and the price for half a kilogram of elk milk cheese can be as high as $455. This unique cheese served at the Algen Hus restaurant in Sweden.

3 Pule: $600 for half a kilo.

Made from the milk of Balkan donkeys, this Serbian cheese can cost more than $600 for half a kilo. A huge role in the high price of this smoked cheese is played by a small amount of donkeys capable of producing the milk needed for cheese, and the difficulty in milking them. The donkeys originate from the Balkan donkey breed Zasavica and today there are only 100 donkeys left. It takes about 25 liters of donkey milk to make just 1 kg of this cheese.

2 Caciocavallo Podolico: $650 for half a kilo.

This Italian cheese is famous not only for its taste, but also for its high price. This cheese is made from the milk of a very rare breed of cow called Podolice in the Campania region of southern Italy. During the summer months, herds of cows move to the mountains to feast on strawberries, blueberries and cherries. This diet gives the cheese an elegant, fruity flavor.

1 Cheese plate: $3,300 for half a kilo.

Actually, this is not the cheese itself, but a dish from various fine cheeses, which was presented at an agricultural exhibition in Somerset, England. Of course, the most expensive cheeses in the world were included in the dish: Pule and Wyke Farms Vintage, which were intertwined with gilding and French truffles.

Cheese is one of the most popular products on earth. Every day it is used by millions of people, even though its cost relative to other foods is quite high. It is not surprising that there are a certain number of countries where it is considered a real delicacy and is consumed only in conjunction with fine wines. The presence of this delicacy higher grades gives the table a special status and is a symbol of good taste.

In supermarkets you can find the usual varieties for quite affordable prices, however, it will be incomparable with those that are served at the table the richest people. In most cases, they prefer to eat elite varieties, and some especially rich persons prefer to see the most refined varieties on their table, the prices for which for a simple person will seem crazy. So what varieties of this product today cost fabulous money. Let's take a look at our top 5 list most expensive cheese in the world».

5th place - Clawson Stilton Gold - $450 per pound (1 pound = 0.45 kg.)

It would seem that today it is difficult to surprise gourmets, but British manufacturers still managed to do it. They offered to try a special variety that is adorned with 24 carat gold flakes. Such unique product was named Clawson Stilton Gold.

The basis of this variety is:

  • 1. quality grade stilton;
  • 2. real golden liquor;
  • 3. edible gold foil.

The product currently exists in two forms:

  • white
  • and blue.

The company Long Clawson Dairy, which produces this gold product, is located in the UK in Leicestershire. Representatives of the company assure that there is a very high interest in this elite product. Celebrities lined up for an unusual delicacy in a queue, among them the oil sheikh was noted.

Apparently, the price of the Long Clawson Dairy variety does not frighten them and is quite familiar, it is only $450 per pound or $1000 per kilogram.

4th place - Elk House - $455 per pound

Elk House is made from moose milk. He is a real curiosity. Therefore, those farmers who are engaged in its production can, with a calm soul, set the price for it that they consider necessary. Especially considering the fact that there are only a few such manufacturers. Of course, demand is taken into account, but the price is dictated by them.

The Elk House farm is located in Bjurholm, Sweden.

Her owners are farmers Ulla and Krister Johansson, who raise three milk-producing elks. It is possible to milk a moose cow only at certain times of the year, while this process takes about 3 hours in time.

One elk can produce only 300 liters of milk annually, which is why the cost of a pound of the final product is about 455 dollars, that is, about a thousand euros per kilogram. It is served in Sweden at the Algen Hus restaurant. Elk House is white in color, slightly reminiscent of feta in texture, but more fat. At the same time, it is very delicate in taste with a rich milky aftertaste and slightly salty.

3rd place - Pule - $600 per pound

Pule is one of the most expensive varieties. It is produced in Serbia from the milk of Balkan donkeys, and is adorned with a mesmerizing price tag of $600 a pound. Such a high price is due to the small number of donkeys that can produce adequate milk. In addition, the milking process is accompanied by some difficulties.

Today, there are only about a hundred female Balkan donkeys in the world, while it takes 25 liters of milk to produce only 1 kilogram of Pule.

It is the rarity and high demand for Pule that makes the high pricing for this variety.

This unusual variety is prepared on a donkey farm, it is located in the most famous reserve in Serbia, which is called Zasavika.

Concerning palatability, then here, our priceless Pule is somewhat reminiscent of the Manchego variety, though the taste is much deeper. Of course, few people will dare to purchase Pule for such a price. However, if you want to know what the taste of Pule is, then you can buy 1 kg of Manchego in the supermarket for only 20 dollars. It can be said, a modest version of Pule, which is affordable for ordinary people.

2nd place - Caciocavallo Podolico - $650 per pound

This Italian variety known not only for its bewitching taste, but also for its high cost. Its average price is $650 per pound. Despite the fact that Caciocavallo Podolico can literally be translated as “horse cheese”, it has nothing to do with horses. Some sources even suggest that Caciocavallo Podolico was once made from the milk of mares.

Caciocavallo Podolico is made from the milk of a rather rare breed of Podolica cows, which are raised in southern Italy.

With the onset of the summer months, cows are taken to graze in the mountains, where they feast on blueberries, hawthorn, strawberries, cherries, as well as herbs growing in the southern Apennines. This diet gives Caciocavallo Podolico an elegant fruity aroma.

Caciocavallo Podolico is made only by hand, and only May and June milk is used for its production. At the same time, the variety ripens on average 5-8 years.

If you want to know the approximate taste of Caciocavallo Podolico, then you can try less expensive varieties Caciocavallo, which are among the most famous and popular varieties Southern Italy.

Good cheese is usually bought for an event, and what holiday can be more important than a wedding? Most likely, it was the cheeses presented in the top that were on the tables of the participants in the top of the most expensive

1st place - Frome Cheese Platter - $3,300 per plate

Actually, this is not one variety, but the Frome Cheese Platter dish, which is made from a wide variety of exquisite varieties. It was presented in England at the Agricultural Exhibition in Somerset.

Of course, the most expensive varieties of the world were included in the composition of the dish:

  • Wyke Farms Vintage and Pule intertwined with French truffles and gold.
  • Also among the ingredients is cheddar - edible gold.

In addition to them, the cost of the dish includes a wooden cutting board and a silver tray worth $1,200. Undoubtedly, for such a luxurious plate, you will need a bottle of expensive and exquisite wine.

This luxurious collection called Frome Cheese Platter takes the first place in our top 5 ranking. Few people dare to purchase Frome Cheese Platter, because its cost is estimated at $ 3,300.

Video: How to buy the right cheese?

In this publication, we will introduce you to 7 unique, but at the same time very strange and unusual cheeses. Although it would seem, what could be strange in cheese?...

1. Viu Lille (the most pungent cheese in the world)

The Teddington Cheese merchants, who sell cheeses from all over the world, assign the term "tart" to very few types of cheese. The real meaning of this epithet is revealed by the fact that the icon for such cheeses is a man in a gas mask.

If you ask them to advise you on the most tart cheese, Vieux Lille is likely to be one of the contenders for this title. Pungent and pungent odor salty taste scare the faint of heart away from this cheese. The cheese is also called "Puant de Lille" and "Puant Macéré", which allows you to guess the nature of the cheese - in translation, this means "stinky marinade".

2. Kasu marzu (cheese with live larvae)

Casu marzu is a sheep's milk cheese popular on the Italian island of Sardinia. Its name means " rotten cheese”, or as it is more often called “cheese with larvae” - insect larvae actually live in it.

In order to make rotten cheese, you need to take a little different cheese - pecorino (pecorino sardo), but leave it to ferment longer than usual, until it starts to rot. Cheese fly larvae are added to the cheese, and the acid from them digestive systems accelerates the process of fat breakdown from cheese, making the product soft and filled with liquid. By the time it can be eaten, thousands of larvae live in kasu marzu.

The locals consider it unsafe to eat casu marzu after the larvae have died, so it is served while the 8mm white worms are still twitching in the cheese. Some people clean the cheese from the larvae before eating a piece, while others eat directly with the larvae. Those who eat cheese with larvae should cover it with their hands - when disturbed, the larvae can jump to a height of 15 centimeters.

3. Milbencase (cheese made with tick excrement)

Germany, which annually produces more than 1.8 million tons of 400 different types of cheese, is rightfully considered a cheese power. Of all the types of cheese produced in Germany, one can be distinguished - produced in Würchwitz using an unusual technology that makes it an unusual delicacy.

Milbenkäse is a cheese made by leaving cottage cheese to be torn to pieces by thousands of dust mites, which turn it into a delicacy. The mites secrete an enzyme that makes the cheese "mature": after a month the cheese turns yellowish, after three months it turns brownish, and after a year the cheese turns into an almost black lump, adored by some cheese lovers. The taste of cheese is bitter. By the way, it is believed that cheese may have a healing effect that helps people not develop allergies to house dust. Ticks are eaten with cheese.

4. Pule Cheese (the most expensive cheese in the world)

A pound of Pule cheese will cost $1,700. This cheese is made in the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve in Belgrade, Serbia (pule is Serbian for donkey). Justification for this price? Donkey milk. It takes about 25 liters of donkey milk to make one kilogram of this white, fluffy cheese.

No other special ingredients are required to create this smoked cheese. Its price is determined only by the purchase price of milk (about $45 per liter). However, pule is not made commercially, so even if you're a billionaire, you don't have to run to the store to buy a piece of this cheese.

5. Stilton Cheese (Real Gold)

Cheesemakers have created something that will decorate any holiday menu- Stilton cheese made from real gold. Clawson Stilton Gold sells for $100 a 100-gram piece or $1,000 a kilo—that's 67 times the price of regular Stilton.

This cheese has become the most expensive British cheese in history, even in order to spread one cracker you have to shell out $ 10. Clauson says the white Stilton is so expensive because it is infused with edible gold leaf and golden tincture.

The company claims that they have already been contacted by sheiks and famous pop stars who want to try a piece of the unique cheese.

6. Epuas Cheese

Epoisses, one of Napoleon's favorite cheeses, is one of the most foul-smelling cheeses in the world. To give you an idea of ​​its disgusting aroma: Epoisses are banned from public transport in France. It is prepared from raw cow's milk, and the crust is washed with apple cognac.

Epuas is a strong-smelling, soft cheese, but if it starts to emit strong smell ammonia, it must be thrown away - it has become inedible. If he smells like someone who hasn't showered in a week, enjoy!

7. Halloumi (cheese that doesn't melt)

Halloumi is traditional cheese Cyprus, islands in the Mediterranean. Halloumi has a high melting point, so it can be grilled or fried. Not a single barbecue in Cyprus is complete without halloumi.

Halloumi is also often eaten with watermelon during the warmer months of the year. Juicy watermelon slices are quite refreshing, and halloumi pieces give an unusual taste.

Halloumi is also part of the Cypriot meze snack set, and if you order a cold beer in a Cypriot bar, you will most likely be served with a few pieces of halloumi.

PS: Probably the most "Normal" cheese of all the cheeses presented here!

Every year in the suburbs of British Gloucester, a cheese rolling championship is held. Athletes (you can call them that, I guess) compete to see who can quickly catch up with a head of cheese fired from the local Cooper Hill. However, there are varieties of cheeses that are not only rolled on the ground - they literally need to be carried on hand. ELLE has chosen the most expensive varieties in the world.

$10 per 100 grams

Napoleon was an admirer of Epuas, and this once again speaks of the strength of character of the great commander. The fact is that Epoisses By Germain is one of the stinkiest cheeses in the world. Its smell is so heavy that in France it is forbidden to carry it on public transport. According to the first description, everything seems to be not scary: it is made from pasteurized cow's milk, slightly salty, with a fruity tint. But. The hand-molded heads are first kept in brine and then languished for a month in cellars with high humidity. The result - yes, salty, yes, with fruity notes. And at the same time, it smells like you are in a sports locker room full of athletes after a fight. We think the comparisons are quite understandable. Despite this, Epoisses By Germain is in great demand, and manufacturers do not complain about the lack of interest in their product.

$30 per 100 grams

Chinese cheese actually has Italian origin, from where he ended up in Hong Kong at one time. Its feature is the aging period. Milk is taken to “work” within half an hour after milking, which stops bacterial formations in the product. Then Bitto comes to readiness for ten whole years, turning into Extra and Old. You can buy this masterpiece only at cheese auctions, you can’t just buy it.

$90 per 100 grams

This type of cheese is often called golden. And they do it right. Firstly, the price did not let us down - almost $1,000 per kilo, and secondly, the product does indeed contain gold. Edible, of course. It's about about gold flakes (and this is pure 24 carat gold) and golden liquor. The manufacturer, the British company Clawson, delivers this cheese to the market at a certain time, around Christmas and new year holidays, the rest of the year gourmets can save money until the next "release". Although the majority of Clawson Stilton Gold lovers are hardly financially constrained: as they say in Clawson, their clients are sheikhs and pop stars. You can only be glad for all of them - both cheese makers and buyers.

$110 per 100 grams

This cheese is a Swedish product. It is made from moose milk, hence the high price. Producers - a family of farmers with the last name, of course, Johansson, keep three moose calves. Milk yield from each - 300 liters per year, these are quite modest volumes. And that means a little bit of cheese. The exclusivity of Elk House is also complicated by its purchase: you can buy it only in one store, which, of course, is located in Sweden. There is another option - go to a farm in Bjurholm and buy first hand. Christer and Ulla Johansson will be happy to help you if there is anything. As for the taste, Elk House is similar to feta, only much fatter; it has, as they say, a rich milky taste, and it is noticeably salty.

$160 per 100 grams

Caciocavallo Podolico is translated as "horse cheese", but this is a figure of speech: this product has nothing to do with horses. Everything is traditional: milk for Caciocavallo Podolico is given by cows, just special. Podolico - that's where this word comes from, which actually means a certain breed of cows living in Italy. These Podolico seem to be the happiest cows in the world: every summer they are sent to high mountain pastures, where they eat only berries - cherries, strawberries and blueberries. In autumn, the holidays come to an end, the cows return to their farms, after which they generously share their milk. Milk predictably has a fruity flavor that is eventually transferred to the cheese.

Cheese plate - $3,300

It's not quite a cheese variety, rather a dish, which is a slice different varieties, the best on the market. Among them are Wyke Farms Vintage and Pule. It is unlikely that they will say anything to ordinary cheese lovers, so here is a more understandable information for you: the ingredients of these varieties are truffles, edible gold and donkey milk. Pule is made from donkey milk and is its only ingredient. To make a kilo of such cheese, 25 liters of donkey milk is required, and of a certain breed, numbering only 100 heads. As for Wyke Farms Vintage, it's cheddar top quality with the addition of those same white truffles and gold leaf. For a kilogram of such cheese, they ask for $400. Not surprisingly, a plate of Frome Cheese Platter will cost the wealthy gourmet an incredible $3,300. By the way, the cheese itself is only a fraction of this price, because a special cutting board plus a special (how else) silver tray costs $1,200. You can, of course, neglect the expensive conventions, but if you found two thousand dollars on cheese slices, you will find another thousand for accessories.
