
Coffee Jardin Dessert cup Pure Arabica ground. Coffee pleasure with a nutty flavor

Many coffee lovers prefer to drink it with various spices. One of the leaders is nutmeg, which gives the drink a special taste and aroma.

If you are tired of drinking regular coffee, then you can, of course, learn how to cook latte, mochachino and other drinks. But there are also those who do not like coffee with milk. In this case, everyone in the house has various spices. One such spice is nutmeg.

Nutmeg is a common spice that is widely used in cooking. Various dishes become even tastier, and the aroma is rich. In addition, almost any coffee shop offers coffee with different spices including ground nutmeg.

The taste of this spice is slightly pungent, bitter and astringent. The aftertaste is also spicy. Such a drink will warm the body in a cold season. Coffee with nutmeg strongly tones and gives energy. This spice also heals cardiovascular diseases, improves memory, brain activity and increases working capacity. If you add other spices in addition to nutmeg to coffee, then this drink will be even more effective.

Classic coffee with nutmeg


  • natural coffee - 250 ml
  • brown sugar - 1 tsp
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • cream - 120 ml
  • ground nutmeg - 1 tsp

Before making a drink, you need to shake egg yolk With brown sugar, just remember that sugar must certainly be brown.

After that, take a small coffee pot and heat the cream in it, just do not boil, just warm it up. Next, you need an egg yolk and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil.

Brew coffee in another coffee pot. and pour coffee over them, but do not top up to the brim. Top with cream and egg and sprinkle with nutmeg.

Rum coffee


  • fried coffee beans– 60 g
  • cane sugar - 12 tsp
  • ground nutmeg - 6 tsp
  • rum - 8 tablespoons

First you need in a hot frying pan. Then cool them and grind them in a coffee grinder. Pour in the coffee immediately afterwards. warm water in the amount of 1.5 liters. This is necessary so that the coffee does not absorb excess odors. Next, you need to brew coffee in order to. After making coffee, put it in a cold place to cool.

Meanwhile, put the nutmeg in a mortar and grind. You should not use a coffee grinder to grind nutmeg, as it will turn out to be too small.

Mix the cooled coffee with nutmeg, and then add required amount rum and sugar. This mass must be beaten with a blender at a very high speed. When serving, put each cup on a piece of ice.

Coffee with yolk


  • cold water - 250 ml
  • ground coffee - 4 tsp
  • cane sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • low-fat cream - 100 ml
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • nutmeg - 1 tsp

Ground coffee should be poured into a Turk and pour cold water. Put the Turk on the fire and heat, then stir and bring to a boil. It is impossible to boil coffee so that all the aromatic and taste properties drink.

Put sugar in another bowl, pour 1 teaspoon of water and put on fire. It should be cooked until brown, without interfering. Set the sugar aside, and when it cools down, add the egg yolk. Pour the cream into the sugar with the yolk and put everything on the fire to bring to a boil, but do not boil.

Pour coffee into cups, only three-quarters, and fill the rest of the space with a mixture of yolk and cream. Sprinkle with nutmeg.


  • cold water - 200 ml
  • freshly ground coffee - 2 tsp
  • ground nutmeg - 1 tsp
  • cane sugar - to taste

You can use whole nutmeg, just grind half of the nut. Pour into Turk freshly ground coffee, nutmeg and sugar. Pour everything with water and put to boil. Should be prepared for small fire and until the foam starts to rise. After this process, immediately remove the cezve from the heat so that the coffee does not boil. Leave ready drink infuse for a few minutes, and then pour into cups.

It is no secret that there are a lot of coffee lovers in the world.

Starting from simple cup connoisseurs strong drink in the morning and ending with avid coffee lovers who drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day - this drink is appreciated by everyone who drinks it at least sometimes.

Do you know that in India and Arab countries coffee is traditionally brewed with spices. The coffee card in any self-respecting coffee shop is replete with recipes with vanilla and cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg. Part of the magic of coffee lives in the words themselves, creating a subtle and spicy atmosphere, a well-chosen bouquet of spices brings another dimension of taste and aroma to coffee. But spices are not only the rhetoric of the coffee language. In the East, spices and spices have traditionally been used as a powerful medicine.

fragrant cardamom

Aromatic cardamom is one of the most popular coffee additives, serves as an excellent tonic, refreshes and invigorates. Cardamom relieves pain. This is one of basic components anti-cold mixtures. Cardamom is often used for long-term physical activity, as a means of normalizing the internal balance and strengthening the heart - and enhances this property of cardamom silver. So the silver Turk is not just an exquisite accessory. Everything is very utilitarian.

Cinnamon. Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark. Another tonic. The smell of cinnamon amuses, warms, eliminates depressive states and emotional cold. Inspires, relaxes, creates a cozy atmosphere of trust and goodwill. One of the most "creative" coffee additives - cinnamon co-author of the most bright ideas. Coffee with cinnamon is great. It is very useful in the early stages of colds and flu, and when feeling weak when the fever subsides. Cinnamon has proven itself at the stage of recovery after any illness.

Vanilla with its enchanting smell soothes, helps to find inner balance, relieves irritation, brings a sense of spiritual comfort. Vanilla coffee enhances vitality, performance and at the same time normalizes sleep. Another property of vanilla allows you to turn ordinary coffee latte into a drink for lovers - vanilla has traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac. It is no coincidence that the most popular french coffee- coffee with vanilla.

star anise
Star anise -Anisumstellatum, star anise with its subtle and multifaceted aroma great addition for winter coffee. Star anise strengthens and soothes nervous system. Coffee with the addition of star anise helps with colds, treats coughs, and helps restore a hoarse or lost voice. Orange is the most optimistic addition to coffee. The aroma of orange creates a warm, joyful atmosphere, stabilizes the mood, can both soothe and tone up. Coffee with orange peel well-known antidepressant, relieves fatigue, soothes headache, improves immunity. Ambulance with a breakdown, an attack of pessimism. Excellent remedy colds, flu, throat infections and respiratory system.

Bay leaf
Leaves of the plant Laurus nobilis. Gorky and spicy taste warms the body. Coffee with the addition of bay leaf helps relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, normalizes nervous activity and can be used as a mild antidepressant. But during pregnancy and lactation Bay leaf contraindicated.

Black pepper
Black pepper is round fruits climbing plant (liana) Piper nigrum. Sharp taste and spicy aftertaste. Coffee with pepper warms, strengthens memory, cleanses the vessels of the brain, improves digestion. A powerful addition to winter coffee - treats sinusitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, has antimicrobial properties.

Cloves are the dried buds of the Syzygium aromaticum tree. It has a sharp taste, oily, improves digestion, warms well. Coffee with cloves stimulates mental work, normalizes cerebral circulation. One of critical components winter warming anti-cold coffee.

The root of the plant Zingiber officinale. The aroma of ginger has hints of orange, lemon, lemon grass, coriander in the upper tones, the lower tones are sweet, heavy, rich, viscous, almost balsamic. Ginger is the main component of winter warming drinks. Just like honey, it helps to convey any medicines to every cell of the body, it is good to add ginger to coffee to enhance the action of other spices. Ginger coffee perfectly relieves cold symptoms, relieves headaches, improves metabolism. Amazing Property ginger coffee - elimination of apathy, lethargy, restoration of mental and physical strength.

Nutmeg is the fruit of the Myristica fragrans tree. Pungent, bitter and astringent taste with a sharp aftertaste. Strongly warms the body. It is used to treat impotence, sexual disorders. Coffee with nutmeg is a strong tonic. Strengthens memory and promotes normalization brain activity, treats heart disease. Mixtures of spices work much more effectively.

Spring and autumn great supplement with coffee - a mixture of cloves, cardamom, ginger and turmeric helps to restore strength and cope with the flu.

Winter coffee - ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, pepper, star anise, orange, nutmeg. Exist classic mono recipes cold coffee

Yemeni coffee

For 3 servings:

  • ground coffee - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • peeled and minced ginger - 1 small piece
  • cold water- 1½ cups
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon

Arabic coffee


  • 1 tsp ground coffee,
  • sugar to taste
  • a pinch of red pepper
  • <соль на кончике ножа,
  • 1/2 tsp butter

Place all the ingredients in a Turkish coffee pot and brew coffee. Pour into cups and serve. It turns out a strong dark drink with a coffee-ginger aroma, unusual for a European.

Pavel Kabakov



Cooking method

Let's start with the health benefits of nutmeg! Nutmeg has a subtle, but rather stable aroma, while it should be noted that, unlike many other spices, it does not clog the taste of coffee and does not stand out so brightly in a bouquet of flavors. Muscat gives a slight sharpness to the drink, or even I will say this: it makes all the original tastes more vivid. This is its main purpose - to invigorate the senses, and it is for this reason that the nut is a strong aphrodisiac: it can cause great excitement, especially in women!

So how do you make coffee with nutmeg the right way?

There are some simple rules:

  1. Use only whole nuts! Do not buy ground nuts in bags, it is best to walk to the nearest food market and purchase the spice there. Real nutmegs are sold in the shell.
  2. Grate some nutmeg right before adding it to your coffee. So your supplement will not lose its beneficial properties.
  3. Don't put too much in! Use 1-2 pinches per 200 ml depending on your tastes. Nutmeg in large doses can be poisonous!!! Causes dysentery and hallucinations. If you eat 3-4 nuts, then the effect will not be long in coming, be careful!
  4. Nutmeg is added to water along with coffee and sugar. It makes no sense to sprinkle it on the finished drink, otherwise it will remain on the surface, like ground cinnamon, but only sharp and much more odorous!
  5. Make coffee with love! Oriental coffee requires attention, concentrate on making the best coffee in the world for your beloved or beloved, observe all

I love coffee very much. I used to buy "Jockey", but here in "Pyaterochka" there was a promotion for coffee jardin- he cost 149 rubles and I bought a pack for a change. In "Magnet" I saw one for (approximately) 240 rubles.

I noticed the difference as soon as I opened the package. The smell now stands in the kitchen like in a good coffee shop)

And it tastes a little different - I don’t even know how to describe it. This is a really strong, invigorating, very aromatic coffee.

I also liked the packaging - it is vacuum, has a stylish black design.

I want to say that I never add sugar to natural coffee. This only spoils its taste. I deliberately accustomed myself to this when I began to brew coffee in a Turk. At first it was tasteless, but then I got used to it and now I don’t perceive coffee with sugar.

What I don’t brew coffee without is without spices.

I especially like to add cinnamon

Cinnamon reduces the acidifying effect of coffee on the body. It is an excellent spice, in this case (cinnamon is also used as a spice), which cleanses the blood, enhances blood circulation, has an anti-inflammatory effect and a warming effect. Cinnamon helps to defeat colds, tones the nervous system, improves eyesight and creates a great mood. And it also gives the drink an indescribable special aroma.


Cardamom perfectly stimulates the digestive system. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, significantly activates the metabolism and the process of burning fats. Cardamom is used to treat colds, fevers, sore throats, coughs and flu. Also, this spice improves vision, strengthens the nervous system, relieves lethargy and apathy, and is widely used in the treatment of nervous disorders and depression. It also partially destroys caffeine.


Nutmeg has a pungent, bitter and astringent taste with a sharp aftertaste. Warms the body. By the way, nutmeg is used to treat impotence, sexual disorders. Coffee with nutmeg is a fairly strong tonic.

Occasionally I put a tablespoon in the finished coffee ice cream. Ice cream melts and a beautiful foam is obtained.

Are you already so good at brewing fresh aromatic Turkish coffee that you want to try something unusual, get acquainted with new tastes and recipes? Of course, you can start learning latte art and preparing such exquisite drinks as macchiato, latte and mochachino, but we suggest you start by just adding some variety to your usual coffee taste. Moreover, not everyone likes coffee with milk. But almost everyone has one or another favorite spice. It is with these natural "flavors" that we propose to experiment.

Coffee with cinnamon

Our usual recipe
- 2 cups of water;

- a pinch of cinnamon;
- 2 tsp granulated sugar (or to taste).
Pour water into the Turk and wait for the appearance of small bubbles rising from the bottom along the side walls to the surface. As soon as these bubbles appear, immediately pour ground coffee into the Turk and add a pinch of cinnamon. Wait for the coffee to settle and the appearance of bubbles along the rim of the liquid - noticing them, immediately lift the grater above the stove and wait for the bubbles to fall. Turn off the fire. You can gently shake the bowl a little so that all the coffee disappears under the water. Return the Turk to the gas again and wait for the bubbles to reappear at the edge of the liquid. Raise the Turk over the fire again and after a few seconds return it to the stove again. After noticing the appearance of bubbles for the third time, turn off the gas. If it seemed to you that one rise was enough, then we do not argue. It remains to wait a few minutes (5-7) for the coffee particles to settle to the bottom and the drink to brew a little and you can invite your family to the table. We add sugar to an already prepared drink, and sometimes we do without sugar at all (as taste buds require). For the speedy fall of "caffeine", we sometimes drip a few drops of cold water into the Turk.

Another option for making coffee with cinnamon:
- 125 ml of water;
- 1 tsp ground coffee with a slide;
- 1/3 tsp cinnamon;
- 1/3 tsp granulated sugar.
Pour coffee with cinnamon and sugar into a cezve and heat over a fire without adding water. Then pour in water and wait until the drink starts to boil. Immediately remove the Turk from the heat and pour some coffee out of it into a cup. Return the Turk to the fire again and as soon as it begins to boil again, remove it from the heat again and pour a little into a cup. So, the entire drink from the Turks should move into the cup in 3-4 doses.

Coffee with cardamom

One of the classic spices traditionally added to coffee is cardamom.

Cardamom Coffee Recipe:
- 150 ml of water;
- 1-2 tsp ground coffee;
- 1/4-1/3 tsp ground cardamom or cardamom grains;
- sugar to taste.
Brew coffee in the usual way by adding ground or ground cardamom to the ground coffee beans. You can prepare such a drink even in a coffee machine, even in a Turk, etc.

Coffee with nutmeg

Another drink with an original taste is coffee with the addition of nutmeg. I must say that we often indulge in it in the morning - there is something especially invigorating and refreshing in coffee with nutmeg.
Recipe for coffee with nutmeg flavor:
- 200 ml of water;
- 2 tsp ground coffee;
- 1/2-1 tsp ground nutmeg (or half a whole nut);
- sugar to taste.
If you took nutmeg, then you must first grind it. Then you can start making coffee: pour ground coffee, nutmeg and sugar into the cezve to taste. Pour water into the Turk and send everything to the stove. Brew the drink in the usual way, then remove from heat and let it brew for a short time.

vanilla coffee

And of course, we could not ignore such a familiar spice as vanilla. Coffee with it can be prepared in two versions - with vanilla pods or with simple, commonly available vanilla sugar.
Coffee with vanilla sugar how we prepare it:
- 2 cups of water;
- 4 tsp ground coffee with a slide (we like a stronger drink);
- 1/2-1 tsp vanilla sugar;
- simple granulated sugar to taste.
Pour vanilla sugar into the cezve, fill it with water and wait until those very small bubbles appear that rise along the sides of the cezve from the bottom up - mix the water with sugar. Then pour ground coffee into the cezve and brew it in the way that we described in the first cinnamon coffee recipe.

Vanilla bean coffee can be brewed in any usual way, simply by adding half of the pod to the cezve.
Of course, all these spices can be combined into any combination that suits you and you can prepare, for example, coffee with cinnamon and vanilla sugar, etc.

And if you have not started making coffee yet, then we do not dare to keep you longer - enjoy your coffee drinking!
