
The best appetizer for cognac: simple options and quick recipes. A worthy snack for luxurious cognac

Photo from the site: spirtok.ru

Any person should understand that noble spirits also imply appropriate culinary design, otherwise it will hardly be possible to fully reveal all their taste qualities and properties. One of the most popular aristocratic drinks of our time can be considered French cognac, which has a unique bouquet of unsurpassed grape aroma and rich taste. That is why many are wondering what appetizer for cognac on the festive table is best to choose, how to cook it correctly and with what this drink will become truly ideal.

Drinking traditions: what appetizer is served with cognac

To fully appreciate the incredible taste of expensive cognac, it will not be enough just to buy it and pour it into shot glasses or glasses. It is necessary to arrange this “diamond” in a worthy frame in order to figure out why the noble drink is so valued not only in its homeland, but throughout the world. What is served with cognac for a snack and how exactly it is customary to use it according to all the rules, we will discuss in our article. The drink came to us from French antiquity, this should not be overlooked, therefore, for recommendations and advice, it is better to turn to the traditional cuisine of this country, and the French, as anyone knows, are practically the most outstanding culinary experts in the world.

Photo from the site: Xcook.info

The list of what can be served with cognac is quite wide, due to the diversity of French cuisine. The most important requirement related to it is the feature not to interrupt the taste and smell, since this noble drink must be tasted, not drunk. Cognac itself has a unique aroma and while drinking, you need to fully appreciate the bouquet so that it opens up and delivers incomparable pleasure.

Etiquette regarding cognac

According to the rules of etiquette, brandy is not served immediately, but at the very end of the meal, when the main dishes are already completely eaten and the plates are empty. Therefore, expensive cognac, the exposure of which has exceeded ten years, is drunk without snacks, according to the rule of three "C" - Сafe, Сognac, Сigare (coffee, cognac, cigar).

  • The French say that the best appetizer for cognac is a variety of hard cheeses, which France is also famous for. Cheese "knows how" to set off the aroma of the original drink, and also does not allow the taste to be "hammered" for a sufficiently long time.
  • An excellent choice would be fruits that grow in the same place as the vineyards grown for the purpose of making the drink. Apples, cherries, pears, strawberries and wild strawberries and even grapes will do.
  • A variety of nuts, from walnuts to peanuts, are a good choice for snacking on cognac.
  • Poultry and rabbit, veal or other non-fatty meat boiled or dried, fried or baked is also suitable for cognac.
  • It perfectly diversifies the taste of cognac, emphasizes and makes it sharper fish and a variety of seafood, including caviar, both red and black.
  • There is an opinion that a good appetizer for cognac is honey, but here the issue is rather controversial and such an unusual combination is definitely not for everybody.

Photo from the site: spirtok.ru

When figuring out which appetizer is suitable for cognac, it is worth understanding that the stereotype that the drink should and can be consumed with sliced ​​​​lemon has developed exclusively in our country. Citrus has an extremely intense and bright taste, which clogs the taste and smell, and, along with them, the aftertaste of the original product. That is, using it, it will hardly be possible to enjoy all the qualities of cognac. They say that the last emperor of Russia, Nicholas II, started a similar tradition, while others argue that the low quality of cognac in our country is to blame, which is why they wanted to soften it somehow. Let's take a closer look at what kind of appetizer is needed and what brandy is drunk with, so as not to miscalculate.

Cognac appetizer: quick recipes and more

Photo from the site: RussianFood.com

The question of what to serve with cognac for a snack worries all fans of this amazing drink, which cannot be called simple. But food for him should by no means be complicated. Ornate culinary delights should be left for some other occasion, and cognac loves simplicity in order to better express itself and open up, showing its true taste and aroma in all its glory. We invite you to prepare simple appetizers for cognac, the recipes with photos of which are given below, and enjoy the drink the way it is done in its homeland.

Sandwiches with sprats

It would seem, well, what else can be “pulled out” from such a dish as banal sandwiches with sprats, but it wasn’t there. They can be a really great appetizer for cognac, if you show a little imagination, especially since there is nothing complicated about it.

Photo from the site: gold-recepty.ru

Composition and ingredients

  • Bread black or white. You can take a baguette, toast and other baked goods that you like best.
  • Sprats in oil - 1 can.
  • Fresh tomatoes - 1-2 pieces.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 piece.
  • Mayonnaise is low calorie.
  • Greens and lettuce.


Carefully, using a special knife, cut the bread into thin slices so that it is convenient for you to make small sandwiches, laying them on a dish, which will be placed on the table. Cucumbers and tomatoes are cut into thin slices along the plane. The jar of sprats must be opened, and the fish themselves removed from the oil and put on a paper towel so that the remaining fat drains.

Photo from the site: varivkusno.ru

  • It is enough to generously spread mayonnaise on slices of the selected bread, distributing it evenly over the entire plane.
  • Put a piece of cucumber and tomato on top to make it look beautiful.
  • For each sandwich, and bread needs to be cut into small pieces, lay out one or two fish.
  • From above, you can decorate a sandwich with a branch of dill, cilantro or parsley, and send it to a common dish.

At the end of cooking, a plate with such an appetizer for cognac in a hurry is decorated with washed lettuce leaves and served at the table.

Unexpected rolls of crab sticks

Thinking about what kind of appetizer to serve with cognac, you should learn how to cook a dish that is not at all complicated, which will turn out to be somewhat more intricate than simple sandwiches, but also quite affordable. To prepare such an original appetizer, you don’t need a culinary education, and you don’t need much practice.

Photo from the site: cooksa.ru

Composition and ingredients

  • Crab sticks - 1 large package (240 grams).
  • Boiled chicken eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Any hard cheese of your choice - 150-200 grams.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 pack (200 grams).
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves.
  • Dill or parsley - optional.


To get started, just look at the recipe with a photo of this cognac appetizer to get an idea of ​​what you are cooking. Such a dish looks extremely appetizing, and anyone can cope with cooking, even a beginner.

Photo from the site: gotovim-doma.ru

  • Defrost crab sticks beforehand, for which they can be put together with the packaging in cool water.
  • Hard-boil chicken eggs, peel and cool.
  • Grind hard cheese on a fine grater. Add finely chopped dill, mayonnaise, and crushed or mashed garlic to it. All this must be gently, but thoroughly mixed.
  • Eggs also rub and add to the total mass with mayonnaise.
  • Unroll the crab sticks so that they turn into a rectangular thin layer. Put the filling on top, then roll everything up into small rolls.

The resulting rolls are very carefully cut into portions with an extremely sharp knife and beautifully laid out on a plate, garnished with any herbs, olives or pickled berries of your choice.

Sandwiches with cheese, tomatoes and herbs

If you need to act extremely quickly, there is already a misted bottle of cognac on the table, and the guests are undressing on the threshold, it makes sense to cook very quick sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes, which will definitely please everyone, and will be an excellent appetizer for cognac, the recipe of which we now we will provide you.

Photo from the site: kapushka.ru

Composition and ingredients

  • Bread black or white as desired. You can use a loaf, baguette, toast and more.
  • Melted cheese - 200 grams.
  • Tomatoes - 1-2 pieces.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Greens to taste and desire.
  • Mayonnaise - 100 grams.
  • Salt pepper.


Even a child can make such sandwiches, so do not worry, you will definitely have time, even if you need to act by emergency methods. Cut the bread into thin slices that will be convenient to lay out on a dish for serving. Wash the greens and tomatoes, crush the garlic with a special crusher and mix with mayonnaise.

Photo from the site: tvoirecepty.ru

  • In a preheated frying pan, lightly fry the slices of bread with a little oil.
  • Three melted cheese on a grater, mix with mayonnaise and garlic. After that, you need to let the mixture brew so that it is saturated with a bright garlic aroma and taste.
  • On the toasted and cooled slices of bread, we spread the cheese filling over the entire plane.
  • Cut the tomatoes into circles and spread on sandwiches.

It remains to sprinkle the tomatoes on top with salt and pepper, as well as decorate with herbs and the cognac appetizer is completely ready. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and the cost of such sandwiches is quite low, but the taste is very harmonious and pleasant, with its spiciness, perfectly shading the cognac notes.

Mozzarella with tomatoes and basil

This recipe uses Italian mozzarella cheese, which is the best match for such a French drink as cognac. The only thing that may seem unusual to you is that a kind of sandwich is prepared completely without bread. But you always need to try something new, so let's experiment, especially since real cognac does not tolerate fuss.

Photo from the site: grukhina.ru

Composition and ingredients

  • Tomatoes - 2-4 pieces. You need to choose dense and fleshy varieties that will be easy to cut into slices.
  • Basil - half a standard bunch.
  • Mozzarella - 150-200 grams.
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Balsamic sauce - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


Preparation, and indeed the whole dish, is very easy to do at home, without putting any effort at all, while getting the perfect Italian appetizer for cognac. Cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into round slices, wash the basil and dry it in a towel.

Photo from the site: harbour-art.ru

  • Put the tomato rounds on a plate to make it nice and even.
  • Top the slices with balsamic sauce, salt and pepper to taste. You can use any spices you like.
  • Mozzarella is laid out on each piece of tomato.
  • All this is lightly sprinkled with olive oil on top.

This is where all the cooking ends, and the appetizer can be immediately served at the table. The taste of such an impromptu sandwich without bread is simply wonderful, and most importantly, it is ideal for any, even the most expensive cognac.

Eggs with garlic and cheese

Another ideal appetizer for cognac on the festive table, as well as for every day, if necessary, is stuffed eggs stuffed with cheese and garlic. Everyone can cook such a dish, it will not cost much, but it tastes extremely pleasant and fits perfectly into the concept of cognac and the discovery of its taste by contrasting methods.

Photo from the site: kedem.ru

Composition and ingredients

  • Chicken eggs - 3-6 pieces, depending on the number of guests.
  • Hard cheese of any variety to choose from - 120-150 grams.
  • Mayonnaise - 80-120 grams.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece.
  • Greens for decoration (cilantro, parsley, dill, basil, etc.).
  • Garlic - 2-4 cloves.


Cooking here does not take much time, just some fifteen to twenty minutes and your dish can be put on the table. But first you have to boil hard-boiled eggs, wash the greens and prepare a plate or dish.

Photo from the site: russianfood.com

  • Boil the eggs, peel and cool completely, then cut exactly in half lengthwise.
  • Remove the yolk and mash with a fork until a homogeneous mass without lumps is formed, and prepare the protein for stuffing by laying it on a plate, notch up.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater, pepper lightly and mix with mayonnaise, as well as crushed garlic.
  • Add egg yolks to the cheese-garlic mass and mix it all thoroughly.
  • The filling is placed in halves of egg whites with a slide, laid out on a dish, and then decorated with bell peppers, as well as greens.

Thus, we can safely say that a quick cognac appetizer really exists and anyone can cook it. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to approach the matter correctly. It also does not hurt to make cheese or nut-cheese plates, on which you need to beautifully arrange diced cheese and nuts. It will be an ideal snack after a meal, when everyone is already full, but you still want to drink good cognac. Such dishes are eaten by hand or pricked with skewers, so it does not hurt to get them in advance.

Photo from the site: alkorules.ru

If, when buying a bottle of cognac, you imagine not a noisy booze, when one open container is replaced by another, but a pleasant conversation in a friendly company with a thin glass in your hands, then you will be wondering what it is customary to serve with and how to use this elite strong drink correctly. Properly selected food can affect the sensations that we get from a sip in a special way: they can be positive or negative, but you want more of the first one.

In the article:

How to drink brandy

Unlike the one familiar to the domestic consumer, cognac, according to the rules of etiquette, is not customary to drink in one gulp. Since this drink belongs to the category of elite and noble, it requires special respect for itself. For some connoisseurs, the process of drinking is a whole ceremony with its own rules and subtleties.

A glass that is suitable for serving cognac is called a snifter and is a container on a short leg with a wide base. This form allows you to best reveal all the shades of the aroma of amber liquid. But one condition works here - the glass should be filled no more than a quarter of the total volume.

Before sending a sip on a journey through our taste buds, it is recommended to first sweeten the olfactory ones, because the aroma of cognac also does not fully open immediately: first you will feel a light wave with hints of vanilla, then, already at the edge of the glass, the smell of ripe fruits and beautiful flowers. Different varieties can give different shades - apricots, violets and roses and so on. After you have properly assessed the aroma, you can proceed to the test.

It is best to drink cognac in small sips - so you can feel the taste completely, without suffering from a fortress that can reach up to 50 degrees. In general, good cognac, especially French, is a treat not for magnificent celebrations, but for a cozy company, very modest and close.

As for the time of day when cognac is best absorbed, this is the afternoon period. It is possible to serve the drink with coffee, along with a cigar and tart dark chocolate.

The better to eat cognac

As in any area of ​​etiquette, Russia is somewhat different from Europe when it comes to drinking alcohol. This also applies to the etiquette of serving snacks for cognac.

Patriotic etiquette

Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind in response to the question “what is served with cognac for a snack?” Is lemon slices. The tradition of eating strong alcohol with this particular fruit appeared in the time of Nicholas II. However, experts who understand the topic will unanimously express their bewilderment at the sight of such a presentation: after all, acid, which is contained in large quantities in lemon, very quickly drowns out the taste of any drink, thereby distorting perception.

Perhaps the habit of serving lemon with cognac in our country has been preserved because the quality of the drink itself leaves much to be desired. The second possible option is an elementary desire to get drunk, when, in fact, it doesn’t matter what intoxicates. But in this case, it is better to give preference to less whimsical vodka or tequila, which is just the same impossible to imagine without lemon (or lime) and salt.

World cognac drinking etiquette

Picking up a glass with ten-year-old cognac poured into it, it simply would not occur to a sane person to bite it with something, because in order for the drink to acquire exactly those organoleptic properties that are available, the manufacturers had to do a lot of work. If the reason for drinking this kind is tasting, then simple mineral water is used to renew taste buds.

According to the etiquette adopted in French society, cognac with a relatively short exposure (up to ten years) is usually served with dark chocolate or pâté.

A classic recognized by many European aesthetes is the rule of three "C" - Cafe, Cognac, Cigare. It is easy to explain why such a tradition cannot take root in Russian reality: in order not to get drunk to such an extent that you can still distinguish the taste of all three components, you need to limit yourself to a dose of one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams of alcohol. For a Russian person, this is the dose for one toast.

The best appetizers and dishes for cognac

If you decide to serve cognac not in a close circle, but for a large feast, then you can focus on the following food groups that are most suitable for drinking with this drink:

  • fruits from the area where the cognac itself came from, for example, grapes, strawberries, pears, apples, and so on;
  • olives;
  • hard cheeses;
  • seafood, for example, canapes with caviar, oysters fried in a small amount of oil, salmon;
  • lean white meat, such as veal or poultry.

It is best to exclude spicy and fatty dishes from the menu. If you want to not only follow etiquette, but also please invited guests, ask them about their preferences. And if a person cannot imagine cognac without lemon, you should not convince him of this.

How to drink cognac

If you want not to dwell on cognac alone, a logical question arises - with what other alcoholic drink can you combine it so as not to suffer in the morning. Oddly enough, dry white wine is considered the best company for cognac. Despite the fact that it has less than a degree, it has a very similar composition, so the risk of alcohol poisoning due to mixing different ingredients is practically eliminated.

If you decide, like a European esthete, to try a combination of cognac + coffee, do not mix these two drinks. According to the rules of etiquette and consumer culture, you should first drink a cup of coffee, and only then about 50 grams of cognac.

It can be concluded that the variety of dishes and drinks that, according to etiquette, are usually served with cognac, is quite wide. The main criteria that you can focus on are the quality and cost of the bottle that you are going to drink, as well as the purpose of drinking this drink.

The selection of dishes significantly affects the sensations received from a particular alcoholic drink. The effect can be both positive and negative. Next, I will tell you how to properly snack cognac without interrupting its taste. In this matter, we are a unique country that has chosen its own path of development, choosing a simple, but not the most successful snack.

Russian reality. Thanks to Nicholas II, a strange tradition of eating cognac with lemon took root in our country. There is no point in this approach, because citric acid drowns out the receptors of the tongue for several minutes, interrupting the taste of any even the most sophisticated drink. This combination is justified only in two situations: when the quality of cognac leaves much to be desired (typical for most cheap brands) or a person just decided to get drunk.

In the second case, it is easier to choose alcohol without taste, for example, vodka, or switch to tequila, the European culture of drinking which is unthinkable without salt and lemon, although the Mexicans “inventors” of tequila consider this wildness.

World practice. When it comes to long-term cognacs (10-25 years), connoisseurs of elite spirits drink them without snacks. The organoleptic properties (color, taste, smell) of such drinks have been formed over the years, third-party products will spoil everything. If cognac tasting involves acquaintance with several brands, after each sample, the mouth is refreshed with mineral water without gas to refresh the receptors.

In France, short-aged cognacs (up to 10 years) are served with chocolate or pâtés. But most gourmets prefer to follow the rule of three "C" (Cafe, Cognac, Cigare). Moreover, at first they drink a cup of coffee, then take a few sips of cognac, and only after that they smoke a fragrant cigar.

french classic

The disadvantage of the rule of three "C": you can drink no more than 100-150 grams of cognac without being very drunk, and for Russians this is a ridiculous dose. During a long feast, an appetizer must be served with cognac, while it is important to preserve the taste of the drink.

Feast options. Dishes should not be spicy and greasy. Suitable fruits growing in the area where the drink is made: grapes, apples, pears, strawberries, etc. Olives, hard cheeses, seafood (caviar sandwiches, fried oysters, salmon) and white lean meat without hot spices, such as poultry or veal, go well with cognac. You can drink cognac with the juice of white grapes or non-carbonated mineral water.

When compiling the menu, I advise you to take into account the preferences of the guests, having previously learned what they like to eat cognac with. Habit is second nature, sometimes more important than the right combination of drinks and dishes. If a person is used to eating cognac with lemon and does not want to change anything, it is useless to argue with him, it is easier to put a plate of sliced ​​lemons on the table, preserving the holiday atmosphere. Recipes for simple dishes and options for their beautiful presentation are shown in the video.

Paradoxically, in a country where strong alcohol is consumed in fairly large quantities, the culture of tasting them remains at a low level. Everyone knows what they eat, but how to do it right and what drinks are appropriate to serve with it is worth figuring out.

The better to eat cognac

Connoisseurs and gourmets who have the opportunity to consume high quality cognac believe that eating this drink is blasphemy. The best appetizer for cognac is its absence. After all, almost any dish with which a drink is eaten affects the taste buds and simply clogs the taste of the drink. And since aftertaste is highly valued in good quality cognac, it makes sense to keep it, and not to kill it. The French, after a glass of Martell or Hennessy, traditionally allow only smoking a good cigar, but not culinary products.

However, in the post-Soviet space, the tradition of snacking on this drink has steadily taken root. Everyone here knows the better to eat cognac - a lemon or a slice of cheese. And, since Russian-speaking consumers do not know another way to use it, it’s worth figuring out what they eat with cognac where it was created. The French prefer to serve pate and chocolate for the feast. These products do not interfere with the taste bouquet of drinks that have been aged for more than 10 years. Less aged can be served with hard cheeses, seafood, olives, fruits.

Light snacks in a hurry

If a feast is expected, preference should be given to snacks for cognac in a hurry. It is suitable for light dishes that do not create heaviness and do not leave a long aftertaste. From meat dishes, lean meats served in the form of a pate or slices are appropriate. One of the common options is canapes or tartlets (possible with caviar), feta cheese mixed with herbs, mixtures based on nuts and honey are also suitable. A combination with oysters or mussels, scallops or squid will be especially piquant.

To the question of what to eat cognac according to etiquette, the answer is simple: chocolate, nuts, olives and cheeses. If the jamming of a drink with any product is provided for in the traditions of the event at which the tasting takes place, then it is best to prefer these dishes. Expensive restaurants often serve honey in bowls, nuts, sliced ​​apples and grapes. However, the answer to the question of what to eat cognac correctly, provided that an expensive aged drink is served, remains unambiguous - nothing. To preserve the precious aftertaste and set it off, it is only appropriate to light the cigar.

The better to drink cognac

And what to eat is an interesting question. Firstly, this alcohol is not so much drunk (to get drunk), but sipped (to enjoy). It is worth saying what they drink cognac with and what they eat in his homeland, in France. The French, who know a lot about drinking a noble drink, often serve brandy with a cup of good coffee. Moreover, coffee should not be drunk after drinking alcohol, but immediately before it. This sequence helps to best reveal the taste of good aged alcohol.

There are situations when mineral water is served with a drink. But this option is appropriate when a tasting of several varieties is provided and there is a need to refresh the taste buds between tasting sessions.

Otherwise, fruit juice can be served, preferably from white grapes. The main condition is that the juice should contain a small amount of sugar, that is, not be sweet. You can serve apple, pomegranate, pear juice, or their blend with grape. Win those who do not know what is served with cognac for a snack, because. at best, nothing. At worst, nuts, cheese and chocolate.

How to choose the right cognac

It’s clear which appetizer goes with cognac, but choosing a quality product is not so easy. The main criterion for the benchmark is the cost. It is clear that the place of purchase must be appropriate. Expensive aged alcohol is rarely sold in small grocery stores and even in large supermarket chains. You should rather look for it in large alcohol stores or stores specializing in the sale of alcohol. Cognac is often faked, hoping that the average consumer can hardly distinguish expensive alcohol from a fake in design.

It is important to pay attention to the price. An aged product at a low price should alert. Do not ignore the way it is designed. A well-designed label, a tight-fitting lid, and possibly gift wrapping are good signs. To ensure the quality of exposure, the bottle can be turned upside down. Pay attention to how the drops flow down from the bottom of the bottle. Drops that fall heavily and slowly indicate good exposure, while rapidly flowing liquid indicates poor exposure.

What not to serve with cognac

There is a small list of products that are inappropriate to serve with expensive alcohol. An appetizer for cognac should not be cheap and rough. Budget products such as crab sticks, low-quality cheeses, river fish are unacceptable. The drink is not too harmoniously combined with noble fish. Shellfish would be a much better option. To serve or not to serve lemon is a moot point. Many are so accustomed to it at any feast that they cannot imagine drinking strong drinks without such an appetizer.

If fruits are served, then a simple rule is observed: for an alcoholic product produced in a cold climate, appropriate fruits and berries should be served - strawberries, apples, grapes, or pears, for alcohol produced in a hot climate, citrus fruits, figs, peaches are suitable. You should not serve at the table, where expensive alcoholic drinks are offered for tasting, such products as fatty meats, sausage, cream confectionery. It is inappropriate to put sweet soda and cheap wines on such a table.

Cognac It is an alcoholic drink with a strong taste. It is generally accepted that he first appeared in France. Usually confident men drink cognac. It is not customary to seize it with anything, as they need to be fully enjoyed. But, for many people, this is not possible. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what cognac is snacking on?

Classic appetizer for cognac

There is a wide list of various snacks to cognac. They are consumed together with cognac in different countries, depending on the taste preferences of each person.

  • The most common snack for elite alcohol is chocolate. It is advisable to choose a bitter confection, as it will not interrupt the taste of the drink itself;
  • In many Russian restaurants, cognac is served with tartlets or mini sandwiches. Caviar or liver pate is used as a filling;
  • An expensive and elite drink is combined with fruits only if they are ripe and juicy. For example, apples, grapes and all citrus varieties;
  • Meat is ideal for almost every wine product as an appetizer. You can cook dishes from lamb, game, poultry and veal;
  • Cheese will give brandy an unusual taste; you can also use a different grade of this product for slicing;
  • Alcohol is combined with other drinks, such as coffee, grape juice or mineral water;
  • Cognac is also combined with seafood: oysters, mussels, scallops.

Only true gourmets have a negative attitude towards any kind of snack, they enjoy every sip of this excellent wine product and try to keep this aftertaste in their memory.

What to do so that the snack does not interrupt the taste?

Exists 5 easy recipes for snacks for brandy.

  1. Meat dishes accepted undersalt. It is desirable that during the meal a person does not feel sharpness. Also, the snack should not be too fatty and “heavy”, otherwise you will not be able to fully enjoy this drink;
  2. When choosing fruits, it is worth considering cognac variety. It is desirable that they grow in those parts where the drink was invented. For example, if it was created in countries whose climate is close to Russia, then apples, grapes, pears or strawberries should be preferred;
  3. When choosing juice, you need to pay attention to the sugar content in it - the less, the better. The best option is freshly squeezed juice from white grapes;
  4. Seafood should be as fresh and properly prepared as possible;
  5. Sandwiches and tartlets do not need to be further processed (fried, baked) and salted.

Cognac is the drink that is served at the table on a special occasion. Therefore, it is important to take care of the beautiful serving of dishes in advance.

It is also necessary to take into account the tastes of guests and select appropriate products.

How to drink brandy?

In addition to the right choice of snacks, it is worth remembering that how to drink cognac:

  • The drink must be pre-cooled by placing it on the window or in the refrigerator. Too cold and warm cognac can cause dizziness;
  • You need to drink alcohol only from special glasses;
  • A distinctive feature of wine and cognac from vodka is that they do not drink it in one gulp. It is customary to take a small sip in your mouth, close your eyes and enjoy the wonderful taste;
  • Elite cognac is best stored in a special bar or cabinet, which has the optimum temperature;
  • To get the maximum pleasure from the drink, you must first drink a cup of coffee and smoke a Cuban cigar;
  • Serve it only in a beautiful decanter. It is desirable that it be made of crystal;
  • Dishes with a strong smell should not be allowed on the table, as they can interrupt the taste of alcohol and prevent guests from smelling this attractive smell.

The combination of a properly selected snack and the use of cognac according to all the main "laws" will allow you to fully enjoy it. However, do not forget about the correct choice of alcohol at the time of purchase.

How to choose the right cognac?

The number of scammers is on the rise. Therefore, there is a risk of buying low quality alcohol at a high price. It is required to remember a few basic rules that will help distinguish the original from the fake:

  • First of all, you need to decide where to buy a wine product. The lowest prices on the internet. On the official websites of virtual stores there is a wide selection of a wide variety of drinks. But, you should not trust such manufacturers, as there is a risk of acquiring fake or diluted alcohol. It is better to buy alcohol in specialized stores that sell wine products. In both cases, it is necessary to read the reviews about the enterprise and ask where the products were brought from;
  • It is required to pay attention to where the alcohol was produced. It is desirable that this place be France or Armenia;
  • A high-quality drink can be recognized by an unusual bottle. Usually, manufacturers use containers of original forms;
  • It is worth making sure that the alcohol has been aged, it is desirable that this figure exceeds 6.5 years. You can recognize such a product by marking "KV";
  • There is one old trick: if a fingerprint is clearly visible through a glass, then this indicates its high quality;
  • If the plume of the drink flows down the walls of the dish in a very short time (less than 5 seconds), then this indicates that the cognac is quite young;
  • If it flows down the glass for more than one minute, then this indicates that the alcohol has been aged for more than 20 years.

How to drink cognac with cola?

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity also enjoy the amazing taste of cognac.

But, they prefer to dilute the liquor with carbonated drinks, for example cola. There are several features of obtaining this cocktail:

  • Good taste can be obtained with the same ratio of the two components;
  • First, a non-alcoholic drink is poured - cola, and alcohol itself is already added to it;
  • If the cocktail will be consumed throughout the evening, then you should lower the degree by adding it not 50% cola, but three quarters;
  • If the taste of the cocktail turned out to be unpleasant, then you can add a piece of ice and a small amount of lemon juice to it, or a whole slice of lemon.

Wine with cola is not required as a snack, such a cocktail can be used as the main drink at a party.

Cognac cocktail with coffee

If you need to create an alcoholic cocktail with an exquisite taste, then you can mix coffee with cognac. This will require:

  • Pour a small amount of coffee into a glass and evenly distribute it over the surface of the entire bottom;
  • Top with a few teaspoons of cognac;
  • Next, add another spoonful of coffee and fill the glass with cognac completely;
  • Let the drink brew for a while;
  • Strain it through a sieve.

Cognac is not just alcohol, it is a real masterpiece for gourmets. It is used on holidays, special occasions and just to cheer up. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with how to drink properly and what brandy has to eat.

Cognac appetizer video
