
Types of cold soups. Watermelon - agricultural technology, interesting facts about the plant and the best varieties

mediterranean okroshka

A cold soup called okroshka (okroshka) entered the cookbooks of many countries of the world. English or Greek okroshka is often very different from the Russian "sister" in composition, but that's the beauty of diversity, isn't it?

For example, both Mediterranean and Caucasian cuisines compete for the right to name the recipe below as their own. It has a lot of fresh vegetables and spicy greens, which has always distinguished the cuisine of the south. And instead of kefir, you can use low-fat natural yogurt without sugar.

Okroshka on kefir "South"

300 ml kefir

300 ml cold boiled water

2 fresh cucumbers

2 sweet bell peppers

1 tomato

2-3 garlic cloves

2-3 sprigs of basil

2-3 sprigs of parsley

1 st. a spoonful of walnuts

food ice

Salt to taste

How to cook okroshka on kefir "South" :

  • Pour boiling water over the tomato, remove the skin, cut into small cubes, removing the seeds. Peel bell peppers and cucumbers, also cut into cubes.
  • Finely chop the garlic, parsley and basil (leave a few leaves whole for decoration).
  • Mix vegetables - tomato, pepper, cucumbers - with garlic and herbs, spread the resulting mass on portioned plates.
  • Combine kefir with an equal amount of cold boiled water, salt. Pour dressing over vegetables in bowls. Before serving, sprinkle okroshka with chopped walnuts, garnish with green leaves and put 1-2 ice cubes in each plate.
  • Okroshka on kefir "South" is ready.

Okroshka with squid


Cold beet soups with kvass are famous for Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. Svekolnik, or cold borsch, is cooked with the addition of finely chopped beets and beetroot broth, garnished with greens, half a boiled egg and seasoned with sour cream or heavy cream.

Botvinya is any cold soup to which young tops (beet leaves, sorrel, nettle shoots) are added. The washed tops are boiled, finely cut, poured with kvass. Botvinya is also prepared with pickles, boiled fish.


2-3 young beets with tops

1 young carrot

2 fresh cucumbers

100 g sour cream

100 g green onions

1 l bread kvass

1 glass of water

dill greens

Sugar, salt, vinegar to taste

How to cook beetroot botvinia :

  • Peeled beets cut into cubes, pour water, add vinegar and simmer for 20-30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, put the beet tops, cool.
  • Young carrots, peeled cucumbers, cut boiled eggs, grind green onions with salt.
  • Combine everything with beetroot broth, mix, add kvass, sour cream, sugar, salt. When serving, sprinkle with chopped dill.
  • Beetroot-botvinia is ready.

Caucasian cold soup

Ayran is a drink of longevity, cheerfulness and harmony, a “relative” of kefir. In Turkish, Azerbaijani, Kazakh, Bashkir and other cuisines of the Turkic peoples, ayran is widely used as the basis for cold soups, while it is diluted with milk, koumiss, mineral or cold boiled water.

In cold soups on ayran, when serving, pieces of edible ice are necessarily put to enhance the refreshing, hunger-quenching and thirst-quenching effect of the dish.

Cold soup on ayran

300 ml ayran

300 ml milk

2 fresh cucumbers

2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice

2 garlic cloves

1 red hot pepper

2-3 sprigs of mint

2-3 sprigs of parsley

Salt to taste

food ice

How to cook cold soup on ayran :

  • Peel cucumbers, cut into thin strips. Peel hot peppers from seeds and stalk, also cut into strips. Crush the garlic in a garlic press. Finely chop the mint and parsley.
  • Ayran dilute with milk, add garlic, lemon juice, cucumbers, pepper, salt.
  • Pour the soup into bowls. Before serving, put 2-3 ice cubes in each plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  • Cold soup on ayran is ready.

Bon appetit!

American cold tomato soup

The cuisine of the American South keeps many traditions of the Old World, that is, Europe, from where one day the ancestors of the current inhabitants of the United States left in search of a better life and rich lands.

Kvass as a drink and the basis of cold soups is unfamiliar to American farmers - they prefer to cook summer first courses in vegetable broth. And if we cannot imagine okroshka without cucumbers and green onions, then Americans cannot imagine cold vegetable soup without corn.

Tomato soup with corn and cumin

600 ml vegetable broth

150 g canned corn

4-6 large tomatoes

1 bulb

3 art. spoons of olive oil

2 garlic cloves

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

Small bunch of green dill

Small bunch of basil greens

4 lemon slices

Salt, ground black pepper to taste

How to cook tomato soup with corn and cumin :

  • Finely chop the onion and garlic, sauté in olive oil. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin, coarsely chop, pour hot vegetable broth.
  • When the broth boils, season it with cumin, onion, garlic and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes.
  • Cool the finished soup to room temperature, rub through a sieve or pass through a blender, salt, pepper, add corn.
  • Pour the soup into serving bowls, sprinkle with chopped dill and basil, garnish with lemon slices and serve.
  • Tomato soup with corn and cumin is ready.

Bulgarian tomato soup

Summer soups based on tomato juice, freshly prepared tomato paste or natural unsweetened yogurt are very popular in Bulgarian cuisine. Such soups are moderately spicy or slightly sour in taste, perfectly refreshing, saturating without a feeling of heaviness. And to season summer soups, except for dessert ones, Bulgarians prefer cheese and herbs - generously, without sparing, from the heart. Our recipe invites you to sunny Bulgaria!

Cold tomato soup with cheese

3 cups fresh tomato pulp

2 glasses of water

1 glass of grated cheese

3 garlic cloves

2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil

4 sprigs of parsley

Sugar, salt, ground black pepper to taste

How to cook cold tomato soup with cheese :

  • Grind chopped garlic with salt, add cheese, vegetable oil, mix everything.
  • Pour the finely chopped tomatoes with water, beat in a blender until a homogeneous puree-like mass is obtained.
  • Add garlic-cheese dressing to tomato puree, season with sugar, salt, pepper. Sprinkle the soup with chopped parsley before serving.
  • Cold tomato soup with cheese is ready.

Bon appetit!

french sweet soup

Only summer soups can be both a main course and an exquisite dessert at the same time. French gourmets turn some cold summer soups into a light, refreshing cocktail, just like in today's recipe.

And if you want culinary chic and exotic in French, try replacing apples in this recipe with an equal amount of melon pulp. The temptations of Paris excite, call and tease!

Milk soup with apples

800 g sweet apples

5 glasses of milk

1 st. a spoonful of sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

How to cook milk soup with apples :

  • Peel the apples, remove the core, and cut the flesh into small slices, season with sugar and cinnamon. Simmer over moderate heat, covered, until tender.
  • Mix the milk with the yolk and heat, not bringing to a boil.
  • Remove milk and apples from heat, cool to room temperature, mix until smooth. Serve the soup chilled in bowls or wide low glasses.
  • Milk soup with apples is ready.

german cold soup

In our top list of summer soups, the turn of German thoroughness has come. In German cuisine, there are a lot of cold mashed soups, milk-based soups with the addition of vegetables, fruits, flour products. The heat is hot, and the Germans love healthy and satisfying food in the summer. Even our recipe today, without a seasonal young vegetable, would be more like a Christmas dessert thanks to the “winter” combination of cinnamon, zest and vanilla. The nutritional value of the soup comes from the duo of rhubarb and croutons.

Rhubarb soup with vanilla croutons

300 g young rhubarb stalks

150 g sugar

1 st. spoonful of potato starch

Gazpacho is one of the most famous cold soups. In his homeland, Spain, soup is considered more of a thick, invigorating drink than a main course.

The indispensable basis of gazpacho is tomatoes, to which cucumbers, white wheat bread crumb, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, olive oil, fruit or wine vinegar are added. There are many variations of gazpacho: vegetable, fruit and vegetable, meat, fish, seafood. Let's taste gazpacho with shrimp!

Gazpacho with shrimps

50 g (3 slices) white bread without crust

700 g tomatoes

3-6 peeled boiled shrimp

1 small fresh cucumber

1 red bell pepper

1 st. tablespoon chopped parsley

1/2 st. tablespoons chopped onion

2 garlic cloves

1/2 cup olive oil

2–3 tbsp. tablespoons of wine vinegar

pinch of sugar

Salt, black or red pepper to taste

Boiled egg, croutons for decoration

food ice

How to make gazpacho with shrimp :

  • Take ripe tomatoes, pour over boiling water, remove the skin, remove the seeds and cut the flesh into small pieces. Peel cucumber, remove seeds and cut into cubes. Sweet peppers are also cleaned of seeds, remove the stalk, cut into cubes.
  • Soak the crumb of white bread in a small amount of water, then lightly squeeze out the excess liquid.
  • Mix tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, chopped onions and garlic, softened bread with a mixer or beat with a blender. It is advisable not to use metal, enameled dishes, otherwise the vitamins will be destroyed.
  • Dilute the olive oil with vinegar and season the resulting mixture with it, adding salt, sugar, black or red ground pepper to taste. If the soup is too thick, dilute it with 1/2 liter of cold boiled water. Place the gazpacho in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • Dessert cold soup "Orange milk"

    0.75 l milk

    6 art. tablespoons of condensed milk

    2/3 cup orange juice

    biscuit cookies

    orange slices for garnish

    How to make Orange Milk Dessert Cold Soup :

    • Blend whole milk, condensed milk and orange juice in a blender until soft and frothy.
    • Cool the soup. Before serving, add orange slices, grated or broken biscuits into small pieces to the soup. Cookies can be served separately if desired.
    • Dessert cold soup "Orange milk" is ready.

    Bon appetit!

Cold soups are ideal on summer days - they are refreshing in the heat, you do not need to stand at the hot stove during preparation, and the leftovers can be immediately put in the refrigerator.

This selection of simple and delicious recipes will diversify your diet for the whole season. Prepare a new light soup each time so that the food is balanced and the home does not get tired of the monotony. However, you should not completely abandon full-fledged first courses, a varied menu is important for the body and mutual understanding with your husband and children!

Types of cold soups by cooking method and ingredients

Cold soup - the first dish served cold, but cooked different ways:

  1. Absolutely no cooking. Products that do not require heat treatment are taken as a basis. This applies to both fillers and the liquid part. Among the ingredients in such dishes, vegetables and gastronomic products predominate - sausages, crab sticks, smoked fish. Ideal for cottages and outdoors.
  2. With pre-cooked ingredients. In this case, the components that require heat treatment are boiled, baked or fried, cooled, crushed and poured with a cold base. An example is okroshka. In some recipes, the liquid base is pre-cooked and then cooled. For example, beetroot broth or sorrel broth.
  3. In the usual mode, cooked and cooled soup. In such recipes, dishes are cooked on the stove, and then cooled and served. Cold borscht and pickles.

As a soup base use:

  • vegetable decoctions and broths (beetroot, potato, sorrel);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, national drinks with sourdough);
  • vegetable juices and purees;
  • serum;
  • kvass;
  • mineral water;
  • milk.

Summer cold soups are always full of greens and fresh juicy vegetables; they can be served not only for lunch, but also for dinner and even for breakfast. An ideal alternative to hearty meals for those who want to lose weight. A separate line - dessert soups with fruits and berries.

Some cooking recipes contain spices, spices, aromatic herbs. Sometimes, for piquancy, it is recommended to add vinegar, lemon juice, honey, sugar. Vinegar acts in part as a preservative.

Soups without cooking on kefir

In the summer, recipes for cold soups based on kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, tanya and other fermented milk products are in the first place in popularity. They are very light, do not overload the body, but satisfying and tasty.

Simple kefir soups can be prepared without recipes. Main rule- Foods that have been boiled must be cooled. Thick kefir can be diluted with cold mineral water, whey or cooled boiled water. If you want a more nutritious soup, you can add sour cream. If light - take a fat-free product.

Use fresh and cooked vegetables in the same way as in salads. Cucumbers, tomatoes, green peas, sweet peppers, boiled potatoes, carrots are combined with kefir. From greens - green onions, parsley, cilantro, dill, mint. For sourness, you can add lemon or its juice, and for piquancy - hot pepper, garlic, dry adjika.

Kefir soups are more satisfying if you add rice or other cereals to them. Here's how easy it is to cook cold rice soup with kefir tomatoes:

  1. Boil half a cup of round rice in a large volume of water, drain the water.
  2. Chop your favorite greens - onion, parsley, cilantro, basil.
  3. Finely chop two hard tomatoes and two cucumbers.
  4. Mix all ingredients, pepper and salt if desired. Pour in kefir, adjusting the density to your liking.

For a hearty dish, boiled potatoes, boiled carrots and celery can be added to sour-milk soup. It will turn out a full meal that even a hungry man will like.

A very interesting recipe for cold summer kefir bread soup:

  1. Dry 200 g of rye bread and grind into large crumbs. You can take crackers.
  2. Chop 2 pickles.
  3. Chop more greens, including green onions.
  4. Pour a liter of fat-free kefir. Salt is optional, as the cucumbers are salty.

It is good to add to kefir cold soups flaxseed flour- a teaspoon per glass of kefir. This will make the dish more satisfying and contribute to a gentle bowel cleansing.

Summer soups with whey

Recipes for cold whey soups will appeal to those who make cottage cheese and cheese themselves and do not know where to put this by-product, but very useful product. If there is no homemade whey, then just buy it in a supermarket or farmers' market.

Delicious low calorie refrigerator whey is easy to prepare with potatoes, eggs and fresh cucumber. Take the proportions approximately the same, and if you are on a diet, put fewer potatoes and more cucumbers.

Cut vegetables and eggs like for a salad, add fresh chopped greens, arrange on plates and pour over with cold whey.

Making light whey soup with chicken meat takes a little longer:

  1. Boil chicken breast (about 0.6 kg) and hard boil seven eggs. Cool, cut.
  2. Cut into cubes three medium-sized fresh cucumbers, chop a bunch of green onions and fresh dill.
  3. Optionally, you can add boiled potatoes if you like more satisfying and high-calorie dishes.
  4. Mix everything, fill with two liters of whey. Calorie lovers can put a spoonful of sour cream in each plate when serving.

In the national cuisines of many countries of the world there are recipes for cold soups. For a long time, people have been looking for an alternative to traditional hot dishes to satisfy their appetite and refresh themselves in the summer heat. Surely, in the cookbooks of many modern hostesses there are a couple of recipes for dishes that give coolness, but at the same time require very little effort in cooking and eliminate the need to spin around the stove for a long time. In our article you will find a selection of dishes, many of which have been tested by more than one generation of gourmets.

Refreshing ideas from around the world

The ancient recipes have changed little. Today, we can easily prepare the same dishes that were served to the tables several centuries ago, but the process of preparing and preserving dishes has become even easier. In ancient times, one of the components of many cold soups was a live frog, which was placed in a container for cooling. Fortunately, modern technology helps to keep the freshness of the dish for a long time and without such an extreme.

The technology for making cold soups is simple. It is enough to grind the components and add the liquid. Bread, oat or beet kvass, vegetable or mushroom broth, mineral water, fermented milk products, milk, vegetable and fruit juices are used as filling.

Considering the recipes of different countries, you can see that each nation makes the most of their favorite products. In the Mediterranean, seafood and fish, olives and olive oil, so beloved by the inhabitants of this region, are added to refreshing soups. The peoples of Asia prepare soups based on a variety of fermented milk products: koumiss, matsoni, ayran. Since ancient times, the Slavs of Eastern Europe put vegetables and herbs in summer dishes, often add boiled meat. And in the Far East, traditional noodles are considered one of the main components, the taste of which is emphasized with aromatic spices and soy sauce.

mediterranean avocado soup

If you love cold soups, give this delectable dish a try. Peel one avocado from the skin, cut into cubes, load into a blender. Add a couple of drops of white wine, 40 g of natural yoghurt, 80 ml of sparkling mineral water. Blend the ingredients until pureed. When serving, garnish with herbs, dried paprika flakes and drizzle with olive oil.

The pulp of a fragrant young cucumber can be added to this creamy soup to make the structure even more interesting. Boiled or baked shrimp, red fish meat, rapana, mussels are perfect for this dish.

Korean kuksi

This dish is common in many countries of the Far East. If you love Korean food, you must try this recipe! You can cook this cold soup both at home and at a picnic. But before serving, it must be well cooled.

Cut into thin strips 300 g of lean beef, fry over high heat in a greased pan. Send 200 g of thinly chopped white cabbage to the meat. When it is fried, reduce the heat, add salt and simmer for about 10 more minutes. Season with pepper - regular black and cayenne.

Boil 300 g of noodles. Rinse, spray with oil, set to cool.

Half a bunch of radishes and a couple of cucumbers grate, regular or special Korean. Pass 3-4 cloves of young garlic through a press, chop a few sprigs of cilantro as small as possible, add to vegetables, mix, season with vinegar and soy sauce (to taste), salt.

Whisk 2 eggs with a whisk. Add 2 tablespoons of ice water to make the mass fluffy. Bake some pancake omelettes. When they have cooled, roll them into rolls and chop.

The soup is served as follows. Place a layer of meat on a plate with cabbage, top with noodles, then vegetables and omelette rolls. Fill the soup with cold mineral water without gas. So that each guest can regulate the taste in his own way, serve pepper, vinegar, soy sauce, salt to the table.

Bulgarian tarator

Mentions of this dish are found in medieval historical chronicles. Cold kefir soup is prepared in Bulgaria in our time. Try this recipe too.

Grate or cut into slices 5 young cucumbers. In a mortar, crush 1 cup of walnut kernels, adding 5 cloves of garlic and dill, parsley, cilantro to them. Pour the components with a liter of yogurt, add pepper and salt. That's all! It remains to cool the soup well before serving. If you want to add color, taste and crunch, decorate the dish with slices of young radish.

Belarusian holodnik

Cold beetroot soups are popular in many countries. To prepare, boil 5 medium beet roots and 5 eggs. Leave to cool. Meanwhile, grate 3 peeled cucumbers.

Chop a bunch of greens (onions, dill) and combine with yolks. Mix well with a pestle. Grate the cooled beets and squirrels.

Combine the ingredients, season with a glass of sour cream. Gradually add water to the desired thickness.

Russian okroshka

This dish is a real gem of traditional cuisine. For many, it is not just a favorite dish, but is also invariably associated with the holiday. Okroshka is a symbol of the departure of winter, an opportunity to enjoy fresh herbs and the first young cucumbers. At the same time, the cost of food is quite low, which makes this soup desirable for the everyday table.

There are many okroshka recipes. Before starting the active cooking phase, boil 5 eggs and 7 medium-sized potatoes. While these ingredients are cooking, you can start cutting other products. 2-3 cucumbers must be chopped into cubes. As a meat component, you can use boiled sausage, ham, boiled beef heart or chicken meat (breast). It will take about 350 g. Eggs and potatoes can be cut only after they have completely cooled. Do not forget to add a generous bunch of greens: onions, parsley, dill, young garlic arrows.

You can pour okroshka with ordinary bread kvass. But not everyone loves this option. Dressing can be prepared from kefir, diluted with carbonated mineral water to the desired consistency. When serving, mayonnaise, sour cream, citric acid, mustard, horseradish, salt are served on the table.

spanish gazpacho

For those who follow the figure, but are not used to being content with bland dishes, this soup can be a godsend. It is not in vain that residents of many southern European countries love him.

Pour 100 ml of olive oil into the blender bowl. Add 2 garlic cloves and a small onion, mince.

Peel 3 medium cucumbers, cut into slices, load into a blender, chop. Then add 1 large bell pepper (preferably red), work again with a blender. Last step: peel 4 ripe tomatoes, add them to the rest of the mass and beat the soup again. It is important to follow the sequence, loading the solid components first, and then the soft ones.

This cold summer soup can be served with crackers or croutons. You can decorate the dish with herbs and slices of fresh vegetables.

Turkic chalop

Many peoples of Central Asia prepare simple cold soups based on sour milk. Try it and you make this refreshing meal. There are many recipes and names for such soups among the Turkic peoples. In most cases, greens and young vegetables are added to yogurt: cucumber, milk zucchini, radish. Such stews perfectly satisfy not only hunger, but also thirst.

Berry soup with milk

And the following recipe can hardly be attributed to any one national cuisine. It is prepared almost everywhere. And even a child can cope with the task.

To prepare this cold soup, you will need fresh raspberries, strawberries, cherries, blackcurrants, blackberries or blueberries. You can use one variety or several.

Mash a handful of berries in a bowl with a spoon to release the juice. Add sugar or honey. Pour milk, kefir, curdled milk or fermented baked milk and serve immediately.

It is not worth storing such a soup for a long time, milk can turn sour, and the berries will lose their juiciness. It is best to prepare it immediately before serving and immediately start the meal.

A real hostess knows how to please her family on hot days. Heavy thick soups give way to their summer counterparts: beetroot, okroshka, gazpacho, botvinia. Okroshka, of course, helps out, but you won’t eat it all the time! And what cold soups can you still cook?

The basis of the bases of cold soups

Any first cold dishes are done like this - in a liquid base, which, as a rule, has a sour taste, they crumble various products that suit your taste, those that you have.

Kvass (ready-made or homemade), sour-milk drinks (kefir, whey, yogurt), as well as juices, vegetable or fruit decoctions are used as the basis.

It is necessarily included in cold soups, they do not save it.

Cold soups of the peoples of the world

Beetroot, okroshka, botvinya are dishes of Russian cuisine. I will talk about them in my next posts. Today you will learn cold soups from other peoples of the world.

Tartor - cold soup on kefir - Bulgarian cuisine

It is prepared very quickly, because no ingredients need to be prepared or boiled in advance.

So, we are preparing a cold soup - tartor

Required products: kefir (1 liter), fresh cucumber (3 pieces), peeled walnuts (0.5 cups), garlic (3 cloves), dill greens (large bunch), vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), and pepper ( taste).

Five simple steps tartor is ready.

  1. Chop all the vegetables (dill, fresh cucumbers and garlic).
  2. Mash walnuts in a special mortar, then add chopped garlic to them.
  3. Mix chopped cucumbers, grated walnuts and garlic.
  4. Pour everything with kefir and add vegetable oil to this mixture, pepper, salt and mix everything well again.

To make the tartor more liquid, you can add cold boiled water to the finished dish.

  1. Decorate the dish with chopped finely and serve it on the table.

Salmorejo - cold soup - puree - Spanish cuisine

Necessary products: tomatoes - 1 kg (or 1 liter of tomato juice), garlic (3 cloves), onions (1 head), boiled chicken egg (2 pieces), jamon - raw smoked ham (100 grams), sliced ​​white loaf (1 piece), vegetable oil, salt, apple cider vinegar (to your taste).

3 steps and salmorejo is ready.

Step One - Preparing the Components

We cut the banana into pieces. We clean the tomatoes from the skin, after scalding them with boiling water. We clean and cut the onion. Mince the garlic. We clean the eggs and cut them into four parts. Jamon cut into cubes.

Step two - the cooking process

Grind tomatoes, loaf, onion with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.

To this mass, add garlic, vinegar, salt, vegetable oil, and mix everything.

Step three - serving

Serve salmorejo in deep bowls, adding jamon and egg. If the soup seems too thick for your taste, then dilute it with water. Add ice cubes to cool.

Raita or lasii - a dish from India

It can be both a drink and served as a cold soup. Raita is similar to tartor, but unlike it, it is prepared without garlic, so it can be consumed whenever you like, even before a romantic date.

To prepare raita, you need: 1 liter of unsweetened yogurt (or kefir), a bunch of cilantro, 3 fresh cucumbers, a teaspoon of cumin (zira), a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger, a half teaspoon of black pepper and, of course, (to your taste).

In order not to spoil the raita, you need to properly roast the cumin seeds. The degree of readiness of roasting cumin can only be determined empirically. If it is overcooked, then the bitterness will kill the whole dish.

The rest is simple. Grate cucumbers, add ginger, salt, pepper, cumin seeds, season with yogurt, chopped cilantro and serve.

I hope you liked the cold soups of the peoples of different countries of the world and you, tell your friends about them on the social network, and also express your opinion about them in the comments on this post.

In anticipation of the summer, I decided to post a list of the most delicious and popular cold soups from around the world that will help you cool off in the worst heat. You can try these soups on vacation in the respective countries or even cook them yourself at home.

1. Tarator, Bulgaria

This refreshing yoghurt-based soup with cucumber is extremely popular among Bulgarians in the summer. Soup perfectly quenches thirst and is popular not only in Bulgaria, but also in other Balkan countries: Macedonia, Albania, Serbia. Soup is eaten both before the second and simultaneously with them. Jajik soup, which is a type of Tarator, is popular.

2. Gazpacho, Spain

Tomato-based soup with grated or whole vegetables and, of course, olive oil and spices. Gazpacho is served with crispy crackers, and the recipes for its preparation are somewhat different in different regions of the country. I have repeatedly ordered gazpacho in different cafes in Barcelona, ​​and it has always been consistently delicious. Cooking it at home is very simple, which I often do in the summer. Varieties of Gazpacho, which are prepared in other regions of Spain - Salmorejo (Salmorejo) from the region of Andalusia and Ajoblanco (Ajoblanco) from the very south of Spain - Malaga. Read more about gazpacho and other Spanish dishes in our article.

A refreshing soup of sour cream, sugar and whole pitted sour cherries served spiced. In addition to Hungary, this dish can be found in Austria, Poland, and Slovakia. In Hungary, this soup is served as an appetizer or even as a dessert. Look for the lunch menu of Hungarian restaurants during the summer.

Photo from Streetkitchen.blog.hu

4. Okroshka, Russia

Okroshka needs no further introduction: it is eaten with mineral water, kefir or kvass in the summer all over Russia. Okroshka is served with fresh vegetables, herbs and sour cream.

5. Beetroot, Ukraine

Delicious cold soup that never gets boring, with beets, fresh vegetables, eggs and herbs. The soup is common not only in Russia, but also in European countries: in Poland, Lithuania, Romania, where there are varieties of it. I tried cold beetroot with dumplings in Poland and it was very, very tasty.

6. Cook-si, Korea

Soup with homemade noodles, soy sauce with mustard, meat and egg. Sometimes seaweed is also added to the soup. Oddly enough, in Korea, this soup is eaten only in winter.

7. Dovga, Azerbaijan

Dovga is a national dish of Azerbaijani cuisine, yoghurt soup with herbs (coriander, dill), rice and chickpeas. In winter, the dish is served warm, in summer - cold. Meatballs are added to the soup for more nutrition. This soup is also common in the regions of neighboring Turkey.

8. Raita, India

Fresh Indian soup based on yogurt with greens (mint, cilantro), ginger, chili, lemon, garlic. All these seemingly incompatible ingredients make the soup taste special and unlike anything else.

9. Coconut and mango soup, Guyana

Fresh mango puree with coconut milk and rum make the taste of this soup extraordinarily exotic and evoke thoughts of tropical countries. Soup is eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner as a dessert.

10. Vichyssoise, France

A traditional puree soup that the French have been using to escape the summer heat for decades. The soup is made from leeks and potatoes based on chicken broth and cream. Soup is often served with crackers.
